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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1911)
Hood’ s Sarsaparilla A Green Food Rack. A skillful device for furnishing green feed to poultry consists of a frame made several Inches high and covered »1th netting. Oats, or any pre ferred crop may be sowed and the rack with netting placed over It when A cts directly and peculiarly of aultable size and the fowls then [ turned loose. They seem to delight on the blood; purifies, enriches ' in walking about on the netting and and revitalizes it, and in this j snipping off the green blades within way builds up the whole sys I reach. Yet. they cannot get at the to scratch and the planta have tem. Take it. Get it today. roots In usual liquid form or In chocolate a chance to renew their growth thus pruned off, and the fowls are contin coated tablets called Sursatabs. ually adding fertilizing material. For poultry kept on close range as a Second-H and M achin means of furnishing food the plan ery bought, sold and la certainly commendable. _ exchanged: e n g in e s , Machinery boiler*, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 76 1st fit.. Portland. Send fo r Stock List and prices. F ree to O ur H ea d ers W r ite M u rin e E y e R e m e d y C o ., C h ic a g o , f o r 48-p age illu s t r a t e d E y e B o o k F r e e . W r it e a ll a b o u t Y o u r E y e T r o u b le a n d th e y w ill a d v is e a s t o th e P r o p e r A p p li c a t i o n o f t h e M u r in e E y e R e m e d ie s i u Y o u r S p e c ia l C a s e Y o u r D r u g g is t w ill t e ll y o u t h a t M u rin e R e lie v e s j S o r e E y e s, S t r e n g t h e n s W e a k E y e s D o e s n t S m a r t, S o o th e s E y e P a in , a n d s e lls f o r 50c. T r y I t in Y o p r E y e s a n d in B a b y ’s E y e * f o r In stan t relief. T ry our g reat A sthm a Rem edy. 6 c a ly E y e lid s a n d G r a n u la t io n . Send fo r ERCf N R ST TRCAIME NT. H enri M illar R em ed y C o ., 721 Se. E. Si., Tdceeu. Wuh. RIIRRFR STAMPS f«sl.. Stem ll» and Brmaa A U D D t l\ 0 1 nlTli J SiBna c«U uloid B u tto n , and R ibbon Radges. Good Goods. Q uick Service. Send fo r com plete Catalogue No. 26. A cm e Stam p W ork «. 1015 A St.. Tacom a. Wa«h. ASTHM A CAN BE CURED learn It» the barber The Frankness of Women. Though the male was never taken at his own valuation by women, for the first time In modern history wom en are beginning to say so.—Morley Roberts In "Thorpe's Way.” trade Easy' Positions W aiting for Man and Women. Tbe Old Mastef now sup planted by tbe graduate. while, learning. Book fo r home study, 91.25 Largest- school la the West. NATIONAL BARBER col lege . es Washington St., Seattle Wasii. Good wages BOYNTON FURNACES Most econom ical and effective fo r house and school heating. J. C. BAYER FURNACE CO. front and Market Sts. Portland, Or. S E N D FO R C A T A L O G U E . co u n tin g up. "Think of the golden moments you have wasted playing bridge,” sald the serious friend. “ Yes,” replied Mrs. FUmgilt, regretfully, “ besides a lot of silver coin and paper currency.” PACIFIC MARBIE & GRXN.TC WORKS 1 3 7 7 -7 9 -8 1 Valencia i ! S t., S. F . .C t J He?rd In Sunday School. "What should a man do In case his right hand offends him?” "Become left-handed.” ME XI C AN Lined Nest With Bank Notes. pair of swallows of Fieberbrunn, In the Tyrol, have stolen a number of tenkronen bank notes to line their nests. A n a u ta r e s fflH N MUSTANG LIN IM EN T FOR FROSTBITES. G. W . Palmer, Knik, Alaaka, write»: “ I find M e x ica n M u s ta n g L in im en t th e ! beat r e m e d y for Froatbitea we have.'* C a p t. J. L in de b o o m . R a m p art C ity , Alaaka, w r it « » : *‘ I use M u s ta n g L inim ent and g iv e it m u ch c re d it as it an sw ers th e p u rpose w on d erfu l- I l y . 1 h igh ly r e c o m m e n d it fo r F rostbites.” 2 5 c . 5 0 c . $ l a b o ttle a t D ru g & G e n ’ l S to re s I I I I | loo runs oil 0UICK RELIEF EIE TROUILES A Queer Customer. "Mandy,” said the village tailor to his wife, "I'm going to give Sam Bil lings a suit of clothes for a pig.” "My goodness, papa!