Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1923)
£be imnfeton Wralfc VOL. XVII DAJE FOR CLEAN-UP DAY HAS BEEN SET \3. O IO V V **’ HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 1923 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER FOB McKAY CREEK DAM APPOINTED W yoming Engineer to Have Charge of B ig Reservoir Work V0TIN6 FOR QUEEN TO BEGIN APRIL 2 HERMISTON POSTOFFICE PRAISED BY INSPECTOR Office Was Established 18 Y e a » Ago E ighteenth of this Month NATIONAL GARDEN WEEK, APRRIL 2-7 Last Tuesday a U. S. Postal Inspec WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 IS DECID R. M. Conner, construction engin GIRLS FROM ALL CLASSES IN THE tor was sent to Hermiston to Inspect LOCAL COMMUNITY CLUB ENDOR ED UPON HIGH SCHOOL ELIGIBLE eer, U. S. Reclamation Service, has SES MOVEMENT and pass final Judgment on the new been appointed to have charge of the location of the postoffice and to Women of the Community Club W ill building ot the McKay dam. Mr. Vote» W ill Oust One Cent Each and check up as to its equipment, etc. Dean and Benn ion W ill Talk on the Serve a Lunch to Those Who W ill be Sold at the Mitchell Conner Is now located at Pilot, Wyo,, Subject N ext Wednesday at the The gentleman seemed vrey well Aid in the Work Drug Store in charge of the construction of the Public Library well pleased with things as he found Wind River diversion dam on the On the morning of April 2 voting them, and was responsible for the Ask the wife where she put the Riverton project. He expects to statement that the Hermiston offlc rake last tall. Dive down In the transfer to Pendleton about tb mid will begin in the contest for Queen was the best equipped of any third of the May Pageant,.and will con dark recase of the closet and Instigate dle of April and will have his head class office in his territory. An as tinue until some time April 16. The a seereh for the old clothes that you quarters there, while making the pre sertion of this nature, coming from don preparatory to a hunting or fish liminary arrangements preparatory contest promises to be a close one, as him. means a good deal as his terri girls from all the clases in the high ing trip for next Wednesday, April to establishing the camp at the dam tory Includes seven counties In east 14, has been set aside aa clean-up site and assembling the equipment ¡school are eligible, and families and friends are going to make a real ern Oregon and a part of eastern day and you are called upon as for construction. fight to enthrone their own partlcu- Washington. loyal citizen of the community to On the 23rd of March the Hermis . -. ______ lar candidate. help in the clean-up campaign. BOARDMAN MENTIONED FOR The receivlng the highest ton postoffice celebrated its 18th The clean-up committee, composed Since that time the STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER number of votes will be Queen of the birthday. of Putman, Illsley and Skinner, de growth and progrss of the office has 1 Pageant, which will be one of the cided upon the date above mentlond Sam Boardman, of the town of the most elaborate things ever done on been nothing less than phenomenal. This decision was reported to the ‘same name, is mentioned as the sue. the proje-t. The six ¿iris ranking According to reports the office has Commercial club at the Tuesday cessor to H. Munn, whose resignation next to tile highest in number of been doing an average business of luncheon. There being no opposi $600 a month. tion to the date next Wednesday, will take place before April 1, In the votes will be attendants and share It is with a feeling of pride that following dispatch to the Portland the regal honors. was at thiB time, officially declared we print the compliment given the Orgonlan: Votes, which will cost one cent clean-up day. "Herbert Nunn, state highway en each, will be sold and held at the local office by the postal inspector. The women of the Community club gineer, will submit his resignation Mitchell Drug Co. Btore, and the will assist in a unique manner. At to Governor Pierce between now and votes counted and results announced Community Club Meeting noon they will serve a lunch to those The next meeting of the Commun Aprl 1, according to information leak each evening. It is possible that who participate In cleaning up. The ing out of the state highway depart auxiliary voting places may have to ity club will be a luncheon which women are to be congratulated for ment. It is likely that the resigna. be arranged for later if voting be will be held at the Hermiston hotel the manner In which they are cooper tlon will become effective before May comes too heavy for one place to han at 1:3(1 p. in. on Tuesday, April 3. ating with the Commercial club in 1, or as soon thereaftr as th gover dle. Mrs. E. J. Kingsley is in charge The committee in charge are: Chair helping to make the day a success In man, Mrs. Warner; Mrs. P. B. Doh nor can select Mr. Nunn’s successor. of this part of the Pageant plans. every way that the name implies. erty, Mrs. Frank