Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1926)
QBEOOM. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE UNDER EXECUTION FARMERS A T T E N T IO N PO U L T R Y M EN We wish to announce th at we are opening a depart ment for purchasing live poultry. PRICES PA ID First N ational B ank of Hermiston C ap ital, Surplus and U nd ivid ed P ro fit* O v e r * 5 0 ,0 0 0 -wayze. Pre# R. Alexader, Vice-Free. A H Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier For Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Capons We are prepared to call a t your place for poul try and save you the trouble of delivery at no cost to you. M utual C ream Station FEED PEICE QUOTATIONS (Furnished by Farm Bureau Co-oper ative of Hermiston. Unless other wise specified, prices are per hundred weight.) FOR 9A LB PIANO FOR SALE— Large piano manufacturer has one of their fine pianos near here to be sold at once. *10 a month will handle. If interested in a real piano buy, m ite at once to C. A. Remington, factory adjuster, Ellensburg, Wn 9-3tc 1 OR SALE— Potatoes, nice smooth Netted Gems at *1.75. H. Gilbert, two miles east of Hermiston. 8-3tp FOR SALE—On easy terms, Dodge coupe in good condition. First National bank. 8-tfc FOR SALE— Eveready B batteries. Will allow *11 on your old battery if it tests above 25 volts. Paul Miller. Phone 40-W-5. 8-3t FOR SALEChina closet, plant bench. R. T. Longhorn. 8-tfc Sbratch, 120s .................................*2.78 Egg Mash ....................................... 2.30 Ground O ats................................... 1.93 Ground barley .............................. 1.58 Wheat ............................................. 2.28 Corn ................................................ 2.10 Cracked corn .................................. 2.20 Ground corn .................................. 2.20 Mill run 8 0 s ................................... 1.00 Cow feed ....................................... 1.95 Ground wheat .............................. 2.38 Shorts 80s ..................................... 1.08 Ground barley .............................. 1.21 Calf meal, per pound................. 3t4c Middlings ....................................... 1.68 Oyster shell ................................... 1.00 Whole oats ............................ 185 Salt, half ground................................45 In th e C irc u it C o u rt of th e S ta te o f O reg o n fo r U m a tilla C ou nty robe. Anticipating chicken house business for the late summer and fall, we secured a complete stock of material for thia business early In the spring. This stock has been In the yard for the last five months and hi now thoroughly dry. Thia gives you a stock that will build an absolutely tight chick en house at the same price as green lumber would cost. You cannot afford to take s chance on using green lumber for a chicken house when we will guarantee the stock that we furnish not to shrink. 1 MATERIALLY YOURS TUM -A-LUM LUM BER CO. SERVICE Come in and give our line the “once over.” HITT This coupon and 25c entitle the under« signed to one 35c can of Acme Qualify Bnamel-Kote, any color, and a special 20c Paint We Want Yon Il e s h Ren Fplthonsp 4 « -tfc ,n-“ w c«»“tx.«nd ud p.rticn- oee u O . u O . reitnouse. u c Urlyboundedand dMCril-d stau, „ follow,. te-wit: For Sale—Heifer, to be fresh second time January 2, now giving milk. Yearling Durham-Jersey. Alladin lamp. M. L. Watson. 7-2tc For Sale—Winter parsnips. O. Whitsett. See W. 7-4tp H aCPXAXEOUS FOUND—Auto tire and rim. Owner can recover same by Identifying tire and paying for thia ad. 9 -lt FOR RENT— Light house keeping rooms. Mrs. W. B. Beasley 8-3tp LOST— Llewellyn setter, brown and white spots, answers to name Ted. Wore collar, Clackamas county license tag. Reward. J. W. De- vine, Echo, Oregon. 8-ltp WANTED—Two ewe sheep or lambs. Inquire Herald. FOR RENT— Four room residence. Inquire Knerr’s Repair Shop. 8-tfc WANTED—To rent furnished house Close In C. D. Porter. 