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About Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1909)
t .ài? OX-> —— — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY sjsm H. G. KIBBEE, Proprietor 77 & T --------i m w n Professional Card* ÏÏ y} One Year................................................................. Six Months.................................................................7C' Three Months................... ................................. W — — If -* ,, - — 1< One-quarter C o lu m n .................... *4 “ 3 00 One-half Column......... “ 5 50 “ One Column............................... ncti \ "per month $ 50 V i»»i ' ** 1.00 One «qu.ire.............. KH SUBSCRIPTION RATES T < 7 -* v \ • AD V ¿ « T ib i NG -ttATEti. 4 .. “ ** 0 00 Business locals will be charged at 5 cenLs per lin., for each insertion. Lejral advertisements will in all case* be charged Entered as »ec ¡id-class mutter March 12, at ths post office at Mosier, Ore* >n. under the A ct c f March 3, 1679. VOL. I NO. 18 MOSIER, W ASC O C O U N TY, OREGON, F R ID A Y , J U L Y 9, 1909 Ye editor acknowledges with business at home and with few THE MOSIER many thanks the receipt, this reasons—or none at all—why you See week, of a box of the largest VALLEY BANK. should not, we expect to soon Evergreen blackberries we ever have on our books the names of saw grown in Oregon, presented to us by E. J. Middleswart. The of the citizens of This hank has been established most berries were grown on his farm by men who are wel' known in Mosier and vicinity, But come East of town, and they furnish the community, who have large in and let’ s get acquainted any for \ another proof that the soil and interests here and who have an way whether you care to open an climate of Mosier are peculiarly adapted to the successful raising abiding- faith in the future of account or not, Very truly. this section. Appreciating the *• o f everything that will grow in He can make your watch keep time i the temperate zone. R obt . M. R oss , 'ashler. value of a bank to a community and the long-standing need of A l l B usiness entrusted to one hère, they have put up the e n t h u s i a s t i c m e e t i n g . T he C are of the capital necessary to complete its organization. First National Bank The meeting which was called We are now open for business n T of The Dalles, Oregon and we trust that every citizen for last Wednesday afternoon at Stroup’s Hall was well attended WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION of the community will realize by about fifty of Mosier’ s repre Capital - - H00;000.00 that it will be to his interest tc Surplus and undivid sentative citizens, who gathered give us his patronage so far as is ed profits - 100,000.00 possible consistent with his obli to hear Mr. Biddle Wells’ talk on J. S. SCHENCK. P r e s i d e n t ; publicity and community adver gations elsewhere. E d M. W il l ia m s M ax A . V ogt The function of a bank is to tising. Mr. Wells is a most force Vice Pres. Cashier nrovide the people with a safe ful and interesting speaker. and convenient depository for His subject, which he handled in G eo . C h a m b e r l a i n *:heirr. funds and valuables; to a masterly manner, is one of the most vital importance to Mosier •furnish facilities for the prompt REAL ESTATE and accurate handling of their people, and Mr. Wells’ hearers business transactions, and to dis were thoroughly convinced of the Finit tribute. thru the medium of loans fact, as was evidenced by the Lands the necessary capita! to carry on ¡enthusiasm with which they greeted his remarks and the the legitimate enterprises o f the ¡spontaneous subscriptions which community. Specialty The greater the patronage j were made. Mr. Wells showed given the bank the greater will how the people of Mosier could Oregon oe our opportunity to be of ser ' secure the best results from com- Hom e Phone 62 K E. C. BR.OCK, Res. Manager vice in the way o f growth and 1 munitv advertising by adopting development. It goes without the plan which he explained in » saying that v/e expect to merit detail, at a nominal cost to the that patronage. With the high community. The work of system to us to take advantage of the all, in fact, many more could est class of bank safe made and atically advertizing the advant offer, and by working with them have been fed. with ample insurance against ages of Mosier will be taken up The afternoon sports consisted i GAY YOWELLl M«r- to develop our section in a much burglary and hold-ups, we offer with the Harriman system, better and quicker way than we of contests of various kinds and : Harness and "Saddlery Goods you as safe a depository as you which agrees to put up $4 for could by any other method that bay game between Mosier and 1 Tents, Wagon .Cover.