Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1922)
-THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGQN/ UHI0N HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 5 8p«ech Over-PastidlouK LODGE DIRECTORY NOTICE In the United States there is some Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Union High School times a peculiar teeileaey to avoid the W E E N ESTHER C H APTER N o. 101. O. 8. n in g o f eeck a District No. 5 will meet at the High School Auditorium iu the School House use of certain every-day words—nt one a t 8:00 «harp in Masonic hall. Vli V isitin g 9 in Henninon. Oregon In the said District on October 7, 1922 at 8 p. m. for time It was considered indelicate to welcome. Minnie E. S tew art, W. M. the purpose of levying the tax for the year 1922, at which time the following refer to the legs of a tulde when the K athryn L. Garner. Sec. I abtimatea and budge} may be discussed with the said Board. 0 By JONATHAN BRACE The total amount of money needed by said Union High School District for word "gupports" ugg available—oper U E R M 1ST O N LODGE NO. ISA A . F. * A. M . ations, other than “majors," are now 1 1 m eet, in Haaouic Hall on F in la n d Third IX — N E W H A M P S H IR E tt the year 1923 is estimated in the the following Budget. ev enings o f each m onth. V i»iting breth referred to as “repair work." Only the Tuesday t ren welcome. UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 5 O N EW I other day in Isaidon a woman from the E. D. Dun<an. S ecy. A . P . Beiaee. W I f . BUDGET II A M P - f United States mentioned that a friend ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES V * N EY A R D LODGE NO. V*. L O. O. P. of hers had hud some "repair work” T m eets each Monday evening SHIRE fulls t in Odd Fellow# PERSONAL SERVICE: No. Salary per Total done—meaning that she hail been op. hall. Viniting m em bers cordially invited. the honor of 4 4 year W. R. Ixynghorn. S ec. A . Buhman. N . G. orated on. (If course, no Inquiry us casting t h e C 1. Superintendent ......................... 1 | 1350.00 | 1350.00 I to the nature of the "repairs” is per RECLAMATION LODGE N o. 107. K . v o t e which 3. Teachers .................................... 1 1920.00 1920.00 o f 1*., m eets each Thursday evening in missible. <1 e f I n 11 ely t 1 1440 00 1440.00 Mark's Hall, a t 7:30 P. M. V isitin g brut her» cordially invited. f o r m e d the 0 I 3 1350.00 4050.00 W. H. McMillan R. A. Brownson. 4. Janitors Get a Better View. - ............................ 1 500.00 500.00 United States. The Constitution 0 K. R. and 8 . C. C. t 5. Clerk and Bond ....................... 1 150.00 150.00 There are field glasses for viewing was to formally take effect when i 6. I Stenographer baseball or football games, which ure nine states had ratified It and on 7. 1500.00 P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S held In front of the eyes the .same as u June 11, 1788, New Hampshire f Total Other services legal ................ >10910.00 pair of spectacles. Funny, isn't it, rounded out the necessary quotu t MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: that someone did not think of tills sim of the states. This beat Vir D R . K. G. G A L E 1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.) .......... I ple and highly desirable form of min ginia for the deciding vote by P h y s ic ia n a n d S u rg e o n 2. Supplies, other than contract .............................. 400.00 iature lield gluss yeurs ago?—Science only four days. Office—Glady» A ve. near F irst St. 3. Library books, flags, playground equipment. I and Invention. Office Huura: The beginnings of New Hamp Janitor's gupplies, fuel, light, water, all the 2 to 5; 7:30 to 9. Phone Ml above supplies in contract with Dlst. No. 14 shire lead back to Captain Ma I 655.00 10. Postage and stationery ........ ................................. 20.00 Finally Got Results. son, who had been governor of D R . F R A N C IS P . A D A M S $ 1075.00 Portsmouth in Hampshire, Eng d t Total "Was that anti fat treatment your wife took any good?" land. Thus was the name of d ASSESSMENTS (Hierhwavs. Roads. Streets, Bridges) Phyuci»» and Surge«* “No ; it wus a fake.” the colony derived and also that d d T o ta l.................................................................................... Eye» treated, tented and Glasses Fitted • “But your wife looks thinner." of Its first city, Portsmouth. As d INDEBTEDNESS- Office over F irst N ational Bank d 1. Bonded, and interest thereon OFFICE PH O N E, 92 “She Is. Site worried so over losing a reward for Mason's faithful d 2. Warrant, and interest thereon .................. RESIDENCE PHONE. 