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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Dungs of the World at Large Told in Brief. M c C a r t h y o v e r t h r o w n . Rolph Elected Mayor o f Sen Fren- cisco By Big Majority. Sen Francisco— Incomplete returns from all districts show the following results o f Tuesday's election: For mayor— Rolph, 14,547; McCarthy, 8,- 841. For district attorney— Fickert, 9,333; Hawthorne, 8.284. San Francisco — James Rolph, Jr., Qeneral Resume o f Important Events was elected mayor o f San Francisco at Presented In Condensed Form the first direct primary election to de for Our Busy Reeders. termine the personnel o f municipal officers o f the city and county o f San Francisco. A tugboat at Vancouver, B. C., The vote will closely approximate pulled her entire stern out while tow 80,000, the biggest ever cast in the ing a big log raft city. While the vote is by no means com An ensign was killed and several men wounded in a fight with hostile pletely counted, the returns indicate the election o f Rolph by a substantial natives in the Philippines. majority and close supporters of May Nearly 1,000 clerks have struck in or McCarthy, the only real opponent the general offices o f the Illinois Cen o f Rolph, concede the mayor’s defeat. tral railroad at Memphis, Tennessee. Max J. Kuhl, Rolph’s campaign Germany is trying to prevent a war manager, issued the following state beAveen Italy and Turkey, fearing ment: other powers would be drawn into “ From indications now at hand, such a struggle. Rolph’s plurality will be in the neigh- A New Brunswick, N. J., under borhood o f 27,000. This, in our opin taker who is running for the office of ion, is merely a vindication o f the sheriff, used his automobile hearse to good name o f San Francisco. A united people working for one object, the re display election signs. generation and good name o f San Four persons were killed in a Chi Francisco, have put themselves firmly cago tenement house fire. A woman on record. weighing 354 pounds was carried from The people can look foward to the the fourth floor by firemen. Fair years with an absolute assurance A woman committed to the Oregon that not only will the Fair itself, but insane asylum has been making her the government of San Francisco, too, living as a shoemaker and passing be a credit to our people.” At the McCarthy headquarters no herself for a man for 49 years. one could be found who would volun A daughter o f ex-Governor Rich teer a statement, but the News, the ards, of Wyoming, with her husband, only paper which has supported Mayor were found shot to death on their McCarthy, conceded Rolph's election, ranch near Redbank, Wyoming. probably by 15,000. A Newport butler organized a ITALIAN CRUISERS SENT. “ smart set” o f 100 among the serv ants o f wealthy society people and made himself “ social dictator.” Turkish Army Trsnsports Will Be In tercepted and Attacked. A Chicago couple have been “ get ting married” repeatedly, each time Vienna — It is reported here that giving the minister a counterfeit $20 three Italian warships have arrived at bill and getting $10 in good money in Tripoli and are cruising before the change. harbor. Six thousand troops have assembled Dissolution o f the Steel trust pre sents a stupendous problem and has at Palermo ready for embarkation. caused great stir in Wall street. Paris — A dispatch to the Temps Canada has voted against the party from Rome says that the Italian cruis which favored reciprocity by a large ers have left the naval ports, with the majority. object o f intercepting Turkish trans War is on between settlers and lum ports en route for Tripoli. bermen over fine redwood forests near Tripoli— Foreigners are alarmed at Ukiah, Cal. the situation growing out o f the re "Progressive” Republicans deny ported intention of Italy to occupy that they are planning to nominate Tripoli in defiance o f the Turkish gov Hughes for president. ernment. An Arab revolt is feared. Foreigners are fleeing hastily. Ev San Francisco wins its fight for a ery available boat leaving here is right o f way to the ferry landing for crowded with Europeans. a municipal street railway. The above is the first dispatch direct It is estimated the Alaska salmon from Tripoli since the threatened con pack will amount to 2,800,000 cases. flict between Italy and Turkey