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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1925)
(VlpWrnntatan imdfc g g B A IJ X g g R jO W Q g p OBTOOX " ,r iBssdwôtdfcdcas^teBssag Among those wbo will taka »art WOMANI’ KEHOSI TO BE ___ , Flret St. and the weet line of levied, end number ot the eeeeee- Ip the dances are Jane Waraec, FEATURE 0 7 SHOW THU TEA ! 8«T«»th 8t. » ten d in g on either side ment roll end tbe eoet of tbe Im Published every Thursday at Her Charlotte Ralph, Betty Ralph, toa- Balaton, Umatilla County, Oregon by >elle Dodd, Margaret Waterman, Raymond Crowder, Editor and Man- Ruth Dodd, Ernestine Rail Ivan, 3uddy Prime and Carl Voyea. These — r _______________________ I 1 I 'oungstera have appeared at various Entered ad seeond class matter times before Hermiston audieneee December, 190#, at the postofflce at and were well received. A new Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon. dancer will also be preanted at this Inn In the person of tiny Rosella Subscription Kates Matott. She la a very charming One Year _______ __.............. «2.00 Ittle lady and is a dancer of un 8tx M onths____ «1.00 usual ability. (Payable in Advance) _ (rem the -glnal line of said street In response to a growing demand back to the center of the blocks abut, the board of dtreeterg have decided ting upoa said portion of Gladys Ave. to resume the showing of women's The number of the ordinance deelar. exhibits nt the Dairy and Hog Show ing said assessment la 120 and its this year. The exhibits will be in title la as follows- “To declare an a separate tent from the stock and assessment and designate the street the general superintendent of the Improvement for which the same la women's work Is Mrs. F. M. Gui- wits. Surrounding towns have been 'nvlted to participate and have prom ised to »end large collections. The Boardman exhibit comes direct from the North Morrow County Fair held 40 aore» Boise-Payette Proj'ct. AU last week and will be in charge ot improved and buildings. Clear. Mrs. Nick Faler and Mrs. A. T. $6,COO. Want something here. Herehn. Irrigon will be represent 120 acres south Idaho. Well im ed by Mrs. C. B. Glasgow, and Uma. proved, near town. $10,000. Clear. tills by Mrs. Llewellyn. Mrs. Levi Want something in Eastern Oregon. Hills from Stanfield and Mrs. Ebert 160 acres mixed farming in Baker Ebert of Echo will probably bring county. Irrigated wheat, alfalfa exhibits from those cities. Mrs. A. and dairying. $12,000. Wants low. E. Benscl and Mrs. F. P. Phipps er altitude. are in charge of the sub-dlvlslons 200 acres Grande Ronde valley, 85 of the local work and working hard ‘o secure a display that will com in cultivation, balance in pasture. pare favorably with those from the Buildings and fenced. Want» irri- visiting communities, and are meet ! gated tract. $8,000. ing with much encouragement and I »287 acres near Medford, 73 irri cooperation. gated, good buildings. Fine farm. $25,000. Wants Eastern Oregon place. DIRT FARMERS ARE SOUGHT 400 acres near Eugene, highly im (Concluded'from Page One) proved, 2 sets buildings. Wants al »3000 ................................................ 20 falfa land for part or woulld take »6000 ............ ................................... 25 two tracts. $30,000. Lands fo r Trade Lumbrmen For Seven Hundred Yean MBS. JULIA CARVILL Seven hundred years In the lum DIES FRIDAY LAST ber business is the record of the w» . Great Copper Mountain Stock Com Mother of Otto Pierce Drops Dead pany. of Stockholm and Falun, At Dinner Table. Sweden, which Is celebrating this year its Jubilee as lumbermen. To Mrs. Julia Carvill mother of Otte arry on a continuous operation for Pierce, dropped dead at her home 700 years is a remarkable achieve here last Friday. Mrs. Carvill had ment. been living with her son for about This concern, which In Sweden is a year. The family were at the din known as Stora Kopparbergs Berg- ner table Friday when without an) lags, A. B., tbe A. B. meaning Ine. warning Mrs. Carvill slouched down <s said to be not only the oldest In her chair and an examination lumber concern in existence but the proved that the woman wag dead oldest stock company In the world Heart failure is given as the cause Edward J. Hanzlik. forest examln. of her death. She wag born In er In the Portland office of the U. Christiana, Norway, June 2, 1861 She wag slxty-four years old at the S. Forest Service, visited the opera tlons and forests of this ancient lum time of her death. ber company when he wn8 In Swed Mr. Pierce wag in the mountains en as a fellow of the American Sean, deer hunting at the time but started -llnavlan foundation. Mr. Hanxllk for home immediately after he had been informed of his mother's death gives some Interesting facts about Approval by the board of an ap this company, their forest organlza by telephone. He left Saturday plicant, followed by the filing of tlon and results of hundreds of years night with the body for Argonne water right or water rental appli f forestry practice. Wisconsin, where she will be burled cation, when either is provided for “Through scientific methods of Six children survive her, three on the particular project Involved, 'orestry, the timber holdings are boys and three girls. which feature the board shall cover worked on a continuous yelld basis, by appropriate notation