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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1925)
HERMISTON, UHATHLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, ▼GL. XX Attention A spuufus PROJECT AGBICULTUXAE X . COLUMBIA ENTERTAIN CGliidkREXCX SCHEDULED HRE SIREN MOVED MENT DRAWS BIG All-Project Conference Will be Held TO TELEPHONE BLDG. in Hermiston in February. LAM EST AIL PIRES ARE TO RE REPORTED CROWD EVER GATH ERED AT SCHOOL OH HARD Plans are rapidly being ompleted TO TELEPHONE OFFICE whereby an all-project agricultural conference will b© held In Hermis ton In February. According to Fire Chief Hitt Siren 81nce the economic confereacs W ill Announce the Hour of movement was started In Oregon two Noon Each Day by One years ago some twenty county con Long B last ferences have been held with the nesult that very material benefits are now being realized. Many coun The city fire siren which for a ties have-found these stock taking sessions so valuable that they have l number of years has. been located been made annual affairs. The at the end of main treet opposite agricultural conditions on th© pro- the First National bank, was moved Ject are so different from those of the first part of this week to the the rest of Umatilla or Morow coun- local telephone exchange and ln- ties that In this Instance It has been stalled. By making the change it decided to make the poject the unit Is believed the alarms can be broad casted with greater dispatch and for consideration. • The conference 1B solely a farf- the whereabouts of the conflagra mer’g affair In which he gathers In tion more easily ascertained. The committee meetings with his neigh operators of the local telephone ex bors Interested in similar crops or change are on duty both day and livestock for the purpose of analys night and an alarm turned in to ing the industry and making recom- them will be the cue for the sounding mendatlons for It’s development. of tho siren. Acoorddlng to- flrechlef Hitt the These recommendations are report ed to the general conference on the siren will announce Jh© hour at noon second day’s session. The extension each day by one long blast so in service and experiment station re the future if you hear this blast from presentatives who will be here will the siren do not get excited but set act in a consulting capacity and the old time piece accordingly. City give such information as the com Marshall Pankow and Harry Mc Millan ar© now busy Installing the modity committees may desire. siren and It will be ready for use Committees have been appointed some time this week. to cover dairying, poultry, general livestock, alfalfa and farm crops, truck crops and beekeeping. Thes« MANY ATTEND DOTING committees will meet on December CARD AT PENDLETON 29 and 30 to organise and assign work to the Individual members. A large number ot local fight fans Journeyed to Pendleton Tuesday night to witness the smoker put oij ORDINANCE NO. 122. An Ordinance enlarging the bound by the Relth-Pendleton athletic aries of Irrigation Assessment club. Frenchy Smith of Irrigon wag District No. 1, created by Ordi matched with the Phllllpino who nance No, 76 passed by th© Coun fought here at the local playhouse cil and approved by the Mayor on a few months ago. Frenchle receiv ed the decision over the fighter from July 2nd, 1913. The City of Hermiston does or the Hula Hula Island. Among those from Hermiston were J. Moll, Otto dain as follows: Pierce. J. M. Biggs, Jim Pearson, H. Sec. L That the following des Swartout, Craig Percy, Hollis Percy, cribed land within the boundaries of Leo Hurly, Carl McNfuight, Frank the City of Hermiston, to-wit: Bilderback, W. M. Shaar, Joe Nor Block A In the First Addition to ton, Dave Mlttlesdorf, A. H Norton, Hermiston, Lots 1 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, Chub Longhorn, Harry Straw, Log 9. 