Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1922)
UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. NOTICE COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES FIKE PREVENTION WEEK Every citizen's call to arras, de vote your time to th'e public serv ice. October 2 to 9 is Fire Preven tion week. Will you enlist in the putrotic crusade to overcome the unnetessary fire waste of the na tion, almost entirely caused by Carelessness? Property loss during 1921 »500,- 000,000. Casualty list: 15,000 burned to death. 25,000 maimed, bruised, in jured. Sixty-five per cent of all fires oc cur In the home, hence women and children make up the great per cent of casualties. Yours for Safety and Conserva tion. F. B. Swayze, Agent OFFICERS F. B. Swayze President R. Alexander Vice-Prealdent S. C Ixnhrie Cashier W. L. Hamm, Ass’t. Cashier First National Bank of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profit* Over $50,000 , j BEE SUPPLIES NOTICE! all kinds at the Second Hand Store. 44-tfc. T he H erald publishes more genuine paid want ads than any other paper published in a city of the same size in East ern Oregon. MONEY FOR YOU AND US made by selling our splendid line of well-grown Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Plants. Select territory if application is made at once. Salem Nursery Company, 428 Oregon Bldg , Salem, Oregon 3-4tc. TH ERE’S A REASON WANT AOS FOR SALE FOR SALE— Milch Goat and 2 Kids, 1 Cow and some Imperial strain Tancred White Leghorn Pullets. Isaac Jay. FOR SALE— Four horse fresno and farm utensils. W. G. Fritts. l-4tp FOR SALE— Sixty laying White Leghorn Hens, also some white Leghorn Pullets, Phone 801. 4-1 tc. APPLES AT COST— On and after October 13lh, I will dispose of my entire crop of apples consisting of 1000 boxes, Roman Beauties, Winesaps and Grimes Golden. These apples are absolutely free from worms. Sale takes place at my ranch 2 3-4 miles north of Hermiston, October 13th and will continue until the crop is sold. Purchasers are advised to bring containers as an extra charge will be made for boxes. 4-ltc. Walter Botkin GRIMES GOLDEN, Jonathan, King David, Yellow Newtown, Spitzen- berg, Rome Beauty and Winesapp apples, 60c per bu. at Orchard. Cider or Cooking apples culled from above are 20c per bu. Geo. H. Root. 3-2tv FOR SALE— Two cows, five choice heifers and one registered Jersey bull. Eber Mossie. l-4tc. HAY BALER FOR SALE CHEAP— Inquire at this office. 51-tfc. FOR SALE— Belgian hares, either alive or dressed. Euquire at this office. FOR SALE— Delicious apples, or inarti run »1.00 box at ranch. R. A. Stewart. 3-2tp. HIGHLY IMPROVED 10 ACRES 1 U miles from Hermiston For sale cheap. Inquire of this office. 49-tfc NOTICE OF HEARING UPON FINAL REPORT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of_Ben jamin F. Newcomer. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the Last Will and Testament of Benjamin F. Newcomen deceased has filed his f'ltal report with the Clerk of the above entitled Court and that the Judge thereof has designated Monday the 24th day of October, 1922 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon as the time and the County Court room in the County Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon as the place when and where hearing shall be had (hereon, and all persons in terested are hereby notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why said report should not be approved,' the execut or discharged, h's bondsmen exhon- orated and the estate closed. Dated this 12th day of September, 1922. Willard W. Felthouse 2-5t«J. Executor. HERMISTON IRRIGATION DISTRICT NOTICE OF ELECTION 68F5 for particulars. 47-ifc. 4-5tc. ZOETH HOUSEff S h eriff By J. C. Marine, Deputy) UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 9 BUDGET Mark Edmonds was a Portland vis itor lost week. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES No. Salary per year Superintendent ........ .. .......1 1 1350.00 8 Teachers ............................ .......1 1920.00 1 1440 00 3 1350.00 Janitors ............................. ... .1 500.00 Clerk and Bond ............ .......1 150.00 Stenographer Other services legal ....... PERSONAL SERVICE: Lowell Stockard returned from the state fair at Salem where he exhibit ed a pure bred Du roc gilt, Sunday. 1. 3. 4 The boys and girls who are mem 5. bers of clubs are busy this week get 6. 