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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1914)
D AVID ROBINSON, M. D. Announcement. To tlie Legal Voters of Wasco County, Oregon: DR. C. H. JENKINS I hereby announce myself lt ... candidate for the re p u b lic a n Dentist nomination of Sheriff of W a s OREOON co county, subject to the will HOOD RIVER of the voters at the coming pri 1081 Office Phone. : Res. Phone 333 maries. Should I be nominated and later elected. I will, as in the past, enforce the laws which come under the jurisdiction of Attorneys at Law said office, and will serve the GENERAL PRACTICE people to the best of my abil ity, conducting the office in as OREGON economical a manner as possi THE DALLES, ble in compliance with good service. W . A. H USBAND S LE V I CHRISMAN. MOSIEH - OREGON BENNETT, SINNOTT & GALLOWAY Paid advertisement. Blacksmith Shoeing and General Repair W ork. Horse Satisfaction guaranteed. MOSIEH - Salem—The Supreme court, in an opinion given by Justice Moore, holds that the employes o f the state institu- Announcement. .i \r . _ r u r ___ n ____ ! tions do not work more than eight Voters of l Wasco om I tile \ o te rs o W asco C Co lin i-1 - j j,0UrB daily and ordered that Governor ty : West, State Treasure Kay and Secre- I w is h to a n n o u n ce m y s e lf as tary of State Olcott, arrested at the STEAM and HOT W ATER HEATING Jobbing promptly attended to. Paid advertisement. OREGON Fox Seeks Second Term. I hereby announce to the voters of Wasco county, that I am a candidate for the nomin ation of county clerk of Wasco comity, Oregon, at the coming republican primaries. May 15, and if nominated and elected, I will perform the duties of the office to the best of my ability, and to.the best interests of the taxpayers and citizens in gen eral, and along sound business principles, giving all the people a clean and economical service, as I have earnestly endeavored to do during my present ad ministration. L. B. FOX. Books, Stationery, Office Supplies Subscriptions taken Magazines for Mail orders promptly at tended to. W e will try to please you Pifer & Company The Dalles DRUGS? Paid advertisement. For Representation is possible merchandise Post, we suggest by to Parcels that should you need anything in the way of Prescriptions filled. reclamation projects in Northern Lake county is under way here with the draining o f Summer Lake and utiliz ing the flow o f Ana river, which main tains the body o f water at a general level by turning the stream flow into irrigation canals to supply the land on the east side o f the valley. There is an irrigation plant supply ing water to about 1600 acres which is operated by pumping, thp motive power being supplied from the stream flow, but only a small per cent o f the water can be used this way, and the new company will build a large dam and raise the water high enough to Row upon the lands above the river, thus accomplishing a two-fold purpose — that of securing the salts of the lake at a smaller cost and furnishing irri gation at a low cost. Some 26,000 or more acres will come under the new project. Artesian wells were discovered a few years ago in the Summer Lake valley and the largest flowing well in. Oregon is said to be supplying wvter for stock and irrigation. There are perhaps i5 weiis flowing at depths SURE! N ow that it Drugs or Patenl Medicines, that you send to I hereby respectfully an nounce myself a candidate for joint Representative of the 29th district consisting of Wasco and Hood River counties. Subject to the will of the republican voters at the primary. If I am nominated and elected, I will defend statement number one and the Initiative and Referen dum. I will defend the tax payers against extravagant and unnecessary appropriation. I believe in legislative economy, good roads and their location by the people and the county control their construction. C. H. ST R AN AH AN . o o t- Hwi that range from 90 to 700 f feet, the latter being a test well that went through several strong flows at differ ent depths, the most popular supply being in the neighborhood o f 200 