on the ap vnd through proper cutting meth MANY FRESHMEN TO ENTER plication. will entitle the applicant 0. A. C. MONDAY, SEPT. 21 ods the rotation has been reduced to flic homestead application at the y 20 to 30 per cent. Every 70 or designated land office for the farm When the second annual freshman ’0 years this company's loggers are unit assigned to him. Such home week opens here Monday afternoon timing to the same timber tract for stead apllcatlon shall be made with Sept. 21, what promises to be thi uttlng. and the cut-over land prob in 15 days from the date of ap largest entering class In the historj cm Is unknown to them. Thia Is proval of the application, except In of the college will throng the cam vhnt we must eventually come to in those cases where a preference right pus walks. More than a week be his country.” said Mr. Hanzlik. Is being exercised, in which event According to Mr. Hanzlik the com- fore that date 1208 applications foi the period provided by law for the oany has some 800,000 acres of entrance had been approved at th< exercise of the preference right registrar's office and credentials ’and on which forestry has been shall control. Failure to so make trnctlced for hundreds of years. were arriving on every mall. Tblf such homestead application will en is an indicated increase of at leasi title the board to approve another BOOST FOR YOUR OWN HOME 20 per cent over last year’s class. application for the same unit, allow The freshman week plan stnrtee TOWII ing the applicant to make homestead here last year of having a three entry, this procedure continuing, If day program to acquaint the nev •necessary, until an approved appli (Written by Mrs. F. B. Pennock) students with their milw life and cant makes a homestead entry.— 'he storm clouds are gathering, surroundings prior to final regls Portland Oregonian. there's a giant to down. tratlon and class work proved so beneficial to all concerned that it ’ome ou't brother and boost for your NOTICE own home town. has been made an annual feature Notice Is hereby given that the Preliminary registration will take Come out In your denims, that used assessment for the Improvement of to be blue; place Monday afternoon at which that part of Gladys Ave. In the City time each tudent will be assigned tnd save the few shlnglea that still ot Hermiston. Umatilla County, Ore shelter you.. to a small group under the leaderahly gon. lying between the east line of of a staff member. He will remalr Ilgh taxes have loosened the demons First St. and the west line of of woe, a member of this group throughout Seventh St. embraced In Improve \nd soon empty cupboards the rav the week. ment District No. 10 and Improve age will show. Permanent (Jeglstrn»on of freeh ment Districts Nos 11 to 30 Inclu \nd yet the non-thinker will boos! men will not take place until Frl slve, has been made and a statement them still higher, day, allowing time for Intelligent thereof entered in the City Lien Vith no homes to burn, they dread decision as t0 courses on the part ol Docket. not the fire. those who hRve mny have been un The whole cost of said Improve They know not the reason they're decided upon arrival. Old students ment is the sum of »3871.99 and the out of a Job, will register Saturday, Sept. 26, and boundaries of -the district assessed a because there's no money to pay the regular class work for all wilt therefor Include all the real proper for a snob. begin tho following Monday, ( may be no taxes are down In your ty abutting upon that part of Gladys Ave. lying between the east line of name, FAREWELL PARTY IS lot pleaae don’t forget 'tla a boom GIVEN SILVEY FAMILY erang game. A farewell party was given last fou can't boost the taxes and tight en the screws, Saturday night at the Methodist church for the Frank Silvey famllj That clinches hard times, without getting pinched too. who leave soon to take charge of a wheat ranch near Condon. Mis Then brother come boost for your own home town. Silvey has been very active In the t it's only a aback with the roof affairs of th church during her reel sagging down. denee here. • !, Thp merchant who trusted you thonght you would pay, VISITORS OF NOTE AT PENDLETON ROUND-UP When the pay check came In or you »old off your hay. Pendleton, Oregon. Sept. 16— Gut the taxes come first, so the mer chant must wait, Pendleton Is In gala dress for a very great occasion; the Pendleton Round TIs the same with the doctor, your O ur finishing d e p a rt Up which opened Wednesday, for a frlends and your mate. h0 must not buy the things she four day show. ment, through up-to-date has needed so long. The streets are gay with banners methods and equipm ent and electric lights and Pendleton For the taxes are due, 'tts the same and expert handling, can plaintive song. citizens are wearing sombreros and Fhere's no money for charity, none help you get the kind o f loud shirts which rival those of the for display. cowboys. The competition will be pictures you want. especially keen among these riders, And nothing for pleasure with high taxes to pay., bull doggers and ropers, for there 1» T o use a sk ' ; -xpres- assembled the best cowboy talent In We would school the dear children, but when all has been said, sion: the world. Among strong contend ers for the Roosevelt trophy, given Which need Is the keenest, grand “ W e're th ere