696 14447.82 her money that site lost flesh.—Judge ness to King Charles he was al dd 3. AU other indebtedness and interest thereon .... Offioe Hour»: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 JO p. m. lotted a large territory north of d Total Day or night calls answered promptly >14447.82 the Merrimac river. The first .d TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ settlements were started In 1623 and board ....................... .............. 2500.00 DR. W. W. ILLSLEY In Rye and Dover. Shortly after, t Total ........... ................. —.......................... $ 2500.00 •W e Give S. & H. Trading Stamps» Office over First N ational Bank a theological dispute arose in t MISCELLANEOUS:, Osteopathy Medicine Surgery Boston, led by Mrs. Anne Hutch ii 1. Rent on Building ......................... 1350.00 2. Interest on Warrants .................. Call» answ ered at all hours inson, which resulted In her be d d 800.00 Office phone 561 R esidence phone 711 ing banished. Some of her fol t Total —........................................................ $ 2150.00 1000.00 lowers went north and founded t EMERGENCY: ............................. .......... Exeter, not far from the towns t Total ........................................................„. $ 1000.00 DR. J. A. LOUNDAOIN of Portsmouth and Dover. Short dd Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during the y ea r..................... ...... $32082.82 ly after the town of Hampton d Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax .. Physician and Surgeon None was settled by Massachusetts dd Office Tel. 931. Res. Tel. 832. RECAPITULATION people. As Captain Mason died d Total estimated expenses for the y ea r................... $32082.82 Offlco Telepilone Building soon after this, these four towns tt Total estimated receipts not including proposed tax .. None Hermiston Oregon In 1641 joined themselves to tt Balance, amount to be raised by district tax ...... ......... $32082.82 Massachusetts. In 1679, however, We the undersigned, E. J. Kingsley. Chairman and Otto Heinl Secretary" King Charles II separated them It oi the budget committee of Union High School District No. 5 consisting of D r . F. V; P R IM E again and formed the royal prov I F B. Swayze, Frank Waitgainan. Jess Goff, C. H. McElroy. L. P. Keith, E J. Our jiew brick shoe store is now open ■ Kingsley, O. G. Sapper. Otto Heinl. C. M. Jackson and Roy Atterberry, Here D E N T IS T R Y ince of New Hampshire. t by certify that the foregoing budgtt is correct a3 made by said budget com with a new line of goods. See us for B The present area of New 0 mittee. D ental X-Ray and Diagnosi» Hampshire is 9,341 square miles. I ■ SHOE REPAIRING " Bank Bldg. Office Ph «ne, M E. J. Kingsley From the nigged aspect of its d H e rn ia ton, Oregon R esidence Phone 761 Otto Heinl d White mountains has come the d OAK TAN SHOE STORE ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET name Granite state, by which it t S a m R o d g e ra , P ro p . ■ UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 5 \V . J . W A R N E R is often popularly called. The i This original estimate is made In compliance with section 231-A of the population of New Hampshire 9 ATTORNEY AT LAW i fk'hool (laws (o f‘1921 and show $ in parallel columns the unit costs of the warrants an electoral vote of i several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next preced H E R M IS T O N , O R E G O N t four for president. t ing the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said 3 preced log fiscal years and the budget allowance and expenditures for six months ( © b y McClure N ew sp ap er S y n d ica te.) M c K enzie & lieuallen of the current year. ( “Six months of the current year" means six months S t T . L . V A U ( i I I A N ! + of the last school year.) EYE, EAR, N O SE A N D THROAT' ■ R JL.EC TK IC F I X T U R E S ■ EXPENDITURES H x , removed from h i. former location In the PUTS FAITH IN YOUNG MEN ■ A N JD A P P L I A N C E S Bond Btdff. to I. 5 T h e S t o r y o f : O ur S ta te s “HERE IS YOUR CHECK” OFFICERS F. B. Swayz. President R. Alextnder Vice-President S. C. Lochrie Cashier B. D. Dungaa Ass’t -Cashier T Is that what you say when paying a bill? Or do you simply “go thru your pockets" In an effort to scare up the necessary amount? The man who saves and banks his savings with us never has to dig down into every pocket in order to pay a hill. He simply writes out a check, and the money is always in the bank to meet it. Have you an account with us? Why not start it without further delay? 