Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1925)
Mark Twain Said: The Epworth League will hold a cooked food sale at Sapper’s store on Saturday afternoon. May d. Burt Mullin« C O N F E C T IO N E R Y "There are two times when a man should not speculate. When he can’t afford it and when he can." If you feel the speculative “fever'- coming on, consult a good Banker Practitioner. Let him prescribe a dose of "common sense talk." Consult with one of our officers before your "fever" gets "too high." We may be able to ward off a ser ious "set-back." First National Bank of Hermiston Tom Jensen has leased the forty acre tract north of town known as the Strain place. Tom has a three year lease and will improve the place. Prof. Day left today for Phillips burg, Montana, where he will spend the summer. Mr. Day will be em ployed with a branch of the forest ranger service. He will return here in the fall to resume his school work. W. L. Hamm, assistant cashier of the First National bank in this city, is taking hts annual vacation. Mr. Hamm will spend the time "Jus flshln." Georgia Reeder Is now employed as clerk at the Mitchell Drug Co. Mrs. Harry Weseell, of Stanfield, was a Hermiston visitor Wednesday. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits O ver $90,900 B. Sways«. Pres. R. Alexader, Vlee-Pree. A. H. Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier Jack Smith left recently for the Horse Heaven country where he will be empoyed by Bill Swltrler -round ing up horses. LOST— At Rebekah dance, a large Rev. Henry Young returned Sat feather corsage. Finder please urday afternoon from Ashland where leave at Herald office. 3S-lc he was attending a session of the AGENTS—Sell guaranteed hosiery grand lodge. direct from mill to wearer; all Mrs. Kopacz entertained Mr. styles and colors; salary paid for FOX SALB full time or spare hours; no money Neary and family and Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE— New Perfection 3-bur- needed for samples. International Swartout at dinner last Sunday. A fine time was enjoyed. oet oil stove, almost new. Can Mills, 1038, Norristown, Pa.’ bv seen at Mrs. Sage's, Fourth and REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES ANS Gladys Ave. Mrs. M. S. Miller. Jim Pearson went to Pendleton on INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE business today. 38-tfc ALTOR. 2(-tfe CARB FOR SALE—Terms Manager Sparks of the Prineville given. Prices right. Kellogg ft WANTED— Phone, write or see W. theatre was In Hermiston Tuesday. A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa Sehlsake. 11-tfc Mr. Sparks Is road showing the mov hay for sale. In any quantity. ie production "The Covered Wagon." FDR SALB—Standard make 1 H Phone 40-J-S. 8-tfc He stated that Paramount who pro horsepower gas engine. In good duced the picture would not allow order, $30.00. Wm. Leathers. V arious D evice» to him to play In any towns where It 22-tfc T e st P reciou s Stone» had been shown. He has a moving picture machine and other necessi FOR RENT— Five room house on With Increased facilities for faking ties for the screening of the picture Gladys Ave., next to library. En diamonds and other precious stones, and Is putting on shows in towns quire A. W. Agnew, Phone 21-J-2. the traffic In imitation goods In thia where there is no theatre. line of business is Increasing to an 29'tfc alarming extent, and diamond mer Notice. GOOSE EGGS, ten cents each, Til- chants and Jewelers nowadays have per ford Stillings. 31-tfc force to devote a lot of time, and often A11 members of I. O. O. F. are re expense, to the detection of the frauds. quested to attend our annual Mem When once a Jeweler suspects the Have several stacks good hay for sale on the old Strohm Ranch, genuineness of a stone, be subjects it orial exercises to be bed at the M. to various and sometimes very severe E. church in Hermiston Sunday, June west side. Inquire M. Duty, R. testa When a stone, for Instance, la 14. Members of all braches of the F. D. 31 placed in clear water, and starts to order are urged to be at I. O. O. F lose Its brilliance. It Is Immediately I have a good driving horse, set of discarded as being spurious. Another hall at 7:30 on above date as it is harness and buggy for sale. Name test Is to place a drop of water on planned to go to the church In your own price. J. D. Waghorn, the g|m. If the globule breaks on be body. Grand Master Henry Young Hermiston, Oregon. 