Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1913)
NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK Resume of World’s Important Events Told in Brief. Washington officials wait for Mex ico to make the next move. In the LaborfDay automobile races atiNashvilie, Tenn., four racers were killed and three injured. All three'of the American yachta in the recent races at Sonder, Germany, defeated the German boats. Only 5000 were in line in the Labor Day parade in New York City, there being no labor disputes on in that city. Mrs. George Beck, aged 60 years, won the 100-yard foot race from a field o f 11 women at the Labor Day celebration in Tacoma. A French aviator performed a com plete "loop-the-loop” in an aeroplane, to prove the success of a new principle in stabilizing air craft. A Connecticut detective went sud denly insane and held up five railroad men in a shanty in the Hartford yards, wounding two o f them. I. W. Ws. met a trainload o f hop- pickers at North Yakima, Wash., and tried to keep them from going to the hop fields, but the police and fire de partments soon dispersed them. • Cord wood falling from a passing freight train at Goodin, near Oswego, Or., killed one woman and injured sev eral others, who were waiting on the platform for a passenger train. Chinese government forces have gained possession o f the city o f Nank ing. Several foreign warships in the harbor were struck during the fight ing, and one American sailor was wounded. The convention of the American Bar association in Montreal is attended by Ix>rd High Chancellor Haldane, of England, Chief Justice White, o f the United States Supreme court, and ex- President Taft. Danger and safety signs using col ors only have been adopted in many Minnesota and Wisconsin mines, as there are so many nationalities work ing there that words in the different languages were impracticable. Party leaders agree on higher In come tax. Great peace palace Is dedicated at The Hague. British press doubts success o f W il son’s Mexican policy. Five persons meet death as building collapses in Peterboro, Ontario. O rd e r b y PA RCEL PO ST M idsummer O rd e r b y PA RCEL POST S ale C O N T I N U E S U N T I L S E P T E M B E R 15 HARDWARE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS A FEW S P E C IA L S I N HARDW ARE No. 7 Disston Hand Saws, 26 in. regular price, $1.65 i l 1C sale price ................................ No. 253 Maydole Farriers Hammer, regular price 75 cents, yr f| _ sale price ......................................... *»UC One set (10 sizes) Drill Bits in box, regular price 95 cents, T fl sale price set ................................... /UC 5 1-2 inch Genuine Bernard Pliers, regular price $1.25, fiA z» sale price each ................................... OnC No. D m Disston Hand Saws, 26 inch. Regular price $1.75, nr sale price ..................... No. 152 Maydole Farriers regular price 85 cents Large size expansive Bits, cutters, regular price $1.00 sale price each............................ 8 inch Combination Pipe Pliers, reg ular price, 50 cents, QF _ sale price each ................................ Z 9 L No. 8 Nicholson Hand Saws, 26 inch. Regular price, $1 50, O il — sale price ............................................t lU C No. 2-0 Ball Pein Hammers, O il/» regular price 50c, sale.................... OUC No. 10 1-2 Simonds Hand Saws, 26 inch. Regular price $1.75, Qr sale price .......................................^ ) | s Z 9 No. 8 Simonds Hand Saws, 26 inch. Regular price $1.85, nr sale price ............. ...................... f | , g g 14 inch Compass Saws reg- 1 F ular price 30c, sale price............... I 3 C Hammer, /Q No. 1-0 Ball Pein Hammers, //» regular price, 75c, sale.................... “rUC No. 718 Claw Hammers, reg- I F ular price 50c, special................... I O C No. 90 Box Hatches, regu- A i l /» lar price, 75c, sale price............... w U C No. 2 Clarks Hunters Axes A f l /» regular price 75c, sale................... ArUC 12 inch Simonds Back saws Q /» regular price $1.35, sale price___ O U C No. 2 Carpenters Hand Axes A C /» regular price 75c each.................... n jC 14 inch Atkins Back saws Q n . regular price $1.75, sale.................. u U C No. 2 Carpenters Hand Axes, regular price 85c, each, F /» 3U C 16 inch Atkins Back saws fin regular price $2.00 sale...........f l> U U No. 2 Carpenters Hand Axes, regular price $1.00 each FF OOC No. 13 Atkins Kitchen Meat Saws, 14 inch. Regular price 50c, Q ft No. 9 3-4 Union Block Planes, regu lar price each, $1.50 Q#» sale price ..............................................O U C No. 13 Atkins Kitchen Meat Saws, 16 inch, regular price 60c, QQ sale price each ................................. 