Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1922)
THE HEBMJSTON TIERA LD, HERMISTON, OREGON. ■ ■ ■■■ ------ 1 Mitchell Drug Company The Xmas Gift Shop M W P ^ W L!L«!? ii \ Santa’s Special Delivery Last Minute Xmas Gifts ■■■ favor. Saturday evening’s game was a similar loss for Irrigon, as the ecore was 29-6. Ione reports that the local boys played as good a game as any team which they have met on their own floor. They have a splendid maple floor which Is the only one of Its k'nd in the country. The boys appreciate the fine enter tainment which they received In Ione. This cold weather Is very hard on Fords and as a result many are driving about with a radiator which leaks badly. C. E. Glasgow has pre pared for ihe- winter and installed a new radiator in his car. For All George Allen who has be’en In Portland a couple of weeks receiv ing medical attention returned to his home for a few days visit after which he will return to Portland to again be under the doctor’s care. A large assortment for those who must shop late Merry Christmas Books, Stationery, Moore Foun tain Pens, RediPoinS and Eversharp Pencils, Perfume, Toilet Ancles, Purses, Pyralin Ivory Combs and Brushes, Powder Boxes, Perfume Atomizer, Kodaks, Oriole Box Chocolates and Bulk Chocolates, Xmas Fancy Candy, Box Brownie Cameras for the children, Hot Water Bottles for Mother or Father, Fine Cigars 10-2 for 25c. Cigars in Holly Wrap Boxes $1.25, Ash Trays, Smoker’s Stands, Shaving Mirrors and $1.00 Gillette Safety Razors. Come in and let us help you. We will wrap your packages for mailing if desired. c LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES ■ (Continued from Page One) T h e Christmas Fur Coat (® . 1B22, W e ilire , Ncw.paper I'nloa.) M itch ell D rug Co. Phone 101 Her m iston 0 regon I wish to thank my many patrons for their business this past year and am tak ing this means of wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Oron 0. Felthouse M'O ONE could understand the will. *■’ The old lady was even eccentric In the way she left her money. Among the many personal possessions she had mentioned hnd been that of her beautiful Russian sable fur coat, worth well Into the thousands of dol lars. This she had left to the old woman who had brought eggs to them from the country. It wa sto be given to the egg woman on the first Chrlstmae after the old lady’s death, and every Christmas after that she was to be given the Interest on a sum of money, the principal of which was to be given to her when she reached a certain age, or before If she became 111. "It’s all very sensible except why In the world did grannie leave that wonderful fur coat to that egg wom an?" her grandchildren remarked. “Why, she won't know what to do with It. She’s perfectly happy with an old ulster and a good warm sweater.” But they did not fall to carry out what their grandmother had wished, even though they could not under stand. Never was such a Christmas pres ent received, and never was there such Joy, for fairy tales had come true in a great and mighty swoop, and she, who had fancied never throughout her en tire life to wear anything on her back that was luxurious, now gloried in her coat. And every week she went nbout selling eggs, so happy in wearing the superb coat. For old grannie had understood more than any of them knew I Marshmallow Fudge. D o n 't D u f f e r W it h RHEUMATISM OR NEURITIS R e m a r k a b l e N e w T r e a t m e n t G iv e s R e s u lt* a t O n es N o m a tte r w hether you are aufTerinsr w ith a M vere case of M uscular. Sciatic o r Inflam m atory Rheum atism , or a most p ain fu l case o f N e u ritis , you can « e t alm o s fln n ta n t re lie f by tho use of A llen's R heum atic Treatm en t. The very first dose «Ives « r e a l re lie f fro m the m o st severe pains and aches. A fte r the seeond or th ird dose, ease and eom fort takes the placo of pain and m isery. T his exc ellen t remedy has «iven positive cures In thousands o f the most severe and stubborn cases, a fte r all other remedies had failed. I t is safe, sere and absolutely reliable. A llen's R heum atic tre a tm e n t, in convenient T ab let Form . Is rem arkably effective in all forms o f Rheum atism as w ell as N e u ritis . Lum bsxo. Gout and N euralg ia Pries SI per box. S ix boxes S&. M ailed to any address on receipt o f price by Construction of 6000 standard re frigerator cars for delivery early In 1923 at an estimated coet of »16, 000,000 Is being arranged by the Pacific Fruit Express company, ac cording to announcement made by the company. The company is also nrranging for the construction of 300 60-foot refrigerator cars equip ped for passenger train service. These 300 cars, of steel construction and designed for high speed service, will cost an additional »1,760,000. It Is reported that the United States has won the “open door" In Hie Near East. If the Turks had their way. It would be one labeled "exit." County Agent Fred Bennion Is a busy man around Hermiston this week with the Breeders' School oc cupying his attention. " ------------ » I J , J I J • j I I ' I ........... ■ I I T h ' " I tie of Tho Herald Is out so. f , t- Christman, that we know you are worrying about what to get as a remembrance for some of your friends or relatives. If you have these troubles, drop in the store and we will help you think of something whether you purchase It of ns or not. Or our suggestion might bring something else to your mind that you did not think of. If we can be of such help, whether the sugges- lion Is something In our regular line or not. we want you to know we earnestly »am to make your efforts °f gift selection, easier and if we do only that much we will feel repaid May you ilw ,»ughly enjoy your Christmas thia year Is our sin- B ■ ■ B cere wish. ■ --------------— Among the shoppers in Pendleton Earl Steward entertained a num ber of young people at his home ast Saturday was Mrs. C. W. Kel Saturday evening. Due to the cold logg. weather some were not able to be present but all who were there re ECHO FLOUR AT KINGSLEY’S »2.10. 