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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1913)
,, i' W fr' k y. it. PXGE SIX ,-JXJ 1L ll-g IBIUHli Wl I'lMWI IliHII i.L!i .J. J- MEIWOttn MATTJ TRTBTTNE. MEDFOKD, OttEGON. WEDNESDAY. .TANUAttY S, '101,1. HEAVIES I SNOW FALL OF SEASON BLANKETS VALLEY From f In 7 inches of miow foil in Iho HoKuo lllvrr vnlloy Tuestlny iiirIiI. TIio nnow stonn was nccom pnnloil by ft liipli wind nnd. n tcmpor nturo of 1!8 dej;reos nliovc zero. The wind, which Klnrtod in nt sundown Tuesday Mow Oie Know off Iho trees n fnsl ns it fell and thus ohvintca nuy dnnRer of breaking limbs in the nrehnrds. Tbo temperninre rose grndnally nil day Wednesday and predictions oiut to warmer weather although no sud den change is looked for. As the Miow when melted will reduce to nbout one-sixth of its volume it is )iot beliaved thero is any danger of flood waters in Hear creek. From tho Oregon line to below Chi co, dispatches say, Chalifornia is covered with n mantle of snow. At Ilunsmuir it is one and a half feet deep and nt Itedding it is ten indie. Sacramento paw its first snow in n long time Wednesday morning but the flakes melted within nn hour nnd tho pmall boys wero disappointed. In Mcdford several home-made MmrIis were out nnd if tho snow holds out until evening there will be a number of sleighing parties ar ranged. The work on the llenr crock bridge was slightly delayed, it being the intention to start pouring con crete nt tho cast end Wednesday morning. Ilcfore any work could be done a force of men had to shovel and sweep tho snow from the entire I Mmeiurc. FINA L ARGUMENTS A HBALO L W AT COMING TO WORD TO WASHINGTON, Jan. S. Argu ments for tho prosecution In the sminto Impeachment trial ot Judge Hobort W. Archbnhl ot tho com merce court, charged with miscon duct In office wero begun at 1 o'clock this afternoon, llepresentn tlves of Clayton of Albania and Ster ling of Illinois presented tho argu ments on behalf of the house prose cutors. They wore limited to soveti nnd a halt hours. For tho defense, Attorneys Worth InRton, Martin nnd Simpson will spea,k. It Is not yet known when the voto on the question ot Impeach ing Judge Archbald, will bo taken. E FROM SEALS' GROUNDS RAN' FItANTISCO, Jan. S. "The booze cage,' the most objectionable thing remaining in baseball will bo mKsing from the Snn Francisco grounds next season, the mnnagement of the Scnls having heeded tho jhipu lar cry for its elimination. If any liquor is sold on the grounds it will be from a bar far removed from the diamond nnd thero will bo no peddling of beer and whiskey in grnndstnud or bleachers. The Oakland grounds also will be without liquor nnd if the transbay atrons want n drink they will have to co outride the grounds. BY A RANCH SAN' FHANCISCO, Cal., Jan. S. With tho announced Intention of buying about jr.0,000 worth ot Ore gon ranch property. Ad Wolgast t lightweight champion nnd hi nnua ger, T. Jones, are scheduled to leave San Francisco for tho north tonight Jones said tho first stop would ho ut Medford end that 'hrj also would visit McMlnnvllle, Albany and Le banon, On, lie snUl their stay In Oregon might bo an where from n few days to two we?k, aftoi which Jones will go to Chlcigo nnd Wol gast to Cadillac, Mich. When asked regarding tho report from t.os Angeles last week that ho had retired as a twenty-round fight er, Wotgast bald: "Hetlred? Not If I can get any one of three men Kltchle, Mandot or ltlvers or as long as any pro moter wants to pay mo 10,000 for a match with any lightweight In the. country." , "Nothing In It," said Jones. "Ad Is liable to say anything when ho Is talking." White In Chicago, It Is probable that Jones may become manager ot Jess Wlllard, the Texas heavyweight, who claims a decision over I,uther McCarthy. Jones admitted that he and Wolgast together lost about $JCjO0O when McCarthy heat Al I'al zcr New