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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1922)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OjfcEQQj^ ¿Ehr ^ermtalun ^rralii Published every Thursday at Her miston, Umatilla County, Oregon by the Herald Publishing company, Inc. Entered as second class matter, December 1906 at the postotflca at Hermiston, Oregon. Subscription Rates For One Year ...... .................. .....12.00 For Six Months ________ —__ *1.00 Payable in Advance. Advertising Rates Display --- ------ ----20 Cents per Inch Classified or Local 10 Cents per Line for First Insertion, 5 Cents for Sub sequent Insertions. THE “ FAMILY AUTO’’ The total registration of motor tars In the United States on July 1, 1922 amounted to 10,845,000 compared with 9,413,000, one year before. To tal world registrations are estimated at 13,000,000. In other word« the Unite.) States alone has over five times ns many automobiles as all the rest of I he world combined. It for no other reason, these fig ures alone show why the United States should maintain its dominant position In the oil industry. If it had not been for the Initiative and enterprise of American oil pros pectors and producers, one person out of every 10 In the United States could not own nn automlblle today nor could American nutomobile man. ufacturers be turning out about 2,- 250,000 cars and trucks for 1922. Any agitation or political activity which interferes with or retarts nor. mal development in the oil industry directly affects our lending position in word of production and Incident ally the operation of every "family auto” in our own country. ♦ * ♦ ♦ NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS * ❖ ♦ ««««<>« A petition has been received by the County Court from the taxpayers to extend the boundaries of the Uma tilla Drainage District at Stanfield The Court set November 1 as the day on which the hearing on the petition will be held. Some 3500 acres will be Included In the new district and the drainage ditch will be extended to take In the lands on the Hoskins drainage d'slrict and other lands ad jacent to the ditch.— Stanfield Stan- ard. , Morrow county had moro wheat ex hibits at the Northwest Hay and Crain Show than anw other county outside of Umatilla, there being better than thirty exhibits at the show. Because of the splend'd dis play put on by Morrow county the of ficers awarded them a special ribbon as an award of merit for what they had done,— Heppner Herald. Roy Hale was appointed postmast. er at Echo by President Harding last Friday and the appointment was con firmed by the senate the same day. Since the death of the former post master, A Longwell, In January 1921, Mr. Hale hnH been acting post master.—Echo News. Fire, originating in tho| second floor of the old Hotel Madias, evi dently starting from a chimney which age had made defective, totally de stroyed the hotel and practically all Its contents, the several sheds and buildings which were In the rear of it Including the livery stable oper ated by W. T. Steel, seriously dam aging the apartment residence owned by Mansell Wheeler, caused much damage and Inconvenience to the gar age owned by Hood & Conroy, burn ed out several sei tlons of side walk, demoralized light and phone service In the north end of Madras and for a time threatened to wipe out. the entire business section If not the entire town, Monday afternoon.— Madras Plonocr. The Umatilla County Potato show »111 be held In Memorial hall at Weston on Saturday, Gt tober 7, 1922. — Athena Press. There Is little Ilk) hood of delay In the opening of Kennewick-Pasco bridge by legal proceedings, It Is an nounced by Frank Crowe, attorney for the company. The proprietor of the Pasco Kennewick ferry, who has an exclusive ferry franchise, claims that the bridge cannot operate till his ferry franchise closes.—Up-to- Tlraes Magazine. City taxes In Walla Walla will be lower the coming year than In the past Mayor Ben Hill announces. The city valuation has been cut and the rate will not be increased. The city last year bought and paid for »8,- 000 worth of street equipment.