Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1922)
HERMISTON DAIRY A N D H O G SHOW Friday and Satarday, Oct. 6 aad 7 Over »1100 is Pramiunu Ûlitr Hmntainn Bmtlh VOL. XVII HERMISTON DEFEATS PENDLETON ELEVEN u . o to . Librar» HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER , 6 1922 DATES OF KILLING FROSTS VARY ON PROJECT Earliest K illing Frost for 15 Years Recorded in 1921; Latest was in Year 1907 HERMISTON GETS NEW $5,000 POSTOFFICE : ♦ ❖ « LET’S GO! ---------- ♦ ♦ o E.P.DODO TO ATTEND IRRIGATION MEETING No. 4 FORD CARAVAN WILL BE here O ctober C T iP C A ll CCT N III 14'olAut ALL otl rUn B iggest and Most Unique Traveling BIO DAIRY SHOW Hermiston's great annual event ❖ Industrial Exhibit Ever ❖ is here, the Dairy and Hog show <• Undertaken ❖ Throughout the Northwest * CAPTAIN ADDLEMAN STABS IN A great variation In the dates of GLADYS AVENUE SITE IS CHOSEN ❖ cities, counties and states have <• COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL BE Hermiston will be visited Saturday BLUE RIBBON STOCK OF COUNTY the first killing frosts on the Uma 19 TO 18 VICTORY ❖ been and are holding their fairs. •> BY DEPARTMENT of next week by the Ford and Ford- REPRESENTED AT BEND tilla project are recorded by the rec TO COMPETE •> They have been classed as good ❖ son Power Exposition, more common lamation service. Chas. Taylor is the , ❖ and many have been called “the ❖ ly known as the “Ford Caravan.” —— — Coach Gralapp's Men W ill Play Stan recorder and he gives the following Postmaster Skinner Lets Contract to •> best in history,” <J> interesting figures: Football Team Gets Support of Club This l,s a„ outfit consisting of abou FootbaU Q d Q h The best in history is what ❖ _ tone hundred car« «mici.iv field Friday at Dairy and cars, triMka trucks, trnHnry tractors, I 1907, Nov, 3— 187 frost free days. August Bies&ie and Work Starts ; •> can be assured at the 10th an- ❖ in Buying Their farm implements, road building and ! Events W ill Be Features; Live 1908, Sept. 25— 170 frost free days Hog Show ❖ nual Hermiston Dairy and Hog <• “Indignation Meeting1“ Held general contracting equipment, a Equipment 1909, Oct. 15— 177 frost free days. stock Parade Saturday •> Show which opens Friday and <• Delco light and pumping system, I 1910, Oct. 15— 183 frost free days. ❖ closes Saturday night, accord- ❖ several power-driven household util- ! 1911, Sept. 23— 143 frost free Following their defeat of Pendle A new postoffice building costing ❖ ing to the list of entries that ❖ of car. truck and i The stage is all set and everything The Hermiston , Commerc’ai club i, Hies, , and a number ton High school last Saturday by a days. , , ... ❖ the board of managers have ar- <• will be represented at the Irrigation tractor specialties. „ in read Be8, for „ erlul8ton.a i Oth 1912, Oct 7— 172 frost free days. ■ in the neighborhood of »5,000 will score of 19 to 18, the Hermiston High ❖ ranged. Blue ribbon winners of ♦ j be a reality in Hermiston by Decem- 1913, Oct. 27— 183 frost free days. Congress to be held in Bend October Tho Caravan has been on the road annual Dairy and Hog Show that school eleven have leaped Into prom, ❖ state and International shows <• 1914, Oct. 7— 167 frost free days. ; ber 1, if present building operations constantly since July 8. traveling opens Friday and closes Saturday inence as a real football machine ❖ will be exhibitors. George ♦ 6. 7 and 8, according to action taken are carried out. 1915, Oct. 5— 166 frost free days, j Tuesday noon by the club at its reg- more than 3,000 miles, all under its night. among the high school teams of the ❖ Strohm, winner of first prizes ❖ Postmaster Charles Skinner re 1916, Sept. 28— 138 frost free ular luncheon meeting in the Hermis- own Power. Going as fur south as . .. east s’de of the state. ceived word from the postoffice de ❖ with his hogs at, the Portland ♦ ton Hotel. W. J. Warner, C. 8. Mc- Ashland^ near the California line ,. «»»“»‘‘‘h» °* H ™ «" * days. Friday afternoon they play the ❖ International shows will be on ❖ ”at bttS ®ver be*n brought together Naught and Dr. F. V. Prime were and returning to Poriland. the earn 1917, Oct. 17— 171 frost free days. partment at Washington, D. C. Sun Stanfield High school