Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1925)
Pretty W ell Satisfied Burt Mullins H IT T "You look pretty well satisfied with yourself,” a man said to hla neighbor the other day. He got thia reply: ’’I am. I’ll tell yqw why.” “I used to carry my money around with me. Sometimes had It hid in the house. I had Insurance papers, deeds and other valuable documents and no safe place to keep them. It worried me. Finally I got to doing business with the bank. Now my money is on deposit and my papers are In a deposit box there. It re lieves me of a lot of worry. Why shouldn’t I feel satlB fled?” A n n ou n cm en t rOK SALE OK SALE— 68 young turkeys, 6 hens, 1 gobbler. If Interested . rite Mrs. Ralph Finley, Lexlng- U u., Oregon. l-2tp Stillings. 37tf TO TRADE— Elgin watch or relfer calf fort ¡good shotgun or rifle. F. W. Newell. 51-2c WATCHES, CLOCKS and every thing In the line of jewelry re paired, and work guaranteed. For the present eave work at Chas. Burk’s or at my residence, 1% miles northwest of town. F. W. Newell. 51-4tc ALE— Italian prunes, hanging My home is now open for the care ueee. Jas. Eddie 1-ltp of maternity cases. Best of care. Rates reasonable. Mrs. W. B. FOR SALE—One sanitary couch and Beasley. 51-4tp mattress; good as new. Mrs. Hane- line. m l-2tp Try Burk’s for bargain*. AMMUNITION A FULL LINE of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $50,000 B Sways*. Pres. R. Alexader. Viee-Prea. A. H. Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier </V AN T ADS G UNS K rause’s C hocolates T he Best in Candies First National Bank Polands for Profits. and the changing of her name to METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH HERMISTON IRRIGATION DIS Franoes Augusta Hlnellne. TRICT NOTICE Now on this day this cause com- Sabbath school at 10 A. M. Morn Ing on for hearing upon the petition ng worship at 11 o'clock. 7 P. M. Notice la hereby given that the of Wm. A .'H lnellne and Jessie A. the devotional meeting of the Sen board of directors of the Hermiston Hlnellne, for the adoption of Fran* ior Epworth |je.aguq. Be sure to irrigation district, acting as a board C O N F E C T IO N E R Y ces Augusta Smith, a minor, and the attend the evening service at 9:00 of equalization, will meet at the of S T A T IO N E R Y changing of her nam* to Frances o’clock. The Epworth League will fice of the district on the first Tues Augusta Hlnellne, said petition be have charge of this service. Mem day of October, 1925, at 8 o’clock ing filed In said Court and cause on bers of the senior League and all P. M. for the purpose of reviewing the Tth day of Ailgust, 1925, and other young people eligible for and correcting the assessment and I h a v e p u rch a sed th e c o n the court being now fully advised membership are invited to a mys apportionment of taxes to be levied — FOR— in the premises, It la hereby fe c tio n e r y k n o w n a s P a t ’s tery party a, the church, Friday for the year 1925. Ordered that Frank H. Smith, the evening. September 18, at 7:30. P la te an d s o lic it a sh a r e o f W. J..WARNER, father of said Frances Augusta y o u r p a tro n a g e. Refreshments will be provided by the 52-4tc Secretary, Smith and all other persons interest girls, each will bring a basket filled ed In said Frances Smith, a minor, for two. Prayer and Bible ptudy WESTLAND IRRIGATION DIST. take notice that a hearing will be Thursday at 8:00 P.M. The Junior had upon said petition for the adop NOTICE Epworth Leaghe devotional meeting — AND— tion of said minor and the changing Notice Is hereby given that the will be Saturday at 3:00 P. M. You of her name to Franca Augusta are welcome. Henry Young, min Board of Directors of th6 Westland Hlnellne, at the County Court House Irrigation District, acting as a ister. in the County Court Room at Pendle Board of Equalization will meet at ton, Oregon, on the 31st day of Octo-( — ------------------- the office of the district, in Her ber, 1925, at 10 o’clock A. M. of said[ — TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— miston. Oregon, on the first Tues day to consider said petition and said News stand day in October, 1925. at 8 o’clock Frank if. Smith and all other per CALL FOR WARRANTS Cigars and Tobacco P. M. for the purpose of review sons Interested In said Frances Au City of Hermiston Gladys Avenue ing and correcting lt8 assessment gusta Smith are hereby re Street Improvement Warrants Noe. and apportionment of the taxes to quired to appear on or before said 3768, 3800, 3801, 3822, 3836, 3851 bo levied in said district for the o ❖ ❖ •> •> date to then and there show cause to 3854, are callfd. Interest stops year 1925. LODGE DIRECTORY ♦ why the said Frances Augusta Smith September 17. 