u . th e buildings or bread? the nil round cowboy champion is fin ish .” Paddy Ryan, who last year won the And we’ve butlded more schools than ran ever be filled. MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY trophy. , , - , Visitors f not will not he larking And yet they keep shouting, vote Hermiston, Oregon money to build. Irvin 8. Cobb, fam ed ns nn nuthor and humorist. Is coming and will be Shall rivaling cities, the poor man's right spurning, accompanied by Charles Russell, the well known cowboy artist of Mon Tax the roof from his head with these temples of learning. tana. They will, with Mrs. Run neli and Mr. Cobb’s daughter and TIs true there are others to step In your shoes, son-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank M Chapman, Jr., of New York, be They always stand ready whenever I you loose. guests In the private ear of J, L. Doyle, division superintendent of the But what of the years of privation and toil. Great Northern. KMt« C. C. Moore, governor of Idaho, That has won you a home on this God given soil. will be among the guests. This will be Governor Moore's first visit to Will you vote them away, just be The U N IV E R S IT Y of O R E G O N cause some slick rooster. the Round-Up. contains: Will pnt your back softly and call The College of Literature. Sdence Mn. Callahan'» Pumi, , 0 h. P > „ n. T/ ou * boo' “'r? and the A rts with 22 department.*. may The professional k bools of A rc h i Bring in Your Films UnWersIl presented In various tecture and A llie d A rts — Buaksesa Administration—Education—G rad uate Study— Jo urnalism — Law— M edicine— M u sic— Physical Edu cation— Sociology— Extension. \ chance to pass by. - .......... ~ — I have numerous other such list ings. If you want to trade come and look them tover. I have business arrangements in a score of towns in the Northwest and can find anything to match. provement. Gladys Ave. Improve ment.” The said assessment Is now due and payable and shall bear Interest from Septembr 11, 1925, and will b« delinquent September 11, 1926. C. W. KELLOGG, 52-3te City Reeorder. Pendleton-Portland T R A N SIT CO, HERMISTON, OREGON In w a g in g your battle w ith the house fly start early and m ak e it successful by using the screen doors and w indow screens of Ranchers—We can put your pro duce on the Portland market over nigkt. Operating Auto Truck Freight line between Portland and Pendleton, Ore., and the following way points: Uynatilla, Hermiston, Stanfield, Echo and Rieth. Inland Fm rire I v r TIME SCHEDULE Leave Portland 4 P. M. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Arriving at Hermiston 6 A. M. Wednesday. Friday, Sunday. Leave Hermiston 6 P. M. Mon day, Wednesday, Friday. Arriving Portland, 8 A. M. Tues day. Thursday, Saturday. I W e have ju st received our n stock in and w ould be to show them to yo Inland Empire Lumb F t « II., 10 ’ •" ■ I " I and brow«. '« • r« t ™ D » 9 M Y « r( r 24.1925 « (V rn 'farm Exclusive Representative» of Get the Red Crown Mileage Card at any “RedCrown”pump. U se it and s e e your mileage increase I WEST END F Alt Have learned that The Herald prints t I best butter wrappers. We have the large size, 9 by 12 inches. Our prices are “Saving close to 35 cents on the dollar w ith ‘Red Crown’!” M otorists using the Red Crown M ile age Card say w e could promise even m ore than ‘15 to 30 miles extra per tankful’ from Red Crown gasoline: O ne s a y s ; “I’m averaging 65 m iles extra per tankful that I never got before. T he Red Crown Mileage Card started m e saving close to 35 cents on the dollar, and m y carburetor's set on Red Crown gasoline for keeps.” W h y not get a card for y o u r s e l f and get extra m iles from the Red Crown pump from this day o n ? 10 0 200 300 500 for for for for $ 1 .2 5 $ 2 .0 0 $ 2 .6 0 $ 3 .7 5 Many are buying them in the largei n tities, but we are here to serve yen you want only a few we have them w ab out the nam°. These we sell as follow s- 12 30 62 100 for for for for 10 25 50 80 cents cents cents cents The Home of Good Printing” testeuÿin. THE HERMISTON HERALD S T A N D A R D OXL C O M P A N Y (C alifornia) T E N T S A N D A W N IN G S EVERYTHING FOR THE SCH O O L B O Y C lothing, Shoes Do yon need a new tent or awning? Measure your window or front, sixe on this cut, mail to us an d we will give yon prices. O vercoats, H ats and Caps WE ARE GROWING day by day. That is because we please our customers with the x kind of vulcanizing- work we do. Our up-to-date vulcanizing machines together with good matrlals and workmanship turns out a first claaa Job. H oot G ibson Shirts U nderw ear in fact E veryth ing o f th e Best for Boys W h en in P endleton for the R ou n d -U p m a k e this store your headquarters And permit us to show yon some of our Special Values V U L C A N IZ IN G PACIFTC TIRE COMPANY 206% E. Alta St. R. ALEXANDER & CO. Pendleton, Ore. CANCER SPECIALIST ABRAM METHOD OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT For a cotalofu* or an# m formation uwtta The Aeftetrur. (ZrutWraity o f Orvfon. Eugerw. Orvfun • Operating from— Door 24, Auto Freight Terminal. Portland, Oregon. Phone East 8226. From Golden Rule Hotel, Pendle ton. Phone 25. Rates on application at The Her ald office. KENNETH LIVINGSTON JOE HAYDEN Proprietors E. P. D O D D FIGHT THE FLY Dr. B. B. Brundage PENDLETON, OREGON A ■ a ■ « ■