Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1926)
a TOAM», gEBMOTOg, o*yjo*- of Life Not Warranted Pwwinsfafic V ie w YOUR THEATRE CLOTHES MAKE THE M AM Is an old adage— b u t there** a lot o f tru th In It To appear «ucoese- ful and prosperous create* a favor able impreaslon wlthout a doubht And a bank account adds pres tige t0 a man's standing in h l* community— is a credit assett In more way* than one. Saturday - Sunday March 13-14 The Ram shackle House 1 0 -3 0 O First National Bank Coming Next W eek of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Prafito O ver $80,000 B. 'Swayia, Pre*. B. Alezader, Vlca-Pre*. A. H. Norton, Cashier W . L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier The Road to Yesterday C ecil B. D e M i l k P ro d u ctio n 25-eOo YOUNG WIFE ATRAm Burt Mullins SALS O ïl SALE— 1 Superior alfalfa d rill n i two-bottom disk plow. C. H. . .il.ljo y , 25-4tp FOR SALE— 2 fresh cows, m ilking horthora*. W illia m D. Prior. 7 tf A. Leather* buys and sells al ia fa hay. Office In building for merly occupied by Western Land C o . and Hay Growers' Assn. Phone 31. 1-tfe r’OR 8A LB —-A 7 room strictly mod. ern house, fu ll basement an dgood law n. Close to school. M igh t trade. flee C. H . Skinner. 48-tfc iTPBD CARS FOR SALE— Terms given. Plrcss right. Kellogg Motor Co. 1 1-tfe " I was afraid to eat because 1 al ways had stomach ¿rouble after wards. Since taking Adlerlka I can eat and feel fine.” (signed) Mrs. Howard. O NE spoonful A dlerlka re moves gas and often brings surpris ing relief to the stomach. Stops that fu ll, bloater} feeling. Removes old waste m atter from nteatlnes and makes you feel happy end hungry. Excellent for obstinate constipation. M itchell Drug Company. SNAPS 10 acres all alfalfa, small house, well. No. 1 land, close In; $1500. 10 acres No. 1, close In, a* been In alfalfa for years; $1200. 6 acres, good house, chicken sheds. No. 1 land, $1000. House in town to tra d * for small acreage. E. P. DODD QUEEN ESTH ER CHAPTER No. 101, O, E. 8-, meet« second and fourth Tuesday evening* of each month at t : 00 sharp In Masonic hall Visiting member* welcome. Euthemta Jackson, W. M. Kathryn L . Garner, Secretary. C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y Announcment I have purchased the con fectionery known as P a t’s Place and solicit a share of your patronage. V ' navard V RECLAMATION T-ODCIE N®. lo t, K. o f F , Obeeta each ThuruJajr even io« in Mack's Hall, «t 7:80 P. If. Viauinw brother» cordially invited. . U . Ife M illa n Send It To The Laundry Science proves that it is very »healthy to dry clothing in doors, especially during damp or stormy weather when pneumon ia is more or le u prevalent. The Domestic Laundry offers the following services; 1— FINISHING DEPARTMENT Our new and modern equipment makes It possible for us to turn out * grade of finished work th a t Is a source of pleasure to our many customer«. 2— ROUGH DRY Need* no introduction. Our rough dry patrons have more than dougled In the past tw oyears. -1 3— THRIF-T-SERVICE I I* the name of a new department which is meeting with great popularity. The fla t work, both towels, handkerchiefs, etc., are Mr. Waldemar X. Pooh, Inventor and manufacturer of the Double-Cross bucket for catching lambs, writes as follows: " I was Just a clerk when my opportunity came. I had brought some papers to the president of the company—he was in conference, as usual—when the third vice president, the best-dressed man I ever saw be fore he took to stripes, said: ‘Let ns ask Pooh.’ The directors took one look at me and laughed; but the third vice president hushed their mirth. “ ‘We are In desperate straits,’ he said gravely. ‘Everything else has failed. What have we to lose?' “Then he turned to me and In the tone of one who Is almost beaten, In quired : ‘Poo i, what word of five let ters means a cold dwelliDg-place? We can only think of a New York apart ment.' «, “For a moment the circle of worn, tense faces upset me, but 1 pulled my self together, ‘Igloo,’ I cried, and as the room rocked 1 knew that my chunce had come.”