direct The “ annexation speech” o f Champ ing attention to that Turkish province Clark in the last session of congress on the north coast o f Africa. It bears is blamed for the defeat o f recjprocity out earlier advices from Malta and other points indicating an exodus o f by Canada. Europeans from the troubled zone. The treasury department has or Italian residents of Tripoli have left dered the prohibition o f the importa in large numbers, fearing that they tion o f tea containing artificial color might be made the victims o f Turkish ing matter. vengeance, and the now reported pos Fifty-six convicts in the Colorado sibility that the Arabs may take ad penitentiary attended the matinee vantage of the situation and begin an performance at a theater and en uprising adds another grave feature to joyed the play hugely. the Turko-Italian quarrel. PORTLAND MARKETS. W heat— Export basis: Bluestem, 84(<(86c; club, 80(<ri>81c; red Russian, 80c; valley, 806b81c; 40-fold, hl(u) 82c; fife, 80((i81c. Millstuffa — Bran, $24.506425 per ton; middlings, $32; shorts, $25.50 (p:26‘, rolled barley, $33.50(u34.50. Corn—Whole, $33; cracked, $34 per ton. Barley— New feed, $316(32 per ton; brewing, $37. Oats— New white, $286(28.60 ton. Hay— No. 1 Eastern Oregon tim othy. $166(16; No. 1 valley, $14; al falfa, $12; clover, $8.50; grain hay, $96(lll. Poultry— Hens, 16<S16ic; springs, 166il6}c; ducks, young, 166417c; geese, 11c; turkeys, 18(n)19c. Butter — Oregon creamery, solid » pack, 31c; prints, extra. Eggs - Fresh Oregon ranch, can- died, 30c per dozen. Pork— Fancy, lU d lllic per pound. Veal— Fancy, 136d3ic per pound. Fresh Fruits — Cantaloupes, 60cor $1.25 per crate; peaches, 606(.76c per box; Watermelons, 76cb($1.25 per hundred; plums, 606475c per crate; prunes, 1J6('2 c per pound; pears, 5(H<i $1 per box; grapes, 60c6($l per box; apples, $16( 1.76. Vegetables — Artichokes, 75c per dozen; beans, Ron 10c; cabbages, $1.50 fu 2 per hundred; corn, 25(<i 30c urr dozen; cucumbers, $16(1.25 per m e\t; eggplant, 66(8e per pountL garlic. 10 (<fil2c per pound; lettuce, 4(>(<( 50c per dozen; hothouse lettuce $1.250( 1.76 per box; peppers, 6(<i 8c per pound; radishes, 12)c per dozen; sprouts, 8c per pound; tomatoes, 50(x75c per box; carrots, $1.60 per sack; turnips, $1; beets, $1.76. Potatoes -Oregon, l|c per pound; sweet potatoes, 2Jc per pound. Onions - California, $1.60 per hun dred. Hops— 1911 crop, 32(x 33c; olds, nom inal. Wool —Eastern Oregon. 9o( 16c per pound, acording to shrinkage; valley 15(x 17c; mohair, choice 3661 37|c. Catcte—Choice steers, $6.40oi6.60; good, $56(5.25; fair, $4.75'u6; med ium, $4.606(4.75; poor, $3.76<u 4.Ml; choice cows, $4.60<>(4.75; fair, $4(<r 4.40; common, $2.60( h 3.60; Extra choice spayed heifers, $4.75<<(6; choice heifers, $4.50«» 4.76; choice bulls, $30(3.26; good. $2.75<>(3; com mon, $2ru2.60; choice calves, 200 pounds and under, $7.26«(7.60; good to choice, $6<>(6.50; common, $4(x6; choice stags, $4.500(4.76 good, $4.26 «4 .5 0 . H ogs- Choice light hogs. $7.760(8; good. $7.5(><s7.75; fair, $7.26o(7.60; common, $70( 7.26. Sheep — Choice yearling wethers, coarse wool, $3.360(3.66 Choice yearling wethers, east of mountains, $3.S60(3.66; choice twos and threes, $30(3.26; choice lambs, $4.760(5; choice yearlings. $4.600( 4.76; good to choice lambs, $4.26oi 4.60; culls, $2.606(3. SOCIETY LEADER, WHOSE EXPERIMENTAL FARM FOR SUF FRAGISTS IS FAILURE. OFFICIAL NAILED TO CROSS. Mexican Indians In Revolt Crucify President of Town. Mexico City — Wenaceslao France, president o f Acola, a small town in the state o f Chiapas, was crucified by the rebellious Chamula Indians when they sacked that place last Saturday, according to a telegram received by El Imparcial. The news came from Tuxtla Gutierrez, the state capital. Two persons were wounded fatally and many others injured in riots here following the return o f F. I. Madero from his speaking trip in the south. General Madero and his candidate for the vice presidency, Jose Pino Suarez, received a noisy welcome. They were escorted by marching clubs with bands to the Madero home. Crane's Cry Indorsed. Lincoln, Neb.