Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1922)
/THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON.' T h. ribbon by the National Duroc-Jeraey Record Association at the Hermiston »how are on display In the Oregon Hardware & Implement Co’e. window. K I N G S L E Y ’S H t R M U T O N 1» n o m i Q , Q U A U IT Y A N D ■ ■ W V IC K " PHONE 171 Grocery Department Dairy and Hog Show Specials Half Gallon Fruit Jars, doz. Karo Syrup, gallon . . Sugar, sack . . . Flour . . . . Corn Flakes, 9 packages . $1.50 .75 8.15 2.00 1.00 Hosiery Our New Winter Hoisery is Here 2S« EUGENE O BRIEN S NEXT WAS MADE BY POPULAR REQUEST Make Our Store Your Head quarters During Dairy and Hog Show "Channing of the Northwest” In which Eugene O'Brien appears at the' Pluy House next Wednesday is the result of a campaign on the part of the newspapers and the public to have the star appear in such a pic ture. Mr. O'Brien's following made no mistake in demanding that their fav orite appear In thi stype of picture. It in perhaps the best suited of his career. He is extremely well fitted to play the English Gentleman who through circumstances is forced to go to Canada and take up a life of adventure. As "Channing" Mr. O'Brien is first en as an English Gentleman of leisure whose ch ef occupation seems to be decorating Piccadilly and May- fair. Of course, he is an admirer of the girls at the Gaiety. In fact, falls in love with one of them. Unfortu nately he loses all his money and the Ga'ety lady strainghway walks out on him. It is then he leaves for Canada Joins the Northwest Mounted and soon finds himself In the midst of more excitement than he has had since the war. "Channing of the Northwest” is a picture that moves every mo ment and affords O’Brien the best part he has had in many a long day. Dairy and Hog Show Special for Men $9.50 All Leather Vests Brown Color The Gun and Shells For G ettin g Game OOSE shooters all over North America swear by the hard-hitting, evenly distributed Winchester perfect uhot pattern, that brings the geese down stone dead, close to the blind. Winchester Shotguns and Shells give the same satisfactory results in every other kind of small game shooting. They are known everywhere in the world for durability, accuracy, and getting game. Buy a Winchester Model 12 Ham merless Repeating Shotgun, or a Model 97 with outside hammer. And Win chester Shells—Leader or Repeater in smokeless, Nublack or New Rival in black powder. Be prepared for the big day when luck comes your way. G HORSESHOE PITCHERS COMPETE AT SHOW Wool Heathen, Wool and Silk in all the ndw shades “ M A Y PO L E ” Y arns F o r K n ittin g Friday the great contest for the championship in horseshoe pitching will take place at the Dairy aud Hog Show. Many of the artists in this line from several counties wilt gath er and throw down the gauntlet of battle for supremacy in th e classic game of America. Partisans of the various contest ants will be here in plenty to root for their favorite pitcher, and even those who are not familiar with the intricacies of the game will have nerves keyed to at high pitch when they see this battle royal. Scarfs, Shawls, etc. Our FREE! Telephone Will Tablets Be Pencils For Pen Holders Your Note Books other School Supplies Use Nothing will please you bet ter than tne new “MAYPOLE” knitting yams that are so soft * and fleecy it is a delight to w o rk w ith ¡f them. Pure wool for the more se rv ic e a b le garments and Silk-O’-Wool for the dainty things. A Noisy Snapper Jack for every boy or girl making a purchase of B aptist Church Notice S. L. Boyce of Lebanon will be the m'nister at both morning and eve ning services at the Baptist church Sunday. All are extended a hearty welcome to attend and hear Rev. Boyce. Sunday school will he held at 10 o’clock and the sermon at 11 a. m. The evening service starts at 7:30. A sk to see them. YARN SPECIAL Silk and Wool 53c Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. the SEASON OPENS Hermiston Produce & Supply Co. " The Best o f Good Service’ LOCAL AND PERSONAL Monroe Salisbury in The Baptist! ladles aid will meet with Mrs. O. C. Young Wednesday, October 12 . C. M. Jackson and family return ed Tuesday evening from a