10, 11 and 12 la Block C in the an Todd, Dr. Prime. First Addition to Hermiston, Block D in the First Addition to Hermto- Mr. and Mrs. Oron Felthouse and on, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 8 and 9 In Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watson motor Block E in the Second Addition to ed to Pendleton today. Hermiston and Lots 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5 In Block F In the Second Addition to Hermiston, be and the same to GRADE SCHOOL OPERETTA IS BIG SUCCESS here Included within Irrigation As sessment District No. 1 which was "The Joke on Santa Claus” pre created by Ordinance No. 78 pass sented by the grade school under ed by the Council and approved by the direction of Miss Seyler, on Sat the Mayor on July 2, 1913. Sec. 2. That all provtoions of said urday evening last at the high Ordinance No. 76 shall apply to school auditorium, was largely at said land hereby included In said tended. Tho parts were well taken by Irrigation Assessment District No. 1, the same as If said land hadf by the the pupils. Th® girls of th* hlgh school glee terms of said Ordinance No. Td, been Included In said Irrigation As club assisted In the entertainment. Miss Elisabeth Straw was accom- sessment District No. 1, and said land shall hereafter be assessed In anlst for the glee club and Shirley accordance with th© provisions of Brownson for th© play. it The Umatilla Growers held a meeting at the Oregon Harwart- on Friday last and talked over the needs for the coming year. It 1« desirous that at least IS aeres more of asparagus planting be signed up for the coming spring and thoee who are considering planting are ad vised by the association to get their land In shape now. The association will see that there are enough plantg secured for all, though it is advisable to let Tom Fraser at the Oregon hardware know your re- qulrementa at an early date 1-ee Lampson, manager of the Three Rivers _______ Growers ____ will „ be _____ her© _ prob- ably late this month and will meet with the association. > 0 . 10 DECEMBER 24, 1928 ADDITIONAL LOCALS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ O ____ ♦ Mis. Raymond Walker of Stan ♦ OREGON WEEKLY ♦ field, was a visitor ,»t the Stanley ♦ INDUSTRIAL REVIEW ♦ Campbell home In this city Mon ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ day. FARM BUR. DOES NOT FAVOR NEW PROJECTS Lenore Dyer, a student at Mon W a T w liu X r " ^ o ll'" te le p h o n e RESOLUTIONS ARE ADOPTED AT mouth, Is home for the Christmas line will cost $8,600. MEETING LAST FRIDAY NIGHT vacation. - • Oregon taxable property la $1,- Harry Kelly spent the week end 084.537.818, $25,000,000 more than The Attitude of Chamber» of Corn- at hia home in this city. An Interesting Program is Rendered merce Clamoring last year. ' ' “ for New and a Real Peed Served by Irrigation Deplored. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Prlndle left the Neighborhood Club Harrisburg—Willamette bridge on today for Union to spend the holi Pacific highway opened to traffic. days with friends. At a meeting of the Umatilla The entertainment and teed spon County Farm Bureau last Friday Mrs. Robert Hobbs of Portland, la Portland— Stpameil Gothic Star night at the Columbia school, reso sored by the Columbia Farm Bureau visiting at the home of her mother takes 130.000 boxes of apples to*Eu- lutions were passed condemning the last Friday night was a huge suc and father, Mr. and Mrs rope. Steamer Edna takes 165.000 actions of varioug organizations In cess from every angle. For some Prann. in this city. time past th© organization have boxes peeking new Irrigation projects, The Hoste»» At Party Monday been putting on these events but resolutions adopted are given as foL Miss Margaret O’Leary, a teacher Mrs. Stanley Campbell was hos the one Friday night eclipsed all Pendleton— Farmers sell 500,000 lows: in the school, left Wednesday tess at a party at-her home In this - e-lors endeavors. The largest bushelg of wheat In on« week, at Whereas, Irrigated lands canno^ etty last Monday night. About 20 evening for Grass Valley, Oregon, 4 ever gathered at the Colum- successfully compete with the corn where she will spend the holidays. prices to $1.60 per bushel. guests were present. Dainty re H school house was on hand. The belt In the production of corn and freshments wer© served after which refreshment committee reported that pork, nor with the grazing sections Mrs. S. M. Campbell and daughter steamers taking Portland—Two those present enjoyed a numbr of they had prepared three hundred and of the country In the production of Barbara left today for Eugene where 9,000,000 feet of lumber from this the old fashioned dances such as the twenty sandwiches and found that cereals, but must be confined In the they