— Decrying the abuse o f intoxicants at university social functions, Chancellor Samuel Avery, at the convocation at the University o f Nebraska, declared he agreed with recent utterances o f R. T. Crane, of Chicago, as to intemperance in educa tional institutions. “ It is true,” said Chancellor Avery, “ that student life is everywhere characterized by some undesirable features, and always will be, since education cannot well be deferred until the student has become as staid as his parents.” Steel Trust Chief Talks. New York Judge Gary, chairman o f the United States Steel corpora tion, following a meeting o f the di rectors and finance committee o f the corporation Wednesday afternoon, is sued the following statement: “ Ex isting conditions are affecting business to the extent that, instead o f contract bookings for forward delivery, custo mers are buying only for immediate requirements. Nevertheless, strange as it may seem, the volume o f business is larger than usual, specifications run ning upwards of 30.0(H) tons a day. ’ ’ Women Convict Boyer. Tacoma— Reginald H. Boyer, alias Fagin, who is alleged by the police to have been conducting a school for crime, teaching young boys to steal, was convicted o f grand larceny in the Superior Court by a jury, the majority o f whom were women. He was spe cifically charged with short changing an old man out o f $80. The jury was out but five minutes, finding him guil ty as charged. The verdict was unan imous. Chinese Rebels Trounced. Cheng- tu, China A serious engage ment between government troops and the insurgents occurred at Shwang Liu, 10 miles south o f hero. The troops lost heavily, but the insurgent loesesa were still greater. The insur gents hold Meichow, 60 miles south of this city. The Courtship M iles Standish W ith Illustrations by H ow ard Chandler Christy [C opyright. Tho B obbt-M orriU Company) Love and Friendship Nothing was heard In the room but the hurrying pen of the stripling, Or an occasional sigh from the labor ing heart of the Captain, Reading the marvelous words and achievements of Julius Caesar. After a while he exclaimed, as he smote with his hand, palm down ward. Heavily on the page: “ A wonderful man was this Caesarl • GIRLS FAIL TO LEARN FARMING Experimental School Closed by Mrs. 0 . H. P. Belmont When Servants Are Discharged and Girls Made to Do Housework. They Lose Interest. New York—The experimental farm and agricultural school for young women, established as a suffragist institution by Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont and maintained by her, is a failure. The young women who forsook draw ing-rooms to uplift agricuture have come back to town and the farm at Hempstead, L. I., will cease to be either a school for rustically-inclined girls or a branch of the suffrage move ment. From what has been said by the young women who peeled off their farm duds, put on their fall frocks and came to the city this week, the ex pense o f maintaining the experiment station palled upon Mrs. Belmont. The staff of teachers and servants was cut down and the students, many of whom come from wealthy families, were compelled to scrub the floors and milk the ;cows. These tasks palled upon the students. .They were glad when Mrs. M. A. Morgan, the society leader's confidential clerk, told the students o f Mrs. ¡Belmont’s determin ation to close the school.1 The first to leave under the order was Miss Leonora Brokaw, known as the prize pupil o f the school and spe cial favorite of Mrs. Belmont. Miss Brokaw said she was amazed a few days ago, when informed of the society leader's intention to close the school. “ I consider ’my summer wasted,” said Miss Brokaw. “ I went into this thing seriously. The scores o f girls who were enrolled at different times in Mrs. Belmont’ s school signed a con tract stating they would abide by the rules o f the farm, and in this contract Mrs. Belmont promised to teach them all branches o f farming, including a course in cooking. " I never did housework in my life ,” said pretty Miss Brokaw, cousin of Gould Brokaw, and member of the well-known and wealthy family of Bernardsville, N. J. “ Imagine my as tonishment, ” remarked Miss Brokaw, when, a few weeks ago, after a use less summer, Mrs. Belmont discharged all the help at the farmhouse and com pelled us girls to do the housework. Why, just look at my hands! I scrub bed and oiled floors and washed dishes; just fancy! The school’s failure,” said Miss Brokaw, was due to lack o f manage ment. Mrs. Laura Williams, the su perintendent o f the school, left about six weeks ago. Since then we have had no head; we