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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1913)
t Mutt and Jeff Make a New I. ..., ,) . ,.,,,,;, ;) ,'.f,. !..,, . , , ' ' i , , , , , ,., - lL fl' CV M07T,iiT f GUR.Q. . . . WMATTIMC THC. - ONI GOT -, ,1 '."I? NfJW VCA'i CV.f N, COOD (OCA UVI, bWCAU 01 V YOU'R-G MS IT NOW? I - r-' F,ve MinOTei) S . ;. TWCUVC.UVKGaI MJ.OfPON?l uPsLulM JT 7 ' ' V ,, VMTCM MUST ,' fV - .. ' '' " " tTf SOUTHERN OREGON 15 Willi llm (.iiRliiK'or .lumen MeVntf . who ilifil hi tin' homo of liis daughter in froxiont City, Oil., one of IIm prominent figure in lint rat Jy lifit of Oregon rttul fnlll'oinm i gone. Tiin ourlv liMory of Kouthrni Ore Kiln niul Northern California vms woven (iliout llm llfttdf .Jninw iMrVny. I'rolmlily no other jibuirer hiiw no iniii'li of the thrilling dnytf whim the i-oniilry nM in the imtUiiiK McVny 1111 I'riiHM'il Him plain in J Hfi 1 , i entlii; ii( JncUouiilli1, Or., uliern In HMiit n onr mining; du Jnrksnii ertfrlt. Wlim Ill" Coos liny riinitiiv hrjpiti llic t)toltiitfoii nf the terri lory win Itimnn us Cons county, lie, witll i pnrlv of 1011 other, Journeyed I linn1 in lHoli, orini'.lng n menu iiiim lirlurcn tin1 UitiNiiii nr mul t("S liny. On tin uriiwil of (lit1 pkrly, .Mi'Vit) mul hin lirnlhiT Juhi'pli, lOnk iurt in lln illn'iiviTy of llm ronl iniiin. imtv oi'rnl'i tin1!-). A rum Hiny ui liinncil Iml llu1 work m'iih hIiiuhI'iiii'iI, omiiii; o llu1 ilifritMilly of ltiiniMK I ho im'ilm'l in n After iiliiiinloiiiiii; (In ci hi I minr ru tun', Itn limii'il IiIh ritctuK'i tominl ojlirr Ilnt'H of iMiilt'iivor, but lh nv file Riiril mul lull1)! of Mi'iillb to In iilitiilnnl in Hi1 noiitli In red him. In i'iiiiiiiinv with hiM limllirr, Mo Vny, in IH."il, jniiriii'ypil ilnun Iho cbwt In lli iiuMith of llm Kokiio iir wliflro lliov Ih'i'ihiio iho ortKinul own or of thu fmimiiH kiiiul miiuw lluit Ittivo Until ItoMrh iIm iimiim1. Woiillh wmn within Ihmr ifrHi wlimi lio Kotfiio nrr win hrnko out, uml thoy iniwl front tho IniliniiM only nflor tliny hml Moon tholr IiiiIIiIIiik mul nliuliiK ililoliiw ilitr..i'(. Coiilimi. Ir llioir trnwU mi iIimmi llio roiihl they tlUi'ovurfil Iho fmnons Dulur. nliiuw nt l'ilol lisor, roiiiuiiiiii lluro uiitil lH.'H, whou miotlior Imliuii out ImmL iviilli'il in lln ilontrnotioii of tniir plmit, mul in iho fluhl Hint oii inil liuiiiiK thoir 1'i.i'nin1 .Iuiiiim Mo. Voy iim uoiimloil hy n ilflu luillnt. AfliU" iTooory fiiiin tiin umiml Mo Vny roliiriinl In MisHourl, vhoro ho wiik tiiniiiiil, mul thmi, iictiut,' un nililv, pilnloil it lnifc'0 wrly iionih" I io plmiM to tho hoi'lioii now Known ife Cnriv ronnly, vlinc thoy louutvil, I ii tho ourlv '"IN Mi'Vny movcil In t io Smith river imuntry, whole lui iiiiliihirxhoil u hntol niul wiih thiiH rn k'iki'iI nt Iho (lino of liin ili'iilh. ' .!! II .1 llllll. W. Honry Aiiplnjtnto.'ono of tho brut known plonoor rltlronn of Jck mm, ronnly, rilod ot IiIh Iiohio ou Iho Doiul Jmlluii roml, Krlilii)' iiiornliiK. .Iiuiunry 3, iuj:i, at I o'clock, of ItVait irmilih'.' ' Thu funorul wuh hold Hmiilny Jnunnry T, nt S o'clock, nt Iho l'roHliylvrlnii rhurrh, Ahlnml, liov. l'i. T. CIiInIioIiii officiating, fol lowoil hy tntvrinciit In Mmiulnlit Vlow coinoiry. A Now Discovery. Ono of tho soiiHiitlons of tho twen tieth contury Ih Morltol HhouiuutlHiu PowilnrH. A boon to ovory auffprvr, Thu best known rotmtily for rliouum (Ihiii hi nil ItH fnruiH. Ask thono who bjiv'o tried It. UitHkluH' Drui; Store. PIONEER DEO J'Vioiul Yeicr: 1. boliovo in u Hti'ict obsoi'vanoo of iho cui'fow hnV mul tho ringing of tho curfew boll at tho curfew hour. 1 boliovo in main taining a strict, wattth over popl rooms and (-ompollinr tho onl'orcomont ol' tjio minor law, Vov tlio child of today )s tlio citizen of tomorrow. ,T.AYTOIIELL. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS nm COUNCILMAN' CV'I. If. H. Mrgeilt Announrri hln cnniHilnry for coun' clluian, Hcfond Ward, Mndford, (Paid Advt.) 3. ItCKItfAN Suhinltii hit iiaino to thu rotors of tho Flrnt Ward nn n rnndldato for coilncllmnn. IF HI.KCTKI) 1 WILL BTltlVi: TO DO IMOIIT. (Paid Advt.) J. V (Jack) Stewart I ln;reby nnhouuc mysolf ea a caudldato for councilman from tho ocoud ward, J.'E. etart. 708 Wet J Oth, (raid Adrt.) OtotKc W. Porter I liarowlth announco mynolf ai candldalo for councilman In tho first ward. (Paid AdrL) 1, J. Ktull I hereby anoounco myself as can dldatu for councilman In tho second ward. (Paid Adrt.) J. I, llrmmrr I herewith announco myself as candidate for councilman In tjio third ward. J, Ii. Demmcr, 009 W. Jnck son, (Paid Adrt.) A. H. Hilton Announces his candidacy for coun rllman from tho Third Ward. Elec tion January H, 191.1. (Paid Advt.) lOlt .MAYOIt. J. W. .Mltrhell In annouurlns my candidacy for tho mayoralty, I wish to say that, ns wo havo orory nssuranco of a most liro'perous year, let us Knard against errors In public affairs. Now, an to (ho public market, I want to say that l nm, and always have been, n atronif advocnto of the PMbM market. 1 was ameng: tho first of Iho council to favor and pro mot It. I feel that the success ot our market Is duo as much to my ttnfrts as liny other member of tho roiiucll. I shall, If ulcctod, uso every honorable effort to tnnko It n continued success, as I reallxo tho jrcat benefit It U to both producer and consumer. Now. ns to tho saloons. Bo lone aa tho stato and tho city llcouso thorn to do business, they aro ontltled tn do up; but I am a stroiiR ndvouto ot law enforcement, as tho laws exist, and tyhnn Iho laws aro wronu, wo havo a romedy, It's up to tho public ) firmly bullovo In development and prourcss, but not to tho extent of rocklnss oxtravaunncu. Wo must Kiiard nKulnut Mils rocklessncss, but not to tho oxtont ot rotractlon. I am strictly opposed to any special prlvlleKos as to locutions, persons or corporations, but adboro rigidly to tho host Interests of tho public, I bollovo that tbo ?nmo considera tion Is duo to tho Indlos as to tho mop, n a pur public affairs. (Pnld Advt.) W. W. Klfert ' For tho Information of tho votora ot Modtord, I tako thla method ot J medford matl trtbunr medford. Oregon; Wednesday. ,lntjary 8, inin. Year1 s Resolution antioiincliiK my position on tho prin cipal (itiostloriH of Interest to tbo puoplo of our oily. If elected, my tlrnn and services will always bo available Io tho pub llo and siii:Ketlons end criticisms will nt nil times rocelvo most earn till consideration, When over It Is apparent that tho majority of our citizens aro united In opinion oppo site tn my Individual views, I will yield to tho majority, rcKardlcas of my personal opinions. Our public market should bo en couraged and developed along; such Hues as will result In tho greatest ad vantage to thu community, Our laws retarding sanitary con dltlons should bo actively enforced, and supplemented by others It tho existing ordinances aro Inadequate. My experiences has convinced mo that tho sURcestlons offered from tltno to lltuo by tho womon ot the community, oven boforw the rtcnt ot suffraco was extended to them, baro always boon of value, and should re echo tbo utmost consideration. Our prosent laws regulating the saloons and tho sain of liquor, and such other restrictions as tho council or peoplo may hereaficr enact, should bo rigidly enforced, and It found Inadnquatc, or Insufficient, should bo amended, Our wator rates should bo revised so that tho cost of maintenance, and tbo nocossary contributions to tbo sinking fund may bo