— Up- to-the-Times Magazine. proved by a 133 to 3 vote recently In a special election held to elect di rectors prliminary to finding th pro ject cost and calling a bond election It Is planned to have water on the land by next June. ❖ ❖ « ❖ ❖ ♦ « ft® * * * •> ♦ INLAND EMPIRE NOTES CITY OF HERMISTON BUDGET ESTIM ATED E X PEN D ITU R ES ♦ ITEMS ♦ LIBRARY PERSONAL SERVICES: To supply the needs of Spokane for ail purposes, 12,677 gallons of milk produced by 6593 cows, are require dally, according to figures compiled by the city health offie. c MAKE them up to y o u r o r d e r . Any size. Any color ITEMS TH E T U M -A -L U M LUMBER COMPANY Phono I I I M aeellaneous ...................... Total ................................. Estimated Expendi tures for ensuing year S * ! > : 360.00 140.00 Proper planning p ay s-fin an cially -b u t S " much more, in comfort, convenience, sat- isfaction and pride. Yet it costs no more than the “ make-shift” method. j : Help in Planning Free a “ This company will gladly assist you to plan economically, correctly and scientifi- rally so that your new home will fit your “ pocket-book” anH ye be < ' » as satisfactory as . it. Free to customers. a PROMPT DELIVERY ~ 1 Water and Light ....................... 36.00 Maintenance .............................. 150.00 Indebtedness ...............« ............ 100.00 Interest .......................... ............ 24.00 Total ....._............................... ft Street Improvement ............ 2500.00 Street Fund .............................. 165 00 City Recorder 600.00 City Attorney ...... 180.00 City Engineer 100.00 City Police ............ 720.00 City Health Officer 120 00 Total Personal S ervices___172 0.00 Street Lights .............................. 78 " no Fire Department 700.00 Elee»'on Expense 50.00 Miscellaneous ..... 520.00 Total General .. Grand Total .... » 500.00 H era ld ; 3 1 0 00 2500.00 165.00 1262.11 78.9ft 175.00 2500.00 250.00 300 00 85.00 « » “ The Yard of Best Qualiiv ’’ H. M. STRAW. MGH. ers, American Legion, 269 Washing J ton street, Portland, Oregon. Don t forget! A smile, a handshake u a cheery word, flowers, candy, cigar ettes— these l'ttle things mean so much to our buddies to whom a little white bed in a big white room is “home,” Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau o STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. Management, Circula'ion. Etc., Re quited by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, of the Hermiston Herald published weekly at Hermiston, Oregon for Oc tober 1st, 1922. State of Oregon, County of Umatil la, ss. Befire me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared L. M. Williams, who having been duly sworn accord ing to luw, deposes and says that he is the editor and publisher o fthe Her miston Herald and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for th edate shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in sec. tion 443, Postal Laws and Regula tions, printed on the reverse of this form, to-wit: 1. That the name and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, L. M. Willamss, Hermis ton, Oregon; Editor. L, M. Williams Hermiston, Oregon. 2. That the owners are: The Herald Publishing Company; E. J. Kingsley, Hermiston. Oregon; Erva KlngslPy. Hermiston, Oregon; L. M. Williams, Hermiston, Oregon. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort gages, or other securities are: F, R, Reeves, Santa Rosa, California. L. M. Williams. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of October, 1922. (Seal) O. C. Young, Notary Public for Oregon. (My commission expires Jan. 19. 1925.) 3 Pennsylvania Tires A r e G ood T ires B uy Them a t Knerr’s Repair Shop “ We Weld Anything But the Break of Day” CORN Will have a car of corn on track Saturday or Monday. Bring your own sacks. P O U L T R Y SU P P L Y CO. PHONE 881 THE PARKER PEN is the best pen on the market. Come in and let me show you. Ring and clip models. Also the PARKER PENCIL 213.00 96.80 » 618.10 » 659.58 the best mechanical pencil made. Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon 13932.66 275.39 1552.85 394.17 300.00 <10.00 9O.00 165.00 100.00 144.25 290.00 200.00 430.00 60.00 750.00 354.00 745.00 390.00 273.14 235.00 482 74 320.00 50.00 492.01 260 00 408.68 3760 no 1794.15 925 00 2988.87 2331.30 1367.88 »7325.0ft 83569.58 14850.00 »17504 72 »4602.25 »2421.63 ♦ Th® ’’’¿i*** •"’P ro w m in f »hows excess expenditures for the reason that the actual «.lets far exceed the ttty s tax hut this »xt»8« *" ta bo paid by the property owner» to the City la Installments of 1-3 for three con secutive years. The 53500.00 Is the City's portion of th» co»t. I, C W Kellogg do hereby certify that the foregoing estimate of expenditures for th» year 1923. budget allow ance« for six months of the current year and the expenditures for the three fiscal years next proceeding the cur rent year as shown above have been compiled from th» records I d my charge and are true and correct. i ‘,w C. W. Kellogg, CMy Recorder of Hermiston L ■ ■ a q ? "G IF T S THA T L A S T " . 