just drifted for our selves.” Filled with the name and the fame of of the Puritan maiden Priscilla; Every sentence began or closed with the name of Priscilla, Till the treacherous pen, to which he confided the secret, Strove to betray It by singing and shouting the name of Priscilla! Finally closing his book, with a bang of the ponderous cover. Sudden and loud as the sound of a sol dier grounding his musket, Thus to the young man spake Miles Standish, the Captain of Ply mouth: DESTROYED FROM OUTSIDE. Ruins of Battleship Maine Are Cleared o f Slime. Havana—The Maine was destroyed by an external explosion. There no longer remains any doubt as to the manner in which the United States battleship was sunk in this harbor on the night of February 15, 1898. The cofferdam about the wreck has been pumped out and the mud cleared away to a greater extent than ever before. The clearing away o f wreck age reveals the double bottom o f the ship with part o f the keel standing in a perpendicular position 28 feet higher than the natural position. This perfectly confirms the report and testimony which Ensign Powel- son gave before an investigating board after the disaster and which was based upon reports made to him by divers just after the explosion. It is indicated by engineers here that such a tearing o f the ship’s bot tom could not have been produced by an interior explosion. It is further said that no regulation military mine could have wrought such terrific havoc. It must have been a huge mine, as Captain Sigsbee and others suggested at the time; perhaps a sug ar mill boiler or large cask loaded with explosives. Such as you think best adapted to via the heart of a maiden.'* When he had spoken, John Aldan, the fair-haired, taciturn, stripling. All aghast at his words, surprised, em barrassed, bewildered. Trying to mask his dismay by treat ing the subject with lightness. Trying to smile, and yet feeling his heart stand still In his bosom. Just as a time-piece stops In a house that Is stricken by lightning. Thus made answer and spake, or rather stammered than answered: “ Such a message as that, I am sure I should mangle and mar It; If you would have It well done—I am only repeating your maxim— You must do It yourself, you must not leave It to others!" But with the air of a man whom noth ing can turn from his purpose. Gravely shaking his head, made an swer the Captain of Plymouth: "Truly the maxim Is good, and I do not mean to gainsay It; But we must use It discreetly, and not waste powder for nothing. Now, as I said before, I was never a maker of phrasea. I can march up to a fortress and sum mon the place to surrender. But march up to a woman with such a proposal, 1 dare not I’m not afraid of bullets, nor shot from the mouth of a cannon, But of a thundering ‘No!’ point-blank from the mouth of a woman. That I confess I’m afraid of, nor am I ashamed to confess It! So you must grant my request, for you are an elegant scholar, Having the graces of speech, and skill In the turning of phrases.” Taking the hand of his friend, who still was reluctant and doubtfuL Holding It long In hts own, and press ing It kindly, he added: “Though I have spoken thus lightly, yet deep Is the feeling that prompts me; Surely you can not refuse what I ask In the name of our friendship!" Then made answer John Alden: "Thw name of friendship la sacred; What you demand In that name, I have not the power to deny you!" So the strong will prevailed, sub duing and molding the gentler, Friendship prevailed over love, and Alden went on his errand. (T O B E C O N T I N U E D .) “ A Wonderful Man Was Calus Julius The Finishing Touch. "No," says the eminent actress ear nestly, "I cannot approve of the fash ion that so many members of my pro fession have of being photographed continually." The reporter makes some feverish notes and she continues: "It seems to me that because on« Is on the stage Is no reason why he or she should consider his or her face of absorbing interest to the public." She continues for half a column and as the reporter Is stow^ig away hts notebook she smiles sweetly and says: "Here Is one of my latest photo graphs for you to use with the Inter view. I sat for It only yesterday, so you may be sure It has never befor« been reproduced."