Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1926)
T H E H E B M IST O S First A id to Your Business After a severe strain financially a business must be nursed back to health and the best industrial physician and financial nurse in the world is your banker. We exercise the greatest care in assisting and helping small businesses, or injured businesses, and the time to start with us is when we can guide you best. Use our services. First National Bank of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided P ro fit. O ver *6 0 ,0 0 0 P. B. Swayze, Pres. R. Alexader, Vlce-Prsa. A. H. Norton, Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier R elict of “G ood O ld T im et” An oaken gibbet, from which men were hanged in public for sheep steal ing up to the year 1500, Is preserved over the main entrance of a bank at Ruthin, Wales, on the ruins of the old FOR SALI courthouse. Men, highly skilled In the delicate work, labored to weave fresh cows. B. thia centnries-old relic Into the mason FOR SALK—No. 37-tfe ry of the new building. The gibbet Hammer. bears grim traces of frequent use. A GRAPHS—Concord, Niagara, and deep hole Is worn In the wood where Sweetwater. A. W. Prann. 50-3tc the rope was fastened. A sinister- looking dungeon where the prisoners FOR SALK—F in . wool aged breeding awaited their doom Is the strong room ewes. Cunningham Sheep Co.. of the bank. Pendleton, Oregon. 49tfe FOR SALE—Adding machine at the Herald office. rolls English W ater Courtee “The Broads" Is the name given to the series of picturesque fresh-water lakes mainly In the English county of FOR SALE—A 7 room strictly mod. Norfolk, but extending Into Suffolk. era house, full basement an dgood “The Broads” were great estuaries, lawn. Close to school. Might trade. now largely silted up. Some are la See C. H. Skinner. 4«-tfc the course of rivers; others ure con nected with rivers by artificial chan FOR SALE— Rhode Island Red pul nels. There are about a dozen large lets. Joe Dyer, Hermiston. 62tfc Broads, the largest being Hlckling, with an area of 400 acres. There are FDR SALK—Delicious apples, extra 200 miles of navigable water in this fine culls, 60 cents. Orchard run district, famous for yachting, fishing and fowling. *1 per box, you bring the box. F. M. Outwits. 1-tfc M ice and M atchei There Is a popular belief that fires are often started by mice gnawing on matches. Engineers connected with the Underwriters’ laboratories In New FOR SALE—Fine sweet potatoes, 5c York decided to make a test. They per pound, field run. S. T. Davis. put several mice In a cage and gave 2tfc them nothlDg to eat but matches. Not one of the mice would touch the matches. After a few days they had FOR SALE—Plows, springtooth har to be taken from the cage and re- row, two cultivators, double and sin lensed to prevent their starving to death. gle harness, hoes, shovels, etc. Household goods, kitchen cabinet, cream separator, milk cans. F. J. Prann. ^tfc NO HUNTING cards for sale at the Herald Office. Many Firmly Believe in Influence of Moon A supposed in;luei ce of the moon on plants and animals Is found mixed with the rellgloui; id-a* of nearly all primitive peoples The moon, too, la blamed for lntorieritg In the affaire of men, and such beliefs persist today In folklore and »uprrstitlona. If we get Into touih with primitive peoples, or even, net rer home. If we lake country folk ssl le and ask them In confidence whnt they think of the personality of tfce noon and of its Influence, many v HI give this sort of answer, they «111 tell us that the moon, wife or sister cf the sun, shares with the latter the duty of lighting the world. Perhai>s we shall hear further that for misconduct It has been banished to the night. One Is said to see In the fu I moon the face of a man In penitence or others say, the Image of a hare. And we shall be told that tho moon affects In numerable activities -if man from the most Important, suet, as agriculture, to the most trivial, as cutting the nails or hair.