here. day to proceed with the work of <• hand to vie for honors with ❖ named by President E. P. Dodd as van then made the Tlllan.ook-SeasidJ °"e “ “‘e be 0,1 ,be 1918, Oct. 30-—158 frost free days. Taking advantage of their first building. August Biessie, contractor, ❖ such men as C P. Adams, thrice ❖ a committee to choose a delegate to trip up the Oregon Coast, later up grounds Friday morning and with 1919, Sept. 29— 148 frost free ' ■ opportunity to meet the first team has already started excavation and ❖ first place winner at the Salem ❖ the convention. They selected Mr. the Columbi* to Kelso, Washington, ! weather conditions favorable all rec. days. from the Round-Up city high, the lo .ords for attendance will be broken, the actual construction is expected ❖ fair. 1920, Oct. 17— 207 frost free days. Dodd. Mr. Hunt will also attend the back to Portland agrfft and . then ',, , __ . . . . . cal aggregation during the greater ❖ Not an idle moment can be ❖ to begin in a short time. struck out for Eastern Oregon go- ! , , P<CU'd by the n*an«<®">®«“ - Congress. 1921, Sept. 12— 156 frost free part of the game displayed their su ❖ spent the entertainment com- <• ing as far as Baker. l“ Ue “ bbon 8tock tbat made local The new building will be of con days. Resolutions were adopted by the periority ovpr the opposition. At the Tho equipment represents a prop. ' ':ade7 the 8,a,e fair at crete and tile and will face on Gladys ❖ niittee promises. There are all ❖ club recommending that a man from 1922....No frost to date end of the first half Coach Gralapp's avenue next door to the Hermiston ❖ sorts of contests arranged and ❖ the Hermiston Irrigation District al erty Investment of more than»100 - ' :SaI?m and 1bei"ye at tbe Port,and pigskin artists were on the long end « heading the list will be the « >p ‘he sheds Aut0 company. It will be 31x42 feet so attend the Bend gathering. J. F. 000.00. The daily payroll exceeds ",trnationa* w111 of a 19 to 6 score. Long end runs, “SPANISH SWINDLE” LETTER ❖ strugglo for supremacy on the <• »500.00 and the show is in every re- * 'h cban'plon8 of °>her shows, RECEIVED BY PETER NORQUIST in dimensions and will have all mod- McNaught president of the board of line bucks and forward passes, ex ❖ gridiro* between the Hermis- ❖ spect a pretentious affair, and one ' ( j 1 ' Ada,1‘8- who ca>Tle<i away three ........ ern conveniences. directors, though expressing himself ecuted almost at will, gave them ❖ ton High school eleven and the <• as in favor of such action, stated that ha:< attracted widespread at- ’ u e/ ,bbpna at ‘b® Salem fair with Postmaster Skinner started a ❖ Stanfield Hight team. three touchdowns in that period. Third Attempt Here to Raise Money ♦ ho/ 8'iw11 Ib® amo"K the that it was doubtful whether or not tention throughout the slate. With ?hf, a"’P movement for a new postoffice years ❖ By This Means; Postmaster Capta n Addleman, sturdy quarter Prize money totaling »1.200 is <• .°” -’ • 8h° W Ma"T the board would sanction such a Its appearance at Hermiston 8*1*1- ^ ago but it has been delayed before Warns Patrons back, was responsible for the score. ❖ being offered and competition •> day of next week, the caravan will ^ “er breed*r8 ° *»<** '» move. He assured tho club members due to financial trouble. The depart His wonderful open field running ❖ promises to be keen. ❖ conclude the entire tour save for a | be *«» he one hand with that he would present the matter The third attempt to obtain mon- ment heretofore has been unable to and the manner In which he ran his three days' show at Portland. ' he be‘d fr°m thelr herd8' ❖ i ♦ to the board for consideration. ey here by “Spanish Swindle” was j meet the high bids that were offered, team brought applause from the The enterprise has been brought ' Livestock will not be the only at- disclosed this week by Postmaster C. i the postmaster stated. In the hot discussion that ensued Stands and labeled him as one of the to Hermiston throught the initiative ' tlactio" at ,be 10th a»n»al though H. Skinner. The postmaster Immedi- - We bave been in need of a when the idea of sending a man to greatest ground gainers yet develop, o of the Hermiston Auto Co, and C. f,,r a ,n'ight lineup of sporting