Guiwts, Miss Elisa Two men have been mentioned as Places of business all over town Debris Is to be gathered together possible succesors to Mr. Nunn. One will be placarded with place of vot beth Beasley. All ladies who plan and put either in sacks or boxes. is C. C. Kelly, assistant state engin ing, price and dates, so that none to attend should report to one of the They are then to be placed In the eer. The other is Sam Boardman, will forget "the time, the place and committee as soon as possible. In alley where It will be convenient for who lives In the town in eastern Ore the girl.” The committee can give addition to the regular program, the drayman to pick them up and gon bearing his name.” you information as to the two former which will be a picture reading of haul away. The expense connected but who “the girl” will be will de Sir Galahad by Mrs. F. V. Prime and with the hauling of such debris and School Children Examined pend entirely upon the projent pub a paper on "Melodrama” and the rubbish will be paid by the city. In Poetical Play by Mrs. S. C. Lochrie, The Hermiston grade pupils and a lic. return the city ask that each prop there will be special musical numberg good many of the high school stud Each vote costs bni. One cent, but erty oWner see to It that his lot or nnd recitations. Every woman on lots he properly cleared of rubbish ents underwent a careful examina you may plunge as deep as yo u wish. the project Is invited to attend. The tion last Friday when Drs. Kern and Moral support Is a fine thing, but in and carried to a place that will be ac Leach, dentists, of Pendleton, and this particular case financial sup cost per plate will be 50 cents. eesslble to the drayman who hauls Mrs. E. T. Wade, of Pendleton, one Dr. Prime Of Hermiston, examined port is better and that’g what your It away. The words rubbish, debris of the directors of the State Federa the teeth and moulN for defects, girl is going to need to put her on and trash are not to be construed tion. will be the club's guest of honor while Drs. Hester and Lewellyn, eye, the throne. Some girl in the high not to mean ashes as It is encumber- ear, nose, throat sptclalists, also of schol is going to be Queen of the at this luncheon. ent upon the property owners as In- Pendleton, were examining these Pageant, and its up to you to say who dlvuals to dispose of ash plies In B aptist above organs. she will be. some other manner. The Baptist Sunday school will This, with the examination which Mitchell’s, April 2 to 16, one cent The cletin-up committee haa ap give their Easter program at 10:30, the local dòetors made two or three a vote. | i pointed men who will act as captains folowing a half hour spent In study weeks ago, constitutes a very thor over the respective districts in which they live. It will be the duty of ough examination, which will be School Children to Give Exhibition of the lessons. The pastor will de On next Friday afternoon the pup liver a brief Easter sermon after the these men to Bee that everyone in the made annually In the future and program. At 7:30 the regular eve district over which he has been'ap checked upon for the purpose of de ils of the Hermiston school will termining whether or not such co march in a body to the downtown ning service, subject, "The Second pointed captain comply with the edict sent forth for the day. People operative efforts of the parent-teach business section and go through their Coming of Christ." Mrs. Edith Cop- ers’ association and the profession setting up exercises on Main street. pinger will sing a solo accompanied who live in the different districts have any real value. A. E. Bensel, instructor for th by Mr. Adams. You are cordially will do well to confer with these men This Is certainly a great step in eighth grade, has arranged this street invited to these services. for by so doing each individual may be apprised of what is expected of the direction of preventltive dentis exhibition. It will be an advertis try and medicine and will to a cer ing stunt in connection with the en Methodist him. Thug he will be able to better tain extent help to eliminate the de tertainment to be given by the pupils Easter Sunday— Sunday school 10 cooperate with his neighbor in this fects which have greatly retarded of different grades, the proceeds of a. m., Geo. C. Patterson, supt. Eas worthy cause. he progress in school of a good many which will go towards purchasing a ter service at 11, sermon by pastor. The following are the captains: pupils. phonograph, allowing the students to Special music— He has Risen,chorus W. J. Warner, Hugh Taylor, R. A. solo part by Mrs. B. Haneline; Male exercise to music. Brownson, J. L. Harmon, Geo. Wag IT LOOKKS LIKE BUSINESS quartette, O, Calvary, Mesas. Pelmul ner. H. E. Hitt, T. D. Worster, W. der, Phipps, Martin and Waugaman; B. Beasley, I. E. Putman, W. L. Blesg. Hermiston Men V isit It is learned that the U. S. Recla ing, R. E. Mitchell, E. J. Kingsley, A delegation of prominent business chorus, My Father Knows,, solo part