Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1925)
u »f* (Eta Wrmwfcm Bmtlh VOL. XIX HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JU L Y 2. 1925 ■1 CITY MARBRAT. PANKOW ■ FINDS MISSING WOMAN a ■ NOTICE ■ Edna Cudney Located After Myster- ■ ions Disappearance Advertising copy and all ■ s items intended for publi ■ La«t Thursday City Marshal Pan- cation in the current is ■ kow wag notified that Edna Cudney, sue o f The Herald should s an employe of the HermkMon hotel! 8 was missing. The woman had dls- reach this office not later HERMISTON LOSES SUNDAY’S GAME FORMER HIGH SCHOOL GIRL MARRIED AT PENDLETON No. 43 60V. ISSUES UEFENSE Declaration o f 3ni>qjenbcnct Mr. Tony Bowers knd Miss Mae « V m im n m «« i , w m i Myers were married 'at Pendleton < h tn Monday In the preseace of a com in tk a eoutse o f kum m i pany of friendg and relatives. The ASKS THAT READING BE MADE LOCALS BLOW UP AFTER THREE groom is a stock man residing near even ts. it become* n e testa t^ PART OF FOURTH PROGRAMS Mile« City, Montana, knd the bride RUN LEAD is a daughter of Mr. fnd Mrs. Chas for one people to d isso lu e tb e ---------- than 4 P. M. Wednesday ■ appeared from the hotel Wednesday Myers, project ranch»®. She was ■ ¡and an examination of her room dip. Stanfield and Umatilla Tied For graduate of the rife® of ’23 from President of United States Has Desig afternoon. b a n d s robub cotraec- | closed that she had not taken any of the Hermiston school„,and hag been nated Day as July 4, 1925. First. Boardman and Hermiston Please Bear This in Mind .her belongings. After a search the teaching In Montana the past year. Tied For Second Place in w i t h a n o th e r , a n d woman was located at Irrigon where The couple will reside at present at Irrigation League. she was found waist deep In the Cheney. Washington, until the bride The President of the United States tb tMmetA w e W W «Ri >» e>® rirer chasing imaginary bugs. . . Pan. There was another ascension on completes a course at the normal has designated July 4, 1925, as Nat kow persuaded h e r to go with him the Hermiston ball diamond Sunday school In that city. They plan on ional Defense Day Test, tn accord and started for Pendleton. Near when Stanfield defeated the locals later moving to Miles City where the ance wlht an act of congress enacted Echo the car which he was driving by a score of. 7 to 4. groom has extensive holdings and Is in June. 1920. and has requstd all was wrecked and It was necessary states to cooperate in every way pos At the time of the blow-up Her engaged In the sheep industry. to press into service Another car miston had a three run lead and the sible to make this test a success. ! before continuing the trip. An ex boys were playing good ball. Berry The purpose of holding this test Is amination will be made as to the who was hurling for Stanfield was 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 to enable all citizens to assist o u r! woman's sanity. as wild as a man from Borneo, and - INLAND EMPIRE NOAES * armed forces on land and on sea in , ❖ his wildness combined with a number ♦ <• <• taking an Inventory of our ability of errors was In a good measure re Spokane— Reports compiled by W. to defend our country in case of at- I ♦ STATE MARKET AGENT * sponsible for the three runs. Oves, secretary of the Industrial Bu tack. In the sixth Stanfield annexed five reau of the Spokane chamber of We love our homes, our country j ♦ DEPARTMENT ♦ runs taking the lead and maintain commerce, show that the production and our Institutions of government, ■ ♦ ♦ ing it throughout the contest. It of raw material In the Inland Em Every American citizen should real- ! LOCATION CHANGED TO NORTH ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a » was a heartbreaking game to lose pire of the Pacific Northwest means ize that our government was made (C. E. Spence, Market Agent, 714 but fate had decreed. $405,000,000 of new wealth annual possible only by the toil and strug- ! SHORE OF RESERVOIR Court House. Portland.) Boardman lost to Umatilla Sunday, ly Agriculture. Including grain, gle, the heroism and sacrifice of our tying Umatilla and Stanfield for hay, livestock and wool, heads the fathers. So intense was their devo Organize For Business first place. Hermiston and Board- list with gross returns of $250,000, tion to their homes, so firm was their How Grade Law is W orking P len ty o f Ice Cream, Lemonade Pro Growers, dealers, retailers and man have an equal amount of per 000; mining $55,000.000; lumber belief in the principles of liberty, j vided. Flapper Parade W ill be l® .!» Bu ® iK i m ra te consumers now know that thera is centage also. $50,000.000 and fruit $50,000,000. so clear was their conception