Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1910)
PUBLISHED ADVERTISING RATES EVERY FRIDAY BY BULLETIN H. C. KIBBEE, Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION TtATES fl v^|Y ea s .................................................................$!.5i Six Months.................................................................... 75 j Three Months.................................................................50 I Entere.i as second-class matter March 12, 1900, at the post oftue at Mosier, Oregon, under the A ct o f March 3, 1*79. VOL. II Professional Cards...........................per month $ .St One square......................................... " ** j.oO One-quarter Column........................ “ “ 3.00 5.30 9.00 One-half Column............................. ** M One,Column ..................................... “ u Business locals will be charged at 5 cenU per Una for each insertion. I^etral advertisements will in all cases be charred MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910 NO. 27 to the party ordering them, at legral rates, and paid for before affidavits are furnished. CO. princess over white silk, a pink OUR PORTLAND LETTER jastem m - ■ ■ -• ‘ FINE LAUNDRY WORK’’ Portland, Ore., Sept. 6 (Special) picture hat and carried a large Miss —Strong support Tor the Nort .- h 'liquet o f pink roses. Horn' with neatness am! dispatch Blake’s mother and the bride’s , west movement to open the Co mother were schoolmates when 1 lumbia River to navigation from children. Hood River Igiundry Company the sea far into British Columbia The groom was attended by J. E. COLE. M obil »*. A gen t i is given by Premier Wilfrid Mr. Clarence Dunsmorc. o f Mo- Laurier himself. Recently be si r. Only relatives of the im | H ood R ivers Reliable Jeweler for met delegations from Oregon mediate families and friends who and Washington at a conference took part were present. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry held at Nelson. B. 0 ., and gave The bride and groom are both : his unqualified endorsement of well known, having been born He can make your watch keep time the project. He signified his and brought up in The Dalits. S willingness to carry forward the Mr. Davenport has an interest| GAY YOVVELL, M«r. work on his side o f the boundary in the Davenport Bros. Conimis line, or, if any way can he found, sion Business in Portland, hut at Harness and Saddlery Goods he will join with the United A D V E R T IS E TN T H E B U L L E T IN States in accom plishnf the work g * £ * « " * JL T“ * Wagon Covers, Etc as a whole. He lias given orders He is ^ e" ! 0 ,fw L r re o Hand-made Harness a Specialty M o S iE R O regon also a brother of Mrs. F. S. for surveying the river on the Gunning, of this city. and Get Results. H O O D RIVER OR EGON preparatory to Canadian side After the they re starting work. turned to thehome of the bride’s j Reflecting the prevailing pros parents for a wedding supper. | perity uirougnoui tne Racine i Mr. and Mrs. Davenport left! isortnwest, Portland has just on Wednesday morning’ s train) Ci passed tiuougn tne most succe^s- for the Harvest Festival in Port-j tui August m us history, a nioatn land, and other points of interest. ; The A rthur & Burt Dray Co ejsewuere accepted as one 01 The bride’s traveling suit was of For aiiusuimner.dullness, when nusi- i,!„P |,roa,| cloth. o f Mosier, Oregon, ness of all kinds is in tne uol- They will he at home in Mo- uruuis. riot by any small per sier after November 1st. For your Drugs, Sundries, Patent Medicines, Station centage lias Portland outdis Tf i t ’ s a su rface to tanced former records, but by a A Former Mcsierite Writes from be p a in te d , e n a m e le d , ery, Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, Ice Cream and w xue margin. -uil tne weaitii Washington, i'. C. grained, varnished or fin comes from tile Sod, rivers, Soda Water. Everything in the Drug line. (Continued from lust w eek.) mines and forests of me tribu ished in gny way, there’ s The city is famed for the num tary country; Portland is merely an A cm e Quality Kind tne marl wnere tne products b e r