F. C. McKenzie, O. G. Sapper, O. C. mation Service is planning to ship men and farmers of Hermiston was by Mr. Enoa Martin; Epworth Lea Young, J. K. Mumma, J. Pelmulder, in the diamond drill equipment for here this morning to lnterviow the gue, 7:15 p. m. C. W. Tilden, W. J. Kennings, H. L. Umatlla Rapids work In (he near fu. members of the counly court about Easter Services ____ Conner, Joe Ralph, C. J. Cook, Tom ture. The outfit comea from Los sight of way mattrs for the Butter Solemn high mass will be sung at Fraser, Vane Boynton, T. H. Gaither, Vegas. Nevada, and George A. Ham Creek road. Several condemnation R. C. Todd, B. H. Cook and Tom Mar- mond, diamond drill foreman, will proceedings are expected to be the Catholic church Sunday morning have immediate charge of this feat brought in order to secure the right at 10:30. Everyone Is welcome to xen. ure of the investigations. Of course you would like to see of way. Among those who were here these services. our town spick and span, you realize were E. P. Dodd, Carl McNaught, E. that it is an assett to any commun B aling Was D ifficult J. Kingsley and others.— Monday's Charles Pcugh, a former resident ity If Its alleys and vacant lots are A. F. Drolshagen, Hermiston alfal East Oregonian. of Wasco. Oregon, has moved his fam void of old tin cans and other worth fa grower and hay baler, was In the ily to Hermiston, having leased the less matter. You want your town to city yesterday. Ha states that the Pre-Easter Sale— The ladies of the 20 acre tract situated about a paar- be a clean little burg but wishes March wind has made hay baling Baptist Aid will give a food sale at ter of a mile from town on the high, nlone will nevef bring a realization difficult of late. It is his Judgment ¡Sappers' store on Saturday, March 31 way, owned by Geo. N. Crosfield, a of this. You as Individuals must get that the small amount of hay remain Good things to eat. merchant of Wasco. out and do your share. , ing in the west end of the county will It is impossible to obscure from | bring about 120 a ton on the cars. view vacant lots and alleys. They — Tuesday’s Pendleton Tribune. are an eyesore and a drawback to any town who' will tolerate them. ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTED Tourists form opinions of a town by what they observe within Its borders. The Secretary of the Interior has //////, If ts streets and vacant lots are dirty appointed F. M. Goodwin and Direc- 1 they will advertise the fact in a man tor A. P. Davis a board to advise him ner that will hurt. Then again such concerning the examination of the filth tend to breed disease. Hun entire Columbia River Basin and has dreds of contagious diseases that placed the oprations in charge of the I have been visited upon communities, Reclamation Service. Engi n e a r ! exacting as toll the lives of thousands Homer G. Gault has been selected to can be traced directly to unclean conduct the engineering investiga streets and alleys. tions in the field and he will take up Remember "cleanliness is next to studies In connection with these pro Godliness.” So let u8 all on next blems very soon. Mr. Gault Is at Wednesday, April 14, represent the present In the Denver office. little Dutch woman with the wooden shoes and sunbonnet forever on the Mlsa Melba Callahan will give a trail of dirt with her stick in as much vaudeville show at the Play House •g we wlfl promise to do what they Thursday evening, April 19, at which claim for Mr—chasing dirt. time she will present a number of Baby Dollq in unusually effective K a n h a ll Crandall Wrenches Hip Dances. Among the small dancers While starting the angina at the will be Jane Warner, Dorothy Straw ,, city pump house Sunday morning Margaret Waterman and tiny Cat bar-, City Marshall C. H. Crandall stepped Ine Hayden. There will be a pretty from, the flywheel of the engine In saxtatie who will assist In the merry a manner that wrenchd hie hip. At making in song, frolic and danre. first It was hlleved that the hip w i, j Mias Callahan has produced original . out of Joint but an examination die- : interpretations for the dance enaem- cloeed that It waa badly wrenched, ble and she will da several solo nom. Mr. Crandall will no doubt be con- hers as spacialttrs in «be show. The i fined to his home for the next wash effect of the dances w ill be enhanced ' or two on accohnt of the accident. by beautiful coatnnwa. Besides the ’ Harry MeMtlln la acting' as "cop" dance numbers there will be an un- nntll such time an the regular chief osnally interesting program In aup- (CapyHgiM. v.if.u.r w tll again ba able te go on duty. port of the headline net. LOCAL BOYS ARE TO PLAY BALL WITH ECHO TEAM Voyen and Mittlesdorf W ill Join the W est End Team of Blue Moun tain League N o . 