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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1925)
TBS H E B M IST O H HSRALD, HERMISTON, OBSSGOV,' Slp 9rnntatan Mrralù »■ RESOLUTION Whereas the City Couaeil doss deem it expedient and n icest,ry to JtafeUahad «very Thursday at Har- Improve that portion of Gladys ses- mlBton, Umatilla Oowaty, Oregon by Bay mood Crowder, f i t tor and Man nue in the City of Hermiston lying between the East line of First street ager. * ■ i* and the west line of Seventh street Entered aa second class matter, by grading and surfacing with crush December 190« at the poatofflce at er screenings and constructing curb, Hermiston. Oregon. and sidewalks from First to Third streets; by grading and surfacing Subscription Bates [ with crusher screenings and con »or One Y e a r ______________ »».00 structing curbs on both sid e, and For Six Months ____________ »1.00 ! sidewalk on the North side from Payable in Advance. , Third to Fourth street. By grading Classified or Local Advertising 1 and surficing with crusher screen 10 cents per line (or first insertion. ings and constructing curbs front Minimum charge 26 cents. Subse Fourth to Fifth streets; by grading quent Insertions 5 cents per line. and surfacing a strip 16 feet wide in the center with crusher screen- j ings from Fifth to Seventh street, und has required of the City Engin THE UNCERTAIN eer plans and specification, for an MAIL appropriate improvement and esti mate of the work to be done and the By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, U niversity of probable cost thereof, and whereas Illinois. the City Engineer has filed such 'plans, specifications and estimates In T’VE seen a good deal in the neivs- the office of the City Recorder, now - papers froui time to time with ref ' therefore, erence to the certainty that if you | fit Is resolved by the City of Her- irop a letter Into the mall box at the mlston that the plans, specifications romer of your street. It will be de and estimates for such street Im livered to the proper person, but I provement filed by the City E ngin lon’t believe It. 1 feel sntnewhnt as Murk Twain eer, and the same hereby are ap tald he did regarding the notice of proved and adopted, and the Ctty tils death which he read In a country does hereby declare Its Intention to newspaper; 1 think the reports have improve said part of Gladys avenue been greatly exaggerated. I’ve read at a probable cost of »3204.00, and something to the effect that not more does hereby establish Local Improve than one letter out of a million ulti ment District No, 10 embracing alt mately goea astray, and that that one has a good chance of being run to the property specially benefitted by rover by some epistolary sleuth In the such Improvement a , follows: All dead letter office; but I’ve wutched the land between the termini of such the thing, and I’ll have to be shown. Improvement abutting upon the said I had a few hours of unexpected part of Gladys avenue proposed to leisure one day last summer, and feel be Improved extending on either tng more than ordinarily kindly to ward the human race I used It to side from the marginal line o f such write to a few of the undergraduates I street back to the center of the who, It seemed to me, had done some blocks abutting on said part of thing that merited attention or win Gladys Avenue proposed to be Im worthy of praise. When 1 hud finished proved; and for the purpose of ap there were 15 or 20 in all. The sum portioning the cost of Improving the mer dragged on, and 1 was made hnp- py by receiving two acknowledgments, cross sections of streets contained one from McKinley, a shy little conn In said Local Improvement District try freshman, and a gracious pleasant No. 10 does hereby establish. one from Bullurd whom most people Local Improvement District No. 11 st first sight might have thought comprising the NE% o f Block 7 ab- crude. I could scarcely have expected buttlng on Gladys avenue. either to reply. Local Improvement District No. 12 = Now the thing that convinces me that all this talk about the reliability comprising the NW U of Block 8 of the malls Is wrong is the fact that abutting on Glays Avenue. I did not heur from those other IS Local Improvement District No. 13 letters. Take Burton, for example, who won com prising the NJS>4 of Block 8 the western tennis championship. I’m abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Local Improvement District No. 14 sure that If he hud received my con gratulatlons, he would at least have comprising the N W « of Block 9 acknowledged the note. He conies abbutting on Gladys Avenue. from a part of the country where Local Improvement District No. 16 they are fed on courtesy and good comprising the NE»4 of Block 9 form three times n day, and he has an aunt who belongs to .the Daugh abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Local Improvement District No. 16 ter, of the American Revolution. A man with a past like that behind him co,.p risin g the N W « of Block 4 couldn’t neglect to acknowledge a abbutting on Gladys Avenue. simple little note. Local Improvement District No. 17 There wus Stephens, who Is really comprising the NB>4 of Block 4 a nice boy and who won the high abbutting on Gladys Avenue. average In engineering nnd was given Local Improvement District No. 18 93 In