7. ting their exhibits ready for entry Total at the Dairy and Hog show. Total A. W. Agnew was a visitor In Co- lumbia on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Canfield, who spent a week visiting at the R. C. Canfield home, left Thursday for Central California where they expect to make their home. 10. Total CATARRH MEDICINE will w? c‘*lm f°r It—rid your system . c y * H h t,r D eafness caused by CsUrrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE bt e" • ucce“ hil m the treatment of tor ov*r Forty Years, bold by all druggists. F. J- Cheney Toledo, O. „? 400.00 655.00 20.00 8 1075.00 T otal....................................................... INDEBTEDNESS' f E xpenditures for 3 Fiscal years n ex t preceding the la st school y-* D etailed E x p enditures f o r , S econ d | the last year o f ye the three-year »five period yearly total» 8 -FO R T H E - F irst y ear g iv e y ’arly total« RECLAMATION LODGE N o. 107, K. o f P , m eets each Thursday ev en in g in Mack’s Hall, at 7:30 P. M. V isitin g brothers cordially invited. W. H. McMillan R. A. Brown son, K. R. and S . C. C. D R . F R A N C IS P . A D A M S Physkiaa and Surgeon Eyea treated, tested and G lasses Fitted Office over First N ational Bank OFFICE PH ONE. 92 RESIDENCE PH O N E. 595 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. n».; 2 to 5:30 p. na. Day or night calls answered promptly DR. W. W. ILLSL1Y Office over F irst N ational Bank Osteopathy Sam Physician and Surgeon Ofliio Tel. 931. Res. Tel. 832. Office Telephone Building Hermiston Oregon D ie V. 200.00 150.00 VV ATTORNEY AT LAW M c K enzie & lieuallen EYE. EA R . NOSE A N D TH R O A T! Has romoved from hi.s form er location in tho Bond Bldg, to Booin'! 1, 2 and 3 Inland Em pire Bank Bldg. P E N D L iC T O N F . I). W A T T S , M . D . Pendleton, Or eg on 334.70 1550.Q0 1550 Q0 800.00 2150.00 Special atten tion ’U) th e fitting of lenses. GUNS 334.70 Pendleton and Umatilla Stage -and- 1. 1. Rent on building .. 2. Interest ......... .. Total— Miscellaneous EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT S eein g Is believing. Office over Taylor Hardware INDEBTEDNESS: MISCELLANEOUS: : OREGON P o n d le to n , O r e .g FO R- LEAVE AMMUNITION Total— Assessments...... and board .............. 2500.00 Total— Transportation of Pupils .............. $ 2500.00 J. W A R N E R H E R M IS T O N , O R E G O N H IT T ASSESSMENTS (H iehw avs. Roads. Streets. Bridges) TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS Office Phone, M Realdenoo Phone Tit SEE 1. 2. Bonded, and interest thereon .............. 2. Warrant, and inter est thereon ...... 14447.82 3. All other indebted ness and interest thereon ............ Total— Indebtedness ......»14447.82 P R IA I E D ental X -Ray and D iagnosis MATERIAL AND SU PPLIES: Furniture (desks, etc) Supplies other than contract ............. 400 00 3. Library books, flags. Playground equip ment, Janitor's supplies, fuel, light, water con tracted with dis. trict No. 14 ...... 655.00 10. Postage and station ery ..................... 20.00 Total— Material and Sup plies ...................$ 1075.00 Y . Bank Bldg. Hermiston. Oregon R c d g a ra , F ro p . C o u r t S t. 1< D E N T IS T R Y Phone 139 203 Surgery DK. J. A. L0UNDAGIN ■ E L E C T R IC F I X T U R E S ■ A N D A P P L IA N C E S 5 * Medicine Gal!« an»w ired at all hour« Office phone 561 R esidence phone 711 600.00 3052.00 A FULL LINE Pondleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 Echo 9:15 1:15 6:15 Stanfield 9:30 1:36 6:85 Hermiston 9:55 1:65 6:65 Into Umatilla 10:15 2:15 6:16 HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK Umatilla 8:00 12:00 4:00 Hermiston 8:20 12:20 4:20 Stanfield 8:45 12:46 4:45 Echo 9:00 1:00 6 >00 Into Pendleton 10:15 2:15 0:15 ■r$ S i 7327.37 7327.37 LEAVE 1752.15 731.59 1752.15 731.59 w nr EMERGENCY: WE HAVE TAKEN THE AGENCY V I N E Y A R D LODGE NO 206, L O. O. F , nieeta each Monday evening In Odd Fellow s hall. V isitin g members cordi tally invited. W. R. Longhorn. Sec. A . Buhman. M. O. x. G A L E UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 5 Mrs. Gould visited at the home of This original estimate Is made in compliance with section 231-A of the her daughter, Mrs, Ray Fisher, Wed flc'hool ,ln«s (of 1921 and show» In parallel columns the unit costs of tbe 8 I I I I » » ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ " nesday. several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next preced ing the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said 3 preced Rend the Wand Ads. J. D. Waghorn was busy Wednes ing fiscal years and the budget allowance and expenditures for six months of the current year. ("Six months of the current year" means six months ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«»J day and Thursday papering the A. of the last school year.) M. Mathews house. EXPENDITURES J J .B . V A U G H A N S Card of Thanks LIERM ISTO N LODGE NO. 1 » . A. F. A A. V . 