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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1913)
PUBLISHED KVERY FRIDAY BY . f i . t ì. K IB B K E , P r o p r ie to r glíBSCBIPTION RATES $i.a> One Y«*nr.. &ix Months T i « re«* M o n th ■Entered »- second-chiss matter *ffscrci» ft. «Che post Antee* i M a rc h 3 , A D V E R T IS IN G R A T E S MOSIER BULLETIN li*T 9 . VOL. V MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29. 11 . . . r The 191« Green Pasture OnV Column...................................... “ “ 9 IF - J ( For S a le In the m atter o f the E; late o f C hrist K n abr , deceased. TO ail the unknown heirs 6 f Christ Knabe, deceased, and all other persons Interested in said 1 slate, 'CJreeting: j T ’i M By H. M. WEST Hav Grain Feed Oregon W E NOT ION O U R Mosier. ! W E ONLY ä U T C t i E F ’J E o U R '( ì 'O O Ì ) : J . LfìIVE PRICE. * i WH Y TO ’ W E YOU KAT U "J E U WILL T H ffR E M ìL E ÓUR « G RvO-Cs -ER' T tY 7 1 >: CfR THAN A \ F A lT ’ SkS ' A T Ö Ö ,Ö D j n ? A * i T . M O S IE R - - T H ^ÌC j Co., M o sie r t Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. O r e g o n Ì I ORE. W . F. L A R A W A Y It Pays In the E nT ■r H / ‘This is better thao -HWay Lto the country and leaving poor hubby to sit lonely and disuonsolate - in a hot city h«*>nie. ^ W e h a i u l 'l e - a l l « T j r l e i a n d 1 size* o f C - E I ’ht* East H alf vof tthe Northwest I ^ Quarter (E JN W ]), theSouthwest Quar ter o f the Northeast ’ Quarter ( SW | 'N E 1 ), and the Northefl. t Quarter o f 1 the Southwest Quarter (N E q StV q I of Section Seven (7) in Township Six <C) S oith o f Range Sixteen (Hi) East o f the Willamette Meridian, or so much j o f ssid prnnefty as Will ssH sfy said judgment and decree, with costs and j accruing costs. E lé M lic F a n s — T h e L e fid e r « o f t h e no about smoking in the honsc i •the cigars come from here. In deed, they are so fragrant Urn 'women often urge their hus bands to smoke. Try one o them today and take it from us, all your smoke troubles will ‘ be ended. Said property will he sold' subject to ' confirmfition find*redemption, as hy lAr ’ required. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 21st day Qf Juiy, 1913. L evi C hkisman , S l i c ’ ff o f W asco County, Oregon. M a tk fet. O bjections FROM THE WIFE ELECTRIC WIRING ft SUPPLY C O / Hood River, Oregon i First Nutioiml Bunk Building t •Ï i P-M S . K. F R A N C IS C O , Proprietor “ TH E O A K S .” i r u School Opens September F. SUMMONS. In the Naii.e oT the State o f Oregon, In the Circuit Court o f the State o f You are hereby cited end n!i.titled to Oregon, for W asco County. appear -0* the County C oult 6 f the State o f Oregon, for the County o f K u z a b k t h H. S tubetkii , w » » c o > at <*«• Octolwr term o f safii Plaintiff, -only did not have to employ help t o do this, but the elements ciit o u t a much larger |>er cent of T'°“rt’ U,e G”u" r,M,m th*'r‘-of' rtt , . I)Hllea City, in Kind County, on Mon- <I e 6 rgk S t r ee te r , t he fruk tiran hunihn interests dav, the 6th day of October, l‘H3. at Defendant. liave ever attempted. 2:(X) o ’ clock in the afternoon - rp that The fire blight has proven a day, then and there to show cause, if •very serious aPnir in practically **>* lh“re ,,e- whv H" oril,'r »HoaM-hot all sections of Eastern Oregon. lie rr.inlc and entered hv the Comity CourDnf h e St a l e -of Drcgnn-for Was Jn some sections o f that fxirtion co Courtly, aólls.rizigg. 4lcen*in,( I •of the state llie tree" at this directing J. I. Went,• the aif-iim^lrator time look as if there had lieen a o f said estate, tn sell At p r iv ife o r pnh- 4ic sale all the real pro;«*rty helongiog iire all thru the orchards. One of the problems of to said estate, the said leal (UXiperty beingdcBCrihed as follows, to-w it: apple growere o f Oregon this The South Hal f i f the Southwest season, and which will have a Quarter (S jS W l-1 ) o f Section Tw enty- Serious effect on 4he total yield nine (29) and ‘ the Fast Half o f the is the dry rot, or the fruit irt. Southeast Quarter (K ’.S F I-4 )-o f ü ic- Tliis is especially serious in the ffon Thirty [¡50], all in Towri-hip Five Willamette Valley and in !h*- [ñ] South o f Range Thirteen [IS] Fast of-th e tAiTlamnttf Meridian, in Wasco H«<d River