37-tfc ing touched with the point of a pencil, will deliver the address. the atone Is an Imitation. W. R. Longhorn, J. S. West, M. L. Sometimes a black dot is made on Watson, Committee. BERRIES FOR SALE!— Gooseberries, now ready, $1.35 crate; Clark a piece of white paper, and the pre strawberries, $2.25; Logans, $1 50, cious stone held In front of It If My Americar Wife the dot appears blurred, the diamond Dewberries, $2.00 per crate. If Is faked. My American Wife, coming to the by mall add 35c postage. Send Another determining factor Is the Legion theatre next Saturday and check or can send C. O: D. W. R. hardness of a stone. As Is well known, Sunday with Gloria Swanson as the Woodworth, Heights Berry Farm, a diamond Is one of the hardest-known star is said to be one of the best Estacada. Oregon. 37-3tc substances, and may be filed without being scratched. An Imitation dia productions In which she has ever FOR SALE!—Registered Jersey cow, mond, on the other hand, will crack appeared. The story teems with thrills and fresh soon. A. F. Belsse, phone and probably break up under the weight of the file. action and Is a picture that the man 3»-W-3. 37-tfc agement is glad to recommend. Don’t mlse seeing Miss Swanson Really Seemed Mother KDGELLANEOVB In this production. It is a special Might Have Done That In every sense of the word but the Johnny was told by his mother not usual price of thirty and ten cents STRAYED— One bay horse with rope to leave the front yard In hie play. will be charged. and halter on animal. Reward A few minute« later a chum came by w ill be paid for furnishing in and asked him to go kite flying. formation as to the whereabouts Johnny went to the gate, but remem Orchards of Oregon stone fruits of the horse. See Crowder at the bered bla mother’s admonition and re that are subject to brown rot should Herald office. 39 mained In the yard. be protected against early infection Shortly after another chum with a Shirts, nightshirts and pajamas red wagon asked Johnny to go to the originating from the spore cups de made to your measure. 500 pat hill to play. Johnny walked through veloped by the old mummies In the terns of the finest silks, madras, the gate and out on the walk. Then ground, says the experiment station. and flannels to select from. Made he remembered his mother’s warning Continuously harrowing the orchard soil throughout the blossom period by Ferd Klaas Shirt Co. Imperial and returned to the yard. Some time later temptation ap Cleaners. Phene 53-W. 38-tfc peared again In the form of another destroy them and thus prevent spore when the cups are developing will chum . with two goats. He left the I have some good pasture for rent. yard and was almost to the corner discharges. This stirring of the soil should be repeated every two or Inquire First National Bank. W il when his mother called him. “Johnny,” she said. “I aaw yon three days.. liam D. Prior. each time yon started to leave and Burk is hearqusrtera for Army then aaw yon when yon did leave. Yon remember what I told yon—not to leave the yard.” “Then, mother," be said, “If you Serald Want Adi Bring Ton Results saw me eacb time, why didn’t you tap on the window and help a fellow when SMITH’S SECOND HAND STORES— temptation was so near?” You get more for your money; Isn't that funny. Furniture, The W itty W idow stoves and everything. Jnst walk An Irish sheriff bad to serve a writ In and forget to ring. 35-tfc on a clever young widow, and, on com ing to her residence, said very polite Burk’s for bargains. ly: “Madame, I have an attachment for WANTED— Msn or women to take you." "You haveF said she, blushing. orders for genuine guaranteed hos iery for men, women and children. "Then 1 may tell you that your affec tions are reciprocated." Eliminate darning. Salary $71 a It was the sheriff's tura to blush, K ansas C .ty $67.00 week full time. $1.50 an hour and be explained. 76.50 St. Louis . . spare time. Beautiful spring line. "You don’t anderstand roe, madams. 81.00 Chicago . . International Stocking Mills, Nor You must proceed to court.” 