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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1925)
Tfflfl gEBMlSTOK ITERALI), HERMISTON, OREGON. Hipe ^rnotato» E rra li Sea Horror Captured Unlettered Mon Boot After Long Struggle at Coinage of Worda We reached the pool, at « h a t « • Antiquity of A lphabet B B U U U I1 I The Phoenician alphabet, ancestor | ■ of all the alphabets of modem • eet- The best of all word makers are ern civilization, has had over seven was dead low tide, writes tbe unlettered. Professor Glider- ceaturtes added to Its known period W illiam B t-b e la the Mentor Maga sleeve said that the messes own the of existence as a result of recent dis zine, and made the moat of every mo coveries In Asia Minor. Prof. James Entercd aa second class matter, ment. We had been working about an language. Malherbe, the exquisite | A. Montgomery o f the University of Parisian poet and connoisseur of December 1108 at the poetotflce at hour when I straightened up to ease i words, frankly owned that Ills mas Pennsylvania told at a gathering of Hermiston, Oregon. an aching back. Almost at my aide 1 I ters o f speech were the porters In members o f the American Philo saw what w ill be ever to me the 1 tbe H a y m a rk et sophical society recently. Inscriptions Subtcnption Bates made by the H lttltes and Cretans, most remarkable Bight In the animal i When Roosevelt was a ranch own For One Year ____________ 8J-M world. Frightened by our long-con- I and also others found In Sinai, which er and had been felling trees with tils F o j Six M o n t h s ___________ -81»8 tlnued splashing and tramping, a big : date back to the Fifteenth century men, he happened to overhear ode of Payab able In Advance. B. G , cause this revision of Ideas on octopus had crept quietly out of a them say. "B ill cut down fifty-three, I antiquity of our letters. Previously i crevice Just behind me snd was mak- , Ing his way a . rapidly a . ptwslbl. i ,h! boM he the earliest known Inscriptions in DECLARATION SIGNED over the seaweed shelf down to deep ' Pn PPn' these characters was the so-called Roosevelt, who always enjoyed a “Moabite stone" discovered In 1868, ' B Y MEN OF ALL AGES water. Nothing animate Is compar- good Joke on himself, went on, “Those and generally believed to have been able to this sight. The bulging mass of the head or body, or both, the I who have ever seen the stump of a written about 860 B. G — Science j Few G ray beard i Among the round staring eyes, as perfect and ex tree gnawed down by a beaver will Bervlce. pressive as those of a mammal, and , understand the exact force of the Nation’a Foundera. comparison." the horrible absence of all other bod Home of th e Violin , We have always needed a word for ily parts which such an eyed creature Many people think of the signers of M lttenwald, Bavaria, ts the home of mistake as applied to action, and the the Declaration of Independence as should have— nothing more but eight Maine guide has coined it. When he some of the most famous violins of graybearda, old In years, ripe in wis horrid cup-covered, snaky tentacles, I runs his canoe upon a rock or chooses the world. It Is the Cremona of Ger dom and endowed with the vision reaching out in front, splaying side a channel with Insufficient water, he many. W alking down a street of M it- which decades o f experience Is sup ways and pushing behind, while one tenwald, one begins to believe that makes a "tnlsgo." or more always waved In the a ir In posed to bring. None of the 56 men | A homespun New England philos violin making Is the only thing that the direction o f suspected danger, as who finally affixed their signatures to opher In southern California coined goes on there at all. As a matter of this Im iw rtant declaration, pledging to If In some sort of Infernal adieu. This an excellent verb. H e was arguing i fact, It Is this Industry that keeps octopus was over two feet across, Jet Its support their lives, fortunes und that sterling qualities of heart art- M lttenwald alive. Its violins are ex sacred honor, was old enough to be black when I first saw him, but turn rarer than those of head. “Oh, h- 1,” ported to all the countries of Europe suspected o f senility, though a few ing to a mottled gray when we en he exclaimed, “why, you can Just go and America. This Industry was es were so young that they might be gaged In our struggle. When I headed out and huckleberry for bruins, but a tablished In the early part of the Hable to a charge of Imm aturity of him off he stood on defense and did Eighteenth century when M lttenwald not retreat. A fte r much feinting and heart of gold Is as rare as a dlng- Judgment. was in a most Impoverished state as a rnaul.” slipping and unpleasant pulling away John Hancock, president of the con ! result o f the T h irty Years’ war. Since gress, something of a “blade" and none from the myriad suckers, I got the 1 then it has prospered and flourished beast Into a snake bag and tied It too conservative In his attitude on Freedom From Duty and tbe Inhabitants of* M