Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1923)
THE mCBMISTOK ITETULLD, HERMISTON, Olí EGON. Published every Thursday at tier* mieton, Umatilla County. Oregon by Haymond Crowder, Editor and Man ager. Entered as second class matter, December 1904 at the postofflce at Hermiston, Oregon. »■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a BIRDS BECAME A NUISANCE Passenger Pigeons Nested In Such Numbers That They Completely Destroyed the Trees. WEST SIDE MARKET 'O o e d V h ln g e « • E a t " BUILDING MATERIAL "•■■«■•««»■BaBiB»RaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBa roiißlun, : ìjrralò The passenger pigeon presents one of the marvels of bird life. A cen W e h a v e a t a ll tim e s tury ago this bird, now extinct, ex isted In flocks of such gigantic propor tions that the numbers appear almost Subscription Rates Incredible. The general roosting places For One Year ......--------— — ...»2.00 of these vast horde* were usually lo For Six Months --------------- ----»1.00 cated In the tallest and densest for Payable In Advance. ests. As they were birds of very pow A L S O C O U N T R Y C O T T A G E CHINESE erful flight, they apparently often Classified or Local Advertising ranged several miles during the day, 10 cents per line for first Insertion. Free Delivery but at evening returned In a body ' Minimum charge 25 cents. Subse to the roost. The tuli trees for thou- ! (juent Insertions 5 cents per line. sands of acres were completely killed, ; and the ground strewn with massive J THE AUTO CAMP GROUND branches torn down by the clustering Phone 523 It has been suggested that Her , weight of the birds which had rested i i upon them. miston charge the tourist an admit Ion fee to her auto camp grouuu this 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, j Their nesting plnces were even Summer. But wouldn’t It be a good Postal Laws and Regulations, printed ( more wonderful. In Mlchlgnn the largest nesting place In recent years idea first to have something to on the reverse of this form, to-wit: occurred In 1876 or 1877, and was 28 charge for? 1 That the names and addresses J miles long and some three or four Everybody has his hand out to Mr of the publisher, editor, m anaging, miles iu width. The last nesting place Tourist and the moment he appears editor and business managers ls: j of any importance was also in Michi on the scene they develop a chronic Raymond Crowder, Postofflce ad gan In 1881, but only of moderate size, ( perhaps eight miles long. In the nest case of "gimme." Some people seem dress, Hermiston, Oregon ing places every tree of sultnble size to think he Is merely a passerby and 2 That the owners are: (Give | was loaded down with nests, a large bellevb they should bleed him for all names and addresses of individual j hemlock, for instance, holding from he will stand while he is in their owners, or, if a corporation, give its 20 to 40. At the large Michigan nest- I midst. This is an erroneous Idea name and the names and addresses ' Ing It was estimated that 500 netterg and in nine chances out of ten these of stockholders owning or holding X 1 i were at work, and that their average I people are easting bread upon the per cent or more of the total amount ' catch was 20,000 birds apiece. waters that some day y lll return to of stock.) None. a them in a manner that will bring 3 That the known bondholders ODD WAY TO GET RELIGION ■ regrets. ■ mortgagees and other security hold-1 Bishop Must Have Had "Puli'* That a We know of one merchant who ers owning or holding 1 per cent or Was Altogether Out of the owns and operates a general mercan more of total amount of bonds, mort s Ordinary Run. tile store located on one of the high gages or other securities are: E. J. a a ways of Oregon. During the sum Kingsley, Hermiston, Oregon: F. R. The minister was In the midst of a I mer he places two price,, upon his Reeves, Santa Rosa, California. revival service that looked very prom ising from almost every angle. The goods. One is for the local trade, Raymond Crowder fiuunce committee had brought in Miss a and the other for tourist. Sworn to and subscribed before Nightingale to direct the chorus; the a The town thut welcomes tourists me this 3rd day of April, 1923 young hopefuls of the neighborhood and does not try to gyp them will re Otto G. Sapper. had listened attentively to the mln- Phone 331 ceive its reward. He