0 0 C No. 13 Atkins Kitchen Meat Saws, 18 inch. Regular price 65c, QF sale price ..............................................w 9 C No. 30 Star Kitchen Meat Saws, 14 inch, regular price 40c, 0 (1 /» No. 100 Coping Saws, reg- II»/» ular price 25c, sale price................... I O C No. 100 Coping saw blades, F reg. 10c, sale price Uoz........................9 C No. 9192 Adjustable Hack Saw frames, regular price $1.00, FF sale price, each.............................. 9 9 C No. 110 Union Block lar price each 50 cents, Planes, regu Q Q /» No. 118 Union Block Planes, regu lar price each $1.00, Q fl/» sale price ............................................ / U C No. 1130 Union Block Planes, regu lar price each 50 cents A f l/» No. 28 Adjustable W ood Planes, reg ular price each $2.00, m sale price .....................................<J> | . | U No. 30 Adjustable W ood Planes, reg ular price $2.25 each, Qr sale price .....................................« p i » 0 9 No. 010 Stanley Block Planes | fl with 2 CC/» J jC Small size expansive Bits, with 2 cutters, regular price 75c z ft sale price each................................... tfUC 10 inch Weatherby Drawing Knife, regular price 90 cents, C C /» sale price, each................................. j j C 8 inch Robt. Duke Drawing Knife, regular price, 85 cents QQ/» sale price, each ................................. O O C 24 inch Mitre Box, regular A f l/» price 75c, sale price.......................... *fUC 4, 4 1-2, 5, 5 1-2, and 6 inch 3-cor- nered Files, regular price / _ 10c, sale price each............................. * f C 8 inch Flat Mill Files, reg- Q ular price, 15c, sale price................... OC • 12 inch Nickle plated Scale or Rule, regular price, 25 cents, I No. 15 Bicycle Wrenches, I f|/» regular 25c, sale price..................... I UL 6 inch Swan Screw Drivers, I f» /, regular 25c, sale price............................. I D C 6 inch Agricultural Monkey Wrenches regular price 30 cents, Q/»_ 10 inch Simonds Screw regular price 50 cents, 8 inch Agriculural Monkey Wrench, regular price 40 cents, QC/» sale price each ................................. ZOv No. I l l Goodell Pratt Spiral Screw Drivers with 3 bits, regular QC/* $1.50, sale price each......................O O C 10 inch Agricultural Monkey Wrench, reguar price 50 cents, Qfl/» No. 03 Goodell Pratt Auto Hand drills with 8 drills, regular Q f)/> $1.25, sale price................................ O U C 15 inch Agricutural Monkey Wrench, regular price 85 cents, ACi» sale price each ................................ $r9L No. 86 5 inch Stanley Screw Drivers, regular price 25 cents, I A /* sale price each ..................................I “» C 10 inch Wescott Adj. regular price $1.00, sale 4 inch Inside Callipers, I Q /» regular 20c, sale price..................... I O C S. Wrench, CC/» No. 102 12 inch Plumb and Q f l/» Level, reg. 50c, sale price............. ZUC 25 foot Measuring Tapes, Qfl/» regular 35c, sale price...................... ZUC No. 00 Nail Sets, regular F price 10c, sale price............................... OC 75 foot Measuring Tapes, QQ/» regular 75c, sale price .................. OOC 10c and 15c Sewing Machine F Oil, sale price ....................................... OC 36 inch Marvel Steel Tapes I Ci» regular 25c, sale price..................... IOC “ Knox” Hand Grass and Hedge Shears, regular nrice 25c, i Q sale price each............................................. I ZC No. 03 Magnetic Tack Hammers, reg ular f>rice 15 cents, Q /» 5 1-2 inch Pointing Trowels, regular price, 20 cents, sale I fl No. 84 2-foot Folding Rules, brass bound, O. S., regular price QCi» 40c, sale price each........................ Z9C 9 1-2 inch Brick Trowels, f Q regular 25c, sale price............................. I wC 3-4 inch Framing Chisels, Qfl/» regular 60c, sale price.................... OUC 10 inch Plastering Trowels, IF regular 35c, sale '¡rice..................... IOC 1 inch Framing Chisels, QC/» regular 65c, sale price.................... OOC 11 inch Plastering Trowels, regular 85c, sale price............. 