socrion. Re|>orts County, Oregon from the latter section indicate Wifnets., The lion. F. S Ct'lWTNC. that the trouble is much more Judge o f the - aid Courtly Court, with aggravated than a year ago. It the Seal o f s»i f Courrattfyed this 23rd is difficult at this time to esti- day o f August, lift-5. Alletl: L. B. F ox. ms te alisolutely the extent of Clerk. the damage on this account, but [Seal o f Coindy Court.] - all doubts that it is serious, have SCHOOL SUPPLIES Mosier Book Store IS AT To (Jeovge Streeter, defendant almve named: In tin- Name o f the State o f Oregon, You are hereby required'to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the entitled koit -within six weeks ftOni the (late Af the first pnbti- c a t io n e f this notice If you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff wiil apply to the-Court for the relief demanded in her said complaint. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Tin- r- li - f demanded is a decree o f rtivorc fnriver dissolving the Ismds o f matrimony now ex i’-liog between you andt’ ho plaintiff an I thrtt 'ehe he [e.r- n iitted torea u ti* her former name. SUMMER SCHOOL Twenty-five Instructors-Fifty Courses This sunin-ons is served upon you by public si>" 1 v onler of^Hohorable W. It. Bradsiie.w, Judge o f the above en titled eturi, l-y order made and entered on July 17. 191X, gnd published in the Mcaier Bulletin, and ’ the date o f first piihfirnfion will be J u ly ‘ 18, 1913. and the date o f last publh afinn, August 29, 1913. DislingiiishfNi Krwtem Etlucatont AHilml to Ib-gular Faculty. f ir plaint If University Dormitories "Optm, Room at S3..ri0 |ier W. a k. For a Complete Board and j . i Uneasy I, Lies the Head of him whose house*hasf nojjvfH-ch'lii^p. Why worry about midnight 'maritWriers whert it is so well known that burghfs^ffcSr babies and lamps more than dogs awdipistols? They strictly avoid hotfses having eUc- trid lights particularly porch lamps. And the annals of crime show that such houses arc rarely if ever burglarized. •Have your house wired at once for eUrtric service, and then you’ll fully appreciate the feeling of alwolutc' safety afforded by a b£Tlian* Edison Mazda Porch *t)smp. Let us submit an-estmme to wire yodr house. Y«S«1! 'be astonished at <he mod- erAfe cost Reduced Railroad Rtries. Illustrated Catalogue, Address P a c if ic P o w e r * L ig h t C o . “ A L W A Y S AT YOUR S F K V U K .“ T H E R E G IS T R A R , U. o f O., Eugene J o h n C a v in , V. ttw nev June 2JwAujiuL 1, 1913 ■ , Remember, the Cheapest place to buy , - A I^ Y T H Ä ^ Ifö A L W 'A ¡ > G 5 « F I W D . F R E J H Í Î WAYvS PR IC E '«R A T H E R 'Podtfl ÒUR TW O W A Y : Í J T o <5V V e ' Y O U OUR-JTORl^ AT P R IC tò P R I C E D W HET« ! OF CUTTING-PRICEVL Ú O oD M T T 'W E 'C U T < 5 R .O C E - R .lt J . M A R K t In the County Court-of the State o f paid for before affidavit* are?furnished. $ 2 5 .0 0 Per Ton A Oregon, For the ( ouiity o f Wasco. be cfaaraad Shiuty Brook Dairy Feed I CITATION c m «*’ or I j d u c e d -^ i n f?om e -ifh ^tan ces Q u ite nr.ished by said Board. m a te r ia U y , fHl cfC C on n b of «inw sit- Complaints may b e lte d either bj’ the ally heavy dropping, blight, and thxphyer aggrieved.1 hr hy his regularly •dry rot. At the present time it constituted agent or A ,torne\ All complaints so filed, will bt- latter, is not generally believed that the up in their regular order, duly corsiH- 'total production will be within ered and disposed o f according to the ■SO'/, ef first estimate«. best judgm ent o f said Roaril, and com- T h e d r o p p in g o f a p p le s a ll Mlrll inlainant notified o f then'result. J a s . A. D a V is , the state was unusually heavy County Assessor. gg IS Ì ■ t-assed. $ gg T2 E SO LV E D ! that rF Yof/VHL JU5T CAREFULLY WEIGH OUR'CHJALITYOR QUANTITY -WITH OUR PRICES You WONT GO A A]i WtlGH’BUT'fodWjU^rWEIGHT .L 'Y oi;M E ii:i>r ' ~ ‘ Only Substitute FOR t . 'this spring, several conditions being assigned tts lhecause. The wet, cold weather is attributed as one o f the chief contributing causes. More rain fell during ■the late spring and early sum mer than for many years. Or chards in some of the leading districts which have hi ordinary seasons been compelled to thin their fruit at heavy ev [iense dur ing recent years, Hi is year nOt 3 •• to the party ordering them, at leyal rates, and N O . 