equitably dis tributed anion-; the consumers, but no surplus should bo accumulated at tho expenso of tho rato payor. Tho work ot tho flnnnco commit tco and of tho other principal rom mlttoes ot tho council should bo open to susBcstlpn ond subject to criticism, and tho criticism, sugges tions, and co-operation of representa tives ot our various civic bodies should bo Invited and encouraged In such work, if elected I pledgo myself to uso my utmost endeavor to carry out the Idoaa outlined above, and to glvo Medford nn Impartial, progressive, business administration. (Paid Advt.) J. It. Watt "At tho poliuitntinn of mnny elti tcm I liuve ilcoideil to hecomo a enn didnto for tlio office of'tnnyar nt the eomlnj; election in Juuunry. In this connection I w'mh to Mnto that if elected, I will uso my best efforts to givo tho city n qlean biiMiteen nd miuititrntion. (Paid Advt,) O. i:. Gstcrt Durlii-c tho Inst ten daya a number of cltlzcna havo called upon mo, re questing mo to hecomo a candldato for mayor of tho city of Medford. After duo consideration and consul tatlQti with cltious In all lines of busluess, 1 havo decldod to nnnouneo myself ns a candidate for said office. I tboroforo jiroaent to1 tbo voters of Medford, for tholr consideration, my platform, which Is us follews: An honest, open and atiovo-board, clean cut business administration. A fair and sqpnro ilea- at all tlmos. Kqual rights to all, Special priv ileges to uono. A genuine peoples public- markot. Uegnrdlng tho liquor question. Personally I do not drink, novor have, but aa long ns thu government, -atato and city llcenso saloons, and undor strict regulation thoy obey tho law, thpy nro entitled to protection. Should thoy persist In disobeying tho Inw, tholr llconso Should be revoked. A careful 'accounting of all finan ces. All disbursements subject to pub lic Inspection and open for pupbllca Hop by tho city pross. Duo consideration ot al potlttona for and ngalnst publlo Improvements. A rigid praotlco ot economy, except when such economy has a toudoncy to rutnrd progress. I will further nil pyogrcsslvo mat tors of general mproomont tor tho city, but such must como within tho scope of good buslnosa, I slmll ondoavor to ,ubo my bost efforts for tho cooplng of tlio city In a sanitary condition at all tlmos, tWUoroas, aftor years of otrugglo, tho women hnvn been given tho privilege of exercising their rights of citizenship, dno consideration will bo glren them on all matters of pub lic Importance. Should I bo elected, I nisuro the peoplo that 1 will bo mayor In fact as well as namo, 1 will not bo tho tool ot any cllquo, and wilt bo Influenced only by what I believe to bo right and equitable. If tho above platform meets with your approval and you boliovo I am capablo ot filling tho offlco, I will apprcclato your support. C. K. GATES. (Paid AdvO ton itirxT -vtiuMHiii.-D FOft itf-N-T-Modern fuTnTsiiod rooms at tho Cottage, fiOt West 10 tli St., two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Mrs. 11. M. Coss. S74 FOR HKNTLarge sleeping; room, I1.D0 and 2 por week. Modern housekeeping apartments, J 15 and I1C. Home phono 2CC-K. 222 South Holly. FOll KENT -Strictly modern, steam hcatod furnished room with board fpr two people. 2t9 S. Itlrcrsldc'. 248 I'Olt Itl'.NT H(PHKKi:iiPI.NO HOO.MS V6n "in:Furnliihed " housokeep Ing rooms In now modern houso with gas range. Three blocks from P. O. Phone 3721. -r.-L--j-- art. nlM i I'Olt JtK.VT IIK(;ri.UM)LS VOli iKASKFuiiy equipped placer mine, Uold Hay Itealty Co. FOll HUNT -Handles, lurgo and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Kay Itealty Co., Gth and Fir. FOlt HUNT .10 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Hay Itealty Co. I'Olt KI.XT HOUKi: FOH HKNtroom iioiise. close n. Heo owner, I. W. Thomas, "IS West Main. 2B0 FOH HHNT Modern, ftirnjshed bun galow, close In, very complete; nlno eight room modern house, tin furnlshod. Juoms Campbell, 320 Oarnett-Corey llldg,, phono 3231. 