lttenwald some Important matters, was only firmly. good reason to be grateful to Eaaence of Leiaure ) have th irty nine years old when the general M atthias Klotz, founder of Its violin Leisure means real freedom. It Industry. congress assembled In Independence Name “Canada” Said to means freedom not only from technical Be of Spaniah Origin "working hours,” but nlso from any Famous E arly Physician There la an Interesting legend con thing like compulsory social demands. Hippocrates was a Greek physician cerning the manner In which Canada It should spell a time sacred to the got Its name. Spanish adventurers Initiative, the bent, the mood, even, of nicknamed the “Father of Medicine.” were the first, so fa r us Is known, to the Ind ividu al; a time wherein he gets He was born on the island of Cos, 400 visit the American shores In search of elbow room to search and find himself B. C„ died In Thessaly, 357 B. C. He booty. In the north they found the renewedly, a Boston Transcript w riter was tbe author of mnny valuable country disappointing. The soli was says. Even If, by way of a silent writings on the science of medicine, ctertle and unyielding. The Spaniards declaration of Independence, the In and wns the first to put aside all tra were henrd by the natives to make fre dividual shall loaf a little during these ditions and superstitions and base the Ph on . 331 quent use of the expression “Acs, hallowed hours of relaxation, the loaf practice of medicine on the study of naila," meaning " It Is barren.” It was ing may have Its uses. Fam ily duties nature, without reference to religion “ The Yard of Best Quality ” Ion to ' •‘xrrpted, these hours belong to one or other matters. He was said to be noted that a fter giving expri H . M. S T R A W . M G R. their dissatisfaction they Invariably self, not necessarily for fostering a master of clinical research and the selfishness, but ns a chance to get one’s originator of a system of diet and departed to another place! Exclusive Representatives of National Builders When the French explorers arrived bearings and to “Invite one's soul.” It regimen for the cure of Illness. He on the scene, the Inhabitants gathered Is the freedom to use this time as one was also a great believer In benefits on the shore and yelled “Aca nails,” lists that Is the very essence of from climates suited to the tempera ment of the patlenl._______________ hoping to drive them away. The leisure. Freedom of any kind entails corre French took this to be the name of the country, and they called It Can sponding responsibilities, no doubt, but John Hancock. due freedom Itte lf must not be ques ada. The Spaniards also named Florida, tioned. Yet moral or social coercion Is hall, Philadelphia, to consider the word always powerful enough to coerce ac- ing of the historical document. The meaning Land of Flowers, and Vene- zucla, so called because of Its resem- t,on’ an<1 ,f B «'»“"«unity be bent on oldest man in the congress was Ben coercion of that kind, tbe Individual*! blauce to Venice. jamin Franklin, who had passed his either becomes a slave or Is made seventieth birthday only six months pretty miserable by the assertion of before. The youngest was Edward T he O bstinate M an Ills Inalienable right to due leisure. Rutledge of South Carolina, who at An obstinate man does not hold How much does each of us really get? tained his twenty-seventh birthday In opinions, hut they hold him ; for the November following the fntnous when he is once possessed with an er Fourth of July; Thotuns Lynch, Jr., of ror, It la like a devil, only cast out P r e tty R ebuke the same stute was his senior by only with great difficulty. Sir James Barrie In his younger H e delights T p ays to get the miles a few months. ’ most of all to differ In things d iffe r days was much Interested In amateur o u t o f “R ed C row n” O f the whole number but seven had | ent. He Is resolved to understand no theatricals. On the stage he usually passed their sixtieth year; nine were man's reason but his own, because he took the part of a woman. th at the Standard Oil In a re between fifty and sixty years old, 11) llmls no man can understand his but cent address he said: “On one oc C o m p a n y ’s yea rs o f were between forty and fifty, und the himself. His opinions are like plants casion when the curtain rose on iny gasoline-m ak ing ex same number, 1», were between thirty that grow upon rocks, that stick fast husband and me ubout to partake of perience h a v e pul in and forty. The first mentioned were though they have no rooting. The breakfast, my husband. In his stage the only ones under tlilrty years of more Incompetent Ills views are, the fright, pulled the table cover und Its it. age. The average age of the members faster he holds them, otherwise they contents to the floor. How would a R ed C row n is sim ply of the general congress was 43.87 would fall asunder of themselves, for superb actress have risen to tlint emer c r o w d e d w ith m iles years. It has been remarked Ihnt opinions that sre false ought to he gency? I have asked some of them, there were enough young men to fu r held with more strictness than those and none of them conceived anything —see the records b e nish enthusiasm, enough middle-aged that are true, otherwise they w ill be equal to what Adele did— Adele was lo w that th is y e a r ’s trophy w in ners m ad e in I went behind him, and, apt to lietrny their owners before they my name. the b ig annual L o s A n g eles-Y o sem ite E co n putting my arm around his neck, I are aware.