26 and clocks, and it may be that eveutu- per annum from June 3, 1912, and ac-i AII3 they vull "want you to open ac cruing interest from and after the said - •change ot this city, who sold the umbrella ¡’•-‘•London Mall. 14th day o f jtily, 1913. at the same rate •car, and its affiliated organiza- . per annum, and the further sum o f One ’ Hundred and fifty ( $ 1.V 0.001 Dollars * lion, the Rogue River Fruit & ¥ * E A R A C E , MGR. ¿Produce Association. The ear- TO THE TAXPAYERS OF WASCO COUNTY attorney1“ fees, mid for plaintiff’ « coats ■ and disbursements herein -taxed at 'load i f pears was selected for $23 50, and accruing costs and the costs its exceedingly good quality! You are hereby notified that, ptirsu- • o f and upon1 this writ, and commanding i j therefore the resultof tbe inves- ant to a law enacted by the Oregon me to sale o f " the real 1 p r o p e r ty " ‘ make ’ ’ tigation will be awaited with Legislature, and now in force, the • «Unbraced in such decree p f foreclosure much interest by the fruit trade Board o f Equalization will convene in and hereinafter described, ’ I will, on regular session in the Coui-thouse in «the 3hth da.v o f August, 1913, at the •of1 the country generally. The Dalles, Oregon, oil the second Mon- hour o f two o ’ clock in* the afternoon o f Pear shipping is now general day, being the eighth day o f September, said day, and at the front door o f the 'from the Rogue River valley, A. D. 1913, at the hour o f 9 o ’ clock, A. County Court House in Dalles City, f h t filis i n ess i/iUni Mrer $ 'therefore th e g o v e r n m e n t o ffi- ^L- for tile purpose o f correcting er- Wasco-Couhty, Oregon, sell at public "SO Years 1 fb«!/ini «Mhf. and equalizing -nil properties, so auction1 to‘ the highest bidder, fo r cusli dels in charge of tho invrstiga- that the «am e vha'I -be -a* it.* true cash 1 jn |f,,iid. all tlie'right,'tiH e and interest f ■tion consider this the opportune value- Is a Jeweler «ml ()|itician- bfltituiy years eX|s rience. w h ich ‘ the (lef.uiduhta, EilWftrd Long I f you have u ' ‘ sick” time-piece, he can cure it. moment to start-their work. Said Board will remain in session for and Onie Wilmourtb, or rtthtu-of them, i $ • 1 £ you have eye trouble, he can correct-«it hy filling you a period o f one month, or as much had;on'the 3rd day o f June, ¡912, the i J -------------- ------------------------- ' with proper lease«. ’ thereof as necessary to equalize and date o f the tnniigHge foreclosed here- S I f you have jew elry o f any kind to re|mir he can d o lt . THE 1913 APPLE CROP correct the-seveval Tax Bolls for said in. or which"such dtfenduftts, or any o f | I f you want new. jew elry o f any kind, he has it. County f o r the year 1913. the defendants herein, liave since ac-I J •If you want ANYTHING in Ms lin e.'h e is the mart tocogsifit. All persons intending toappekr before <jnired, or now have, in and to the fol- * A Portland, Ore., Aug. 27. His prices are right and so is hid work. H’ s l im o t o a n f i u „ H„ ni„ c said Board, are required to do so during ¡owing dr-i-ribed real property, lying j Estimates o f th e apple C O „ o f the first week o f qlhp sessi(M1_ and fil* and being s.tuated in Wasco County. { P A T R O N I Z E ’HIM A N D B E C O N V I N C E D O r e g o n a r e b e in g g e n e r a ll y r e - thoir complaint> on reKn)ar bU nk8 fu r. Oregon, to-w it: j . " l.e^ai advertUeincnUi'witl in ail Early in the season it was in-^ Notice to the Public. di anted that tin* Hood River sec- ,, . . i l . In«* two 'leading magazines o f the ition would produce probably .PacWc ,.OMt llu. 1>Hcttic Moilthly Illu, Portland, Ore., Ang. 27. 800,000 b o X e S o f apirfes t h is year, the Suw et, have been consoli.¡ The United States Government hut it is n o t believed a t th is lime under the title o f “ Sunset the Pacific ■is trailing Oregon fruit. There .t h a t the crop will reach 700;000 »■Monthly is no cause f#>r alarm. No effort hexes, i fr that amount is readied. It is the ■ int.