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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1922)
I I /T H E W t have arranged with the Sheriff's Office to collect Taxes HORSES COWS SH E E P POULTRY SETTING EGGS R EA L ESTATE For S ale : For R ent For E xch oage YOU’LL GET KES LILTS One Line : One Time One Dime “Jilt 4 Jett” Miss Long In Ancient H is to ry ) who was the Goddess of Beauty? H u g h (d re a m ily ) "W a s n 't It A r- louine?” Frosh— " W h a t would you you were in m y shoes?" Senior— "G et 'em shined." do If J. H. DeMoos. 25-3te. GAIN OF BULL ASSOCIATIONS (P rep ared by (h e U s lt - 4 S t a t e . D .p e r ttn .e t • f A<r1ewlt«r«.) ■ ■ » •■ ■ ■ •■ ■ ■ M M S M B M M R U n it " F ” o f the N o rthw est SE E G 1. eerin e ng' HFNNPTT Back io Business : D R . R . G. G A L E P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n OIRee—Gladys A re. near F irst St. Ö fter Hours: I tf>5; 7 : » to 9. P b )M ciaa and Surg e»* Eyes treated, tested and G lasses Fitted O ftce over F irst N ational Bank OFFICE PH O N E. »2 R ESID EN C E PH O N E. BBS* Offlee Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 JO p. m. Dny or n ig h t calls ai,sweie«l p ro m p tly DK. W. W. ILLSLET Office over F irst N ational Bank Osteopathy Our new brick shoe store is now open with a new line of goods. See us for SHOE REFAIRING •a m Medicine Surgery C all. an*wcr«d at allliou ra Offlee phone 561 Keslden D r . F . V . P K ÌM E D E N T IS T R Y Herm iston, Oregon Office. Bank Bldg. CBBce Phone. »9 Office Hours Residence Phone 8 a. m. to I p. m . R o O g aro , F e e » . Truck Hauling W. J. W A R N E R C oal, $1 p e r to n W ood, $1 p e r cord T ru n k s a n d M ov in g H E R M IS T O N . O R E G O N ATTORNEY at law J. D . Z Ü R C H E R L .A W V K R W ill M o k e O u ta ld o V r lp a S ta n fie ld J. H . SCH RAM E llio tt's T ir e Shop. Phons 192 - . O re g o n UMATILLA GENERAL HOSPITAL W e il and M odernly Equipped Special Rates in Maternity Cases Miss N e ll tendent. TAKEN UP NOTICE Baltimore A . F. Beisee. W . M. DR. FR ANCIS P. A D A M S Uss s f Purebred Blroo so Improvers of Productive Capacity of Cows Is Rapidly Gaining Paver. bers are being benefited by such co operative associations even more than the organizers had anticipated. Some form of co-operative breeding Is essential to the proper growth of the dairy Industry In many sections of the country, for the reason that the average herd at present Is so small that the owner cannot afford to buy a good purebred bull, and It is certain that the herds of the future w ill not be large enough to change this condi tion m aterially. The movement to get more people living on farm s and ln vtl- logeo to keep fam ily cows tends to diminish the average else o f the herd, for the one or two cows kept by each fam ily are really a herd in themselves, bat owners of small herds cannot a f ford to keep a bull. They, therefore, depend upon neighboring bulls, and the co-operative association Is one means of providing fo r such cows the service of high-class hulls. T h e dairy extension men In South Carolina, fo r example, realizing the Importance of the co-operative bull association, have made It a part of their campaign for “two cows to each rural fam ily," and they have set as • goal the organization In their state of 114 co-operative ball associations. BEST PACKAGES FOR CHEESE Boxes Are Subjected to Rough T re a t ment In Handling and Should Bo Good and Strong. K a n im e rlln , superin Edwards Building SEE a Secretary B. D. D ungan, Secy. V I N E Y A R D LODGE NO. M I. O. O. F , T m e e u each Monday evening in Odd Fellow« haJl. V isitin g m em bers cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn. Sec. A. Buhman, N . G. PR O FE SSIO N A L C A R D S OAK TAN SHOE STORE T h e e ig h th grade is p la n n in g to T h e seniors m et Tuesday and chose play In U m a tilla soon in a game of CASH Paid fo r second hand goods. baseball. Correll'B Shop. 17-tfe th e ir class m otto, style of diplomas and invitatio ns. T Y P E W R IT E R Ribbons and carbon Grace M ille r