Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1924)
gE B M IST O y HgRALD, g E K in S T O y , ORTOQK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 0 1 THE R A T E OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY Western Irrigation Company, Plaintiff, vs. Georgs L. Pullen, Defendant. . Summons. Equity No. »947. Herald Want Ads Bring You Results To George L. Pullen, . the above — TRY THE HERALD WART ADR— named defendant. Legal Blanks fo r Sale a t This Office W h y N o t T r y T h is ? Many schemeg have been devised to help the poor man against times of trouble. For instance, accident insurance, loan associations, sica benefits, etc., but all require periodi cal payments to some company that carrles the risk. Why not adopt the plan of mak ing some of these payments to your self, so that you may have the use of the money all the time? It Is easy. Just open an account at our Bank. Add to it as regularly as you would make payments on any 8ort of Insurance. Then if sickness comes, there is the money subject to your check. And sick or well, the money is always YOURS. WEST END FARMERS H ave learned th a t The H erald prints th e • bast b u tter w rappers. sise , 9 by 12 inches. 100 200 300 500 First National Bank el HerssistOB C ap ita l, Basplas and U nd ivid ed P ro fits O v e r »SO,0 0 0 r. * Away so. Pres. R. Alezader, Vice-Pre A. H. Kertoa, Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier NOTICE! U n r a ld pub lishes g en u in e paid w a n t ads th an an y oth er x p a r published in a c ity o f th e sa m e sise in E a st ern O regon. TH ER E’S A REASON for for for for W e have th e large Our prices a r e — $1.25 $2.00 $2.60 $3.75 M any are b u yin g them in th e larger quan titie s, b u t w e are here to serve you all. I f you w a n t only a fe w w e have them w ith o u t th e nam e. T hese w e sell as fo llo w s — Try Burk’s for bargains. LOST or stolen, two black horses, one 8 and one 6 years old. Not ify Carl Sehachermeyer. 11-ltc • 12 30 62 100 WANTED— Boarders, »25 per month Mrs. A. M. Smith, Hermiston. 10-2p FOR RENT— Furnished room. H. E. Hanby. 10-tfc for for for for 10 25 50 80 cents cents cents cents FOR RENT— Four room house and full alze basement. Mrs. James Gent. »-tfc “The Home of Good Printing” LEVELING LAND—See Peter Caa- trlc, experienced and reliable, 2 miles north of Hermiston. 4-tfc THE HERMISTON HERALD io* Hermiston Beauty Shop is one of the best equipped shops in the state. The beet of services at reasonable prices. For appointment call 481. bale FOR SALB—Two wagons, one heavy FOR SALE— Milk cows. Lou Rog ers. »-tfe wagon with gravel box, »50; one light wagon with hay rack, »25. AGENTS— Sell guaranteed hosiery See R. A. Brownson, Tum-A-Lum direct from mill to wearer; all 7-tfc Lumber Co. styles and colors; salary paid for full time or spare hours; no money WEANED PIGS tor sale. R. C. Can- needed for samples. International 7-2t field. Mills, 1038, Norristown, Pa. FOR SALE—Small potatoes, 60c a ll-2 tp Chezlk. For sale -T h ree fine heifers year old past. C. Clinesmith. SALE—Some good fresh milch oows. Mrs. L. Hammer, 4 miles east of town. S-tto FO R For Sale—Six room house and tw o room cabin, barn and out buildings on Bohn ranch 4 m iles Qort o f town- M ust be m oved at once. Terms. E. I. D avis Have the curtains on your car repaired before winter sets in. Burk’a for bargains. Polands for Profits. Stlllinga. 17tf TO« BALE CHEAP— Maxwell tour- lng ear. O. F. Mays, Stanfield. I AM MAKING REGULAR TRIPS TO 41-tfc Pendleton Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. If you have anything t'OR SALE— Teem of horses. J. K. to be hauled to or from the above 18-tfc Bhotwell. named city, I would appreciate your business along this Uns. I Z FOR SALE—Small heater and elec am also In the market for chickens tric sewing machine. Mrs. 8hes- and veal. Ray Challis, Phone sly. 4-tfc 20-R. Pendleton phone 400. 9-tfe Small work horse, fine for cultivating, riding or driving. Will trade for heifer calf or phoat. J H. Reid. 2tc VOTE 306 YTS— And save the Dairy Industry. K N E R R ’S R E P A I R S H O P JUNIOR AMERICAN REi PLAYH O U SE CROSS ARMY 5,596,663 W ednesday-Thursday Children of 29,942 Schools Now Enrolled In Movement of Service to Humanity. N O V . 26-27 FOR SALE OR TRADE— 6-room bungalow with bath, lot 100x100 la the city of Oreeham. Will ex change for good house In Her miston. Address Ike Howard, Ione, Ore. ll- 4 t c SID N P EY OLCOTT R O D U C T IO N FOR SALE— »-foot disk with tongue Wurster, R. F. D., Echo. 10-3tp USED CARS FOR SALE— Terms given. 'Prices right. Kellogg A Schlrake. 11-tfc MB0ELLANEOUI Furniture Repaired and Upholster ing done. A. W. Purdy. 2-tfc TOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel- logg A Schlmke. 2-6 tc { WANTED—Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hoe. lery for men, women and children. Eliminate darning. 8alary »75 a week full time. »1.50 an hour spare time. Beautiful spring line. International Stocking Mills, Nor- rlstown, Pa. J»-20tp WANTED— Phene, write or see W. A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa hay for sale, la any quantity. 46-J-6. 9-tfe 'ATE EXCHANGES AND J. M. EKK». BE AUTE*. 26-tfC Burk Is henrqusrters for Army For Rent—Good 5 room house. 1 mile out. Good road and water, $10 Charles Clinesmith. 46 dr For Rent—3 room cottage on west lido. A. w . Agnew. 21-J-2 W k n e HUMMING Bi i©‘ r a t SCI T t o tr A0CLR4 2U K O R . ANO j£ « 5 E LAC A V Tne best picture of Gloria Swan son’s career, and one worth making a special effort to see. Doors open 7:15, starts 7:30. Admission 10-50c The American Junior Red Cross, which was organised as a children'» auxiliary daring war-time» sspeelally to help the young refugees In Europe, and to exemplify In peace-time the Red Cross ideal of service, has now a membership of 6,59»,MS In the schools of the United States and the Insular possessions. This Junior movement gives oppor tunity for the children to share In Red Cross effort parallel to that of the parent organisation. Juniors are therefore Identified In varying degree with the health services, disaster re lief work, salvage and other suitable activities of value to the operations of the Red Cross. It is a valiant boat marching on under Its “I Serve” banner In the cause of happier childhood every where and particularly wherever the American flag flies. The enrollment embraces 29,942 schools and 147,49» school rooms, a gain over 192» of »,(56 schools and 22,414 school rooms. The year’s gain in membership was 7(9,492 children, or nearly 80,000 for each month of the school year. The educational and social values of the Junior Red Cross movement is thus evidencing the Arm and cordial endorsement of school authorities. The government hae added the weight of recognition by extending the Junior Red Cross In the schools for American Indian children. The American Red Cross Is also planning to develop the Junior program In (00 rural schools In isolated sections. There Is no abatement of the ex change of correspondence between schools In the United States and schools in the insular possessions and foreign lands. During the year the Junior Red Cross in pert support ed operations in twelve European countries. It la a potent Influence for the cultivation of International good will and Ha example has been the means of stimulating the formation of Junior Red Cross societies In more than thirty countries. College and University The college has about the same re lation to a university that a state has to the federal government—that Is. as a rule, many colleges go to make a university. The term university, however, has been used loosely In the United States, sometimes applied to an Institution offering noa-professlonal Instruction beyond the bachelor's de gree ami having affiliated professional •choois. In the Name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint In the above entitled matter within six weeks from the first publication of thia summons and you will take not ice that if you fall to appear and answer or plead within that time the plaintiff, for want thereof will apply to the above entitled court for thé relief prayed for In Its complaint herein to-wit; First, for a decree that defendant George L. Pullen ls indebted to plain tiff In the sum of »60.00 with Inter est thereon at ( per cent per annum from June 1st, 1922, and for the fur ther sum of »60.00 with Interest 1 thereon at 6 per cent per annum I from June 1st, 1928, and the further sum of »60.00 with Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from June ! 