— Kansas City Star. Dr. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Hermiston, Oregon Bank Bldg. Phone Connection» News stand Cigars and Tobacco ♦ S E R V IC E Phone Res. 712 M ckenzie & lieuallen Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat T. H. Gaither Has removed from his form er location in the Bond Bldg, to Room« 1, 2 and 3 Inland Em pire Rank B!d<. TRANSFER AND DRAY - •»* Troy Laundry Company Pendleton, Oregon QUALITY SERVICE Colonel WM. F. YOHNKA K Z DODD, B X U O R O V , 0 R W 0 V Send us the price o f a y e a r'i wbxcription if you are in Arrears ■■■ ■ M M W— ' • V Salem- -During January 3 * ¡jo r'- building penult* were (sued tor 1«$,T$*. - n e N Residence second house west of the Catholic church. Phone, 82-R. ¡ ■ ■ ■ ■ a E B B ia u i : ! » ,■ ■ ■ ■ ¡J L .V A U C .1 A N ! ■ ■ ■ 206 East Court St. n at ANY AND 5 Everthing « Electrical fi ’ FOR YOU M : ■ I ® Phone 130 Pendleton, Ore. Hermiston Transfer We Haul ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME TELEPHONE 31 Vulcanizing p a p e r w e d o job w ork The Harald W ent Treats all Domestic Animals In te r state Stock Inspector A DO IT N O W Subscription E x p ir e d ? DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian FOUR TIMES A WEEK SERVICE We Want Yon Can re t roa land most anywhere you w ant to go. Oregon Office in First National Bank Bldg. We Wash Everything But the Baby. Unable to Duplicate Paper Made Long Ago « :: Physician and Surgeon LAUNDRY Legal B lanks for Sale a t This Office La Grande— New city well strikte, artesian flow, 1000 gallons a min ute. Pendleton JAMES L, SEARS, M. D. Phone 461 ”OW” ed, waat sim ilar here. 30$ acre wheak ranch In G illiam conty; wants aa alfalfa ranch. Office 7*33 COUNTRY HAULS S0LICITE1 LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING Come A» DR. W. W. ULSLEY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon YOU WANT D om estic Laundry Inc. Has Your W. J. W ARNER Attorney-at-Law Hermiston : : : Oregon IF IT S AUCTION SALES! Rite of Fire Walking Still Deep Myetery C. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Ironed carefully and ready to use. T fl wearing apparel is return FOR SALE— 76V pound Primrose sep HERMISTON-PENDLETON STAGE ed damp but woolens are dried s0 that no possibility of shrink arator. Enquire In la n d Empire SCHEDULE Beloved Old G ottip Lumber Co. 43 tfe Leave— age exists. This service is being of fered aj 5c per pound plus lc For 100 years the world has enjoyed per piece. H | Hermiston..8:00 A. M. andt2:45 P.M. the Indiscreet and delightful confl FOR SALE or trade 16 acres, part Stanfield ..8:20 A. M. and 3:05 P.M dences of Samuel Pepys, a writer Jn A FEW IFS AND WHY! alfalfa, p»rt orchard, and some In the Mentor remarks. There Is a mar Echo ........ 8:30 A. M. and 3:15 P.M asparagus. For partculars call a t velous array of women In the diary Nolln 8:50 A. M. and 3:35 P.M IF you Intend having an Auction, Herald of fee. 7-tfc women of station and artisans’ wives Barnhart ..9:10 A. M. and 3:55 P.M and and jervlng maids and titles and ac ....9:20 A. M. and 4:05 P.M FOR SALB— W h ite Leghorn Baby Rleth tresses, and the wife who was only fif I F you want to sell at good prices, teen when she married him. He loved Chicks. C. J. Vollva 23-6tp Ar. Pen...9:30 A. M. and 4:16 P.M and Leave— them all, including his wife, of whose I F you want an auctioneer who beauty he was proud—and Jealous, too. M ilk , butter, cottage cheese, heme Peudleton..l:00 P. M. and 4:30 P.M can spealt German aa well as He was stingy with her till shortly be churned butterm ilk. H. E. Hanby. R ie th ....l:1 5 P. M. and 4:40 P.M fore she died, along toward the end of English, 26-2tp Barnhart ..1:35 P. M. and 4:60 P.M the diary; but Pepys shows i l l s pride Nolln ....1:40 P. M. and 5:10 P.M W H Y the man you are looking for in such an entry as this: “My wife ex *O R SALE— Clark Seedling and Echo......2:00 P. M. and 5:30 P.M traordlnarily fine today In her flower Marshall strawberry plants, 