Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1925)
* « n e m roagT oy hbkald , HromsTpy, paguo»» . wana or sale Lot 13 60 tooi. B. Boewell.... 35.00 Notice to hereby given that by Lot 11 CO feet. R. Boswell .. 36 00 virtue o ,h e authority of the City Lot 12 50 feet, R. Boswell.... 96.00 . i l l ' Charter of the City of Hermiston and Block 6— the direction of th» City Council Lot 1 50 feet, Genevieve Kim ball ....... ............... ...... ............ 35.00 authorizing and directing the Treaa- urer o f the City of Hermtaton to Lot 2 50. feet, Genevieve Kim ball .................................... 35.00 collect the unpaid aaaeeament for the city Irrigation water for- the Lot 11 50 feet. Sappers' lue.. 35.00 year 19X5, levied and.Imposed under Lot 12 50 feet, Genevieve Kim ball ...................... ............ ........ 35.00 th® provisions of Ordinance No. 76 1 ¡1 » passed by the city council and ap Block 7— proved by the mayor on J u ly 2, 1213. Lot 1 30 feet. Dan Sullivan and ordinance No. 9« passed by the Lot 2 25 feet. Dan Sullivan city council and approved by the Lot 3 26 feet. Dan Sullivan Lot 4 2« feet. Dan Sullivan mayor on April 17. 1918. I will on the 15th day of Janu Lot 20 25 feet. R. B. Me- 32.50 Lane •- ary. 1926. at the hour of 10 o’clock In the forenoon of said day at the Lot 21 35 feet, R. B . Me- ................. 32.50 Lane •• City Council Chamber in the City o f Hermiston, Oregon, sell the fob Block 8— lowing described lots, pieces and Lot 4 25 feet. R. Alexander Trustee ................. parrels of land at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand. Lot. 9 30 feet. R. Alexander 33 00 Trustee th e proceeds from the sale of each lot, piece or parcel of land to be Lot 14 25 feet. Clara G. Hall 52.60 applied In satisfaction of the assess Lot 15 25 feet, Clara O. Hall 32-50 ment upon lot, piece or parcel of Lot 16 25 feet, J. 8. Weet. .. 32 50 land with Interest thereon from Lot 17 30 feet, J. 8. W eet.... 33.00 March 1, 1925, at the rate of 6 per Lot 25 25 feet, R Alexander Trustee cent per annum togethter with a I ! penalty of 15 per cent of each of Block 10— 31.50 Lot 1 15 feet, J. H. Reid said assessment and all costs. 32.50 Following i8 a description of each Lot 2 26 feet. J. H. Retd 32.60 of said lots, pieces or parcels of land Lot 3 25 feet. J. H. Reid with the number of feet frontage, Block 11— name of owner or reputed owner, Lot 3 25 feet. B. J. Kngsley 32 50 Lot 4 26 feet. B. J. Klngaley 32.50 and amount of said assessment. City of Hermiston according to Lot 6 25 feet, Genevieve Kim ball ........................................ 32.50 plat filed with County Recorder Nov. Block 13— l ' • 23. 1904. Block Lot Feet Name. Amt. Lot 10 50 feet, 8appers* Inc. 35.00 Lot 11 50 feet. Sappers’ Ine. 35.00 Block 3— Lot 1, 50 feet, Minnie Brown 36.00 Lot 12 50 feet. Sappers’ Inc. 35.00 Lot 2, 50 feet, Minnie Brown 35.00 Block 15— Lot 3, 50 feet, Minnie Brovin 35.00 Lot 11 30 feet, E. A. 8m lth. Es tate ......................................... 33.00 Lot 4. 50 feet, J. 8. West 35.00 Lot 12 20 feet. E. A. Smith. 32.50 5. 