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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1926)
fflU tlL P , HMMOSTO», OM OO*. im i» eery Thursday at Bar. ■aistoa, Pass I Ills County, Oregon by Joseph 8. Harvey, editor and man ager.___________ ___________ __ _ Entered a« second class matter December. 1*0«, at tbe poatofflee at Hermiston. Umatilla County, Oregon. Subscription Rates One Tear ............—- — ......... $2.0# 8ix Month« ............... ....... ....... — >1-0® French Legion of H onor The Legion d'Hoonenr In France Is an order of merit, both military and civil. As at present rgsnlsed It consists of live classes chevaliers, of ficers, ronmianders, grand -»fllcers and grand crosses. The President of the republic Is grand master In ordinary circumstances twenty rears of mili tary. naval or civil service Is neces sary for eligibility to the rank of chevalier and promotions can be made only after defiulte aervlce in a lower rank. Extraordinary service admits to any ranks The word ‘•chevalier” means knight THE ROUND-UP B y Comparison CANCER SPECIALIST built e'.de by side, but In later cen turies a species of segregation went on that led to the main divisions of West end. City and East end. Yet even now, tucked away in the most fashionable parts, are to be f«nnd clusters of the poorest. The liabil ity to fogs Is believed to have led to the earliest enactment In the mat ter of amoke abatement and In 1308, on the petition of the citizens, the burning of sea coal was made a capital offense, says the Vancouver Province. Not long afterward the first serious lelior trouble came to a head In the revolt of Wat Tyler. Ixmdon was occupied by farm work ers snd the court took to the Tower. In these days agriculture was the chief industry, so the result might well be termed a general strike. ------------------------— An American died, and met an old Hat« off to Pendleton! The writer has seen the Round-Up friend In the realms of the d-parled for six successive years, and if any “Ilow are you getting on?“ asked the old friend kindly. “Pine!" was the en of the shows were as good as the tbuslastic reply. “Say. I thought ll'l last day of their this year's perfor ole Noo Vahk had the universe mance, he has been blind. Enter skinned to death, but this hen tainment, color, humor, action, dar biaven of yours— " A ncien t Bible» ing, these and half a dozen other “Heaven?" repeated the older hand Tbe American Bible society saya qualities abound in the magnificent pityingly. "Heaven! Say, get wise, that “prior to the Gutenberg Bible, i production that the county seat of b o : ge* wise 1” printed about 14.10, many manuscripts Umatilla county stages every year Plant», Like Mankind, of the Bible were produced In which aides of the leaf were lettered, i as a part of the season's work. Despond to Affection both Writing materials were so expensive j What color there is in the show! A petty story Is told of a man who. Last Saturday in the glow of a beaut- 1 In a trance, found himself in anoiber ) In the Middle ages that It was the iful September sun the costumes of sphere, standing by a bank covered exception rather than the rule not to use both sides of a leaf. We have | Indians dressed in their bravest fin with exquisite violets, the scent of j In our library at Union seminary four ery, flashed forth against the brown which filled the air. Stopping to ad Latin biblical manuscripts of that I background in vivid splashes of color. mire the flowers, he saw each dainty type. It was quite possible to write The sheen of well kept racing horses i bloom lift Its tiny head in acknowledg- the entire Bible In manuscript In a contrasted oddly with the rough coats ment of his delight in their beauty. single volume, though the handwrit Sir Jagndls Bose, the Indian scien of bucking harses whose virtues are tist. calls plants anchored animals, ing which had to be employed In that j case was apt to be so small that It that they are not civilized. aut, tas proved beyond doubt that The whole northwest, the United some p.ants are ai-tually more sensi was very hard to read. Three of our biblical manuscripts mentioned above ' States, aye, even the world, owes tive trail human beluga. He lias contain in a single volume both the i Pendleton a debt of gatitude for the shown that they are actually affected Old and the New Testaments, so It ! work done by the community in put by tbe approach of certain people. was quite feasible." This is a fact of intense interest to ting on the Round-Up every year. It is a magnificent spectacle, worth many flower lovers who have long sus D ispute O ver Book of Job the money and effort it costs to pro- ' pected that something of the sort was The authorship and date of the tiie case. They have noticed that flow duce. Here’s to its long life and ers In adjoining gardens or allotments, Book of Job are controversial