1925. IF IT’S J. W. MESSNER. Secretary ♦ should not be adopted by the said Georgia Henderson, Q U E E N ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101. O. E. 8„ Dated this first day of September ♦ moots tocoiui Tuesday wvenimr of each month Wm. A. Hlnellne and Jessie A. l tc City Treasurer. it &00 sharp in Masonic hall. Visiting mimhlii 1925. 52-5tc ♦ Hlnellne, and her name changed to «»leun... Alice C ShocweU. W. M. ♦ Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. that of Frances Augusta Hineline. YOU WANT It is further ordered that a copy ♦ V IN E Y A R U LODGE NO. 208, I. O. O. F. of said petition together with a copy . „ ,*“ h Mondar evening In Odd PellOTn ♦ CALL 25-J ««»berg cordially Inritod. of this order be served upon the said 0 (VATION-WtDE . R. Loaxhorn. Sec. O. C. Piare«., N. Q. ♦ Frank M. Smith by delivering to COUNTRY HAULS S0LICITEI . INSTITUTION- ♦ the said Frank M. Smith a copy of RECLAMATION IX>DGE No. 107. K. ♦ of P . meets each Thursday evening io said petition and of thi3 order. If Mack’s Hall, at 7:80 P. M. Visiting ♦ brothers cordially invitad. said Frank M. Smith shall he found W. H. McMillan R. A. Brownson. ♦ TRANSFER AND DRAR within the State of Oregon, and If K. R. and S. C. C. $ ♦ ♦ ♦ not found within the state of Ore D E P A R T M E N T ST O R E S gon, that this order be served up PROFESSIONAL CARDS on the said Frank M. Smith and up on all other persons Interested in HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING Dr. F. V. PRIME the said Frances Augusta Smith, BUTTONS by publication In the Hermiston DENTISTRY and Herald for three successive weeks, i Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis BUTTON HOLES Boys’ Fall Suits said newspaper being published Hermiston, Oregon weekly at Hermiston, Oregon, the Bank Bldg. Phone Connections Two Pairs Knickers Mail orders promptly first publication thereof to be made, on the 10th day of September, 1925. j attended to. Made to stand the" Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore-! wear and tear of the W. J. W ARNER gon, this 5th day of September,! a c t i v e boy’s hard THE SMART SHOP Attorney-at-Law 1925. knocks. Of good M i:. R. L. Parker, Prop. Hermiston Oregon quality fabrics. Stylish L M. SCHANNBP, 822 Main St. Pendleton, Ore. models. (1 4tc) County Judge. SERVICE JCB enney Ca T. H. G aither V a lu e s T h a t W in ! W. A. Leathers buys and sells al ADDING machine rolle at the Herald office. falfa hay. Office in building for merly occupied by Western Land Co. and Hay Growers’ Assn. Phone GEARHART KNITTER— Anyone In terested please write Box 152, 31. 1-tfc Hermiston, Oreg. 20tfc FOR SALE— Good walking plow, TAKEN UP NOTICE cheap. At Hermiston Black REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND Notice is hereby given that I have INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE smith shop. 1-1 tc ALTOR. 28-tfc taken up and kept for about 3 days at the Wainscott ranch 5 miles east FOR SALE— Apples. Send orders to of Hermiston the following described WANTED— Phone, writ* or see W. F. M. Gulwits for Delicious apples. A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa animal: One black gelding weight 1-tfc hay for sale, In any quantity about 1200. Two white hind feet. Phone 40-J-3. 9-tfc Striped face. No visible brand. FOR SALE—A 7 room strictly mod Said animal will be sold, unless re ern house, full basement an dgood lawn. Close to school. Might trade. PASTURE for horses or cattle, shade deemed, at public auction to the and plenty of water. E. P. Dodd. highest bidder for cash In hand on See C. H. Skinner. 46-tfc 43-tfc the 26th day of September, 1925, at FOR SALE—Or trade for good cows, the above described ranch at 2 1918 model Studebaker automo QUICK SERVICE ON CLEANING o’clock. AND PRESSING. We call for bile. Inquire at this office. 46tf Dated at Hermiston on this 10th and deliver. Imperial Cleaners day of September, 1925. USED CARS FOR SALE—Terms Phone 63-W. 38-tfc Signed, LON WILSON. given. Plrces right. Kellogg TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon Motor Co. 11-tfc NOTICE paper at the Herald office. I am continuing the hospital oper. FOR SALE— Team scales. W. A. Leathers. 