of Feature. Judge B utler W ill Umatilla and Stanfield will The population of the Inland Empire the rights of the people to govern a potato gading law with teeth in it D eliver An Address old-time atmosphere redolent of the themselves, that they willingly risk-! and the state market agent’s office play off the tie on the Hermiston is estimated at 710,000. stirring memories of the fathers, still is kept busy Investigating cases of diamond nert Sunday. Mr. Oves’ figures show that the ed their lives upon the field of bat-1 haunts the balls and corridors of the Pacific Northwest produces 11 per tie in order that these principles old place. It must have made a most Plans for Hermiston’s ' Fourth-of- misbranding or failure to brand that Colonial M e m o harmonious setting for that group of cent of the nation’s wheat. Ninety might be fashioned into the beet j July picnic are proceeding satisfac are reported by retailers and consum BATTING AVERAGES modern delegates who met there re . OF HERMISTON TEAM per cent of the 11 per cent is cred government the world has ever ¡ torily and everything will soon be ers from different parts ot the state. ries L iv e A g a in cently, garbed In Continental costumes, As an illustation of one of the ited to the Spokane country. Wash known. In readiness for the entertainment each representing one of the states Since they were willing to give ¡ conditions that the new potato law Mittlesdorf Heads List w ith a Per ington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, in Carpenters* Hall of the large crowd expected. men of that ancient day, to re-enact centage of 354. so much to establish this government j which produce one-fouyth of the There has been a change In the is correcting, a potato grower made by the dim light ot tallow candles the Anniversary C ele nation’s apples, contain half of the how much stronger is the d u ty ! historic scenes of 150 years ago. site selected. Instead of the south the statement to the market agent Batting average for 1925: nation’s timber resources. The which devolves upon us to be vigl-1 Convention of Religious Freedom. side as previously announced the that heretofore hig No. 2 potatoes bration AB H Pet. mines produce 38 per cent of the lant in defending and protecting this J It Is recalled, too, with apposite sig picnic will be held on the north side were sold to the truck men at 11.10 Mittlesdorf .... ... 48 17 354 nation’s copper, ^5 pet4 cent lead wonderful civilization which we j nificance to some of the political prob as this upon investigation is con per sack; the truck men sold them Woodard ......... .. 49 16 327 30 per cent sliver, 12 per cent gojd have inherited! We cannot do less lems of the present day that the first to the retailers for 31.85 and the sidered the better location. Jim Todd ......... Continental congress and the Consti .. 47 15 319 and 9 per cent zinc, and a number than guard and perpetuate it. retailer sold-them to the consumer Judge Butler1 of The Dalles will tutional convention were not the only Voyen ............ ... 51 1Ö 314 of other minerals. America will never enter a war give an address at 11 o’clock in the for >3. Under the new law these V. Waterman. .. fundamentals of American liberty that There was undoubtedly some fur .. 10 3 300 of conquest. In the march ot the forenoon. This event together with No. 2 potatoes must be branded as Phelps .............. tive brushing up on the data of our were nurtured in Carpenter’s hall. It .. 40 11 275 Ward M. Buckles, manager of the nations towards world peace, Amer. I historical landmarks when the name was here that the first steps toward a musical program will occupy the No. 2 and under that brand no re H. Waterman .. .. 38 9 237 Intermediate credit bank in Spo- !ca must lead. Preparedness to de the establishment of absolute religious morning hours. Twelve to one will tailer would have paid $1.86 for L. Todd ............ 9 225 kan/?, reports that ¡the institution fend lg not militarism. God grane of Carpenter's hall reappeared In the freedom, as one of the cornerstones of 40 them and retailed them for $3.00, dispatches a short time ago. from the be the dinner hour when neighbors Shesely ............ .. 18 3 166 has made 1,250 loans, totaling $5, that the occasion may never arise depths of a long Philadelphian ob the new commonwealth, were taken. and friend» can gatberround and en for the reason that the consumer H u rly ................. .. 37 6 16 571,266. exclusive if renewals, since when we must defend our land livion, ns the scene of a solemn cere In the same years In which the first joy the picnic baskets. Plenty of is becoming familiar with the law Longhorn ........ 