feet. Settlers are pouring into the area and soon every available acre will be used for agricultural purposes. Until the railroad comes this will involve growing the cropB that can walk to the railway, and livestock, with grain and hay, will be the prin cipal products. School Fund Has Thermometer. Ashland— A colossal thermometer, 20 feet high, located on the plaza, in dicates by gradients of 10 degrees each the volume o f subscription in be The Druggist of Hood River, half of the Normal school movement. The scale runs from 10 to 720. It was placed in position February 27, for them. He can send them to and the guage is already near the 100 mark, indicating that approximately you cheaper than you can get Paid advertisement. $100 has been subscribed toward the them at home. general fund for boosting the normal campaign. The Normal association is Candidate For Sheriff. directing this effort, the members con To tlie Voters of Wasco Coun sisting o f all those who contribute $10. Chas.N. Clarke L. COMINI The Tombstone Man — = can supply you with any thing in this line at most reasonable prices. > : TRY HIM AND BE CONVINCED Oregon The Dalles FRANZ'S CATALOG OF ORCHARD SPECIALTIES Represents the combined tests and investigation of hundreds of the foremost Orchards in the country. No freaks or untried tools art' found between its cov ers. ty: Turner Votes Water Plan. I hereby announce that my Turner— A t an election the citizens name will appear on the pri- . , ... , , | by a vote o f 77 to 29 voted favorably lliurv ballot as a CUlHmlati' for for a water system to be owned by the Hit' Doinocrtilic nomination for city. The bonds will be issued soon. Sheriff of Wasco county. If The spring water to supply the city is nominateti anti elected, I prom less than two miles from the city lim ise faithful discharge of the its. and has a flow o f from 80 to 100 The elevation is duties of the office to the best gallons a minute. more than 280 feet and will afford of my ability. ample pressure for fire portection. Dated February 9, 1914. Turner is located eight miles south o f Salem, on the Pacific highway, JAMES H. HARPER. (■’aid udv.) the the Waldo Hills of To the Republican Voters r Wasco County: Having served ns Deputy Sheriff for the past seven years , , I feel that I am thoroughly ac- quainted with the duties of the office of Sheriff, and that 1 am capable of conducting said of fice, anti I therefore announce myself as a candidate for Sher iff. subject to the will anti wishes of the Republican voters of saitl county to I m > expressed at the primary election in May, 191 I, anti if elected I promise a faithful compliance with the III ties of tlie office. G LE N N (). A L L E N . Il’nld ndv.) Astoria — Major Bowlby, o f the State Highway commission, was here recently and said the department ex pects to call for bids about May 1 on grading the Columbia Highway through Clatsop and Columbia coun- practicability of E. A. FRANZ GO. HOOD RIVER. OREGON to Bids On Road to Be Asked. You may depend absolute upon and lies close prune fame. Announcement. For Representative. I hereby announce myself as every tool shown and the a Republican candidate for Franz money hack guarantee is Representative from the twen ty-ninth district, subject to the hack of the quality. will of the voters, to be ex pressed at the May Primary Send for it Today. Election. If nominated anti Mail or phone orders are giv-1 elected I pledge myself It» ad vocate and work for economy, en prompt attention. decency, more li!