Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1926)
for the concert of the following Bun day. This program will not only list the compositions to be played but Publiait*« «rery Thursday at Ht uüatoB. Umatilla County, O-egoa by will also contain a description of Joseph ft. Harvey, editor and man each composition. agsr. Altered aa second elaae matter December, 1204, at the poetofflce at H em letoa, Umatilla County, Oregon PLAN ALTERATIONS IN SENATE CHAMBER Subscription Ratea One Tear <3.06 8 « M onths___ _______ ___<1.00 A BIG STEP FORWARD Modern Ventilation and Light to Be Provided. U. S. Servant Shavaa in $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 ,« » Estate ONE AT A TIME* Baying a new car to o n ing a used ear ia anotba the tw o oonfuaed— o r yt sure to end up w ith a Don't get E. R. Schiller, Feadletos, Oragoa Ban Francisco, CaL—Albert Bertie, a butler here, told newspapers he bad received notification that he was one of the heirs to a <38,000,000 English estate left by the late duke of Ar gyll. According to the servant’s story, his fhtber, the late John Brodie Bertie, once a wealthy manufacturer of steam turbines, was the first claimant to the estate, bat allowed hie claim to lapse. The elder Bertie later lost his fortune, and bis sons, Albert and Norman Ber tie, were without funds to bring a claim against the estate left by the duke. The bouse of chancery and records In London recently reopened the es tate voluntarily, Bertie says, and he plans to leave for England In three montha to be present at the distribu tion of the estate. W e Carry a Stock of Pistons, Rings and Pins KNERR’S REPAIR SHOP Washington.—The historic senate J. C. Pearson, Black A White Gar., I •t' chamber, occupied continuously since IS.T O , will give way to modern altera The assurance that Hermiston Is to have a commercial hatchery locat tions to provide outside air and light A U S E D CAR IS ONLY A S D E P E N D A B L E ed here and ready to hatch chicks tinder a plan being worked ont by Re A S T H E D E A L E R W H O S E L L S IT for the 1927 selling season Is as good publican and Democratic leaders. Informal agreement haa been reached Call in and let ns ten yon in person w hat we can do for yog news ag has reached the project for to prosecute (lie plan at the next a t th is Beauty Shop. A satisfied < ustomer is out best advertise many a day. Just how great is the i Hlon at the urgent request of health ment. Come and see for yourself. significance to the project of the crusaders, who claim the mechanical AU the latest methods are n sef at th is Beauty Shop and all NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING movement It Is impossible to say, but ventllatlnn does not provide proper U n e a s y B ed work is done under sanitary conditions. that it is likely to hare far reaching living conditions In the present Inside Pittsburgh, Pa.—James Campbell NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School Dtotrlet No. consequences no one can reasonably quarters because of the absence of 14 of Umatilla County. State of Oregon that a SCHOOL MEETING of skid went to sleep In a newly laid cement SLOAN BONNET AND BEAUTY PARLORS sunlight and direct air currents. deny. sidewalk and police were forced to M arcelling, Facial and Scalp Treatm ents are Our Specialties district will be held at the school house on the 27th day of November, The plan conforms with the original Poultry thrives In this climate on 192«. at 2 o’clock In the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the bud- cut off part of his hair and clothing Smart and Exclusive M’llin eiy at Most Reasonable Prices. model of Thomas U. Walter, the archi the natural feed that grows in such jet hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the propo before he could be freed. 