1 1 meet« in Masonic H a llo a F irst and Third Tuesday evenings o f each m onth. V isitin g breth ren welcome. K. O. Du2 ^ n * S ecy * A - r - Beisee. W. 1C. P h y s ic ia n a n d B u rg e o n To See Us ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET W. If. Office—Gladys A ve. near F irst S t. Office Hours: 2 to 5; 7:30 to 9. Phone 641 1. Bonded, and Interest thereon 2. Warrant, and interest thereon ............................ 14447.82 3. Mrs. Marvin Watson and son Earle All other indebtedness and interest thereon .... have returned from a visit with rel Total »14447.82 TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS atives and friends in Wieser, Ida. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Mid board ............................ 2500.00 ft. T o ta l........................... ..................... 8 2500.00 ■We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps Mrs. A. M. Mathews, of Spokane, MISCELLANEOUS: Wash., came Thursday for a visit 1. Rent on Building .................................................... 1350.00 2. Interest on Warrants 800.00 with friends in olumbia and to "take Total ............................. .......... 8 2150 00 in” the Dairy and Hog Sshow. EMERGENCY: ...............................— .................................. 1000.00 I --------- Total ...................................................................................... 8 1000.00 Neighborhood club met Wednesday Total estimated amount of money for all purposes at the home of Mrs. Otto Heinl. The during the y e a r ................... »32082.82 next meeting at which officers for Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax .. None RECAPITULATION the ensuing year will be elected, will estimated expenses for the y e a r .........................$32082.82 he at the home of Mrs. Marvin Wat Total Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax .. None son. Balance, amount to be raised by d'strlct tax ...... »32082.82 We the undersigned. E. J. Kingsley, Chairman and Otto Heinl, Secretary of the budget committee of Union High School District No. 5 consisting of Frank Waugaman and E. E. Gra B. Swayze, Frank Waugaman, Jess Goff, C. H. McElroy L. P Keith E J ham have been grading the Diagonal F. Kingsley, O. G. Sapper. Otto Heinl, C. M. Jackson and Roy Atterberry, Here- 1 Our new brick shoe store is now open road. by certify that the foregoing budget is correct as made by suid budget com ■ with a new line of goods. See us for mittee. ■ E. J. Kingsley M SHOE REPAIRING Sidney Barnary is in Montana on Otto Holnl business this month. ? OAK TAN SHOE STORE Estim ated We, the undersigned, do hereby Expendi ITEM tures for take this opportunity to express our ensuing appreciation and thanks to the noble School Year friends and neighbors who have so generously opened their hearts to Us PERSONAL SERVICE: in our recent bereavement. 1. Superintendent ....$ 1350.00 $ 600.00 We wish to acknowledge, with 3. Teachers, 1 .......... 1920.00 gratitude, which will never be for 1 .......... 1440.00 3052.00 3 .......... 4050.00 gotten, their kindness to us. 4. Janitors ................. 600.00 200.00 W. O. Rotramei and family 5. Clerk and bond .... 160.00 150.00 Mrs. P. E. Guisinger the mother, 6. Stenographer O. E. Guisinger, a brother. 