matters, health, and may we be able to wit on similar soil and apparently sim a great many students of Scripture ness it again and again in the years ilarly treuted, do not grow alike, but being of the opinion that the book dates bark to the patrlarchlal age, ahead! that In one garden they bloom more luxuriantly than iu the other. They have noticed also that certain people Wouldn’t Drink Milk are far more successful than others growing wliut may he called shy “Si/u teied" From Cow In flowers. A little girl aud her mother were i It would appear that the personality visiting In the country, on a farm, i of the gardener has much to do with Having always lived In the city the the success of the flower garden—that. cow was a great curiosity to the child In fact, there are people whom flowers and she was very much interested In love. Just as there are those who have watching Its movements. a natural power with animals. Often One day she saw the farmer milk a comparatively frail woman can man ing She watched him as he carried age a horse which strong men have at tbe milk Into the house uud strained tempted to hold In vain, and we all It and It was put on the table for the know cases of apparently Insignificant evening meal. She w h h much sur people who are adored by all dogs. prised, as In the-city the milk always was delivered In bottles. A glass of milk was act at each place. She refused to drink her por tion and was asked by her mother why she did not drink the milk. Putting her arm around her moth er's neck and drawing her head down THE STORMING OF THE GAIES O ld C ity of London la the early days of London, the houses of nobles and peasants were making Job contemporary with Abra ham, possibly being Jonah the Edom ite, alluded to In Genesis, tenth cliap ter, twenty-ninth verse. Others as cribe the hook to Moses, and still oth ers to Solomon. It Is said that the animals mentioned In the book would be better known In the. Assyrian mountains than in the plains of Pales tine, while the leviathan or crocodile was a native of Egypt. The spirit of the book, however, undoubtedly is that of the Hebrew race, combining faith, endurance und tenacity of purpose, which are characteristics of the race today.—Washington Star. The Philadelphia of O ur Ancestors she whispered. “Mamma, where do you think he got that m llk r “I don't know,” replied her mother, "Where did he get It?" "Why." exclaimed the little girl, “he squeezed It out of an old cow. I saw ABRAM METHOD _______ 0 1 BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT Dr. B. B. Brundage PENDLETON, OREGON IE T US RECONDITION YOUR MOTORS This picture la typical of many such scenes enacted dally at the main gates of the Sesqul-Centennlal international Exposition In Philadelphia where the l&Otb anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence 1« btdng celebrated. The “shot" was made from outside the gates and shows the loug sweep of historic Broad street, the main artery of the exposition To the left can be seen one of the capitols of the Palace of Liberal Arts and Manu factures which covers nearly eight acres of grounds and which houses some of the finest exhibits ever seen. The Exposition will continue W J l. Decern- be» I. W e have up-to-date equipment for this work. Knerr’s Repair Shop __ WEST END FARMERS Have learned th at The Herald prints the best butter wrappers. We have the large size, 9 by 12 inches. Our prices are— 100 200 300 500 for for for for $1.25 $2.00 $2.60 $3.75 Many are buying them in the larger quan tities, but we are here to serve you aH. If you want only a few we have them with out the name. These we sell as follows— 12 30 62 100 for for for for 10 25 50 80 cents cents cents cent3 D o m e s tic L a u n d ry With the approach of hot weather our uervlce In taking care of your laundry worries has an added appeal that can hardly be restated by the family In which the health and well being of the housewife receives consideration. For a nominal charge all the drudgery of wash day and Ironing day can be banished from your home and done by us with the most modern machinery possible to buy. That— py O u r S e r v i c e is S a t is f a c t o r y la proven by the large Hat of satisfied customers we serve every week In this territory. We welcome new customers. Whether It Is finishing work, rough dry work or Thrlf-T- Ser- vlce you seek, you are bound to be satisfied If the old reliable Domestic Laundry handles it. - i Domestic Laundry Inc. Wm. Shaar, Agent Phone 461 “ The Home of Good Printing” THE HERMISTON HERALD Subscribe for The Herald--$2.00 him." E arly Peruvian P o tte iy Prehistoric pottery provides virtu ally all the known history of the Chlmus, a race occupying the north ern part of Peru before It was con quered by the Incaa. These people made their pottery by the colling process. Long strips of clay were coiled around, one upon another, luut the mass thus formed molded to the desired sh«i>* hy means p f shells or «month p“l)hles. When finished, nearly all evidence of the colls was obliterated. It la hy means of this pottery that modern seholnrs are made familiar with the dally life of these early Peruviana. Vessels often are found In the shape of the vege tables used. Some clearly Indicate the sqnash, ears of corn, henna, potatoes and other vegetables familiar today. There are many ao-enlled portrait Jara, giving a clear Idea of the facial appearance of (he race.