has le ft the sixth ! paper fo r sale a t the H erald . F ra n k Swayze J r., e ntertained a grade and w ill enter the Pendleton T H E feelin g o f security is w e ll w orth num ber o f the h ig h school students schools. R eta Showel has also le ft the prem ium paid. H o w about a t his home Saturday n ig h t. The and w ill e n te r school a t U m a tilla . th a t F ire Insurance? See the E. dance programs and in v ita tio n s were P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfc of green shamrock. P a u lin e V o elker V a n W ilso n has le ft the fo u rth T Y P E W R IT E R ribbons and carbon won highest honors in cards. O rval grade and w ill enter school a t B a ttle Silvey and M a ry C u rrie won "boobie" G round, W ashington, paper a t the H e ra ld office. Ea™ F r u it, B aled H a y a n d L iv e sto c k T r a n s f e r 0 .0 .F c lt U m :: PI m m 404 A gain of 35 co-operative bull asso ciations during the past fiscal year in dicates that dairy farmers are begin ning to appreclkte the value of such organizations. According to the dairy division of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture there were 158 cf such associations, as compared with 123 a year ago. This Is an increase of 28 per cent, a very satisfactory gain in view of the comparative newness of the plan. This Increase Is attributed by the department to the fact that farmers are beginning to become acquainted with the benefits which other farmers have derived from this form of co operative breeding. Both federal and state workers have found that mem- U E R M 1ST O N LODGE NO. □ A. F. a A. M. • * meet* ia M u on ic H T a llo a r i m a n d TkM Tuaaday ev en in g s o í each m onth. V isitin g bieth- Economy Increase A ttributed to Fact That Farmers Ara Beginning ts Realize Value sf Quality. 5 2 -ltc . the H e ra ' d ZUCEN ESTHER C H A PTER N , toi. O. E. S „ Moond Tusw U y a v r a u ls »I each m aath a t S3» .h a rp to Maaunic ‘ hall. II. V isit! ____ ________ r waicaoM. M innie E. S tew art. W. IL K athryn L. G am er. Sec. Speed prizes in cards. T h e refreshments w ere served about eleven o'clock. T he b irth d a y cake waa decorated -w ith green candles. » q u a rte r, being the E ast H a lf of N otice is hereby given th a t I have Southeast Q u a rte r of N orthw est B E N N E T T to r A u ctio n- q u a rte r c f Section 26, Tow nship 5 taken up and have kept fo r about fo u r m onths a t the G u lllfo rd ranch __________ 2 6 -tfc. j N o rth Range 28, E. W . M . in U m a til- three miles n orth east of Herm iston FOR S A LE.— Registered Duroc la County, Oregon. Jersey gilts, 6 months old. L. E. G R O W the fo llo w in g described anim a l: under \r or„ G R A P E S . contract. j w j|, on t j,e jg t j j <jay of M arch, S u lliva n . 26-2tc. Bay horse, about 1300 lbs., w hite m Z rrll? n ls n ? r n /° r fo r A C° nf A D 1922 at the hou r of 2 o'clock ro ts P h r i r u l ng'u B®a®he8, ^ p rJ? ln ,he afternoon of said day a t W est le ft hind foot, star in forehead, brand J E R S E Y COWS FO R S A L E — 1 Cow »nd' J 1 1 , k i da F ro nt Door of Court House in Pendle, F F w ith connected 4J. Said anim al w ill be sold, unless firs t calf, tests 5-5 , price $75.00: and o rn am ental stock. Ask fo r lon U m a tilla County, Oregon sell the redeemed, a t public auction to the 1 cow second calf, tests 7-1, price grape circu lar. Home right,» t itle and interest th*e said highest bidder for cash in hand on $ 1 0 0.0 0 ; 1 cow about 8 years old, Co. R ichlan d. W ash. 17 -trc Theodore C. Parks and M a ry E . Parks the firs t day of A p ril, 1922 a t the tests 4-7, price $75.00. Ed Hauge- had in and to the above described above described ranch a t 2 o’clock berg. 26-2tp. property on the 1 0 th day of June. A. p. m. NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE D. 1920 or since then has acquired, Dated a t H erm isto n on this 16th UNDER EXECUTION EGGS FO R H A T C H IN G from the to the highest Notice is hereby given, th a t by a S t e public / f o i ' ^ auction h “in” hand"*5tSe* p ™ bld- £ £ day of M arch, 1922. famous Tancred strain w hite leg Signed H . C. G u lllfo rd . 