25 feet, J. S. West Lot 32.00 tate Lot 11, 50 feet, R. Beasley 35.00 Lot 12, 50 feet, R. Beasley 36.00 Block 16— Lot 10 25 feet, R. Boewell.... 32.50 Block 4-— Lot 1, 50 feet, Ella Percey 35.00 Lot 11 25 feet. R. Boswell.... 32.50 Lot 12 60 feet. If. R. Newport 35.00 Lot 12 25 feet. R. Boewell.... Lot 13 60 feet. H. R. Newport 35.00 Lot 13 30 feet. R. Boewell.... P la t filed April 22, 1907 Block 3— v G East half 270 feet, H. T. Lot 6 25 feet, Knights of Py Fraser .................................... 327.00 thias ........................................... 32.50 Block H— Lot 6 26 feet, Knights of Py thias .......................................... 32.50 Lot 4 54 feet. Peer Boklsh 35.40 Lot 8 25 feet, H. R Newport 32.50 Lot 7 54 feet. Peer Boklsh 35.40 Lot 10 25 feet, E. D. Dungan 32.50 Lot 9 54 feet, Peer Boklsh 35.40 Lot 17 26 feet, J. L. Harman . 32.50 Lot 10 64 feet. Peer Boklsh 36.40 Lot 20 50 feet, J. L. Harman 35.00 Lot 5 54 feet, C. M. Hender son ........................................... 35.40 Lot 21 60 feet, E. D Martin 35.00 Lot 22 60 feet, E. a Martin 35.00 Lot 6 54 feet, C. M. Hender son .............. ............................. 36.40 Lot 18 60 feet, J. C. Ballinger 35.00 According to plat filed March 21, Block 3— , , Lot 13 15 feet, A. F. Belsse.. 31.60 1908. D istrict No. 2 Lot 14 25 feet, A. F. Belsse. 32.60 Lot 15 10 feet, A. F. Belsse.. 31 00 Block 1— Lot 16 15 feet, J. L. Harman.. 41-60 Lot 6 50 feet, F. C. McKen- zie ...................................... ..................................... 33.60 Lot 16 25 feet, J. L. Harman.. 32.50 Lot 7 60 feet, F. C. McKen- Lot 20 25 feet, H. A, Frick 32.50 zie 33.50 Lot 21 25 feet. H. a ' Frick 32.50 Lot 22 26 feet, H A. Frick 32.50 Lot 8 60 feet, F. C. McKen zie .................. ...... ............ ..... 33.50 Block 7— li| I I I Lot 1 60 feet, Ruth M. Frick 35.00 Lot 9 60 feet, F. C. Me Ken zie ................. ......................... 33 50 Lot 2 50 feet, Ruth M. Frick 36.00 Lot 14 84.8 feet, George Ban Lot 16 26 feet, Fraser & Mc croft ......................................... 35.94 Kenzie ...................................... 32.50 Block 2— Block 8— ; | Lot 1 60 feet, C. H. Skinner 35.00 Lot 1 45 feet, Ed. Graham Estate .................................... 33.15 Lot 2 50 feet, C. 11. Eklnnor 35.00 2 45 feet. J. B. Shaw.... 33.16 Lot 3 50 feet. F. L. Kel'ey.. 35.00 Lot Let 3 46 feet, A. L. Larson.. 93.15 Lot 4 60 feet, Rena W ater 4 45 feet, S. Jensen......... 33.16 man .......................................... 35.00 Lot Lot 6 45 feet, S., Jensen......... 33.15 Lot 6 60 feet, Rena W ater 7 15 feet, A. L. Larson.. 33.15 man ......................................... 35.00 Lot Lot 8 49 feet, A. L. Larson.. 33.43 Lot 22 25 feet, C. S. Mc- Lot 9 49 feet, Chas. G. Burke Naught .............................. 32.60 ................................................ 93.48 Block 9— Lot 1 60 feet, H. R. Newport 36.00 Lot 10 45 feet, Chas. Q. Burke ................................................... 93.16 Lot 2 50 feet, H. R. Newport 35.00 Lot 12 45 feet, Chaa. O. Burka Block 10— .................................................. 