Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1925)
BOBBMlSTOy TTBRALP, HCTMISTO», OREGON, Washing His Car The Best Advertisement LODGE DIRECTORY First Bonus Check Is Given Out A good Gift to be By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean af Man, University of lllinoi». Judged by' N o higher priced g ift could be more adm ired, or co veted than th e cla ssic Parker Duofold Pen. To' $e mot , <we T HAVE always been convinced that nU Z IN BSTHEB CHAPTER Ito. U)C O,B. ft. wolaama. Alice C. Sbotweli. Kathryn i L I Garner. Sac. V W E Ï A R D LÜDGE NO 20*5. 1. O. Q, Jk ▼ m eet, each Monday evening ia Odd F i l ò * hall. Vw 1 tin g Ynembers cordially tnrflW . If Tom Sawyer had had more than W. R. Loàghurn. d ec. M. L. W atsoo.N . G. one fence to whitewash he might have Parker D uofold $7 Do you know what we think is the best had considerable trouble In getting RECLAMATION LOJ advertisement a Bank caa have? it is rofUAevi*« of V . m eets each Thi the neighbor boys to take the Job off Mack . Hall, at Duofold Jr. $5 his hands. It was the novelty of the SATISFIED customers brothers cordiali; jRflVited W. H. McMillan K. A. B r a w n y * thing that deceived them. Later they Why? Well, for one thing, they tell K. R. and S. would have awakened to the fact that their friends they have been treated right at Lady Duofold $3 j it was real work they were up against, i and Tom wonld have been compelled our bank and induce them to bank with us, You know Parker Duo- ANNOUNCING fold—th e beautiful big , to take a little exercise himself. too, That Is one reason why we try so lacquer-red pen w ith When Tam—Tam O’Shanter is the th e flashing black tips The association of hard to please our patrons. We help them a n d 2 S -y ea r su p er- name of our car—when Tam was new a m o o th p o in t . N e a t and shiny and a novelty to our friends, and they in turn help us. Wili you Join us? gold pocket-clip or gold Dr. W. M. KELLY ring-end for ribbon; every member of the family from the No matter how small the account, you are also stron g Gold Girdle, of Spokane, Wash., maid to the boy who mows the lawn w i i Si extra, now free! — with welcome to our banking service. T od ay, step up to our was Interested in keeping him polished pen counter and get to the highest degree. your C hristm as Duo- Dr. F. V. PRIME folds in tim e to have When I would open up the garage them engraved. Hermiston, Oregon and begin the bathing process even the neighbors would come running out Evenings and Sundays by Appoint with wet chamois cloths to assist at ment. the ceremonies or to stand around with words of encouragement or suggestion. From now until they are all gone It was a privilege to help In the ablu- of Hermiston | tlons. I w ill sell one ladies brooch at one- W. J. W A R NER Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $50,000 "It's all right when It’s new," one of quarter the regular price, with every Attorney-at-Law B. Swayze, Pres. R. Aiexader, Vice-Pres. my pessimistic neighbors said to me ! purchase of $5.00 or more. A. H. Norton, Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier as, passing through the yard one morn Hermiston : : : Oregon Gen. Frunk T. Hines, director of the United States veterans’ bureau, hand ing, he caught me polishing' up Tam, ing the first check to be given out under the Insurance feature of the adjusted "but Just wait a while.'’ compensation act to Mrs. Irene C. Crisp of Chevy Chase, D. 0. The amoutft He was quite right. Conditions was $1,553. «, DR. W. W. ILLSLEY WANTED TO TRADE— Two small have changed n ow ; Tam’s body Is a incubators for a large one. W. trifle duller from contact with the ele Osteopathic Physician and Sergeea ments, the process of keeping him H. Ogden. Makes Longest Ski Jump Phone Res. 712 Offiee Tt* Thomas Amory Lee clean has grown commonplace and JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER arduous. Even the friends who most I am In a position to take cxre of m aternity case8 at my home. MrB. often take advantage of his motive M c K enzie & lieuallbn power to save them from physical ex W. B. Beasley. 