“ exclaimed his little daughter, "what does a pig want with a suit of clothes?" Famous Sumatra Wrappers. Sumatra Is famous the world over for Its cigar wrappers, and tobacco plantations have spread to neighbor^ Ing Isles. For PRODUCE POULTRY, ETC. We want all kinds of First Class Fruit and Produce, Vegetables, Butter, Eggs and Live Poultry. Can use Potatoes and Apples in large quanti ties, some Hay and Oats. Drop us a postal stating what you have for sale. We will reply at once, and can pay you C ASH on receipt of goods. HILTON-MARTYN-BALL COMPANY Wholesale Commission Merchant» Reference: Ladd t Tilton bank. Fbsnes: Main 2795; A 3344. 103 Front St, Portland, Or. W. L. DOUGLAS •2.50, *3.00, *3.50 & »4.00 SHOES A ll Stylet, A ll Leathers, A ll Sizes and W idths, for Men and W om en T H E S T A N D A R D OF Q U A L I T Y FOR O V E R 30 Y EAR S T h e w orkm anship w h ich has m ad e W . L . D o u g la s shoes fam ous the w o r ld o v er is maintained in every pair. If I co u ld take y o u into m y large factories at B rockton, M ass., an d sh o w y o u h o w carefully W .L .D o u g la s shoes are m ad e, y o u w o u ld then realize w h y 1 w a r r a n t them to h old their shape, fit and lo o k better and w ear longer than other m akes for the price. CAUTION T^e Rennine W. I,. Douglas UnU l m il nnina and price stamped on bottom Shoes Sent Everywhere — All Charges Prepaid. H o w t o O r s le r b y M a l l . — If W. L Doug« [ las shoes are not aol«f 'if In l r yonr -------------------- town.»end " direct to factory. Take measurements o f footaaahow n In m odel; state style desired ; size and width V usually worn; plain or cap toe; heavy, medium lijtht sole. I do the laruent nho* m ail businems in the world. ONE P A I R o f m ________ y BO YS’ _ ; * L W o r ______________ I lliia t r iite « ! C a t a l o g F r e e . i l l i positively out wear •3.00 SHOES w will W . I .. I M I I J O L A S , T W O P A I R S o f o r d in a r y h o y s' sh o e s 146 Spark St., B roektoa. Hass. ) Daily Reminder. ' No better day than this on which to follow Walt Whitman's example to loaf and Invite your soul, provided your soul will accept the Invitation. At least you can loaf. Fast Color Eyelets Used Exclusively. Human Endurance. No test of human endurance from the physical standpoint can compare In severity with that Imposed upon the workers In the steel and Iron mills o? the Pittsburg district, de clares a writer In Current Literature. By a slngHar paradox an Idea prevails among the workers themselves that O PIU M — TOBACCO these labors of theirs are healthful. The whole subject has Just been In Habits P ositi- e l / Cured. Only authorize I Keeley In vestigated with pains and thorough- stitute In Ore «on . W rite . f o r illustrate! circular. I so u r iMimr". 71L11 m s. I ness by the expert of the New York state department of labor. John A. Fitch, who finds the workers for the P o r t l a n d , p r e g o s j most part healthy, but he euspecta that this excellent physical condition A Is due to the precautions taken by the men, and not to the capacity they O U T OF TO W N * ■ * possess for withstanding the terrific PEOPLE % strain to which they are subjected can receive prompt tre*t- dally. The severity of the strain It nis-nt» of Non-Poitonou», ealth-tail ding remedie« self Is due to the Incredible heat. Im i f ! o H from posing. as It does, the most tremen dous of all physical tests to which tbe human organism Is subjected In the Chino*© doctor. any form of recognized human activ Try once more if you have been doctoring with this one and that one and have not obtained per ity. What Mr. Fitch has to say on manent relief. Let this »treat nature healer diag. the subject Is confirmed by the best none your ease and pre**cri»»e some remedy whose act ion is quick, sure and wife. Bis prescriptions medical opinion he was enabled to •re compounded from R.iots. Herbs. Bud« and Barks that ha\e been gathered from every quar consult In the course of the long ter o f the gin!