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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1922)
ITEBMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. liGISLATION TO AID FARMERSPROPOSED Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year 1 ills Is a busy old world and in the Btresa of our business affairs we aonietlmea forget to speak the word of uppreelatlon and gratitude that la in our hearts. Here it Is now to you — Just a little word or thanks for the business you have given ue during the past year and for the kindly co-opera tion extended. Wo have endeavored, through con scientious service, to merit your good " 111 and are finishing the year with a feeling that It Is not what we gain but what we give that measures our worth to each other. So here’s to you a hearty hand- grasp and a ‘‘Thank you.** May the New Year hold a wealth of good things in store for you and at the end may 1923 be crowned with success. *>,• _ ■ • -. V Bills Introduced in Congress Holiday Greetings to Establish Farm Loan System. from à Lot 3. 36 fast, F. A. Chezlk $3.50 LODGE DIRECTORY Lot 3. 35 feat. F. A. Chaaik $3.50 Lot 4. 25 feet, F. A. Chexik $3.50 Lot 6. 35 feet. Chas. McNamee ___ ----------------------------------- $3.50 l I _ Minnie B. M. B. lo t 3 ,2 5 feet. Chas. McNamee ...... •M Kathryn L. Garner. Stc. ----------------------------------- »2.50 Lot 7. 25 feet, Chas. McNamee___ ----------------------------------- »2.50 Lot 20, 25 feet. H. R. Newport.... balL^ Viaituu w S S e n M Ä i i r a . ----------------------------------- $2.50 N.O. Lot 21 25 feet, H. R. Newport...... ----------------------------------- »2.50 RECLAMATION LODGE No WT. K. Block 8— of f . meet« each Th .¿rodar « n i â t ¿a Mack o Mali. at IS» P.M . V idS a« Lot 21. 25 feet, C. 8. McNaught .... bratkaro cardiali]. laritad. — -------------------------- ----- $2.50 W. H McMillan R. A. Brawaaaa. Lot 22, 25 feet. C. 8. McNaught „.. K. R. and S. CC. Washington. D. C.—Rural credits legislation, said to fcave the approval of administration officials and propos ing to create a farm credits depart Block II— ment ga a part of the present farm Lot 18, 30 feet. Geo. Brtggg $3.00 PROFESSIONAL CARPS loan system, was introduced simul Lot 19, 25 feet. Geo. Briggs $2.50 Lot 20, 25 feet, Royal M. Sawteile taneously in the senate and house by U R . R . G. G A L E ------------------------------- ----$2.50 P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r ( M n Senator Lenroot, republican of Wiscon Lot 21, £5 feet. Royal M. Sawteile Office—Glad,» Ave. near F irsts«. sin, and Representative Anderson, re ------------------------------------»2.50 Office Hour«: publican of Minnesota. Block B-—■ I t s 6; 740 t a g Lot 4. 47 to feet, E. E. McMillan The two bills, similar In most par Tue Q u a l it y S to rb OFFICERS Estate ---------------------- ....»4.75 ticulars, would make available for or P or tlan d . O regon Lot 5. 47 to feet, E E. McMillan F. B. Swayze farm loans a total of $40,000,000, dis DR. FRANCIS P. ¿ADAMS Estate --------- »4.75 Preaidant tributed equally among the 12 federal Lot 6. 47 to feet. E E. McMillan P k r d d a a aad Sargooo R. Alexander Estate $4.75 farm loan banks. The present govern Eyas treated, tasted aad Glaoaaa rill it E. McMillan Lot 10. 47 to feet. Vice-President Office over First National Bank ment subscription to the 12 banks Estate »4.75 9. C. Lochria OFFICE PHONE, M totals only $12,000,000. The banks E. McMillan Lot 11. 47 to feet. RESIDENCE PHONE. MJ Cashier would be authorized to rediscount farm Estate __ ______ .............. $ 4 .7 5 Office Maura: » io U a. na.; J to MOa. in. W. L. Hamm, Lot 12. 47 to feet. E. McMillan Day or night calls answered promptly paper having a maturity of ffbm six JANUARY, A. D. 1923 at the hour ------------------------------------ »5.00 of Hermiston Estate -------------- ............$4.75 Ass’L Cashier of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said Lot 13, 50 feet, H. R. Newport...... months to three years. C ap ital, Surplus and U ndivided day at West Front Door of Court ------------- .