will spend the Christmas holi port. Virginia reel and others. ■ 'ter they had handed out a sand main, to the production of hay and days visiting friends and relatives. wich on a plat« along with cake and horticultural productions, and other goodlee there were not enough Pendleton — Oregon yVoolgrowers Ernest Thomas of Boise, Idaho, Whereas, the development of Ir to go around. The crowd was estl- son of S. D. Thomas, is visiting at meet here January 21-23 for annual rigated lands hag Increased far be • ■ ntrd at three hundred and seventy- ■reciAL coaaaroNOBNca the home of his father In Columbia meetng. yond the demand by the consuming five to four hundred people. Walter Warner, who has been at district.- public for Its produltlon thereby pre The program rendered wag varied Klamath Falls building permits cipitating a tending the Normal school at Mon reaction that has and Interesting. The participants E. E Thomas and wife, of Prairie for November reach $101,330. mouth, Is home to spend the Christ brought distress to the Irrigatlontote acquitted themselves with honors City, Oregon, are guests at the S. D. mas vacation. and grave concern to the Federal a”d the committee In charge of ar Thomas home this week. Portland—Orpheum circuit plans government In the collection of due, rangements deserve a lot of credit. Russell McCoy and Frieda Seaman $1,000,000 playhouse to seat 2400. Torn the water» user, and any fur The luncheon served was a real Mrs. Buckard and daughter, of spent the afternoon very pleasantly ther development and settlement of treat. There were cake© of all des Hoquiam, Wablngton, ar© guests at on Monday at a dentst’s office. new projects» In the near1 fufure cription, sandwiches, pickles, etc. Gate«—Crown mine In Linn Co. the S. D. Thomas home this week. through either stat© or federal aid The committee who arranged th© oild to show fine ledge of ore. Mrs. Rebecca Knght and the girls to new settlers would augment the luncheon are to be congratulated for have gone to Newport to spend the Ed. McKeen and wife and Mr. troubles of those dettlers who are al the repast was fit for a king. Gold Hill— Beaver Portland Cem ready farming Irrigated lands, and holiday with relatives there. and Mrs. Jack Simmons and wife, Everyone present seem to have a of Pendleton, were visitors at the ent Co. will spend $400,000 in would create a condition far mors royal good time at these gatherings aggravating to the government In Ralph Walpole and wife ar© vis Harold McKeen home In tht8 city doubling Blze of plant. and their popularity Is demonstrated Its attempt to collect Its water tax, iting the W. R. Walpoles. last Sunday. by the large attendance. Myrtle Point— Holt-Chase Com- now therefore, Miss Lila McMillen of Hillsboro, pany caned 17,000 case© of frtiit George Hendrieks spent rievyjal Be It Uesolved by the Umatilla BSERVATI0N STATIONS TO days last week at Boardman tuning Oregon, arrived In Hermiston today this year. nroject Farm Bureau, consisting of TEST CAUSE RADIO FADING ’ 50 members. First: That we de- pianos. ‘ ’ and will spend th© holidays here visiting. nlore the attitude of thoee chamber« Scholls— Fred Groner raises $19,- Tha Grange social was quit# a -if commece. both of the cltleg and Investigations of ‘‘fading’’ on a 5(70 worth of walnuts on his 300- Miss Luclle Gray, a grade school success on Friday evening. There -itates. In clamoring for the de- ¡ale never before attempted in tpe ----------- ----------- teacher, left Wednesday morning acre orchard. will be another "dolns” next Monday ■elopment of new Irrigation projects ntted States will be mad© in mld- Everyone In the jor Portland where she will spend evening, the 28th 'or which there to no Immediate de inuary at twenty observation sta- Oregon will use 80,000 barrels of community to Invited. Christmas. . tf .. mand; their efforts being actuated ont, it has been announced today oil costing $450.000 to oil 630 olely by the desire for the expendi r 3. K. Smith, of the Stewart-War- miles state highway In 1926. School closed on Wednesday for Miss Melba Callahan, who Is at ture of additional federal money sr corporation. • the vacation. Miss Bradford went tending school In San Francisco, vlthlnn tributary territory. Second: Hitherto such experiments have to her home at Burlington, Wash., Calif., Is home for the holidays. -Tigard— Four districts will vote hat we hereby commend the atti een carried on In isolated sections Mrs. Allen to North Powder, Mrs. on union high Bchool early In Janu tude of the Honorable Secretary f the country between two or at Jones to) Umatilla. The Professor ary, Last Tuesday E. E. Shaw of Cold Work in preventing or delaying the met threv stations. Th© result» of will keep the home fires burning. Springs drove Into town and pre reatlon of new lrlgatlon projects at ich research have been negligible, Baker—Company.will spend $250.