*- The secrets o f these m edicines are not known to the outside world, hut have lieen study of conditions made for the Rue- handed down from father to son in the physicians* fam ilies in Chinn. sell Sage foundation. Tbe heat has effects so marked that on a street car CON SU LTATION FR FE . I f you live out o f town and cannot call, write fo r the men employed where the high bleak and circular, enclosing 4 cents in temperature strikes their faces can be singled out because of their pe THEC. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. culiar complexion. Sometlmdh their 162) first St., Cor. Mormon faces are red. K ê e jé y IALC0H0L ! tar C. GEE W O Portland. O rriM . HIS RASCALLY SON How Mansard Cam, to Conitruct th. Great Hall at Arles Without Central Pillar. The great hall of the Hotel de Vllle of Arles, France, designed by Man sard. Is the wonder and admiration of every one who has seen It on account of the groined roof. In regard to this a neighboring cafetler tells a somewhat grim story King Louis XIV. happened to he pass ing through the city Just at the time Mansard was superintending the com pletlon of his creation. The roof was supported by a powerful pillar. The monarch admired the work and con gratulated the architect on his design At that moment the architect was passing through great domestic trlbu latlon. He had a son under sentence of death, so he thought It would be a good opportunity to Intercede on be half of tbe lad. Mansard threw himself at the feet of the king and said: "Your majesty sees In the center that massive col umn? If you 4lll spare the life of my son I will remove the unsightly pillar and the roof shall stand without sup port.” “Mansard.” replied the king, “ If you accomplish that miracle I will pardon your son. but If you fall I will hang you with him." The architect removed the pillar without great difficulty and with the result desired. The cafetler Is s philosopher and he concludes his story with the reflection that had not Man sard's son been a scamp the hall at Aires would be Just like My other bait Lights Replace Ushers. To economize on ushers a New York moving picture theater has in SMALL COURTESIES ARE LOST stalled small Incandescent lamps on the backs of the seats, arranged to These Things That Make Life Really Worth While Seem to Be burn only when a seat Is unoccupied. Forgotten. M o th e rs w il l fin d M rs. W in s lo w 's S o o t h in g S y ru p th e b e s t r e m e d y to u se i o r t h e ir cUil*ixe«i d u r i n g th e t e e t h in g p e r io d . IOMBSTONE SALESMEN WANTED In com in unitie«* where we are not represent ed: no experience required; need not inter fere witli other liunino«** apply your leisure time to it. Largest and host known manu facturers of .Monuments in the Went. Qual ity and low prices. CASH Authentic, Indubitable Truth. No mere man ever recognized u woman by the style of her dress. How i a woman dresses a man. does not re member five minutes; but how she looks he does.—Ohio State Journal SAVED PERSIA FIRMLY DEFIES RUSSIA People Throughout Provinces Support Government W. Morgan Shuster, American Treas ure General, Dismisses Brit ish Assistants. Teheran, Persia— Persia is in a fer ment over the warlike action of Rus sia, and the excitement in the capital was intense at the news of the Rus sian advance. Placards proclaiming ’ ’ death or independence” were posted both on the walls o f the city and on the legations. Thousands of persons formed in procession and marched past the legations. To add to the excitement two ’ prom inent politicians were assassinated. Hadji Mohammed Tagi, a prominent reactionary, was killed in the capital. Prince Firman Firma, at one time minister of justice and subsequently governor o f the province o f Azerbai jan, was assassinated at Kashin, 90 miles northwest o f Teheran. Persia’s reply ^to Russia’s ultima tum is calm. It gives the reasons for the rejection o f Russia's demands and invites the Russian government 'to ex amine into the facts more closely and