and magnihcience of her Prescriptions a Specialty. monuments. First in interest to lit tiie purpose. come. Prosperous conditions here testily lo tiie well Idled comes the Washington monu purse o f the producer in the ment in Washington P a r k . YOU ARE INVITED Mrs. Higley has been secured Erected in honor of General neuruy territory. as janitress, and considering im To examine the statement Oregon s game birds a r e .Vaseingion, it is the highest provements which have lieen work of masonry in the world, of the MOSIER VALLEY wanted m the South. Louisiana j made the building and grounds BANK, which appears in an j are in good condition. lias arranged to s l o c k her lands measuring from floor to top 555 wiL.i 500 Omnese pheasants, pur-: ft* t. 5 1-8 inches. There is an other column o f this paper. A new rule has been made in chasing the finds and eggs uom j • levator that takes you up to the Onr first oflicial statement regard to pupils going to town a Oorvadis growler. Tne birds >■ 0 foot level, where the shaft was published just one year at the noon hour. One pupil win uj protected f a* live years, : cgi'iis to taper oft to a point. ago, when we had been open from each family is sufficient to wnen tney may be snot undex i There are eight windows, two on ■¡flier side, affording an excel for business two months. At j do errands; and we hope parents certain, regulations. will assist in enforcing- same. many new nuvns ot Oregon lent opportunity of seeing Wash that time our Deposits were ington as a whole, with its sur-j and W a s h i n g t o n will be seen on a little more than $9,000.00, The eques-j the map now being i.-sued by the! xo Hiding country. Loans $3,450.00 and total Re NO 33. Portland Commercial Club, which trian statue o f Washington j sources $15,000.00. The pres represents him as lie appeared at brings this vvnole region up to REPORT ent statement shows an in date and iills up gap» noted in he crisis of the battle of Prince O f the condition o f the ton, and is stiuated in Washing- crease in these items, during exisitmg maps. Cnanges in the MOSIER VALLEY BANK railroad situation win oe shown ion G’ rcle.. The Pence Monu- the year, o f from 4C0 to liiUO A t Mosier, in the State o f Oregon, and the accurate m a p p i n g of the o at is at the foot of Capitol P A I N T S A N D F IN IS H E S per cent. at the close o f business, Sept. Ij*t, 1010: stales will be a valuable ajd in Hill, and Lafayette Square con- This showing would not inforpiing strangers ot the op. i tains the-Lafayette monument, i iK representing the intrepid French-1 have been possible without RESOURCES 1 D O L L A R S C l'S portunities that exist in the c> Accurate data o f man in the uniform o f the Con- i the confidence of the people Northwest, Ix>anr. ami discounts................................... 134,436 47 each locality will be ,riven, tiie tinenial Army. This square a l-! o f this community. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured......... None map being reproduced from ^ contains the bronze . . , equestrian T . I The officers of the hank de Bonds, Securities, e t c .,.............................. 915 00 plates used by tiie Government statue o f General Andrew Jack- Banking house, furniture and fixtures.. 1,184 95 Census Bureau son cast ¡rom cannons taken in, sire to express their hearty Other real estate ow n ed........................... 416 00 appreciation of your busi Due from banks (not reserve b an k s). . . . 732 72 O rL on ’ s fruit has scored an-Jackson’ s campaigns. ' | Due from approved reserve banks........... 17,627 80 other triumph, HuoJ River fruit , 1,iive seen not only Fords] ness, and will try to merit a Checks and other cash item s.................. 83 30 growers having just made what theatre in which Lincoln was as-, continuation of your confi Cash on hand................................................ 2,302 30 b Expenses, ................................................... 