—H M'inro Fox In the Forum. Plants Grow Rapidly in Conti nuous Light Experiments In the use of intensive Illumination as ar. aid to horticulture were made recently with 1,000-witt gas-filled lamps (quipped with large reflectors. In every case the progress of the plants was remarkable, says a writer. The plants were placed under the light when buds were Just beginning to form. Daffodils nnd Lent titles, when placed under the light for six hours a night, flowered In fonr days, growing about an Inch a day. The rapid progress of vegetation In the Arctic regions, once the snn has reached a fair altitude, has already been noticed by travelers. This la most likely due to the fact that day light Is continuous, although the pres ence of an unusually high ultra violet content la probably an Influential factor. The same explanation may account for the rapid growth of wheat in re gions such as Alheita, In Canada, where the whole process of sowing to harvesting has to be completed in five months. Not Good W eather Sign The weather bureau says that the position of the lunar crescent depends upon the angle that the moon’s path makes with the horizon, and on any given date It la tlways the same In places having the same latitude. If this weather sign were trustworthy, the same kind of weather, either dry or rainy, would prevail on any given date throughout a belt of latitude ex tendin'; entirely around the globe. Of course, there Is no suc h .uniformity of weather In relation to latitude. Near the equator the position of the young moon never makes an angle of more than 30 degrees with the horizon, and It Is generally In an even more nearly horizontal position, so that In a part of the world notorious for regions of heavy rainfall, the moon Is, according to the proverb, always a “dry” one. ON THE SESQUI LAGOONS High Grade Piano near Hermiston will be sold to reliable party at big saving; 110 monthly will handle. A real buy, write at once for particu lars. Tallman Piano Store, Salem, 2-3tc Oregon. OR RUNT— Modern 4 -room house, cloae In. Inquire Dr. Prime’s office. 4 5 tfc Polands tor Profits. Stillings. 37tf BAL ESTATE EXCHANGE» AND INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE AKTOR. Here are Americans, visitors to the gesquECentennlal International Rxpo- ■Itlon In Philadelphia which celebrates the 150th anniversary of the signing ot the Declaration of Independence, riding about the lagoons In tin Italian craft, a gondola, from which they view the buildings and displays from many lands. In the distance can be seen the mammoth Sesqul Stadlim; to the right Is the eignal tower of the United 8tateu Coast Guard bulldtig and exhibit, and to the left is one ot the Japanese pagodas which dot the exposition grounds. The Grecian pavilion is one of the permanent structnree on the site before the city government decided to build the Seeqnl at the front dior of the great Philadelphia Navy Yard. The Exposition continues until December L RRAB THE WART ADS ALMOST NEW We Want Yon To See Us oooaoooofaoaoooatoooooa*^ S E R V IC E T. H. Gaither paid; and the further sum of *11.00 with interest at the rate of 6 per and defend aglnst the aforesaid pro- cent per annum from and after the CMMjlnga and that upon their fail- 1st day of June. 1924 until paid, and ' . . ~ ~ a.,,*«™«* the further sum of *52.50 costs and ure to do 80 a Judgment of foreclos- We Wash Everything But the dsbursements, which said decree and ure will be entered, Baby. judgment and order of sale have This notice is issued by virtue of been duly docketed and enrolled in | r n ord^r of the Honorable Gilbert FOUR TIMES A WEEK the office of the Clerk of said Court ___ SERVICE and in and by which said judgment, w - Judge of the above en- decree and order of sale it was di- titled Court. rected that the hereinafter described „ T nnnnn, real property in Umatilla County,! **• *• URUWIN, Oregon, together with the tenements, 2-2tc Circuit Court Clerk hereditaments and appurtenances i _______________ and all water rights thereto belong ing or in any wise appertaining, and WESTLAND IRRIGATION DISTRICT also all of the estate, right, title and w a t íp t interest of the said defendants in and nvriiux,. Pendleton, Oregon to the same be sold by the Sheriff Notice Is hereby given that the QUALITY SERVICE of Umatilla