845 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. Telephone: 380 abundance. Sufficient proof of thia tect who designed the senate and sition of levying a special district tax. house wings of the capital. The cost fact ha« been provided time and Is estimated at <450,000, exclusive of The total amount of money needed by the saJd school district during the again by our local growers who from a ventilating system, which consult fiscal year beginning on June 21, 1926. and ending June 30, 1927 is C r a b » ax P r o s p e c t o r » conservative beginnings have built ing architect« claim still would be estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be receiv Agile enough to climb coconut trees, up larger and larger flocks. Their necessary. ed from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school the land crabs Infesting the little Is efforts have in almost every Instance Third Change In Reem. fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: land of Utllla, off the coast of Hon been attended by success. It can This would mark the third change duras, were formerly looked upon as safely be said that in no other line In the senate assembly room since the BUDGET a nuisance. But recently the alxteen- capitol building was constructed. The of endeavor followed by local farm year old son of one of the Inhabitants ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ABRAM METHOD ers is there more enthusiasm to be senate at first occupied the small made a remarkable discovery by their chamber now used by the Supreme OP BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT aid. found than among the ranks of court. No. Salary per ToUl those who are building up poultry Near one of the crabs’ holes, which Under the plan, the senate chamber year. they burrow In the ground like rab flocks. would he moved forward to the north PERSONAL SERVICE bits, he noticed some black, atrong- With this condition prevailing, wall of the senate wing, and the archi 1. Superintendent .............................. J <1200.00 <1200.00 smelling mud excavated by the crabs. common sense dictates that the In- tects report that no material strne- 3. Teachers ....................................;...... j PENDLETON, OREGON 1350.00 Experts examined thia substance 1350.00 dustry should be given every oppor-| tural changes would be needed to car and pronounced It to be high-grade 7 1126.00 7875.00 tunlty to continue to prove Itself. ry ont the design. The work would 4. Janitors ............................................ petroleum. It had long been sus 820.00 Eggs are a staple food necessity de be confined to the tearing ont of par pected that oil existed on the island, 5. -Clerk ............................................... ..... titions and the relocation of galleries 150.00 manded in ever Increasing quantities but this was the first ‘‘Strike.** Total............................ ;............... 11395.00 by buyers. Local conditions are and offices. NOTICE The same dimensions of the cham MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: Ideal for their production. What Is STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, Notice Is hereby given that the Mayor and City Council of the City of 1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) 200.00 more logical than that project farm ber. 118 feet by 80 feet, would be re MANAGEMENT, CIR Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, will meet at the City Council Cham tained, but a half circle or amphithea 2. Supplies (chalk, erasers, etc .)................. 200.00 ers develop as rapidly as sound prac ter form, with a coved celling, would CULATION, ETC., bers In said City, Thursday, November 18th, 1926, at 8 o'clock P. M., for Janitor’s Supplies ..................................... ................... 300.00 tice permits the size of their flocks be substituted for the present oblong Required by the Act of Congrees the purpose of reviewing the Budget for the year 1927. at which time Fuel «00.00 to such a stage that the Umatilla shape to Improve acoustics and of August 24, 1912, at the Hermis and place the following estimates and and Budget may be discussed with *• Ll«ht ..................... -............................ ........................... 100.00 project shall firmly establish Its vision. ton Herald, published weekly at Her the Levying Board. 9. W a ter................................................................................. 100.00 right to be known as the Ideal place The new assembly room would oc- miston, Oregon, for October 1, 1926. The total amount of money needed by said City for the year 1927 is 0. Postage, stationery and printing.............................. 100.00 for large scale egg aud chicken pro- ! <’ul’.v ,he space now devoted to the State of Oregon,) estimated in the following Budget. Total ......................................................... .......................... < 1600.00 President’s and vice president’s of duction? Courty of U m atilla)». Men In the poultry business have fices and the marble room. Quarters MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS • Before me, a notary public in and CITY OF HERMISTON BUDGET Building and grounds ............................. »................... 