>crnl laws for til»' collection of taxes, ami the extension, perfection ami per petuation of tlie “Oregon Sys tem." J. E. ANDERSON. ly that engineers and farm hands at the State Insane asylum came within the purview o f the law, the Labor com missioner contended that it applied to all employes o f the institutions. A different view was taken by the State . _ , . . . . board of control and the Gommissioner was asked to bring legal proceedings to test the law. Just what the decision o f the court would have been had it been shown that the employes mentioned in the complaint worked more than eight hours a day is problematical, for that point was not passed upon. to the wish of the voters at the the decUion “ Probab'y will not be necessary to create deficiencies for Primary Election to he held i ■ any of. the state institutions. The May loth next; find if nomin Supreme court having decided recently ated and elected I will conduct the office in a business-like and Drain Summer Lake; Farmers Seek Markets economic manner, witli a strict for Loganberry Products Get Much Fine Land enforcement of the laws. Salem—Organization o f the logan Summer Lake — One o f the largest F. R. AN G LE. PLU M BIN G . MOSIEH ural agencies, but the tract in Tilla mook county was too vast an area for the wind to carry the tree seeds, hence the work has had to be under taken by man’s hv>d In all 6000 acres will have been re-pi inted, and it ia estimated that the whole tract will be bearing saw timber within 40 years. Another tract o f equal size lies in the northwestern portion o f Lane county, back o f Cape Perpetua, and the re-forestation o f this tract next will be undertaken. Court Rules State Obeys 8-Hour Law o l S h e rd I of W a s c o C o m ity , on p|jeg to state institutions, be dis- thc R e p u b lic a n tick et, s u b je c t charged from custody. As a result of S. F. GOSS send Eugene— Completion o f the five-year i task o f re-foresting Mount Hebo, in Tillamook county, and the beginning 0f an experiment with the forestation o f the sand dunes about Gardiner, are announced by H. L. Rankin, super visor o f the Siusiaw national forest. The Mount Hebo burn, which was one of the largest tracts o f burned- over land in the West, was caused by the great fire of 1861, when the In dians set fire to the timber o f the Coast and destroyed vast areas. Much of this was reforested through nat a n d id a te f o r tin- n o m in a tio n !™ ta" c! ° f OREGON a c ... ... ,, to test the eight-hour law as it ap- - 214 E 2nd St. Vast Tr Work Still Goes On a n n o u n cem en ts ~\ Physician and Surgeon Paid advertisement. tiea The plan is to ask bids on the entire work, as well as upon short sections, with s view to inducing the large rail road contracting companies to bid on the work. Gold Hill Man Has Deer Park. Ashland— Earl Fisher, o f Gold Hill, in this county, has installed a deer park on a small scale. A vacant lot has been utilised. It has been screened with wire and converted into a model place for the animals. Several deer are already within the enclosure and more will be added as opportunity offers. Their presence is the center o f attraction, not only to residents of the town, but also to strangers pass ing through that locality. Thirty Civet Cat« Trapped. Albany—The skin* o f 30 civet cats were brought to this city by C. J. Nel son, o f Brownsville, who has been trapping in the Cascade mountains. There is no bounty on these animals but the skins are valuable in the fur market. Mr. Nelson also had the skins o f a coyote and six wild cats on which he collected bounties. 930-Acre Ranch Is Sold. Dufur—James II. Johnson has told hie 930-acre ranch, located near here, to Clifford Chase, formerly o f Russell, III. This is the largest real estate transaction which has been made in this section for some time. CHAPTER X. SYNOPSIS C ow boys o f the F ly in g H ea rt ranch are heartbroken over the loss o f their much- prized phonograph by the d e fe a t o f their cham pion in a fo ot-ra ce w ith the cook o f the Centipede ranch. A houae party is on at the F ly in g H eart. .1. W a llin g fo rd Speed, ch eer leader at Yale, and C u lver C ovington, in ter-collegiate ehampton run ner, are expected. H elen Hlake, Speed’s sw eeth eart, becomes Interested in tlie loss o f the phonograph. She suggests to Jean Chapin, sister o f the ow ner o f the ranch, that she Induce C ovin gton, her lover, to ' win hack the phonograph. H elen declares that i f C ovin gton w on 't run. Speed will, Th e C ow boys are hilarious over tlie prue- pect. Speed and hia valet. I-arry Glass trainer at Y ale, arrive. H elen B lake asks Spied, who lias posed to her as an a th lete, to race apainst the Centipede man. T h e cow boys Join