County, Oregon to satis- board of directors of the Westland fy said judgment and all «ata. li g a t i o n District, acting as a Therefore, I Will on the 23rd day v . .... ,,, . . of October, at the hour of two o'clock board of equalization, will meet at in the afternoon of said day at the the office of the district in Hermls- front door of the courthouse in the ton> Oregon, on the first Tuesday of • »«• "» interest which the said defendants or reviewing and correcting the assess- either of them had on the 1st day of menta and apportionments of the January, 1908 or since then have taxe8 to be ievled jn sa)d district on acquired or now have in and to the . following described premises situated <°r before the f,r8t Tuesday in in Umatilla County, State of Oregon, September, 1926. to-wit: J. W. MESSNER, Secretary. ! v Your needs in everything All that portion of the South Dated this first day of September, Half of the South Half of the that is necessary to com- Southwest Quarter of the North 1926. (l-4 tc) west Quarter of Section 30, Tp. : plete your golf outfit. 4 N. of Range 28, E.W.M. iying east of the canal of the Western IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Land and Irrigation Co.,.the said STATE OF OREGON FOR tract of land containing 7% UMATILLA COUNTY acres more or less together _ ___ with the tenements, here The First National Bank of| ditaments and appurtenances there- Hermiston, a corporation, unto belonging or in any wise ap- : p i . i . h » l pertaining and also all of the right,! estate, title and interest of said d e -; ▼». fendants in and to the same, said Thomas N. Marxen, | lands to be sold at public auction to Defendant.! the highest bidder for cash in hand, SUMMONS. the proceeds of sale to ne applied to Equity No. 4243. the satisfaction of said execution and To Thomag N. Marxen, the above all costs. Dated this 20th day of September, named defendant. 1926. In the Name of the State of One- i R. T. Cookingham, Sheriff of Uma gon: You are hereby required to tilla County, Oregon. 8-Btc appear and answer the complaint filed In the above entitled suit with in six weeks from the date of first publication of this summons and you will take notice that if you fall to KENDLETON appear and answer or plead within This Is to notify the puttlio that time the plaintiff, The Ftrst National Bank of Hermiston, Her that I will continue to operate miston, Oregon, for want thereof will a transfer business in Hermiston apply to the above entitled Court Drayage and long distance hauls SPECIALIST for the relief prayed for In lta com will be continued. la In ornal Medicine for tho post plaint herein, to-wlt: fifteen years For Judgment and decree against D N o r U P tM *U the defendant, Thomas N. Marxer., for the sum of »1.500.00 together W ill bo at with Interest thereon at the rate of Dorion Hotel 10 per cent per annum from the 27th TUESJAY, OCTOBER 12 day of January, 1926, until paid anil Offic Hour., 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. for the further sum of *175.00 at torney’s fees and for plaintiff’s cos’s ONE DAY ONLY and disbursements In this suit and Ne Charge tor Con.ult.tio» for a further decree that the mort Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu gage described In plaintiff s com NAP-A-TAN ate in medicine and surgery and is plaint which waa recorded In the licensed by the state of Oregon. office of the County Recorder of BUCKHECT He does not operate for chronic Umatilla County, State of Oregon, TRADE BUILDERS appendicitis, gall stones, ulcer» of on the 28th day ot January. 