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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1925)
NEW GOODS ’^ òutel C em O c c u r w c « o f I n u n . i Gleaned Here aad T here About the CHr and Neighborhood Mrs. Joe Udey has retu rn ed from W asco w here she ha» been visitin g her p arents. P at D oherty arrived home S atu r- ay nig h t from Adams an d stayed over Sunday w ith hts fam ily. Sam B oardm an and d au g h ter Helen of BoArdman, were in H erm iston . Monday. Miss Helen was having some den tal work done. GINGHAMS O. E. Ryder, who u n til a few weeks ago w as p ro p rieto r of H erm isto n ’s second hand store retu rn ed to th is city from H eppner th e la tte r p a rt of last week. W hile in H eppner Mr. Rydei purchased 11 chlncllla rab b its w hich he xepects to raise for th e ir fur. A fter school Is out he expects to move th e fam ily .to Medford w here they w ill m ake th eir fu tu re home. For Spring are beginning to arrive. They include all the late shades. sih ó re th e only onesih& t ô.re n o t bein^ re d u c e d 19 © Jack Biggs was a P endleton v isi to r Sunday. BUSINESS LOCALS WASH GOODS C larence Reid of H eppner has Pee C. D. P o rter for all kinds of purchased from A. M. S m ith the insurance. A t Dodd’g offfice. 21-tfc five acre tra c t along th e high w ay b etter know n a» the Phelps place. F ree w ith a cash purchase of $5 Mr. Reid will move his fam ily from or more from stock, one gold filled H eppner to the new home im m edi brooch. W. H. Ogden. ately. These are sun and tub proof. 6 0 cents per yard. SEE THEM O tto C. Pierce K I N G S L E Y 'S I N C . [ H E R M IS T O N '» H O U S E O F Q U A L IT Y A N D S E R V I C E ’1 | T he B ap tist ladies m issionary society met last W ednesday a t the home of Mrs. Cecil H orning. Miss C lara H all gave a very in terestin g talk on th e mission w ork in the several cou n tries w hich come under the supervision of U. S. A. A good paper on th e Syrian in o u r country was read by Mrs. H orning and some letters com ing dlreet from m ission aries In th e foreign field w ere read by Mrs. Showell a fter w hich a gen eral discussion of home m ission work In p a rtic u la r closed a very p ro fit able nd enjoyable afternoon. T um -A -L um N ew s ♦♦♦ there’s no time like the present . . . to bring in your building troubles. Revival m eeting have been In pro- press for the past week a t th e M etho dist church. A good atte n d a n te and unusual in te re st has been shown at these m eetings. Lindon B arn ett has charge of the song service. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. R. A. Brownson, Mgr. A nother Reduction To Close Out G ranitew are, 3 0 per cen t off. T in w are, 3 0 per cen t off. D ishes, 33 1-3 per cen t off. G lassw are, 3 3 1 -3 per cen t off. Furniture, 4 0 per cen t o ff. R A D IO —4 tube, com p lete w ith loud speaker, tubes and b atteries, $ 9 5 .0 0 . SAPPERS’ INC. w* À T w enty-five per cent discount on ladies’ rings. T his is a real b a r g ain ; come and see. W. H. Ogden. For Sale In Hermiston, Oregon. A m odern shingle bungalow , all b u ilt-in featu res; F rench windows, basem ent, coal house, chicken house, garag e and th ree lots. Term s. D. II. Cook, Box 197. 22-4tp Father Sage Jÿxr I A politician is a f e lle r w ho g its something from you an’ lets you realize he’s gittin" I t ; a dip- louiat gets it w ithout your realizin’ it. Y o u r C o n v e r s a t io n ñ-irtrt»- “ TRUE BLUE” : “T rue blue” Is the description we give to friends whose faith fulness to us never varies. Co ventry, England, long lias been famous for its dyes. Coventry blue is celebrated for the fact that It does not fade and is known as "true blue." The I application of “tiu e blue” to 4 lasting friendships Is obvious. 1 ■I-H-M-l-l-d—M-c-l-*-l-'l-i"J-i-H— I The United States dollar seems to have taken the place of Esperanto as | the universal language. L ifting P ow er of Love Love lifts up the lowest to the high est, places the lowly born by the side of the bright particular star. It binds us to e a rth ; and when our loved one has been taken from us It lifts us to heaven. Who shall tell Its glories and Dr. Illsley h as purchased th e resi its victories? Without It a life passed dence of Otto Sapper across from the Is like a year gone by without any sum- I mer—cold, chilly, unfruitful, without school honso and will move into the pleasure or charm. Witli It the worst house soon. Vane B oynton w ill state is endurable. The palace Is but occupy th e house th e doctor is v acat n stable or an outhouse without It—a ing and H. A. Pankow has rented very prison; the very prison when the th e house th a t Vane Is living In at loved one shares it is a palace. Such is particular love. When tnat, upon the present. freeing of our souls from this “mnddy vesture of decay” which incloses It, lias F. B. Swayze and W alt B lessing grown Into general love for our fel have been In Pendleton aeU nding lows and love of adoration for our court. Both men were draw n as Maker we shall not he fa r off para dise, for indeed heaven's harmony is Jurors. universal.