7. A i l/» 1 1-2 inch Framing Chisels Alii* regular 75c, sale price................... "rUC 4UC 24 inch Satin Finish Squares, Q C /» regular 75c, sale price......................O O C No. 1 “ Morrills” Pattern, Saw Sets. Regular price 60c Q/| No. 010, 10 inc . Barber Bit Braces, regular price 50c each, Qr 6 inch Combination Auto Pliers, special, regular price 35c, l F sale price each ................................ I OC No. 30 12 inch Atlass Combination Slide Squares, regular $1.25 QC/* No. (ill 1-2 Maydole Claw Hammer, Nickle plated, regular price Q Q /» $1.25, sale price................................ O O C One set (13 sizes) Auger Bits, in cloth roll, regitlar price Qr $3.00, sale price set.....................« p l » u 9 4 1-2 inch Genuine Bernard Pliers, regular price $1.00, f»Q sale price each ................................. DOC 12 inch Nickle Plated Squares, reg ular price, 25 cents, I F _ sale price, each.................................... IOC Drivers, l Q _ 4 inch outside Callipers, I Qp regular 20c, sale price..................... I O C X X X Glass Cutters, regu- lar price 10c, sale price................... r _ OC Plymouth Reviting Machines Q C /» regular 75c, sale price................... O O C No. 60 Stanley Spoke Shaves Q C /» regular 50c, sale price................... Z 9 C No. 51 Stanley Spoke Shaves Q f|/» regular 40c, sale price....................Z U C Yankee Pipe Jaws for Monkey Wrenches, regular price 25c, | Q /» sale price each....................................I O C No. 2105 Padlocks with 2 I F « keys, regular 25c, sale price.........I O C Assorted Scythe and knife Stones, regular price 10 cents, F ~ sale price each.................................... O C Automobile Goggles, regular I /» „ 25c, sale price each........................... I U C 32 Candle power Electric Light Bulbs, regular price 25c, 11»/» sale price each ..................................I O C More than 60 persons were killed by a typhoon which swept Japan recently. The government will sell 100,000,- 000 feet o f timber on Olympic penin sula. A Few Specials in Household Goods A terrier at Salem, Or., adopted two orphaned kittens, after having lost her puppies. The currency bill is'delayed in con gress by the slow progress made on the tariff measure. The Imperator, the largest vessel in the world, suffered heavy damages by fire in New York harbor. Forty-four cases o f typhoid fever are reported in Oreogn City. One dairy is closed and several wells con demned. It is urged by the conference o f gov ernors in session at Colorado Springs, that radical changes be made in the methods of legislatures. President Huerta changes his mind and gives concessions to Wilson's pol icy. John Lind, the president’ s per sonal representative, has returned to Mexico City to resume negotiations for peace. PO RTLAN D M ARKETS During this sale we have reduc ed all washing machines 10 per cent, including Electric and W a ter power machines. Alarm Clock, regular price f»T $1.00, sale price each..................... » 0 / Tea Strainers, regular price l»Q 5 cents, sale price each................. «UZ Aluminum Salt and Pepper Shakers, regular price 30 cents, | F No. 10 Keystone Food Chop- *»Q pers, regular price $1.25, s a l e .... • / 0 Spring Balances, W eighs from 1 to 25 lbs., regular price 15c, flQ sale price each.....................................» U S Pannell Thermometers, reg- I F ular price 25c, sale price..................« 1 0 Standard Cottage Barometers and Thermometers, regular price I F 25c, sale price each.............................> 1 0 Assorted Scissors, regular flQ price 25c, sale price............................ »U O Assorted Scissors, regular /» /» price 85c, sale price............................»D U Sure Catch Mouse Trap, ftQ LL regular 5 cents, sale p rice... . > U Z ' ^ Sure Catch Mouse Traps, | /» regular price 15c, sale price........ • I U Feather Dusters, regular if» price 20c, sale price.............................» I U Can Openers, regular price f| / 10 cents, sale price each.................* U 4 Assorted Butcher Knives, 50c /* » 75c and $1.00 values a t..................... » n t Lemon Squeezers, regular I fl price 15c, sale price.......................... « I U Ice Picks, regular price flF 10 cents, sale price each.................