1926, stomach, tonsils or adenoids. at Page 485 In Book 88 of the Rec He has to his credit wonderful re- ■orda of Mortgages for Umatilla suljts in diseases of the stomach, County, Oregon be foreclosed and liver, bowel«, blood, skin, neves, that the premises therein described If any of these shoes rip bring heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, situated In Umatilla County, Stale it to our Shoe Repairing catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, of Oregon, to-wlt; Plant and have it sewed with sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail- Lots 5 and 6 In Block 1 In the out cost. ments. ( original Town of Hermiston as Below are the names of a few of WE DO SHOE REPAIRING platted in Section 10, Township his many satisfied patients in Ore 4 North, Range 25, E W. M. OF ALL KINDS WHILE gon. be sold and that the proceeds there- YOU WAIT Mrs L. L. Peetz, Moro, heart of be . _ applied for the payment of trouble. plaintiff's Judgment In the amounts Mrs. F. F. Hager, (daughter aforesatd and for a further decree Marie), Walton, tonsils and ade forever foreclosing and barring the noids. defendant in the above entitled suit Mrs. E. C. Mulloy, Hillsboro, ulcer 643 Main St., of any and all right, title, claim. In of the leg. Pendleton, Oregon terest or estate In law or In equity Mrs. Nels Peterson, Skamokawa, | and all equity of redemption In and Wash., colitis. to said premises and every part there Grover C. Gouthier, Coquille, Ore., of excepting only such right of re colitis and ulcers of stomach. AGENCY Mrs. Carl Johnson, Marshfield, ear demption as shall be allowed by the statutes of the State of Oregon and trouble. J. W. Turner, Dalles, stomach for such other relief ss to a Court of equity may seem meet and proper trouble. • E. A. Russell, Klamath Falls, ap In the premises. Opened under New Man This summon» Is publlsed pursuant pendicitis. agement Remember the above date, that to the order of the Hon. I. M. CLEANING, PRESSING AND consultation on this trip will be free 8che.nnep, Judge of the County Court REPAIRING DONE for Umatilla County, State of Ore and that his treatment is different. All G u.r.nte.4- Give me Married women must be accom gon, duly made and entered on the a trial. To ploaao you fa my «im. 13th day of August. 192«. directing' panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los that publication herein be made once PEER B0K1SH» Angeles, California. a week for a period of six weeks eon-, secutlvely In the Hermiston Herald,, and the first publication horeln * Come th ant made pnrsuant to ««Id order on the renew d nex ” ‘h ot tim e u o u or, R *iw , * »«•'*'«•’ * K- J W av . | ner. Attorneys for Plalnvlff. tn loim. p o Address, Psndl«!»»«, Orerifi. (50-7te) LAUNDRY Troy Laundry Company We Have Anticipated VtNEVArp Lonon no . ten, l o . o . r. ▼ irw»t. Monday in Odd Follow , ball Viaitintr members rocriial'v invited. W. R. Loajchwrn. See. Jasper Tem pleton. N . G. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Hermiston, Oregon Bank Bldg. Phone Connection« W W ARNER J Atto.obj-at Law Hermiston h Oregon s M c K enzie , m . d - Eye. Ear- Ncse aiid Throat Office: 1-9-* Inland Bmplr. B'd« Pendler-ii O n/on JAMES L. SEARS, M D. Phvsician and Sn - e^-i Office Phone 733. Res. Phone 712 Office in First Nati nr' Tank Bldg DR. CHARLES H WHITTAKER Chiropractic Physician Electric Theiapy Massage Hours: 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5:30 P. M 18-20 Judd Bldg., Main at Court Phone 691 Pendleton, Oregon Phone 121 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. and by appointment DR. DAVID S. ROWE Chiropratic Physician Maesagc, Dietetics, Electrotherapy, Phototherapy Office at Hermlstoa, Hotel Corlls Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter state Stock Inspector Come in and give our line the “once over.” HITT NOTICE • ■ ib « « < ¡J.L . VAU- 2 AN 208 East Court St S ANY AND 5 Evertè iirg ■ FOR YOU M ! Phone 139 Pen.'letón. 0 -e Geo. L. Challis Hermiston Transfer SH O ES FO R ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME We Haul TELEPHONE 31 M EN L. J. McAtee All Guaranteed rmtzton Second Hand Store.— Furniture and Hardware, Bee Sup plies, Harness, Saddles, Wagons. 35-3fC Io keep in mind die fact dial in addition to printing thia newt- E?psrw£ i 2 i<,w i £ i of anv kind, wnen fa neid of anything fa that line be sure Bert Mullins - Patch, clock and Jewelry repairing. Sew Newell, next door to Sapper». 18-tfs eaaeaeaeaaeaeaa o e M ***♦♦< FOUNTAIN LODGE DIRECTORY QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101, O. E. 8-, meets second and fourth Tuesday evening* of each month at 8:00 sharp In Masonic hall. Visiting members welcome. Euthemla Jackson, W. M. Kathryn L. Garner, Secretary. Or. Mellenthin HBGKUCAXZODB ANTED— Accommodations for four i private family during hunting sea- jn, with or without board; prefer > board. J. Peters, 239 5th St., ortland, Oregon. 