8- , Wanted—To rent an alfalfa ranch for 3 or 5 years. J. C. Magossin, Nes tor, Calif. 7-5tc Watch, clock and Jewelry repairing. See Newell, next door to Sappers. 18-tfe NV, SW ii, Section 26. Township 4 North Range 28 E. W. M. NH SEV4. Ssetion 27. Township 4 North Range 28 E. W. M. Yon a n further notified that .aid R. L. Betas* has paid taxes on said premisea for prior or sub sequent yeara with the rate of interest on said amounts as follows: Year’s Tax Tax Receipt Rat* of Data Paid Number Amt. Intereet 1920 April 6.1921 4178 12 1921 Kay 26, 1922 6267 14.70 1922 April 6, 1923 7167 16.84 1923 April 29, 1824 2219 16.27 1924 April 6,1926 4222 12.24 1926 Sept. 21, 1926 Said B. A. Setzer, as the ow asr at the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record, and eeeh of the other persona above named are hereby further notified that R. L. Setzer will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclos ing the lien against the property above described and mentioned in Mid certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication o f the summons sxcju- siv* of the day o f said first publication, and de fend this action or pay the amount due aa above shown together with costs and accrued in terest and in case o f your failure to do so, a de cree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premisea above named. This summons is publiahad by order of the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Umatilla, aad said order was made and dated this 11th day of October, 1926. and the date of the first pubheottoa of this summons is the 14th day of October. 1996. All process and papers in this proceeding — r be served upon the undersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. PROEBSTKL A SCHMID. Attorneys for the Plaintiff Address. Pendleton. Oregon. 4-7tc Address^. In irovements invite the public to view our special fall show ing o f D o d g e B rothers M otor Cars feat uring two of th e m ost im p o rta n t im p ro v e m e n ts ever made in this d ep en d ab le a n d long-lived product Week of November lit Open evenings Touring Car Coupe - Sedan - Special Sedan - . . , . . - . 1958.00 $1010.00 $1072.00 $1130.00 you with Acms Q osllty.w e are making a Ipe- ciai offer for a abort time only. E. R. SCHILLER, Pendleton, Oregon J. 0 . PEARSON, Hack & White Garage, Hermiston to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing th is n ew s paper we do job work of any kind. W hen in need of anything in this line be sure To See Us Residence second house west of the Catholic church. Thone, 82-R. ! J. L. VAUGHAN! ■ s New colors — new beauty ■ ■ ■ Everthing Electrical FOR YOU T o p rove th e rem arkable ease w ith w hich yo u can renew a worn and faded piece of furni ture w ith A cm e Q u ality E n am el-K ote, w e m ake this special offer for a lim ited tim e. ■ Phone 139 Pendleton, Ore. ■ *■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Hermiston Transfer Look areund you now. What small piece of furniture have you that need* refinjjhing? Make up your mind, then tear out the coupon above, sign your name and address on it in pencil, bring it in pnd get the tpeciaj 55c combination of Enamel-Kote and brush. We Haul ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME We make the offer only because we want you to get acquainted with the wonderful finishing qualities of the world-renowned EVERYBODY’S GOING! A C M E Q U A L IT Y Paint ^Varnish Sign the coupon and bring it to bur store. ! 