342 03 is believed to be the biggest sale sassinated hut also across the dence. In this way we will o f fa n e v apples on record. The street the building wherein the. all grow up together. T otal $58,041 07 New York commission firm of wounded president died. H con-j LIABILITIES Steinhardt & Kelly lias closed foi tains many relics of the matyred ~ TTTT DOLLARS C T S ¡ practically all the fancy apples nresident. I saw Mso the flagj bchooi Notes Cápital stock paid in ..................................$10,000 00 ¡ rill., f , , I..I n t o » * . : .. 1, r.. . . 50 74 I grown in the Hood River dis- that was draped in iron tof the Sixty-four pupils were regís- j Ì du * u bank.»n,iba.,ke 4ii,7sa ai trict tiie purchase amounting t o 1 box wherein the president sat, tered Monday, five have entered i»iivWimi <i<-i>i»iu »uhjp-t to check 1.2(17 III between 259,000 and 800,000 and the the ragged ragged tear tear in which since, making a total o f sixty- 1 c" hiw'*'***'“ 1 Booth’ boxes, or over 400 carloads. T h e 'B ooth s s spur caught, throwing nine. I total .............. * m . oo in transaction in v o l v e s a sum him to the stage. This flag is in | The new room was ready for STATE OF OREGON, <c close to half a million dollars. | a glass case in the Treasury. occupancy Tuesday, and assign COUNTY OF WASCO. " * lay, ai M. Ross, Cashier o r s m i's hop crop promises to Mount Vernon, the home of ment o f lessons and class work o f the above-named bank, I, RobL. do solemnly swear that >e generous, witn first class ; W ashing .on am I die moat histone began j „ three rooms, teachers the above statement is true to the best o f my lie luality. Tiie yield is now 'lemg and oeau jtu l .fli, me in t ie woild a.nci i>upils showing much inter- knowledge and belief. qual R o bt . M. R o ss , Cashier. fathered and great care is taken | >s on the \ irginia shoie. r-o atld enthusiasm. W. A. HUSBANDS CORRECT—Attest. gatlieied......American visits clean Washington and ... T i t , , ... . . C. II. JENKINS, D. M. D. in the picking to get a crop G. K I B B E E A. »*. B atbiiam . A l e x . S t e w a r t , J. p . C ar - no foreigner visits the shores o f . MISS Lucile brackett is teacher o f leaves and stems that will B lacksmith ROLL, Directors. D entist OFFICE O V ER BUTLER IIANKINO COMPANY bring the usual good figure that America without desiring to pay in B'e Intermediate department, j Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6 th Horse Shoeing and General Blanche Ross and Rowland ,i,y ot utV*mber. wio PHONES: N O T A R Y P U B L IC Oregon hops command in the homage to George Washington. Office 28 Residence 28 B Here on the brow of a little hill is Depee were absent this week, j Repair Work. H. G. K ibbee , world’ s markets. hood RIVER OREGON M o s ie r O regon Notary Public. the tomb of Washington and his Mr. Kibbee lyis the honor o f Satisfaction guaranteed family. Above the door are the being the first visitor thk; year. tsoai.) Davenport-Krauss Nuptials MOSIER OREGON words: “ I am the resurrection —------ ---------------------------------------------------- At eight o ’clock last Tuesday and the life. He that helievethj evening a quiet, but very pretty in me. though he were dead, yet G eo . C h a m b e r l a i n and impressive, wedding took shall he live. ’ The tomb is in place at tiie Calvary Baptist charge oi' a faithful old negro, j Church, when Miss Hannah L. A little further on I saw an old! Krauss, daughter of Mr. and brick barn which was built in j Toppenish - - Wash. Mrs. Geo. Krauss, became the I7nd. I was interested in the bride of John T. Davenport, son coa-li in H-hich Washington fre-| Guarantees all its stock true to name and will replace all of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lewis nuently roue. There Ì3 an ir-) trees orplants, failing to live the first year, if due care has Davenport, formerly of this city. desrribable charm about the old ; The popular COLONIST FARES will again be in effect be been exercised. Our customers are always satisfied and The church, so appropriately- Mansion House at Mt. Vernon. ; repeat their orders. tween September 15th and October 15th, during which decorated in flowers, evergreens The bedstead is there on which A line dropped to our agent, S. W. Heppner, at Hood period tickets to MOSIER will he on sale daily from and house plants o f various our i,r t president died. The, River, Ore., will bring him at any time to attend to your kinds, and the wedding cere kitchen of the mansion is a very wants. $33.00 mony so sacredly solemnised, interesting place; there are many ----------- ---------------------------- ■ made it very effective. A few odd utensils, and the dishes are! 32.00 minutes before eight the low, chiefly in blue like those used by d h a r v e y sweet sound of the organ was the Amish. 