14-tfc port a good time. Don’t fail to see Miss Melba Cal- Mr. and Mrs. George Rand and zihan In the ‘‘Bluebird’’ dance at son Batie have been confined to he Library Ball New Years night. their home with La Grippe. George Hendrick started for Boardman with a passenger in his Ford Sunday afternoon but on ac count of car trouble wan forced to abandon the trip. Ray Lameraux came to the rescue and took his passenger on to Boardman and then owed Mr. Hendrick home. The Basketball games with Ione and Heppner were not quite as suc cessful as the one with Boardman. The game Friday night with Ione re sulted In a score of 26-6 in Ione’s il" Tin and sheet metal work and plumbing. Call 763. I. E. Put man. 11-tfc. Community Silver Hand Painted China Carving Sets Pocket Kniver Scissors & Shears Aluminum Ware Pyrex Ware Aluminum Percolators Coleman Lamps Flashlights, Rifles, Air Rifles Wagons Sleds, Skates Auto Spot Lights Auto Wrench Sets and Furniture W e do p ic tu r e f r a m in g a n d h a v e a la r g e se le c tio n o f P ic tu r e F r a m e M o u ld in g s. Oregon H a rd w a re & Im plem ent Co. Merry Christmas FINE LARGE Bronze Turkey toms »7.50 to »9.00 at W. L. Suddarth's ranch 2 miles west of Irrigon. 16-3tp. W e o f f e r y o u w h a te v e r fa c ilitie s o u r s to r e a ff o r d s to m a il o u t y o u r C h ris tm a s p a c k a g e s . I t m a k e s no d if fe re n c e w h e th e r th e y w e re p u rc h a s e d h e re c r FOR SALE— Jersey cow, will be fresh in two weeks. Eber Mossie. 15-ltp. c ’ h w h e re y o u a r e w e lc o m e to th is serv ice. We wish you all a Merry Christmas > Z is . ■ , ? < a Hermiston Produce & Supply Co. . ••THE BIST OF GOOD SERVICE" Season’s Greetings Lays Monogrammed Egg. Hermiston Market & Grocery J . M . B ig g « , R ea lto r Wishes to thank the people of Hermiston and community their liberal patronage. for We are well satisfied for the short time we have been here. It la our intention to serve the public the best the market af fords at all times. If we haven't in our stock what you want, we will get it. Merry Christmas John B. Useless, Esq. X U. T VICtORY victor - eel 0»IE, SIX, EIGHT TVW O,HE Six EieHT TWO L Wishing you a Merry Christmas and your continued patronage to and through a Happy New Year. N o - no - no ¡ me - eiíh LX-TWOit J J S J J IMPLEMENTS RADIO OUTFITS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ----------- ------------------------------------------------- “ The Wert Side Eat Shop” ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a OYSTERS FOR CHRISTMAS All Size Containers. Order Early ■ a • * ■ ■ T H E S T O R E W IT H T H E B L U E F R O N T J. L ee P arker, Prop. a ■ a SAPPERS’ INC. HARDWARE FURNITURE “Roman Meal Health Bread”— vhich has won such a reputation—■ !s good for young and old; but es- •ecialiy for sick people and those offering from stomach troubles, In- llgestion, constipation, etc. King-, ley’s Mercantile Co. 10-tfc. The Farm Bureau gave a card party and pie social last Saturday evening. Cards and dancing were the amusements of the evening. The ladles society raffled off three Eber Mossie lost several bales of quilts which were won by Mrs. hay out on the Diagonal road last Strader, Mrs. Wadsworth and Misf week when It ignited and burned. Snow McCoy. In progressive five hundred the first prize was won b> Fred Caldwell and he consolation WHITE OR DARK SYRUP at King sley’s 75c a gallon. 14-tfc. prize was won by Mr. McCoy. Abbottstown, Pa.—John W. Lucks hangh has what he considers n prize egg and one which reveals the faith fulness of one of his liens. The egg hears plainly Ills Initials, "J" and ’’L," Mr. Luckahatigh says. The let ter “W” Is also distinguishable, but not us plain as the other two. A fig ure “fl” is also visible. The letters and figures are formed In the shell of the egg, he declares^ 15-ltp. LET US HELP YOU ■ The school recently received a number of books which they will us< in connection with their regular English work. Oron O. Felthouse has another ruck operating in the Columbia listrict now. The new machine was •>ut Into service last Friday. It has i capacity of two and a half tons. Make this year’s Christmas Gift a useful one. We have a large as sortment of articles that are not only suitable as Gifts but are prac tical and useful and will be re membrance to the giver through out the coming year. Merry Christmas Ilndda. 1 i' going on to Pendleton where they will do construction work. If your marshmallows get a little stale before using up, try making marshmallow fudge. Put_ two cups granurared augur ithd ofie cup mirk Ih a saucepan and let the mixture come to a boll. Add one square and a half chocolate, grated, and two tablespoon- fuls butter. Cook about ten minutes, then remove from the fire and beat until the fudge gets rather stiff, but not so stiff that It will not pour enslly. Break marshmallows into several pieces, place in the bottom of a dish and pour the fudge over them. H A R T M. ALLEN LABORATORIES WANTED to purchase bull. W. O. O. Box 1340 Lox Angel«*, Calif. P. Occurences o f In te re s t Gleaned H e re and T he re About the C ity and Neighborhood IRRIGON NEWS XMAS NOW LISTEN VK-1ÖR-EEE 6ETTHAT? O N E SIX - EI0H T- i T W I! G em N u t M argarine, 2 lbs W it ) WIRES t 005 M z . Sugar-cured fa n c y Bacon, lb. S ta r H am s, 1b. . . . • . . • 55c . 35c . 32c * 'T h e H am W h at A m ” WH ■ s. a h . CITY MEAT MARKET SOUEY A HENDERSON, Ftepe. I