3-2tc NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IR THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNDER EXECUTION STATE OF OREGON FOR Notice is hereby given that by vir UMATILLA COUNTY tue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of State of Oregon Oregon for Umatilla County, to me Plaintiff directed and delivered upon a judg vs. NOTICE. ment and decree and order of sale Cigars, Tobacco rendered in said court on the 13th One Dodge Automobile, Defendant. day of September, 1926 in favor of Barber Shop Western Irrigation Co., a corpora To Frank Cable, Robert Simpso» tion, and against Mrs. Lizzie A. Rosa A Son and to all others whom It may and John Doe Ross and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming concern: Notice Is hereby given that an any right, title, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com action was instituted in the abov plaint herein in the suit therein pen entitled Court and cauee on the 28th ding wherein the said Western Irri . gation Co., a corporation is plantiff <’aX ° f August. 192« wherein and and the said Mrs Lizzie A. Ross and whereby It was sought to hold cer- John Doe Ross and also all other tsln property described a« follows- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ e persons or parties unknown claiming Cr,e Dodge Automobile. Motor No. ♦ any right, title, lien or interest ■- IF IT’S the real estate described in the com 565658. Oregon 1926 License No on plaint herein are defendants, for the front of car only No. 204-457, which sum of *11.00 with interest at the paid property waa seized In the Cttv rate of 6 per cent per annum from of Pendleton. Oregon on the 28th and after the 1st day of June, 1919 until paid and the further sum of day of August 1926, and heretofore YOU WART *11.00 with interest at the rate of attached and arrested and Is now 6 per cent from the first day of June, held by and In tho possession of R. CALL 25-J 1920 until paid; and the further i T. Cookingham, Sheriff of Umatilla sum of *11.00 with interest at the , „ _ . , . ___ . COUNTRY HAULS S0LICITE1 rate of 6 per cent per annum from County. Oregon, for a violation and after the 1st day of June, 1921 I Chapter 29, General Laws of Ore- until paid; and the further sum of gon for 1923. *11.00 with interest at the rate of I Th b d f , h abova entnkd TRANSFER ARD DRAY 6 per cent per annum from and [ , , , I after the first day of June, 1922 Court, all persone having or clalm- until paid; and the further sum of ¡ ing to have any interest in the ah, vr. *11.00 with interest at the rate of deecrlbed property are required to s , r , : w s s ' - - < * - « »■ » COMING TO "OR SALE—8 cows. Might take some bees in part trade. F. W. Newell. 2-2tc FORTRADE— Phonograph for piano. Write or call Pendleton Music House. 3’3tc H E R A LD . KEEMISTOIN, OBEG O V. T h e w hole country is com m enting cn th e fine appearance end exception tl riding ease o f D odge B rothers Motor Car. Several o f these n ew types, driven only a few thousand m iles, are now available. A n exceptional opportunity lor anyone w h o really w a n ts a high grade, dependable U sed Car. E R. SCHOER. FERDLETOR, OREGON J.’ G. PEARSON, SLACK ARD WHIT E GARAGE Hermiston, Oregon A U S B D CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABLE? AS TH E D E A L E R . WHO S ELLS IT PAINTS, WALLPAPER, PICTURE MOULDINGS AND GLASS CONTRACTING S13 Main St. Pendleton, Oregon, Pendleton Shoe Shop HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING BUTTONS and BUTTON HOLES Mai! orders promptly attended to. IMPERIAL CLEANERS Has Y o u r Sabfcriptioo E x p ire d ? Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office Phone 158 THE SMART SHOP Mrs. R L. Parker, Prop. 822 Main St. Pendleton, Ora. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ❖ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ PENNOCK'S TIRE SHOP FOR A SQUARE DEAL ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