then reformulate her demands. Messages from the provinces ¡assure the Persian government o f unlimited support. A general boycott on Rus sian goods has been begun and the people are preventing the use o f the Russian tramway. M. LeCoffre, whose appointment was used as an argument against W. Mor gan Shuster, the American treasurer general, was not appointed by Mr. Shuster, but has been in the Persian Northern service for two years. Mr. Shuster merely transferred him to a new post at Tabriz. The treasurer general has decided to dispense with the services of British officials appointed by him in North ern Persia, with the exception o f one man, who has a contract approved by the national council. This is Mr. Shuster’s reply to the charge that he is trying to Anglicize the service. In an interview he said: “ Sir Edward Grey, the British for eign secretary, accuses me o f endeav oring to Anglicize the Persian service. This is absolutely false. It is true that 1 ain seeking here for employes familiar with modern accounting and with a knowledge o f the Persian lan guage and customs. I have found sev eral Britishers who are available, and also two Belgians now in the service. Had any Russians possessing the ne cessary qualifications presented them selves, 1 would gladly have engaged them. ” Small courtesies of life seem to be entirely lost In the rush for big things This leaving off of the little things that go to make living worth the while Is a well-known and recognized fact to women who crave those gracious at tentlons so easy In the giving when the thought Is right Many men no longer consider It nec essary to rise when a lady enters the room. If they proffer a chair, it Is seldom done with the old-time alacrity, and a few trlpB on a city car will be auffleien- to convince the veriest skep tic of the truth of courtesy's deca dence. Be It said In favor of man, contin ually on the rack regarding these omis sions, that he Is by no means the greatest offender. Women who enter tain will tell you of scores of Invita tions to which they have never even received the courtesy of an acknowl edgment “ R. 8. V. P.” at the end of a card or note means nothing to wom en too thoughtless or too Ill-bred to take five minutes for a reply. Such treatment of a social courtesy Is an of fense garish enough to cause tbe of fender’s name to be struck from the social list of the. hostess. The small courtesies of woman to STEAMER HAD NARROW. ESCAPE 1 woman are fully as Important as those I from man to woman, or woman to Canadian Pacific Passenger Boat Tees ; man. Rescued From Rocks. Would lie mu ot uncesiraoies. Ambassadors from u besieged town were irestlug with Alexander the Can Ba Kept Fresh In Solution for j Great on the terms of surrender. Al- Eight to Twelve Months—An ! exander ordered that Acuphis, the eld other Excellent Formula. est of tbe ambassadors, should be the governor of the town, and that he Water glass can be obtained of should send Immediately as hostages most druggists and Is a heavy, almost J 100 of the best citizens. Acuphis colorless liquid, costing from 10 to 30 then smilingly observed: “ Sire. I The best me d i c i n e s in the cents a pound, Eggs will keep per could govern better If thou wouldst world cannot take the place of fectly In this solution for eight to | permit me to send thee 100 of the twelve months, says the Agriculturist worst citizens Instead ot 100 of the the family physician. Consult The other formula Is to mix one best" him early when taken ill. If __________________ pound fresh stone lime and one-half the t r o u b l e Is wi t h your The Blushing uctopue. pound table salt with four quarts boil throat, bronchial tubes, or ing water. After slacking and settling The octopus frequently changes Its lungs, ask him about taking draw off the clear liquid and pour color, like a marine caméléon. It over the eggs so as to cover them. would appear, from recent studies of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Then This Is an old fashioned method, but the creature, that