500.00 sc used for quite aw He that a com for the Chief Executive and the vice for the state and county aforesaid, Estim ated Expenditures Total .................... .................................. ....... president would be located side by < 500.06 personally appeared Joseph S. Har mercial hatchery was needed here to side on the east side of the senate INDEBTEDNESS: ITEMS augment the work that Is already be with entrances through a large ante vey, who, having been duly sworn Library 1780.00 ing done by some local breeders. room. The marble room, now used as according to law, depones and says Salaries, Librarian..................... <360.00 4000.00 Business men, influenced In no small a lounging and conference retreat for that he Is the owner of the Hermis Salaries, J a n ito r ............................. 40.00 1000.00 measure by this diagnosis of condi senntors, would be replaced by a wide ton Herald, and that the following is Total M iscellaneous..................................... 200.00 <6780.00 to the best of his knowledge and be tions as made by the growers, have marble promenade around the entire I <1400.00 lief, a true statement of the owner lent their aid, and have given of half circle In the rear of the senate, TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS: T o ta l........................... < 334.80 ship, management (and If a daily < 600.00 their time and money to make the with connections to the cloak rooms. INSURANCE: Interest on Warrants More Offices to Be Built EMERGEN (J Y : 100.00 dream of expansion come true. By paper, the circulation), etc., of the Public corridors would be built be 200.00 1800.00 the work done so fur It la possible aforesaid publication for the date Street Improvements (Special) hind the senate chamber to provide a Total ........................... 265.00 that the foundation of a bigger < 200.00 shown in the above captlor, required Street Fund direct line between the two staircases General Fund Total estimated amount of money for all purposes structure than anyone now dreams and additional offices would be con by the Act of August 24, 1912, em during the y e a r .............................................................. Street Light* ................... 840.00 <22209.80 bodied in section 411, Postal Laws about may be In the making. structed between the corridors and the Fire Department ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 400.00 Less than «lx months ago hard south side of the building. and regulations, printed on the re Miscellaneous m county school fund during the coming school year 3783.00 500.00 headed men In the community ex Gallery space would be confined to verse of this form, to-wlt: pressed the opinion that a commer the half circle, with the north aide left From state school fund during the coming school year.... 533.00 1. That the names and addresses i elementary school fund during coming school year 3405.00 cial hatchery might be located here free. The press gallery, now occupy 1740.00 of the publisher, editor, managing Total estimated receipts, not Including proposed tax < 7781 00 editor and buiness managers are: Salaries within the next two or three years. ing all of the north side, would be moved over to the northeast corner, City Recorder RECAPITULATION 600.00 It did not wait that long. It’» oh Joseph S. Harvey, Hermiston, Ore City Treasurer Balance, amount to be raised by district tax.......... <14428.80 gon. 100.00 the way now. Soon ft will be neces where three rooms would be fitted up. .Vew committee rooms would be con The indebtedness of District No. 14 is a« follows: City Atttorney 240.00 sary to have a plant for handling structed also on the gallery floor be 2. That the owner is: Joseph S. Total bonded Indebtedness................................................ <26000 00 City Police 1300.00 eggs. So does It seem that expan tween the corridors and the south Harvey, Hermiston, Oregon. City Health Officer Total warrant Indebtedness ................ .......................... 34742.27 120.00 sion Is Inevitable. wall. 3. That the known bondholders, Total amount of all indebtedness............-........................ 