40-tfc FOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel ated by Mrs. J. p. Hayden and will logg Motor Co. 2-tfc be pleased to receive patientg at FOR SALE— 750 pound-Primrose sep any time. Same location and phone arator. Enquire Inland Empire LEVELING LAND—See Peter Cas- number, 39-J. trlc, experienced and reliable, I.umber Co. 43 tfc 51' 5t® Mrs. J. D. Harrah. miles north of Hermiston. 4-tfc FOR SALE— Four good milch cows, Bob Horning. 61-3tp WANTED— Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hoe. GRAPES FOR SALE -J. H. Reid. lary for men, women and children. 61-3tc Eliminate darning. Salary $71 week fu lf time, $1.50 an hour Neglect of the liver results In self FOR SALE— Medium size heating tpAre time. Beautiful spring line, poisoning! Not so quickly, perhaps, stove, cheap. Mrs. Sig. Davis. Ite International Stocking Mill*, Nor but Just as surely as if you drank ristown. Pa. $>-20tp FOR SALE— Boys saddle, good con- poison out of a bottle .If your liver condition, bargain i$5. Enquire l8 not doing Its work of heplng diges IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE tion, eliminating . waste from the this office. STATE OF OREGON FOR bowels and purifying the blood, you LOST— Roping saddle somewhere UMATILLA COUNTY will always be troubled with sick between Hermiston and reser Nellie L. Christian, Plaintiff, headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad voir. Notify H. L. Herley, Stan vs. breath, gas, sour stomach or constipa field. 2-ltp Lafayette L. Christian, Defendant, tion. Summons Equity No. 4060, Cleense and tone your liver! Put APPLES— Fall and winter, come To Lafayette L. Christian, the your system In condition so you feel and pick them at 60t per box at above named defendant. your very beet sgaln! Try Just a i ’.cKeen plac?. J. II., In the name of the State of Ore spoonful of Dr. H. S. Thacher’g ex i 1-2 miles i.ast Hermiston. 2-?.lp gon, You are hereby required to ap cellent Liver and Blood Pyrup after pear and answer the complaint filed FOR SALE— Cow fresh Oct. 1 and against yon In the above entitled the next few meals and notice the yearling heifer. Registered Jer suit within six weeks from the first quick improvement In the way you seys with papers. F. P. Phipps. publication of this summons and on eat, sleep, look and feel— the return 2-2tc or before August 22, 1925, and you of strength, vigor and energy. You will be completely satisfied; other FOR SAEL— A three year old cow will take notice that If you fail to wise there will be no cost. Just fresh. George Currie. 2-ltp answer or plead herein within said time, the plaintiff, for want there FREE! Thi* Coupon is Good for FOR SALE— Barred Rock pullets of, will apply to the above entitled Sample B ottle and rooster. F. L Jewett. 2-3 tp Court for the relief prayed for In plaintiff’s complaint filed In said Dr. Thacher’s Liver & Blood Syrup cause, to-wit: for a decree of divorce If presented before the supply for MISCELLANEOUS forever dissolving the bonds of mat. free dlstrlbtlon Is already given away. Read the full dealls above, I Plain and Fancy Sewing. Mrs. A. E. rimony now and heretofore existing then act at once, as this offer is between the plaintiff and defendant Dohlman, first house west ot gor- limited. Get a trial size, now by ernment pipe yards. 52-3tp and for an absolute decree of'dlvorc« In favor of plaintiff against defend presenting this coupon to Mitchell Drug Company. AGENTS—Sell guaranteed hosiery ant and for the custody of the minor direct from mill to wearer; all children of plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published pursu UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. atylea and eqjors; salary paid for full time or spare hours; no money ant to an order of the Hon. I. M. E. R. Pell, Umatilla, Oregon needed for samples. International Kchannep, Judge of the County Phene Umatilla. 3 8 -J -ll Court of the State of Oregon for Mills, 1031, Norristown, Pa. Operating Stage* Between Pendleton Umatilla County duly mad* and en nnd Umatilla SHIRTS, nightshirt* and pajamas tered on the 1st day of July, 1925, Effective March 15, 1>25 directing that publication be made made to your measure. 600 pat Leave— terns of the finest silks, madras, herein once a week for a period of Umatilla.— $:30A.M. and 4:00 P.M. and flannels to select from. Made six consecutive weeks In the Hermis Hermiston.. 8:50 A M. and 4:20 P.M hy Ferd Klaas 8htrt Co. Imperial ton Herald, and the first publica Stanfield.. 