events ately notified the postoffice depart- offlce for a long Ume „ 8ajd Mr NEW RESTAURANT TO the convention was broached, ___ strog ed in this section. He was the star OPEN HERE FRIDAY sentiment against the plan was volcT Kellogg, of that concern, reports ,lavc been a,ranK‘‘d by the entertain of the game in every way. , ment inspector who Instructed mint skinner speaking of the new pro ed as to Its advantages to this sec-j a widespread Interest In the show ment con'»'*“ ee. There will be a p’e- Pendleton scored touchdowns in ! warn patrons ot e office against ject ..The quarters at the present . . . . . . „ . this practice. location are so crowded that we can Former Location of the Hermiston tion and the economical advlslbility. i throughout the whole of th a terrl- eatl,,K contest, a barrel race, quick the third and fourth quarters but The opinion was expressed that th e ;tory- | change race, tug-of-war and a variety Cafe at Main and Second failure to kick goal kept them.from I. *le Spapish Swindle, so termed not give the 8ervlce that we want to. The caravan will remain for an ,,f other attractions. The complete congress was nothing short of a Streets tying the score. The Round-Up city " ,tb P°8lal d®’ * an att®mp‘ \ ° Tho new building when completed “junketing trip” and meant only a evening program consisting of speak- 1,st of even,s all<1 ‘he prizes offered lads used the aerial route success- obtdin n’on®y fr°"’ per80n® ln th n will give us ample room and conse- Mrs. D. W. Mumford who is as “good time” for the man sent. Most ing, a movie show and a radio con- jappear 0,1 IW e three of this edition fuliy in the last periods. country to help free a wealthy man quently we win be able to give the ! be Herald. 'irom prison in Spain. Peter Norquist peop,e the best 8ervlce poB8,b,e We sociated with Mrs. J. W. Cates will of the members favored it as an ad cerf) Saturday evening, the entire . Waterman was a power for Hermis was the intended victim in the case hope t„ be tbe new buildi ,n open the Hermiston Cafe Friday of vertising medium for the project. One of the main features Friday day and night show being free to ton on offense and Smith, center, brought to light here th’s week. jtime to bandle tbe ch r,8tma8 rU8„ this week. The owners are both lo afternoon will be the football game That the Commercial club is- back everyone. though crippled, played a stellar The letter which is self explanatory although we have until the f(r8t of cal people and in addition to serving of Coach Gralapp’s winning football between Stanfield High school and brand of football. and was addressed to Mr. Norquist March to vacatd QUr present t. of family style meals will have a team was evinced when it was decid FIRST PRIZE ON COMB HONEY Ihe Hermlstoni High team. Football Workouts da'Iy with a study of short order service. The cafe will al ed to buy shoulder pads for the mem. stock here has gone souring following follows: era.” TAKEN BY HERMISTONIAN new plays is the order of things for so carry a line of bread and baking bers of the team, something they do Mardid 12th | . . . , ,, , Hermiston’s defeat of Pendleton last Coach Gralapp’s men this week in Dear Sir- Alhough the department has order- goods, and later may install a line not have at this time, and something Saturday. Local fans, It is expected prepration for the Stanfield game. Being imprisoned here by bank- tbe bu,Id,ng he erected at the of pastry goods. Tho place lg being that is said to bo responsible for the Honey is Presented to Gov. Olcott will turn out In mass to c h c r (he Stanfield Is reported to have a strong ruptcy I beseech you to help me to ^ lady8 avenue 8ite a movement has put in order now with the expecta W ith Compliments of the conquerora of the Round-Up City «rippled condition in which the foot eleven but the Hermiston veterans obtain a sum of »360.000 I have in been 8tarted by re8idents of the east tion of opening for business on the Producer eleven to another victory. Coach ballers returned from Pendleton. It are confident of victory. It is the Amer’ra, being necessary to come slde / town to kee pthe * » t ° « ‘®e first day ot the Dairy and Hog Show. is the hope of the organization that Gralapp’s men are more or less confidence backed with football here to raise the seisure of my bag- !on tbe ™a,n 8treet' A" “’»dignation Jens Skovbo, local apiarist, veas crippled as a result of last Saturday’s the pads may arrive in time to be “fight” though and not a display of gage paying to the Registrar of the mee‘lng to protest to th® depar|- used In the Stanfield game Friday. awarded first prize on comb hQney|Ralll0 but wUh a few exceptions, E. SHAW BUILDING over confidence. at the state fair at Salem last week W»pe to be in the pink of condition Court the expenses of my trial and ment was beld Monday at whlch ARTISTIC LOft HOME The Friday game ie called for 3:30 recover my portmanteau containing several sites on main street came up On the date of closing there were for Friday’s struggle. The game ts STUDENTS WILL SELL and will be one of the features of a secret pocket where I have hidden for consideration but no halt has several classes on which the winners LYCEUM TICKETS nre yet to be announced and Mr, bailed for 3:30 at the show grounds. Tho first log home to be erected Pendleton Day at the Dairy and Hog two checks payable to bearer for been called so far in th econstruction „„„ , , , i Among the delegations that are Show. • in this section of the county is being under way. ’- “ ’“ I ................. ”•••»■< " » . « « 1 « that sum. School students will sell tickets S t . ’ S built at Cold Springs by Mr. E. E. two and perhaps three of these. At At the Pendleton-Hermiston game As a reward I will give up to you Friday, “Pendleton Day” will be 50 to the Lyceum course which opens the close of the fair the prize winning the teams lined up as follows: Shaw. Soren Jensen la building the MOTORISTS ARE WARNED the third part, viz, »120,000. or more business men from Pendle here October 25. peen interest Is comb honey in the Skovbo exhibit new house and says that it will bo Hermiston— Capt. Addleman, quar I can not receive your answer in ABOUT SCHOOL BUSSES completed about the middle of next bhown in the coming attraction and was sent to Governor Olcott with the ton, Prominent citizens of county and ter back; Waterman, left half; Shot- the prison but you can send a cable state will also bo present. it Is expected by the lyceuin hoard week. compliments of Mr. Skovbo. well full back; Haddox, right half; gram to a person of my confidence and the Community club, who aro A livestock parade of all the It Is expected that the governor The building is 16x20 feet and Smith, center; Winesett, Carson, who will deliver it to me, addressed Must Stop When P a ssin g ; Boy In charge of the affald, that a rec will announce Nov. 13 to 18 as “Hon horses, cuttle and Hwine at the show Narrowly Escapes Reck when completed will be one of the guards; Rhodes, Hughes, tackles; as follows: Adolfo Adrada, Vista ord attendance will be had at tho ey Week” in Oregon. November 17 » ill be held at 1 o’clock Saturday less Car Driver most beautiful small homes in the Winslow, Parker, Warriner and Par Telegrafos Arriondas Asturias Spa'n different performances during the and 18 the state meeting of beekeep afternoon. Following this will come rish, ends. country, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw aro In accordance P. Norquist. winter. The second number will be ers will be held at Portland with the the series of uthlctle events. Much Pendleton-—Left end, Adkinson, Motorists are asked by school bus planning artistic furnishings for the given on November 25. Await your answer to intrust you annual election of officers and other interest Is being shown In Ihe horse left tackle, Warren, Gillette; left all my secret, now I sign only drivers to drive with greater care Inside and this with its unique arch^ The numbers of the course will be matters that may come before the p uling contest. Owners of teame guards, Mull, Johnson, Morrison, Gil itecture will make It a beauty spot of when passing school cars that are R de S. presented at the Play House that has meeting. know'n as "good pullers” through the lette; right tackle, Harrah; right end, First of all answer by cable not taking on or discharging passengers the community. been engaged for the occasions. country are grooming their animals Earnhart; quarter back, Magee; left by letter. O. O. Felthouse, driver of the Co for (his event. haifs. Hayden, Morton; right half, HIGH SCHOOLERS WILL R egistration Closes Saturday This is the third letter of this k ’nd lumbia school bus, reports that one E xtra Matinee For Saturday George Strohm Is president of the Stonebraker; full back. Temple. 