50.00 75.00 50.00 ■ ■ Phone 331 JEWELER and WATCHMAKER H erm isto n , O regon » 250.00 ■ ■ Inland Empire Lumber Company " - ~ 3 >■ •” c a 2 j ■ 16.00 152.45 J H e n n i »ton WM. H. OGDEN 150.00 127.95 * | ® S S ! may choose. WE CAN MAKE eliminate five steps between the frequently used rooms in 30 years saves the wife a long walk of 2,191,200 steps or 1245 miles. Built A rch itectu rally C orrect U no Expenditure PARK AND AUTO CAMP GROUND: I GENERAL perso : ERSONAL SERVICES: ¡2,191,200 STEPS- ■ A home scientifically planned to ■ J and any reading you Bxpenditures for three fiscal years next prececd ng the last year The Spokane valley Irrigation plnn contemplating the Irrigation of 5.- 000 acres east of Spokane was ap- You Can Get Apple Boxes, Egg Cases and Honey Cases at B ro w n to n , M g r. Honey Labels Librarian ....................................... ................... ;.....$ 360.00 SPOKANE, Wash.—With the Col Miscellaneous ......................................................... 140.00 ville business men behind the fourth Total Library .............................................. . » 500.00 annual Western Royal Livestock PARK AND AUTO CAMP: show, to he held at Spokane October Water and Light .................................................... 36.00 Indebtedness— Note »100.00 * November 2, cattle and swine Interest on debt 24.00................................ 124.00 fanciers In the Colville valley will Maintenance and Improvements ........................ 150.00 exhibit for the first time In the his Total ................................................................... 310.00 tory of the show. Street Improvement ............................................. 2500.00 Street Fund ............................................................. 165.00 Authority to place Columbia B a n 'll GENERAL slogans on the stamp-cancellation PERSONAL SERVICES: machine In the Spokane postoffico City Recorder ......................................................... 600.00 City Attorney ........................................................ 180.00 has been received by Postmaster City Enginocr ..................... ................................... 100.00 Thomas Smith from the postoffice Police ........................................................................ 720.00 department at Washington, D. C. A Health Off'cer .............. , ........................................ i? 0 00 meeting will be held of the Columbiu Total Personal Services ..................................»1720.00 Bas'n committee of the Chamber of Street Lights .......................................................... 760 00 Commerce to arrange a slogan to be FIRE DEPARTMENT: used. Equipment »150.00 Salaries 400.00 More than 50 miles of trails were Hose 150.00......................................... 700 00 built during the summer by 12 crews Election Expense ........................................... 50.00 Miscellaneous of rangers working in the deep and ......................................... - 520.00 Total General 3750.00 heretofore almost Inaccessible forests of the Clearwater country, according Grand Total........................................................ »7225.00 to L. G. Hornby, forest supervisor ESTIMATED RECEIPTS: nt Spokane recently. “These new License Fees, Fines, etc......................................... 200.00 trulls will open new hunting and Estimated probalik Unexpended Balance End of Current Year ............................................ 400.00 recreational advantages to the pub 600.00 Amount Necessary by Taxation ..................... ...... 6625.00 lic which before have been inaccess We yie undersigned charman and secretary of the budget committee of ible," says Mr. Hornby. "The crews Ihe City of Hermiston hereby certify that the foregoing budget Is correct were located to furnish the best pos as made by said budget committee. H. E. Hitt. Chairman. sible fire protection and still carry E. J, Kingsley, Secretary. < out the trail progrum. early every member of the trail crews worked ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET on fires some timo during the sea CITY OF HERMISTON son,” YOU KNOW A. Cut out carefully and completely the old cankers and fall spray as soon as possible with Bordeaux 4-4- 50 where European canker is present. Although Indications are that Whitman county will not produce Hill select potatoes from healthy mroe than 4,500,000 to 5,000,000 good yielding plants that are not « « bushels of wheat this year as against near dleeased plants. Good seed, di ♦ OREGON INDUSTRIAL ♦ 10,000,000 bushels In 1921, general sease free, means better crops. ♦ REVIEW ♦ conditions In the Palouse are bet ♦ * ter than a year ago. according to Early seeding withstood freezing Ira M. Camp, cashier of the Farmers' Ashland— Copco dam on Klamath Nationtl bank of Colfax, while In of the last winter while late seeding suffered. The crop hud less time to river nearing completion; will be Spokane recently. done by Nov. 1. Farmers are ready to sow their fall get rooted and the ground to get Granite— Operations at Morning wheat on a large acreage as soon as settled. Glory mine, near here have been re- I seeding conditions are favorable, sunied. j — ... —■ — Salem— Repairs to old dormitory of state industrial school for girls, ♦ ♦ recently destroyed by fire, to cost * 0. A. C. FARM REMINDERS ♦ A M E R IC A N $25,000. ♦ ♦ LEGION Hood R'ver—Skamania Light & Power Co. Improving plant. N E W S NOTES By C. J. McIntosh, State Fair, Sal Corvallis— New warehouse to be em. erected here. How 256 sacks of good onions were Portland— $45,000 contract let for New Orleans— Thousands of ex- grown to the acre when seed was new Bergman Shoe building. service men are expected to attend treated for smut control, against 9 2 to Athena— School district No. sacks per acre untreated, was shown the American Legion National con get new $4755 school house. vention in New Orleans, October 16. Hood River— Market road paving In the O. A. C. experiment stat'on 20, as a result of the announcement exhibited at the slate fair last week. completed at cost of $26,000. The smut was controlled by running 1® ^ a railroad rate of one fare for Willamina— Work commenced on a small stream of formaldehyde dis- round trip. new gridge over river here. infectant, 1 ounce commercial for Hillsboro— Work to start on »22,- Legion convention officials esti maldehyde to 1 gallon of water, In mate that a crowd of 100,000 visitors 000 Masonic temple here. Helix— New $50,000 union high ,he drl11 row tU8t ahead of the seed will attend the national gathering . , planned. a ¡planting. This disinfected the soil, ’ as a result of the fare reduction. school Maupin C o n tr a c t let for new $2,- ’llte 8OUrce ° f the <”*“>“ 8">«t- The Several thousand legionnaires are al 000 concrete high school building home-made device for applying the so expected to take advantage of the disinfectant was shown. " Myrtle Point has this year spent U«e ° f the experiment station pear fifty per cent reduction granted on all vessels of the United States Ship about »15,000 in Improvement of 20 "»“ urity tester made one fifth of ping Board. block« of street. I ,h® pear Crop for a Iarge Willamette Mrs. M. G. Weaver of Oliottsburg, Marshfield to vote on $75.000 bond vaIle* grower ,a8t yeal He wa8 advl8- ed by commercial buyers to harvest Pa. has appealed to State Headquart Issue for city hall at Nov. election. St. Johns— General Petroleum the crop for the cannery at a certain ers of The American Legion of Ore Corp, to erect 55,000-bbl. steel tank time, but took samples to the sta gon to assist her In locating her son tion to have them tested for ripeness. who Is believed to be somewhere on here, cost »30,000. Portland— »60,000 contract let for IIe was advised to wait two weeks, at the Pacific coast. 3-story concrete apartment house. which time the fruit had Increased Mr. M. L. Weaver Is a veteran of Astoria to have new 8-story hotel. one-f «•> we|Sht and greatly Im the World War, served with the 30th proved in sugar contents. The de Engineers (forestry branch.) He is Cottage Grove may get armory. Condon— »7,987 50 bridge contract vice is inexpensive and easily operat described as 32 years of age, five ed. feet five inches In height, weight let. about one hundred and forty pounds, Bandon to get modern theatre. Lato cabbages, cauliflour, and dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, La Pine high school to get new s'mllar crops showing heacy infesta rather full faced, and has one thumb gymnasium. Gates getting a fine new high tion of plant lice should be sprayed disfigured by an accident. Any Infor with some contact insecticide. Kero mation furnished will be appreciated school building. Portland to have apple warehouse sene emulsion is probably the most by the American Legion. Address effective to be applied at this time. communications to State Headquart- with 300,000 boxes rapacity. Corvallis— O. A. C. Barometer now CITY OF HERMISTON—NOTICE published daily. Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Marshfield buys »75,000 slto for Hermiston. Umatilla County, Oregon will meet at the City Council Chamber new municipal building. In said City Wednesday, October 18, 1922 at 8 o'clock p. m for the purpose of Albina gets »120,000 Investment levying the tax for the year 1923, nt which time and place the following estimates and budget may be discussed with the levying board. in four Industrial plants. The total amount of money needed by sa'd City for the year 1923 is esti mated in the following budget: LIBRARY PERSONAL SERVICES: R. Common n’cotlnt sprays will serve nearly as well. ■M AN U FAC TU R ERS OF« High Grade Patent B lue S te m F lou r The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND F F F .fi