rhetoric 1 by an Instructor who came from Harvard; und Carlton who comprising tile N W « of Block 6 was elected to the senior society and abbutting on Gladys Avenue. has had three years of uninterrupted I-oca I Improvement District No. 19 training nt sororitv open Imuses; und comprising the NE>4 of Block 5 Pulton uliose uncle wrote a hook and ibbutttng on Gladys Avenue. who Is a prize athlete over whom, sev Local Improvement District No. 20 en organizations went crazy when be omprlslng the N W « of Block ( entered, and who finally Joined the only first -class fraternity In college— abbutting on Gladys Avenue. I’m sure the notes I wrote them were Local Improvement District No. 21 lost In the malls, or I should have comprising the S W « of Block 1 heard from them. \bbuttlng on Gladys Avenue. Nuncy says that I’m wrong In blam Local Improvement District No. 22 ing the government, and that prob 2 nbly all these men got the letters that comprising the SE U of Block I wrote nnd failed to nnswer them abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Local Improvement District No. 28 through Ignorance or carelessness Just as some fellows keep their huts on comprising the S W « of Block 2 when they talk to a woman, or fall abbutting on Gladys Avenue. to coll after they’ve ,been Invited to Local Improvement District No. 24 dinner, but thut doesn't seem reason comprising the SE% of Block 3 able to ma. abbutting on Gladys Avenue. <©. ISIS, Wvatern Newspaper Union.) Local Improvement District No. 26 Tub Frocks Adorned com prising the S W « of Block 3 With Quaint Stitchery abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Local Improvement District No. 28 comprising (he SE U of Block 10 abbutting on Glady, Avenue. Local Improvement District No. 27 comprising the S W « o f Block 10 abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Local Improvement District No. 28 comprising the S E U of Block 11 abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Local Improvement District No. 29 comprising the S W « of Block 11 abbutting on Glady, Avenue. Local Improvement District No. 30 comprising the SE'4 of Block 12 abbutting on Gladys Avenue. And that the Ctty Reorder he. and he Is hereby directed to give notice by publication at least once a week for two consecutive weeks In the Hermiston Herald of the passage of this resolution and stating the boundary of the proposed Improve ment. the District and Districts to he assessed and the estimated costs thereof. Passed the Council Phis Fourth day of February, 1926. -Now Is the winter of our discon Attest: C. H. Skinner, tent” very much cheered up by the City Recorder. arrival of new wash fabrics In the Approved by the Mayor this Fourth shops, and new frocks for old and day of February, 1925. young, mail«, of these fuhrlcs. For lit A.W. Prann, Actin* Mayor tie folks, who require many tub dresses the small-checked ginghams still lead In the choice of materials, followed by plain chamhra.vs and other sturdy cottons and by heavy course linens, fot MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN— dress and knickers to match, t.lttk —TRY THE HERALD WANT A D S- Indies from two to six will dlscovei ___ 6 fascinating picture book sketches, dom _ In colored floss, outlined on tlioli spring frocks. In which Simple Slinor meets the plenum or the cow Jump" over the idoon. or little folks and III tie animals disport themselves. At example of this kind of decoration ap ^end us th e p r ic e o f a year*' pears In the picture of drrss anr knickers to mulch: It 1« the newes: lubscnptiop if you are in arrears Item In these simple styles. DOITNOW W© Need the Money ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a < When you have a WEST END FARMERS R E M O D E L IN G Have learned that The Herald prints the best butter wrappers. We have the large . size, 9 by 12 inches. Our prices are— 100 200 300 500 for for for for for for for for 10 25 50 80 »ob in our line give it to th e hom e prin T IM E ter. an out-of- tow n concern m ay give you And we want to figure your plans and tell you how much it will cost to do it. an oily line o f “bunk” but the hom e printer is entitled to your job work. If you have to replace or build new flood gates or drop boxes, buy our Number 2 Cedar that is selling cheap while it lasts. cents cents cents cents T h e salesm an from /s Now Here $ 1 .2 5 $ 2 .0 0 $ 2 .6 0 $ 3 .7 5 Many are buying them in the larger quan tities, but we are here to serve you all. If you want only a few we have them with out the name. These we sell as follows— 12 30 62 100 « you Th spend do lar here w ill som e d ay re turn to you. T h e dollar you send a w a y is j - “ The Home of Good Printing ever. THE HERMISTON HERALD Our prices Inland Empire Lumber Company are standa i*U. A A H, Phone 331 is to be printed w e “ The Yard of Best Quality ” can H. M. STRAW. MGR. Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau Legal Blanks at The Herald Office VOTE 306 YES—And save the Dairy Industry. Legal Blanks For Sale at The Herald Office Given Under the Auspices of go figure a. w ith ______ you. HERMISTON HERALD The Hermiston Post of th l American Hermiston Auditorium February 23,1925 M ANN’S ORCHESTRA Special Feature! Colonial Dance by Young America under direction of Miss Larson. REFRESHMENTS SERVED BY THE COMMUNITY CLUB Everyone Cordially Invited