40 6 150 Its inception two years ago. The from attack, but should the time monial enacted on the occasion of the congress assembled within Its walls and the grades and he knows that ice cream and lemonade will be pro Hiatt ................. .. 16 1 63 loans the first year totaled $3,094, again come when our boys must go one hundred and fiftieth anniversary the Baptist association held a meet vided and will be served free. Just $3 la far too high a price to pay of the first Continental congress nnd ing In Cnrpenter’s hall for tha pur 405, as comparted with $2,476,861 into bloody conflict, may they have the two hundredth aunlversary of the pose of promoting a united movement bring your own dishes, spoons and for potatoes that |ane branded as Sidelight» of the season No". 2 stack. And there is a heavy during the yar Just closed. Loans at least the rudiments of military founding of the company that built uinoug All religious denominations of gasses. Of the above hits 24 were for in May amounted to $422,i89. The training. the hall, more than a century and a the colonies directed toward formu At, 1:30 the games and sports penalty for misbranding stock or bases, three for three bases and Now. therefore I, Walter M. Pierce half ago. Familiar to every school lating and disseminating the doctrines bank loans at 4 1-2 and 5 per cent are scheduled to begin and friends failure to have the growers name, ad home run. Seven double plays and Mr. Buckles said, and tlijjg enables Governor of the State of Oregon, do boy are the names of JTnneull hall In of universal religions freedom. To you don't want to miss any of them. dress and grade on the sack. one triple play, the only triple made wool growers and other producers hereby proclaim July 4, 1925, as Boston, the ‘‘Cradle of American Lib this convention all friends of religious Recently a city retailer1 reported Some entirely new stunts are going in the season, were completed. Her to hold their crops when the price National Defense Test Day and I erty,” nnd Independence hall In Phil freedom we re ini lied, the Catholics to be pulled ott. As for races; to the market agent that he bought miston made 74 scoreg against 74 is falling and thus market more ask the citizens of Oregon to partici adelphia, where the great Declaration from Maryand, the Eplscopals from dear me! Why the fat man’s race a shipment of potatoes on sample, Virginia, tbe Friends from Pennsyl for her opponents. Innings pitch profitably. pate In this national event, which was adopted. But Carpenter’s ball, vania, and representatives of the re- alone would take your breath. but when stock arrived it was not for some reason hr another, has been ed— By Phelps 61. Struck out 39 will add to- the celebration that allowed to slip back Into the suburbs ltgious bodies of New England. But of all things you want to see up to sample and a large part of it walked 6, hit 1. Innings pitched— Announcement 1» made that Dr. should be held in every community of of patriotic memories, nlthougli It Is Whether there was much accomplished the flapper’s parade. 1 am told that was unfit for consumption. Inspec By Woodard 42. Struck out 27, Hubert Work, secretary of the Inter •his state on our national holiday entitled to an equal place In the trin is not known, but It was the first bugle flappers from far and near are com tors found the stock was misbrand walked 3, hit 2. Forty three hits ior, and Dr. Elwood Mead, commls not for the purpose "of arousing a ity of historic halls most sacred to the note whose echoes were later to find ing to take part. Judges of beauty ed as to grade and much of It unfit were gathered off of Phelps and 3 2 sioner of reclamation, will spend military spirit, but rather that we, beginnings of American freedom nnd fruition in the provision of the Con for use, and ordered It with held on whom Florenz Zlegfeld has noth off Woodard. Fourteen hits were some time in the Northwest the lat. ourselves, may know, and the world the crystallization of Its doctrines. It stitution that guaranteed religious lib IDE. will decide the winner. In thl» from sale. This dealer w ill no for 2 bases, two for 3 bases, and one ter part of June and early In July realize, that the spirit of our fath was In Fnneull hall that the first key erty In the United States of America. and other contests prizes will be doubt find evasion of the law a very While tlie congress was In session, notes of liberty found expression. It home run. unprofitable proposition. They have accepted Invitations to ers, which made America possible, was nt Independence hall that the Dec there came the startling news that awarded. The purpose of the new law is attend the meeting of the Columbia the same spirit which led our flag laration of Independence was pro Boston had