« U O House Mail Boxes, regular QF price 50c, sale price each............... » Z D No. 30 Keystone Food Chop- pers, regular $2.00, sale price. Wire Potato Mashers, reg ular price 10c, sale p r ic e ... Acme Flour Sifters, reg ular price 25c, sale p r ic e ... Zinc Wash Boards, regular price 30c, sale price each.. . .98 .05 .10 .18 6 and 8 quart Retinned Preserving Kettles, regular price 25c, If» sale price each..................................... .IU 9x10 Drip Pans, regular price 20 cents, sale p r ic e ... .09 2 quart I. C. Milk Pans, reg- ular price 5 cents, sale .UZ f|Q 6 quart I. C. Milk Pans, reg- flF ular price 10 cents, sale .U9 10 quart 1. C. Milk Pans, reg- flQ ular price 25 cents, sale «U«J No. 35 3-quart Granite Coffee Pots, regular price 40 cents, QQ sale price each .................................. .Z / No. 40 4-quart Granite Coffee Pots, No. 40' W hite Enamel Platters, reg ular price 75 cents, Q fl sale price each ................................ wU 3-4 “ Ivy” 4 ply Black Rubber Garden Hose, regular price $5.00 d*Q O f» sale price per 50-fo o t............. » p O . U U No. F625 Family Scales ^ 1 Q /» regular $1.65 sale price...........« p l .O U Aluminum Sauce Pans, reg- O f» ular 55 cents, special..........................> 0 U Sanitary 3 quart Ice Cream Freez ers, regular price $2,70 6|*Q O f» Hugro Vacuum Cleaners, a Bellows, regular price $15.00, d»Q r f » sale price only .......................... « p / . 3 U 1 quart Blue Enamel Pudding Pans, regular price 25 cents, f»Q 1-2 pint Brilliant Shine Metal Polish, regular price 25 cents, I f» sale price, only................................... « I U 1 pint Brilliant Shine Metal Polish, regular price 35 cents, I F sale price only..................................... « 1 9 1 quart Brilliant Shine Metal Polish, regular price 50 cents, Q /» 1-2 gallon Brilliant Shine Metal Pol ish, regular price 85 cents CA sale price only.................... »O U 1 gallon Brilliant Shine Metal Polish, regular price $1.50, QC sale price only .................................. . 0 3 1 pt. Hi Pol Furniture Polish regular price 50 cents, Q fl sale price only.................................... « O U l pint Dazalo Furniture Pol- Q fl ish, regular 50c, sale price...........« u U Wheat— Track prices: Club, 78i(<il regular price 45 cents, Qf| 79c; bluestem, 85c; forty-fold, 80c; sale price each .................................. <<jU red Russian, 78c; fife, 78c; valley, No. 21 1-quart Granite Covered Buck 80c. EXTRA SPECIAL ets. regular price 25c, Oats— No. 1 white, $26(0)25.50 ton. sale price each.......................... Garden Trowels, regular flQ Rosette Wafer Irons Com— Whole, $87; cracked, $38 ton. price 20c, sale price............................«U O No. 23 3-quart Granite Covered Buck Barley—Feed, $24.60 per ton; brew Regular price 50c ets, regular price 35c, IQ Family Ice Tongs, regular a F ing, $26.50; rolled, $27(<828. sale price each ...................................« 1 0 price 35c, sale price each...............« 1 0 Sale price 2 6 c Hay—Fancy Idaho timothy, $17(0) 18; fancy Eastern Oregon timothy, $16(<i)16, timothy and clover, $14(0)16; timothy and alfalfa, $13(0114; alfalfa, $13; clover, $8.60(0110; oat and vetch, $10(olll; cheat, $10(0)11; valley grain hay. $10(0)11. Onions— Walla Walla, $1.60 sack. Vegetables— Beans, 3(o,4c pound; cabbage, 2(u)2ic; rauiflower, $2 crate; com, 10(u!l5c dozen; cucumbers, 20(<i 40c box; eggplant, 6(o)7c pound; head FREE BROW N STAM P COUPON 10 10 lettuce, 35(o:40c dozen. Present this coupon at our store, make a cash purchase of 25c or Green Fruit— Apples, $1((£2.26 box; more, and receive to B R O W N S T A M P S F R E E in addition to cantaloupes, $l(d!2 crate; peaches, 40 the regular stamps you are entitled to on your purchase. Many goods not list- (ij75c box; watermelons, $1.26(<dl.60 cw t.; plums, 76c(0i$l box; pears, $1 ed above included__in (0)1.60; grapes, 56c(o)$1.26 crate; cas- abas, $1.76 dozen; nectarines, 76c(ol this sale, call and $1 box. The Largest and M ost Complete Hardware Poultry— Hens, 16Kd)16c; springs, look o ver our display 18c; turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, Store in Eastern Oregon choice, 25c; ducks, 10(0116c; geese, counters. H A R D W A R E, STOVES, RA N G ES, ETC . young, 12Jc. Eggs—Oregon ranch, case count, 25 402 East Second Street • (0.26c dozen; fresh ranch, candled, 28 ®30c. V O ID AFTER AUGUST 31. 