0 t1 00 First National Bank of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $50,000 i NOTICE! T he H erald publishes more genuine paid want ads than any other paper published in a city of the same size in East ern Oregon. TH ERE’S A REASON WANT ADS AT HOME Ready for fall and winter business any day except Wednesdays. Ladies, Men’s and Children's underwear. Holsery and Ladies wearing apparel. Second house east of Catholic church. Mrs. Emma Johnson. 52-2tc. FOR SALE FOR SALE— Twd cows, five choice heifers c-lid one registered Jersey bull. Eber Mossie. l-4tc. ITALIAN PRUNES 5c pound, Davis ranch. 1-ltc. > NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of John F. Green, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of John F. Green, deceased, and that he has qualified as the law directs. All per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby'notified to present the same, with proper vouchers, to me at my office on Main St. in Her miston. Oregon within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of August, 1922. W. J. Warner, 50-4tfc. Administrator NOTICE OF SALE UNDER LIEN FORECLOSURE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a lien duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of Umatilla County. Oregon by H. L. Payne vs. Geo. Elder, a certified copy of which has been delivered to me with the request indorsed thereon that I fore, close the same, I win on the 23rd day of September, 1922 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon thereof at the South Hill ranch near iHermiston, Ore., at the home of H. L. Payne sell the following described property, to-wit: one black mare about 9 years old weighing about 1100 lbs., branded G on left Stifle, and one black yearl ing horse colt, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the proceeds to be applied in satis faction of said ;lien amounting to $37.50 and all coals and expenses. Dated this 23rd day of Aug, 1922. C. H. Crandall, 52-2tc. Constable FOR SALE OR TRADE— One four NOTICE TO CREDITORS year old Holstein bull. Frank In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Stone. l-2tc. E. Payne, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the HAY BALER FOR SALE CHEAP— undersigned has been appointed ex Inquire at this office. 51-tfc. ecutor of the last will and testament o? Frank E. Payne, deceased, and HIGHLY IMPROVED-10 ACRES 1U that he has qualified as the law di miles from Hermiston For sale rects. AU persons having claims cheap. Inquire of this office. 49-tfc against the said estate are hereby notified to present tile same, with FOR SALE— 40 acres, partly im proper vouchers, to me at my office proved. Terms, W. A. Leathers. on Main St. in Hermiston, Oregon 25-tfc. wlthing six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of Aug., 1922. FOR SALE— Underwood Typewriter, W. J. Warner, Writing Desk, Bee Hives and 50-4lfc. Executor Foundation. Inquire Mrs. A. A. Cressy. 47-tfc. TAKEN UP NOTICE Notice is hcieby given that I have CONCORD GRAPES FOR SALE —E. L. Jackson. 52-lfc. taken up and have kept for about 10 days at my place 5 miles north 20 ACRES 3-4 miles of city limP< east of Hermiston the following de of Dallas, Ore. 13 acres prunes, scribed animal: One bay mare, weight about 900 cherries and logan berries. Nice 15 room house. Price $7.500. Will no visible brand, said animal will be trade for small ranch part irrigated. sold, unless redeemed, at public au- L. D. Hardin, Dallas, Ore. 52-3tp. tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the 23rd day of Sept , FOR SALE— An improved 20 acre 1922 at the above described ranch at 10 o'clock a. m. ranch. 3 1-2 miles from Hermiston Dated at Hermiston on this 7th for particulars seo C. H. Skinner. 