in the appeal tn W a llv. and fe a rin g that H elen w ill And him out, he consents. He insists, how ever, that he shall be entered as an unknown, Aguring that C ovin gton w ill a rriv e in time to take iiis plane. Fresno, glee club singer from Stan ford u niversity and In love with H elen, tries to discredit. Speed w ith the ladies and the cowboys. Speed and Glass put in the time they are supposed to be train in g p la y in g cards in a secluded spot. T h e cow b oys explain to Speed how much the race means to them. Speed assures them lie w ill do his best. T h e cowboys tell G lass it is up to him to see that Speed wins the race. berry growers of the state looking to CHAPTER IX.— Continued. obtaining adequate markets, will be "You said Just now you’d answer made at a meeting o f growers in this for him with your life. Well, we aim city soon. to make you! We ain’t a-goin' to lose The acreage devoted to this crop this foot-race under no circumstances having been materially increased this whatever, so we give you complete the body, health, and year, many growers became fearful Bpegd Mf j speed of Mr. Speed. It's up to you some time ago that they would suffer i to make him beat that cook.” for lack o f demand. Plans for exploit- | "S-s-suppose he gets sick or sprains ing the berry and creating new mar- his ankle?" Glass undertook to move kets have been made. his body from in front of the weapon, Professor C. I. Lewis, o f the Ore but it followed him as if magnetized. gon Agricultural college, who is aid “ There ain’t a-goln’ to be no acci ing in the formation o f the organiza dents or excuses. It’s pay or play, tion, says one o f its objectB will be to money at the tape. You’re his trainer, standardize the fruit. and It’s your fault if he ain’t fit when “ A bureau of statistics will be es he toes the mark. Understand?" tablished,” he said, “ which will ob W illie lowered the muzzle of his tain all information possible for use in weapon, and fired between the legs of advertising and distributing the ber Glass, who leaped into the air with all ries through mediums already estab the grace of a gazelle. It was due to lished. Arrangements will be made no conscious action on his part that for shipping the fresh fruit, berry the trainer leaped; his muscles were juice, canned berries, jams and je l stimulated spasmodically, and pro lies.” pelled him from the floor “ Did you hear what I said?” de F a rm e rs Plan Cannery* manded Willie, in a voice that sound *** * * like the sawing of a meat bone. W ill Buy or Build ed Glass opened his mouth, and when Eugene — Seventy farmers, at a no sound issued, nodded. "And you understand?" meeting here, voted to incorporate Again the trainer bobbed his head. within a few days the Eugene Farm "Then I guess that’s ail. It’s up to ers’ Creamery as a co-operative com pany, with a capital o f $6000, the you.” Willie replaced his gun, - and greater part of which has been sub the fat man threatened to fall. "Come scribed. A committee was appointed on, boys!” The cowboys filed out si to draft a constitution, and it is ex lently, but on the threshold Willie darted a venomous pected the company will be in opera paused and glance at his enemy. "Don’t forget tion shortly. Chris Myhre, o f Junction City, what I said about Mr. Colt and the president o f the Oregon-Idaho Butter equality of man.” "Yes, sir!—yes, ma’am !” ejaculated makers, presided and suggested that one o f the present creameries in Eu the frightened trainer, nervously. gene be purchased in preference to the When they were gone he collapsed. “ They are rather severe, aren’t establishing o f a new one. Both creameries have set prices, and the they?" ventured Fresno. owner of one ha* offered to remain as "Severe!” cried the unhappy man. manager o f a co-perative plant. The "Why, Speed can’t—” He was about offers are being considered. to explain everything when the mem The farmers interested in the proj ory of W illie’s words smote him like a blow. That fiend had threatened to ect own about 600 cows. kill him, Lawrence Glass, without pre liminary if lt became evident that a National