1913. Butter — Oregon creamery butter cubes, 32c pound; butter fat, deliv ered, 32c. Pork— Fancy, 12|c pound. Veal— Fancy, 15Jc(oil6c pound. Cattle — Prime steers, $8(08.36; choice, $7.60(0)7.76; medium, $7.26(o Miners to Visit Capital. Irrigation Dam Ruins Crops. Miaa Wilson Will Act. M arketing Bureau W anted. 7.60; prime cows, $6.76(07; choice, Washington, D. C.— West Virginia Omaha—The great Pathfinder dam Cornish, N. H.—Miss Eleanor Wil Salinas, Kan. — More liberal agri $6.60(06.76; medium, $6.26(06.60; heifers, $6.25(07.76; light calves, $8 cultural appropriationa, the abolish son, youngest daughter of President coal operators will be given an oppor- and reservoirs, the first of the govern (09; heavy, $6.76(07.75; bulls, $4(<i ment of dealing in futures, the estab Wilson, is rehearsing with several i tunity to relate their version o f the ment projects for the reclamation of lishment o f a bureau o f marketing in members o f the artist colony the prin coal strike troubles in the Paint Creek semi-arid Western lands, is reported 6.50; stags, $5.76(06.25. Hogs — Light, $9(a9.85; heavy, the Agricultural department, rural cipal part in a unique play that is to mine fields, when the senate special to be ruining half million acrea of credit extension, stricter immigration be presented in the woodland o f the committee resumes its hearings next high-priced farming lands in the broad $7.50(08.60. Sheep — Wethers, $3.30(04.26; laws and a protest against the pro bird sanctuary at Meriden. N. H., week. The committee had expected Platte river valley in this state, and posed central bank currency plan were four miles from here. It is a masque to return to West Virginia to com 1000 farmers and land owners have ewes, $3.60(a4; lambs, $4.26(06. Hops — 1913 contracts, 180i)19c; ; some o f the recommendations to con entitled’ ’ Sanctuary.” The perform plete the inquiry begun last spring, just held a meeting at Kearney, Neb., 1913 fugglee, 22(o22Jc; 1912 crop. 16) gress contained in the report o f the ance is a protest against the slaughter but the prolonged tariff debate has led to petition the government to abandon legislative committee of the Farmer*’ o f birds for millinery purposes, in ap its members to arrange for hearings the big irrigation system, which cost @18c. W ool— Eastern Oregon, ll($16c; Union as drawn for presentation at proval of the feather proviso in the in Washington. One or two members more than $3.000.000. The Nebraska valley, 18@19c; mohair, 1918 clip, the opening seaaion o f the national tariff bill ami in opposition to any \ may find it necessary to go to West fanners will alto file claims against Virginia for a few days. the govemmeont for the loss o f crops. amendment o f the measure. convention of the association here. 26(027$c pound. .15 10 per cent Discount on all fold ing Go-Carts during this sale. T ry O’Cedar Mops and Dusters, for cleaning those hard-to-get-at places. W e have a full line. WALTHER, WILLIAMS HARDWARE CO. THE DALLES, OREGON Walther, Williams Hardware Co. U All oil and gasoline stoves, ice cream freez- ers and reduced refrigerators. 20 per cent during this sale. Air Fleet to Be Revised. Women Must Tell Ages. Paris— Aviation is to be developed by the French government on a vast scale. The general staff of the army has come to believe a capital ‘mistake was made in regarding aeroplanes and dirigibles merely as useful for scout ing when in .eality they should be one o f the most effective o f the offensive and defensive forces. The ministry o f war has worked out a plan to (reorganise the aeronautical troops. Reconnoi seance would con tinue to be important, but a large fleet o f destroyers would be created. Portland — On the ground that the ages of women employed by the city is an important part o f the historical records being taken by the Municipal civil service commission upon which efficiency o f employes will be gusged, members of the civil service commis sion will insist on the women giving their ages. Civil Service Commis sioner Caldwell says that he considers the use o f the word ’ ‘ legal. ” which haa been written by a majority o f the women in the age column of the re ports, aa entirely unsatisfactory.