1st, 1924, until paid and tor plain ; tlff'a coats and disbursements of this suit; and for a further decree that the said turns are a first and prior Hen on all the Interest of the de- ■ rendant In the Northeast Quarter o» j the Southeast Quarter of Section 17. Twp. 4, North, Range 28, E. W. M. I contanlng forty acres, together with all water rights appurtenant there to, and Second, for a further decree that ( the defendant be required to pay the said sums In sub-paragraph one hereinabove mentioned to the plaln- : tiff within thirty days after a de cree Is entered herein and to pay all ] delinquent taxes against the said premises described In paragraph one hereinabove and that In the event of the failure of the defendant to so I pay the said Bums that strict foreclos- I ure be decreed of said contract and that said contract be declared to be terminated and at an end and all rights of the defendant therein and in said premise,, be declared termi nated and ended, and Third, for a further decree that the defendant George L. Pullen is in debted to plaintiff In the sura of »60.00 with Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from June 1st, 1922, and for the further sum of »60.00 with interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from June 1st, 1923, and for the further sum of »80.00 with interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from June 1st, 1924, until paid and for plaintiff's costs and dis bursements of this suit; and for a further decree that the said sums are a first and prior lien on all the in terest of the defendant in the South west Quarter of the Northwest Quar ter of Section 17, Township 4 North, Range 28, E. W. M. containing forty acres, together with certain water rights appurtenant thereto as here inbefore described, and Fourth, for a further decree that the defendant be required to pay the sad sums in sub-paragraph III here inabove mentoned to the plaintiff within thirty days after a decree is entered herein and to pay all delin quent taxes against the said prem ises described in said paragraph III hereinabove and that In the event of the failure of the defendant to so pay the said sums, that strict foreclosure be decreed of said contract and that said contract be declared to be terminated and at an end and all rights, of the defendant therein and In said premises, be de clared terminated and ended, and Fifth, for a further decree that the defendant George L. Pullen ls in debted to this plaintiff in the sum of »120.00 with Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from June 1st, 1922, and for the further sum of »120.00 with Interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from June 1st, 1923, and the further sum of »120.00 with interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum from June 1st, 1924, un til paid and for plaintiff’s costs and disbursements n this suit; and for a further decree that the said sums are a first and prior Hen on all the Interest of the defendant In the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 4 North, Range 28, E. W. M. containing eighty acres together with certain water rights appurtenant thereto, and Sixth, for a further decree that the defendant be required to pay the Mid sums In aub-paragraph five here inabove mentioned to the plaintiff within thirty days after a decree Is entered herein and to pay all delin quent taxes against the said prem ises described in paragraph five here inabove and that In the event of the failure of the defendant to so pay the said sums; and that strlcl foreclosure be be decreed of said contract and that said contract be declared to be terminated and at an end and all rights of the defendant therein and In said premises be de clared terminated and ended, and Seventh, for a decree for such other and further relief as to equity which may seem meet and proper In this suit. This summons Is published pursu ant to order of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and entered on the 7th day of October. 