been fired. upon by the Apple Buyer Here that potatoes shall sell for the qual Basin Irrigation league at Pasco. In to victory In every struggle from claimed to the world. But it wns at British ships—a rumor that caused UMHALLA COUNTY REPREENTED A Mr. Carpenter, of the firm of July. While In the west the two of Revolutionary days to the dark hours Carpenter’s hall that the Initial move- ity in the sack, and the stenciling AT CITIZENS TRAINING CAAMP of the name and address of the seller Carpenter & Hurst, a fruit company flcials will see the Sun River project if the World War, lg still virile In meit toward a union of the colonies on the sack makes it easy to catch of Milton-Freewater, is here this In Montana, the Kittitas and the the land that gave free government was staged In the first Continental congress, In 1774, and It wns there, too, Umatilla county is represented at the mlsbrander or undergrader. A week. Mr. Carpenter ig endavoring Tieton projects In Washington and to the people. this year’s Citizens’ Military Train gower, deale or retailer who Is on to buy a carload of Yellow Trans Glacier and Ranier National parks, In testimony whereof I have here 13 years Inter, that the representa ing camp at Camp Lewis by the fol the square has no protest against parent apples to be shipped out im Great Falls, Spokane, Tacoma, Port unto set my hand and caused the tives of the new republic met to fash ion the greatest document of modern lowing citizens who will devote one the law, and the consumer welcomes mediately. He Is offering $1.25 -per land, Salem and Baker, Oregon. seal of the State of Oregon to be times— the Constitution of the United box. month toward acquiring a knowledge It as a protection. hereto affixed this 12th day of Stutes of America. of the military art: June, A. D. 1925. Cnnauiter's hall wns the guildhall of CARS WILL BE PROVIDED Freewater: Jennings E. Beard, the Worthy and Honorable Associa Married at Pendleton W A L T E R M. P IE R C E , Horse Crop Looks Good FOR PICNICKERS JULY 4 Ed. Stokes, of this city and Miss Stuart E. Taylor, Rex H. Wilson. The government states that un Governor. tion of Carpenters and Architects of pre Revolutionary days. This associa Hermiston: Frank M. Swayze. Pen- less more colts are raised during Mary Carney, of Pendleton, were All those who have no meang of tion, known as the Carpenter’s com i*oton. Miles J. Arnold, Eldon E. each of the coming five years than married at the county seat last Sat getting to the 4th of July picnic at Miss Dorothy Donivan, who has pany, wns founded iu Philadelphia ,V> Du Puls, Edwin Fargo, Norman R. were raised In 1924, the horse crop urday morning. They returned to the reservoir are requested to be at been the guest of her uncle and Jones, David M. Kirby, Frank E. will be 46 per cent short of the pres Hermiston the same evening and the school house by ten o’clock and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson., years before the voices of protest against the misrule of the motherland Mason Jr., Wlson D. McNary, War- ent supply and mules 74 per cent. will make their home on the old Joe way will be provided. There will for the past two weeks, has return began -to find expression In tbe Amer -ar H. Osborne, Raphael R. Ray The department advises that farmers Craik ranch In Columbia district. ican colonies. It Is still In existence. be enough cars for all. ed to her home In Eugene. mond, Alvin C. Roos, Weston: Fred who have conditions favorable for And tbe old hull, which had been com pleted u few years before the im-et- Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia, Where D. York. Harod S. Jackson, Fred F. coit raising and who have good maree lng of the first congress of the col the Continental Congreie Aeejmbled. Hass, Cecil H. Greer, Raymond C. and sires, should increase production onies, still stands a monument to the Bannister. . during the coming season. honest labor and the esthetic tastes great excitement, hut 1» proved to ba Seven hundred student soldiers' ______ of the nrtlsans who constructed IL untrue. In a few days there arrived from Oregon. Washington and north- Orogon’. Wheat respects Thousands pass It dally, without a a courier with the fninllar name of era Idaho are at the citizens training Government reports state that the thought, perhaps, of the significance of Paul Revere. “By Paul Revere,” says camp. Courses are given in Infan- uig spring seeded acreage of wheat Carpenter's hall In American history. the Boston Evening Post of September It Is hidden nwny among more pre- 20, 1771, "who returned express from try. field artillery, calvary, engln- has a 100 per cent prospeet, tndicat- I tentlous modern structures at the end Philadelphia last Fridny