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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1924)
HM Free Soap We< N O V EM BER 26-28-29 LOCAL AND FU SO M I. ■ BUVITUS ■ A frio a ltw a l »tatiitic« u l e « T kra T ie Eye, , f a F a n w n w ife RECORD DISASTER YEAR KEPT RED CROSS BUSY 1 have been wondering what would happen If we ahould walk boldly In to the “strictly private” office of the In 192 Places In United States W. J. Warner. local attorney, was merchant, the lawyer, the manufac (get any Its Relief Operations a bueJnes» »jallo* inJ^MUeton Mon turer. the contractor,'or other business office, and demand an day. Cost $737,603. inspection of his private records, and Carl Voyen has taken the hou»« learn exactly what be Is doing and One hundred and ninety-two disas lately vacated by Dr. Gale, and the how many dollars lie Is making at ters resulting In 735 deaths and Injury the game? house formerly occupied by the Voy- to 1,933 persons, rendering nearly I am Inclined to believe we would 44.000 homeless and causing property ens baa Leen rentced by Mr. Dun receive a pressing invitation to go losses estimated at more than 344,750,. lap. 000, established a new record In the about our bustnesn. United States In the year ended last But the farmer Is the one poor R. Alexander and Mrs. H. W. Col- June 30. according to reports of the i llnB of Pendleton, were guests at goat who Is kept so busy earning his American Red Cross. In all of these Hons share of the taxes that go to disasters Immediately relief activity ’ the Dodd home over the week end. Pay a fat salary to a well groomed was applied by the Red Cross, which expended 3737.003.37 through the na Miss Lila McMillan is doing sten army of leisure loving Individuals tional organization and the local ographic work at the government who spin up to the farm gate in a Chapters in assisting stricken com- office. shining automobile (probably bought muaities. with the taxpayers money, to be cast the “anon nation's a cnier chief reiicr relief agency., to be cast Mrs. Jay Pelmulder left this week aside when the shine Is off and re- whose service covers over 43 years. nionoH «.343. ------ the Red Cross is expected to be on new), a and for • Woodburn she will Join wuuuui si where n n c ic «ne w in jo in | placed with ........ «»ww/, u u a demands em an a g a Mr. Pelmulder, who has been there ! ful1 and Htrlct account of every line duty almost as soon as disaster strikes any locality. This trust and ____ . . nf « . .. for some time getting green homes of huslnss he may be engaged in. confidence is amply justified by the ready for the florist business which And this tame old "hay seed” prompt increasing equipment of the Red ly digs up his old accounts and lab Cross, which recently organized a mo he will start there. oriously figures It up, while Uncle bile disaster unit of experienced work Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Gale will leave Sammle’s favored sons puff away at ers ready in all parts of the country to respond on the instant to a call . .. soon for the Valley, where they will a a fire fire menee!» menacing cigarette. And J the ! lo for resP°na active duty. This unit Is capable lÄrmPr tl/A W /tee.. I _X . - . . e look around for a time before open farmer wonders between the lines of operating in several disaster areas ing an office. Just how many hours he will have under one general direction, and re to clip from both ends of his mid cently was at work in seven communi C. II. Skinner laRt week traded in night nap In order to catch up with ties in five states at the same time. Ability, alertness and increasing his ranch southwest of town for the time this government salaried skill of volunteer workers in more Individual will squander for him. town property In Moscow, Idaho. than 3,500 Chapters are reasons for of xteu Red eruas Cross ior for And in In uue due tune time tne the gathered sta- sta the preparedness u, Rev. and Mrs. Young left the first tlstlcs are sent to Washington D C 1 <llaaster operations, be the call for a of the week for Hot Lake where Mrs. and turned over to aaother silk shirU I dt’ turbanca In a restricted local area Young will remain for medical treat ed army of government employees. or for millions in relief funds for a staggering catastrophe sucji as the ment. Mr. Young will return In a and after many weeks of short hours earthquake In Japan. few days. ; they are condensed and compiled The Red Cross, however. Is far Into the most accommodating flies from being self-satisfied, for tile or Mr. Kelley Is building a three car for the wall street gamblers. They ganization Is giving the most serious garage at the rear of his residence In turn glance through the list and consideration to measures for pre ® venting disasters. Its relief adminis on Gladys avenue. make a note of every commodity tration and rehabilitition policies that promises a shortage. The buy- have won for it nation wide regard. Mr. and Mrs. Robinett and little ers then get busy. The props are! I T hat this im portant work can always daughter Effie Irene, of Portland, knocked from under the commodity i measure “P to every demand needs s were home on a visit. Mrs. Robinet the price Is beaten down =„ , the continu<’<> support of the Amer- get It J ,can people throl,gh