Year's Hay. COUNTY CLERKS GET MINOR STOCKS SHOW ' NATURALIZATION FEES S.U.KM, Ore, Jan S. - Tho state supreme court has affirmed tho deci sion of the lower court In Issuing a writ of mandamus to compel the offi cials ot Multnomah county to pay County Clerk Frank S, Fields his sal ary for July and August, 19 1 1. This salary was held up by County Judgo Cleoton nnd Commissioners Mart and l.lKhtuer, on tho ground that Fields had refused to turn oor to tho coun ty tho money collected by him for naturalization feos. In an opinion written by Judgo llnan, tho supremo court holds that tho county Is not entitled to thoio tees. 11 holds that under tho net of congress, approved Juno 'jy, ll'Ort, tho county clerk Is entitled to naturali zation fees up to tho amount ot $3000 annually, and any fees collect ed In excess ot that amount must bo turned over to tho bureau ot Immi gration. "In the event that tho state courts exercised tho Jurisdiction conferred by the federal statutes, tho duties of tho elork pertaining to naturali zation mutters ar In uddltlon to those Imposed by tho st.ttn for which tho salary Is provided," Bays the opinion. "In naturalization proceed ings tho clerk acts as tho agent of the United States." NMiW YOIMC, Jim. H. With few changes from ye-d onlay's oloo in prices, (bo tone of Iho market wni indefinllo at tho opening hero today. Hhvuglh was developed by a number of minor slocks. Denver ami Itlo Omndo rose 'J ll-S, rubber l 1-1 and Petroleum issues nbout a poinl each. A decline of u point was suffered by Western Mnr.vlnud preferred. The market closed dull. (loud were steiulv, L . i !L. ' 1 Hotel Medford The most homelike hotel In all of Oregon. lloomi without Ixtllt mic Hr tiny anil up. Itooms wild tmtli 9 1. ,10 tct- (lay ami up. Simh'Im! rate by week '" month. Combination limvUfnit tuoitilug 12."l, tut and in cciiIm. over)' Mall Tribune's classified ads bring results. SOUTH DAKOTA TO ELECT UNITED STATES SENATOR IMHltHK. S. II.. Jan. S. With numerous senatorial booms nnd deadlocks expected, the state legisla ture opened hero today. Dean Ster ling was Indorsed for senator In tho primaries. Tomorrow's Merchants l.uncli IMe 11:110 (o U p. in. 2.1c Puree of Kngllsh Split Pea mix Croutons linked Cutlets of Itoyal Chinook Sal mon Kan co HornnlKo Pommes Jiitleuno Polled Sugar Cured Ham with Minn Itenus Imported Spaghetti n'la Mllnnslso Hungarian Veal Oulash Mil Sputtcl Mashed Potatoes Stowed Parsnips Lettuce Salad Cocoanut Cream Plo Orange Sherbet Tea Coffee Milk The rougher whiskey tastes the stronger it is. The stronger it is the more harm it will do. But thenyou don't have to drink it rough, strong or high-proof. There's Cyrus Noble, pure, old and palatable llottlrd nt drinking strcuuth. Costs no more than tiny other whiskey, W. J. Van Schuyvor & Oo., General ARcnUi, Portland. M COME-BACK When S.S.S. Cures There Is no "come back" when 9. 8. 8. cures Contagious Wood Poison because this great blood remedy no thoroughly clcnnsci the circulation that not n particle of the old virus i:i left. After the blood ban liccti puri fied by 8. S. 8., this vital fluid la nn free from infection tm It was before tho disease was contracted. One reason why 8. 8. 9. Is so successful In the treatment of Contagious IJlood Poison in thnt thin medicine strengthen! nnd builds tip the ntumnch nnd digestive lucuibcm while it Is purifying the blood. Thus all the systemic ntrcngth in left to assist in the elimination of the virus. 8. 8. S. is the one certain cure for thin tHwcrful Mood (Unor der. This claim Is not based tijwn the treatment of a few cascu here ami there, but Its success extends over n period of more than forty yearn. Dur ing this time thousands upon thousands have found it cute by the una of this great remedy nnd nil were willing to testify that there wa no "coiiie.backMnfterS. 8. 8. bad driven the vlroit out. 8. 8. 