evening, we cerlng and signal corps. Students |ng a yipig of 17 bushels to the acre, j of a court that leads Into Chestnut have tlie following Important Intel With no previous military training ior a total of about 14,000,000 bush- street, between Third and Fourth ligence." are being instructed in th(e b a s i c e|g The winter wheat Indicates a The news lie had brought to the con streets. Its main entrance was once course. Others who have attended yieM of 22 bushels to the acre or a j on Walnut street, but the buildings of gress was that General Gage had previous camps or have had m ill-, total of about 5,632,000 bushels. The a later date have blocked the way, so seized the powder magazines In Bos tary experience are receiving In- total state production Is estimated , that today one approaches the ven- ton, and tbe “Important Intelligence" atructiona in the Red. White and M 19,657.000 bushels. Iir 1924 the 1 arable old building by way of the he brought back was the resolution j Chestnut street court, which reully of the cotigress pledging to their "suf Blue courses, depending upon their crop was estimated at 15,450,000 fering eouutrymen of Massachusetts leads up to the hack door. proficiency. Graduate« of the Blue bushels and the 1923 crop at 23,000,- Bay” tho support of the first congress The building Is said to he, for Its course are eligible for commissions noo bushels. This is an increase of, tlni“, an architectural gein. It Is built of the United Colonies. as reserve officers. about four million bushels over last The congress convened on September I of brick, In the form of a Greek cross, The camp is commanded by Col. year whiCh was a low yield on ae- and all four sides present a perfect 5 nnd adjourned on October 28. Out F. T Arnold, Cavalry Chief of Staff cou„t „f the extreme dry weather, . symmetry of design. Windows of the of that session catne the first decla of ¿he Ninety-Sixth Division. He For the United States this year's j cfll, olal period ore topped by beautiful ration of rights, and while a semblance i white marble keystone* and the doors, of loyalty wns still maintained in re wilVbe assisted by regular army and wheat yield lg estimated at 212,009,- ! surmounted by similar embellishments, spectful addresses to the king and to rsasrve officers. 000 bushels leas than of last year. 1 are said to be of rare architectural the English people, the first step to- Sanitary and health conditions are _____ 1 beauty. Little pat' lies of lawn ahut- wsrd national Independence had been being aarefuiiy watched. Organized Ctrnsunen Demand Gurantee | ting on the street preserve Ae Qusker- taken. The colonies bad asserted athletic, and supervised recreation Quality standards are becoming , like simplicity of the estenor. With- their right to assemble and form a form an important part of the In- more and more demanded, says C B. ’ In the hall are preserved some of the union and to take Into their own hands Btruetlonal program. The moral Spence, state market agent, and 1 chairs in which sat the delegates to the means to enforce the rights they welfare of the student-soldiers is j the producer who grades his product, i that fateful first convention of the demanded. When that congress ad- bein< looked after by Chaplain John1 stands a far better chance for bet- | representatives of the embryonic re- Jouri it. 'he ennntry kn-w that a fight ; public and on its wulls la the Inscrip- wns inevltat le and the colonies began W. Beard and Chaplain Edwin Bur- ter markets. The consumer wants ' tlon: ’’Within these wulls Henry, to prepare for Its coming- and It was ling. Protestant. (Mthollc, Jewish , guarantee these days and he will Hancock and Adams Inspired the del not long delayed. Within a few months and Christian Science services will buy only of those who grade their egates of the colonies with nerve and the shot that was heard around the be held In camp each 8unday, stock and give him a choice. sinew for the tolls of wnr, resulting world was fired and there was nn end in national Independence.” Fine co- forever to petitions and pleadlnga. Mr. end Mr*. Harry Pelkey and Mr. and Mrtf. A B. Johnson left ! ionlal stairways lead to tha upper The next congress made Colonel Wash daughter are expected here this Thursday on a three months vaca- ! story, and although the building has ington the. commander In chief of the week from Richmond. Calif. Mr*, tlon which will he spent at Port- aaqiJ^ona so ia Internal changes, the armies of the new American natloau Pelkey was formerly Mias Aloha land, tn the mwatalne »7 the DAY PROCLAMATION BIG PICNIC PLANS ARE COMPLETED O n e H u n d r e d a n d F o r ty « N in th B ir th d a y ] .sen sh«re, fem m nnlty Picnic »atarday— North Side of Reaervolr