— Butler. o m y R un. T h e y p r o v e i t ! said: ’You clumsy darling’ I ”— Youth’s Companion. every Thuraday at Her- mtaton. Umatilla County, Oregon by Raymond Crowder, íd lto r and Maa- thought When you have a job in our line give it to the home prin ter. The salesman from an out-of- town concern may give you an oily line of “bunk” but the home printer is entitled to your job work. The dollar you spend here will some day re turn to you. Th* dollar you send S away is gone for ever. Our prices are standard. If it i is to be printed we ■can do it FIGHT THE FLY In waging your battle with the house fly start early and make it successful by using the screen doors and window screens of a a Inland Empire Lumber Co. We have just received our new stock in and would be pleased to show them to you. Inland Empire Lumber Company fig u re w ith H E R M IS T O N Bureau ■ YY? U S E T H E R E D C R O W N M ILEAGE CARD A N D S T A R T A N ECONOMY R U N OF YOUR O W N H ardest-W orked W ords John Hancock’s Tomb and Monument. It Is stated a fte r a long series of ob servations and tests that one-fourth of our dally task of talking Is ac complished by the use of nine words, the longest of which has but four let ters. These nine are: and, be, have, It, of, the, to, will, and you. It need hardly he said that these simplejvorda are all pure English. It Is also asserted that these nine, together with 34 additional words, form a full h alf of the words we use In conversation every day. The 84 additional Anglo-Saxon words alluded to are; about, all, aa, at, but, can, come, day. dear, for, get, go, hear, her. If, In, me, much, not, on, one. say, she, so, that, these, they, this, though, time, we, with, writs, and your. Famous Spot in India The Vale of Kashmir is an elevated valley In the Himalayas, north of the Punjab, through which flows the river Jhelum. I t Is about 120 miles long, with a mean breadth of 75 miles, and Is famed for the beauty of Its scenery and the charm of Ils cli mate. Ita altitude varies from five thousand to seven thousand feet, and owing to Its altitude and conseq :cnt coolness, It Is visited during the hot mouths of summer. It is said that the natives o f the Vnle of Kashmir de rive the peculiar pattern that murks, all India shawls from the graceful curves of the Itlv e r Jhelum as It me anders through the valley— Kansas City Times. men to check Indiscreet action and enough well-matured men to bnlunce this most Important conference. The first of the signers to die was Button Gwinnett of Georgia, who lived Divisions of th e Z odiac only until May 27 of the following C attle in London Streets The zodiac Is an Imaginary belt ex year. Charles Carroll of Virginia was The custom of driving pigs, sheep the longest lived a fter that memorable tending around the celestial sphere, and cattle tlireugh ihe streets, a prac date. He watched the new states grow I within which lie the orbits of the sun, tice begun centuries ngo when M ndnn In power and Influence until November moon and planeta. It extends eight was a village, Is still being carried on 18, 1832; so that some persons still degrees on tach side of the ecliptic, However, It Is seldom that the public living might have touched a hand , or apparent path of the sun, and Is generally witnesses the sight, ns the which held tile |>en while signing the divided Into twelve equal parts, each work Is done during the enrly hours of one of which Is marked by a constel Declaration of Independence. the morning. A herd of cattle, de lation. The names of these are as layed on Its way to the market, got follows: Arles (the R am ), Taurus Into t traffic Jam recently In llnthnrn. (the B u ll). Gemini (the T w ins), Can one of the city’s main thoroughfares, cer (the Crab). Leo (the Lion), Virgo and extra policemen had to be called (the V irgin), Libra (the Balance), I Scorpio (the Scorpion), Sagittarius to assist the drivers In their tnsk of getting Ihe anltnnls started ngaln. The j (the Archer), Caprlcornus (the Goat), present-day city regulations provide Solemn Tribute Paid i Aquarius (the W ater Rearer) and that live stock can be driven through to Old Liberty Bell Places (the Fishes),— Kansas City the streets only between the hours of “John Marshall, then chief Justice Star. midnight and five In the morning. of the United Slates, died In I ’lillailel- P' : i on July 0, H ard R oad to Paradise Cost Was High 1336,” says an old I In the Mohammedan tradition the A certain gentleman of good posl- . newspaper account. 