0:15 A.M. and 4:40 P.M. Cleaner*. Phone 53-W. 38-tfc tion Is made pursuant to said order Echo......... 0:20 A.M. and 4:50 P.M. this 9th day of July, 192$. Ar. Pen......10:45 A.M. and 5:50 P.M. i BURK la headquarter* for Army W. J. WARNER, Leave— Shoes. Attorney for Plaintiff, P. O. Address, Hermiston, Oregon. Pendleton.. 1:00 P.M. and 5:20 P.M. X e n U W ant Ada B ring Ton Beenlta 44-7te Echo.......... 2:10 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. , - - - » 8tanfield ... 2:25 P.M and 7:40 P.M SMITH'S SECOND HAND STORE— EM TUX COUNTY COURT OF TNX Hermiston.. 2:45 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. Yon get more for your money; Ar. Umatilla 2:00 P.M. and 8:20 P.M. R A T E OF OREGON FOR Isn’t that funny. Fafciture, One round trip Sundays: Leave UMATILLA COUNTY atovee and everything. Jnst walk Umatilla 5:20 A. M., leave Pendleton In and forget to ring. 35-tfc In the Matter of th* Adoption 5:30 P. M. ’ of Order. Far*— Hermiston to Pendleton. BurÌTa for targala*. France» August* Smith, * minor, 91.41. round trip $2.45. DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon T w o pair* knickers fo r double service. A big variety o f liv ely colorin gs and m ixture* for School and Fall w ear. A t our excep tionally lo w | Phone Res. 712 L. F. M cA tee Office 78$ M c K e n z ie & uexj & ller $5.90 PAINTS, WALLPAPER, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PICTURE MOULDINGS Has removed from his former location In tho Bond Bldg. to Rooms 1. 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bid*. AND GLASS Pendleton O th e r s a t < 7 .9 0 t o 513 Main St. :: Oregon Phone 158 $13.50 R. M. HESTER, M. D. Pendleton, Oregon. Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Our Feature Shoe for Boys Style—Value—Low Price Office, 123 W. Court St. Over Telephone Building PREPARE NOW FOR ROUND-UP Pendleton, Now is the time to get your garments cleaned for Round up. You can get better ser vice if you have It lone now— don’t wait until the last min ute. Roond-Up Hats cleaned and blocked. Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animala Inter state Stock Inspector T h e Pantatorium LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING 719 Oarden Street Phone 473 Pendleton, Oregon LAUNDRY Well made of strong, durable leathers, with good lines and real style like Dad's snoes. A great shoe for school or dress wear for the boy who is on the jump from morn 'til night Low priced too, at— 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, $.98 12 1-2 to 2, $2.69 2 to 12, $1.49 Residence second house west of the athollc church. Phone, 82-R. ROUGH DRY WHEN IN — and— PENDLETON FINISHED WORK MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS — AT— Opportunity knocks at your door four times a week WESTERN AUTO CO. Cottonwood and W ater St*. MONDAYS - TUESDAYS THURSDAYS - SATURDAYS Hermiston Creamery Co. P A Y S T H E H IG H E ST PRICE AND S P O T C A S H Y O U R CREAM . FOR Call the follow ing A gen ts: HERMISTON— BERT MULLINS STANFIELD— McDERMENT ECHO— M. E COE COMPLETE OARAGE SERVICE Tires— Tabes— Accessories 1LWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 Tom Swearingen, Mgr. JIB■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■ j J. L. V A U G H A N ! ! gg 2C6 East Court St. And onr driver w ill be at your service, ANY AND DON’T F 0R 0E T THE DAYS Everthing Electrical V.’e never fail to make the trip TOR YOU W e H ave O ne o f the Best equipped Light Adjusting Stations Troy Laundry Company Pendleton, Oregon QUALITY SERVICE in the county I Phone 1C9 ” ’M on, Ore. i ® 3 s■ s B !* ■ ■ ■ » » •» •« w a w a s« S * « S ta I-’gk) JLaH f<,r! Salt J'in’ :Office If you w an t som e real bargains in U sed Ford Cars — TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— HOW’S THIS? S ee Us WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF FORD FARTS ECHO AUTO COMPANY Li i! f ECHO, OREGON H A L L ’S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN B w ill do w h a t w * c la im fo r it —rid y o u r system o f C a ta r rh o r Deafness caused by C a ta rrh . H A L I / g C A T A R f t H M 3 C D K T N K con sists o f an O in tm en t w h ic h Q uickly R elieves th a c a ta rrh a l in flam m ation , and th e In te r n a l M edicine, a To nic, which acta throu gh the Blood on th e Mncous R urfaces, tnus assisting to restore nor m al conditions Bold by druggists fo r over 40 T e a rs , Herm iston Transfer Wc Haul ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME TELEPHONE 31 F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O, 1