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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1925)
KKBM ISTOy HERALD, HERMISTON, O BEO ay, Madagascar Once Home t it le H e Gave rfimself of Enormous Reptiles Early Georgia Settler It Is a ainguiar fact that, barring the Picked Location Wisely Stuck to Great Showman T aking Big C hances wild cattle and the cr» odiles, the great African Island (M adagascar) la wholly destitute of big game. Yet It teem s with animal life In its lesser tortus, Including such curious auituala a* the aye-aye, one o f the most re m arkable creatures know n; 39 vari eties of lem urs; a ferocious member of the civet family, which looks like an enormous weasel; and a wild dog which appears to be a cross between a coyote, a Jackal and a dingo. But Madagascar has not always lacked large animals, as Its fossil re m ains attest, for in ages past it was the habitat of enormous terrestrial lizards 50 feet in length, and of the great wingless bird, the aepyornis, twice the size of an ostrlcb. The eggs of the aepyornis, some of which are 10 inches in circumference, are still frequently found in the neigh borhood of F ort Dauphin, ut the south ern end of the island, where the na tives use them for carrying water.—E. Alexander Powell In the Century Magazine. t 's ’laa show th a t nine business ~f ten reach old age w ith o u t t ” cv, and th a t 19 o u t of 20 fail to provide for th e ir fam ilies. This, in a m easure, accounts for th e eig h t m illion women now a t w ork In th is country. One In ten is a big chance. One In tw en ty Is w orse yet. e .c ssrv e fund in th e b ank rom etlm es ehanges possible failu re in to success. S ta rt now. You w ill never regret It. We will help you First N ational B ank H ardy R edw ood of H erm iston C apital, Surplus and U ndivided Profit* O ver * 5 0 ,0 0 0 wayze, Pres. R. A lexader, V ice- Pres. A. H. N orton, C ashier W. L. H am m , Asst. C ashier W ANTED—Small farm , equip ped for poultry raising, with good soil for gardenu g and al falfa. Answer No. 100 care Herm iston Herald. ¿3-4tc ,M H T ADS for salz TRADE— Good F o rd to u rin g c ar for fresh cows or h eifers. P . O. Box 261. 19-tfc FOR SALE— E lectric vacuum clean er and an oil cooking stove. Mrs. O. G. Sapper. 23-tfc FOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel logg & Schlm ke. 2-8tc FOR SALE— D ining room set. D r. W . W . Illsley. 2 3-tfc REW ARD— F or th e re tu rn of four ru b b er tired tricy cle w heels ta k FO R SA LE— In H erm isto n , W est en W ednesday n ig h t. Dr. Prim e. side: M onarch m alleable ran g e, 21-2tc good h e a te r, brass bed, sp rin g s a n d m attress, dresser, sm all ro ck FOR SALE— M ilk cows, Lou Rog- ers. 6-tfc e r, 3 b u rn e r P erfectio n oil sto v s a n d oven, 30 p u llets, h a lf W. L eghorns, h a lf P . Rocks, Ju st AGENTS— Sell g u a ran teed hosiery d irect from m ill to w e arer; all s ta rtin g to lay. D. H . Cook. 23 styles and colors; salary p aid for fu ll tim e or sp are ho u rs; no money FOR SALE— H a tc h in g eggs from needed for sam ples. In te rn a tio n a l y ear old W hite L eghorn hens, M ills, 1038, N o rristow n, Pa. h atch e d from tra p -u ested stoefk* 280 to 300 eggs m ated to O. A. C. pedigreed roosters. 7g cen ts LEV ELING LAND— See P e te r Cas- tric , experienced and reliab le, t fo r se ttin g of fifteen . P hone m iles n o rth of H erm isto n . 4-tfc 42-J-6. 2 3-tfc FOR SALE— L ib ra ry table. room set— buffet, table chairs. D ining and H . A. P ankow . Burk’s for bargains. FOR SALE— Two wagons, one heavy wagon with gravel box, *60; one S tillin g s. 37 tf years, sm all ra n c h w ith Im prove m ents. Ten to tw en ty acres. R. C. Todd. 20-tfc lig h t w agon w ith h ay rack. *26. See R. A. Browneon, Tura-A-Lum GEARHART KNITTER— Anyone in terested ^please write Box 162, L um ber Co. 7-tfe Hermiston, Oreg. FOR SALE— Small heater and elec- Mrs. Shes- ely. 4-t/e FOR SALE— Team of horses. J. K. Ehotwell. 18-tfe FOR « * tun—Some good fresh milch cows. Mrs. L. Hammer, 4 miles eait of tow». 8-tfe 20tfc Try Burk’s for hargalas. ( AM MAKING REGULAR TRIPS T* Pendleton Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. If you have anythlag to he hauled to or from the above named city, I would appreciate your business along this line, am dko In the market for chick eas and veal. Ray Challis, Pheae 20-R. Pendleton phone 400. 9-tfc USED CARS FOR SALE— Terms give*, ¿’rices right. Kellogg & Schlmke. 11-tfe — TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— FOR SALE— S tan d ard m ake 1% horsepow er gas engine, In good order, *30.00. Wm. L eath ers. 22-tfc miscellaneous WANTED TO TRADE— Two small Incubators for a larg e one. W. H. Ogden. *■ I am In a p e ^ tio n to tak e care of m a te rn ity cases a t my home. Mrs. W. B. Beasley. Trouble Both W ays An A ustralian b arrister tells cf n black fellow charged in a country town with stealing. His solicitor decided to put him in the box to give evidence on ills own behalf. The magistrute, being doubtful If he understood the n ature of an oath, undertook to exam ine him on the point. “Jacky,” he said, “you know wlytt will happen to yon If yon tell a lie?” “My oath, boss,” replied Jacky, “me go down below—burn long time.” "Quite right," replied the magistrate. “And now you know w hat will happen If you tell the tru th ?” "Yes, boss. We lose ’em case.”— Sydney Herald. six 18-tfc P olands fo r P ro fits. BABY CHIX from high producing TYPEWRITER riibens and earxm paper at the Herald offlco. W hite Leghorns, 16 cents up to 100; 16 centg In larger numbers. Wm. H. Ogden. 19-tfc W ANTED TO R EN T — F o r a term of trie sew ing m achine. N ature has endowed the giant red woods with a natural preservation which protects the timber «gainst de cay and rot indefinitely for centuries, in fact a fter the trees have fallen or been cut down. Trees known to have been blown over in the woods long be fore the discovery of America, and which have Iain exposed to the ele ments ever since, have been found to be In splendid condition and capable of use as commercial timber. One particular Insiance is recorded where a fallen tree was found umler- neath another big redwood that hail grown astraddle the uprooted giant, but when the standing tree was cut its rings showed it to he nearly 1,00(1 years old. This m eant th at the uprooted tree had been down for nearly 1,000 years. The rings of the fallen tree showed it to be about 600 years old when it fell, yet the log was sound aud healthy.— Kreolite News. 22-3p eeeeeeeee>eee*e»«<ee>eeee« We Want Yon to keep in mind the fact that in addition to p rin tin g this news paper we do job .work of any kind. W hen in need of anything in this line be sure a NTten— Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hoe. »•ececeee»ece»e«ceeeeee>ne lery for men, women and children. Eliminate darning. Salary *76 a week full time, *1.60 an hour "Science Plus Farm Practice” spare time. Beautiful spring line. Oregon Agricultural College International Stocking Mills, Nor W IN T E R SH O R T C 0 U R S E S ristown, Pa. 39-20tp Eleven courses with nameg and dates as follows: WANTED— Phone, write or see W. A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa Dairy Manufacturing— January 5- hay for sale. In any quantity. 31. D airy H erd M anagem ent— Ja n u a ry Phone 40-J-3. »-tfc 5 to March 20. REAB ESTATE EXCHANGES AND Fourth Annual Cannera' School— INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS. RE February 2-20. ALTOR. 2«-tfc Poultry Husbandry— February 2 to March 14. Burk le L and C laaelfication and A p p rais hoes. For Rent— Good 5 room house, 1 m ile out. Good road and water, 510 per month. Charles Clinesmith. 46 tfc -3 room cottigc on west 46-lfc X. W. Agnew. 21-J-2 -R E A D T H E WANT ADS— About to travel to India, a man was told by his friends to be sure not to miss the tiger shooting. “It’s no trick at all,” they said. “You hide in a thlcke* at night; when the beast arrives, altn between its two eyes, shining in the dark. It will fall as If struck by lightning.” On his retnm they naked how many tigers he had killed. “None at all,” he replied sadly. "They've become altogether too clever. They now travel in pairs and each one closes an eye. So of course—" —P aris Le Rle. Pro 'es3iot n’.ii The seance was proving a great success. The new member of the cir cle. an Oldham pigt m fs icier, had be n hrqjl”' ’' Into feu '*’ w! h the late ly :..w who had Just announced he wi s an angel. '■WI' wings an’ nil? asked the son- in-law. The reply was In the affirmative. “W hat dost! measure fra' tip to tip?” asked the pig-eon fancier.—Van couver Province. H ard on th e Ball To See Us w T iger Cunning She—W asn’t mother pumping you last night? He—Yes, and I think she'd better, too. T hat's what I need. She—What do you mean? He—Your dad has been using me to r a football. n r THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY E tta E lizab eth E llio tt, P ’.g'.ntiff, va. . George Francis Elliott, Defendant. Summ ons E q u ity No. 3977. To George F ran cis r . ’io tt, th e above nam ed d efendant. In th e N ame o f th e S tate of Ore gon, yon a re hereby req u ired to a p p e a r and an sw er th e com plaint filed a g ain st you In th e above en title d su it w ith in six w eeks from th e first p u b licatio n cf Ih ls sum m ons an d you w ill ta k e n otice tb a t If you fall to an sw er o r plecd h erein w ith in said tim e, th e p la in tiff for w an t th ereo f w ill apply to th e above e n tit led C ourt for th e rel f prayed fo r In p la in tiff's com plaint filed In said cause, to -w lt: fo r a decree of div orce dissolving th e bonds of m a tri m ony now and h e r-to fo re ex istin g betw een th e p l a i n t l f rr.d defen d an t and for an absolute scree of divorce In favor of p la in tiff an d « g ain st de fen d an t. T his summons Is yubllr hed pursu al— F e b ru ary 2-7. F arm M echanics: y 1 / F arm P ow er and P ow er E q u ip a n t to an order o' the Honorable ment. Ja n u a ry 6 to M arch 10. Gilbert W. Phelps, ’ adt-e of the 2. Gas Engines, Tractors and E quip- , bnve en titled Court only made nnd ment. Ja n u a ry 19-22. en tered on th e 12th ” y •? January, 3. C eneral F arm R epair, Ja n u a ry d i-e» tin g ‘ha cwt’icjitVm be 26-3 0. m ad” h e’ ?ln once a » 'ek "sr a period 4. F arm W ater Supply and S cn lta- of ,j-. eorsccu tlv e w k* • the Her tlon, F e b ru rry 2-6. w D to n H erald, and ne Irst publl- 5. Gaa and E lectric L ig h t and Pow - c e , , h e r e o f le mede i.u su an t to er, F e b ru ary 9-13. > ,« 4 order th is 16th Jay of Ja n u a ry , FOR SA LE—A sparagus plants, 6. Farm Concrete Construction, j , ; , . vr j. Warner, large strong strong roots. Mary February 16-20. F o r fu ll Inform ation address A ttn r icy f -v Plaintiff. Washington $4 per 1000; Pal DEAN OF AGRICULTURE, p (y Addreaa, H em letin, Oreg n. m etto, $3 per 1(00. L. Wal dorf, Kennewick, Wash. 23-4tp CORVALLIS, ORB. tOBGF A good Gift to be Judged by In 1835 Pickens county, Georgia, was Probably the greatest showman the peopled by the Cherokee Indians. In world has ever known was ganger, N o higher prieod g ift thut year, one Sam T ate moved in famous tor Sanger's circus. He even coaid be m o r* adm ired, and settled eight miles from any oth- went so far as to give himself a title, or coveted th a n the clasaic Parker Duofold. er white neighbor. He was first on and the title stuck go firmly ttu.1 Pea. the ground when the government many people thought he really had To fibr aaa. moved the Cherokees out to Indian been elevated to the peerage! Every Packer Duofold >7 territory in 1837. He staked off his one knew him as “Lord" George Oow pick of the lands left by the Indians. Sanger. T.d.tow,(Aa uii’l his claim embraced, among other In his book, “Studio and Stage,” Mr. Duofold Jr. 0 brut hör» curdhtlly ib * things, the finest marble deposit In ’Joseph H arker, the famous scene W . t í. M cM .ilan A. 4 r.abvw M M gsM i. the United States and one of the most painter, tells how this “title" came “" " T e . K . R. and 8 . gnv the sleader valuable in the world. It still belongs about It was the outcome of a deal Lady Duofold £5 to the Tate family. There is only one lu horses with William Cody, other- Y ou know Parker Duo vein of Georgia marble, and the old wise known as Buffalo Bill. Accord- ANNOUNCING fold—the beautiful big man got it all—a solid block three- l“g to Sanger, Cody thought himself lacquer-red pen w ith th e flashing black tipa eighths of a mile wide, four miles by fur the more im portant sliowmun. The association of a n d 25>year auper- long and two hundred feet to a half- In the course of the prelim inaries to a m o o th p o in t. N e a t gold pocket-clip or gold Dr. W. M. KELLY mile deep, the estim ated worth of the deal. Bill sent a representative to ring-and for ribbon; also at rong Gold Girdie. which today, according to experts, runs Sanger with a message to the effect of Spokane, W ash., w a s 11 extra, now Creel up to »105.000,000,000. and is still run- that “The Honorable William F. Cody” T o d a y , step up to our — w ith pen counter and get nlng. It has been worked now for refused to take a penny less than so yo u r Christm as Duo- more than fifty years and in all that much for the horses. fe’ i In tim e to have Dr. F. V. PRIME I . a> engraved. time they have only scratched the sur- Sanger, who hail the gift of giving H erm iston. Oregon face of about three acres of It. They »eat replies, and who also was not have dug out of it such buildings as going to he outdone, w ithout more E venings and S undays by Appioiat- the Corcoran A rt gallery and the Pun- ado sent back this terse message: m ent. American building In Washington, the "If yon are the Hon. W. F. Cody, Rhode Island state capltoi, the New- then, hang it. I’m Lord George Sanger From now until they are all gone York Stock exchange, the Federal Re- > —and I won’t give a ha'penny more I will sell one ladles brooch at one- W. J. W A R N E R serve banks of Cleveland and Atlanta, | than I stipulated for the horses." the Field museum In Chicago, t h e : And from that day on "Lord” quarter the regular price, with every Acturney-at-Law Statue of Civic V irtue in New York j George Sanger he remained. purchase of $5.00 or more. city, and thousands of lesser monu- ---------——_______ _ Hermiston : ; : Oregon ments, but you would hardly know it. Elephant Noted for —W. O. Saunders in Collier's. SPECIAL Much Care and Taste Put Into Panama Hat Keen Sense of Smell WM. H. OGDEN What the elephant lacks in vision is more ihan comiwnsated for b.v the animal's keen sense of smell. His JEWELER AMD WATCHMAKER Counting the number of rings of trunk is prubuhly the best smelling strands in the crown reveals tlie qual apparatus in the world, and he de ity of panama hats. The more of pends first of all on his sense of smell. these there are the better the grade. When he is at all suspicious lie Color, texture and shape are Itnpor- moves his trunk round in every di- ten t factors, too and If any broken re(.li()11, g0 tbat the ,lfegt , / , straw s are revealed the value is de- i the air reac„ SEE te r F, W h’ i“ g Wav" ,he f u n k Is the most hat' Is n vc h ? ' f I*™,, Pa“ a1nm [ « f ‘»»’<«nary part of that most ex- woven X bleached after being traordlnary anIlual> fhe Provl(lence woven. Those of superior grade are I journal says the original color of the little strips j „ Is pntlre|y gt of leaves from a dwarf palm-tree an(, lt ,.aI) , urn |n )|ny (li,.P(.tl’ nPan,, plan that grows In Ecuador and other baii tremendous strength There Is h H ! American conn- bone in lt, but |t , , \ onst™ ™ ( * I'1« weave the best interwoven muscles and sinew so — FOR— hats. It takes three months or mor ( rougb tbat you ca„, gcarce, t ,t to finish those of the highest quality. J w|( b a kn|fe J All the work is done by hand and only From It an elephant can shoot a the best and longest liber Is used. stream of water th at will put out a - ; I Reports that the most expensive lire, and with it he can lift a tree hats are woven only by candle light trunk weighing a’ ton or pull a deli or under w ater are said to be erro cate blade of grass. He drinks with neous. However, the straw Is kept it, feeds himself with It, smells with —AND— damp and nt night the unfinished hats ’ it, works with It und fights with It. are hung where they will be exposed to the dew so that they can be worked on without danger of breaking the R elations to N ature strands the following day. In general one may say that the hus bandman’s Is the oldest and most uni versal profession, und that, where a L o ttery Once H arvard A id man does not yet discover in himself In Interesting bit of information re any fitness for one work more than an garding the early history of Harvard other. tills may be preferred. But the college is derived from an edition of doctrine of tlie