the colored pigment fake it or not, as he says. Is very effective. Eggs kept In water whereby this change In color is ef W * publish ou r form ulas glass may be taken out during fall fected Is contained in envelopes In W o banish alcohol and winter and sold for packed eggs Its skin. In the tissues of which are y from our modiota«» at about five cents a dozen less than muscular fibers actuated by nerves. W e urge you It* oonsuit you r the price of fresh eggs. Many fam Should these fibers become relaxed a doctor ilies can safely pack a few dozen to dark pigment appears. The phenome- w e for cooking purposes In winter, I non Is said to be analogous to blush- Bilious attacks, sick-headsches, indiges tion, constipation, dizzy spells — these but whether It Is a safe business ven ; ing.—Harper's Weekly. are some of the results of an inactive ture to put down several hundred ■liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses London’s Italian Colony. dosen Is another question. The safest The Italians In London, England, Ayer’ s Pills iu these esses. The dose method, and the only one available on is small, one pill at bedtime. a large scale. Is to use cold storage, are sufficient of themselves to form a M ade b y the J. C. Aye»- Co., L ow ell. Masa.------ where the eggs can be held at 28 to large town. There are as many as 14,000, about 2,000 of whom are Ice-' 30 degrees. A temperature below 27 British Interested In Gas. degrees Is required to freeze the egg cream venders and 1,000 organ-grind In addition to 1,256 gas undertakings ers. The other 11,000 are chiefly en and split the shell. gaged as plaster bust sellers, artists' In England, there were last year 20 Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate models, cooks, valets, teachers, artists, British companies owning gas works and invigorate stomach, liver and bow restaurant and hotel keepers, and so on the European continent and ta els. Sugar-coated, tiny, granules, easy j on. other pans of the world. to take. Do not gripe. KEEP EGGS IN WATER GLASS T h e F a m ily P h ysicia n A iters For the Teeth. Th* chemical action of peroxide of hydrogen upon gold teeth, which makes on unpleasant twin in the mouth, can be destroyed by using salt with the liquid. Its whitening virtues are excellent. W om an's most glorious endowment is the power to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on, Temperature of Bolling Water. no one in the wide world can know the heart agony When water bolls and steam es ahe endures. The woman who suffers from weak capes, the temperature of the water ness and derangement of her special womanly or rises no higher, however great the | ganism soon loses the pow er to sway the heart of a man. lie r general health suffers and she loses heat of the fire. her good looks, her attractiveness, her amiability and her pow er and prestige as a woman. Dr. R .V . Pierce, of Buffalo, N .Y ., with The next time you feel that swallow the assistance o f his stuff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many ing sensation garble Hamlins Wizard thousands o f women. H e has devised a successful remedy for woman's ail Oil :mmediutely with three parts water. ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive It will save you days and perhaps specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu weeks o f m sery from sore throat. lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. N o honest dealer will advise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. Table Talk. "The more I see of men, the more | ( like dogs.” declared the pessimistic i boarder. “ Have some sausage, Mr. W om bat,” suggested tbe laudlady.—• Washington Herald. In Touch, Always. "It Is odd that pickpockets are auch an unpopular class.” ”1 can’t see why they should be popular.” "Don’t they always keep In touch with the multi tude?” _________________ tt Turr, While You Walk. “ A llen 's Foot-Ease Is s eerlaln eure for hot, sw eating, callus, and sw ollen , ueblng feet. Sold by all Druggist». I’ riee J.V. D on’ t aeeeol any substitute. Trial package FliEE. Address A lie n s . Olm sted, L e lto y , S. Y. _ Long-Headed Huaband. “ This Is good wine. I must take home a few bottles to my wife.” “ She never touches wine, as you know." ’’True; but It will be a little present for her. and I can keep It from going to waste.”