25.00 heard, and imm -Match after tJu * Then I went to Arlington, DEALER IN 25.00 old town cl ck struck eight, Mrs. noma o f the patriotic dear!. ) lie Roy Parks v-ry sweetly sang, Here sleep s:xt on thousand sol Fresh and Cured Meats 25.00 “ When bong is Sweet” , and diers who died in the war be-! ON Country Produce then the strains o f toe march tween the «tat* s. The. most ini- ! and from other cities corresjsindingly low. These are West from I, >he grin were heard as pressi ve right is the monument! bound, one-way fares only, hut anyone here can PREPAY Harris. T! e > ihe unknown dead, underj played Mr for relatives or friends in the East, if desired. Consult Oregon wedding party .-as ushered in which sleep 2111 nameless sol-; your local railroad agent. by Miss Eva Baker and Miss diers, who lied in the war for; Ruth Gibbons and passed through the union, Tfie simple story is' an arch o f Oregon grape, down told by the Following inscription: the aisle enclosed with chains of “ Beneath this stone repose the to let the world knowof our vast resources and splendid oppor evergreen, to the altar, which hones of two thousand one hun-, tunities for HOME BUILDING. Write to everyone you Regular $50.00 Bridge-Beach make.....................$42.50 was or.o mass o f flowers, whore tired and eleven unknown sol A pleasant place to spend a so-1 know in the East. Send them good instructive printed diers. gather d after the war, they met the pastor. Rev. C'la- $40.00 Charter Oak................................. $32.50 matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here cial hour is at vinger. The ptrtv then took from the fields o f Thill Run and, $42.50 Reservoir Steel R an ge...............$37.50 is hut little more than half the usual cost, and their p'aces. m 'w a we l ling R > ite to the Ropr>ohanno"k. to call on a representative of the O. R. & hell made o f the leaves o f the Thr-’ r remairs co dd not he idr n- N. Co. for all desired information, or address southern silk oak. It was there tlfied, hutf heir names end deaths ths solemn words nronoureed are r, corded in the Archives of rhem hns'iard and wife, the ring their Country, and its grateful S oft D rink «, C andy , C igars citGens honor them as o f their cer^monv being used. W IL L IA M MCMURRAY. T obacco May The bride were a trown o f chif Noble Army o f Martyrs. GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, , . , SepternfsT fon cloth over whit** rilk and the— re-t »o prtre. narriiyj <i r<> ho'.iooe^ o f wVte A. D. 1®63.” * j PORTLAND. O REGO N. -.f honor. Mi Mosier, - - Oregon roses. H°r m RtTTH W . GgA?T*M. Irene P.'cke. o f P rtland. wore .Washington. D. ( ’.. Au;.^6. j NICHOL & General LARAWAY DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. ! erchandise Go To P inis and Finishes Fai F ix in g Up 9? % N o money brings such satis faction as a few cents spent in the Fall for “touching up” shabby floors, furniture and woodwork. All winter long the bright, attrac tive and wholesome home is a source of constant pleasure. the kind to use. Simply tell it arc us what you want to do and we will give you the proper Acme Quality Kind for your particular purpose. Let us tell you Five Strong Reasons for Fall House Painting. W. E. CHOWN, Mosier, Oregon Washington Nursery Located At Fruit REAL ESTATE Lands a Mosier Special Prices Steel Ranges Until Oct. 1, 1910. W. E. G rown MOSÎER - OREGON People of Oregon It Is NOW Up To YOU Specialty Oregon Chicago at MOSIERMARKET St. Louis . p. , Pro-p. Omaha Kansas City St. Paul Mosier ■ THE OAKS S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room NOW Is T h e T i m e