40742.27 Where Is that hardy soul that will mortgagees, and other security hold Dated this 25th day of October, 1926. dare side with the prophctH of gloom 2360.00 ers owning or holding 1 per cent or Attest: R A. Brownson, District Clerk. and say that we may not expect to more of total amount of bonds, mort — READ THE WANT ADS— .. ... .................................... F. B. Sw ay», Board of Directors. • have half a million hen« In the next 6865.00 gages, or other securities are: (If Total 4 Estimated Receipts — License Fees, three years? there are none, so state.) ■* - ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING sweet F in e s ........................... .............. It now spears that development E. J. Kingsley, Portland, Oregon. 200.00 may be taking Its course In the com George Huntington Currey, La SCHOOL DISTRICT N O - 14 1 i . Amaunt Necesnnry by Taxation ....... munity ut n murh faster rate than Grande, Oregon. <6665.00 This original estimate Is made In compliance with section 231-A of the school lawsof 1921 and shows in we who live here can appreciate. JOSEPH S. HARVEY, parallel columns the unit costa of the several services, materials and supplies for the three fiscal years next We, the undersigned Chairman and Secretary of the Budget Committee Owner. of the City of Hermiston, hereby certify that the foregoing la correct as preceding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said three preceding fiscal years and the Sworn to and subscribed before me made by said Budget Committee. EXPANSION MADE IN W 0BK budget allowances and expenditures for eix months of the current year. ( ’’Six months of the current year this 3rd day of November, 1926. means six months of the last school year.”) F. c. M c K en z ie , FOR CHILDREN’S HOME (Seal) W. J. Warner, EXPENDITURES Chairman (My commission expires January 9, A. H. NORTON, 1929.) The report of the Children’s farm Expenditure end Expenditures f e e t Flessi »'nr Secretary. Budxet AUowedke home which wus given by tho office for t mo. of secretary. Mrs. Madge J. Meara, at Lent School Yeer Expendi ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET Budxet ITEM ture» for the state W. C. T. U. convention held thron«ulna Expen AUew- - CITY OP HERMISTON In Gresham October 19, showed that utoe le SokoelToor diture ledeteli fine work has been done during the Expenditures for three Fiscal past year. The acreage la all pledg « S Í 3 years next preceding the ed and <7,484.42 In the treasury PERSONAL SERVICE: last year. 1. Superintendent ......< 1200.00 < 1350.00 < 1350.00 < 2700.00 ready for payment. The full amount » E 3. Teachers, 1 ............... 1360.00 will be collected by the time the Estimated Expendí-^, m notes are due. 7 at <1126................. 7875.00 9652.50 9652.50 4500.00 tures for ensuing 5 ® ITEMS Five cottages are filled with happy 667.60 600.00 1155.00 year. _ o 3 Janitors .................... 820.00 boys and girls to the number of 115 14805.00 ♦ o ft 5 ¡B 8 Clerk and Bond........ 160.00 ! and the Laue county cottage near 76.00 75.00 150.00 ±í O ► » g •O ° m -Personal services....<11396.00 ing completion will be ready for 11656.00 11677.60 23310.00 <23990.00 <23565.00 ß « *2 » •o Ö children December 1. making room MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES ■ 6 g s % 3 3 -w ® . o 3 1. Furniture (dsks. etc). 200.00 for 20 buys. Other counties are 250.00 § 5 = « E 2. Suppllee (chalk, etc.) 200.00 planning for cottages. Cooa and 203.00 350.00 407.04 I 5. Playground equipment Clackamas have already started their 99.00 160.00 189.12 <300.00 LIBRARY <210.00 <180.00 <360.00 6 Janitor’s supplies.... 300.00 campaigns and the four southern Personal Services Librarian 40.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 I- Fuel ........................... «0.00.. Oregon counties, Douglas. Josephine, 292.00 600.00 584.00 J a n ito r ............................. „ 200.00 236.35 100.00 133.46 *• Light .......................... 100.00 Jackson and Klamath are uniting for 180.00 150.00 273.15 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . „ 600.00 300.00 1. Water ........................ 100.00 one from that section. 518.45 696.11 562.30 77.00 60.00 157.40 PARK AND AUTO CAMP 10. Postage ft stationery 100.00 Miscellaneous „ „ ............... 200.00 2.00 75.00 Total— Material. Supplies.. 