99.15 Lot 1 25 feet, Mildred M. T il den ........................................... 32.50 Lot 13 45 feet. Chas. O. Burke ............................. ..............- ...... 99.1» Lot 3 26 feet, Mildred M. T il den ........................................ 32.50 Lot 14 46 feet, A. L. Larson.. 93.15 Lot 15 45 feet, Ed. Graham Lot 3 26 feet, Mildred M. Til tate den .......................................... 32.50 45 feet, Sappers’ Ine. 98.15 1-ot 4 25 feet. Mildred M. Til den ........................................... 32.50 Block 4— 50 feet, W. L. Bles»- Lot 13 25 feet. M E. Church 32.50 Lot .. 13.50 Lot 14 25 feet, M. E. Church 32.50 50 feet, W. L. Blees- Lot 15 26 feet. M. E. Church 32.50 ....... 83.50 Lot 13 25 feet, M. E. church 32.50 50 feet, W. L. Bless- Block 10— ing Lot 13 25 feet. W. W. Illsley 32.50 Lot 30 25 feet. W. W. Illsley 32.50 Lot 18 40 feet, Sappers' Inc... 93.80 Lot 33 25 fet, O. E. Rider... 32.50 Block 5— Ix»t 34 26 feet. O. E. Rider 32.B0 Lot 4 45 feet, J. H. Strohm 93.15 Lot 35 25 feet, O. E Rider 32.60 Lot 13 46 feet. W. K , Goodwin 3.16 I | Lot S3 25 feet, O. E^ Rider 32.60 Block 6— Lot 1 84 feet, F. L. Sampson 96.86 Block 13— Lot 4 50 feet, H. A. Frick. 93.60 Lota 8 to 12 182H feet, Lyle Tilden ....... .......................... 618.25 Lot 5 50 feet. H. A. Prick 33.56 Lot 8 50 feet, J. T. Dowell 33.5f Ixjt 17 25 feet, F. C!. McKen Lot 9 50 feet. J ,T. Dowell 33.5f tie Lot 14 85.7 feet, Fred C. Stone 38.01 Lot 18 25 tost. F. t !. McKen Block 9— sie Lot 4 50 feet, P. B Doherty 33.50 Lot 19 26 feet. F. f ’. McKen ile 33.50 Lot 5 60 feet, P. B. Doherty 93.50 Accord I h to plat filed April 5. Lot 6 50 feet. P. B. Doherty 93.6« 1905. f I ‘ Block 13— Lot 1 83.0 feet. H. R. New , I Block 1— port ............................................. 90.00 Izit 3 25 feet. S. R. Oldaker 32.50 Lot 4 25 feet. S. R. Oldaker 92.50 Lot 2 50 feet. H. R. Newport 93.50 I«ot 3 60 feet. H. R. Newport 91 60 Block J— Lot 3 25 feel. Mary B. Oaks 9 2 .5 0 1 Lot 8 50 feet. H. R. Newport 98.60 1-ot 4 25 feet, Mary B. Oaks 82.50 Lot 9 60 feet. H. R. Newport 93.50 Lot 10 50 feet, H. R. Newport 93.50 Block 8— Ixit 11 60 feet. H. R. Newport 93.10 Lot 8 80 feet. Carl 8. Mc- Naught .................................... 36.00 Let 13 50 feet, H. R. Newport 93 50 Lot 13 60 feet. H. R. Newport 33.60 Lot 9 50 feet. Carl S. Mc- Naught ............. .................... 95.00 Lot 14 87.5 foet, H. R. New port ...................... ..............30.19 Lot 10 60 feet, Carl S. Mi> Dated at Hermtaton. Oregon, thia Naught ................................... 85.00 Lot n so feel. Carl 8. Me lS lh ay of December, 1033. Naught GEORGIA HENDERSON. 35.90! Block 4— City Treasurer Ix.t 8 50 feet. R. Boswell.., 95.00 Ix>t 9 60 feet. R. Boswell 33.00 i — TRY THE HERALD WAHT A D S - lx>t 10 50 feet. R. Boswell. 95.00 Lot 11 60 feet. R Boewell 35 00 Lot 13 30 feet. R. Boswell 95.00 Block 6— Ix>t 1 30 feet. R Boewell . 96.00 IxH 1 60 feet. R Boewell 95.00 Lot 3 SO feet. R. Boewell 36.0# Xxit 4 30 feet. R Boewell... 