'received here, Postmaster Skinner small boy narrowly escaped being The registration books for the fall SEE COLLEGIANS PLAY board of managers of the show, A. W. Mr. Morfitt announces that he Officials were Fred Bennion, ref says, and he urges all patrons of the run over Wednesday when he was election will close Oct. 7, and those will have a matinee for Saturday Agnew and J. W. Campbell are vice eree; Bill Warner, umpire; Miller, postoffice to use due precaution and getting off the bus east of town. The who have moved into either the two afternoon starting at 2:0. The night All high school football squads In presidents, C. M. Jackson, secretary, head linesman; Todd and Kuck, tim. report any correspondence they be other machine passed at a high rate city or Columbia precincts since the «how will be at the uhuu I hours, Umatilla county have been invited to and H. T. Fraser, treasurer. ers. of speed on the right side without last election, will be requirod to reg 7:30 and 9, lieve to be fraudulent. attend the Oregon-Whitman foot giving warning. ister If they wish to vote at the com ball game to be held in Pendleton SACRIFICES WORTH WHAT NATIONAL FOREST FUNDS FOR The state law provides that cars ing election. O. C. Young Is the local SKOVBO WINS FOUR PRIZES We Thought They Used Cement November 20, It is anonuncod by the SCHOOL AND ROADS passing school busses that are stand FOOTBALL GIVES A MAN registering official. Poster on the bulletin board In the management of the game. It iw plan AT SALEM STATE FAIR ing must come to a complete stop be postoffice: Men wanted for “A” ca ned t omake the game one of the Oregon and Washington have just nal lining. * Three first prizes and one second fore going by the same as In the city. When. a few years ago, a tele On H unting -Trip biggest event sof its kind ever held received »179,418.85 from the feder were won by J. Skovbo, local bee Drivers declare they will take the Henry Hitt, P. B. Slscel, Wm. In Eastern Oregon. It is reported gram apprised u proud father of al government for roads and schools. keeper, with his exhibits at the numbers of machines that do not Mikesell, George Corse, Ben Nell, The High school Senior class will that hundreds have already Inquired .his son’s death In a football scrini- Oregon, second on the list draws state fair at Salem. This included the comply with the law in the future and Dave Cook left Monday on a put on a vaudeville act in connection about reservations ; mage, the gentleman was over- »110,015.21 while Washington re- grand pr;ze (or tbe flne8t eXhibltiOn and report them to the state vehicle hunting trip in the mountains near with the feature picture at the Play ' whelmed with grief. Questioned celves »69,303 64. The above amount of ,ts kind at the fajr department. House Friday nght. Drsolalion Gulch. by a business assoc'ate as to why Methodist Church Notices goes to the counties of the two States Mr skovbo baB reteivcd WOrd that Sunday school at 10. Preaching he had permitted hls son to play in which there are National Forest ; prOvisions have been made to have l service at 11. Sermon by the pastor, (lie game, the father replied: "The areas- bee exhibits at the Pacific Interna- j Subject “Psalms of the New Testa- risk he ran was worth what the The Governor» of 28 states have tlonai Livestock Show at Portland , ment." Spec’l l music. True religion game would have given him.” just been notified that 25 per cent i neX| month and already he is pre- i is rational. Man Is not born to solve What is it that football given a of the »3,421.531 received from tim- par ng , o takc hls bee8 tbere j the problems of the universe, but to man? Tho question Is answered ber sales, grazing permits and other During the Hermiston fair this j find out where the problems begin n "Tho Great Alone,” a West sources of national forest revenue week Mr skovbo ba„ a dlHpiay m the ¡and hls place in the great plan and Coast production presented at tho for the past fiscal year will be dis- Oregon Hardware window, then to restrain himself within the Play House Friday and which, while trlbuied by the Forest Service, U. 8. ' . ! bounds o freal usefulness in the no( a story of the gridiron, is the Department of Agriculture. Th(,w LADIES FURNISH EATS ; working out of the divine plan story of a football star to whom moneys are returned to states in FOR SHOW CROWDS Christ gave to use the church as an the training and the game gave which national forests are located aid to real life and the finding of stamina. Judgement, valor, restraint, for expenditure upon schools and There will be plenty of good things 'ourselves and our place In life. and other qualities which made h'Tn roads. to eat at the Dairy and Hog Show. Wo invite all who will to. come ¡a man among men when, after hls An additional 10 per cent of the The good ladies of the town will and fellowship with us. You w ill-college days, ho was entrusted with total receipts is transferred to the , gee to that no one goes away hung find a cordial welcome. j a secret mission among the trap Forest Service for the construction ry. The various organizations will Harry A. Wann, pastor. pers and traders of the Canadian of roads and trails within the forest serve chicken dinners and other good fastnesses. In this pursuit ho In and. this sum for the present year dinners; and between times they will curs the enmity o t dangerous men, Birthday Party amounts to »338.57 6. have coffee, sandwiches, pie, cake Ixils Hutchinson, daughter of Mr. and a cool head and clear judge- and such good things on tap. The I and Mrs. B. Hutchinson of Cnlumh'a ment enables h'n to overcome ob fair has become a permanent insti- i OULLIFORDS ACQUITTED ON district, was given a parly Wednesday stacles and to bring to a success HORSE STEALING CHARGE tution; it has meant much In the de- j afternoon In honor of her fifth birth ful conclusion (he difficult task en ---------- velopment of the country and will day anniversary to which a num trusted to him. Arthur and Victor Gulliford were mean more in the future. ber of hls young friends were Invit Monroe Salisbury is star of ‘he acquitted by a Jury «t Pendleton ------------------------- - ed. Games were played and refresh production and has the role of a last Thursday on the charge of steal- W e ll W ait ments served. youth who carried Ihe traditions of tag a mare from J. W. Thomas. The Want ad In Pendleton East Oregon- the grid'ron into the Canadian wilds. case has been on trail for two days |Bn reads: Ih e football scenes In the picture Ray McCarroll Found Guilty and wa„ turned over to the jury yea- FOR SALE— My 1920 Overland A verd’et of guilty was returned were photographed In Stanro.'A Uni terday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The »825. If you want It tor leas see Dr. last Friday night by the jury which versity’s field and stadium Tué are Jury was out six hours. ’ Watts or wait a while. heard the ease against Ray McCarroll therefore authentic. The defense admitts selling the ... rhsrged with failing to give half the Sen or Class night also vaudeville. mare to C. E. Shaver of Hermiston. Methodist Reception SncceM road to an automobile proceeding in but claimed that Victor Gulliford I The reeept’nn at the Methodist the opposite direction. The rase was New Feature at Play House bought the animal from Claude ' church was well attended and a very heard by Judge Phelps In the circuit The management of the Play House flertvaer. Raley and Stelwer repre- enjoyable affair. The program was court at Pendleton. has made arrangements for a new seated the defense and District At- (abort and spicy The artistic deeora- The case waa the outgrowth of an feature for the W’eduesday n g h t torney Kearor prosecuted the ease, ttons of the club room aad the popu- accident early In the summer which shows. This lH a picture newa fea Many Echo people attended the trial lartty of the games added much Involved the automobiles of Dr. Prime ture called "Select Newa" and given — Echo New», (he enloymeat of the evening. of Hermiston and Mr. McCarroll, the latest new» in picture form. iw- Some Cellars.Are Only Basements