Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1909)
- LOCAL — New Canvas Gloves. Chown’s Bean Spray Pumps at Stewart’s .*+ + + *- KM*' Screen doors at Chown’s. The Popular Clothier* tomorrow ! IR nr AL S TE 11 A. E. LAKE ( Specials in Furniture at W. E. Chown’s. i Everybody have a good time o i L J D E A L E R IN DEALER IN \ Economy Jars at cost to close Have you subscribed for this out Chown’s. paper? * If not, why not? _ , ., . .. , Go to Hood River on Julv 5th * E. N Stroup and wife visited celebral0 Ju, 4th. * in Hood River on Tuesday. Mason, Schram and Economy . Miss Elsie Denny was visiting Fruit Jars of all at Stew- Hood River on Tuesday last. V* art's. If you want a good Spray s A full and complete line o f J. K. McGregor was a business Pump, buy a Bean —for sale by T visitor in Portland the first of A. S t e w a r t . f t tv the week. Mrs. John Crate of The Dalles Read what Hood River has to £ visiting her sister Mrs. Barbara and offer for their big celebration on Dunsmore. -« + + + » ' July 5th. I All kinds of sport, music, Mrs. Amos Root went to Hood feasting and oratory at Hood Creenwood. N O TICE OF SERVICES River last Tuesday to purchase a E>ver on the fifth. Jersey milch cow. F. W. Wilson of The Dalles, Messrs Hague and Grose from Bishop Robert L. Paddock, of Mrs. John Forbes arrived Wed- bought of \\m. Marsh a spank- the Sturgess Ridge attended the the Episcopal Church in Eastern nesday from Moro to visit her in& team of trotters. picnic. Pittsburg Perfect Fencing daughter, Mrs Will Graham. Miss. Krauss of PortlanP came Oregon, will hold services in the Jennie, Nellie and Grace Studebaker Wagons _________ Miss Effie Wright returned on up to spend the 4th with Miss Thomas returned last week from Baptist Church at Mosier on Tuesday last from a three weeks’ Gertrude Davenport. and Buggies a pleasant visit near Mount Hood Su" da>- Jul>’ 11Gl- both ™>rning visit with her sister at Sherwood. Paul Hubbard, agent at Hood and evening. Every one, es- Station. A full line o f the latter in carload quan Misses Gertrude Davenport River for , the , Eilers . ... . Piano , House pecially every man, is cordially Willie Huggins of Hood River and her neice Myrtle Robinson was in town last Wednesday. tity now in stock. invited to attend both services. were visiting in Hood River yes- Everybody will take a day off visited with Roy Stokes several Bishop Paddock is a most inter terday. and go to Hood River on the 5th days the past week, returning esting speaker, and will offer a Mrs. J. K. McGregor and little f ° twist the Eagle s tail, home Wednesday. spiritual feast to his hearers. He granddaughter Helen Davis, W a n t e d . —A man to cut ten Mrs. Stoltz, Mr. and Mrs. Rain- has spent years in missionary were visitors in Hood River on or twelve cords of pine wood, ousandWiliie Huggins came down ant] s]um wor]( jn N ew York Saturday. near town. Inquire at B u l l e t i n fhursday night from Hood Liver (jj^y anr| was closely identified F. W. Wooley, the genial re- office, with the great reform movement presentive of Marshall-Wells Co, J. M. Elliott and S. E. I’ran- to attend the picnic. Mr. Thomas has returned from there a few years ago when the was a business visitor in town^t-isco were attending to business yesterday. matters at tiie county seat last the coast and will remove his moral and political conditions of F. R. Howard came up from Tuesday. family this week to their new the city were so greatly im- Hood River last Wednesday and Mr. Chown and wife came up home near Newport beach. proved. made some repairs on the local from Portland last Wednesday The clearings on the Ruinous ________________ telephone system. and will visit his brother, W. E. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ar.d Frey places row extend Drou a dollar and a half in the Chown a few days, Unit' d States Land Office, MOSIER VS. G R A N D V IE W some distance along the road. slot and draw a prize—the Mosier Mrs. Deimer Decker, of Fruit- The Dalli s, Oregon, May 25, 1909 Last Sunday on the Grand Bulletin delivered at yourpostof- vale, Cal., with her littledaught- Mr. Rainous is i reparing to drill Notic is h- rehy _n n t *.t the from Northern Pi.:' -t tinil v -y Urn . fice for one year. er is visiting her parents, Mr. energetic and just the kind of a View diamond the team Mosier defeated the team from whose ¡est office addr- as ¡s St. Paul, man we like to see on the hill. Hurrah for Hood River! Two and Mrs- Geo- VVood- Minnesota, 'ns this 2ht.!t tíay oí Muy, in this olii e ite application bands to supply music. Base JO. A. Rair.ous and wife were The school picnic on Friday Grand View by a score of 22 to 1909, co a l'-'- m oer tilt- provisini » oí the 9. On the 20th the same teams ball, races, fireworks, fun of ev- up from Hood River last Satin- was a great success. Much Act of Congress, approveii^luly i, 189S, ery kind and description. day and spent the day on their amusement was afforded by the tda/ ed a Pame resulting in a (SO Stat. 597, 62Ü) as extendí ! by the 1 FLY-CATCHERS, BEWARE'i ., . defeat for the Grant) V ie w hnv<a Act. of Congress, approved May 17, Fay Bosler left on Sunday for ranch 80Uth (jf town- pupil* m presenting parts of A , * 1906 the N W 1-4 N W 1-4 3cc. 13, -El-2 ! ' Do not go around at the mercy of th Seattle. His family will follow , F or R e n t A store room in “ T h e flnnsier Schoolm aster” . A ” 1 U) 4- The Mosier team has a NE 1-1 Sec. M. T. 1. N„ R. 11 East, Í The Hoosier Schoolmaster” . A as soon as the children recover best part of town 16x50 foot, .ie 5 , providing a skating rink anil parade new lot of players since the club w - M , ,, . . .... , Am and all nersors claimingMver* '- f from the whooping cough. Large glass front. Inquire of E. tiUiporarv staple was erected in '.round for the disease carrying insects. was organized. With James g i • or Pine Flat. A bounteous dinner N o t ic e —A ll persons wishing Stroup, hosier, Oregon, Get a hair restorer that really restores Cole as captain and John Denny ¡a* to ol.j.-ct of. th. .ml 1 characti r of the lanu, or for an <1 er pie cherries can obtain them by Mrs. J. W. Weidrick of Port- was spread under the trees. We will guarantee you a new thatch in as manager the team is undergo- r, ¡».so n , ; • t • • < - l i- . ; Hex :. A big swing, base ball and a phoning E. 0. Winan’s, No. 151. land and her daughter Mrs G. I). short time ii you use Clarke's Dandercide. ing a change which will be for 6-18-2t Hendricks of Hood River were p. ¡-.-nut scramble helped to make . . this office, on or fit. lore the Stn ut^y of j We have depilatories also that are sure, the best as the team is show-1 July, i«03. x Ed L. Howe and wife returned visitin« >" town last Friday. the day interesting. safe and speedy in action, as well as a C. W. MOORE, ing up exceedingly well. The or. Tuesday’s local from Port- Guy Phillips and family came On Friday June 25, Greenwood Register, i j kinds of toilet anil dressing room articl team from Belmont will play at land. Mrs. Howe’s mother,Mrs. UP,fro.™ Poifthnd on,T ^ sda>': J'!1 school held a picnic at Pine Flat. (First Publication June 4: La;:t PubHra<ion July 9) , ; at moderate prices. t l n . , ,, and will visit several nays with Mosier on the third of July. In A very interesting program be John D. Biles, accompanied them her sister> Mrs. W. E. Chown. the last game played with this, Notice for Publication ing rendered, also games and oth ^0nr,e‘ | Mrs. Van Nortwick of La Fay- team Mosier was defeated lGto 2. Not coal land Get aboard the train for Hood ette, Oregon arrived in town er amusements being indulged'in Since that time, however, the; Department of the Intel ior. River to spend the Fourth. Save Wednesday and will visil her and- a bounteous dinner was team has been changed and in U. S. Land Office at The Dallas. Oregon up the nickels