-nt'oii o f the publisher to spare m>-money nor effort to make will he made to sieze the sl’ ip- Another factor that will aifect Sunset—the Pacific Monthly a credit to inent ter ft is considered the the total crop o f apples is the ' ihe'W eSt and a magazine o f national i>est in the world and that’ s ink second infection of apple scab value and importance. Hie kind of stuff that officials that is taking place. This ap To introduce i t 't o new1 readers we -want to disceurage. peared as little red spots on the will make! the follow ing-special oil', r: 'Today a carload e f pears start* apples arid Was 'thought to be a lSend 30c in • stamps, and we will put your name on our subscription list for •ed from Medford enroute te new fungus growth, blit its fur 'th e next four months, and will send Washington, D. C. It is accom- ther development has proven you a free copy o f the superbly illustra- ! .panied hy an official representa- beyond a doubt what it really is. ‘ ted Milt-Winter number, and also the 4 iv e o f the government and its In some districts this is going to iaraoa* Sunset Indian poster, securely j shipment will be the first of a . , . , . ,, packed in a mailing tube. If Will make a beautiful ornament for vonr front ®enes of tesrs that official Wash- J | of the better grades of fruit. ropm or cien. ington is going to conduct to see Send your Order to Fred l.ockley, ¡ 0 n e « f the Ted«en«ng features just how the fruit is treated in 'Northwestern Manager, S u n set—the | o f the apple1 crop «if the state transit and exactly what condi Pacific Monthly,'Hprtland, Oregon. ; • this season is the -tion it arrives in. . fact that the Attached to various boxes of apples now promise to be o f bet- pears in this carload, are wires ter size than other recent sea- NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE, «that lead to a recording ther sons. This will minimize the lo s s o c c a s io n e d b y b l ig h t a n d d r y ' ,n t h e Circuit Court o f 't h e State o f; mometer on top of the car, which j.0 £ "Oregon, for W asco Oonhty. will show exactly and at all timhs ■the exact temperature of the Tears will be affected by blight Mks- r - a - il,mKA< K Plaintiff peaYe inside o f the box. llere- and Ibis will cut down the ex- VS. ■tofore experiments have been pec ted. yield of Lite state some < E m V A R I) I .o . v o a n t > O n i b W i i . m o u r t h , '.made only with the condition of what. D efen dan ts . t h e atmospliere outside o f the 'Hy virtue o f an execution, decree and A Playful Prelate. box. The latter resulted in some order o f sale, duly issued out o f, and Macro, who was for a brief peri under the seal o f the Circuit Court o f gfood to investigating-officials of od Dr. archbishop o f York, was once Indue- t h e Depai Intent rtf Agriculture, ed by a' friend 'with, whom lie sens stay- the State-of O regon,'fur1 the county o f Wasco, to lm* directed, and dated the but the new aT ran genie iVt will t ie h iro and hear a rMtign •preacher. 21st day o f July, ISM-3 -upon a decree 'Asked afterward wlial lie ttioiiglit of ‘likely result in the revolution of the sermon. Dr. Magee answered that for the foreclosure o f a certain m ort •shipping methods. With an ex he thought it was rattier long. “ Yes," gage and judgment, rendered and en act record o f the temperature agreed his host, who was a great ad tered in said Circuit Court on the 14th mirer of the preacher, “ but there was a inside -the boxes, officials will saiut In the pulpit!" “ And a martyr day o f July, 191:5, in the above entitled cause, in favor o f the plaintiff, and soon be able to discover the ex In the pew.'“ was the doctor’s prompt against the defendant Edward Long, act degree of air that should be return The samei prelate tie-giving ad as judgment debtor, in the sum o f vice to a newly appointed fiulTragnn -in the car. said, “ They will send for 3011 to open Thirteen hundred' ($1300.00) Dollars, The government is making churches, cemeteries,-pchools. vestries togther with interest thereon in like tthis investigation with tbe ’ aid aBf! <9o*krooins. and to unveil windows gold chill at the rate o f tigh t per cent; xt One-quartet Column....................... '* 'One-half Column............................ ** KiltHtPU ISrafc win b . di*r*«rt wt S Ic«n u 'p *r tin* for aacb inseriion. Mt , öi-effo», un d of the A**. of TRAJLiNG C3EG0N FRUIT c iu FrofesHional Card*.................... . p «r month f . 10 One square........................................ “ •• | gp W -IJ