218 FOH HKNT Modern five room fur nished houso. closo In, very ron Honnblo to right parties. Phone 4992. 247 FOH HIONT Hy owner, 7 room house on pave street. Hath, oteol ranuo and gas connection. In quire 100C South Oakdale. 2G0 FOlt HUNT- Ono six room house clotto In. Also housekeeping rooms, electric lights, j-ns, batii, otc. No. 310 N. HarUctt. FOH HKNT 10 room houso rear of Farmora & Fruitgrowers bauk, sultnblo for business, real cstnto, boarding or rooming houso. Gold Hay Itealty Co.. Gth and Fir Sts. FOlt HUNT Sovon room houso, $15.00. Phone Co. II. H. Sar gent. SCO FOH HKNT Modern 5 room fur nlshod houso. Call at CO North Orange. FOH HKNT d room moaern bun galow, practically new. Medford llaaltjr& Improvomont Co. FOH HKNT 4 room houso, $5.00 per mouth, Gold Hay Itealty Co, FOlt HKNT- Furnlshod houso, closo In, M. A. Hader, M, V. & H. qo. NEW TODAY lluro'i1 n good ono. ( 230 aero rancli tip Hoguo rlvor. Tho Ornter I.ako highway crosses It. 100 neres Irrigated from tho river, and In fluo alfalfa nud grain. Thl Is n flno sightly homo, and has tho conveniences of olectrlo lights, tele phono nud freo mall dollvory. Stago passiw tho door. Good sovon room houso, good barn and other buildings. Sqmo stock goes with the plnco. Tho owner will tko some Medford prop'orty, boiuo cash, and lot tho bal-. nnco run on tlio luucp. .rifo, $15,000. C. D. HOON Kouiu 19, Jackson County UanJc llldtf. i I'oit jti:.vr I'uitNiKiinn aits. FOH HKNT Smith Apts. 217 H. Itlv. FOH HKNT -Furnished apartment now, private bath, hot water heat. Tho Ilorbon Apartment, 10 Quince St., corner West Main. I'Olt KKXT OI'FIOKH FOH HKNT Largo, comfortable of- Ilro rooms with elevator service steam heat, hot ond cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture it lldw. Co. I'oit sAi.n uoisi:s FOH SALK 4 room furnished mod crn houso In Medford ou largo lot, well flnlsncd In side. 75 acres timber in splondld land, partly creek bottom 3.1 miles from Med ford. All for $3200 cash. Inqulro P. O. Ilox ;0.',. 254 FOH SALK 4 room house and lot $700, $100 cash and $15.00 por month. Gold Hay Healty Co. roit kali: lots FOH SALK -Lot cheap, on paved street, water and sower paid, one paymont on pavement paid. Home 73-L, or 221 Knight street, F. K. Hammond. 261 I'Olt HALF AVUKMHi FOH SALK Hanches, acre tracts, town property, from $5 per aero, upwards ou 5 and 10 years tltno. Gold Hay Realty Co., Sixth and Flij I'Olt HALU M!KCi.!.I.A.M-:OUS FOll HALK Horses, wagon and har ness. Iiomoh G and 7 ears old, Per fection N". 2 oil burner, six holo steel range. Free tewing machine, beds, springs and mattro.Hs. Kx teiulon table. Ocean Wave washing machine, fruit Jars, runabout bug gy and 4ood mU of single barncbS It. W. Thompson, 710 Fourteenth street. 249 FOH SALK Dry wood lit Inch chunk wood, dry balsm. cut greou. thor oughly drlod, never had a drop of rain, n I cent wood on the market. $2.00 a tier at tho shed or $2.50 delivered In not lost than two tlo'r loads. Phono 403113. 1). F. Van Dyke. 251 FOH SALK Old Trusty Incubators and brooders tho most reliable made. Order now and bo ready for early hatching. For catalogue and prices cull on or address C. A. Myers. SOS Dakota. 252 FOH SALK Pelalumn Incubator. 1912 model, cheap. F. S. Carpen ter. Modtord, Ore., H. F. D. No. 2. Phono 201114. 