Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1910)
Go to the Mosier Lumber Co. The Mosier Lumber Co. can School Notes Mrs. A. L. Gove was at Hood fill your orders for lime, cement, for your sash, doors, srceens etc. River one evening this week. Oren Depee was absent Tues brick and plaster. day. Mrs. Geo. Chamberlain was a Mrs. N. P. Sturgess left Wed There ¡3 great need of more visitor in Hood River Wednes nesday morning for a week’s vis seats. The M o s i e r Hills the m0nth o f September I will sell day. it with relatives in Portland. Mrs. E. Simson, Prop, of The „ ~ TI , , j | Henry Page was absent Wed- J. K. McGregor and John Ross 0. D. Hogg and family moved , Dalles “ Leader Millinery" in , Studebaker W agons, Hacks Land Orchard v o a ta rrla v frn m Portland PnrtlnnH u and r u ] nGSfl&y. vites the ladies to call and in- were visitors in Hood River yes- up 1 yesterday from Thomas and Patsy Hughes will live on their ranch west of spect her new Fall and Winter ■ terday. and Buggies at prices below:— town. Hats. Strictly up-to-date and Company were absent Monday. A. P. Bateham was a business Special Reg. Price prices reasonable. 28-3 The attendance in Miss Brack That B A R N E T T A P P L E visitor in Portland the first of 2 1-2 in. Wagons with bolster spring and PICKING BUCKET will save ett’s room has been perfect so W. H. KERSLAKE, Mgr. the week, returning Wednesday $ 100.00 $85.00 spring seat, FOR SALE you many bruised apples. For far this week. morning. 110.00 90.00 2 3-4 in. Wagons, same as above, sale at Stewart’s. 27-2 Petite Prunes, in any quanti We ileal in improved and unimproved An urgent effort is being made 115.00 95.00 3-in. Wagons, same as above, ty, at my ranch a mile east of John Burggraf and E. T. The Ladies Aid Society will by the teachers toward cleanli fruit land in Mosier district. Send for 75.00 95.00 3-in. half truck, gear only, wide tire, •town. Price 1 cent per pound. Chase were passengers on Wed- meet in the Baptist Church next ness, in the school. The co-op- our Booklet o f Bargains. E d . F. R eeves , 12O TO0 1 1-4 in. platform Spring Wagon, with brake, 135.00 nesday afternoon’s local f o r Wednesday, Sept. 21st, at 2:30 Mosier, Ore. re” eration of the parents is asked. 1 1-8 in. Studebaker 1st grade Buggy, leather are p. m. All members Portland. quested to be present. 100.00 MOSIER, - - ORE. top and brake, 125.00 Cecil Sellinger, Cecil Rowland, John Evans is attending to W ANTED.— Nice woman for 100.00 15-16th Studebaker Buggy, same as apove, 110.00 C. A. Hage arrived in town Birdie Gardner and Virgil Rus- general housework, six room cot- business^ matters in Portland 85.00 15-16th “ “ “ “ “ 100.00 ■ . „ „ I , lonuino- fnr the mo i Tuesday from an extended trip cher were registered in Miss He left 6.50 Studebaker Juniors, 8.50 ttage on Hood River Heights; this week, leaving for the me- tQ o k ial)0ma> i Booth’ s room this week, making ' Wednesday evening for Spokane, family one lady. Personal Per tropolis Wednesday a total o f thirty-eight in the pri manent position, good wages and G. G. Boland and wife, of I where he will probably remain mary room. home for right person. Write at Montana, are visiting D. P. Har during the winter. We very much appreciate the Rev. A. S. Black, o f Fossil, once to Miss Helen Teal, Hood vey for a few weeks. Mr. Bo i was here several days this week, new addition and a third teacher. River, Oregon, giving particu land is a brother-in-law o f Mr, visiting his wife at the ranch Tenth grade work will be given lars. 28-2 Harvey. Mosier, Oregon. least of town. Mr. Black will and there are sixteen beginners. O n e o f t h o s e up-to-date have charge of the Methodist , . ... , WANTED-REAL ESTATE Sweater Coats that you can get Church at Du fur this year, and We hope to accomplish more and For sale by Burggraf & Wil- at Stewart's will make you feel ¡will leave for that place today, - better work. ATTENTION. OWNERS ONLY ANNOUNCEMENT fert in all parts of Mosier Dis- A . J. Derby W anted —In the Mosier, White Sal- comfortable these chilly