ten day trip to Wallace, Idaho. They went overland. MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY E a s tm a n K o d n k s a n d F ilm * HERMISTON P ho ne 101 OREGON HEATERS Our stock of heaters for the fall is now on the floor in both combination wood and coal, or wood only. Prices for new heaters range From $3.10 up to $6.25 for Wood Heaters Have two styles of Oil Heaters a t $8.50 each, and combination heaters at prices of $17.50 up. Our better heaters are the genuine Univer sal O v e rd ra ft Sm oke B u rn in g styles. T e rm s or C ash SAPPERS’ INC. HARDWARE FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS RADIO OUTFITS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Mrs. F. A. dhezik gave a dinner party to a number of the high school set Thursday evening In honor of tho birthday anniversary of Miss Elsie Richards. Covers were laid for eight. Those present were: Elsie Richards. Zona Bensel. Phyllis Dyer. Melba Callahan, Margaret Neary. Mabel Brown, Lucile Sullivan, and Mary Currie. Stated commun’entiong of Queen Ecthor Chapter O. E. S. next Tuesday night. By order W. M. Louis Garner left last week for Portland where he will attend the North Pacific Dental College the coming year. This Is his last year at the college. James Tryhnll of Fort Wayne, Ind who has been visiting at the home of N. W. Bloom, returned home this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thomas arriv ed Wednesday from Portland. Mr. Thomas experts to have some Im provements made on his rnnch In Columbia district and they expect to remain here for some time. The Parent-Teacher assoc'ation will meet at the High school auditor ium Thursday. October 12. at 2:30 o’clock. There will be a program and everyone Invited to attend. The Neighborhood club will meet with Mrs. Marvin Watson on the diagonal road Wednesday afternoon. October 11, at 2:30. Election of of ficers will lake place and a good attendance Is desired. Mr. and Mrs. George Briggs spent Wednesday In Pendleton. Many novel window displays art being put In today for the Dairy and Hog Show. See All the Dairy and Hog Show FRIDAY Ladles’ F. A. Chezik returned Monday from a month’s visit at Foreman, S. D., his former home. “ The Best o f Good Service” THE PLAY HOUSE ■ BREVITIES ■ Remember the Baptist Bazaar meets December 2. =3 'HER 16 Kas Kade Scratch 22.50 per sack. Egg Mash with Butter Milk reduced to 23-75. Olympic. Egg Mash Kas Kade 22.75. Olympic Egg Builder 23.50. Oyster Shell, Eastern at 22.00 per cwt. Occurences of Interest Gleaned Here and There About the City and Neighborhood High school foot ball frames and athletics calls for your kodak and films. Every boy and girl should own a Kodak or Brownie camera. Ask to see the New No. 1 Kodak Series II—$13.50. The neatest and most practical kodak for beginners. Makes pic tures 2 1-4 by 3 1-4, the most practical size. Kodaks, $6.50 and up. Rrownie Cameras, $2.00 and up. store Olympic Scratch Food Reduced to $2.75 Want Ads Bring Results FOOT BALL PHOTOGRAPHS TV//VCH£ST£R * The window display at “The West “THE GREAT ALONE” Side Eat Shop,” the store with the Blue Front, is one of the best exhib s its at the fair and Its the place where SATURDAY 3 Big Double Feature 3 Mary Miles Minter in ; you can get good things to eat at right prices. We handle U. S. inspected meats. Hermiston Market & Grocery “ HER WINNING W A T ’ s also THE STORE WITH THE BLUE FRONT “ The West Side Eat Shop” ; Harold Lloyd in “ NEVER WEAKEN” THE BEST BUTTER WRAPPERS that money can buy are printed by The Herald. We buy the best stock we can get and do the best work. And the price is the lowest, quality con sidered. Matinee starts at 2:30 SUNDAY We Take Telephone Orders 8 ■ James Oliver Curwood’s ■ Drama of the Hudson Bay Country “JAN OF THE BIG SNOWS” i ,-.r - : s l | - - ................... ,• i t .i WEDNESDAY Eugene O ’Brien m I “C hanning o f th e N o rth w est” Big Sale on Pure Lard ä ■ : Pure Lard in No. 10s Pure Lard in No. 5s Pure Lard in No. 3s 1 si I $1.75 .85 .55 W hy buy Compound* and other substitutes when you can buy Pure Lard at these prices? s. A 4 L M W ith CITY MEAT MARKET SIKEY A HENDERSON, F r ^ . ■■■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■•■■»■■■■■■■B**