—San Frnn- cl»co Bulletin. An Important List rovements Here te shown a section of “High Street," a reproduction of Philadelphia's 1 famous Market street In the days of 177#. It Is one of the outstanding feature« i of the Sesqul-Centennlsl International Exposition now being held In Phila delphia to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Declara i tion of Independence. Every building has been built to actual slxe and In actual architectural detail. Tbe furniahlngs of each building are exact repro ductions or those used In the Revolutionary days. Many of the pieces on display are the originals and today are wor'li thousands of dollars because E arly A u to p sy of their historic value. The Exposition continues until December 1. New York's social register for 11137, I In reullty the town etu-olltnent for , New Amsterdam, ss New York then , was known, contained the names of 20 “great citizens” and 201 “small j cl11«eria" and it was among the latter that the physicians were mentioned ( In that same year doctors were called j upon to do detective work, since II i was requested that they should ask wounded pntlents how they had re ceived their lujurles and h.v whom In 1091 Dr. Johannes Kerfbvle, a Hol lander, performed an autopsy upon the body of Governor Slaughter, be lleved to have been poisoned, and thia la thought to be the first autopsy performed in thia country.—New York Evening Post. GRECIAN DANCERS AT THE SESQU, /i Touring Car - - Coupe - _ • • Sedan . ~ . - $958.00 $1010.00 $1072.00 Sport Roadster • - At Hermiston $1095.00 p r a f Nap-A-Tan -a n d -- Trade Builders Boots and Shoes for men and boys. A ll new stock and all rebuilding work guaranteed. The«« lancers have «elected foe their graceful performance the keystone shaped pool In the court yard of the Pennsylvania State Building at the Bee qnl-Centennlal International Exposition In Philadelphia, which celebrates 1M year» of American Independence. The spot la one of the most beautiful and srtlstlc oa the exposition «Its. Tbe Exposition continues until December L Call in and let ns ten yon in person what we can do for yon at thia Beauty Shop. A satisfied customer is our best advertise ment. Come and see for yourself. A& the latest methods are used at this Beauty Shop and all work is done under sanitary conditions. SLOAN BONNET AND BEAUTY PARLORS Marcelling, Facial and Scalp Treatment« are Our Specialties Smart and Exclusive Millinery at Most Reasonable Prices. 848 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. Telephone: 380 J. G. PEARSON. Black & White Garage, Hermiston WE SELL Famous M ountain System When In Pendleton— E. R. SCHULER Pendleton, Oregon r Ahsnrd ns it may sound. German manufucturera who are cxjterts In Judging the worth of violins have come to look for lime salts In deter milting the value of an Instrument The exceptional resonance of some of the famous Amatl violins. It la stated, la due to the lime sails with which the Instruments are stained The ma- , tertal Is Imbedded In the pores of the wood, and Is ladle» ed to he at least partly responsible for the hitherto tin- solved secret of why old violins give such a remarkable tone. France. No one w ho contem plates th e p u r chase of a c ar should fail to inves tigate the im pressive n a tu re and scope of th ese im provem ents a t th e earliest opportunity. B R O T M P -” ’- "S alted” Violins The Alpine system co»era nearly the whole of Hwltxerlaiul a —eat part of northern Italy, several de partments of France, and u large part of Austria. The historical passage* of the Alps have been tlio-e h y: Alex ander the Great; Julius Caesar, to at tack the Helvetians; llnnhllttil; Na poleon, who crossed tbe Alps Into Kusels only to And that the retreat- Ing Russians had left Mtwraw In mins The greater part of the French army- died In recrusslitg the Alp« Into Follow ing a y ear of unprecedented engineering progress, Dodge B ro th e rs a n n o u n c e a n o th e r im p o rta n t list of im provem ents for th eir com plete line of m otor cars. American Shoe Shop Hermiston, Oregon WHAT IS ADVERTISING! “Advertising is the education of the public as to what you are, where you are, and what you have to offer in the way of skill, talent or com modity. The only man who should not advertise is the man who I»«» nothing to offer the world in the way of commodity or service.” — Elbert Hubbard.