1 Al Slrat Is an Imaginary bridge be I tlon, but rather Irascible tempera 1 "On July 8, exactly j tween this world und the next. Il ment, wns repairing his motor car on j 50 years to the day ! extends over the abyss of hell, and the road a fte r a breakdown, and using 1 of the anniversary J must be passed by all that would reach of the proclamation ! the Mohammedan paradise. It Is very language during the process scarcely 1 A lady ac- I of the Declaration i narrow, and l i a s been likened by some becoming a Christian. qiialnlnnce, who was passing, stopped i of Independence to I writers to the thread of a famished the people, big re Bidder, and hy others to the edge of to exchange greetings with the Irate motorist's wife, and during the con mains were borne a razor blade. In crossing, one’s versation that ensued took occasion from Philadelphia to speed It proportioned to one’s vlrtne. I to a i k : “Can you rell me how much his native state, V ir Some pass with the rapidity of light It costs your husband to run his car?”' ginia, for burial. nlng; others more slowly; while the "Indeed. I can,” said the w ife ; "It Is During the funeral wicked, on account of the weight of going to cost him Ills Immortal soul solemnities the Liberty bell, while their sins, are precipitated Into Ilia If he doesn’t Improve his language.” slowly tolling, cracked through Its gulf below — Fjanaas City Star. —Victorian. aide, forever silenced but not less elo quent In Its mute patriotic appeal. It -T R Y THE HERALD WANT A P £ l had lived out Its life (82 years) of The Christian Science services are i usefulness ns men live out tlielr lives. held In rooms next to the Auditorium ! Its active work was done; It had every Sunday at II o'c'ock. Sunday called tbe people together to perserve school at 10:18 All are cordially I their rights under the Brtllsli crown; Invited to attend. Wednesday eve- It had rung out lie clamorous defiance on the great day of the proclamation Send us the price o f a year’i nlng meeting first Wednesday each , of the Declaration of their Independ month. ones; It had glorified all anniversaries ^ncripttotrif you are in arrears o f that Indeitetideuee. Henceforth, It remains In Its undent place, the si lent symbol of not only ‘Liberty -JPCAP THR WANT ADS— throughout all Hut land,’ but through — READ THW WANT ADS— pul the world,” i T h e secret th a t the expert k n o w s is in g ettin g R e d C r o w n ’s m i l e s o u t . T h e n e w R e d C row n M ilea g e C ard — ju st o u t— m a k es it as sim ple a s a -b -c to increase y o u r m ileage. It tells w h a t to do for y o u r ca r— you r carburetor — and j u s t h o w to D R I V E to g e t 15 to 30 m iles e x t r a p e r ta n k f u l w ith R ed Crown. ( R e m e m b e r — for the b ig g est ev e n t o f its kind in th e W e s t — th ey h a v e ch o sen “R ed C row n” ex clu siv ely for nine co n secu tiv e yea rs. I t’ll p ay y o u to fo llo w su it I) S tart y o u r o w n eco n o m y run to d a y on R ed C row n gasoline w ith th e R ed C row n M ileage Card— a t y o u r n earest R ed C row n pum p (red, w h ite and blue) — th e b est buy in to w n — b y . Ä. S-.’ Have learned that The Herald ’v ;r>'<5 «’ best butter wrappers. We have size, 9 by 12 inches. Our prices m v 100 200 300 500 for for for for $1.25 $2,00 $2.60 $3.75 Many are buying them in the h.i tities, but we are here to serve you all. If you want only a few we have them w ith out the name. These we sell as follows— 12 30 62 100 for for for for 10 25 50 80 I cents cents cent" cents “ The Home of Good Printing THE HERMISTON HERALD MILEAGE RECORDS (H ere ere the mile» th e y to t out o f Red Crown. ” CLASS SW EEP- __S T A K E S CAR _ ‘ M IL E S T O G ALLO N D R IV E R Rollin J. Bozzani 27.41 1A Rodin J. Bozzani 27.43 2A Oakland Sedan H . Neville 22.86 3A Roamer H . K. Tark ington 23.23 4A Gardner Brougham A . H . Rogers Stearaa-Knight Sedan B. Trerice 17.78 Oakland Sedan 22.86 SA C lo scd C ar 16.4« H . Neville mu miles STANOARO OIL COMPANY (C alifo rn ia) “ •»»» Ha» Y our Subscription E x p ir e d ? Come tn one just a Summer necessity—Now unsurpassed for all-year cooking! ‘" T H E modern oikcookstove, J . with its wonderfully effi cient speed-burners, perfected ovens and broilers, heat con trol, simplicity o f parts, e t c , gives you city cookstovc service any. rehtrt, and the yest-ro n d ! N o mussy fires to tend—noiseless, simple, toft I But remember there’s a k g differ ence in kerosene and that the efficiency o f your oil cookstovc depends very largely on the kerosene you use. “ Pearl Oil” means the “Jrrr** oil for oil cookstoves and heaters. It it refined and re-refined—that’s why it’s deaner-buming, delivers flame that’s all beat and why it won't corrode the metal parts o f your equipment Enjoy your oil cookstove to the utmost— bessrryou order “ Pearl Oil” by swass/ - hJLa. M IL E S . DO IT NOW We Need the Money Y. A AAI i A KX WEST END FARM hails its hings o f m iles! yo; L IG H T STANDARD O IL COMPANY IC s a * ) PEARL O IL (K E R O SE N E ) renew it next time you art * ii HAKE YOUR WARTS SHOWN------ TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS—