Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1922)
Harvey Payue motored down to Hood «Tver Sunday last. The Haugebergs remained in Hood Rver visiting with Rev. F. R Jackson and family for a duy, returning Monday. Mr. Payne continued ou to Hubbard. Oregon. GROCERIES S u g ar $ 8 .5 0 W hite W onder Soap, 22 b ars . . All Leather, Sardines Toilet P aper, 20 rolls Brown Coloi, f M atches, Red Stick Knit Collar and M acronia, pounds ___ , 3 _ pc Cuff», 2 Pocketi, _ Rice, , d 3 j)o nds p c u ------ . . .2 5 Flour, Echo and Olympic 2 . 0 0 Lined, Nobby Used inegar 3 .0 0 u se a V v in eg ar B arrels arre styk and a good N ew 50 gal. B arrels 6 .0 0 Fitter, N ew 15 gal. Pickle K egs 2 . 3 0 N ew 10 gal. Pickle K egs 1 . 8 0 N ew 5 gal. Pickle K egs 1 .1 5 W e Are Paying 30c For Egg» $1«. All Kinds of Vests From $5.00 to $20.00 School Shoes $4.50 Children’s Shoes in Lace D. C. and D. R. Brownell were up from Umatilla Tuesday “doing the tow n.” RETORT SAVORED OF SARCASM Comparison Not F latU rln g to "Old Maids" Evidently Meant to Con vey Deep Meaning. Once upon a time there lived In an Indiana town a maiden whose birth' days had long since passed the tra ditional mark of twenty-five. There lived In the same town unother maid en. but she wns of the sweet sixteen variety. These two became fast friends and they kept a close com panionship until the older became a wife, and, eventually, a mother for tlie first and then a second time. Dissimilar Interests led the friends more and more along different paths and although now still living in the snipe town they seldom meet. Re cently the matron, with her two chil dren, was walking down the street. Her younger friend, now, too, well past the traditional twenty-fifth mile stone and still single, was working in an office on the opposite side of the street. She spied her pal of other days and, being hr a Joyous mood, has tened to the door to greet her. Her first two hearty ‘‘hellos” appar ently fell on deaf ears, hut at the third call the married woman turned and. with the barest perceptible pause, re plied: “Hello. I thought that was a parrot calling.” ‘Well, l f s tlie next thing to It. It’s an old maid," came back the retort of the other, as she turned back to her desk. ‘And slip ought to be aide to appre ciate that, too," »lie added to a grin ning fellow worker.—Indianapolis News. The Gun and Shells For G e ttin g G am e OOSE shooters all over North America swear by the hard-hitting, evenly distributed Winchester perfect shot pattern, that brings the geese down stone dead, close to the blind. Winchester Shotguns and Shells give the same satisfactory results in every other kind of small game shooting. They are known everywhere in the world for durability, accuracy, and getting game. Buy a Winchester Model 12 Ham merless Repeating Shotgun, or a Model 97 with outside hammer. And Win chester Shells—Leader or Repeater in smokeless, Nublack or New RivaT in black powder. Be prepared for the big day when luck comes your way. G Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. the Tegular m eeting Tues day Sept 18 at 8 p. m. harp Refreshment'’. Work in M. M. Degree. Please attend. By order W. M. Brown Calf, Rubber store SEASON OPENS OCTOBER 18 Hermiston Lodge No. 138 A F. & A. M. or Button TVíMCHESTEfi G O R D O N H A TS Are now in order, the large shapes suitable for your annual visit’to the Round- -Vp-$6 to $8.50 x- ------------- G o rd o n Hat« in N e w F a ll M o d e l« a t $5.00 G o r d o n C a p « f o r M en a n d B o y « Wears Short of Putter last week stopped for a short visit with her daughter. Mrs. W. W lllsley. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES ■ Occurence, of ln ter .it Gleaned Here and There About the City and Neighborhood I The Post Office is receiving and making shipments of large quantities of grapes and butter dally. Mr. and Mrs. Rae G. Skinner, of Boise, Idaho, stopped off on their way to Portland and McMinnville, Sunday for a few days visit with Mrs Sknner’s parents and other relatives. Enos D. Martin is a new arrival in Hermiston having come from Port Th0 honey producers association land last week. He has rented a house leeelved another carload of cans here und is looking for a business early this week. opening In this vicinity. Mr. Martin Mrs. F. A. Phelps left Monday for was connected with the government Portland where she w ill spend a few reclamation service for several years in Idaho, but Is not now connected days. with the service. Mr B. S. Kingsley and E. J. Ktng- slfy made a business trip to Yakima Wednesday. High school foot hull games and athletics calls for your kodak and films. Every hoy and girl should own a Kodak or Brownie camera. Ask to see the New No. 1 Kodak Series II-$13.50. The neatest and most practical kodak for beginners. Makes pic tures 2 1-1 by 3 1-4, the most practical size. Kodaks, $6.50 and up. Brownie Cameras, $2.00 and up. MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY H E R M IS T O N an K o dn k. and Film» Phone 101 OREGON Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Leathern re Mr. c . O Bacheller left for Walla Walla last M< nriay to return in a lum ed from Spokane. Wash., Sat urday Inst. While there they attend few days. ed the Interstate fair They made the Ml ' ■ rhln-k, and family motor • rip in their Sludebaker car. ed to Butter Creek last; Sunday. The third cutting of hay on the McNaughU Alfalfa Mill was forced project is in full sw ing with good tc close down this week on account weather and a reported fair yield. of car shortage. Mi . C. W Kellogg niAde a business • rip to Boardman Wednesday. Mr. Uncey of Lebanon purchased the W h'tney farm, and w ill make it his permanent residence. Mr. Uncey has had considerable experience in diversified farming ami dairying and will be a valuable asset to our community. tc f ü r e W H IL E T H E Y L A S T W e will give free to each person over 18 years of age one genuine KEEN K U TTER R A ZO R w ith a cash purchase o f $1 or over in addition to our reg u lar discount L im ite d to one R a z o r to a person. B e sure a n d g et y o u r« b e fo re th e y a re a ll gone. S A P P E R S ’ INC. (A few p ie c e , of «1 29 Aluminum Sale still to be had—tee west window hardware furniture implements radio outfits electrical contracting w . O. F ritis returned from Erie, Pn.. Sunday morning.' Complimenting MI sr Doris Swayse who leaves soon to enter Leland Stanford University nt Palo Alto. California. Miss Melba Callahan gave a very pleasant dancing party at her home Saturday- evening. Miss Frances liln k lc left last Sun. day for Milton where she will teach in the primary grades this year. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Groom came last Friday and «pent some time here visiting friends and relatives. Mr. L. M. W illiams assistant rlty editor of the Tacoma Tribune and »n old school friend of Mr E. J. Kingsley was here Saturday. Mrs. Frank Bliderhack returned last week after a short visit In Port land. Mr B S. Kingsley drove to Hermis ton last Friday from ht» home in Portland. Mrs. Gardlnler and son. George, motoring from Baker City to Port- We have worked up our butter trade until we find it impossible to fill our orders IS WHAT YOU WANT THE STORE WITH THE BLUE FRONT The Hermiston Creamery Co. Hermiston Market & Grocery The West Side Eat Shop” i ; THE BEST BUTTER WRAPPERS that money can buy are printed by The Herald. We buy the best stock we can get and do the best work. And the price is the lowest, quality con sidered. SATURDAY Fannie Hurst, Autho/ Frances Marion, Adaptor B est o f Good Service ’’ If there are any we have them, a trial order w ill convtnc«you, Everything the market affords always on hand. Fresh stock received daily. Our Prices are right. W e can use a few more eggs, bring them to The butter market is very firm and we are looking for an advance soon Just Around the Corner” Hermiston Produce & Supply Co. TAe " T h e B est o f Good Service” Good Things to Eat We Need Cream TH E P L A Y H O U SE Priced from $1.50 to $3.50 Gordon Leather Vests-none better-$8.50 to $20 This merchandise is in a class not usually found in a small town store. ■ ■ 5 • SUNDAY Elsie Ferguson in “Foot Lights » WEDNESDAY W e Take Telephone Orders Bacon Chunks 2 5 c pound Boston Butts, 30c a pound Boiling Meat, 10c a pound FOR SA T U R D A Y ONLY Nice Juicy Pot Roasts 15c lb. i “Her Face Value” !■ A H awley Production ^■■■■■■■MMaaaaaaaaaaBaMaaaaaaaaaBflM ■ 5 I CITY MEAT MARKET SIKEY a HENDERSON, s -»