morn- returning here next week for his For the benefit of the parents trict. Fine Bargains. See us Having received the unsolicited 27-4 wife. ¡mon or Lyle district, an unimproved ings and evenings. L awyer j we wish to state that the pupils before buying elsewhere, recommendation and endorse tract o f lancj. If you really want to J. R. Huskey returned last j in the first and second grades are ■ jiaVe small and large tracts. Ten sell and are not simply willing to, ans MILLINERY - OREGON ment of the R epublican S tate Tuesday from the valley where dismissed at eleven-thirty in the j acre tracts that we can sell you HOOD RIVER wer this, giving full particulars, lowest and D istrict A ssembly , as -prices, terms and address F. M. Mosier, he has been for the past month Mrs. Gordon Graham will have morning and two-thirty in the at the right price on easy terms. Joint Representative, for Wasco ^Bulletin. 28-4 with his brother, George, who is her Fall opening of Millinery afternoon. Those in the third All correspondence promptly j and Hood River Counties, I here recovering from a severe illness. | next Thursday and I riday, Sept. grade are dismissed at twelve answered. We will take care of by announce myself as a candi ! 15 and 16. All the latest styles 1 „ 1 . . . date, subject to the decision of Miss Evaline Ijams, who hasiin Fall and Winter Hats for L a - , . *hree .fIock; Those in the I you. Mrs. Wm. Akers visited her Notary Public fourth grade are dismissed at the voters o f the Republican par parents in Hood River over Sun been spending the summer with j dies, Misses and Children. Will and her sister, Mrs. A. P. Kerron, | he on display at Mrs. E. L. Gra- three-thirtv, and all others at Burggraf & W ilfert ty of said district at the Primary day. Fire Insurance I four o’ clock. left on Sunday for Portland, ham’s, Main St. to be held September 1910. O p fro n o e jiL e m u e l ¿ 24th, » u i , -LiUU. Chas. Stark, of Hood River, The Reliable Dealers Mosier where she will teach school thisj And if nominated and elected I was a Mosier visitor last Satur =EE1EG 3i=3: winter. MOSIER - - OREGON shall use my best judgment and day. REAL ESTATE ability in the discharge -of the <»« WONDER E W 3 f H. W. Sellinger, of Washou- Ed. Burt was a business vis- TF IK B R I G H T E S T E I G H T ! j duties o f the office. gal, Wash., who arrived here THIS W H I l h h i U G U i l T H E S T R O N G E S T I .1 G H T ! Sanitary Fittings itor in The Dalles the first of the A N D S U P P L I E S O F A lex S tew art . T H E C H E A P E S T L I G H T ! last Saturday with his mother, WILL TRADE FOR T H E C LE A N E ST L IG H T ! week. Bix times brighter than elec brother, B. L. Sellinger, and sis-1 MOSIER LAND: — - tricity, gas or ordiu ary oil lamps. !) r M A L L K I N D S IN S T O C K " T F 1 | RllftNS COMMON KEROSENE; . (i Mrs. Gordon Graham was a ter, Mrs. Lantry, left for his IH I I I SIMPLE, SAFE,CANNOT EXPLODE. 8 lots near Seattle, Equity $1000 n An All* B rass Lamp, Hand* visitor in Hood River Monday home on Wednesday. comely SKndo. For Homes, Store*, 10 acres, Napa, Calif 1250 I r li T O Schools, H a l l s and Churches. JAS. E. COLE, Agent morning. 5 Pass. 4 cylinder, 35 H. P. CUIS LIGHTING B ILLS 111 H A LF! Dr. N. Johnson, C. T. Bennett auto *1000 j _ _ _ ___ _ 700-Candle Power, 6 hours for N. P. Sturgess and Earl Bailey and Ed. Dunsmore returned Sun On» Centl Every User Amaied I Buy one or M o s ie r , O r e g o n 3 passenger runabout 20 h p 500) more for your owu home. were business visitors in Hood day from an eight days’ hunting 5 room house. Portland, River last Monday. trip on the headwaters o f Eagle Equity 14001 Razors put in first-class condition. Contract Mortgages $250 to 1000 J. K. McGregor and wife re Creek. They got but one buck, Industrical, dividend paying j Pictures and Picture Frames turned on Tuesday evening from “ Nick” being the murderer. stock. Any amount. The season is a little too early .a week’ s visit in Portland. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE for deer. Miss Selma Vickers, of The Mrs. Amanda Marsh returned ¡Dalles, is visiting this week with should be in every modern bathroom. home from Portland Saturday s her cousin. Miss Maud Evans. MOSIER - - - - OREGON Not merely healthy in their construc- DAVID ROBINSON, M. & evening, in company with her P. L. Arthur returned Monday | tion, but neat and cleanly in their ap- son Will. She has had a long, night from a two weeks’ visit at j pearance. We are expert sanitary A ll B usiness entrusted to j P hysician and S urgeon 5 days, October 4 to 8, inclusive Plumbers with a practical reputation, his former home in Castle Rock, trying illness in a hospital, at T he C are of the times her life being almost de | and a record for excellent work. We •Wash. MOSIER - OREGON 1. Horse Racing $1500.00 i do new plumbing or attend to repairs in spaired o f, b u t h a s made a ( Misses Bertha Booth and Lu- wonderful recovery. a most workmanlike manner. Our First National Bank 2. Air Ship Flying : charges, considering the quality o f our cilla Bracket spent Saturday and of The Dalles, Oregon j work, are admittedly low. Mrs. T. W. DeBussy and son j 3. Auto Races $500.00 Sunday, the guests of Mrs. Amy WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION were up on Wednesday fronn Mosier Lumber C a L. Gove. 4. Band Concerts Capital - - $100,000.00 G ould & S nyder . Hood River, spending part of the G eo . H aacke , Pres. R. M. Ross was a business vis Surplus and undivid 5. Theatrical Attractions day on her ranch east of town, j a ed profits - 100,000.00 itor in Portland on Tuesday. All kinds of Building' H O O D R IVER - - O R E G O N Mrs. DeBussy will move to Mo-j 6. Stock Exhibitions Cash Prizes His little son Bobbie accom J. S. SCHENCK, P resident Material on hand, in sier the first of next month and j 7. Fruit, Grain, Vegetables Cash Prizes panied him. E d M. W illiams M ax A. V ogt will occupy her building on) cluding lath and shingles Vice Pres. Cashier! JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS $ 1 5 0 0 i0 0 Cash for Premiums Tom Evans, o f Corbett and his Washington street, which she) Estimates given for ma- friends, Mr. and Mrs. Eggers, of will have prepared as a resi- Contractors in Stone, Brick and Con* Send For Speed Drop into the B ulletin offiec teri-al for building. . . Seattle, are visiting in the Grand ¡deuce. crete Work JUDD S. FISH, Secretary Program To Oregon and Ret a receipt for that year’ s M O SIER - - OREGON | Hood River View neighborhood. ,The publicity committee o f the subscription. __________ . Mosierites visiting in H o o d Commercial Club is getting busy : River on Tuesday were Mrs. raising the necessajry funds with \ BOOKS, STATIONERY, PERIODICALS and SCHOOL W ell W ork Laura McDonald, C. A. Frey, J. which to carry on the work i SUPPLIES - OLD BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD and W ell D one H. Porter and Geo. Parrish. mapped out by the club, and is j EXCHANGED - SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR ' D. W. Hudson and daughter, making systematic calls on all; ANY PERIODICAL AT PUBLISHERS’ PRICES. E. N. STROUP, Prop’r The undersigned is thoroughly Miss Mattie, went to Hood River the residents of the district who j Local A gent for The O r e g o n i a n . ----- prepared to put down open wells on Monday evening to attend the did not subscribe at the meeting A place where all may enjoy a quiet hour at pool or card table. in any part o f the surrounding JAS. E. COLE. held in the hall some time ago. * revival services being held there. A fine line of Cold Soft Drinks, Cigars and Tobacco on hand. ¡country. Has a complete outfit, Mrs. Floyd Allington and son No one who has ANY interests We treat our patrons courteously and invite the public to drop ! including pipe culling and thread ring tools. Does all kinds o f ce Darrell, and her mother. Mrs. here can afford not to subscribe in and make themselves at home. -3W4)WW(»- .