for the kids and daughter. Mrs. Clarence Duns- spread before the people and all June 22 ’,d, 1909. j CHAS . N. CI.ARKE - HOOD RIVER, OREGON dications are that those who see Notice ¡»hereby given t t Lawrence did justice to the occasion par let them have a time. The town mo,e- the game on Saturday will wit U. Li ¡ningi-r, i f .Mi sier, ' r. gon, who. will be yours. I Tlie biggest and best Fourth taking of the good things set be ness one of the best games of on May 25th. 1S03, made l-iomestead ever held along the Columbia fore them. , . Entry, (Serial No. 0 Master Louis Gunning of 1 he Hver will be pulled off at Hood ball ever seen in this part of the for I »>t l SK 1-4, NE l-t, Sec. <», and Those being present from GOOD C O O K ING QUICK SE R V ICE | Dalles who has has been visiting River this year. Bring your tin country. The line-up will prob- ¡;,)t s a n '1 , 4-.?-c; »'Township 1 North, away were Mr. and Mrs. E. A. his aunt Mrs. Harry Kemp, at horns and Merry Widow hats. I ably lie Harvey and Noaek, bat- ,,ian, lies file l notice of is int. etion Rainous and Master Willie Hug When in Hood River take your meals at Proof, Hood River returned to spend A party consisting of George terv; Graham, lb ; Brooks, 2b; C. to mala.' Final five-year to establish claim to t'»e land above $ the F’ourth with his aunt, Miss Chamberlain, E. .). Middleswart gins of Hood River. Graham, Sb; Cole, ss; Olsen, If: described, before the Register and Re Neighbors and friends of I. M. Frey, cf; G. Grahajn, rf. The ceiver of the United Stat s Land Office, 2 Gertrude Davenport. and M r- and w ,-s. Erntson left at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 2lith day ~ , , ! yesterday on a fishing trip to the Thomas and family gave a sur game will be called at about of July, 1909. D. A. Sturgess was down from £)es Chutes river. prise party for them last Satur 2.30 p.m . If you can’t celebrate Claimant names ps witn< sses: The Dalles last Tuesday. He isi Gust Ernnuest, Virid Brooks, D. P. Every one in Mosier and vicin slowly recovering from the heart ity is expected to bring a weil- day night. Mr. Thomas has sold come out and see the ball game Harvey, W. M. Flendng, all of Mos ier, Oregon. I and lung trouble for which he filled dinner basket to the cele liis place here and has purchased anyway. C. W. MOORE, has been taking treatment at bration tomorrow, that the mul a farm near Newport, to which Register. place he moved his family this titude may be fed. The Dalles Sanitorium. (First Pub. June 25. Last Pub. July 22) Boating on the river all the Don't forget that there will lie week. A. Folck was a passenger on The evening was spent in music afternpon and evening. a launch and two row boats on Wednesday’s local for The Dalles. Notice for Publication. the iake tomorrow, from 2 p. in: games and deligtful refreshments CH U R C H DIRECTORY. Not coal laiui Mr. Folck informs us that he l as until 8 p. m. time and room were served. The party on dis U. S. Land Ofiice at The Dali, s, Oregon PR ESCR IPTION SPEC IALISTS 1000 tomato plants set out on his enough for all to have a good persing td their homes, wished M eth odist E p isc o pa l June 15th, 1909. place near town and expects to boat ride. Mr. Thomas and family much is hereby giver, tlu-t Victoria HOOD R IV E R - OREGON Services first Sunday in each , M. Notice reap a heavy harvest this fall. [ t is up to the Mosier people to Buskuhl, formerly Victoria M. Mc- success in their new home. month, 11:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Vey, of Mosier, Oregon, whn. on April There have been several part- see that the strangers within her 18, 11X4, m: lie Hinuatird Entry (Ser R e v . II. C. C l a r k , Pastor. ial No. 0: 111), No. lo;’.f, for NW 1-4, ies in town this week looking for gates have a good time tomorrow, M e e t in g ok I m p o r t a n c e . ¡ S t C . 