—Judge. "When you have finished your work, I have something Important to Unconventlonalltles. tell you. "If I were you, Mrs. Jelllcks, 1 Be not, however, In haste; I can wait; wouldn't smile so often. You show too I shall not be impatient!” much of your gums.” Straightway Alden replied, as he "Mrs. Gunderby, you ought to wash folded the last of his letters. your children's faces occasionally; Pushing his papers aside, and giving Billy’s nose needs attention right respectful attention: now." “ Speak; for whenever you speak, I "I’m asking you for your daughter, am always ready to listen. Mr. Singletree, because that’s the cus Always ready to hear whatever per tomary thing to do; we’re going .to tains to Miles Standish." marry anyway." Thereupon answered the Captain, em "Your talking doesn't disturb ms a barrassed. and culling his phrases: bit, Mr. Feathertop; I’m paying no at Marseilles, France— Fire broke out “ ’Tls not good for a man to be alone, tention to It.” in the ammunition hold o f the French say the Scriptures. "Yes. George, I admire your new au battleship Liberte and the vessel blew This I have said before, and again tomobile very much. I wish some oth up and sank 19 minutes later. Nearly er man was taking me out In I t" and again I repeat It; 500 o f the crew are dead. The bat Every hour in the day, I think It, and tleship was built about five years ago Most Unusual. feel It, and say It. and was a sister ship of the Verite, "A little Boston boy la visiting the Since Rose Standish aled, my life has which met with misfortune at the family of a neighbor." been weary and dreary; maneuvers a few days ago, going on "Does he wear glasses?" Sick at heart have I been, beyond the the rocks and suffering considerable "No." healing of friendship. damage before being pulled off. "Is his first name Carlyle, Emerson Oft In my lonely hours have I thought or Plato?” of the maiden Priscilla. TAFT BUSY IN ST. LOUIS. “ No. His chums call him Bill." She Is alone in the world; her father "Does he speak seven languages, and mother and brother Urges Power o f Impeachment In discuss political economy, the Darwin Died In the winter together; I saw her ian theory, the hermetic philosoph stead of Recall for Judges. going and coming, ers?" St. Louis — During a moderately Now to the grave of the dead, and "Why. certainly not. He’s Just n busy day here Saturday, President now to the bed of the dying, healthy youngster with a big appetlt«, Taft made six speeches, took a forty Patient, courageous, and strong, and who likes to play around the streets mile automobile ride, opened the local said to myself, that If ever with other boys." football season by tossing the pigskin “ How singular." / There were angels on earth, as there onto the gridiron at St. Louis Univer are angels in heaven. sity, laid the cornerstone of a new Y. 'There Was a Difference. Two have I seen and known; and the W. C. A. building, sat through nine A local Protestant clergyman has angel whose name is Priscilla innings o f exciting baseball between Holds in my desolate life the place decided, much to the disappointment the St. Louis and Philadelphia Na of his congregation, to accept a call which the other abandoned. tional League teams, visited the Ma to another pulpit In an eastern city. A sonic Club to be made » life member Long have I cherished the thought, few days ago, one of the neighbors of that organization and, after ad but never have dared to reveal It, met the little son of this minister, dressing a throng in the Coliseum in Being a coward in this, though valiant and said: the evening had nothing to do but enough for the most part. “ So your father Is going to work In travel all night in order to be in the Go to the damsel Priscilla, the love Blanktown, Is he?” insurgent state of Kansas on Sunday. liest maiden of Plymouth, The little boy looked up In surprise. On the eve o f entering this reputed Say that a blunt old Captain, a man "Oh, no," he said. "Only to preach hostile territory. President Taft not of words but of actions, there." Now to the Grave of the Dead. brought forward the suggestion o f a Offers his hand and his heart, the wider power o f impeachment as a sub hand and heart of a soldier. he was right when be said It. His Wonderful Memory. stitute for the more radical proposal Twice was he married before he was Not in these words, you know, but "Excuse me,” said the absent minded of a judiciary recall. this in short Is my meaning; twenty, and