251 FOH SALK Fruit box labels in ono two or threo colors, printed as you order at tho Mall Tribune. FOH SALK Calling cards, printed, engraved or embossed at tbo Mail Trlbuno offlco. FOH SALK Looso loaf ledger sys tems, any stylo or nindo to order by tho Mall Trlbuno blndory. FOH SALK 1912 6 passongor au- tomouiio almost now, uargam lor cash, Ilox SO, Trlbuno. FOH SALK Icgal blanks, tresspass notices, for salo or ront slugs at tho Mall Trlbuno. FOH SALK Ono good spring wagon. Call nt O. Stout's, or call Uell 78 11. 247 FOH SALK A Faultless No. 3 stump puller wuh full equipment. In quire llagloy Jtanch, Talent, Ore gon. 251 FOH SALK Monarch raugo and heating stove nearly now, two mat tresses, two rugs, two porch chairs, kitchen chairs, carpet sweopur nud garden hoso. 41 S S. Oakdale. 24S FOH SALK Letter bends and fauoy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at tho Mull Trlbuno. FOR SALK Household furniture. In all or by tho piece, 19 Ross Court. FOH SALK Six thoroughbred Whlto Orpington cockerel, $3.00 jench or $5.00 n pair. V. II. Rowen, Jncksbnvlllo. ' 249 FpH SALK Good team of work hqrocs, coming 5 and G, weight about 2200 lbs. Call G19 South Hlverslda or phono 3392, 250 . FOH SALE A stump puller nnd .cable at a bargain. Can bo soon nt 717 North Hlvorsldo. SCO FOR SALE Com by Dr. Clancy. POK HA LK .MIHCJILM NT.OL'H FOH SALK Dry onU wood. Phono 31'J-lt. 248 FOH SALK Hack, In good condi tion, cheap. Phono 80u-I--2. 248 WANTKl) Ml.SCKLLANKOUS WANTKD 100 xhoata and some pigs and chickens. A. J. Spring. Nash Hotel. 251 WANTKD-'io buy or trade, good f root mowing machine, T. Hawk Insou. s22 8. Central. 247 HKLP wanti:i MAM. WANTKD A first class Japanese cook desires position In a good family, can do cooking every coun trio's style and waiting table. Ad dreiu 13r. X. Grapo St. 248 WANTKD Foreman and wHo, wlfo to cook. Ilox M. It., caro Mall Trlbuno or phone Farmer 29S, Central Point exchange. WAXTKD SITUATIONS WANTKD Jnpaneso couplo want position as general housework. Phono Main 33G1. Harry Wato nabe. 251 WANTKD Housework or work as waitress by experienced woman. Address Ilox 224, Central Point. 217 LOST LOST Last Friday, a non-skid nuto mobllo chain. In Medford or on Jacksonville road. Finder please notify Ira J. Dodge, Main 201-11-3. 248 rei: i:cHAxan FOH SALK OH KXCHANGK We can sell or oxchango your second hand automobiles. No charge for storago If you let us sell for you. Valley Garago, VtPoy Motor & Tractor Co. i MOXF.V TO LOAN MOXEY TO LOAN On city or ranch property. Clark Realty Co. MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, pbono 368 1. IIUSINKSS DIItr.CIOHY Attorneys C. L. REAMKS. LAWYKH Office Medford National Hank bldg., sec ond floor. PORTKR J. NKFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-nt-Law. Rooms 1 nnd 2, Postoffico bldg. A. K. HKAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. MUhKKY & CHERRY (It. F. MUI. KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Rank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attornoy and Coun sellor at law, Room 2, Rlalto building, Medford. Ore. Accountants D. R. WOOD Gcnoral Accountant our books audited and Kent for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phono GGU; resi dence phono G302. Auto Supplies LAHKR AUTO SPR1NO CO. Our big socrot In making springs Is tho tempering. Wo nro operating the largest, oldest nud best equipped plant in tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs whou others tall. Sold under guarantee 2G North Flt teenth St., Portland, Ore. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HKOOES, Dr. Loulso E. Hodges, Mochano - Therapists, Chiropractors, Spoudylothorapists. Those systems, Including dietetics, curative gymnastics, hydro-ther-nphy, otc, produce results in both acute and chronic diseases. Con sultation freo. 230 North llnrtlptt St., noxt door to M. E. church. Hours 9 a. in. to 5. tn. Other hours by nppointmont. Roll phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. l.QCKWOOD. Chiropractor, norvo spocIallBt. Rooms 20304 05 Oarnott-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; ndvlco In dletotlc3, medical gym nastics, hydropthorapy.' Lady at tondnnt. l'houo Home 145-L, Main 5712. Notury Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic, firing your work to mo nt the sign ot Tho Mall Trlbuno. I'AGE FtVR By "Bud" Fisher HL'HIXKSS DIItKOTOUV Hrkk MEDFORD niHCIC CCOco. W. Prlddy, O, D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brlon Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime. Offlco at their brick yard, West Jackson at. Phono No. 34 G I. Civil Ktiglncer I.O til 8 W. W 1 1 ITI NO CI Til o n gl nee r and survoyor. Water filings nnd irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concreto work, pump and canal systoma. Room 2. Palm blk Medfonl. Oro Dcntlsta DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. O. VAN BCOYOO Dentists Oarnctt-qory bldp.. suite 810. Medford, Ore. Both phono. DR. ARTEMUB W. DEANE Dontlst. Offlco la Ralto bldg.. 123 East Main SL Gas administered for ex traction of teeth. Phone Main GS1. Night phono 4432. Garbage GARBAGE Got your promises cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city garbago wagons for cood service. Phono Main G261. V. V. Allen. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our troes aro budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out. We nro not In the trust. H. U. Patterson. Office removed to offlco Hotel Nash. In sldo entrance, noxt to barber shop. Printer nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; Iwk binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North First. Physic-inns and Surgcnus ' DR. F. " G. " CARLO W, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corov bldg.. phone 278-K. Residence 420 South Laurel eL DR. STEARNS Physician and sur goon. Offlco Jackson County Rank bldg.. rooms 17-IS-19, phone CR01; residence 307 South Oakdale St., pnono 7171. Home phono, rosl donco 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCICWOOD Physician nnd surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCICWOOD. M. D. Practice limited o diseases of women. Offices 232 E. Main, Phones, office, 28; resldeuco, 811. DR. J. J. EMMKNSPhyslclan nnd surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scion tiflcally tested und glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Doth phonos. U. . PICKKL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Hank bldg. Offlco Phono Main 432; Res. phono, Main 582. DR. MARION PhyBlclan and sur geou. Stewart bldg., cornor Main and Rartlett sts., offlco phono, 271; residence phono, 273. E. KIRCHGKSSNER. M. D. Prac tice limited to chronic- diseases. Office Hotel Holland, Wednoidays 10-3. Roth phones. Rosldenco phones: Farmer 1Gxx5 Eagle Point and Roguo Rlvor lino. CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. Prac tice limited to eye. ear, nose and throat. Eyes scientifically tosted and glasses furnlshod when needod. Garnett-Corey bldg., Becond floor. Roth phones, Medford, Oro. DR. MARTIN O. HARDER Physi cian and Burgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposlto Nash Hotel, Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4, Phono Pacific 1101. DH. R. W. CLANCY Physician nnd surgeon. Phonos, offlco, 501; resi dence, 7241, Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 io 5, DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician, 303 Garnett-Corey Rulldlnp. Phono 91R. ' Stenographers ELLA M. "GAUN YAW-j'al7n"'blk7 Stenogrnphlo work done quickly, und well, Transfer BADS TRANSFER A BTORAOK CO. Offlco 10 South Fir st. Phone Roll 3152; Home 350-K. Prise rlfe'Uj, Service guaraotwd. T-V ". I: I Ml I I i w 1 1 ;! t