will pass the My commission expires July 17, 1925 lster, and graciously accepted his ln- word along to others whom he m ees vltutlon to enter the fold. “ The Yard of Best Quality ” One day while he was preparing his along the way. Thus the town will Mr. Gallegher and Mr. Shean » . M. STRAW, mgr sermon, his wife and Miss Nightin receive the right kind of notoriety by trying to make the traveler feel There’s two old cronies in our town. gale came Into his study. The con You know just who I mean, versation soon drifted to church af J? Exclusive Representative» of National Builders Bureau they are Interested In him and wish fairs and finally settled down to a dis-! One Is Mr. Gallegher. I H him to return again next year. cusslon of a certain bishop, of whom 1 The other Is Mr. Shean. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ¡ ■ iS S I H I B I a B QB Ml There Is a sort of brotherhood the minister Is not very fond. Here And when the day ls nice and warm, among these excursionist». At the conversation lagged, and the min They sit out In the sun. ister’s thoughts went back to his ser night they gather around the camp And gossip like two old ladles, mon. The two women soon, dropped I fire and swap tales concerning their W e a r e n o w o p e n f o r b u s in e s s a n d a r e p r o p e r Gee ain’t they got fun. the bishop and took up some of the travels. Places that are Inclined to local characters. ly e q u ip p e d to do f irs t c la s s w o rk , a n d g iv e th e treat them ns "suckers" is soon black In speaking of one of them, M iss, I saw them together, lts'ed and shunned. b e s t o f se rv ic e . Nightingale said: “Has he got any T’was Just the other day, Of course you will find "cheap religion?” Gallegher turned to Shean, “Oh, yes," said the minister’s wife, skates” among those who travel tinu Then I hoard him nay: “he got It two years ago.” your town. And It Is not always the There is a bit .of excitement The minister’s ear caught the last fellow who has a bed tied on the Over the May Day Queen, sentence, and thinking that It referred ! running board of a Ford either. But to the ljpnors that had been bestowed Absolutely Mr. Gallegher; GIVE US A TRIAL as a rule the tourists are willing to on the bishop, snapped out”: “Yes, but I Posltivclly Mr. Shean pay for what he gets providing he ls he got It through a pull.”—Indian-1 given value received for his money. apolls News. The May Day Pageant Let us not be too has'y In taking Is the event of events. The Glory of Georgia. the tourist's money, unless we can For the preparations made, After more than a century nt Rus offer something In return. Don’t Would give you this hint. sian rule the little stnte of Georgia, a put Hermiston on the tourist's black It will be a gala day, Christian republic between Armenia list. With Its gorgeous scenes. and the Caucasian mountains, Is nat urally proud of her regained Inde Absolutely Mr. Gallegher, We feel sorry for the kid whose pendence, and very jealous of her Positively Mr. Shean. parents recently named him after newly won rights, as was recently King Tut. Of course the nickname shown by her protest entered at Lau thence North 65 degrees 32 minutes li ft costs th, reon upon ihe real prope There ls many a feminine heart, sanne against Russia’s right to spenk of "Tut” will soon be wished upon east sixty two and seven tenths rty assessed to you, of which you are That beat’s with anticipation, for her nt the conference. The his Never in tire hi. lory gtich a him and It will be hard Io distinguish (62.7) feet; thence North 78 de For the girl elected queen. tory of Georgia stretches far back the owner tig appears of record situat whether he is being called or reprl profitable investment ¡ 3 Masons grees, 23 minutes east three hundred Into the centuries and she has en Will be happy as all creation. ed in. said County and State and manded. at our prifes. ten and seven tenths (310.7) feet; joyed more than one era of prosperity And many a young man particularly bounded and described In that time. Kennelr, a tolerably thence South 74 degrees 25 minutes as follows, to-wlt: ' Not only lower than trher stan What’s Income of the old fnehton Will buy votes with his last bean. well-known traveler of the Nineteenth east two hundred eighty-three and The North One half (N% ) of ihe ed girl who could don un apron and Absolutely Mr. Gallegher, century, described