Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1922)
THE HEBMISTOW CLOSING OUT O F. Mays who lived in H erpiistpn u n til a short tim e'a g o w hen he m ov ed over to S ta n field and em barked in the real e sta te b u siness w as a c a ll er a t T he H erald office w here he su b stan tiated h is claim s to success in h is lin e by pu rchasin g three dol lars w orth of deed and lease blanks. We are closing out our stock of Hals at Cost ~! r ■■■ ■ J T 1 . Come in and see what we have Smell that Roast” Meats that Make the Meal— SIKEY & HENDERSON, Prop. Why Go Home for Lunch We serve the best to be had. All kinds of sandwiches and anything else you want a t moder ate prices. Eat as much or as little as you want. The Oregon Hotel M R S. M IL L IE D E C K , P r o p . Am Overstocked on Tube Patch ing Outfits See our Window for Additional Articles a t a Special Discount “We Weld Anything but the Break of Day” T he P en d leton basketball team failed to take the cham pionship of the sta te In the high school tou rn a m ent in Salem last w eek. T hey w ere defeated In the fin a ls by A shland, the score b ein g 45 t o 22. T w o d o o rs e a n t O re. H ùw e. Ce. Echo Flour Mills B uses m ust m ake a full stop before crossin g a rail road track, according to a ru lin g o f the sta te pu blic se r v ice com m ission. T h is n ffects to the P en d leton -U m atilla sta g e w h ich is m aking the stops. E cho, O reg o n M ANUFACTURERS OF- At their m eetin g of Satu rd ay eve nin g the beekeepers voted to request the county court to appoint John Thom bee Inspector of U m atilla coun ty for 1922. More than three fou rth s o f th e bee men of th is d istrict are now in the association . High Grade Patent Blue S tem F lour The Superi r Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack I M U a n n ■ ¿•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■aaaaaaaaa BASE BALL TOMORROW • The first base ball game ol the season will be played here at t p. m. Friday afternoon on the high school diamond between the high schools of Umatilla and Hermiston. Admis sion will be free Poultry meetings' will be held Tuesday, Mar. 28 at the W. A Ford ranch at Umatil la at 9 a. m and at Columbia school .at 8 V. p m H L Coaby will talk. Bargains ia Green Trading Stamps w e are g iv in g double S h each purr h i e . Hats Our stock of h a ts and trim m in gs is being closed out at cost. Come in and let u s fit you ou t. P rices 11 to $7.50. P ercey S isters. 27-2tc. A dding m achine rolla of paper for S : 0, Purebred Holstein Bull. i Ifie worth of m qrchandlse b ou ght for • i. sli discoun t of 5 per cent w ill s till lie piers are n o f s a v ln g 3. A H Stam ps ill it all tim es give dou ble «lam ps for I bfiiv th em tiv and receive $1.00 in cash fit 2 SAPPERS’ INC. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE A lu m inu m S a le W ill S o o n be A n n ou n ced If you want your order early phone it in early and we will see that you get it promptly. We have in our meat department a full line of choice meats, also fish on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of each week. Cold Storage Market & Grocery R. C. CHALLIS, Prop. The Phone is 413 TOWNSEND & SWARTOUT IK U U Pound a Cure for Indigestion * "I use C ham berlain's Stom ach and I.lver T ab lets for in d igestion and find th e y su it my case better than an y dyspepsia rem edy I have ever tried a n d ! h ave used m any d ifferen t m ed!. ein es. I am nearly f if t y one years o f age and have su ffered a great deal from in d ig estio n . I can eat alm ost a n y th in g I w an t to, n o w ,” w rites G eorge W . Em ory, Rock M ills, Ala. T hese tab lets contain no pepsin but str en g th e n th e stom ach and enab le It to d ig e st the food n atu rally. : , B j 1‘ THEATRES HERMISTON UMATILLA J | a J ■ j ■ j J i a Umatilla Friday, Hermiston Saturday Lionel Barrymore in “Master Mind” Toonerville Comedy We Want Yon ! Umatilla 3 p. m. to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this news* paper we do job work of any kind. W hen in need of anything in this line be sure ■ - Sunday Agnes Ayres Wanda Hawley Theodore Roberts O n It E. P. DODD = Hermiston 7:15-9:00 