----------------------»5.00 The proposed legislation stipulates House. Pendleton. Umatilla County, P r o fit, O v e r $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 Lot 13, 50 feet, H. R. Newport...... DB. W. W. I1LSLEY that farm paper could be rediscount Oregon, sell the right, title and In City of Hermiston, 2nd Addition -----<------------------------------ »6.00 Office over Firat National Baak terest the said J. H. Schram and ed for national and state hanks and ......... - ............ ........................ »5.00 according to plat filed with County Osteopathy Medicine Recorder April 32, 1907, trust companies, incorporated live Nettie Schram had In and to the Block 5— S^MM0NS FOR PUBLICATION IN stock loan companies, farm credit com above described property on the 18th Calla answered at all b oon Lot 4. 25 feet, E. J. Kingsley »2.50 day of October. A. D. 1921 or sine« Office phone Ml Residence phase TO In FORECLOSURE of tax l ien lo t 8, 25 feet H. R. Newport........ Block F _ In the Circuit Court of the State of panies, co-operative credit companies then has acquired, at public auction Lot 9, 21 to feet, E. E. McMillan ------------------------------------ »2.50 to the highest bidder for cash in hand Oregon, for the County of Umatll- and other banking institutions. _ _ ......... „ ......»2.15 E state........... Lot 12, 25 feet, C. M. Jensen T h e H e r a l d p u b lish e s One bill amending the farm Ioan the proceeds to be applied in satis Eslate. $2.50 An"® M- HarthroBg. Plaintiff vs. act to provide additional credits was faction of said execution and all r Lot 13 25 feet, H. R. Newport...... m o re g e n u in e p a id w a n t costs. irson S. Parks, and any other City of Hermiston according to ------------------------------------»2.50 Introduced by Senator Norbeck, re D E N T IS T R Y Dated this 4th day of December, person or persons claiming any a d s t h a n a n y o th e r Lot 14 25 feet, H. R. Newport...... plat filed with Recorder of Umatilla right, title, lien or Interest in or publican, South Dakota, and Repre A. D. 1922. County March 21, 1908. Dental X-Ray and Dia^nenia ------------------------------------ »2.50 ZOETH HOUSER, Sheriff. to the within described property, sentative Strong, republican, Kansas p a p e r p u b lish e d in a c ity Bark Bid». Lot 19, 50 feet. H. R. Newport...... Block 3—■ Defendant. 13-6tc. By J. C. Marine, Deputy Henniaton. Oregron while another, introduced by Senator ---------1-------------------------- »5.00 o f t h e s a m e size in E a s t To Wilson S. Parks, the aboved Lot 11, 60 feet, Blanche Brown.... Block 8— Norbeck and Representative A. P. Nel named defendant: ................................... - ......... »3.50 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION e r n O re g o n . Lot 17, 25 feet, E. O. Comegys___ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF son, republican, Wisconsin, would auth Department of the Interior, U. S. Lot 13, 50 feet, Blanche Brown...- ------------------------------------ »2.50 OREGON: orise the war finance corporation to ................................. ............. »3.50 Land Office at La Grande, Novem Lot 18, 25 feet, H. R. Newport...... T H E R E ’S A R E A S O N You are hereby notified that An make loans to foreign purchasers of Lot 13, 6u feet, Blanche Brown— ber 20. 1922. ------------------ ---- ----------- $2.50 na M. Harthrong is the holder of ______________ _____ ___ »3.50 Notice Is hereby given that W ill ATTOPNPY AT LAW Lot 19. 25 feet. E. O. Comegys .... Certificate of Delinquency number American agricultural products. iam Henderson, of Wallula. Wash ----------------------------------»2.50 Both of the bills are Introduced by Block 4— ed 1740 issued on the Third day of ington, who. on March 19, 1918, H E R M IS T O N , O R EG O N Lot 14. 50 feet. J. F. Relhl »3.50 August. 1921, by the Tax Collector the American Farm Bureau Federa made Additional Homestead Entry, Block 7— of Umatilla, State of Oregon, for the tion and go beyond the administra No. 018922. for South half. Section 2, Lot 5. 57 feet. Geo. B. Ray »5 70 amount of Twelve Dollars and Fifty- Lot 6, 50 feet. C. W. Craik $5.00 Block 5— Township 5 North, Range 30 East, M c K enzie & T T F .nA T .T in t Lot 14, 4s feet J. H. Schram ....... ono Cents ($12.51) the same being tion proposals in the recently intro Willamette Meridian, has filed notice Lot 7, 35 feet. Geo. B rig g s__$3.50 the amount then due and delinquent duced Lenroot-Anderson ÿlll. Lot 8, 12 feet. Geo. Briggs ....»1.20 of intention to make Final three- EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT» Lot 15, 45 feet. Earl Caldwell...... for taxes for the year 1916. together year Proof, to establish claim to the Haa removed from hi* former location in tho with penalty, interest and costs' ........... .... ........ ....................»3.15 land above described, before United Block 8— Bond Bldir. to Lot 3. 50 feet. H. P e te r s___»5.00 thereon upon the real property as NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Lot 16, 45 feet Earl Caldwell...... States Commissioner, at Pendleton. Rooms 1. S and 3 Inland Empire Bank BM«. Lot 4, 50 feet. Rena Waterman___ sessed to you, of which you are the Department of the Interior, U. S. Oregon, on the 16th day of January, ..................... .................... „.»3.15 P E N D L E T O N : O R E G O N FOE SALE ......... ........ ................... - ....... »5.00 owner as appears of record, situat Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, 1923. Lot 5, 50 feet, Rena Waterman...... Block 10— ed in said County and State and Claimant names as witnesses: December 9, 1922. -------------------------------- »5.00 Lot 9, 50 feet, Clara Thompson. FOR SALE— 40 acres, partly im particularly, bounded and described Notice Is hereby given that Frank Carl Molistad. William Cahill. Carl ___ ______ ____ _____ „....$3.50 proved Terms, W. A. Leathers. as follows, to-wit: Krouse, of Hermiston. Oregon, who Nelson, Bob Greenstreet all of Wal Block 9— Lot 10 50 feet, Clara Thompson ... The North One-half (N H ) of the on October 1, 1919. made Home, lula, Washington. 25-tfc. Lot 1, 50 feet, H. R. Newport____ .................... ...........................»3.50 Carl G. Helm. Register Northeast Quarter (N E U ) of the stead Entry, No. 0200(8, for Farm ll-7 tc . ...................................... ........ $5.00 FOR SALE— An Improved 20 acre Southwest Quarter (SW !4) of Sec Unit ’’D’’ or SEU SW to. Section 19, Lot 2, 50 feet, H. R. Newport........ Block 13— ranch 3 1-2 miles from Hermiston tion Twenty-six (26) in Township Township 5 North. Range 29 East, NOTICE OF SALE ----------------------------------- $5.00 Lot 1, 86.6 feet, H. R. Newport.... O ptometrist < uj , í for particulars sea C. H. Skinner. Five (5) North of Range Twenty- Willamette Meridian, has filed notice Notice is hereby given that by vir to Lot 12, 25 feet. H. R. New .................... .........................$6.06 eight (28), 1-tfc. East of Willamette of Intention to make final three- tue of the authority of the City port ...................................... »3.50 Lot 2 50 feet, H. R. Newport .... Meridian, in Umatilla County, State year Proof, to establish claim to the Charter of the City of Hermiston and *..........................................»3.50 Lot 13 50 feet, H. R. Newport...... land above described, before United the direction of the City Council au ROLLED OATS 9 pound sack at of Oregon. Lot 3, 60 feet, H. R. Newport — --------------------------------- „.»5.00 You are further notified that said States Commissioner, at Hermiston. thorizing and directing the Treasurer Kingsley's 53c, 3 for $1.50. 14-tfc ......................................... ......»3.50 1 Anna M. Harthrong has paid taxes Oregon, on the 30th day of Janu of tho City of HermiBton to collect Block Lot 8, 50 feet, H. R. Newport .... 1 WILL HANDLE XMAS TREES on said premises for prior or sub ary, 1923. the unpaid assessment for the city Lot 23, 26 feet. Albert Smith ___ ............................................... »3.50 Claimant names as witnesses: W E PAY CASH irrigation water for the year 1922, this year as usual. Phone 182 or sequent years with the rate of In .......................- ................ „....»2.50 Lot 9. 50 feet, H. R. Newport .... George H. Root. Milton A. Lenhart, levied and Imposed under the provi leave orders with Inland Empire terest on said amounts as follows: Lot 24, 25 feet Albert Smith ___ ...... .................. ...................... »3.50 Year’s Tax. 1917, Date Paid Aug Floyd Ames, Charles Ames all of Her sions of Ordanance No. 76, passed Lumber Co R. B. Spencer. 14-2tp. ------------------------------------»3.50 - ■■ roa------- Lot 10. 50 feet H. R. Newport .... ust 3, 1921, Amount $12.33, Rate of miston, Oregon. by the city council and approved by Lot 25, 25 feet, Albert Smith ...... ..................... ..........................»3.50 Interest 12 per cent; Year’s Tax 14-6tc Carl G. Helm, Register. the mayor on July 2, 1913, and ordi_ .....- .............— .................. „..»2.50 Lot 11, 60 feet, H. R. Newport .... If seeing is believing, you should 1918, Dale Paid August 3, 1921, nance No. 96 passed by the city coun Lot 26, 25 feet, Albert Smith ...... ......... ... ....................... .......... »3.50 hear the beautiful-toned violins for Amount $12.66, Rate of Interest 12 cil and approved by the mayor on ...................... ........................ »2.60 Lot 13, 50 feet, H. R. Newport — sale at Charles Hahn's shoe store per cent; Year’s Tax 1919, Date April 17, 1918. Lot 27, 25 feet A. E. Burkenblne .. ................... ............................»3.50 after. December 20. 14-8tp. Paid August 3, 1921, Amount $$15.- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I will on the 22nd day of December ......... ............ .............. »3.50 Lot 13, 50 feet, H. R. Newport .... 76. Rate1 of Interest; Year’s Tax Department of the Interior, U. S. 1922, at the hour of 10 o’clock In the Lot 28. 25 feet, A. E. Burkenblne .. ............................................... »3.50 1920. Date Paid August 3, 1921, Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, forenoon of said day at the City P e n d le to n T r a d in g „ Turkevs for Sale ___________ ___________ $2.50 Lot 14, 87.5 feet H. R. Newport ... Young fat turkeys 30 and 35 cents Amount $18.55. Rate of Interest December 9. 1922. Council Chamber in the City of Her ............................................. »6.12 Dressed or undresaed, delivered. The ,12 per cent; Year’s Tax 1921, Date Block 12— C om pany Notice Is hereby given that Wil miston. Oregon, sell the following de Dated at Hermiston. Oregon, this birds w ould top the m ark et any Paid March 29, 1922. Amount $64.- bert H. McMillan, one of the heirs scribed lots, pieces and parcels of Lot 2, 25 feet. Gao. B. Ray ....»2.50 place. C. J. Flynn, Hermiston. 14-2tp 66, Rate of Interest 12 per cent. Lot 3, 25 feet Geo. B. R a y __»2.50 32nd day of November, 1922. and for the heirs of Andrew McMil land at public auction to the highest Phone 4 5 5 F. B. Swayze, City Treasurer Lot 4. 25 feet. Geo. B. Ray ....»2.50 Said Wilson S. Parks, as the own- lan. of Hermiston. Oregon, assignee bidder for cash in ¿land, the proceeds ll-5 tc. Lot 5. 25 feet, Geo. B. R a y __»2.50 ! er of the legal title of the above de of Arthur W. Purdy, who on Febru from the sale of each lot, piece or The Sweetest Xma« Gift Lot 6, 19 feet. Geo. B. Ray .„.»1.90 Skovbo'8 Granulated Honey for scribed property as the same appears ary 11, 1905. made Deeert Land En parcel of land to be applied in satis, !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ «ale by Kingsley's. • 14-2tc. ; o f record, and each of the other try 446-02138, that portion. No. faction of the assessment upon lot. ' ' • i . • ! >i ‘ » * I ( persons above named are hereby 015093, for NW 14SEU, Section 19. piece or parcel of land with interest ■W e Give S. A H. Trading Stamp«a 3 M ton Public Truck for sale cheap. ; further notified that Anna M. Har- Township 5 North. Range 29 East. thereon from March 1, 1922, at the City of Hermiston according to plat Now on good gravel job. Also haa ’ throng will .apply tp the Circuit Willamette Meridian, has filed notice rate of 6 per cent per annum togeth filed with County Recorder April 5, 1905. flat rack for hauling wheat or Court of the County and State afor- of intention to make Final Proof to er with a penalty of 15 per cent of baled hay. Inquire this office. said for a decree foreclosing the establish claim to the land above each of said assessments and all costs. 