the country, pos dard tires, but su eri> • in qual five tenths (283.6) feet; thence Northeast Quarter (NE% ) of the sibly with exaggeration, as the most go Into the kitchen and produce Positively Mr. Shean. ity, uniformity, anc depend North no degrees 2 minutes west one The Hermiston Herald will give! beautiful and highly favored region In aomothlng besides mayonnaise and thousand sixty-three and one tenth Southwest Quarter (SW%) of Sec ability. ine year’s subscription to the person the world. In one respect at least chocolate fudge? (1063.1) feet to the poiAt of begin tion Twenty six (26) 4n Township who submits the best poem written this praise was deserved, for the love And backed by a uarantee ning, reserving therefrom one half l ive (6) North of Range Twenty- liness of the Georgian women was al A man In the East Calms to have In connection with the coming May ways proverbial throughout the Near of a road sixty feet wide along the e’ght (28), East of Willame tc Meri- which knows no nil ige limit. Invented an attachment that will run Day Pageant. We will pick out East, nnd the fame of their beauty east two hundred seventy-eight and flli.n, In Umatilla County, State of This means protd tioi until the a Ford on air. If Henry runs for each week the best poems sent In and spread to western lands. nine tenths (278.9) feet on the Oi e "on. tire actually wears out. You are further notified that said president he should at least in publish them. The poem must be north side, showing on the map of original and the name of the author Anna M. Harthrong has paid taxes He Did Hand It Over. vcstlgate the contraption. the Oregon Land & Water Co. as Buying Masons now is buying must accompany all contributions. 8enntor Charles Batt, who preaches Lots Six (6 ), seven (7 ), eight (8) on said premises fox prior or sub tires right With this goes a After seeing a supposed likeness The contest closes on April 26. At a doctrine of using care In the ex and nine (9) In Block fifty-two (62) sequent yea-s wlih the rate of in penditure of public funds, comes from standard of service we’re proud east, subject to all the terms and con terest on said amounts as follows: of King "Tut” we nro led to believe I his time the winner will be announ Vigo county. There he was fighting Year’s Tax, 1917, Date Paid Aug ditions of the original deeds of the that It Is age before beauty in his ced. The contest ls open to every the raising of tax rates by the school one. ust 3. 1921, Amount »12.33, Rate of Oregon Land A Water Co. to Ella R. case. board. One of the moat pertinent of Walpole dated April 29th, 1909, Interest 12 per cent: Year’s Tax Ills remarks recently was: “I don’t "Feel of the Ship.” which property wa» mortgaged on the 1918, Date Paid August 3, 1921. think the board that spends the There once was a guy named Gene Writing of "the feel of Hie ship" In money should determine the amount 16th day of March, 1921 and ls now Amount »12.66, Rate of Interest 12 Who dropped a match in gasoline. his hook, “The Aviator," Henry C. Me- j of taxes to be paid. Let one board held under mortgage, to be sold by | Per cent; Year’s Tax 1919, Date Now they are mourning for poor old Comas digresses thus: fix the amount of expenditures nnd—” the Sheriff of Umatilla County, Ore- i Paid August 3, 1921, Amount »15.- Gene, “Due of the simplest examples of j "Judge," one of the board members gon, to satisfy said judgement and '6 . Rate of Interest 12 per cent; For he went to heaven In a big smoke ■feel’ that we all know Is a group of Interrupted, “does your wife fix the all costs: j Year’s Tax 19.20. Date Paid August screen. sensations which guide us In acquir amount of your expenditures?" Hermiston, Ore. Phone 264 I will on the Sixteenth day of ! 3, 1921, Amount »18.65, Rate of In- ing skill with tools. Mr. Batt nodded his head. He aft April, A. D. 1923, at the hour of terest 12 per cent; Year’s Tax 1921, “It Is the ‘feel’ of the chisel, the erward said that that argument A good many men would he heroes plane and the saw that directs the 2 o'clock »n the afternoon of said Date Paid March 29. 