*,' Etc can get anywhere, and in other every dollar raised by the com -, could be devised. Belmont, the latter winning by a Hand-made Harness a Specialty munitv, and will get out the ad ways we can give you accommo About $100 per month w as score. At night a big dance w as: dations the equal of thsoe you vertising matter in a most attract subscribed at the meeting, a d given in Stroup’s Hall, which HOOD RIVER - OREGON ive form, furnishing pictures, can get elsewhere. it is confidently expected that the was largely attended. Taken all The success of any institution, reading matter, etc., all beaut sum o f $1500 will be raised for a together, it was enjoyed by all. MOSIER M A R K E T which depends, to any extent, on ifully printed and illustrated, and publicity advertising fund and The American people seldom fail local patronage, rests very large will furthurmore attend to the that the matter will be taken up to enjoy themselves on an oc DENNY & HARVEY ly with the public. If you did the mailing of the printed copies at once with the railroad com casion o f this kind. to any part of the world. What not patronize your local mer D EALERS IN chants, butcher, blacksmith, more could Mosier ask? To be pany ana that contracts will be BURNED OUT. liveryman or publisher they sure, as Mr. Wells said, this is signed up and the work got un Fresh and Cured Meats der way. would not be here and you would not a philanthropic move on the This is a great move for Mosier Country Produce , .... have none of the conveniences of part of the railroad company. Retiring to rest last Friday i and will result in a marked in They, like the individual, are which you avail yourself every actuated by selfish motives, but crease in the general business of night with the anticipation of day. the town and the prosperity of spending a pleasant day at the You need not hesitate about it is selfishness which helps oth celebration in Mosier on Satur- the entire section. starting an account with us be ers—puts money in their pockets day and awaking about midnight A In v cause you cannot make a large while adding to their own income. to find their house am ass of, •¿Y lfc-A « MOSIER CELEBRATES deposit at first. You can open We want the people here to de-1 Notary Public T if FOURTH. flames, and in a very few min-1 an account with a small amount as velirp the country—that is our utes to be homeless, was the e x -! well as a large one and the small business. They want to bring The people o f Mosier District perience of Mr. and Mrs. George! and account will receive the same them here. That’s their busi turned out on masse last Satur Parrish. Mr. Parrish is the | Fire Insurance careful attention as the large one. ness. But the railroad company day to celebrate the Nation’s Section Foreman here, and his; . So, with numerous reasons is offering us, financially, the big birthday. The home crowd was house stood close to the 0. R. & - O regon why you should do your banking end of the bargain and it is u p . augmented by numbers from N. tracks, near the Mosier creek The Dalles, Hood River and oth bridge. A freight train which JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS er places. It was estimated that had been switching in the yards Contractors in Stone, Br;ck and Con- between four and five hundred during. the night, pulled out crete Work people spent the day here. The about midnight, and in passing Oregon weather, except for a little wind the house sparks from the engine Mood River in the morning, was almost ideal. fell on the roof. Not long after The Dalles band came down in Mrs. Parrish was awakened by DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. the early morning and discoursed the smoke, and roused the fam » fine music while the crowd was ily. Others who .saw the light P h y sic ia n an d S urgeon gathering, and at ten o ’clock the of the burning building, ran to grounds began to fill up and the their assistance, but the fire had MOSIER - OREGON the program was begun. The gained such headway that the |------ program for the morning consist family barely escaped in their C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. ed of band music, patriotic songs night clothes, catching up such D e n t is t by a Mosier chorus, recitations articles as they could find in their | o f f i c e o v e r b u t i . e k b a n k i n g c o m p a n y * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- » by Mrs. W. W. Winegar, a solo flight. Neighbors succeeded in PHONES: Office 28 Residence 28 B by Mrs. Howard Porter, an or saving the sewing machine, a H00D rjvkr OREGON ation by the Rev. P. V. Poling few chairs, a little bedding and a of The Dalles, flag drills, march bookcase, but everything else, I S. E. BARTMESS es, etc. including a $300 piano, was a Undertaker and Embalmer The Rev. Poling’ s oration was total loss, with no insurance. | a masterly effort and elicited The house, from the out side was i Furniture and Carpets, Etc. applause Seldom have we list and looked like all the other OREGON ened to such an eioquent and in section houses of the company, HOOD RIVER, spiring discourse. Had any one but inside, Mrs. Parrish had fur ‘ FINE LAUNDRY WORK’’ present lacked a sufficert nished it very nicely, and had amount o f