—Washington Herald. IT M A K E S W E A K W O M E N ST R O N G , S IC K W O M E N W E L L . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stomach, Liver and Rowels. tor PINK EYE m a n # p i i p d is t e m p e r CATARRHAL EEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Cure» the sick and nets a» a preventive for'others. Liquid e ven on the tongoe. Hale for brood meres and all others. Best Kidney rem edy; 50 cent, and 3 1 a bottle; 35 and 310 the dozen. Buhl by all druggist, and horse goods bouses, or sent, express paid, by the manufacturers, SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen. Ind. Studying Shakespeare. Origin of Uncut. ’’You should Join our Shakespeare The seashore book shop was crowd ed. Bqst sellers at $1.15. 31.25 and tlub.” “ What do you do?" even 31.60 were going like hot cakes. "Well, we fine every member fo. The proprietor, pushing through a throng of pretty girls In white, said non-attendance. Then we take the money and go to a musical comedy.” Joyously: “ We don't need to handle uncuts In this glorious country of ours. Why Distrust. actually, I’ve Just had to wire to New "That man wants to know whether York for two extra salesmen.” you are going to stand by him,” said “ But what has that got to do with tbo political assistant. “ I’m obliged the uncuts?” the reporter Inquired. to,” replied Senator Sorghum. "It “ Uncuts,” said the dealer, “are wouldn't be safe not to stand by him books with uncut edges. They orig close enough to watch him.” inated in Scotland. In Scotland. In the past, a man would enter your shop today, read a chapter of gome book or other and saunter out with out buying anything. Tomorrow ho would read another chapter gratis, and by the end of the month he would i have finished the volume and be well Into another. “ Hence the Scottish publishers and booksellers hit on the uncut, which you can't read without buying.” The dealer helped a pretty girl t o 1 stow In her limousine a stack of best sellers. "But thank fortune," he said, "we don’t need uncuts here.” Victoria— Lost for nearly 70 hours, Propagating Carp. ^ following going on the rocks in Kyu- Isador Loewy, formerly a rabbi but quot Sound, the Canadian Pacific In late years employed as a police steamer Tees, for which grave fears court Interpreter, hurried Into night had been entertained since Wednes court In a state of perplexity. day morning, when she sent out dis “Does anybody here know how to tress calls, is afloat and all aboard feed a carp?” he asked a court attend are safe. ant The Canadian fisheries tug William “ What’» a carp?” asked the at Jolliffe picked up a lifeboat from the A s a rule, a fe w doses o f M unyon'a Cold Rem edy break up any cold and preven t pneum onia. It tendant Tees, in which were Chief Officer will the head, throat ami lungs alm ost in “It’B a fish,” answered Loewy, “and Thompson and four o f the steamer’s relieves stantly. P rice 25 cen ts a t any d r u g g is t's or sent It’s fine. Three pounds It weighs. My crew. postpaid. I f you need M edical advice w rite to M unyon’ s wife she bought three carp at the mar The men piloted the Jolliffe to the ket and brought them home. One was distressed steamer and three boats D octors. T h ey will c a refu lly diagnose your case and (rive you advice hy mail, absolutely free. alive and I put It In the Dath tub. T b, are now standing by, expecting to tow A ddress P rofessor M unyon, 53d and Jelferoon other two I ate. streets, Philadelphia. Pa. her to Victoria. “ I don't want that fish to die. In Concerts were arranged by the stew eight days I will eat him. but not be ard and while the rescue steamers fore, and 1 want him to live and grow were hurrying through the fog and fat.” fighting the heavy seas, trying to “Where are you going to keep It all enter the sound to lend aid, those this time?” was asked. aboard the vessel kept good cheer and “In the bath tub, sure. Where whiled away the time merrily. There else?" Loewy answered.