1-tfc. day of September, 1922. Signed E. P. Dodd. 52-2tc FOR SALE— Three tested milch cows and four fat calves, also four _T A K E N UP NOTICE horse fresno and farm utensils. W. Notice I b hereby given that I have G. Fritts. l-4tp taken up and kept for about 4 days WINTER BANANA. Grimes Golden. at the old Watson ranch 3 miles west Jonothan Apples 60c per box, pick of Hermiston the following described them yourself. They arc ready now animal: Brown yearling filly with white Robb Bros. Orchard. l-2tp spot on nose, weight about 700 lbs. Branded with letter C (or may be G) on left, said animal will be sold, MISCELLANEOUS unless redeemed, at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash In hand on the 23rd day of Sept., 1922, at AUCTION SALE Remember the Sale at S. R. the above described ranch at 10 o’clock a. m. Shelleday's next Saturday 16th. 1-ltc Daled at Hermiston on this 7th day of September, 1922. WANTED— Two carloads of 20 tons Signed M. Duty. 52-2tc. No. 1 first-class third cutting alfalfa hay, baled. Must pass inspection. Read the Wand Ada. Quote lowest price f. o. b. Hermis Want AdB Bring Resulta ton Address P. O. Box 341, Wasco, Oregon. l-2tp. WANTED—Woman for general TELLS OF ESKIMO MELODIES . house work and cooking. Inquiro this office. 52-tfc. Arctic Explorer Declares They Are Weird and Wietful to a Degree, FOR RENT— Four room house: also and Characteristic. oak dining table for sale. H. E Hanby. 52-2tc. Knud Rasmussen and Fridtjof Nan ELLIOTT'S TIRE SHOP—Gates sen and also Hlnrlch Johannes Rink, tires. 52-ltc. who was sent north years ago hy Lady Franklin to find her hnshsnd, have THE feeling of security is well worth given to the world valuable facts about the premium paid, How about the customs and lives of the Eskimos, that Fire Insurance? See the E. the Detroit News observes. Christian P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfe Leden'a unique cootrlbntlon from the BEG G. L. BENNETT for Aitctlon- arctic regions is In the field of music. eerlng. 24-tfe. For years he studied and faithfully transcribed the Innult melodies. Each WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. Eskimo, he says. Is obliged to compose City and Income Property to ex his own song, and no person may sing change for Hermiston Irrigated. the song o f another without first ob J. M. Biggs, Realtor. 48-tfc. taining permission The mother has TYPEWRITER ribbon» and carbon her cradle song. Infinitely low and sweet. The hunter has his song of the paper at the Herald office. chase, clear and bold. Even the bad ADDING machine rolle at the Herald man of the tribe has hie song, and It office. was quick and appropriately brazen. Harmony has not been developed FOR RENT—-Down stairs sleeping among the Eskimos. They sing only In 47-tfc. unison. But their melodies are weird Phone 253*. WE HAVE PA8TURE for 100 more and wistful, often consisting of only head of horses. Across river. Phone two or three motives, which are 58F5 for particulars 47-tft strangely effective. It Is during the long polar night that the Eskimo baa time to rest In his BEE SUPPLIES al| kinds at the Second Hand Store. igloo and sing hie songs. ■ 5 ■ 0 8ueo.ssfui Merchant TaHa of System Which Has Helped Him in His Business Career. It takes time to /lo anything. There-- fore, time Is an important factor in all accomplishment | (But the idea that there Is an age limit on atiHity is heeded for the discard. Where they are given a free rein, young men— men under 40, and even under 30— are coming to the front In surprising number, A man who is noted for his ability to make successes of young men said recently: "The secret of my ability to hold men, and always to have a man to put In a responsible position Is my policy of watching the young man closely, I keep an eye on all of them, and before they realize I know who they are, I am calling them Into my oiSce and .ask ing for their advice. If their advice sounds at all plausible, I give them carte blanche to go ahead and work out the plan they suggest. Often it almost staggers them, but more often than not they make good. Too few of us realize the dormant ability we have around our business In the shape of young accountants, stenographers, clerks dr young salesmen.”—Forbes Magazine. The Dlanemologo. This singular name Is given by the inventor, Eduardo Torresty Quevedo, a Spaniard, to an apparatus Intended to take the place of stenography In reporting speeches. The apparatus, which consists simply of a series of little bells, requires the co-operation of eight or ten writers. Each writer takes a single phrase from the speak er’a mouth. At the tinkle of a bell on hla left he begins to write what he beers. The bell on his right arrests him and seta his neighbor at work. By the time the circuit Is made the first writer Is ready for another phrase. Afterward the phrases, which are numbered In their order of taking, are reunited to form the entire report. Tried at the Athenee, in Madrid, the dlanemologo Is snld to have given sat isfactory results—Washington Star. [Estim ated E xp en d i tu r e , fpr en su ik a School Year ITEM E xpenditure and Budget A llow ance fo r 6 mo. of Last School Year ; Budget E x p en - I A llow - diture ance in indetail 1 d etail E x p en d itu re, for 3 F l,c e l years “® x tp reced in « th ela et,ch o o ly * D etailed Ex* i Flr»t p enditures for Second ' y«ar th e last y ear of year I g iv e th e three-year srive y ’arly period yearly \ total» total» I PERSONAL SERVICE: 1. Superintendent .. 