7. Other services legal 1500.00 Total— Personal Services »10910 00 Mrs. P. Lawrence, a sister. welcome. Minnie E. S tew art. Kathryn L. Garner. S ee. P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S to keep in mind the fact thet in addition to printing this new s paper we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in this line be sure ASSESSMENTS (H iehw avs. Roads. Streets. Bridees) : E xpenditure and B u d get A llow ance for 6 mo. o f Last School Year 1 B udget E xp en A llow diture ance in indetail 1 detail LODGE DIRECTORY We Want Yon 1500.00 »10910.00 Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) .......... Supplies, other than contract .............................. Library books, flags, playground equipment. Janitor's supplies, fuel, light, water, all the above supplies in contract with Dist. No. 14 Postage and stationery ......................................... J* often caused by an Inflamed condition S . o i * °?,U5 OU« Hnln< of the Buetachian Tube. When thia tube is Inflamed you • r“n\Win« »ound or imperfect Unless the inflammation can i f r o i i d ' * f ^ v i OUr b '!ar“,,, b° d‘ ‘ Subscribe For The Herald 1350.00 1920.00 1440.00 4050.00 500.00 150.00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: SHERIFF’S SALE head of horses Across river. Phonn I CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Union High School District No. 5 will meet at the High School Auditorium In the School House in HermiMon. Oregon in the said District on October 7, 1922 at 8 p. m for Edward Canfield was a visitor at the purpose of levying the tax tor the year 1922, at which time the following the home of h’s parents Mr. and Mrs. estimates and budget may be discussed with the said Board. Tbe total amount of money needed by said Union High School District for R. C. Canfield last week. the year 1923 is estimated in the the following Budget. Notice As hereby given that an election will be held at the office of tho Hermiston Irrigation District on Main St. in the City of Hermiston. Umatilla County. Oregon on Tuesday the 10th day of October, 1922 for Largest Coin in the World. the purpose of electing one director Probubly the largest coin in the to serve for three years. The polls will be open from 8 a. nt. until 5 p. world is one belonging to Farren m. of said day. Zerbe, internationally famous expert 4-ltc. W. J. Warner, Secretary on rare coins. It is a piece of stamped copper plate 10 Inches square AUCTION SALE C. M. Edmonds will hold an auction and weighs 6ft pounds. It has a value sale at his ranch 3 1-2 miles north- of “4 daler” (the daler was a coin of cast of Hermiston on Thursday, Oct. varying value) stnmped on It, and the 12, of all his stock, machinery and date 1730. Such coins were common furniture commencing at one o'clock. ly used in Sweden for some time dur ing and after the wars of Charles XII. TAKEN UP NOTICE It Is part of a collection of more than Notice is hereby given that I have 30,000 specimens, representing me taken up and have kept for about 30 days at the Rinnaker, ranch 4 miles diums of exchange of all countries northwest of Hermiston tho follow and periods from the earliest times to the present day. ing described animals: Ten head long yearling heifers, J-fc branded “J”, 2 head 2 year olds, Convincing. marked “T23”, 2 head 2 year olds, Plugwinch—Congratulate me. I’m branded "J”, 1 Jersey cow, 1 Dur ham calf, 1 bay horse and 1 bay engaged to the wealthy Mrs. Grab- mare branded “WID”, 1 mare mule, ster. no visible brand, said animals will PIgsnuff—So glad, old man I B u t- be sold, unless redeemed, at public auction to the highest bidder for er—are yon sure she is really so cash in hand on the 10th day of rich ? October, 1922 at the above described Plugwinch—Sure? I should say so! ranch at 10 o’clock a. m. Why, site was arrested for shoplifting Dated at Hermiston on this 28th and ucqultted us a kleptomaniac.— day of September, 1922. i Pearson’s \Yeekly. Signed Fred Makinson. 3-2tc FOR SALE— 40 acres, partly Im Notice is hereby given that by proved. Terms, W. A, Leathers. virtue of an execution issued out of 26-tfc. the Circuit Court, Slate of Oregon tor Umaf'Ua County, and to me di CONCORD GRAPES FOR SALE—E rected and delivered, upon a decree L. Jackson. 62-tfc. of foreclosure and order of sale rendered and entered in said Court on FOR SALE— Two good ' cows with the 16th day of September, 1922, in of O. Stangeby and F. M. Gast, young calves. Z. Pumphrey. 3-2tc. favor partners doing business under the firm name of Stangeby & Gast as FOR SALE— 50 geese, »2 each. Mrs. Plaintiffs and L. B. Smith as cross Z. Pumphrey. 3-2tc. complainant. and against J. S. Gttl- liford and Mabie Gullfford as de FOR SALE— 1 Single Harness and fendants; for the sum of »578.08 Buggy near experimental farm. with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 27th W. F. Buchner. 