22-3p ertion are no longer Interested in the Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat FOR SALK - 1 .............. - ----------------------- | vulgar details of his personal toilet. Has removed from his form er location la th e WANTED— Men or women to take They speak to me, perhaps, as they Bond Bldff. to SEE Room« 1. 2 and 3 Inland E n t ir e Bank Bid?. orders for genuine guaranteed hos- catch me at work, but their business lery for men, women and children, i 0eed8 «“ mediate attention, and they Pendleton :: Oregon FOR SALE—Two fresh Holstein cows E lim inate darning. Salary $75 * Fred Furrer, 2 1-2 southeast of week full time, $1.50 an hour keep at a tagk after the noveity o( lt DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Hermiston. 24-2tp spare time. Beautiful spring line, has passed and only the dull, tiresome, Veterinarian International Stocking Mills, Nor- and regularly recurring details remain, Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter n> in ladies, men’s and child rlatown. Pa. 3 9 - 2 0 t > [t takes courage, I say, whether the state Stock Inspector ren’s lisle and mercerized hosiery, ____________________________________ [ task be washing the car, studying an — FOR— Ani-iin uninteresting lesson, or sticking to a white, black and colors, below U 7 A M T t ? n SPECIAL First National Bank WM. H. OGDEN WANT ADS H IT T W A N T E D — Sm all fa tm , equip-1 prlncIple wWch people thlnk ,s oId ped for poultry raisin g, w ith | fashioned or out of date, like being good soil for g a rd en in g and al- I hone8t or going to Church, or respect ing old-time conventions. It takes fa ifa . A n sw er N o 100 care character to stick to a hard uninter FOR SALE—$60 Victrola for $25. H erm iston H erald. 23-4tc esting Job until it Is finished, but the cost. Mrs. Emma Johnson, second house east Catholic church. 25-2tp Mrs. O. G. Sapper. 24-ltc satisfaction of finishing something one TRADE— Good Ford touring car for has begun, of doing something well. For Sale—240-egg Old Trusty incub fresh cows or heifers. P. O. Box ator, used only two seasons, good 261. 19-tfc are worth a lot. as new, one-half price. Good heavy (© . 1S26, W estern N ew sp a p er U nion.) leather harness with breeching. 350 FOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel- logg ft Schimke. 2-6tc P r e t t y F u r b e lo w s lb. separator. C. C. Clinesmith, 1 mile north. 24-tfc o f M e t a l l i c R ib b o n s FOR SALE— Milk cows. ers. Lou Rog- 6-tfc For Sale—Mower, rake, springtooth, plow, stacker complete, 2 hay sleds AGENTS— Sell guaranteed hosiery direct from m ill to wearer; all fresno and disk. Price reasonable. styles and colors; salary paid for See J. M. Biggs. 24tfc full time or spare hours; no money FOR SALE— Dining room set. Dr. W. W. Illsley. 23-tfc needed for samples. International Mills, 1038, Norristown, Pa. LEVELING LAND— See Peter Cas- 'OR SALE— In Hermiston, W est trlc, experienced and reliable, 3 side: Monarch malleable range, miles north of Hermiston. 4-tfc good heater, brass bed,” springs and mattress, dresser, small rock Burk’s for bargains. er, 3 burner Perfection oil stove and oven, 30 pullets, . half W. Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf Leghorns, half P. Rocks, Just starting to lay. D. H. Cook. 23 TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon paper at the Herald office. OR SALE— Hatching eggs from year old W hite Leghorn hens, WANTED TO RENT— For a term of years, sm all ranch w ith Improve hatched from trap-uested stoqk. ments. Ten to tw enty acres. R. 280 to 300 eggs mated to O. A. C. Todd. 20-tfc C. pedigreed roosters. 7g cents for settin g 42-J-5. of GUNS fifteen. Phone 23-tfc GEARHART KNITTER— Anyone In terested please w rits Box 152, Herm iston, Oreg. 20tfc ir SAL®—Library table. Dining room set— buffet, table and six Try Burk’s tor bargains. chairs. K. A. Pankow. 18-tfc l BY CHIX from high producing I AM MAKING REGULAR TRIPS TO W hite Leghorns, 1$ cents up to Pendleton Tuesdays and Fridays of 100; IB centg in larger numbers. each week. If you have anything Wm. H. Ogden. 19-tfc to be hauled te or from the above named city, I would appreciate IR SALE— Two wagons, one heavy your business along th is line. I wagon w ith gravel box, $50; one am also in the market for chickens ligh t wagon w ith hay rack, $25. and veal. Ray Challis, Phone See R. A. Brownson, Tum-A-Lum 20-R. Pendleton phone 400. 