Red Cr°sa Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J thev y can n get It and still bully “old j bershlp. The annual enrollment will Kennings seed” Into marketing the crop. As begin Armistice Day, November II, soon as they have succeeded In cor and every American is urged to Join The M. E. Ladles Aid will hold nering the supply, the price begins or renew membership in the Red their annual bazaar and sale on to double and treble and quadruple, Cross. Saturday P. M., December 13. The until t ils purse proud nation has a Help yourself by helping other» location will be announced later. few more millionaires to boast of, with your dollar Red Cross member and Incidentally a few more starving ship. The dividend in good works is c. S. McNaught and Henry Hitt children and aged men and women guaranteed. were Pendleton visitor,, Tuesday. who pass on every year because the grim necessities of life became too Bob Lewis of Echo was in Her short. But what matter, there Is miston on business Wednesday. always a surplus of both the children end the aged. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Biggs drove to Now, brother farmer, what shall Pendleton Wednesday. we do about it? Shall we let this easy Job supplying business thrive Mrs. C. S. McNaught, Mrs. J. F. Indefinitely, or shall we take a McNaught, Mrs. C. E. Baker and ’tand against this outrage, and In Mrs. J. W. Campbell drove to Pen form the next statistician who com»s dleton Tuesday. Miss Hall, county along, that we have gone out of librarian, accompanied them to Her business with Wall street, and have miston and spoke before the Parent no Information to hand out? Teacher association. Respectfully submitted by, Mrs. F. B. Pennock. Miss Ellen Hill went to Pendleton Saturday. I T W < About tbo Cltr oad N.i«hborhood PEETS WASHING MACHINE SOAP CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP CREME OIL SOAP A. B. NAPTHA SOAP 10 BARS CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 10 BARS CREME OH. TOILET SOAP $1.35 ’S' $1.00 1 LARGE PACKAGE PEETS WASHING MACHINE SOAP BARS CREME OIL TOILET SOAP * 2 A 2AXLO V ÄXaJiJCa UIL iUUdüT bUAr value for 60c 40c 7 BARS CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP— 3 PARS CREME OIL SOAP PKGS. a 2 l LARGE akul P K G S . PEETS PEETS WASHING WASHING MACHINE MACHINE SOAP SOAP $1.40 value 'S' for $1.00 8 LARGE PKGS^PEETS WASHING MACHINE SOAP **' FREE ’S" $1.49 CASE DEAL WITH EACH CASE OF CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP AT $4.75 H E R M IS T O N :» H O U S E ■f IÑ C . O S Q U A L IT Y « N O S Z R V IC V | Legal Blanks at The Herald Office First. The patented Air Tight construction giving nerf^r control over the fire, and preventing the escape up the chimney of heat and unburned fuel gases, giving perfect combustion of all the fuel. Second The all-steel sensitive radiating surface which radl- atea all the heat Into the room and gives a »tilling heat. Third. The patented Top Hot Blast Draft which oxidises and turns Into heat the valuable gas, half of the fuel, allowing noth ing to waste. * Thes three basic principles entering Into all Cole’s Hot Blasi Heaters make them world,fpmous for fuel economy and perfect control and radiation of 4ieat. We now have a complete stock of Cole’s Heaters and if yon are in the market for a heater it will be to yenr advantage to inves tigate the merits of the Cob’s Hot Blast before buying a cheap er Heater. Oregon Hdwe. & Implement THE WINCHESTER STORE A T T E N T IO N j _ We are offering som e very choice cuts from extra fine- 5 Hereford and Durham Beeves 5 ■ ■ Also a good line o f ■ Premium Hams.Bacon and Hoily • > Brand Lard ! at a good price Phone U s Your Orders—We Deliver. Cash Paid for Eggs, Chickens, Turkeys, Veal Hides, Etc. YOURS FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE H ERM ISTO N M A R K E ! In Parker Store Bldg. Phone 4 n Subscribe for The Herald~$2.00 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR The Neighborhood club met at the UMATILLA COUNTY WE WILL HAVE A CAR OF STOVE COAL AND A CAR OF LUMP COAL ON THE TRACK FRIDAY, SATUR DAY AND MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 22 AND 24. I FREE Otto C. Pierce c The Three Basic Principles jn the Construction o f Cole’s Original Hot Blast Heaters ^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■!«BB«BBBBBBBBBBBB|iMl 15 BARS CREME OIL SOAP OR 3 LARGE PKGS. PELTS WASHING MACHINE SOAP. K I N G S L E Y ’S COLE’S O R IG IN A L H O T HEATERS WE THINK COAL home of Mrs. S. D. Thomas Wed nos C. W. Kellogg and John Schlmke, day, November 12. There was an ¿■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaHaaB Interesting program. The next meet Plaintiffs, vs. William Brown and Ing will be held at the home of Mrs Mlnta Brown. hlB wife. Defendant». Summons. Law No. 3086. Howard Reid the first Wednesday RED CROSS RAISES $10,030,000 To William Brown, one of the In December with Mrs. Belscamper IN 21 DAYS FOR RELIEF above named defendants. aa hostess. I»J . AH’ . / V i / . Ark 411 In the Name of the State of Ore Terrible catastrophes, such as the Mrs. F. A. Phelps was In Board gon, You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed Japanese earthquake, prove the wis man Wednesday on business. in the above entitled action within dom of the people in maintaining the »lx week» from the first publication American Red Cross as their national and International relief agency. The The annual stockholders meeting of this summons, and you will take readiness of the Red Cross for duty In of the Hermiston Dairy and Hog notice that If you fail to appear and the greatest of emergencies was also show Is called for Saturday, Novem answer or plead within that time, proved by test ber 29. at 2 o’clock at-the office of The record shows: Sept. 3 Presi • he plaintiffs for want thereof will the Inland Empire Lumber Co. dent Coolidge assigns the duty of rais apply to the above entitled Court for ing 35.000.000 to the American Red the relief prayed for In plaintiff’s Cross; Sept 4, Red Cross Chapters in The turkey shoot held at the Pete complaint herein, to-wit for Judg over 3,500 communities given fund al Sheridan ranch lust Sunday was well a ment against the above named de lotments; Sept 12, fund totals 35,563,. R attended. A number from Hermis fendants for the sum of 3300.00 with 000; Sept 17, fund nearly 33.000,000 a ton was on hand to enjoy the sport. Interest thereon at the rate of 10 and President announces formal clos « ing of campaign; Sept. 27. fund passes FS per cent per annum from October 1, $10,000,000 mark. a The Christian Science services « rt 1921 and the further sum of 355.00 In 21 bnsines-s days the Red Cross held In rooms next to the Auditorium attorney’s fees and for p lain tiffs doubly performed the duty entrusted every Sunday at 11 o’clock. Sunday costs and disbursements In this ac to It—all the while keeping a steady school at 10:15. All are cordially tion, and for an order of sale dir Bow of relief supplies going out from many Pacific ports to the stricken Invltjd to attend. Wednesday eve ecting the sale of the following des ning meeting first Wednesday each cribed real property, to-wit: Lots 5 areas In Japan. Thus was the confi dence of the American people in their month. and 6 In Block C and Lots 5, 7 and Red Cross Justified and the wisdom of 8 in Block D in the First Addition Red Cross prep 43 lines« to cope with an unprecedented relief emergency to Hermiston. Umatilla County. Ore confirmed. *O U TCLV t H gon, according to plat thereof filed March 8, 1907, In the office of the County Recorder of Umatilla County, Oregon, which property has been heretofore attached In the above en *♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ titled action and Is now held under ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ writ of attachment, the proceeds ♦ The time to buy a radio set is now. from such sale to be applied in satis ♦ faction of plaintiff’s Judgment and Good radio sets will not soon be ♦ cheaper. There will be Improve all costs. ♦ ments; so v, .11 there be improvements This summons Is published pursuant In autos, law n mowers and mouse ♦ to an order of the Honorable Gilbert traps, as well as in most other things. ♦ W. Phelps, Judge of the above en- ♦ The air Is full of Just the kind of j titled Court, duly made and entered ♦ entertainment you desire. It is free In the above entitled action on the and you might a,s well enjoy it now, ♦ A »oft heart won’t hurt a hard 10th day of October, 1924 direct- and when improvements are made ♦ headed man. itig that service of the summons add thorn to your set. ♦ «rr«’’.neeb’. n»a,1kbi pub» « “ ° “ there.I i„ buying a set. get a good one ♦ f ( n< e a week for a period of «lx I one BUILT by a reliable company; ♦ A GOOD STEAK DDINKR consecutive week, in the Hermiston j do not buy an assembled ♦ it is Will make your heart happy. , Herald and the flrat publication here- i an orphan now. and do not b n , a ♦ made pursuant to said order re-radlatlng set thnt will squeak and We guarantee to give you tha ♦ .on the l( th day of October, 1934. kind that Is pure, wholesome—and howl when you try to tune In a sta ♦ W. J. Warner, our price» are the Lowest Possible. tion. interfering with every other Attorney for Plaintiffs. set for m ile, around, as there may: ♦ •-7»« P. O. Address. soon be a law against their use. ♦ The NORTWBF ! - Hermleton, Oregon. is Bl~lLT by ♦ a reliable company. It w ill not re ♦ you ean't maki it squeal; It ♦ Gloria Swanson In 'The Humming . i radiate, w Is fully guaranteed and price is rea ♦ Bird.” is said to be the ^ 'le n n s M » . JOHN fctxof. PROP. ♦ ura of h»r career it will ba _ _ shown,, ♦ Thursday. November 34 add IT, ¡When You Smile WILL GO UP THIS MONTH. YOU HAD BETTER PUT IN A SUPPLY OP THIS FROM THE CAR S W ith K elly-Sp ringfield T ires ' BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE. MATERIALLY YOURS, TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. R. A. Brownson, Mgr. It is because you realize they re ■ the best money can buy. W e Sell Them j Pearsons Garage TS>u tell ’ em A Beautiful Colonial r ip tf valued at 350 oo will • w y free. With each ^ p u r c h a s e of 31.26 we w , r « r.: k . . .’ 7,’ ? s x s r r ,- - «1 in time to time clock Mopped, will reclv.^ thta X k Dee"’" ' Also, for a short time, we will *iv„ . a ,., , * f on account or on notes owing ua provided th e ° .nGCh ” S# “*"* note la taken up at the time. This means you would If you owe a 310.00 account and pay it in full. * - SomeMing to Consider Friends. SA PPE R S’ INC. RADIO M E A T ., A . \V. P R A N K ¡