Balloon Race at fraud had been practiced. Manifestly Portland Rose Festival this was no place for hysterical con fidences. Larry's mouth closed like a Portland— Portland’s Rose Festival ! trap, while the Californian watched this year will be o f national promi him Intently. At length he did speak, nence as the scene o f the . . annual Na- . . . i but In a Btrangely softened tone, and tional Balloon meet which is to be at utter variance with his custom, held here under the auspices o f the Mr Fresnot which direction American Aero club, o f New York. ig New yo rk ’ ’’ The club will furnish six professional “ That way.” Fresno pointed to the balloon pilots, entries to be made from east, and the other man stared long Kansas City, St. Louis, Akron, O., ingly out through the bunk-house win Salt Lake and other Eastern cities. dow. The balloon race will be a contest of “ It's quite a walk, ain’t It?” sustained flight, the gas bag remain "W alk?" Berkeley laughed. “ It’a ing the longest in the air winning tbe two or three thousand miles!” Glass capital prize. The Festival msnsge- sighed heavily. "W hy do you ask?” ment has hung up $3000 in prizes "Oh, nothin’. Jest gettin' home for this event, which will be managed sick.” He calmed himself with an ef by Captain Honeywell, of St. Louis, fort, entered the gymnasium as if in one o f the world's famous air pilota. search of something, and then aet The most imposing military turnout forth to find Speed. o f the Pacific Northwest is planned as That ecstatic young gentleman a feature o f the great pageant on Fri wrenched hia gaze away from the blue day, June 12, the closing day o f the eyes of Mlsa Blake to see hia trainer celebration. signaling him from afar. "What is It, Lawrence?" Man Starves to Death. "Got to see you." Salem — Starvation and exhaustion "Presently." "N ix! I got to see you now!" are given as the cause o f the death of George Smith, 66 years old, whose Glass' ruddy face was blotched, and body was found in a barn at West he seemed to rest in the grip of some Stayton. Smith and a friend, J. Has- blighting malady. Beneath his arm seman, walked from Mount Angel to he carried a tight-rolled bundle. Sens West Stayton, the latter spending the ing something Important back of tbis night in an old cabin and Smith going unuaual demeanor. Speed excused to the barn. Coroner Clough, o f Sa himself and followed Larry, who did lem, was notified and Dr. C. H. not trust to speech until they were Brewer made an investigation. Hat- alone in the gymnasium with the Then he unrolled the seman said that hi* friend had com doors closed plained o f being weak for some time bundle he carried, spread It upon the floor, and stepped into its exact cen and that he had eaten little ter. "Are you standing on my prayer- Woman Acts for Judge. rug?” demanded his companion, an Eugene — For what is believed to have been the first time In Oregon grily. "1 am! And from this on I'm goin' legal practice, a woman. Miss Ethel Graham, acting for the court, received to make lt work Itself to death. She the verdict o f a jury. It was the caae said a feller couldn't get hurt if he of Mrs. Carrie Stephens against the stood on lt and said 'Allah.' Well. city o f Cottage Grove to recover I'm goin' to wear It out.“ "What’s wrong?” "Do you know what's goin’ to hap pen to me if Covington don’t get here and b$at this cook?’’ "Happen to you?” "Yes, me! These outlaws have put It up to me to win this bet for them." “ Well, Covington can beat any body." "But Covington isn’t here yet.” "Not yet, but— ” The young man smiled. "You're not frightened, are you ?” "Scared to death, that's all," ac knowledged the other. Then when his employer laughed openly, he broke out at a white-heat. “ Joke, eh? Well, you’d better have a good laugh while you can, because Humpy Joe’s finish will be a ten-course dinner to what you'll get if Covington misses his train." “ How easily frightened you are!” "Yes? Well, any time people start shooting shots I'm too big for this earth. The hole in a gun looks as big as a gas-tank to me." "But nobody is going to shoot you!” exclaimed the mystified