75c Stanfield..2:10 P. M. and 5:40 P.M. Animal» G et Gopd Rood tabby suit . . . everybody In love per 100, or $5.00 per 1000. Joe Ar. H er.......2:30 P. M. and $:00 P.M Old and womout horses In London, with It, and Indeed she Is very fine and are bought by the managers of the Dyer. 27-tfc Sunday schedule— Leave Hermis handsome In It.” Despite Investigations of competent ton! 10:30 A. M. 10avw Pendl'e- zoo, made fat and sleek, then slaugh •’.or first class Weston mountain ton, 4:30 P. M. •- tered and fed to the animals, the num observers, the famous Tahiti fire Beautiful Redbird ber of horses thus disposed of last walking ceremony still remains a se Earliest of A ll and Netted Gem Another name for the redhird Is the year being 440. And the walrus col cret of a small company of natives In pc'd potatoes w rite or phone F. cardinal grosbeak. They are a pride «The an Who Cries Sales ony must have codfish, so nearly five the island of Ralatea, Tahiti. It. Clifton, Weston, Ore. 27-3tc The ceremony was given on thlp Is ful lot, these grosbeaks, and with rea ton* were fed to them, besides 40 tons Everywhere” of herring, while other articles of food land recently for the first time In son'. The cardinal grosbeak Is first cousin to the blue grosbeak, the scarlet many years and outsiders were not for the animals Included 14,000 tins of MISCELLANEOUS His prices are reasonable and he does milk, 128 pounds of honey, 258 pounds excluded from witnessing any stage plue grosbeak, the orange, white and the business. black evening grosbeaks and to others of ants’ egg«, 77 pounds of meal of the preparation of the fire p it W A N T E D — Calves, beeves, hogs and When the proper time comes and of the lordly tribe. In all the graces worms, ISO bunches of onions, 213,000 Neglect of the liv er results In self ooultry. Phone or w rite Her bananas, S4S gallons of fresh milk, the the celebrants pass through the Are, of bird Ufe they stand separated from Sale Dates can be had at ths office. miston Market. 2 7 -ltc poisoning! Not so quickly, perhaps, food M il tor the yqpr reaching $50,000. any bystander asking permission may the common flock. Nature lavished Its but Just aa surely a* I f you drank —Adventure Magazine. go through beside them without dis colore upon them, and the gift of music wqs not forgotten. James Lane tch, clock and Jewelry repairing. poison out of a bottle .It your liver comfort See Newell, next door to Sappers- t8 not doing It* work of heping diges Outsiders who have passed through Allen gave, a tribute of praise to the Sediment Carried to Sea beauty of the cardinal beside which all 18-tfe tion, elim inating w ast* from the HERMISTON TIRE SHOP I t Is generally believed that the the Are say they felt no sensation of other tributes are and must be futile. bowels and purifying, the blood, you heat except on the face, although, amount of sediment carried down by ÎFRK Is headquarter* for Arm y w ill always bo troubled w ith sick the Mississippi river Is greater than when standing outside, the radiation and “ Young” Nick headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad that of any other river in the United made the pit difficult to approach. -bore. Those trying to solve the mystery The use of the name “Old Nick" ap breath, gas, sour stomach or constipa States. A vast amount of this sedi AND TIRE WORK ' Id Want Ada Bring Yon Resulta tlon. ment Is brought Into the Mississippi have pulled out a large stone from the plied to Satan originated In the com pit while the ceremony was In prog parlson drawn between the mschlna by the Missouri. I t Is estimated that Cleanse and tone your liver! Put ress and thrown ft Into a pall of water. tlons of hts satantc majesty and those First Door West of uurk’s for bargain*. your system In condition so you feel a flood of 500,000 cubic feet per second The water would go up In steam. Some of Nlccolo Machlavelll, one of tire carries Into the Mississippi about 120 Hermiston Light Co. your very best again! T ry Just a greatest Florentine statesmen, born also have tried crawling te the edge of cubic yards of sediment per second, or 'V E L IN G L A N D — Bee Peter Cae- spoonful of Dr. H . S. Thacher’s ex more than 10,000,000 Ruble yards per the pit and touching one of the white 1409. He was crafty and dissembling, trie, experienced and reliable, $ cellent Liver and Blood Syrup after day. I t Is estimated that 400,000,000 stones with the Anger. They were re a firm believer In "the end Justifies BURKENBINE & DOSSER the means.’’ Samuel Butier In I lls miles narth of Hermiston. 4-tfc the next few meals and notice the cuMc yards per annum are carried warded with ugly burns. Scientists who have seen the flre- “Hudlbras” In writing of Machlavelll, quick improvement in the way you into the Mississippi from the Missouri .IIT H ’S SECOND H A N D STORE— eat, sleep, look and feel— the return and that approximately the lame walklug have propounded a number of says "Nick Machlavelll had ne’er a theories, but practical tests slways trick though he gave his name to our You get more for your money, of strength, vigor and energy. You amount passes out Into the gulf. failed to establish such explanations. old Nick.” Isn't th at funny. Furniture, w ill be completely satisfied; other The ceremony, barking back to Rainfall in Palestine < loves and everything. Jnst w alk wise there w ill be no qost. heathen times and the worship of old O ld C hrittm at “Dance” Palestine Is essentially an agricul n and forget to ring. 35-tfc gods, is frowned on by the mission^ One beautiful feature of the “Mesa tural country. Its rainfall averages 21 arles and the Christians among' the de Gallo" In the great cathedral of I A M IN T H E M A R K E T FOR VEA L, FREE! This Coupon is Good for Inches ■ year, which Is about aa much natives. Hence It Is seldom per Seville is a strange mystical dance on as California receives. Palestine baa formed, even In Ralatea, the place of and hogs. Phone 36-W -3. D. D. Sample Bottle “Interweaving the steps” by the choir really only two sdasons in its year—a Us origin. Follett- 23-5tp boys, who thus dance before the high Dr. Thacher’s Liver A Blood Syrup dry one. In the summer, and the rainy altar. This reverent dance, which Is If presented before the supply for or winter season. The latter begins In Always In the market for Veal, Beef. given bat twice a year, Is marked by HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING October or November with the “early free distribtion Is already given the chanting of the choir boys, who Pork and Mutton. J. C. Drwnlng, away. Read the fu ll deal Is above, rain," and thereafter rain la frequent, BUTTONS carry tall lighted candles as they Harmston. 7-tfe Who ever thought when some of the cross and recross up and down the and then act at once, as this offer Is with occasional snow In the mountains, until February. ’ In that month the bulky old volumes were published that BUTTON HOLES limited. Get a tria l size now by wide choir steps. One of the occa planting taken place. Then, in March bi time the few blank pages In front Polands tor Profit«. «tilling«. 37tf presenting this coupon to Mitchell 1 April, the “later rains" occur and In back would be the most valu sions Is the celebration of midnight mass on Christmas eve. Drug Company. and start the crops along. able part of the whole bookT Mail orders promptly T ry B u rk’s tor bargain*. That time seems to have arrived, tor attended to. Put Life W ork First It W o rn It Is told that a distinguished British LAND TRAM S 4 ODINO machine rolls at the Herald The honrs will come, and come to A ladles’ ready-to-wear «bop in which etcher spends many of his spare hours office. when work I » 1' «’" «»d THE SMART SHOP I was working w o having Its spring searching through old book »toresi and i 7 U acres near Vancouver, all in Ing. There were i isny wax models waste paper depositories for the mas- P«IP'totes ’r ith « * * : but perhaps they Mrs. R. L. Parker, Prop. E A t ESTA TE E X C H A N G ES A N D 1 only come because we have been falth- berries, garden, etc., good