22. Township I North, Range 11 a location for a drug store. We Give them the glad hand and i'iast, Willamette Meri i cn. has filed A meeting will be held in Mos B a p t is t notice of intention to make final five- have the location all right just pleasant smile and and uphold ier on Wednesday, July 7th, to Second and Fourth Sunday in ; year Proof, to establish claim to the waiting for some one who is wise Mosier’s reputation for hospital discuss the question of more pub each month. 11:30 a. m .; 8 p. m. land alo-.e described, before the Regis ter amt reetiver of the United States enough to take advantage of it. ity. licity for this secton. Mr. Bid R e v . W. A. S t a r k , Pastor. i Land Ofiice, at The Dalles, Oregon, on Mr. B. Goodwin and family, of ('has Graham’s off eye whicl dle Wells, who addressed the , the 2(>th day of July, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: North Platte, Nebraska, after he has worn in mourning for people of the town last Saturday Anna Godberson and Thomas I lodberson, C hr istian visiting with Ira Roland and over a week is slowly recoverin, of Mosier, Oregon. George McVey. of night on this subject, expressed Third Sunday in each month. Portland, Oregon, and Sarah E. Coop family, on the Washington side, m normal1 color. It was not oc Get your Job W ork done at the er, of Fairbanks, Or< gon. . , , . . . . casioned by r family quarrel: met1 -i desire to meet every man in 11:30 a. m., 8 p. m. for several days, spent a part of a hot ,,ase ba„ which he tried t< this district in the near future C. W. MOORE, Bulletin office. R e v . J ud so n B r o w n , Pastor Register. Monday in Mosier. leaving m the 3lop w jth the aforesaid optic, and thoroughly explain the ideas W e have the latest in type | (First Pub. June 25. Last Pub. July 23) afternoon for Portland. Mr f publicity which the Harriman Contractors & Builders Wni. Stevenson of Portland and stock. An order for U n io n S u n d a y S chool Goodwin is an uncle of Mrs. Ro stem is so successfully carry arrived in Mosier Wodnegda^ printing is sure to be gotten Notice for Publication Every Sunday morning at land. vening. His family will arrive ing out in many other towns in E S T I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D out on time : : : United States Land Office,The Dalles, 10:30. G eo . C a r r o l l , Supt. The Mosier public was treated jn tjmo i() atteml thp big cele- Oregon, Washington and Idaho, (Oregon, June 25. 1909. Our work is neat and guar to an exhibition of glass-eating, Notice is hereby given that the; bration tomorrow. Mr. St'venson1 ind the above mentioned date anteed to be satisfactory in ON A P P L IC A T IO N Y. P. S. C. E. bar-bending, etc., on Monday Northern Pacific Railway Company, ' owns 320 acres of fine fruit land, has been set as a day that would every respect ; : whose pestoffice address is St. Paul. | Every Sunday evening at 7:30. Minmuota. has t.. is 21st day of June,' evening by “ Professor” Some- a few miles south of town which wobably be as convenient as any 1999 filed in this office its application to body-or-other, which looked gen 0 her, for the residents of Mosier he will soon improve. f* i a n o select under the provisions of the Act I listrict. L a d ie s ’ A id S o cie ty uine and caused more or less of Congress a| i roved July 1, 1898 ( 30 Among those from Hood Rivet I H o u s e wonderm ‘nt. Of course passed Second and fourth Wednesdays Stat. 597, 620) as extended by the Act The question of greater public who spent last Sunday in Music; 1 McGregor of Congress, approved May 17, 1906, the hat around, hut we doubt ii H O O D R IV E R B R A N C H o£ each month. the SVV 1-1 of NW 1-1 Sec. 27, Tp. 1 N., were B. E. Duncan, Dr. II. j ly for Mosier is one of vital im- R. It K..W. M. he got enough to pay his board lortanee to the people, and each Good value at General Real Estate Dealer J 'nkins, 11. \ ., T. W . Any and all persons claiming adverse- bill. ind every man in the district Notice for