27-2tc •tue of an execution issued out of horns. bred to lay, at $1.50 for s i n X " . ' “ 1™ “ 14 16, $8.00 per hundred. F. A. Phelps ‘ ed A” 18 8th day ° f F eb rU ary' Excellent Remedy for Constipation 26-tfc. directed and delivered Upon a Judg- . I t w ould be hard to fin d a better Co^rt T v e ,retl b 8aid Zoeth Houser. S h eriff. L E A V E O RDERS fo r S. C R. I. Red Court on the 10th day of F eb ru a ry , » a r i n v < p M arin Tfonntv rem edy fo r constipation than Cham 1922, in favo r o f R. W . C a rg ill. 23’ 5tc- By C M a r ,n ’ Deputy and w h ite leghorn setting eggs at b erlain's Tablets. T h e y are easy to the Jew elry store. $1.00 per set against Arnold Buhraann and A n na M take and m ild and gentle ln effect tin g . 26-tfc. Buhm ann in the suit therein pending w herein the said R. W . C a rg ill was BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE G ive them a t r ia l when you have need COMMISSION OF OREGON F O R SA LE— 40 acres, p a rtly im p la in tiff and the said A rno ld B u h mann and A n n a M. Buhm ann were proved. Terms. W . A. Leathers. In the m a tte r of pro defendents, fo r the sum of $ 2516.60, COULDN’T READ THE ‘SIGNALS’ and fix in g 26-tfc. w ith interest thereon a t the ra te of scribing 8 per cent per annum from the 24th ? T d nrnmn?L»Hnn * n f Later, Mystified Newcomere to New FO R S A L E — M y herd of grade Jer day of December, 1921, u n til paid and tb® P™ York W o rt Enlightened, and a O F -6 °?,8 seys. T ake your choice a t very a t fo r the fu rth e r sum of $250.00 a t- ru ' ea an<L r,^,gu L ittle Embarrassed. tra c tiv e prices. A ll young stock. torney fees, and fo r the fu rth e r sum ':o'lcern1in *’ 1 tbe, h a’’ <i.1' w ®ishing, inspect- Geo. H . Root. 25-tfc. of $23.00 costs and disbursements, w h ic h said decree and jud gem ent and 8tora6e there Newcomers to New York by steam ship begin to learn things about the FO R SA L E —"-One 14 cut Deering and order of sale have been d uly ° * header, 2 18-foot boxes and nets, docketed and enrolled in the office of city as soon as their vessel gets head NOTICE one double disk tandem rig , ono the clerk o f said court, and in and ed up the harbor. There was a party by w hich said judgem ent, decree and A E E IN T E R E S T E D P A R T IE S : h ig h -lift tw o bottom gang plow of such oa a vessel from Southern o rder of sale it was directed th a t , P !?ase take notice th a t, pursuant 16-lnch. In q u ire H e ra ld office. ports. ” *e Provisions o f C hapter 333 25-3tp. the h ere in a fte r described real prop- From the roof of a high downtown e rty in U m a tilla County, Oregon, to- *“ e General Law s of Oregon for wlt: the year 1917, public hearings w ill office building they saw w h a t ap F O R S A L E — Reasonable o ffe r accept T he N ortheast q u a rte r o f the be held fo r the purpose o f establish- peared to be a string of signal flags ed fo r a 10 acre tra c t. SE»4 SW>4 Southwest q u a rte r of the Southeast *n£ standard grades fo r h ay and the snapping In the breeze. Some were N E K Sec. 16, 4 N R28. Box 104, q u a rte r of Section N in e ( 9 ) , T o w n - prom ulgation o f rules and re g iila- white, some were striped and one big Glasgow, M ontana. 2&-31p. phlp Fou r ( 4 ) , N o rth o f R a n g * tions concerning the h a n d lin g . one was a flaming rod. T w e n ty -e ig h t ( 2 8 ) , E. W M . togeth- w eigh ing , inspecting and storage “I f we only knew the code we could er w ith the tenements, hereditam ents thereof at the fo llo w in g times and FOR SALE OR TRADE—A 35 H. P. Atless tell what they mean,” said a member and appurtenances thereto belong- places, to -w lt: Engine for young woA stock, in good con ing inclu din g a il w a te r rig h ts and A p ril 4, 1922, a t 252 Court House, of the party. "Perhaps they indicate dition with good clutch. 