1600.00 114.00 OIL COMPANY AIDS IN 851.00 240.20 230.50 1660.00 1610.71 4226.22 2292.00 INTEREST ON WARRANTS 100.00 100.00 CONSTRUCTION: Street Improvement (Spl.) „ 1165.00 GETTING RADIO CONCERTS Total Construction ........................... 111.00 250.00 4438.35 2691.60 Street F u n d ........................... 700.00 869.30 600.00 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: 1289.05 372.98 702.00 Announcement haa been made In ; GENERAL FUND Buildings and grounds.. 500.00 San rranclseo that with the assist Totnl Mnln. and R e p a ir s. PERSONAL SERVICES 600.00 46.55 360.90 City Recorder ance of the Standard OH Company ASSESSMENTS (H ighways _ 000.00 1 300.00 300.00 600.00 City Treasurer .. .. .. of California 21 synphony concerts - 100.00 50.06 50.00 99.96 Roads. Streets, B rid g es): City Attorney . . . . . . . . will be broadcast simultaneously by Total-—Assessments .. 240.00 120.00 - 120.00 240.00 City Police .................... _ atallons KGO Oakland. KPO. Sun INDEBTEDNESS: - 1300.00 «15.00 650.00 1246.00 City Health Officer .. . . . . . . . . _ 120.00 Francisco and KFI. L v Angeles, con 55.00 60.00 1. Bonded and Interest 95.00 Total ., ,. .. stituting one of the greatest link-ups 2360.00 1180.00 thereon ........................ 1760 00 2280.9« 800.00 800.00 1780.00 1673.70 1840.00 Street Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . of radio stations ever undertaken on 040.00 413.05 430.00 828.05 828.05 2. Warrant and interest 858.86 707.40 the Pacific coast. Fire Department .. ____ .. _ 400.00 285.72 290.00 533.57 533.57 thereon ...................... >000.00 1043.01 1000.00 3030.00 1080.09 175.21 M iscellaneous.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . Some weeks ago a public aubscrlp- 600.00 281.81 3. All other Indebt ed- 270.00 415.29 415.29 664.03 321.13 Grand Total . . . . . . . . . . . . tlon was started In San Francisco for 0805.00 3451.29 3245.00 nees and Interest theron 1000.00 5947.37 5370.8« 4 6 6 1 .« Estimated Receipts ........... .. _ <25.000. Listeners of the Pacific Total— Indebtedness .......... 4 780.00 1033.81 1800.00 3810.00 5100.00 3XO.OO. License Fees and Fines . . . . . . coast were asked to send In a con TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS 200.00 Amount necessary by Taxation...... tribution to this fund, which was to 0605.00 ........... - ......................... 1400.00 968.10 1000.00 The following Is a full and com be devoted to protect the San Fran Total Trane of Pupils ...... 1400.00 908.10 jvdO.OO 3499.38 3408.53 2561.00 plete classified summary of the In cisco synphony orchestra against lose INSURANCE: debtedness of the City of Hermiston: In box office receipts because of the 150.00 130.10 Outstanding Water Bonds _ ______ fact that concerts would be broad Total Insurance................... 25000.00 334.<0 150.00 138.10 105.90 396 00 300.00 Warrants Outstanding ........................ casted. Approximately <15.000 was i 1024.48 MISCELLANEOUS: Warrants Outstanding etreat Improv. raised and the Standard Oil company Total Miscellaneous ......... 2 7 1 8 .« , 191.64 325.00 1(5.35 092.11 « 4 .0 0 Warants Outstanding Hurlburt Are... of California agreed to subscribe the 503.00 EMERGENCY: WaranU Outstanding Oladys Are..__ sum neceoaary to make the undertak Total— Emergency 3711.09 ....... 200.00 ing a reality. GRAND TOTAL <20200.10 Total .............. In order that radio llstenera may - - - - 31057.91 derive the fullest value and enjoy- I. R, A Brownson, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures for the rear 1020-1017 waa I. C. W Kellum, hereby the s above estimate . — __ ■j certify that mat m esttmate of meat from the concerts, the Standard prepared by me and that the eapnadlture, aad budget allowance f«^ months of the curent year aud the lowancaa for tire first six ----------------------------------------- tka of current year aad expenditure« for the thre. 1 ,M ’ bud<et **" Oil company will make available each expenditure« tor th . three f,««U y » , precedm, ,h . current yea, . . shown .bore » the current year and summary of la debts*ansa aa shown above have been "*’ * pr*ce4,B» « « H ie d *00k *t Its service stations programs I from me record. In my char«« aad a » true aud correct copies thereof. charge, aad to the bast of my knowledge are true and corert compiled from the record, la my R. A. BROWNSON. District Clerk. W hen In Pendleton— CANCER SPECIALIST D r. B. B. Brundage ? — L— U ?_ W KELLOGG, City Recorder, Hermiston, Ore gos