college man. "They ain’t, hey? I missed the Golden Stairs by a lip not half an hour ago." With feverish intensity he told his narrow escape from destruc tion. the memory bringing a sweat of agony to his bro^. “ And the worst of it Is,” he concluded, " I ’m ’marked' with guns. I ’ve always been that way.” "Tut! tut! Don't alarm yourself. If Covington shouldn't come, the race will be declared off.” "No chance,” announced the train er, with utter conviction. "These thugs have made lt pay or play, and the bets are down.” "You know I can’t run.” “ If he don’t come, you’ll have to !” "Absurd! I shall be indisposed." “ If you mean you’ll get sick, or sprain an ankle, or break a leg, or kill yourself, guess again. I’m re sponsible for you now. Something may go wrong with me, but nothin’ is goin’ to happen to you. My only chance to make a live of it is to get some one to outrun this cook. You’re the only chance I’ve got, if Culver don’t show, and the first law of na ture ain’t never been repealed.” "Self-protection, eh?" "Exactly.” Glass coughed thrice without result, stepped off the prayer- rug, rolled It up tightly; then, hug ging it beneath his arm, went on: "That four-eyed guy slipped me a whole lot of feed-box information. Why, he’s a killer, Wally! And he’s got a cash-register to tally his dead.” "Notches on his gun-handle, I sup pose?" "So many that it looks like his wife had used it to hang pictures with. I tell you, he’s the most deceitful rum my I ever seen. What’s more, he’s got the homicide habit, and the habit has got its eye on me.” Glass was in deadly earnest, and his alarm con trasted bo strongly with his former contemptuous attitude toward the cowboys that Speed was constrained to laugh again. "It’s the most amusing thing I ever heard of.” "Yes,” said the trainer, with elabo rate sarcasm, "lt would be awful fun ny if lt wasn't on the square.” He moistened his lip nervously. “ You alarm yourself unnecessarily UENOS dlas, Senor.” Carara bowed politely to Speed. "Good-morning again,” said Wally. Turning to the trainer, Carara eyed him from top to toe, removed hia ciga rette, and flipped the aahea daintily (rom it; then, smiling disdainfully, said: "Buenos dias, Senor F a t!” Glass started. ‘'You talkin' to me?” "Yes.” Carara leaned languidly against the wall, took a match from his pocket, and dextrously struck lt between the nails of hia thumb and finger. He breathed his lungs full of smoke and exhaled lt through his nose. “ I would have splk to you blf- fore. but the Senor Fat ia—he shrugged his shculdera—“frighten’ so bad he will not understan’. So— I come back.” "Who's scared?” said Glass, gruffly. Carara turned bis palm outward, tn gentle apology. “ You been talk’ a gret deal to my Señorita— 'o Marledetta, eh?” “ Oh. the Cuban Queen!” Glass winked openly at Speed. “ Sure! I slip her a laugh now and then.” “ She is not Cubana, she Is Mexi cana,” said Carara, politely. “Well, what d’you think of that! I thought she was a Cuban.” Glass be gan to chuckle. “ Senor Fat,” broke in the Mexican, sharply, while Larry winced at the distasteful appellation, “ she is my Señorita!” “ Is she? Well, I can’t help lt If she falls for me." The speaker cast an appreciative glance at his em ployer. “ And you can cut out that ‘Senor Fat,’- because lt don’t go— ’’ Then he gasped, for Carara slowly drew from Inside his'ehlrt a long, thln-bladed knife bearing marks of re cent grinding, and hig black eyea “ The Fat Senor Will Not 8plk W it’ Her Again?” snapped. His face had become sud denly convulsed, while his voice rang with the tone of chiiied metal. Glass retreated a step, a shudder ran through him, and his eyes riveted themselves upon the weapon with hor rified Intensity. “ Listen, Pig! If you splk to her again, I will cut you.” The gaze of the Mexican pierced his victim. “ I will not keel you, 1 will Just—cut you! ” — Speed, who had sat in open-mouthed amazement during the scene, pinched himself. Like Larry, he could not re move his gaze from the swarthy man. He pulled himself together with an ef fort, however, undertaking to divert the present trend of the conversation. ” W—where