farm is merely tills, the Columbian Sentinel, a weekly news that every man ought to stand In pri paper, printed In Boston, September 14, mary relations with the work of the 1796. It states that when George Wash world ¡ out to do It himself, and not to UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. ington was President of the United suffer the accident of his having a E. R. Pell, U m atilla, Oregon States Harvard college wns supporting purse in his pocket, or his having been Phone U m atilla, 3 8 - J - ll itself partly by grand lotteries, with a bred to some dishonest and Injurious capital prize of *20,000. Tickets were craft, to sever lilm from those duties; Operating Stage* Between Pendleton and Umatilla sold for 25 cents, says tlie Boston and for this reason, th at labor is God's Globe. E ffective November 10, 1924 education; that he only Is a sincere The fonr-page papers of that day, learner, he only can become a master, Lenve A. M. P. M. witli advertlsm ents confined largely to who learns the secre.s of labor, and ............. 8:30 12:15 auction sales, contained much material who by real cunning extorts from Na U m atilla U erm ist' ., .................... 8:50 12:35 in brief. There were no large head ture its scepter.—Emerson. lines and news from Europe, brought S tan F id .. .................... 1:15 1:10 by ship, was often many months old. Echo ........... .................... 9:3ff- 1:15 "L ittle B ird Told M e ” The Issue of September 14, 1796, as an t 2:30 example, carried a nqws Item stating In early days superstitious people P. M. P. M. Leave th at “on the 25th of June (the latest paid considerable attention to the birds Pendleton 4:00 ...................12:00 date) General Bonaparte was at and their different cries, which were be 5:16 Bologna," lieved to foretell events. Tlius comes Keho ........ ................... 1:15 tlie old saying. "A little bird told me,” S tanfield .. ................... 1:30 6:30 -Sfiys the London Dally Mail. 1:55 6:56 Thieves C art A w a y Honse Traces of this belief are to be found 6:16 The daring and the Ingenuity of in our own Old Testam ent; where verse Ar. U m atilla ................. 2:16 Sunday schedule: Leave U m atilla modern thieves occasion frequent sur 20 of chapter 10 of Ecclesiastes speaks prises for tlie police of various cities. of “for a bird of the air shhll carry 9:00 A. M. P endleton 4:00 P. M. Articles picked up and carted away the voice, and that which hath wings U m stilla to P endleton, *1.46; range from things whose apparent shall tell the m utter," It Is generally valne to any other than the rightful agreed that lt is from this belief in the round trip . *2.50. H erm iston to P endleton, >1.25; owner would seem nil, to things so universal knowledge of birds—-wiiivii, huge th at it would nppear almost Im of course, are supposed to see every round trip . *2.26. possible to aonceal them. A complaint thing from tho s k y - that we get tills S tanfield to Pendleton, >1.05; recently filed with the P aris police by saying. round t r i p / *1.75. a Mme. Cahert said that her whole E cho to P endleton, 95 cents; ---------------------- house had been stolen, says the Nd* ronnd trip *1.60. C lergym an H arness M aher York Times. Mine. Cahert stated An Anglican clergyman, Rev. Canon th at she had hulk n house of wood Ir. the Rue de la Cnltpetrlere. She was Charles Griffiths of Bristol, England, English Cathedrals Go called away to visit a dying aunt and wns the proprietor of u prosperous Far Bach in History when she returned the house hud dis manufacturing business In tho E iir I end of London, the pnbllcation of his appeared. The great cathedrals of England in will discloses, tile New York Times many instances replace former edifices suys. Tlie business, the manufacture that were erected by the early Chris N o t G u ilty of harness for tradesm en's horses, was Child naivete is always delicious established In 1760. and was left t< tians wiio formed part of the ancient Take, for example, the little girj who , the canon by the will of u relative 12 Brltisli church, and wliicli were later forgot that her m othe^Jiud said sin years ago. Tlie canon is said lo linve destroyed by tire or otherwise, a w riter did not wish to be disturbed during been a generous employer, and tlie In the Mom real Family Ileruld relates. For Instance, Canterbury cathedral siesta hour. business grew to large proportions un was first hiilll in 60S, on tlie site of The child forgot and went and der Ills supervision. an old church dating from very early tapped on the door, only to he sharp!