1350.00 $ 600.00 3. Teachers, 1 ........ 1920.00 1 .......... 1440.00 3052.00 3 ........ 4050.00 4. Janitors 500.00 200.00 5. Clerk and boffd 150.00 150.00 6. Stenographer 7. Other services legal 1500.00 Total— Personal Services $10910 00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: 1. Fuhniture (desks, etc) 2. Supplies other than contract ............ 400 00 Library books, flags, Playground equip ment, Janitor's supplies, fuel, light, water con tracted with dis. trlct No. 14 ...... 655.00 334.70 10. Postage and station ery ...................... 20.00 Total- —Material and Sup plies ...................$ 1075.00 $ 600.00 203 ■. O o u rt 8 t. Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Em pire Bank Bldg. P e n d le to n , ° r e .g | PKNDLRTON : OREGON ib b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b SEE 3052.00 200.00 150.00 H IT T F. D . W A T T S , M . D. Pendleton, Oregon EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT -F O R - Special atten tion 'to the fitting of leneee. S eein g 1» believing. Office over T aylor Hardware GUNS 334.70 ASSESSMENTS (Hitrhwavs. Roads. Streets. Bridges) Total— Assessments .......... INDEBTEDNESS: 1. Bonded, and interest thereon .............. 2. Warrant, and inter est thereon ...... 14447 82 7327.37 • 7327.37 3. AU other indebted ness and interest thereon ............ Total—Indebtedness ..... $14447.82 TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS and board .............. 2500.00 Total— Transportation of l’upils ........... $ 2500.00 Phone 139 • 1752.15 1752.15 AMMUNITION LEAVE Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 Echo 9:15 1:15 5:15 Stanfield 9:30 1:35 6:86 Hermiston 9:55 1:66 6:66 Into Umatilla 10:15 2:16 <:16 A FULL LINE HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK TRANSFER MISCELLANEOUS: 1150.00 731 59 1. Kent on building 731.59 S0C.00 2. Interest ........... Total— Miscellaneous .. $ 2150.00 EMERGENCY: 1000.00 Total--Emergency ...... $ 1000.00 Grand Total .................... $32082.82 $14147 81 $14147.81 I. R. A Brownson. do hereby certify that the above estimate of expendi tures for the year 1922-1923 was prepared by me and that the expenditures and budget allowance for six months of current year and the expenditures for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year as shown above have been compiled from the records in my charge and are true and correct copies thereof. . l-3tc. R. A. Brownson, Clerk Pendleton and Umatilla Stage and - PH O M B ORCOON HARDW ARE N o . 431 H. Robinett, Prop. H e ra is te n , Ore. I LEAVE Umatilla 8:00 12:00 4:00 Hermiston 8:20 12:20 4:20 Stanfield 8:45 12:45 4:46 Echo 9:00 1:00 6:00 Into Pendlaton 10:15 2:16 8:16 TWO TRIPS SUNDAY Leaving Pendleton 8 a. m. and 4 p. in. leaving Umatilla • a. m. and 4 p. m. 722 Cottonwood Phone 888 We Deliver Parcels at Way Points PARC« R n n r f l n t o n t o E c H o . E1.OO P o n d l a t o n t o E t a n f t o l d , E 1 .2 E R o n d l e t o n t o H e r m i a t o n , E l.S O P e n d l e t o n t o U m a t i l l a , E 1 .7 B A. D. CROSLAND & SON All Lines of Transfer Station at Hotel Oregon and Hotel Hermiston S te r r i TWO TRUCKS QUICK SERVICE CONFECTIONERY S T A T IO N E R Y Phone 785 Calk Aniwered All Hourt T. H. Gaither f ' Í Will haul anythiTitr th a t can be m oved Phone 881 or 2 54 “ L et th« Horae Do Ymir Hauling'* T h e F re n c h R e a ta u ra n t A 5CEHF f (AKCltr uU CON1ECTIONERT fclegantly F am ish ed Room» in Connection 5ILVER T H R E A D S AMONG T U t GOLD FRIDAY, SEPT. 15 ADMISSION 15-40c STRICTLY riRH T CLAB8 Delicious K holesome Confectionery Tasty Stationery For Women News slami Cigars and Tobacco Piles P REL^EF^T Hohbach Bros., Proprietor« • Legal Guarantee Given** FMdW*«i. Onsm ATe n ee d •»/ < n f / e - no pein m n t in M w ork. Ask to see ftle-o-nls Pile- Trent « e a t . MITCHELL DRUG CO.