13-tfc. lien against the property above de described, before United States Com Following Is a description of each Block 2— Lot » ,1 0 feet, H. R. Newport...... scribed and mentioned in said cer missioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, on of said lots, pieces or parcels of land ....... .................. ........ ...... .....»1.00 4 MILCH COWS FOR SALE or tificate. And you are hereby sum- the 30th day of January, 1923. with the number of feet frontage, ■i would take few pigs or brood | moned to appear within sixty days Claimant names as witnesses: W h e n you need any name of owner or reputed owner, Lot 7, 25 feet. H. R. Newport........ sows in trade. One cow fresh in , after the first publication of the Arthur W. Purdy, Charles Opel, and amount of said assessment, ________________ _____ ..»2.50 thing in the lin e of March, one in May, two fresh In summons exclusive of the day of Orville E. Ouysinger. George H. Root Lot 8 25 feet. Syndicate Bldg. Co. 1» irr~i«i-wy 4 weeks. Can be seen at my ranch said first publication, and defend all of Hermiston, Oregon. n e a t a n d a tt r a c t iv e _________________ ...____ »2.60 City of Hermiston according to on Butter Creek. Gaylord M. this action or pay the amount due 14-6tc Carl G. Helm, Register. Lot 9, 80 feet. Syndicate Bldg. Co. Printing. plat filed with County Recorder Nov. Madison, Phone 15B-4, Echo, as above shown together with costs ______ ___ ______ 2 _____ »8.00 23, 1904. Oregrf. 15-3tc. and accrued interest and in case of Lot 18, 25 feet, Chas. McNamee — NOuCE OF SH KBi FE S SALE your failure to do so, a decree » ill . ' : r> ' _________ _______ __ ___ »2.50 Name Amount FORDSON TRACTOR equlped with be rendered foreclosing the lien of UNDER EXECUTION extension rim wire fenders, tops, said taxes and costs against the Lot IT, 26 feet. Chas. McNamee .... Notice is hereby given that by Block 2— Our new brick shoe store Is now open ■ Lot 4. 60 feet, J. 8. West ......»5.00 ____________________ — .»2.50 2 gas and oil drums. Oliver tractor land and premises above named. virtue of an execution Issued out of % lot 5. 25 feet, J. 8. West -.» 2 .5 0 B lo c k 8— with a new line of goods. See us (or j plow, good condition, price for This summons 1» published by or the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, Lot 11, 50 reet, H. Rohlnett »6.00 all $400.00 part cash, terms on der of the Honorable Gilbert W, tor Umatilla County, and to me di Block 4— Lot 1 50 feet, H. R. Newport....._ SHOE REPAIRING balance. Gaylord M. Madison, Phelps, Judge of the Circuit Court rected an'd delivered, upon the judg Block 7— ............................... ................ »5.00 of the State of Oregon, for the Coun- ment and decree rendered and en Phone 15 B-4, Echo, Oregon. ■ E L E C T R IC F I X T U ftr c S ■ Lot 2, 50 feet. H. R. Newport........ Lot 1. 30 feet, F. A. Chetlk |3J>0 STORE ; 15-3tc. y of Umatilla, and said order was tered In said Court of the 4th day of OAK TAN SHOE STORE ■ A N D A P H i a NCEH ? made and dated this 26th day of December, 1922. in favor of J. T. • a m R o d g ara , P ro p . n ÏÎ Pkaea IN FOR SALE— Five One pigs Z. April, 1922, and the date of the Dowell as Plaintiff and against J H. ■ tos *. Oaart •«. Ore.^ Pumphrey. 15-ltp. first publication of this summons is Schram and Nettle Schram as De the 21st day of December, 1922. fendants. for the sum of $300.00 with AU process and papers in this interest thereon at the rate of 8 per FOR SALE— Thorobred male Collie pup. Frank Krouse. 