will you cut him?” he asked, pleasantly, more to make con versation than from any lingering question ns to the precise location. "Here.” Carara turned the blade against himself, and traced a cross upon his front, whereupon the trainer gurgled and laid protecting hands upon his protruding abdomen. "You spik Spanish?” "N o." Glass shook his head. "But you understan’ w’at I try to say?” "Yes—oh yes—I ’m hep all right.” “ And the Senor Fat will r-r-remem- ber?" "Sure!” Glass sighed miserably, and tearing his eyes away from the glittering blade, rolled them toward his employer. "I don’t want her! Mr. Speed knows I don’t want her!” Carara bowed. "And the Fat Senor will not splk wit’ her again?” "N o !” "Gracias, Senor! I thank you!" "You’re welcome!” agreed the New Yorker, with repressed feeling. “Adios! Adios, Senor Speed!” “Goodby!” exclaimed the two in chorus. (TO BE C O N T IN U E D .) You to Make That Cook." Boat W e’ll hear from Culver soon, either by wire or in person. He’s never failed me yet. But if I were you. Larry, I’d leave that Mexican girl alone.” "Mary ?" "Yes. Marledetta. Now. there’s something to be afraid of. If these cowboys are In love with her and have their eyes on you— " “ Come In !" Senor Aurello Marla Carara en tered. He was smoking his custom ary corn-husk cigarette, but his dark eyes were grave and his silken mua- tachloa were pointed to the finenees of a bristle. Knew ths Time. On a cold night a man was hasten ing across the public square with his overcoat buttoned up to his chin. He was rather anxious to know what time lt was. but he was too lazy to open his coat in order to get at hit watch. Just then he saw a well-dressed man ap proaching and remarked to himself: “ This is a cinch. I’ll e’en ask yon genteel stranger what time lt Is and be will unbosom.” He perceived that the stranger was buttoned up Just as he was. When he came up the man who wanted to know the time removed bis hat politely and said: "Sir, do you know what time it Is !” The stranger paused, removed hie right glove, anbuttoned his coat from top to bottom, unbuttoned hit under coat, and finally pulled out his watch, while the chill wind cut into hia unpro tected chest. Holding up tbe watch so that the light would shine upon its face for an instant he glanced at lt and growled: "Y e a !” Then he passed on without another word.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. $6000. Her award was $260. Tbe jury was out when Judge Cleeton wished H* dismounted, walked In, saluted the get away from her* before that to leave for Portland Saturday noon, landlord in hia usual loud tones, and thaws.” and by consent o f attorneys it was agreed that the verdict should be re Traveler Left While the Conversation declared that he was so cold that he New Thought Rare. al Nuisance Was “So Cold He could hardly talk. ceived and read by Miaa Graham, Jna* then a nervous traveler, who Could Hardly Talk. A new thought ia a eery rare thing. clerk o f tbe Circuit court. wee present, stepped up to the land , and lt would be a magnificent crea In a country town in the English lord and. taking him by the coat, ture to catch. Th* only things I can Pheasants Are Liberated. think of that on# would really 4 »* Midlands there ts a man who is so said: Tillamook— Deputy Game and Fish noted for hta conversational abilities "Mr. L----- , have my bill brought as "new thoughts” would be certain cele Warden Leach released 24 pair* o f that hia acquaintances avoid giving soon as possible." brated Jokes, certain scientific discov Hungarian pheasants east o f town, him unnecessary opportunities to talk. “ What is the matter, my dear air?” eries and a few less frequent cases ami be expects to release 25 pairs o f "Has of a really original argument use« A One cold morning this man rode up Inquired the anxious landlord. Reeves pheasants. 25 pair* o f China to a hotel in the neighborbod Just as anything happened?” an old controversy —O. K. Chester- pheasants and 26 pair* o f Bob White the guests were finishing breakfast “Nothing, nothing Only 1 want to , quail in the near future. HURRIED AWAY BEFORE THAW