9-tfc Lumber Co. 7-tfe REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE BALE— Small heater and elec- ALTOR. 26-tfe sewing machine. Mrs. Shes- 4-tfc WANTED— A hack or good strong buggy. Apply this office. 24-3tc J. K. BALE— Team of horses. itwell. 18-tfc OR BALE—8ome good fresh milch —TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— cows. Mrs. L. Hammer, 4 miles east of town. “Science Pins Farm Practice” BED CARS FOR SALE— Terms Oregon Agricultural College given. Prices right. Kellogg ft Schlmke. 11-tfe W I N T E R S H O R T C O U R S E S Eleven courses with nam e, and dates iR SALE— Standard make 1% as follows: horsepower gas engine, In good Dairy Manufacturing— January 5- arder, $30.00. Wm. Leathers. 31. 22-tfc Dairy Herd Management— January 5 to March 20. r Sale— 4-horse fresno. Enquùe Fourth Annual Canners’ School— Matthews, C. E. Baker ranch. 24-2 February 2-20. Poultry Husbandry— February 2 to March 14. MISCELLANEOUS Land Classification and Apprais al— February 2-7. Farm Mechanics: WANTED— Phone, w rite or see W, 1. Farm Power and Power Equip A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa ment. January < to March 10. hay for tale. In any quantity. 2. Gas Engines. Tractors and Equip Phone 40-J-3. $-tfe ment, January 19-23. 3. General Farm Repair, January Burk la hearquarters for Array 25-30. Shoes. 4. Farm W ater Supply and Sanita tion, February 3-5. -READ THE WANT ADS— 5. Gas and Electric Light and Pow er, February 9-13. FO R S A L E — A sp aragu s p lants, 5. Farm Concrete Construction, la rg e stron g stro n g roots, Mary February 15-30. W ash ington $4 per 1000; P a l For fu ll information address m etto, $3 per 1000. L. W al DEAN OF AGRICULTURE, dorf, K enn ew ick, W ash 23-4tp CORVALLIS, ORE. There are a lot of pretty new fur belows made of ribbons with the glint of gold or silver In them. Hair orna ments, dress trimmings, corsage flow ers, boutonnieres and bags, place as much emphasis on shimmer ns on color —they go together. Narrow silver ribbon Is a favored medium Just now for hair ornaments, in bands or braided strands or folds. One of these Is shown here, finished with a little ostrich fancy In orchid color. A dress trimming Is made of shaded yellow ribbon with gold edge, forming a rosette set In yellow os trich flues. The small boutonniere is of silver ribbon and silver foliage and ha bags of wide, metallic brocades— In many colors and patterns. T A cello Is said to have lnred the nightingale to song. Wonder what wonld have happened If a saxophone had been turned loose? IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY CP' AMMUNITION Residence second house west ef the Jathollc church. Phone. S2-R. WHEN IN Thomas Amory Lee of Topeka, Kuns., has been appointed chairman of the American legion committee on world peace. His nomination by Na tional Commander James A. Drain was confirmed by the national execu Gunnar Mlchelson of New Hamp tive committee In session at Indian apolis recently. The committee will shire, true son of Thor, made the long UJIATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. undertake one of the most responsible est Jump In the ski contest of the an E. R. Pell, Umatilla, Oregon tasks of the American legion for 1825. nual Intercollegiate competition for Phone Umatilla, 3 8 -J -ll the Murshal Foch trophy, nt the Lake Operating Stages Between Pendleton Placid club In Essex county, New York. He cleared 80 feet hnt ranked and Umatilla second on points. Mlchelson Is a stu Effective November 10, 1924 dent at the University of New Hamp Leave A. M. P. M. shire. ..... 8:30 Umatilla 12:15 “ PERCY” Hermiston ..... ..... 8:60 12:36 j w a o a Y ou r C o n v ersa tio n « W O O “Percy,” a name which has for Stanfield ....... ..... 1:15 1:10 us a rather sisslfled association, “ G IA N T D E S P A IR ” was the result of quite a blood V .... 9:30 1:15 At one time or another most thirsty act. Malcolm II of Scot 10:45 2:30 of us are taken prisoner by land, in his Invasion of England, P. M. Leave P. M- Giant Despair. Giant Despair I demanded fieun Robert de Mow is described In Bunyan’s “Pil Pendleton ..... ....12:00 4:00 bray the surrender of Alnwick grim’s Progress" as the Lord of 5:15 Echo .............. .... 