100.62 D etroit . . “Well, I know It’s the year after ristown, Pa. 3l-10tp 103.56 Cleveland . leap year," she replied, "but I'd rather Washing« >n . 136.56 TRADE—Good Ford touring ear for you did the courting yourself." 142.40 New Yor : “Madame,* he aald sternly, “this Is freak cows or hèlfers. P. O. Bax 148.50 Boeton . no time for fooling. The Justice Is »81. l»-tfc waiting.” centers. Final re- irn lbr • t October 3 1» “The Justice? Well, I suppose I 1925. L ib eral st »/-over rrtwikoee V>- FOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel must go, but It’s all so sudden, and, logg ft Bchlmke. 2-$tc besides. Td much prefer to have a WANT ADS LEVELING LAND—Bee Petar Cas- trte, experienced end reliable, 2 miles nerth of Hermiston. 4-tfc for Frants. Stillings. 27tf GEARHART KNITTER— Anyone la- tereeted please write Box 152, Hermiston, Oreg. 20tfe Try Bark’s tor bargains. QUICK SERVICE ON CLEANING AND PRESSING. We call for and deliver. Imperial Cleaner«. . Fboao $$-W. »«-«<> priest do It," waa the final answer. Warning to Jay-WaUtors S T A T IO N E R Y A n n ou n cm en t R E C L A M A T IO N L O D C B Ne. HL X. P . ¡neet* each Thursday eveejag la M a c k * H a ll, a t 140 PTtL VShise brother« cordially invited. W . H . M cM illan R. A . Browaaaa. K. R. and 8 . C. C . I have purchased the con fectionery known as P a t’s Place and solicit a share of your patronage. K rause’s C hocolates T h e Best in Candies Un-superstitious pedestrians often do this —P roving that a post can divide tw o people w ithout splitting their friendship. In the sam e w a y experienced m otorists have proved to their com plete satisfaction that Zerolene, a w estern oil, w ill lubricate the m odem automobile engine a s well or a little better than any oil they can buy, although it costs leas than eastern lubricants. The anti-western o il superstition succumb» to experience Zerolene is successfully lubricating more cars in the Pacific Coast states than an y other oil m a d e — lo w and high priced cars alike. T he m ost advanced refining process is this Com pany’s patented high-vacuum process, during the use o f w hich Zerolene is subm itted to 15 positive checks for quality. Zerolene’s special filtration through 40 tons o f Florida Fuller’s Earth giv es you an oil o f absolute purity— a better oil even if it does cost less! Less carbon—better fu e l mileage Zerolene will increase the pow er and gaso line m ileage o f y o u r car, reduce carbon ac cum ulation in the cylinders and lengthen the w orking life o f the engine. W h y pay tribute to a superstition? I n s i s t o n Z e r o le n e — ask for it by n a m e . G et the Facts! A series o f independent and impartial reports sh ow in g the experience o f large users with Zerolene h as been collected in our booklet, " W h y P a y Tribute to a Superstition?” A sk any Standard Oil Com pany representative or Zero lene dealer'for a copy. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (C A L IF O R N IA : ZE ROLE N E ] T F P “Advertising is the education of the public as to what you are, where you are, and what yon have to offer in the way of skill, talent or com modity. The only man who should not advertise is the man who has nothing to offer the world in the way of commodity or service." — Elbert Hubbard. Dr. W. M. KELLY of Spokane, Wash., — with Dr. P. V. PRIME Hermiston, Oregon Evenings and Sundays by Appoint ment. W. J. W ARNEE Atto rney-at- Law Hermiston : : : Oregon DR. W. W. ŒLSLEY UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. Osteopathic Physician and E. R. Fell, Umatilla, Oregon Phone Res. 712 Offte» T ifi Phone Umatilla. 3 8 -J -ll Operating Stages Between Pendleton and Umatilla M c K EN ZIE & T.(F.nft^||.g!E Eye. Ear, Nose and lS ftè t Effective March 15. 1925 Leave— Umatilla...... $:30A.M. and 4:00 P.M HermUton.. 8:60 AM. and 4:20 P.M Stanfield.. 9:15 A M. and 4:40 P.M Echo.......... 9:30 A M. and 4:50 P.M Ar. Pen.....10:46 A M. and 5:50 P.M Leave— Pendleton . 1:00 P.M. and 6:30 P.M Echo.......... 2:10 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. Stanfield ... 2:25 P.M and 7:40 P.M Hermiston.. 2:45 P.M. and 8:00 P.M Ar. Umatilla 3:00 P.M. and 8:20 P.M One round trip Sundays: Leave Umatilla 8:30 A. M.. leave Pendleton 5:30 P. M. Fare— Hermiston to Pendleton $1.45. round trip $2.45. le c iti« « la the Has removed from hi« a Room* 1. 