33 00 Ha« Y our C""* * •* SqbttriptilW SbiT* * E x p ir e d ? * Bum and Itofl low Ite Ckristmas '«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■» '■ nati tmaoter Oeneral Harry 8. Naw LODGI DIRECTORY has Issued th« follow ing order: Postmasters w ill suspend all work at 12 o’clock midnight December 34 except to retain on duty Chrtatmaa day only such etnployes as are re in N E T Z B D LODOB NO. I MS. 1. o . o . y, V HM« sack ifartay SS ia Odd V elia» quired to make the regular holiday cordially ia«iud. O.O. P ,.m ..N . G. dispatches of first class mall to the trains and to receive, but not to woik, Incoming mall fr o m th« trains. UCLAMAT1UN lAIDGK N .. Idi. g of P . ser ta «web Thursday «venirne i, Mut a Hall, M 7JU P. a. Violilo, There will be no rural delivery on brother. cordially i.vtlad Christmas day. The local poatofflce W. U. McMillan K. A. lirowuooa. X. K. a r t S. C. C w ill be open from 9:30 to 16:30 A. M. December 25th, to dispatch mail but only special deliveries and spec PE0FE88ICNAL CAKD8 ial handling mail w ill be distributed ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ B N V ’ - v V -W B j W i 3 8 a o G i « i MEN FOLK! Dr. F ..V . PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Hermiston, Oregon Bank Bldg. Phone Connections Burt Mullins C O N F E C T IO N E R Y V. J . Hermiston I : : „ FINAL CRASH I h a v e p u rch a sed th e co n - | fe c tio n e r y k n o w n a s P a t ’s P la c e an d so lic it a s h a r e o f y o u r p a tro n a g e. Office 733 OF K rause’s C hocolates T h e Best in Candies I m removed from hi« former location ia the Bond Bldg, to Koomt 1, t aad 8 Inland Empire Bank Bid». : to Announcement Oregon MoKENZIE A UEUALLEN Eye, Ear, Hose and Throat Pendleton ■ THE DR- W. W. ILLSLEY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Phons Res. 712 « 81 S T A T IO N E R Y W ARNER A ttorn ey-at-law â PRICES DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter state Stock Inspector S E R V IC E J YOB WANT 18 Closing Out Sale IP IT’S : '41 THIS MONSTROUS Eye, Ear Hose and Throat ’ ■ ■ SOON IT WILL ALL BE OVER Newt stand Cigars and Tobacco Office. 123 W. Court St. ♦ Over Telephone Building ♦ Oregon Pendleton, s a Oregon B. M. HESTER, M. D. a ♦ CALL 23-J * JOUHiBY HAULS SOLICITEI * 0 OF THE : * I rm y and N avy S tore 3 JUST A FEW OF OUR LOW PRICES— MANY MORE SUCH VALUES AS THESE * T. H. G aither » ’< J *?.- ' '.r TRAHSPEB AND DRAY Saturday Special—-Sugar 2 c pound FOR SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 ONLY— We w ill sell to every man and woman mak ing purchase of $2.00 or over, fin e granulated sugar at 2 cents a poun>, lim it 10 pounds to a customer, as long as our present stock of sugar lasts. YES, WE HAVE SEVERAL HUNDRED POUNDS. c*»’ tesld en ce second house west of th» athollc church. Phone, 82-R. LAUNDRY PENDLETO N FOUR TIMES A WEEK SERVICE MAKE YOUR ia ' C om pany Cottonwood and W ater St«. COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Tire»— Tubes— Accessories VLWAYS OPEN PHONE 53C Tom Swearingen. Mgr. Pendleton, Oregon QUALITY SERVICE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■E J. L. V A U G H A N S 206 East Court St. M en’s W ool U nion Suits A PEW IPS AND W HY! The famous A tlas made, not 100 per cent wool but a sub stan tial