1:15 Castle. Mowbray compiled by Doubting Castle. When he dis 5:30 Stanfield ....... ....... .... 1:30 presenting the keys to the covered Christian und Hopeful 5:55 Scotch king on the point of his ...... 1:55 Hermiston sleeping on his grounds he lance, at the same time gouging 6:15 Ar. Umatilla ..................2:15 promptly clapped them both Into out the king’s eye. Malcolm, I lls suhdungeon. Only the un Sunday schedule: Leave Umatilla from then on was known as wary ever trespass on his ter 9:00 A. M., Pendleton 4:00 P. M. "Plerce-eye,” which became the ritory. Umatilla to Pendleton, $1.46; “Percy” of today. round trip, $2.50. Hermiston to Pendleton, $1.25; round trip, $2.25. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Stanfield to Pendleton, $1.05; B round trip, $1.75. Echo to Pendleton, 95 cents; round trip $1.50. A FULL LINE ! Dame Ellen Terry ! H O N E Y LA B E LS | To Your Order and at Reasonable Price* O MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTER8 — AT— WESTERN AUTO CO. Cottonwood and Water Sts. COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Tires— Tubes— Accessories YLWAYS OPEN PHONE $1» Tom Swearingen, Mgr. «■■BBBBsnnBBaaaaa« J. L. V A UG H A N • Eleetrio Fixtures and Appliances Phone 139 Ì I a •a !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■« ALL SHOES S 25 per cent off. ■ Men’s Half Soles $1.25 SWith Heels $1.71 K a * n OAK TAN SHOE STORE Sam Rodgers, Prop. ■ : Ml ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ » « s THE HERMISTON HERALD Etta Elizabeth E lliott, P lain tiff, va. George Francis E lliott, Defendant. Summons Equity No. 3977. To George Francis E lliott, the above named defendant. ■■■■■■■■■■■I In the Name o f the S tate of Ore ¿ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I J- ■ ■ ’■■■ gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit w ithin six weeks from the first publication of this summons and you w in take notice that If you fall to answer or plead herein w ithin said time, the p lain tiff for want thereof w ill apply to the above en tit led Court for the relief prayed for In p lain tiff’s complaint filed In said cause, to-w lt: for a decree of div orce dlseolvlng the bonds of m atri mony now and heretofore existing between the p lain tiff and defendant and for an absolute decree of divorce In favor of p lain tiff and against de fendant. This summons is published pursu ant to an order of the Honorable Herald Want Ads Bring Yon Results Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled Court duly made and entered on the 12th day of January, 1925, directing that publication be made herein once a week for a period of six consecutive weeks la the Her miston Herald, and the first publi cation hereof la made pursuant to raid order thia 15th day of January, 1925. W. J. Warner, Attorney foi Plaintiff. P. O. Address, Hermiston, Oregon. J9-TU PENDLETON Burt Mullens C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y Announcment I h ave purchased th e con fectio n ery know n as P a t’* P lace and so licit a sh are o f your p atronage. Recent portrait of Ellen Terry, gen erally ninked as the greatest living British uctresH, upon whom King George conferred the title ot Dame of the Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire in the New Year's Krause’s Chocolates The Best in Candies honors. Ntuls stand Cigars and Tobacco DON’T FORGET ------ U S------- When you need any thing in the line of neat and attractive Printing. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Is oftan c iu w d by aa Inflamad oondM ea of t h . mucous lining o t th* BustaaMan T ub.. Whan thia tu b . I. Inflamed r m have * rumbling sound or Irapwnet hearing. U n i e , the Inflammation «an ba reduced, your bearing m ay bn de stroyed forever. HALL’S CATARRH M EDICINE will do what w e claim for It—rid your system of Catarrh or Dvafnasa cause* by Catarrh HALL'S CATARRH MEDJCTN» h a . been aucreteful In th . treatment o f Catarrh for over F orty Tears. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney A <V, Toledo, O. • | ,