5 Mi miles proceeding inay be served upon the cent per annum from October 18, northeast of town. 15-ltc. undersigned residing within the 1921, the further sum of $50.00 at- State of Oregon at the address here torney’s fees, and for $18.25 cost* and disbursements, which said de CITY PROPERTY In La Grande, after mentioned. SEE Address, Pendleton, Oregon. cree, judgement, and order of sale C O N F E C T IO N E R Y Salem and other valley ttfwns to Keator & Randall. has been docketed and enrolled in exchange for Hermiston irrigated. S T A T IO N E R Y Attorney for the Plaintiff. the office of Clerk of said Circuit J. M. Biggs. Realtor. 15-tfc. 15-7tc. Court; and whereas by said judge ment. decree and order of sale It was Recent floods In the French Sa directed that the following real prop MISCELLANEOUS hara tied np the desert railway. Oh, erty in Umatilla County, Oregon, well, the world's turned upside to-wlt: Lot (14) Fourteen in Block (5 ) SHOP—Oates down anyhow. Now for a good TIRE ELLIOTT’S 52-lte. thumping sandstorm in mid-Atlantic. Five in Newport addition to Hermis tires. -F O R - ton. Oregon which property was mortgaged on the 18th day of Oct SEE G L. BENNETT for Auction RECTOR HALL’S W IDOW ober, 1921, and Is now under mort eering. 26-tfc. gage. be sold by the Sheriff of Uma W H E R E the sun shines most of tilla County. Oregon, to satisfy said ’ ’ the time. OtM-of-door Hie all Special meeting of the stockholders Judgement and all costs: of the Farmers’ Exchange at the the time. I WILL ON THE 13TH DAY OF Library. December 23, 2 p. m. If Thousands of miles o f paved high» interested in your own welfare, at " w a y s through picturesque semi- tend. 14-2tc. tropic settings make motoring w o o Merry Christmas FOR RENT— 6 room house, 2 acres derfully exhilarating. alfalfa, one acre in berries and Most attractive ocean beaches on garden. Garage, barn and chicken TIFEWKITER rlbBope and carbon houses. Mrs. L. A. Phelps 7-tfc. the Pacific Coast paper at the Herald office. Neu's stand Most complete system o f hotels, ANY ONE wishing »radeg on local Cigars and Tobacco apartment houses, cottages, bunga t.¡ property for valley farms or .city property -communicate' with J. L. lows and small suites for tourists of Hanna, of the J. E. Shears Realty any country in the world, and all Co.. 416 Henry Bldg., Portland •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»e x eooooe ( costs reasonable. Room for everybody. Oregon. 7-tfc. Send us th e p ric e o f a y e a r’; The Quality Store of Portland, Oregon First N ational Bank NOTICE! D . P. V . P R T M E W. J. W A R N B R WANT ADS Vary ’’I <n- ■ Fat L ivestock DON’T FORGET ------- Ü S -------- 3 ■ ■ ■ ■ |J . L . V A U G H A N S »■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ c ififo r s ijc i H IT T Ill GUNS 1 A M M U N IT IO N DO IT N O W W e Need the Money FOR RENT by owner. 25 acres in 4th unD. AU la alfalfa. Inquire at Herald. 14-Jte- Your order for any floral pieces will receive our prompt attention Only the best In plas»s and floral wort. Try us for plants tor Christ- gifts. "Say it w ith . flowers Pehnulder florist, phono 283. M r s .________ 14-tie No aatos Saturday. Want Ads Bring Results We Want Yon ■ M ika UNIO N PACIFIC SYSTEM T h e F re n c h R e s ta u ra n t ’• BAUIT » 4 CORFICnOKHT 8TKWTLT murr CLAM It In greaUy ronditiena M E D IC IN B cea- QnKkty Tasty Stationery For Women A FULL UNE H a ll’« Catarrh Medicine j I This photograph of ] Stevens Hail, widow of the rector of [ N e w Brunswick, M. J- who was killed with Mrs. Eleanor Mills was while she was giving her first view to new epaper m ^ n . _ Delicious H ho le some Confectionery land. jubscription i f you are in arrears SEE J. L. HARMAN FOR Blacksmfthing of all kinds. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone 803. 6-tfe. ÏJ.S. ^tarrl F. C. Woughter, Agent Hokbeck Br#t., Proprietors Hermiston, Oregon W m . M cM urray, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Christmas Cards to kee p in m in d the fact th at in add ition to p r in tin g th is n e w s p ap er w e d o jo b w o rk of an y kin d . W h e n in need o f a n y th in g in this lin e be sure Sc© Us