Paramount Magazine Wallace Reid E v e r y th in g « B» T F “Flying Pat” SPECIAL The Pneumonia Month = Dorothy Gish in To See Us B March Is a typ ical pneum onia J m onth and u su a lly g iv es a high rate a of m ortality for th e disease A fter ■ a lon g and hard w in ter, the system ■ loses much o f It« resistan ce and peo- J pie grow careless. W hen every cold, B no m atter how slig h t, ia given prompt ■ and In tellig en t a tten tio n , th ere Is • m uch lees dan ger of pneum onia. It should be borne in m ind th a t pneu- ■ mnnia is a germ disease and breeds In ■ th e throat. C ham berlain's Cough ■ Rem edy Is an expectorant and «loans a ou t th e germ ladened m ucus and not ■ ■ on ly cur«» a cold but prevent« It« re- ■ ■ su itin g in pneum onia. It la p leasant " to take. Children la k e It w illin g ly . W e w ill have our own delivery after thia w eek and we will be able to give the beet of service B rin g in Y ou r C ream an d G e t H ig h est M arket P rice Shelter for Dairy Cows. It Isn’t difflcnlt to put a barn or ■ shed In condition for dairy cows. The main essential Is to provide a tight i roof, a dry floor, and to admit fresh •tr and sunlight. i .<- oae stam p for each 19e of purchase J (And one package Wool Soap Chips free) The New R a j 300-Pound Cow Best. It Is much chen|$er to milk and care for one cow giving 300 pounds of but- terfht in a'yetii* than it is to milk and care for three cow s giving 100 pounds of butterfat each, and the 300-|>oiind cow vtiii not eat as much as the three 100-pound cows. SP E C IA L PR IC ES F O R C O M IN G W E E K Swift Soap Flakes in bulk, fine for this water, .................................... 1 lb. 15c, 2 lbs. 25c Carnation Milk................ 2 cans 25c, 9 cans $1.00 Canyon M ilk.................... 2 cans 25c, 9 cans $1.00 The Old R a y - Ladies T h is m eans w e are sale at th e Herald office. Luna Soap, 6 bars .........................................25c White Wonder Soap, 22 bars ................. $1.00 Wool Soap, bath and toilet, 5 bars................ 25c produced an average improvement In bis daughters of 1,414 pounds of milk and 62 pounds of butterfat. The worth of the purebred sire as an Improver o f the productive ca pacity at dairy cow s has been m eas ured in a number of localities where there are both cow testing and bull associations. The United States De (A b i t used to be) partment of Agriculture has collected figures from a number of communi ties, but in the past it has been <11111- cult to keep tab on the improvement that bulls have m ade in herds. The j as will be used by the Hermiston Cream plan o f the dairy division now is to ery Company with the latest improved get such figures, as far as possible, on methods—and will be operated strictly cow s owned by members in all of the along businaa« lines. Nothing but straight 153 bull associations In the United forwrdhusiaa#*. States. A nother b ea u tifu l lin e o f Beads in all color». For your sp ring o u t fit. and your Corset» m ad e to your ind ividu al m easurem ents. See Mrs. E m m » Johnson, second door ea st of 2 7 -2 t> C atholic church. A II. n fn |! before th e 10th of the fo llo w in g So price per gallon means nothing. Area covered, weather resistance, and years of life are the real things that deter mine price economy. On that basis S W P is the cheapest per-gallon outside paint you could buy. S W P has been the leading prepared house paint for half a century. You will find a complete line of it at our store. Let us figure with you on your house-painting. Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. C. V. “ H l” W ilson and fam ily left H erm iston M onday by au to for tlieir' new homq near B attlegrou n d , W ash. "Hi" sold out here som e tim e ago and secured the farm to w h ich he w ill m ove. B attlegrou n d Is in Clarke cou n ty and is north east of Vancdnv- er. The W ilson fam ily have m any friend s here w ho w ill w ish them w ell ■ 3 0 PER C E N T OFF W H IL E T H E Y L A S T DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED by t h * V a M e d S ta te * D e p a r t m e n t o f A g ite u tt a r * * A gain e f 17 p£r cent in milk pro duction and 20 per cent in