- he present time, and Third: That The following program waa giv^ sented the editor with a big five here to still no explanation of why Thanks very qqq )n developing new strike of ore w© heartily recommend that no fur- gnals should be stronger in the at the Irrigon school on Wednesday ghaw . In Mother Lode, 25 miles northeaat. *her work, other than the comple Inter than static electricity leaps evening. • tion of thoee projects now under at of one’s hair or sparks out of Roseburg—Christmas turkeys sell construction, be undertaken for a 1. School Band. ,e rug at one's feet, and weak in at prices to 46 cents a pound. -»erlod of years, and until there ap- immer yhen there are apparently 2. Song, "Joy to the World,” School. lears to be a real demand by actual © static charges In the things 3. Recitation, Wallace Graham. Woodburn—State receives and oc ettlers, and that any federal flnan- Observation posts wjll chart 4. Orchestra. cupies new $286,000 boys’ training lal aid to settlers shall be In the ladings on selected distant sta- 6 Playlet— Rooms 1 and 2. school here. nture of more liberal terms In the ons every two minutes during the 6. Song— H. 8.« Glee Club—Girls. extension of time for payments for erlod of "the tests.. The results Oregon state taxes will total $7,- water by settlers already upon fed- 111 he averaged and plotted on a 7. Drill— Room 1. 200,830 for 1918, $282.000 Isas than ¡ral projects. lap similar to that issued by the 8. Recitation, Ruth Kraus. last year. Be it further resolved, that cop overfiment weather1 bureau. It to 9. Orchestra. 4 '. - es of this resolution he ront to our le belief of the engineers conduct- " r..\ Bend— Catholic parsh will erect ongressmen, to the governors of the ,6. PUy— Room 8. jg the tests that curves which will parjjhlal school. 11. Song— Room 1. rrlgatlon states, to th© Hon. Sec. lake possible a comparison of ef- Work and Commissioner Mead, and 12. Recitation, Geneva Emerson. icts and a eearch for causes will California-Oregon Power Co. will o the heads of our state and nat- I •suit. If so, the experiment will )8. Song— Junior Glee Club, Girls. .pend $500,000 1 nKlamath oounty onal granges, and the national e repeated at regular Intervals 14. Recitation— Room 2. luring 1926. 'I’arn Bureau, and that any further Sroughout the winter. L5. Solo, Mr. Lyle Baling jubllclty be given that may he “By a comparison of ‘fading’ and said Ordinance No. 78. Salvation Army will establish a Grants Pass—-Oregon bankers will leemed advantageous by a com- I Passed the Council this 16th day 16. Orchestra. le static curves with those of the children’s home near Cooston, Coos conduct school here to teach farm nlttee of three to be appointed to If. Play— High School. '. S weather map it will be possl- of December, 1925. county. accounting. Attest: C. W. Kellogg, 18. Song— "Hark the IHerald Angels Sing"— School. arry out the purpose of these reso le to determine the effect of the Recorder. leather on such" phenomena” said lutions. 19. Recitation, Franklin Benjamin Rider. Eugene—(Through: trans will be Grant« Pas«—Rich gold quartz is Approved by the Mayor this 16th Ir. Smith. "Bg plotting the-eurve© ¡started over new Natron cut-off 10. School Band. found near old Greenback mine af day of December, fl.926. f fading1 and static in tests on Railroad by July 1, according to S. 21. Song— Boys’ Glee Club. ter six-year search. Juti Why One Editor F. F. Prims, Mayor. lations of varying wave length, p . officials. Has Tamed Pessimist Dme tangible progress may he mad© Portland—Tanker Stockton brings No one 1« more annoyed than the award discovering what frequencies BENEFIT GAME TO BE 3800 tons cocoanut oil and West one who teles to beautify the town la re best for broadcasting. FLAYED WEDNESDAY KOHT Niger brings 600 tens soy bean