quantity of q u ility in these garments. A $3.75 val ue for only IF you w ant an auctioneer who can epeak German as w ell as English, POR YOU Pendleton, O.e. AUCTION SALES! IF you want to sell at good prices, and E verthing Electrical Phone 139 $ 2 .4 8 pair IF you Intend having an Auction and ANY AND i An exceptional offer of val ues to $6-50, in brown and black Pinchers, o?k soles and heels, some w ith plain toe. Your size is here, sellin g fast at T roy L aundry WESTERN AUTO CO. ■ $ 1 .9 5 H erm iston Transfer We Haul ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME TELEPHONE 31 L . F. M c A t e e PAINTS, WALLPAPER, PICTURE MOULDINGS AND GLASS 513 H ain S t Phone 158 Pendleton. Oregon. HEMSTITCHING. PLFATINO BUTTONS aad BUTTON HOLES Mail oTders promptly attended ta. m ! G overnm ent M en ’s Dress ■ S H IR T S ? Brown S O A P “The an Who Cries Sales Everywhere” IN SOME OF THE FINEST J ® SHIRTINGS a ■ ■ ' Closing out at ! 69c ? EA C H R'uaa ar «■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 50 per cent wool High quality garments that sell regularly for $4.50 and $5.00. The final sale price— $ 2 .9 5 A R M Y A N D N A V Y STO RE In the Comity Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla Conato to the he Matter of the Estate of James Alexander Crtilg Thom, deceased. | Notice Is hereby given that the W. J. WARNER. Hta Attorney. ■ a a a a a a PENDLETON, OREGON a a a C om e Early! Bring a Dray! a- I la B B B B a n a a B B B B a B B B a a iB B fliB B a B B B a ia a B iiB a flB B a iB a B a B a a a B a a a a a i NOTIC OP ADMINISTRATOR’S «ALE OF REAL PROPERTY 1 3 -ltc I Fine W oi U nion Suits Sale Dates can he had a t ths offioe. Administrator of the above entitled Exist». • 3 ■ 10 Bars for 6 8 c These are n ot the regular ■ J poor grade of sale shirts hut J ■ the finest of quality— many ■ J sold regular for as high as $3. ■ We H a v e Anticipated Y ou r N eed s in our Christm as Stock JOHN M. THOM. THE SMART SHOP Mrs. R. L. Parker. Prop. MB Main S t Pendleton, Ore. I NOW Hie prices are reasonable aad he does the business. underaigned. Administrator of the Estate of Jamea Alexander Craig Thom, deceased, w ill from and after the 2nd day of January, 1933 nt the office of W. J. Warner In th e City of Hermtaton, Umatilla county, Ore gon offer for sale to the klgheet bidder for cash In hand, the follow ing described real property situated In Umatilla County, Oregon, to-wit: All that part of the 8B U SEU and the E H 8W H S B H lying north of the “A" line canal In Me llon 12, Tp. 4 N. R. >9 E. W. M. con taining 5 acres. This sale la made under and In pursuance o f a lleease and order of sale made and entered by the Hon. I M. Rehannep, Judge of the above entitled Court on the 7th day or November. 1939 la the above entitled estate, aad such sale will be made eubject to confirmation by said Court. Dated this 3rd day of December. 1925. 3 B Regular 10c ■ WHY the man you are looking for Is— C olonel Legal Blanks for W M . F. Y O H N K A 8 Sale at This Office W ork Shoes EXTRA HEAVY HEADQUARTERS — AT— ■ r ■ ■ ■ R We Wash Everything B ut the Baby. W HEN IN ■ ’■ HWILY’S GASH GROCERY