1922, Amount caused him more trouble than any If their wlve„ didn’t correct some of hand and aim. ns the Instruments cut other he had ever given as it was day at the front door of Court House »64.66, Rate of Interest 12 per cent. their stories. with the grain or across It. In Pendleton. Umatilla County, Ore-1 Said Wilson S. Parks, as the own. told to his wife who was willing to “No one thinks cf the slight tactual serve In that capacity. Umatilla County and to me directed gon, sell the right, title and interest , r of the legal title of the above de- He was calling upon the sweet sensations, or the muscle, tendon and and delivered, upon judgement and the said A. B. Atchison, and Bessie scribed property as the same appears young thing. Her dad sat In the joint sensations ns such. Instead, he To Penalize the Childless. decree rendered and entered In said G. Atchison had in and to the above of record, and each of the other per- next room reading. "Darling," he thinks of Ills tools as part of himself. An attempt to correct the tendency ! Court of th« 19th day of January, descrlbed property on the 15th day of gon8 aboved named arc hereby further “He seems to project himself Into of the lowering French birth rate Is i tald, “yea are ns sweet as sugar. 1923 in favor of Henry H. Edwards larch A. D 1921 or since then has , notified that Anna M. Harthrong will "Yes," ch o tc l in (he old man, "and the end of the chisel aa It moves along being made In legislation which Is be- ■ and Annie C. Edwards, his wife, as a surface or an edge. *7 “UC.‘,On t h e | aPP'y to ‘be Circuit Court of th . fore the parliament of France. The j Just about ¡s i-p n Ivc." ? ban<1' th” k o u n .y and State aforeeald for a de- Plaintiffs and against A. B. Atchison ¡ S S , , 7 “The sensations are all Interpreted drastic suggestion in the bill la that and Bessie C. Atchison, his wife, and proceeds to be applied In satisfac In terms of what the chisel Is doing tl>e state would seize nine-tenths of | cree foreclosing the lien against the Alonzo Nichols as Defendants for the tion of said execution and all costs. The Day» of Real Sport us It slips under the wood, not In all property left behind by any man i property above described and men sum of »1200.00 with Interest there, Dated This 7th day of March, A. D V hi n you hat*' r.i.ide the last pay terms of pressure on the hand, or dying nt an age greater than twenty- 1 tioned in said certificate. And you are strain in the muscle." 1923. eight and not leaving behind at tfiist | on at the rate of 7 per cent per an ment on a eev ;.g : -.nchuie. thi n > hereby summoned to appear within ________________ one child num from March 15, 1921, the furth ZOETH HOUSER, collector calls on you and argues sixty days after the first publication Your Quota of Mall. j ’* •* provided that the property thtia ! er sum of »150 attorney’s fees, and Sheriff of Umatilla County, otherwise. After a diligent search of the summons exclusive of the day Did you receive 112 letters last year? ,nk’ n by ,h* "u ,e •* ,o •* ■“’* for »24.90 costs and disbursements, 2#-6t State of Oregon you are able to find the receipt that of said first publication, and defend If you didn't, you failed to get your the money devoted to helping large which said decroe, judgement, and convince» hint. O. boy, Isn’t It a pro-rata share. According to esti families. All needy families with more SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN this action or pay the amount due order of sale ha» been docketed and "grand and glorious feeling.” F0RECL0USURE OF TAX LIEN mates Just completed at the Post i iffice than three children. It Is proposed, as above shown together with costa enrolled in the office of .the Clerk of In the Circuit Court of the State of and accrued interest and In case of department, about 11,335,000,000 let shall be eligible to benefits from the said Court; and whereas by said O ur finishing depart fund. ters are now going through the United Statement Oregon, for the County of Umatilla your failure to do so, a decree will judgement, decree and order of sale ment, through up-to-date Anna M. Harthrong. Plaintiff vs. be rendered foreclosing tha lien of Of the ownership, management, States mulls every year. Figured on Dinger In Expoeure. It was directed that the following de the basis of the last eenaua of the Wilson S. Parks, and any other said taxes and eosts against the land circulation, etc., required by the act methods and equipment Iler Hnshand—Yoo look tough wlth scribed real property In Umatilla imputation of the country, each citizen person or persons claiming any and premise» above named. of congress, August 24. 