8. docrt not coutnln a particle of harmful mineral: it can be used with perfectnafety by uuy one. Home Treatment Hook nml any medical advice fice to nil. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA. CA. r ? f t t I t T f f ? T T T y y y t t t t JmJsmsJmJmJJsJmJmJ Central Ave, Near P.O. 1 111111 iVlillUdl ? fill I" VjUUtlO Ldltj Contra! Ave, Near P. O CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY, JANUARY 18th This is the sale shrewd buyers waited for, and no wonder when it enables everyone to buy Muslin Under wear, Laces, Embroideries, Sheets, Bed Spreads,Muslins and all other white goods at manufacturers prices. We have been preparing for this sale for months. Be sure you take advantage of it. NOTE OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AT LESS THAN COST t f t y X y ? t y t y t y y y y t ? V jfMftyTCTsC- -- -vrv.- Bic. j-2j V v&?r:T:-a-v'r:.rgv--. rG- ' ?' n -fj-.'d! Laces and Embroideries at Less than Cost 20c LACES 5$ fiOOO yanls luNititiful now Vnl. Liicp.s. all iiupoi'tt'd patttii'iis, values tip to r 20c a yard, this sale, a yard " 35c Bands 19 500 yards Lace JJand, beautiful Jiow patterns. Sale price, 1Q a yard XvKt 50c EMBROIDERIES 10 5000 yards Canil)i'ie Embroideries and Insertions from 2 indies to 115 inclies wide; values up to 50c. White Sale price, a yard 10c LOTA Consisting of Corset Covers, Night Gowns Drawers and Skirts every one ftA well mado and full value for 75c. Hi Special MUXj LOT B Consisting of Chemise, Corset Covers, Skirts, Night Gowns and Drawers, made of a very fine grade of muslin; PAv real values $1.25. 11 HI Special "VXj LOT C Consisting of Night Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers, Combinations, princess slips and skirts, all of which must fj A be seen to bo appreciated; 5fC $1.50 values, special vv LOT D Consisting of Combination Corset Covers, Drawers, princess Slips, night Gowns and Skirts, made from tho newest models, beautiful trimmings and orig-rt. .f A inaucy ol ucsigu; ipz.uu values ji rt 1 special LOTE Consisting of Combination Skirts, Night Gowns, Drawers. Chemiso and Princess Slips, each one trimmed beautiful and made of finest musliiS:$2.50 values, special, $1.39 $1.25 FLOUNCINGS 59 1000 yards beautiful new Flouncings, exclusive designs, 1.25 grade. CQ Sale price, a yard Ov 25c LINEN LACES VZyrf 500 yards new all linen Laces, special patterns; cheap at 25c. 19'f Sale price, a yard 12 12jc LACES 'iY 5000 yards Torchon Laces and Inser tionsall new patterns; real values up to V2Yj' a yard. J Sale price, a yard ,. 75c ALL OVER LACE 29 500 yards all over Laces, up to date in styles; 75u values. 9Q Sale price, a yard UUj $1.00 SWISS FLOUNCINGS 18 5000 yards Swiss Flouncings, beautiful at terns; real $1.00 values. AQp Sale price, a yard OC 75c FLOUNCINGS 39V 500 yards fine Swiss Flouncings, 75c. values. Sale price, OQo a yard wiJL $1.00 CORSET COVER EMB. .'J9tf 500 yards Swiss Corset Cover Embroid ery; cheap at $1.00. OQn Sale price, a yard voj Beautiful New Linen Flouncing at $2.19 and $2.69 500 yards beautiful 500 yards Swiss 500 yards Swiss 5000 yards fine All Over Laces ; real Gallons; real Gallons; good Swiss Embroidery,, values up to $1.25 values 25c a yard, values 20s a yard suitable for trim Sale price, Salo price, Salo price, niiug Baby Dresses, a yard a yard a yard 20c grade, a yard 69c 10c 15c 9c Lonsdale Cambric special 9c Long Cloth The good quality, special 9c Fruit of the Pillow Cases Loom 42 and 45 in., Muslin, our 18c gr'do special special, each 9c lie Cambrics 15 very one a good bargain special 9c Sheets Good quality size 72x00, special, 39c Good Bath Towels, each 12 tec Good rirandkerchi's each 3c Clark's ' O. N. T. 7 for 25c D. M. O. Embroidery Cotton, Spec. a skein 2c Corsets 75c. grade Special, a pair 48c .15c Long Cloth a yard lie y y y y y y ? ? y y ? t ? ? ? y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y i i y y y y y y y y y y y y a t 1 i in ii