butterfat production in daughters over tlieir dams because of the use o f a purebred bull is the striking result obtained in the New Windsor (Mil.) cow-testing association which has a bull associa tion as a subsidiary. The records of 21 cows were compared with the rec ords of tlieir 21 daughters after the latter had become mature cows. The average production o f the dams for one year w as 5.560 pounds o f milk and 219 pounds o f butterfat. The daugh ters averaged 6,523 pounds of milk and 263 pounds of butterfat, a gain over the mother o f 963 pounds of milk and 44 pounds o í fat. In the association every one o f the daughters sired by one o f the three association Indis was better than her dam. One of the bulls F ran k Sw ayze, Jr., w as host to a num ber of the high school set Satu r day even in g the occasion being h is birthday ann iversary. T h e rooms w ere gay w ith St. P atrick 's day dec oration s. and the dance program s and table app ointm en ts su g g ested the g ie e n sham rocks. D uring th e first p art of the even in g cards w ere played at five tables. D elicious refreshm ents w ere served, and a big birthday cake decorated w ith candles added to the pleasure of the party. A fter refresh m en ts the rest of th e e v en in g w as sp en t in dan cin g. Those present w ere: Doris Sw ayze. M elba C allahan, E ldora K in gsley, P h y llis D yer, Mabie Brown A rloulne R obinson Mary Ctir- Tle, L ucille S u llivan , P au lin e Voelker, Zona B ensel, M argaret N eary, P a u l in e Morris, H ugh Fraser . H arold W aterm an, Irw in S h o tw ell, Dan W in esett, M arshal, N ew port, H erbert H aneline, Frank Sw ayze Jr.. L aw r ence W inslow and Orval Silvey, C ITY M E A T M A R K E T <, ■■ are the sort in which we specialize. Choicest cut sold at honest prices, are the goods upon which our trade is built. SMELTS, 4 LBS. 25c., ALWAYS ON HAND ÓUfp The only way to buy paint economically is to forget gallon price and figure costs by area covered and years of life. S W P covers one-third more area than paints which are cheaper per gallon. It lasts twice as long without repaint ing, so requires half the material and costs half the labor price (for painting and repainting). Dr. J. S. Reid w as in H erm iston for a m eetin g w ith a com m ittee from th e B ap tist church in connec tion w ith the new world m ovem ent. Dr. R eid is su perintend en t of E van gelism for the sta te , and w as in m eetin gs in R oseburg w h en it be cam e necessary on account of the “ F lu ” to close the m eetings. Dr. Reid exp ects (to a ssist tw o m onth s in the present cam paign. What is as delicious and satisfying when you are really hungry, as a thick juicy steak, a savory roast or a tender breaded veal cutlet? FLOYD KNERR (P r e p a r e d Geo. C ressey, w h o has spent the w n ter in W isconsin and M innesota returned w ith Mrs. Cressey to Herm - irton last Saturday. George says if you im agin e the w orst w in ter pos sib le you w ill scarcely do ju stic e to northern W isconsin , thou gh Illin ois had it rather m ild. The Cresseys v is ited at Fon Du Lac and Rockford am ong other places. “M-m-m Ifith . cat» painting coat Striking Results Obtained by Maryland Aaeeciatlon by U te of Regis tered Bull. L ouis Eddy w as a P en d’eto n v isitor M onday, th e T ribune reports. PE R C E Y SIS T E R S B HOUSE PAINT H°'°SWP BENEFITS OF PUREBRED SIRE H. E. B aker and w ife o f Condon whom The H erald reported search in g for land in th is d istrict a few w eeks ago, have found w h at th ey w anted and w ill m ake their hom e here. They have purchased the Wm. K n ox\p lace o f 20 acres near the experim en tal farm . A good assortment of trimmings, also at cost prices a B ■ B B M ■ B S herwin - W il l ia m s =sas— g Prices range from $1 to $7,50 T w o d o o m cas t O re . H d w e C o . MET Hermiston Locals Theodore Kosloff SPECIAL ‘T he Affairs of Anatol” Julia Faye Elliott Dexter Monte Blue Bebe Daniels Gloria Swanson Umatilla, Tuesday 7:45 p. m. Hermiston, Wednesday 7:15-9.00 p. m. Special Matinee Wednesday at Hermiston 4 p. m. ■ » i B a i „ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Bm i n aB B | i B am l | Bi n M a i H am 27tat: m i i i