206 East Court St. ANY AND fo r fa d e d furniture TELEPHONE 31 J A L IF O R N IA b id s you film back the calendar C to summer and come play in , the warm sunshine. As an added Inducement the Union Pacific now offers special Io-» round trip fare* and assure* you a marvelous journey on the finest of fast trains. Connection* via Portland or Salt Lake City, MAKS TOUK KZMMVATION* NOW W. L. BLESSING HARDWARE Hermiston, Oregon A t H e r m is to n D O IT N O W U N IO N PACIFIC We Need the Money1 Send us the price o f a year’i subscription if you are in arrears L. J. M cA tee PAINTS, WALLPAPER, PICTURE MOULDINGS AND GLASS CONTRACTING 513 Main St. Phone 158 Pendleton, Oregon. n f c . woughter , Agent, Hermiston, Oregon THE new W INTER -RED CROWN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND INSURANCE, i . M. BIGGS, RE ALTOR- 2«-tfe At the Baptist church November 7. Bible school 10 A. M. Mr. Ed. Beneel, superintendent. Classes for all age*. Morning worship 11 A. M. Theme, Revivals in the Bible. Eve ning service 7:4* P. M. Theme, Re vivals la the Bible, continued. Mon- dag night 7:4* P. M„ Rev. Edd. C. I Coder of Grass Valley will bo here for a two weeks evangelistic m eeting.' A real live wire, a good gospel, preacher, a fine Christian leader, j Come and hear him and he will help with • real Shepard’s you. heart. A cordial welcome to all. J. War*, 1 T* acquaint S cial Fall Showing Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf Hermiston Second Hand Store.— Furniture and Hardware, Bee Sup plies, Harness, Saddles, Wagons. 3S-3fc Bttr We Have Anticipated phone 111 R. L. Setzsr, Plaintiff ' B. A. Setzer, and also all other C0W8. B . ’ persons unknown claiming any 3 7 -tfC right, title, estate or interest in or to the real property described Defendants. FOR SALE—Delicious apples, extra herein. N o................... Summons for publication in fine culls, 50 cents. Orchard run Foreclosure o f Tax Lien. 81 per box, you bring the box. F. To B. A. Setzer, and all other persons unknown M. Gulwits. 1-tfc claiming any right, title, estate or interest in or to the real property described herein, defend ants: NO HUNTING cards for sale at the In the Name of the State of Orogon: Herald Office. You are hereby notified that R. L. Setaer, the holder of Certificate of Delinquency nnmUraH 1729 issued on the 8th day of April, 1981, by the FOR SALE— Fine sweet potatoes, 5c Tax Collector of the County o f Umatilla, State of per pound, field run. S. T. Davis. Oregon, for the amount of Thirty-three and 80-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then 2 tie due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1919, together with penalty, interest and coats there on upon the reel property assessed to you. of F or sale~H ay derrick and w ard whicn you are the owner aa appears of record, FOR SALE— No. Hammer. A TIP CONCERNING Y O U R CHICKEN H O U SE R. A. Brownscn, Mgr. FOUNTAIN * T. H. Gaither * Phone 911 for quotations. C . W a rn e r, M an a g e r WANT AOS QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 101, O. B. S., meets second and by virtue of an execution issued out fourth Tuesday evenings of eeeh of the Cireuft Court of ¿he State of Oregon for Umatilla County to month at 8:00 sharp In Masonic hall me directed and delivered upon a Visiting members welcome. Cigars, Tobacco judgement and decree and order of Eutheml* Jackson, W. M. sale rendered in said court on the B arb er Sbop Kathryn L. Garner, Secretary. •th day of October, 1926, in favor of the First National Bank of Her miston, a corporation, against Thom V N E Y A F D LODGE NO. 206, L o . o. r . as N. Marxen, in the suit therein u T "* ch • « " in * to Odd Fafiows hall. Visitina member. cordially thvitsd. pending wherein the said The First W. R. Lowthorn. Sec. Jasper Templeton. N . « . National Bank of Hermiston, a cor poration is plaintiff and the said PROFESSIONAL CARDS Thomas N. Marxen is defendant, for the sum of *1500 together with in terest thereon at the rate of 10 per Dr. F. V. PRIME cent per annum from the 27th day ♦ ❖ DENTISTRY of January, 1926 until paid and for Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis IF IT’S the further sum of *175 attorneys fees and for plaintiff’s costs and dis Hermiston, Oregon bursements in this suit incurred, Bank Bldg. Phone ConneoM* taxed at 67.65, which said decree and judgement and order of sale have W. J. W A R NER been duly docketed and enrolled in YOU WART the office of the clerk of said court, Attorney-at-Law