1912, of the should have received an average of 112 all that inakeup on. 1 wlsh you’d eut ; County, Ore on. to-wlt: and expert handling, can right, title, lien or interest In or Hermiston Herald. published weekly letters. Upon these figures post office It out. This summon» Is published by or Beginning at a point South no de help you get the kind o f Mrs. Rnddyglow—Bnt Fm so accun- to the within described property. der of the Honorable Gilbert W. at Hermiston, Oregon, for April 1, officials claim (hat the United States grees 2 minutes east twenty and three Defendant. 1923. lead* the world In the Interchange of tomed to It Fm afruld Fd catch cold pictures you want. Phelps. Judge of the Circuit Court tenths (20 3) feet from tht center of To Wilson S. Parka, the above of the State, of Oregon, for the Coun State of Oregon, conn y of Umatil letters between Its people. It la esti wlthout It. Section eighteen (18) Tp 5 N. R 28 la. ss. Before me, a notary public mated that the per capita of letters ■ E W. M.. which is a cement monu named defendant: ty of Umatilla, and said order was Because of ihe high freight rate In T o use a slang expres- in and tor the state and county afore exchanged in Great Britain la 84 an- | ment six Inches in diameter, eigh IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF made and dated thia 28th day erf anally. Of other important countries this country, American aale» of flour OREGON: * sion : said, personally appeared Raymond let-many has a per capita exchange of teen Inches In the ground marked on April. 1823. and the date of the flrat in the Dutch East Indes haa fallen to You are hereby notified that An Crowder, who. having been duly 25, while each Italian received nearly top with a copper tack, running “ W e’re t k t r t at the publication of thi» summons Is tha near the vanishing point. Our sworn according to law. deposes and as many, the rate being 24 per person. < thence south 78 degree* IP minutes ts M. Harthrong la the holder of 22nd day of March. 1823. finish." freight rates aie more than double says that be Is the editor and owner Three estimates are all based on flrat west two hundred seventy-eight and Certificate of Delinquency number All process and papers In thia pro the Australian rate. of the Hermiston Herald and that -lam matter alone.— Sclentlflc Ameri nine tenths (378.9) fe«t; thence» ed 1740 Issued on the Third day of ceeding may be served upon the un Mitchell Drug Company can. -.. — - south no degrees 2 minutes east tM r-, August, 1921, by the Tax Collector dersigned residing within the 8tate the following la. to the best of his Herneieteag O re g o n ------------------- — An electrically charged Iron door ty and six tenths <»(*.») feet; thence of th* County of Umatilla. Stata of knowledge and belief, a true atat Alcohol will 1« made Horn malic forms part of the safeguards to King of Oregon at the address hereafter South 78 degrees 29 minutes west Oregon, for the amount of Twelve mention ad. mem of the ownership, management by a South African company Inside Tuiaukhamena tomb while It la cloe. NOTICE. OF SHERIFF’S SALE three hundred sixty eight and nine Dollars and Fifty-one Cent* (»13.Cl) etc., of the aforesaid publication (ot UNDER EXECUTION a year. Particular attention has ed until next seaeon. Th* terrine i Address. Pendleton. Oregon. same being the amount then due the dale shown In the above cap iwen paid to the doTelupment of a heat make» It Impossible to work ex- ’ Notice 1* hereby given that by vir tenths (J 1 S 1 ) feet: thence south no Keator * Randall. tue of an execution Issued out of the degrees 3 minutes east nine hundred »nd delinquent for taxes for the year tion, requited by the Act of Au$U*>t Motor fuel with alcohol aa a base. (In th« winter. Attorney for th* Plaintiff. Orcutt Court, State of Otego«, tor fifteen and six tenths (»15.«) feet; 1»1», together with »sanity. Interest M -TK Fresh Milk from the W. H. Quick Jersey Herd and CONNOR & BURK l N ¡INE BARGAINS IN USED CARS 1917 Touring, good rubber, $100 One with sta rte r and good rubber, $200 OTHER BARGAINS i I FUEL s ■ : Free Plans for Houses and Bams are at your disposal CEDAR FLUME STOCK “We Have What You Want” Echo Auto Con ¡p iny Inland Empire Lumber Compar ANNOUNCEMENT Made-to-Measure Exceptional Workmanship CLOTHES Imperial French Dry Cleaners $26.50 The Reliable Cleaners Buy Mason Tires Now MASON CORDS NEIL & BARKER Bring in Your Films