1934, directing that publication herein be made once a week for a period of six consecu tive weeks In the Hermiston Herald, a newspaper published In Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, and the first publication herein Is made pur suant to said order on the 23rd day of October, 1924. Raley, Raley * Bteiwer, and H. J. ... Warner, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postoffice Addrese, Pendleton. Ore- 6-7tC con. ........ ~ LODGE DIRECTORY SEE H IT T QUEEN 1 ^ ä ^ m ^ c - ä i i . welcunw. A l i e C. S h s tv * h . u i r y n L O a r s w ■ S«c. yiNEYAKJP^LODGE NO^tOS. LJ>. haU. “vhTtiá¡r5swb«.c«edtalí?WvSl* ' W. R. Loashorn. 8 « . — FOR— GUNS M. L. W *lMe.N. « . RECLAMATION LODGI Ne. IM, E . of P . muets sech Thunder e te Mack's Hell, at 7AO P M. Vlattiaa brother, cordiali» inrlted. W. H. McMillan R. A. Brawnseu. K. R. and 8. CC. PROFESSIONAL CARDS D B F . V . P R IM E —AND— Dentistry Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis A M M U N IT IO N Bank Bid«. H trru iitai, Ore«on R«el Dr. R. G. GALE, Snrgaoi A FULL UNE Loatlon, Bank Bldg., Rooms 1 and > Phones: Office 961. Res. I l l WATCHES Office Hours: 10 to 11:30 A. M., 1 to 6 P. M. W. J. W A R NER WHY NOT BUY THAT WATCH FROM Attorney-at-Lxw Hermiston Oregon DR. W. W. ILLSLEY OGDEN Osteopathic Physician and Surge»« Phone Res. 712 Offios 76» Then— If anything goes wrong s You Can Get Service WM. H. OGDEN JEWELER ATO WATCHMAKER McKENZIE & LIEUALLW Eye, Ear, Nose and Thraat Has removed from h it form er location fa the Bond Bldjr. to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Em pire Beak Bid«. Pendleton Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animals. Iats state Stock Inspector A J. L. VAUGHAN ■ a 2 g 203 Electric Fixtures and Appliances Residence second house west of tl Catholic church. Phone, 82-R. Phene 139 g X. C o u r t a * . P e n d le t o n , O r e . g CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is often caused by an Inflamed condition ot the mucoue lining of the Kustachlan Tube. When thte tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be de stroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for It—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful In the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. E. R. Pell, Umatilla, Oregon Operating Stages Between Pendleton and Umatilla Schedule Efectlve Oct. 1, 1924. Leave A. M. Umatilla ....................................... 8:30 Hermiston ..................................... 8:55 Stanfield ................................. 9:25 Echo .............................................. 9:56 Pendleton........................................ 10:26 Leave P. M. Pendleton ..................................... 4:00 Echo .............................................. 6:15 8tanfield ........................................ 6:35 H erm iston..................................... 6:66 Umatilla ....................................... 6:15 , Umatilla to Pendleton, »1.75; round trip, »2.60. Hermiston to Pendleton. »1.25; round trip, »2.25. Stanfield to Pendleton, »1.06; round trip, »1.75. Echo to Pendleton, 95 cents; round trip (1.50. Hermiston Beauty I 3 Parlor Is one of the best equipped in the state. No expense has been scared to m ak e ^ U ^ i^ to -^ ^ ^ m every detail. A graduate of one of the best beauty culture schools in the northwest is in charge. We Are Here to Serve the Ladies ALL SHOES j 25 per cent off. ■ Men’s Half Soles J $1.25 ■ With Heels $1.75S OAK TAN SHOE STORE Sam Rodgen, Prop. s 3 Burt Mullens C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y Announcment I have purchased the con fectionery known as P at’a Place and solicit a share of your patronage. Krause’s Chocolates The Best in Candies N ewt ¡land Cigars and / obacco H A U L IN G I am now prepared to do haul ing Trip» made to the country. I solicit a share of your patron age George Challis STELLA SHAAR WHEN IN D O IT N O W S en d u i th e p r ic e o f * y e a r ’: subscription if you are in arrears PENDLETO N MAKE YOUR HEAL Q U A R TER S - AT— W ESTERN A U T O CO. Cottonwood and Water Sts. We N eed the Money COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Tires—-Tubes- - Accessories ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 580 —TRT THE HERALD WANT ADS— Tom Swearingen, Mgr.