many times after; professor, “but haven't we met be Battles five hundred he fought, and a I am a maker of war, and not a maker fore ?” Theft Bared By Jealously. Four Firms Under Fire, of phrases. thousand cites he conquered; ’’Why, yes." replied the beautiful Kansas City —A woman’s jealousy San Francisco— Four Pacific Coast lie, too, fought In Flanders, as be him You, who are bred as a scholar, can girl. "Our hostess Introduced us Jusg say It in elegant language. of her fiance because o f his attentions business combinations are under in self has recorded; before dinner tonight” to another, caused the arrest o f Miss vestigation by the government as be Finally he was stabbed by bis friend, Such as you read in your books of the “ Ah, I remember! I oever forge! Augusta Martin, charged with em ing in restraint o f trade, and indict pleadings and woolngs of lovers. a face!"—Stray Stories. the orator Rrutus! bezzlement of $5,600 from a musical ments against them are likely to be Now, do you know what he did on a instrument company o f this city. forthcoming within 10 days according certain occasion In Flanders, Miss Martin, was arraigned and her to advices received here from Los When the rear guard of his army re trial set for November 6. She ad Angeles. treated, the front giving way. too, A part o f the government’s evi And the Immortal Twelfth Legion was mitted according to the police, taking the money in small amounts by manip dence, it is reported, already has crowded so closely together ulating expense vouchers and said she been presented to the Federal grand There was no room for their swords? divided it with a man acquaintance. jury. It is understood that action Why, he seized a shield from a A letter from this man's fiancee dis also is contemplated in San Francisco, soldier. closed the peculations of Miss Martin. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. Put himself straight at the head of his troops, and commanded toe I Cheese Poisons Child. Tornado Hits Vesuvius. captains. Portland — One wee slice o f cheese Calling each by his name, to order I Naples. Italy A hurricane o f great violence, accompanied by a deluge of nearly caused the dea.h o f Florence forward the ensigns; rain, swept the Vesuvian region caus George, aged three, late Saturday Then to widen the ranks, and give ing a heavy loss o f life and damage to night, and a like amount o f the same more room for their weapons; property. It is estimated that 50 food brought hours of agony to her So he won the day, the battle of some- persons were killed. Numerous boats four brothers, Theodore, seven; Roy, j thingor-other. The j That’s what I always say: If you wish in the bay o f Naples are missing, and 10; Willim, 13; Adam. 16. are believed to have been sunk. It is physician was called at 11 o'clock and j a thing to well done. impoaaible to estimate the total dam it was not until daylight that he con- : You must do It yourself, you must not age as the telegraph ami telephone siderd the little one out o f danger. leave It to otherz!” wires are leveled and roads blocked The illness was due to limburger. It resulted in ptomaine poisoning. in all directions. All was silent again; the Captain continued his reading. 16.000 Socialists Protest. Dead Premier Succeeded. Nothing waa heard In the room but St. Petersburg -- The appointment | Paris— A mass meeting o f Socialists the hurrying pen of the stripling o f V. N. Kokovsoff as premier has and I.aborites to protest against a war Writing epistles Important to go next with Germany brought out 15,000 per- been gazetted. He retains the minis-1 <Lav by the Ma>(loaer, Every Sentence Began er Closed With “ Priscilla." sons here. try o f finance. 500 SAILORS PERISH WHEN FRENCH WARSHIP BLOWS UP You are a writer, and I am a flghtdr, but here is a fellow Who could both write and fight, and in both was equally skilful!" Straightway answered and spake John Alden, the comely, the youthful: "Yes, he was equally skilled, as you say, with bis pen and his weap ons. Somewhere have 1 read, but where I forget, he could dictate Seven letters at once, at the same time writing his memoirs." “Truly," continued the Captain, not heeding or hearing the other, “Truly a wonderful man was Calus Julius Caesar! Better be first, he said, In a little I' erian village. Than be second In Rome; and I think Caesar." I/