and in and by which judgement, de CALL 25-J cree and order of sale it was directed Hermiston : : : Oregon that the hereinafter described real COUNTRY HAULS 80LICITEI property in Umatilla County, Oregon, together with the tenants, heredita H S. MtKENZEE, M. D- ments and appurtanctes thereto be longing or in anywise appertaining, Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat and also all of the estate, right and TRANSFER AND DRAY •» Office: 1-2-3 Inland Empire Bldg. interest of said defendant in and to the same, be sold by the Sheriff of Pendleton, Oregon Umatilla County, Oregon, to satisfy said judgement and all costs. THEREFORE, I will, on the 20th JAMES L. SEARS, M. D. day of November, 1926, at the hour Physician and Surgeon of two o’clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Office Phone 733. Res. Phon* T il courthouse in the City of Pendleton, Office in First National Bank Umatilla County, Oregon, sell all the right, title and interest which the said defendant Thomas N. Marxen had on the 27th day of January, 1926, DR. CHARLES H. WHITTAKKR or since then has acquired or now Chiropractic Physician has, in and to the following described Electric Therapy Massage premises situated in Umatilla Coun Your needs in everything ty, State of Oregon, to-wit: Hours: 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5:30 P. 14. Lots 5 and 6 in Block 1 in the th a t is necessary to com orginal town of Hermiston as 18-20 Judd Bldg., Main at Court platted in Section 10, Town plete your golf outfit. Phone 691 Pendleton, Oregon ship 4 North Range 25, E. W. M. together with the tenements, here Phone 121 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. ditaments and appurtenances there to belonging or in any wise apper and by appointment taining; and also all of the right, DR. DAVID S. ROWE estate, title and interest of said de- J Chiropratic Physician fendant in and to he same; said Massage, Dietetics, Electrotherapy, lands to be sold at public auction i Phototherapy to the highest bidder for cash in hani the proceed* of sale to be appli“d Office at Hermlatoa, in satisfaction of said execution and Hotel Corlig Oregon all costs. Dated this 12th day of October, 1926. DR. THEO. BELETSKI, R. T. Cookingham, Sheriff of Uma tilla County, Oregon. Veterinarian First Publication October 21, 1926 Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter Last Pùblication November 18, 1926 stuto Stock Inspector Bert Mullins B E ST M A R K E T «111 find It an advantage to bank with the First National. If you can t conveniently bring in your deposits, remittances sent by mail will be promptly credited to your account. LODGE DIRECTORY O f Course Y ou W ill Send Cards A fine gasoiiae of the volatility aad stability that produce quick starting, fast ac'eleratioa and a maximum of miles. Scientifically made to provide the greatest cffi ciency of engine operation» the product of 48 ytars of refining c&pcricMe. S a part of your program of remembering friend* at Christina*, well nigh unlveraan. The cube passing of year* until It I* now The custom ha* grown with tstom has much to commend it. A last minute present may be purchased for a friend forgotten In the rush of Christmas preparation, hut If you have planned in advance for a supply of cards, you hav* at reasonable cost Just the remembrance you desire. Christmas card* bearing your name carry that personal, friendly touch which Is the very heart of the happy season. The Herald Is prepared t show a line of card* that combine beauty, dlgaity and good taste at a price you can afford to pay. A W ILD . T O G O / You should call without delay to make your choice © 1724 JlsMVOARO OIL ÇfUMBANY 05 CAUKJftNIA HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING BUTTONS and BUTTON HOLES Mail orders promptly attended to. THE SMART SHOP Mrs. R. L. Parker, Prop. 822 Main St. Pendleton, Ore. DON’T FORGET US W hen you need any thing in the fine of n e a t a n d a ttra c tiv e Printing.