29 POULTRY MEETINGS TO BE HELD HERE TWO Carl Voyen and "Dave” Mittles dorf of this city have joined the Echo club of the Blue Mountain League and will appear In a uniform of this club during the 1923 base ball sea son. Both of the boys while playing with Hermiston displayed unusual ability as diamond artists. Echo Is to be congratulated upon the signing | of these two men. Echo being the nearest city to Hermiston holding a Blue Mountain League franchise, i combined wth the fact that the name ¡of two local boy8 will appear in her lineup, will no doubt be responsible ,oi them receiving the support of a S°°d many fans from Hermiston. Voyen will hold down the first Back wihle ‘‘Dave’’ will be guardian of right field. Merl Phelps, another local boy, will be on the mound for Pendleton this season. In last Saturday's game with Whitman at Pendleton his offrlngs completely baffled the Whitman aggregation, winning his game and administering a nice little coat of whitewash to tho visiting team. POULTRY YARD DEMON STRATIONS APRIL 15 One at the Rhode» Farm in Colombia District, Other in William»’ Fool- try Yard in Herm iiton County Agent Bennion announces that two poultry yard meetings will be held at Hermiston Thursday, April 5: one at the Rhodes’ demonstra tion farm in the Columbia district at 1:30 p. m.; the other In Williams' poultry yard8 kt Hermiston at 4 p. m. H. E. Crosby, O. A. C. poultry specialist, will discuss Incubation and broodng. These meetings are very timely. In discussing the necg. city for getting started right Mr. Crosby states. “Every poultryman lays the foun dation for next year's business, par ticularly, during th months of Feb ruary, March and April. The busi ness of producing a flock la not chi'd’s play. The businese next year will be no stronger than the founda tion upon which it is built. A few strong features ot the (foundation must be carefully studied by each poultryman, individually, because no two farms are In a position to fol low the usual blanket recommenda BENNION ANNOUNCES tions. DATES FOR TEST The highest prices for egga are Dr. B. T. Simms will hold the third received during the fall and winter. abortion test for dairy cattle In the Maximum production during thia Hermiston distret about the middle period Is secured only from early of April according to arrangements hatched and properly matured pul made last Thursday by Dr. Smms and lets. The producer who keeps only old hens or late hatched pulletg la Fred Bennion, county. agent. It Is believed that the annual test the first one to close up shop on the for tuberculosis will be conducted in theory (hat the world In general ia against him. Old hens are going to this viclnty at the same time. In the last test farmera who had go through -the moult in the fall, only two or three cows affected kll- whether the price of eggs 1M high or low. Late hatched pullets are going ed them. In herds affected to greater dgree the younger breding to mature before they start to pro duce, regardless of the price of ggs. stuff is bing isolatd. SPECIAL CORRKSPONDENC» During the tuberculosis test last If a maximum egg production Is ex pected during the period of high Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shaw are visit year 3500 cows were examind and prices, the poultryman must plan to only one per cent found to be Infect ing their son, Ross Shaw, near Cold balance the flock with early hatched Springs, this week. They have been ed or suspects. The tuberculosis pullets. The profit per bird must be test will be conducted each year until residing in Hood River. the county fails to produce reactors, based upon her year's lay and the average price of her product. Th* according to Mr. Bennion. Mr. L. H. Pearson was unexpect early pullet that lays through the edly called to Tacoma last Friday. Geo. Wagner and L. M. Smith at high and low price seasonH has a tended the bout at Pendleton last hlghr average price per dozen and Tuesday evening a group of young, Monday night. George Corse waa 'ays more dozen«, than her late folks gave a delightful surprise also a spectator. hatched sister that starts to lay on party on Gertrude Hall. The event a falling market and layB fewer was her 31(?) birthday. Games .. <.Mell Morriaon, a former resident months. Contrast the production were played and at an early hour of this city, now residing in Ione, and profit of 200 pullets starting tlfe the young folks departed for home. was in town the first part of the lay on a rising market In September; with 200 late hatched pullets start week. ing the Iny on n falling market in F. H. Donaldson left for Hood River on a business trip last Monday. Geo. Myers Is the proud owner of January or February. Both lots of a new Ford coupe which he purchas pulletg will molt the following sum mer at about the same time. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fischer and lit ed recently. Study the list of poultrymen yon tle son are gueets at tht Addleman Julian Morfltt has accepted a posi knew who were in business In 1913. home this week. Mrs. Fischer is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Addleman. tion with the Hermiston Market & H ,v many dropped out and how many progressed during the ten year Grocery. period enrlng in 1923? For several Last Wednesday night a welner Tourists are beginning to arrive. reasons te turnover has been great. roast was given In honor of Laura Study several flockB that have been Phipps who la home for the Easter Thirty of them passed through Her sold on Ilie open market recently and miston last Wednesday over the high vacation. Mlsa Phipps Is a student what was the chef reason? Study way. of Wllamette. the changes that have been made In J M. Biggs was a Pendleton vlsi- brooder yard systems oil over the Mrs. Willard Felthouse was a tor Monday. state. Why are some single yard guest at the Haddox home Tuesday. brooder systems being abandoned and The Mitchell Drug Co. reports the new brooder houses being construct Miss Georgiana Briggs was a guest sale of two big Edison» last week. ed on sk(da or arranged with two. of Edith Mikesell Tuesday night. One to William Rhaar of Hermiston three or four alternate yards? Why nnd another to Doris Hetler of Enter has it been impossible to bring some early hatched pullets into a proft- The local nuxlllary of the Ameri prise. able lay? Why has (he death rate can Legion will give a dance next Born— To Mr. nnd Mrs. Julian been as high as 60 per cent. In a Monday night, April 2. A good time Morfltt, a 9 pound boy on March 27. few flocks of pullets this winter? is assured those who attend. There s Just one answer. Intestinal Both mother and child doing fine. parasites, traceable directly to soil Harold McKean will leave Thura- contaminaton. Many flocks of early hatched pul day for Corvallis where he has ac cepted a posIMon ns Jewett salesman lets. raised on clean soil, hatched for the above mentioned territory. from good hens failed to make good Herael Hiatt Is holding down the Job pullets because the owner fell heir to [//. recently held by Harold with Pat a popuinr notion that pullets should be hatched early and their growth Slscei’s confectionery. retarded to keep them from moult A fair exchange Is no robbery. ing. Pullets must be fed the feeds With this in mind Ray Challis and they need to make body growth. Dr. Illsley traded Bulcks last week. There Is a difference between grow Ray received a roadster In the trade ing: holding and forcing the growth of pullets. Go stow on the starva- and doc a touring car. ton method of raising pullet. Culling Is not necessarily limited A larger switchboard has been In stalled in the local telephone ex to midsummer work with hens. It /■i change. This fg an Improvement should begn wlih culling out egga for the Incubator; cull the chicks at that has long been needed. time of hatching that are crippled and not finished; cull continuously Mrs. M. A Brown left Monday during the growing season; cull the night for i trip to Portland. undesirable pullets before housing In the fall. If more culling and killing The Saturday afternoon bridge were done during the Incubation, club will meet April 7 at the home of brooding and growing periods, there Mrs. C. 8. McNaught at 2:30. The wood be less culling to be done with hostesses will he Mesdames J. F. Mc- h< ns, after they have been kept a *//// Naught. F V. Prime, Arnold Gralapp year at a loss. Cull or kill and omit and C. R. McNaught. the sentiment. The four corner stone« In the foun. Harry Straw received word today datlon of igext year’s business might that hie aunt, Mrs. C. S. Clarke, a well be suggested aa__ former resident of thia city, had l Early hatched pullets are moet died at Vancouver, Wash.. Wednee- profitable. | 2 Soli contamination roust be —— — ‘ guarded against. H. T. Swartout and T. 8. Towns- 3 Good chicks can only come end were In Pendleton Wedneeday from good parent stock, on a business mission. 4 Pullets must be tad progbrly. The clubwomen of America are to oberve a National Garden Week this year, and April 2-7 has been desig nated Garden Week for Oregon. Our woman’s Community Club has endor- sed this movement and desires the cooperation of the entire community in making this a time of large atten- tion to the different phases of gar- denlng. President Harding in writ- Ing his endorsement to Mrs. Winter, presdent f the general federation of Woman's Clubs, said: "Th benefits both to individuals who take part and to the community as a whole are so obvious that they seem to hard ly require enumeration.” On Wednesday afternoon, April 4, at 3 o’clock, when the clean-up Is over, come to the library. Mr. Dean and Mr. Bennion will give talks and demonstrations on correct methods of planting and cultivating. It you are an amateur or a professional, you will profit by attending this meeting. The subject of protect ion from the cutworm and other gar den enemies will be discussed. School children Interested in garden club work will receive special attention. If sufficent number nre interested, an attractive prize will be offered. Flower plannng and planting will al. so receive atentinn. and the flower prizes to be awarded at the floral display In September will he ann ounced at the Community club lunch eon Tuesday. April 3. COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES Easter, on the First of A pril u <