—New York were 31 first cabin and seven second World. cabin passengers. Juvenile Activities. “ Father,” said the small boy, “ what The wireless operator worked his It has a proven reputa Coroner’s Inquest Over Coins. Is a prodigy?” key constantly, but the interference tion in cases of Poor Ap A short time ago 150 gold coins, dat o f the high cliffs surrounding the help ’’A prodigy, my son. Is a boy who [ ing from the period of the Roman oc less craft prevented communication. petite, Belching, Heart- can be persuaded to get his mind on cupation of Britain, were found In a the third dimension Instead of trying ! bum, Flatulency, Indi- bronze Jar about one foot below the to get his feet on third base." King and Quean Greeted. estion, C ostiveness, surface of tbe ground three miles Bombay— “ King-Emperor” George from Hexham. England, on the site olds, Grippe and Mala Mirror* In Decorations. of tbe ancient Roman city of Corstop- and “ Queen-Empress” Mary, as they In tbe sixteenth century no lady ria. Don’t experiment— j are officially styled since their arrival Itum. was considered In full dress unless insist on having A coroner's Inquest has been beld in India, landed here from the steamer she had a mirror at her breast Ii to determine tbelr ownership The Medina. They were met by the gov was oval In shape about 4 by 6 Inches H O S T E T T E R ’S Jury, however, was unable to agree a» ernor o f Bombay and a large gather In size. _________ IT TONES AND INVIGORATES to whether tbe coins were treasure ing o f high officials and proceeded to a {|f ¡ALBERS BROS, ¡jjj trove or not. the contention of tbe huge amphitheater which had been 8MILE ON WASH DAY. owner of tbe land being that tbe coins erected opposite tjie landing stage, had been left on an ancient highway which was filled to its utmost capacity The laundress’ delight is RED and abandoned during a raid by the with many thousands who had come to CROSS BALI, BLUE. A neat, handy package, nothing to break or spill, Caledonians against the Romans. The welcome their majesties. Addresses ¿EST AND CHEAPEST,' and a blue that Is all blue. coroner therefore agreed to keep the o f welcome were presented by the till It Is so far superior to any liquid coins for a week to see If some ar municipality and other bodies. bluing that there Is no comparison. Ask your dealer for it. If he does rangement could be made with tbe Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Stomach Always produce* snow white clothes. not handle it drop us a postal card and Lung Trouble« treasury as to tbelr disposal. Plumbing Trust Target Large package 10 cents. ASK YOUR and we will furnish you tne name of Cured pennannntly «t »mall root JfO FAKR. GROCER._____________ Washington, D. C. — An effort to a dealer who does * 11.(1/ trial pHt-k««« if» »•«•ni». A<Mr*—» l.nug'« illu The Everglades. bring about a voluntary dissolution of strai Houaar(V)., 231 Alala rtt.. Portland. Ore. The region known as the Everglade* an alleged combination o f the dealers Pick Up Fallen Fruit. »7 Brandir«/. Oakland. 0*1. H W. ! «mir A kon. May 17. M i. of Florida Is about 60 mllea long by 65 in hardware and plumbing supplies on Keep all the fallen fruit picked up. PortiNnd Ora.. miles broad, and Is one vast swamp the Pacific Coast, through a civil suit, O r n tlr m e n :-! m ud expr©«* my «ararla* *nd The best way to do this la to have , r>lf««iiru *t th* work o f yonr Minoriti Wonder in studded with Islands of from a quarter and the termination o f the grand jury to myaelf. Th* p«<-k»wo I reo*lvod from sheep or hogs In the orchard; they j rolntion »our rs*i>r»**«*n’ «tlv« hero, although u**d l»ut f o r « of an acre to hundreds of acres In ex investigation o f the matter at Ix>s An will eat the fallen ones. These fallen few Wf*»k«. h*» wrought nurprlainuly