oil. which he lives. No matter how earnest "The plan to hold th© tests orlgl- ly he works, crltletonis and annoy mtd hr a discovery that Chicago Oregon beekeepers will hold state ances must arise. As an example of A benefit basket ball game will sception thia year has failed to fol- be flayed next Wednesday nlglst, convention at The Dalles January this we have to say that the Beacon aw the accepted rules. There have December 30 between the high school office needed a new sign and hired 19-20. Jack Sigler of Red Wing to paint IL een sveral clar, hold nights on team and the American Legion. All It’a a peach. Then the sign had to be rhich It has been Impoesible to hear proceeds from the game will be Astoria to on national honor roll properly Installed and we employed tations 500 miles distant. given Art Schmidt who was Injured a© one of 1» cltle© h“v,nR no U tal Fritz Miller ns chief consulting en "On the other hand, there have in a recent foot ball game. The auto aoeldente during October. gineer nnd master gt ceremonies. Some een warm, wet nights entirely fre© money will be used toward paying thought n 4 by « post was the thing, ront static and perfect for broad his hospital and doctor bills. Lane county built 25 miles ma while others thought a 4 by 4 would est reception from distant points.’ icadam road this year, having 360 do. Then a w!" ’v observer mentioned gas pipe. W <i lO-’-d on gas pipe as ' miles In all. Jim Pennon Buy» Bankrupt Stock more suitable t-»r a pr-ntlng office. The N BOUND TRIP FABES F0» sign was t’ - i-fori- r::ily ') >lted on a Jim Pearson, proprietor of the Lane county has nine union high gas pipe. And (!-'?’ she shines in all NEW TEARS Fla Union Pacific, betweed points Black and White Garage tn thls her prist n ilor schools. After io.uall : on c r~:nor’~i wer# Idaho. Oregon and Washington, city, ha© purchaeed the bankrupt Hlllsbhro— Four local Investors over w r cour t the >iltu<h- of o-ir e dates December 30 and 31; re stock of the Stanfield garage In Sunfield, r. Pearson will move the tier over the ''omide- will start 640 acre muskrat farm ranct’ i to 's limit January 4, 1926. For tlon ul th’ d:c--, of • • .ira. 'ell (stock and equipment to thia city ther particulars see local agent. near here. pleas .l wit’! the r ml t >f ti’l pro and place it In hto garage here. gressive i.tlx tl ' W! ’ •? the a we Coldendale—-Option on 16.000 I»CB NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT heard a plaintive let'..' eoi "« fin ; from REBEKAH LODGE MEETING acres limber calls for $150.000 p.y- that r-is-plpe s t a n d * " f 1« t nnd l dance sponsored by the local »♦onderetl If It had biiU t nsfo.'.ied t of tha American Legion will be ,$nent. ______ Info an Aeolian harp. 1 innlly It There will he a meeting of Sun ged next Saturday .night, Dec. Salem— Hum. construction for sou.idcd ll’-e woodpeckers peck hi j for Fletcher’s famous orchestra of beam Rebekah "lodge Wednesday. w o rm s . We pleke-l up the shotgun 11 months totals $$82,86®. December 39. for examination and idleton will furatoti the music. which we kept fpr the honedt of delin Initiation. By order of N. O. quent subscribers, went out and gt Helens- Portland Electric Co. w atched . To our amazement w# row member, ^qjwvv?. llttes ri U -- > will brio»; power - .ceordlng to word received here DUCK SEAM» EXTENDS 'Ä-1 City. Deer Island and Wll- of the proletariat as they passed by Colni Boardman Trading Company'« 1 OVER MY» JANUANY .toUbdrately knocking tlielr pipes -» u Boardman# owped by the LNew Cretto three Story igalust the gas pipe standard to clror their pipes of ashes so that they could * Brothers who *t Pne tlme oper- According to Henry Hitt the duck .cost $.10®.6°®- load up again. When men will do th, I a grocery store here, burned to seen extends over fifteen day, tu likes of that, there la no UN to talk ground the first pert of the week, J a n u a r y o f 1928. But In order to B e a i- More tha none and one-half about Improving th, towiv—B o«H rae stated that the loro was about hunt dnrjng this period if will he Globe. : : mllro of paving laid during ,»•9 with only a «mail amount ■eesrory to procure the new license M ■ i tm i' grfV-w costing $64.600. for 193f, iceuragee IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS T h e W r o n g K in d o f B a it I! CHKK é H V V ’■■'¡e /