buildings. Md up and srandicg around. alve and wholly unread volume of 82« Main St. Pendleton, Ore. TsrornA N C E J M. BIGGS. R E W ants alfalfa tract. ful, with a certain grlmness, through Crowds had been coming all afterneon. other days. For years he has been ALTOR. the days of gloom. Let a man hold to 200 acres B itter Root valley on standing hi back of e woman and tearing out the clean leaves to get pa all of a sudden saw her bind forward. per that Is paper, and I* not an as bis life work through mood snd mel IC K S E R V IC E O N CLEAN IN G state highway. ancholy. Let him hold to It through ♦♦♦♦osseo»»eee»o»»o»o»oo»v I thought It w o -me of the wax sembly of all sorts of modern make Good farm; w ant lower altitude headache and through heartache. For IN D PRESSINO. W e call tor models falling, so Ma le a udden Arab shifts, which will disintegrate after a he that observeth the wind will never md deliver. Im perial Cleaners, and alfalfa- years. at her. My action we« ao abrupt, and 300 acres Union county, nice stock The books, many of which are so sow; and be that regardeth the clouds •bone I3 -W . 3$-tfi w o so embarrassed, that I made It will never reap.—G. H. Morrison. ranch; wants land here. worse by Hying, “Oh excuse roe, I dry and ponderous that some of the to k e e p in m ind the 100 acres nt Colville; deep black thought you were s lam ar.”—M. L leaves remain uncut, can be bought R N E W AN D USED CARS— KM- for a tow cents. The paper. It la mid. In Chicago Trib :ie. soil, fine buildings. W ants a lfalfa fact that in addition to o«g M otor Co. 2-tto Is not duplicated today, and. If It ; land. p r in tin g th is new s* were, the price would be prohibitive. Î READ THE WANT A M 40 acres near Salem, well Improv, Wm. Shaar, Agent R. JL Brow neon. X . R. and S . CALL 25-J Pooh Waited Long, but Opportunity Came M r. l o d g e n o . zoa, 1. o . a r. «Mata each Monday .v a n ia « la Odd m i n i hall. V ioitin« members ronlinllv invitad. W. B. Loarhorn. Sac. J a .p er Tamplatan. N . O. Krause’s Chocolates _ The Best in Candies TO EAT ANYTHING W1NT AOS m "Not to be born la beet, and next to die as soon as possible." This was the pessimistic view of life expressed by Sophocles. Most philosophers and Intellectuals of ancient times agreed with him. Life was looked upon as an enigmatic affliction rather than a divine dispensation. ‘These diagnoses were based upon a mere consideration of symptoms. They were made in Almost complete Ignorance of the underlying physical | causes of human misery,” is the as- j aertion made by Dr. Eugene Lyman ’ Fisk In Forbes Magazine. “Many yean of experience In slft- ! Ing and sorting human types, in search- ! Ing for the causes of physical failure, . have coni (need me of the falsity of ; this pessimistic philosophy. No one would wish to live In a world abso lutely devoid of struggle, pain, grief or ( suffering. ‘T h e world la as we view IL I f we ' view It through bilious colored spec- I tacles It la a bilious world. I have seen a man with big brain and dom inant personality, fundamentally caps ble of a Joyous, self-confident exist ence, wholly transformed Into a pes simistic and walling misanthrope by so A crude a thing as flat foot. Others have been similarly affected by pol soned or Infected physical states, while sometimes the reverse Is true and the body suffers because they are un happy; others are unhappy because they slump.” e e d * h e M — o n MMM e o f dny kind. W h en in n e e d o f anything in this lin e b e sure t To See Us t THE HERALD WANT A D S - AA VY A . ▼▼▼▼▼ w w ▼ A ▼ A ▼ V L . F. M c A te e PAINTS, WALLPAPER, PICTURE MOULDINGS AND GLASS 613 Main St. Phone 158 Pendleton, Oregon. W e Have Anticipated Y our n< vt'j th a t is n e c t. in e v e ry th in g 1 1» com - ’ pletr your f t f o' ' f.t. Ccme r„;d i give oui lir ive “cnce ev er/' H IT T AGENTS— Bell guaranteed haslet y direct from m ill to wearer; all stylM and colors; salary paid for fu ll time or spare hours; no money needed tor samplee. International M ills, 1038, Norristown, Pa.