2-3tp. day of April, 1921, for the sum of 875 as attorney’s fees and for $23.— FOR SALE— An improved 20 acre 80 costs and disbursements in favor ranch 3 1-2 miles from Hermiston of said Stangeby & Gast and for the for particulars see C. If. Skinner. sum of »1500 with interest therean . 1-tfc. at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from he 27th day of April, 1920, for FOR SALE— Three tested milch the sum of 8150 as attorney’s fees and for $18.00 costs and disburse cows and four fat calves, also four horse fresno and farm utensils. W. ments in fpvor of said L. B. Sm’th. O. Fritts. 1-4 tp which said decree and order of sale has b»«n docketed and enrolled In the office of the Clerk of said Cir cuit Court: and whereas by said MISCELLANEOUS decree and order of sale It was di rected that the following descr'hed real property In Umatilla County. WANTED—Woman for general Oregon, to-wit; house work and cooking. Inquire The Southwest Quarter of the this office. 52-tfc. Northeast Quarter of Section 36. Township 5, North of Range 28, E. SHOP— Gates W. M be sold by the Sheriff of Uma TIRE ELLIOTTS 62-ltc. tilla County. Oregon, to satisfy said tires. judgement and decree and ail costs: I WILL ON THE 4TH DAY OF THE feeling of security Is well worth the premium paid. How about NOVEMBER. A. D. 1922, at the hour that Fire Insurance? See the E. of 2 o’clock In the afternoon of said 11-tfe day at the Front Door of the Coun P. Dodd Agency. ty Court House in the C’ty of Pen- SEE O L. BENNETT for Auction dleon. County of Umatilla, Oregon, eering. 26-tfc. sell all the right, title and Interest the said J. 8. Oulliford and Mabel WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. Oulliford had In and to the above de. City and Income Property to ex scribed property on the 27th day of change for Hermiston Irrigated. April. 1920, or Rtnce then have ac J. M. Biggs, Realtor. 48-tfc. quire«,. a, pnbl’e auction to (he highest bidder for eash In hand, the TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon nroceccds to be applied to the satis faction of said execution and al, cost» paper at the Herald office. Dated this 26th day of September. WF HAVE PASTURE for l nn more 1922. ____ 5 1000.00 Total— Emergency ..$ 1000.00 Grand Total »32082.82 »14147 81 814147.81 I, R. A Brownson, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expendi- | Hires for the year 1922-1923 was prepared by me and that the expenditures , and budget allowance for six months of current year and the expenditures for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year as shown above have been complied from the records In my charge and are true and correct ! copies thereof. L3tc. it A. Brownson, Clerk TRANSFER P H O N E OREQON HARDW ARE N o . 431 H. Rohinett, Prop. Hermidon, Ore. A. D. CROSLAND & SON I he Hermiston H erald--$2.00 SUBSCRIBE NOW i TWO TRIPS SUNDAY Leaving Pendleton 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leaving Umatilla S a. m. and 4 p. m. 722 Cottonwood Phone 808 We Deliver Parcels at Way Points FARES P n n r l l n t o n t o E c h o . 5 1 .0 0 P o n d l e t o n t o • t a n f f o l d , 0 1 .2 5 P o n d l o t o n t o H e r m l n t o n , 5 1 .8 0 F o n d l o t o n t o U m a t i l l a , 5 1 .7 5 Station at Hotel Oregon and Hotel Hermiston All Lines of Transfer *."■ J 1 BUICK GOME IN AND SEE THE NEW BUICK FOUR TWO TRUCKS QUICK SERVICE M any are Being Sold MINER ANTIBLOAT HALTER Phone 785 Calls Answered All Hours T. H. Gaither C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y Delicious W hole some Confectionery W ill haul anything that can be moved All purchasers are satisfied. The demand will, be great. Get your orders in early in order that early delivery may be assured. P h on e 881 or 2 5 4 See O. C. Young, Resident Agent T h e F r e n c h R e sta u r a n t Tasty Stationery For Women tb e Horae Do Your Haultnic’’ Ntu)3 j land Cigars and Tobacco BAKERT sm I CONFECTIONERT Neil & Barker K U gM tly g u r n l.h - t R u m . in (k m n a tio n R t RICTLY FIRST CI.ABH AGENTS Subscribe for The Herald--$2.00 Hohbach Bros., Proprietors Pondleton. Oregon Piles P re Î œ f ^ÎT » Legal Guarantee Given«* m» («Un » on linee work. Olc-oni* Pile Trretraeafta N o nood o f K n ifo Aak to MITCHELL DRUG CO.