*+++** ment, rock and concrete work. to this fund, as it is hound to ‘ Ruscher, returned on last Frida} Remember the place, downstairs, under Stroup’s Hall. Has had 30 years’ experience in benefit him as well as the com from a visit at Seattle, Kelso, the well business. May be found MOSIER - - - OREGON munity. No one should he w ill-) * and other Washington towns. by addressing him at The Dalles, * ing to profit by the generosity of Ore., or inquire at Maier & Dr. Wm. Post, o f Neenah, others without doing his share. Schanno’s store. The Dalles, Or. Wis., has been in Mosier a wee! A, E. N egus . DEALER IN looking at various properties. Candidate For County Commissioner i He seems well pleased with the I hereby announce to the vot « country and may invest here. MR. a A. FREY, Prop. DR. H. L D U M B LE ers of Wasco county that I am a I ‘ Ed. L. Howe and wife left on candidate for the nomination for PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Sunday for Portland where Mrs county commissioner on the Re i Howe will remain for a week 01 publican ticket at the primaries S HOOD RIVER OREGON I) so while Mr. Howe goes to Sat vept. 24th. If nominated and « ; Francisco on business for In dected I will serve all the people f firm. 1 of the county to the host of my Will practice in Mosier and * Judge Richter, of La Porte. ability, and will favor all needed May be reached by long dis 3 Corner 2nd and W ashington Sts. Ind., was in town last Sunda\ improvements. tance phone. Home phone 61. «+++** land went out to visit his cousin, D. P. H arvey . r J. Scndlinger. The judge was .on his annual vacation trip t< the coast. We have a dandy little special for Saturday we New Fall Millinery now on display. are displaying in our west window. Some A. W. Folck, o f Hood River 2nd Floor and Portland, was a visitor in thing everyone can use. Mosier on Monday. Mr. Folck H O O D R IVER S L A R G E S T & B E S T S T O R E is representing tlie National Life Insurance Company o f th e United States. You cannot go wrong if Weal* you H S & M A rt Squares and R ugs N ew Fall Suits SPECIAL. VVe have some splendid val Suits. Let us show you this splendid lot for R. L Kent, of Kansas, ar-1 ues in some Ladies’ Shirtwaists, o f Linen, Did you know that we carried one of the this Fall’ s trade. H S & M Suits and Over rived in town Satorday night and Suits that we are proud to sell because they largest assortments of rugs in the city? We is visiting his brother-in-luw. J. Mercerized and Silk, slightly soiled front coats for $17.00. $18.00, $20.00, $22.00 and are the best suits made. E. Higley, and family. Mr. can save you good money in this line as well $25.00. Other makes for $8.00, S10.UU. $12.00 handling- Your choice 1-2 price. HART. SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES Kent is making a tour of the Pa as give you one o f the largest varieties o f pat and $15.00 cific Northwest. are perfection in st> le, quality and workman terns and designs to choose from at the very We want you to look at those new All- ship. Guaranteed All-Wool, thoroughly shrunk Mrs. Geo. Sellinger, wi t h Manhattan Shirts for Men. The kind that lowest prices. Anything from a small velvet her daughter and two sons and a rug for 45c and 5Co, larger ones for $1.00. $1.50, before being made up. You can depend upon fit you right, wear best and never fade, Linen Shirtwaists. Neat embroidered grandson arrived from Trout $2.00, $3.00. $4.00up to the finest Wilton Velvet them holding their shape and showing their $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Othet makes for fronts. We are selling these at each $1.10 Lake last Saturday, and will oc &Xtxl2It ior $38.00 quality until they are completely worn out. 45c. 50c. 75c. 90c, $1.00 and $1.25. cupy her residence in town for a .couple of months. A T COST — LO CA L — MILLINERY For Cash & Fruit Lands Alex. Stewart, Alex. Stewart LA M PS ML B a rb er Shop FAI D. D. H A IL at THE DALLES, Oregon, 1910 The Pass-Time l I Furnishings \ A. E. LAKE The Popular Clothier Men’s Clothing, i and Shoes ( THE J DALLES, OREGON PINES HOTEL I Good Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up I HOSIER, OREGON TH E P A R I S F A I R J. E. COLE.