—Hain Frlswell. -try o ur plan service for a good sp rin g building tonic th e re ’,, no th in g b etter. M *U 4 The reg u lar m eeting of th U Go I Go club met at the home of Mrs. W atson w ith Mesdarues W atson, Quick and McFall as hostesses T h u rs day afternoon, Feb. 5. L ittle B illie Jackson’s songs were very much en joyed by all.„M rs. S. F. Bowm an gave the h isto ry of the song "T h e E nd of a Perfect Day.’’.,The program was concluded by th e singing of fam iliar airs by the members. T he next business m eeting of th e club will be March 5 a t th e home of Mrs. P. E. Hayden w ith Mesdames C. E. and E. L. Jackson as hostesses. The F eb ru ary social m eeting w ill be at A. W. A gnew’s the evening of F eb ru ary 14. Comparison of French and English Housewives Primrose Cream Separators at Special Reduced Prices It 1« said that the French working woman’s only thoughts concern food and money. She certainly manipu lates the former with great skill and, as Is well known, her savings are the backbone of her country. Whenever a freeh loan Is floated in France long queues of housewives are alwaya wait ing outside the banks with their money. In running a household In France one soon tinds out that the maids must be well fed. They will put up with sleeping accommodations which British maids would not tolerate, hut there Is no compromise on food, says a w riter In London Answers. A cook, though she will keep her pots and pans spotlessly clean, will not wash a floor with much zeal. The hardest-working French women. It Is Interesting to note, have, us a rule, perfectly kept hands. French women tell me that there Is more love In a French home than In a British one, and that they are more concerned with the family well being than we are. Gossip, largely keenly critical ’n character. Is rife among better-class French women. Their talk, indeed, is criticism, criticism, and always criti cism. There is Jealousy for the wom an who looks nice an I laughter for the one who doesn’t. A French woman will not admit to age until It is really upon her. Then, socially, she becomes Indeed a back number. Spirit is said to be the keynote of a French woman’s character. Armed with It, she never adm its defeat, whether in the world of commerce or of conquest. And this spirit, with which she "downs” a rival, enables her also to cheer on Iter husband to fam e and fortune. We have left only two of the No. 2 size 450 lbs. cap acity plain bearing machines which we will sell at $75.00 each, regular price $100.00. These Separators are exactly the same as the new style Primrose with the one exception of the bearings and are absolutely guaranteed. If you are in need of a new Cream Separator it will pay you to investigate these bargains. They will not last long a t these prices. Oregon Hdwe. & Implement Co. THE WINCHESTER STORE We Carry a Large Stock o f GENUINE FORO P; The Shop That’s 4 ' ” Even before the Norman conquest the holy well of St. Clement, London, used to be the scene of many pilgrim ages, and these continued until the Reformation. It used to be the favor ite trysting place for lads and lassies on summer evenings, In the time when the Strand of Loudon was a country road and not the Important London thoroughfare it Is today. The site of th«» old well Is believed to lie some where between the law courts In the Strand and St. Clement's Inn. Within a few yards of the site of the well stands the church of St. Clement, whose hells are famed In nursery rhyme. Here Doctor Johnson used to have a pew, but there Is no record of his ever having visited the well—which was only bricked over when the present law- courts were built.—Kansas City Star. Subscribe for The Heraid--. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA C0U-1TY In the M atter of th e E ta te of lam es A lexander C raig Thom, Deceased. N otice Is hereby given th a t th e undersigned hag been appointed a d m in istrato r of th e estate of Jam es Ylexander C raig Thom, deceased, and ha3 qualified as th e law directs. All persons h av in g claim s a g ain st said e sta te are req u ired to present lhe sam e to me a t th e office of W. J. W arn er, my atto rn ey , In H erm is ton. Oregon, w ith proper vouchers w ith in six m onth3 from th e date hereof. D ated th is 8th day of Ja n u a ry , 1925. Jo h n M. Thom, 18-5tc Administrator. FO R SALE A Ford touring car, Vintage of sevente n Knows it’s “stuff,” And guarantee^ w An Adam Good ime^. Will make it sell, Has a durn good motor, And will go like h--- LADIES AID SOCIETIES u n P earson ’s G arage ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Y O U TCLL CM Rivoli Theatre Next Monday Nite FEB. 23 MT ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ V •> ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ -M J 1 * * * ***’ ♦ ♦ S afety first! Always w atch th e c ar behind the one ahead of you. ♦ ♦ ♦ •> ♦ ♦ P lay safe by com ing in and g et tin g a GOOD PIECE OF STEAK for d in n e r—th e re ts no th in g like to " h it th e sp o t” every tim e. We have Just th e cut you w an t— come in. CITY MEAT MARKET JOHN ELLIS. PROF. tin n tfip c - i : K N E R R ’S R P A Location of Famous London W ell Unknown Can raise large m oney easily and quickly for any special purpose. Ladies Club raised nearly ?1,000; others have raised in the hundreds. T his is done by th e use of the Lad les Aid Cook Book prepared for you as if o rig in ally m ade for you exclu sively. F u ll p a rtic u la rs how to Gospelm eetlnga w ill begin T ues W an ted His Share raise the m oney and sam ple copy of day nig h t, F eb ru ary 17, In the store He was n little, undersized. Inoffen book sen t prepaid for only 50 cents room next to th e City Meat M arket. sive-looking person. He hud managed In stam ps. Ready to operate rig h t Rev. C. E. Dietz of Caldwell. Idaho, to get on the Broadway express at now. Only one society to h an d le In will be th e evangelist. Come and Times square by the simple expedient any com m unity a t lone tim e. Be help us help you. Rev. J. K. of holding Ids breath and allowing the firs t to get th is. C ut th is out himself to he Januned Into the train Mumau. by the burly blue-coated guard. He and send w ith y o u r le tte r to the found himself In a pocket formed by Ladies Aid D ept.r Illin o is S tate R eg Miss F reíd a Campbell e n te rta in four men surrounding hint. IBs chin ister. D ept. B-70, S pringfield, Illi ed a t d in n er Sunday evening the reached up to about their knees. The nois. M ention th is paper. Misses Ellen H ill, L ucille Gray, atmosphere—w hat there was of It— was stlffllng. He managed to stand It B etty Larson and B ernice F erris. for about two minutes. Then he Messrs. E rn est W aterm an, Cecil twisted his neck up to the man in Kelly and F orest Campbell. front of ldm and said: “Pardon nte, sir, but would you ndnd holding your T h . C h ristian Science services nr« breath for a moment? I would like to get a mouthful for myself.”—Mer P en d leton held In room s next to th e A uditorium cury. every Sunday a t 11 o’clock. Sunday school a t 10:15. All are cordially The Reason Invited to atten d . W ednesday eve “Ho you remember, dear,” said Mra. ning m eeting first W ednesday each Blank, “that before we were m ar m onth. ried von always offered me your left arm?" "Yes,” replied her husband, “1 The U. S. land office a t Spokane wanted to have my right hand free. (has been advised th a t approxlm te- Y oh see, I had n lover's fear that jly 4320 a c re , of land on th e south someone would try to take you away (h alf of th e Colville Indian reservaa- from me. and I always kept It in tlon form erly classified as m ineral readiness for defence.” “How sweet! But how Is It thnl ! have bee» reclassified and w ill he now you usually offer mo your right ¡open to e n try u n d r any of th e home arm?" stead law s applicable. Th»» lpnde “Well, I am nut so nfrntd ns 1 was.” are In O kanogan and F erry counties. Ex-service men of th e W orld w ar C ostly to Grout Tall have a preference rig h t to file on “Forry. loit I can't Insure yon— ¡th e lan d s up to A pril 15, 1925. It you’re tis> tall." said the ngent to the Ils necessary th a t personal exam ina man who wanted to take out an acci t i o n of th e lands be m ade before dent polley. •Too tall? W hat's the m atter with I filing. The rem ain in g lands. If any, I will be open to the public May 7, that?" proi -;,..| the applicant. “And but filin g , may be received from th e anyway I’m not as tall as my father was and he had no trouble getting in general public .'rom A pril 17 to sured.” May 6. and suspended u n til date Prices, 85c-$l. 1041.65 "But yNhr father,” the agent ex for opening, and If more th an one plained, "was Insured long ago when SEATS NOW SELLING application I . made for th e same there was no danger of a fellow hav Order yours by mail tra c t fo land, a d raw in g will be ing his head knocked off by a skidding airplane.”—American legion Weekly , nerexaary. NOW H " i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