patriotism and love of many valuable articles which Done with neatness and dispatch country before, he must have re money could not replace. Among --------♦ ceived enough, listening to Mr. other things was a picture of Mr. Hood River Laundry Company N ow is the time to spray! Poling’s address, to last him the Parrish’ s father which he prizes JOHN WELLBERG, M osier A gent To do it Properly, get a rest of his life. very highly, it being the only one Mrs. Winegar’s rendition of in existence. M. E. WELCH The Independence Bell was very The family is homeless, and R e g ist e r V e t e r in a r y S urgeon forceful and received enthusias the property loss fails very tic applause, as did the other heavily upon them. Of course Office at Fashion Stables theO . R. & N. will rebuild at numbers which she recited. - O regon once, but will hardly make g-*>d H ood R iv e r Mrs. Porter’s solo was excel- the loss of iiersonal projierty, tho Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. i2r.t!v rendered and well received it was incurred by apparent care PARADISE TOULTRY YARDS by an appreciative audience. lessness. i OR A COMPLETE GASOLINE Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red The flag drill and march by the OUTFIT FROM M Ray S irgess catr.e, u> > from and White Leghorn Eggs for school children was very pretty Per land last Sunday o ti.Lt his Hatching. and well given. JAS'.‘ E . COLE, Mgr. D. M c D o n a l d . Miss Lurline Fisher, as the friends and relatives Goddess of Liberty, was all that Miss Blanche Laiferty came Proprietor of the ¿T V could be desired. Hi G . K 1 B B E E up rrom OdMl Friday to visit her Square Deai Siore I A basket dinner was served in friends, the Misses Fisher. She ^ • »». <»> » ¡.--j, -4— a the grove, to which every one helped celebrate here and on HOOD RIVER - OF.C. N O T A R Y P U B L IC was invited. Tho the crowd was Monday morning '.vent to Hood : « a large one there was enough for River, M C S Ik d . . . O G el Ci O N LARAWAY Groceries I of removal ‘ WWMT H. F. BOTHFUR Mosier j MOSIER, M A’ __________ _ . . ______________ _______ PINES HOTEL T he JO H N W ELLBERG , Prop. Good Accommodations Rates $ 1 .0 0 per day and up MOSIER, OREGON r .* (•*- >.«+4 shed 1900 fated 1903 K COM PANY In* i , • B U T L E R B A N K IN G f H O OD R IVE R . O R EG O N * « ... ---------------------------------------- a \ Pioneer Bankers of Hood River Valley. . u. Transact a General Banking Business.,! Interest Paid on Time LESLIE BUTLER, President ' F. McKERCHER, TRUMAN BUTLER, Cashier O '*1»» , t* ** —^ ■■ »1 . . ^ ^ ^ — —i-X- A CdirpleteLLihe ,of ^ a ^ ■■ .. M .. , j . s. ’ 1 \ I Feed, Grain, Field Seed, Poultry! Supplies^ Spray y Materials, Fertilizers, Etc. t SPECIAL PRICES ON RED CLOVER SEED AT W H IT E H E A D ’S FEED HO OD R IV E R { STORE O R EG O N *•*;. «. _ (j b V* W . D. ROGERS. Proprietor I MISSiM L. METCALF. Assistant !* Hood River Studio 5 Photographs and Phonog-nips j Hood River : ;.4 ^ ■» m*r****.*,i*+K.*im*+ A<« « s « s -K ______________________ . V Oregon m i ■, «>>» ■ « « « « « »■» » & } Hunt Paint W all Paper Co. | Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Brushes H & M ((ood River, Ore. ’’SAT1, A R ambert eath illigan j P aints phone 116 V arnishes j 5 t X * CHARTER No. 7272 OREGON / Cog Gear Spray Pump Oregon Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Fruit Land in large and Small Tracts. W e have som e very rare values for the investor and the homeseeket. Write or call for full information. -----------MMMMKW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W )« il» l— _______________ j All goods greatly red uce d Î jW. E. C rown ) MEDICINES, f^TC. Mosier - Oregon Oregon From now until time G en ts'' Dt&nishihgs Dougherty-Fithian Shoes I Removal Sale! ! ! * Exclusive* agent for a Mosier . - and _ FLOUR, FEED, GLOVES, FAMILY RID AL DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. RROS. . , t , DEALERS IN Hood River's Reliable Jeweler Watches , Diamonds, Jewelry | paid for before affidavits are furnished. N ICHOL | Mosier to the party ordering them, at legal rates, and Condensed Report of the Condition of FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOOD RIVER, OREGON At the close o f business, April 28, 1909, to the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C. Liabilities Resources Loans and Discounts - $264,718.14 Overdrafts . . . 1,60.3.114 United States Bonds and Premiums - - 25,937.50 Other Bonds and Warrants 26,095.99 Real Estate . . . 10,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures - 3,40W.97 Redemption Fund - - 1,250.00 Due from Banks *93,611 97 Casi! i.i Safe - 29,472.08 $ 1 2 3 .0 «« .3* Capital Stock Surplus - ' ‘ ‘ L awyer HOOD RiVEP. - $100,000.00 - 20,000.00 3.S99.2S Undivided Profits Circulation Depcklte r 1 - Wt6.0Se.89 _• . - \ J Dcrbv v s. -* -l 807,499.64 v ._ _ A '4 t Correct, E. 0 f • * I 25,000.00 V .$4Ó6,0MKN» B a r , Cashier W. A HUSBANDS v B l a c k s m it h Huse Shoeing and General Repair Work. Satisfaction guaranteed OREGON MOSIER - - OFJfGON