j-leiumnt ra glili» in my condition. A« • kidney and bi tent These Islands are generally cos geles was begun here. * fruits contains the grubs of Insects. Former Gov « leaner It 1« k in «. ¡P ortland , O regon ! Very r*«p*ctfully. ered with dense thickets of shrubbery ernor Ford, o f New Jersey, and Wal and by killing them you lessen next wVlt tuo a or vines, and occasionally with lofty ter Mansfield, o f San Francisco, repre j year’s peats. pines and palmettos. The water la senting the Pacific Coast Hardware from one to alx feet deep, the bottom, association and Pacific Coast Plumb as a rule, covered with a growth of ers’ association, conferred with At rank gras*. During the rainy season, torney General Wickersham. from July to October, the district com prised In the Everglades Is practically Buttons Litter Streets. Impenetrable The vegetable deposits Los Angeles—Ten thousand Harri- of tbe Everglades la considered well W H Y T H E C H IC K E N BUSINESS P A Y S . adapted to the growth of banana and man buttons were swept up on the A c c o n iin e to ir w .m m .n t nrport*. m om than VO.nOO.IW) c h ic k e n , w ere m arketed in t h . U n it * ! S tatM In « 1 0 . and the atber fruits, and when properly drain city streets by the street cleaners. value o f e g g * m a r k e t« ! wan 9486.000.000. equal to that o f th* en tire w heat crop o f the nation. O regon la con trib u tin g to tne ed tbe region will undoubtedly be one This is considered significant in view Ha*tern m arket* over $1,000,000 p er annum fo r e g g s alone. W hy not «hare in som e o f thia mon*yT of the fact that it comes immediately „ W H AT W E W IL L l*> FOR YOU. . . , of the moat fertile on earth. A In b u y in g on e o f ou r O akland Poultry Farm » you w ill be tau gh t the p ou ltry buatne*« absolutely free o f cnet by th* bent upon the McNamara pleas o f guilty. poultry e x p e r t in the cou n try, w h »m we hav* en ga g ed to be on tbe ground contin uously. W e have re*erv*«i 40 acres and The assumption is that the Harriman neve already begun the con stru ction o f an extennive plant, in w hich we w ill install a lO.UUQ-capacity incubator. W * will Many “ Holy Lands.” m arket your product* and co-op era te w ith you at all time*. Christians uss tha term Holy buttons are being discarded by former 5 and 10-Acre Tracts, »75 to *150 Per Acre, on Easy Term«. W rit* for Literature. Land to designate Palestine, as being supporters o f the Socialist candidate, the scene of the blrtb, ministry and who made a statement that he would Oakland Poultry Products Company, Inc. death of Christ, but. Interestingly have fought to the bitter end for his Originators o f Kxelusive Poultry Colonies. Main 1590. 30« Spalding Bldg., Portland. clients. tnongh. other religious sects employ tbe same term for places sacred to »4,000,000 Entrance Cost. them from association. Thus tba Mo Winnipeg—The first Great Northern hammedans speak of Mecca at tba Holy Land. It being tba bfrthplaca of freight train to arrive over its own A Mohammed Tbe Cblnese Buddhists tracks reached here Saturday. rati India tb* Holy Land, because tb* temporary bridge has been constructed founder of tbelr religion was born over the Assinnaboine river, but a there, while the Greeks bestow this new steel bridge will be constructed same title on Ella, where was situated in the spring. The Great Northern Color more goo«!» brighter and footer colon then any other dye. On* 10c package color, silk, woe 1 and cotton equally well lb* temple of Olympian Zeus spent 14,000,000 for this entrance into and lit* for free booklet at 10 c a la is guaranteed to give perfect result*. Aak dealer, or wo wttl »end I postpaid I Winnipeg. Quincy, DRUG COI MONROE --------- how to d> c, Weach and m u c COLDS CURED IN ONE DAY Don’t Hesitate To Take Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters g DAIRY FEED! BE C U R E D ¡ALBERS BROS: jj;:M!LLING CÒijij C* c* t* PUTNAM I 'H K M w r l i l n g t o e d v e r t i e s e s y l m e n t io n t h is p a p e r. Woman's Power Cher Man FADELESS DYES