} ages. It'w as destroyed l,y lire In 1007, reminded when her mother woke up and Archbishop Langfanc, on takin:; and demanded to know who was wo» ’ F am ily Tract knocking. ' woman engaged a new maid, with office In 1071), undertook tlie rebuilding “It was me, mother.” cried the little whoS1' appearance und manner she was of an entirely now church. This lasted one quickly, “hut It ain’t now.” fgreatly pleased. When tlie term s had until about 1100, when under Ansleni, ------ «. , been agreed upon the m istress snld; Lnngfranc’s successor, E rulf rebuilt • t l Lt 1 “Now. my last mnld wns much t o o ! ,h * eastera part A fire destroyed Charm ing th o u g h t friendly with the policemen. I hope I ,,f *hc l,,’ril'»ii of the building It was after dinner nnd the talk had can tru st you?” ’ ln 1174. uml from that year William turned to psychoiogy. This dlstnrle “Indeed you ran, madam," she re- n t Sfn'1 took Ibe work of rebuild ing question had just been p u t: plied. ”1 can’t bear policemen. I was ,n<t untl1 11'**, wli 11. on his suffering When does old sge really begin?” ' brought up to hate the very sight of ' »“ 'e re Injury by falling from a scuf- To establish a formula was proving tliem. ïo u see, my father was „ 1 fold, another William, commonly dis rath er difficult, when one lady, who burglar." tinguished as “the Englishman,” car did not look her years, found the fol- ' ______________ _ ried on the work and completed It In 11S4. Many alterations and changes "To me, old nge Is always fifteen W ater Inside C rystal hnvs been made during the ensti'ng yenrs older than I *m.”—Cyrano, I Oliver Farrington, curator of the centuries. I might mention that as Field museum In Chicago, brought from early us WW. Theodore of Tio-teis, of Paris. South America n piece of quartz tj1P city j«t. Paul, was elected arch- containing a small amount of perfect- bishop of Canterbury, not appointed, Like A ll th e R est ly clear wider Wli!-h can lie seen plain- j hoth the king of Nortliunihrla und the "The vprj thought of marrlaip* ly Inside (lie crystal. According lo ik iu g of Kent a c q u ie s c in g ln his elec- ala nos me. Fancy having a husband geologists. this w ater may have been i t|on. He wns the first archbishop to sliout the place dny In day out.” in this crystal for Kl.tksi.fMKI or HMI,- receive the nllegian e of the whole of “Ibin't you worry, dear. If yon nno.imo years. The crystal lielongs fo ■ tbe English church. m arry Jack It will soon be day to,: the Archetm ngp which existed hun- night out, with him.”—London Mall. dred« ,,f minions of year* ago DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Osteopathic Physician and Surge«* Offiee Phone Res. 712 t*> McKENZIE & IIEUAILEN Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Bax removed from hta fo rm er location in the • Bond Bldtr. to Roonn 1, 2 and 3 Inland E m pire Bank BM <. Pendleton HITT :: Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian T reats all Domestic Animals. In te r sta te Stock Inspector GUNS AMMUNITION - C F»' Residence second house west of thv Cnthollo church. P hone, Sz-R W HKI IN A FULL UNE P E N D IzR T O N MANE YCUR HKADUU A R TK R S —AT— WESTERN AUTO CO. Cottonwood and Water St». COUFITTE GARAGE SERVICE Tire»— Tube»— Accessorie» MWAYS OPEN PH0NE OSO Tom P -'earingen, Mgr. ’ S « S » n T 7 ” e » 'e i3 ', i n « T S l ’ ’ J. I . VAUGHAN « Electric Fixture* and Appliance* ■ Phon$ 139 zj 2 0 3 ■. C o u r t S t. P e n d l e t o n , O r e . J iH B B uaB R D naaaB B aauae :iiiiii-j2is:aa*gENi ur ■ . ALL SHOES ! 5 25 per cent off. g i - i 5 $1.25 2 ■ Men’s Half Soles £ «With Heels $1.75j OAK TAN SHOE STORE Sam Rodgers, Prop. Burt Mullens CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY Annouiicment I have purchased the con fectionery known as P a t’s Place and solicit a share of your patronage. Krause’s Chocolates