Publication i ly thi lands described, or ilesiring to D *Bussy and D. F. Rand. Ad ihould make a special effort to ' • ceil-' >; > > mi" in'll tractor Town Property and Fruit Lands J. C. Brooks, who has beer Not Coal Land. these gentlemen were lookup ot the land, or for nnv ot er reason, to with us since the birth of the over some of Mosier’s fine fruit >e present at this meeting to Department of the Interior. the disposal to applicant, should file Improved and Unimproved. B U L L E T IN , will leave in a few land, Messrs Edwards. Ran«’, tear Mr. Wells expound the doc- p g. i.knd Ottic at The Dallea, Oregon their affidavits of prot< st in this office, on or before the 5th day of August. 1909. June 28th. 1909 days for Vancouver where he has and Jenkins witli a view to in rine of publicity and self-help. Information cheerfully Furnished C. W. MOORE, \s a matter of faet, Mosier ean- Notice is hereby given U at Christine secured a more lucrative position. Register. vesting. P A U L H U B B A R D . Agent Write or call. iot afford to “ pass up*’ or "turn (todberson, of Mosier, On.ton, who. on (First Pub. July 2. Last Pub. July-30) W e regret his departure but wish December 27th. 19'»7. made Homeste.ul Finney's Springs. lown” such an offer as the R. Entry, (Serial No. 05027,) No. l.Vffii», for him all kinds of good luck. We MOSIER - OREGON A pleasant place to spend a so Mr. Finney has a good stam I. Company makes. It is an op- South-east quart r \orth-eas» Quarter. H ID ES! couldn’t hope to keep a “ good HIDES!! H IDES!!! Section 2<h Township 2 North. Range 11 cheat nearly ready for h; r- cial hour is at lortunity of a life time and Fust. Willamette Meri inn. ' as : d thing” always. Mr. Brooks, dur- vest. Bring your hides to the Bul DR. H. D U M BLE notice of intention to niaiie Final ertr- 1 :ould not bo ignored. ing his residence in Mosier has ,, ... , ,, letin office. W e buy them, rep- mutation pns>f. to establish claim to t ie S. E. Francisco’s Poo! Room. . . , , e • i . *., Mrs. I-innev has gone to Mur We would surgeU that all tie land at'oxe described. I«'fore the Regis resentirg Kauffman. Davidson, made a h o s to f fnendswho. with m„uth for a few weeks, ter aid Receiver of t-o l it si Stat s PHYSICIAN a n d SURGEON us will regret to s_>e him go. business men of the town close Land Office, at The Dalit s. Oregon, on Semmel, of Portland. S o f t D r i n k s , C a n d y , C igars the 4th day of August, 1909. heir doors during the hours of HOOD RIVER OREGON C laimant ran t’s witness**«»: ns meeting an l attenti T obacco * in E. E. F R A E D E R I C K W illia m (\ K r iv i- . H o b • t W . i General Merchandise Men’s Clothing, Furnishings I and Shoes I ! THE DALLES, OREGON i Corner 2nd and W ashington Sts. Ï OREGON MOSÌER Exclusive agent for Hamilton Brown & Co. TV, ne I Miller Co. Shoes GROCERIES DRY GOODS HARDW ARE BOOTS and SHOES Farm Machinery Syracuse Plows, H arrow s and Discs Always in Stock We are ready to meet any bona fide cash price on any fine that we carry. THE GLACIER PHARMACY DEBUSSEY?S i s i I Chop House and Restaurant | THE HALL DRUG STORE Hardwick & Nord sier Oregon j. K. EILERS’ Low Prices and Terms J. K. N I C H O L S a Ixxly. Undertaker and Funeral Director Don’t foigef the c iU\ Wed i A ll calls pr«>m|,tlv at icinDal, nijfht >r ,l«y , city or country Kmhalmmy a Specialty N ich tJs B M r . Onk . • I HOOD KI VKK. OI(K<;oN it « Sp**' ia l a tte u i u>n m i i « '■* , . . p-*- i ,*-i r* - lav, Jul 7th the l oir es s o n . O m r U a G . S t n lt .: . o f K o n ; \1U rt H . O t t . » . o f O r**£ o n . c. a n i ;>lace will K' announced hater. (Firs, l*ub. July 2. M i su r. U l i v i fi W. MOORE Rug Last lbib July I n str u c to r in P i an o and O r g a n . T It M 8 O N A P I- L I A TI O N M x ;e ' - Oregon Will practice in Mosier and May be reached by long dis tance phone. Home phone 16. Mosier, Oregon Advertise in the B u l l e t i n - and get re* i Its.