2 and 3 IrtlAÄd E m p ira ! Oregon Pendleton DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter* state Stock Inspector Residence second house west of the Catholic church. Phone, 82-R. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County In the Mattel of the Estate WHEN IN of P E N D LETO N Caro Fancher Rowe. Deceased. MAKE YOUR Notice is hereby given that he IIE A D Q D A R T K R S undersigned has been appointed ad -X T - mlnlstratrlx ot the estate of Caro Fancher Rowe, deceased, and has western AUTO CO. qualified as the law directs. AU Cottonwood and Water St». persons having claims against said estate are required to present the COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE same to me at the office of W. J Tires— Tubes— Aocessorie« Warner, my attorney, in Hermiston, ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 880 Oregon, with proper vouchers, with, Tom Swearingen, Mgr. in six months from the date hereof. Dated this 2nd day of April, 1925. ¿■■aaaaaaaaHHHHHaaa JUNE ROWE, ■ J . L. V A U G H A N J (30-5tc) Administratrix 3 Electric Fixtures ■ I and Appliances ® NOTICE TO CREDITORS I SOS e. A. ▼ m. A . A. A -A A , A. ▼ A. ▼ A A . V A A. A A. A A A A ▼ V A V A W W ▼ ▼ We Want Yon to k e e p in m ind the fact that in addition to p r in tin g th is n e w s paper w e d o job w ork o f an y land . W h en in n eed o f an ything in this lin e b e sure Phone 13# C o u r t e t . P e n d le t« « , O re . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ib ib ib b b b b b b s BI i SEE H IT T — FOB— GUNS YOU MAY WIN $1,500.00 If you are able to make the most words out of the letters contained in the words 'rTOILET NECESSITIES.” A total of $3,000 in cash prizes will be awarded to competitors in this Great WORLD-BUILDING CONTEST Send stamp for circular and rules. Address, Sheffield Laboratories, Dept. 12, Aurora, Iliinots. To S e e Us M a tto « a l IJ a r fc - ¿ a * annBEKr fare to th: ? new W on* dertend o í < oior K t w Hw ra UtflOu W h y net tabs i t In on ray tí •M a The association of Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office In the Connty Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Benjamin F. Strohm, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Benja min F. Strohm, deceased and has qualified as the law directs. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to me at the office of W. J. Warner, my attorney, in Hermiston, Oregon, with proper vouchers with in six months from the date hereof Dated this 2nd day of April, 1925. GEORGE STROHM. (31-Stc) Administrator WHAT IS ADVERTISING! ANNOUNCING Ntuls ¡land Cigars and Tobacco Insift on TEEOW L even ifitd o a LESS ot —AND— AMMUNITION A FULL U N E CATARRHAL DEAFNESS la ofton caused by an Inflamed of the m ucous lining of the F Tub«. When this tub« Is Infl have a rumbling sound or hearing. U nless the Inflammation ana be reduced, your bearing m ay be de stroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MED1CINB will do what w s claim for It—rid your i of Catarrh or D eafness cai Catarrh HALL'S CATARRH M l has been successful In the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Tsars. Sold by all druggists. V. J. Chaney r ft Co . ' Tolsdo, O. ------ —TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— U m Professional story tallen, hired by the government, are spreading warn Aak fo r free > Jdet ¿eacriptive ings on the Shanghai streets te cure o itb e a e fa m • . « i w r t e . the Chlneee of Jay walking. One of these stories follows: "Now the swift ___ I t coats n«j motorcar and the clanging street ear "aad w il l s a v e y o t - are Just like tigers, and If you «Io not b M b C cere te watch the policeman at the F C. Woughter, corner and obey his signals you will Agent. not live to grow up sad acquire many sons, too, so that your ancestral tab Hermiston, Oregon. lets will be untended. The road la Wm. McMurray, like a tiger's mouth; from Its eastir General Passenger Agent Portland, keep away" • ♦ ♦ IF IT S DON’T FORGET ------ U S------- W hen you need any thing in the fine of n e a t and a ttractive Printing. »-READ THE WANT ADS— T— S E R V IC E YOU WANT CALL 25-J ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ COUNTRY HAULS SOLICITE! T . H. G aither TRANSFER AND DEAR ♦ ♦ ♦