15 H P Falk En rig h ts to use of w ater thereon thereto P o rtland, Oregon, a t 1 0 :0 0 o'clock w hat channel we are to take op the gine mounted on truck ready to go, with belonging or in anywise a p p e rta in - A. M . river.” "O r maybe tljey are weather w arn clutch. <325.00 for cash. For Particulars ing, and also a ll of the estate, r i g h t : A p ril 6, 1922, at the County Court and interest of said Arnold Buhm ann House, Pendleton. Oregon, a t the ings o f some kind," guessed another. address H. A Street. Weston, Ore , R. 2 and Anna M . Buhm ann in and to the hour of 1 0 :0 0 o’clock A. M. “Let's ask one o f the officers.” 28-2U. same, be sold by the s h e riff of U m a- A ll interested parties are urged They did. The officer looked first tills. County, Orego” , to satisfy said to be present and give such testi- mony or advance such in fo rm atio n with the naked eye and then w ith his FOR SALE— Team young horses, well judgm ent and a ll costs. Therefore, I w ill, on the 2 5 th day as m ay be deemed p e rtin e n t to the glasses. matched, weight about 1400 lbs. Also "T h a t’s the Janitor's wash hung out of M arch, 1922, at the hour of tw o inq uiry. harness to fit W. M. Turner, Umatilla. o’clock in the afternoon o f said day, i Dated a t Salem, Oregon this 11th on the roof to dry," he announced, as Oregon. 28-ltp at the fro n t door of the C ourt House day of M arch, 1922. he finished I lls survey. “The big red In the C ity of Pendleton, U m a tilla By order of th e Commission, one Is a tablecloth.”— Pittsburgh Dis FO R SA L E — 1 Pum p Jack. leveling C unty, Oregon, sell a ll the rig h t, t i - , 2 7 - l t c Secretary patch. instru m en t, harness, stoves, ranges’ tie and interest w hich the said de sm all am ount of lum ber, flooring, fendants A rno ld Buhm ann and Anna - — ——------------------------------------ floo r Joice, w indow frames, elc. M. Buhm ann, or e ith e r of them , had BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE Whsnos tha “Spit Curl." C orrell's Shop. ’ 23-tfe. on the 28th day of A p ril, 1920, or The curl over the forehead, aa worn COMMISSION OF OREGON since then have acquired, o r n ow by young ladles o f today, has a very have, in and to the fo llo w in g describ- In the m a tte r of p re- ____ long literary history, having been men F O R SA L E — T A N C R E D W . L E G ed premises, situated in U m a tilla scribing and fix in g » tioned before the tim e of Shakespeare, H O R N eggs for h atchin g at $1.50 County, S tate of Oregon, to -w lt: Sstandards fo r grain fo r 15. W e have a few settings and probably has existed for many The N ortheast q u a rte r of the and g ra in products from special pen a t $2.50. Isaac Southwest q u a rte r of the Southeast and the prom ulgation centuries. A very antique statue de- G -F 7 J«y. plcta Opportunity as having a bald q u a rte r of Section N in e ( 9 ) , Tow n- i of rules and refcula- head, save for one lock of h air In ship F o u r ( 4 ) , N o rth of Range tions concerning th e 5 ROOM H O U SE fo r sale. In q u ire T w e n ty -e ig h t ( 2 8 ) , E .W .M . together h an dlin g, w e ig h in g , the center of the forehead. This was a t Correll's shop. 27-tfc. w ith tenements hereditam ents and inspecting and stor- to show that there waa but one chance appurtenances thereto belonging in - ago thereof to take advantage o f an opportunity. NOTICE F O R S A L E — V isib le ty p e w rite r. A1 eluding all w a te r rig h ts and rig h ts to Doubtless the belles of that day, tak condition. $25 cash. In q u ire at the use of w a te r thereon‘ ¿bereto he- T O A L L IN T E R E S T E D P A R T IE S : ing the lessou taught by the marble (akfl not(ce th a , purauant this office. 27-2tc. longing or In to M a r t, began to w ear a sim ilar lock. ?ind " ’I " , " 1 In M ^ A rn rU d R " to the Provisions of C h ap ter 333 Genera, Lawg o f Oregon for The practice has continued to tha F O R S A L E — 6 m ilch cows each $90, tie and Interest of m I Arnold B u- of find Annn Buhm ann 1 «inn .. _ 1017 n u k iio h n o r in a a w ill present day. 1 y e a rlin g h eife r $40, 1 yearling mATin to the same: said lands to be sold at »r 1917 P bile » « r i M l w ill T he curls are made to adhere to the H o lstein b ull $40, h eife r calf $15, nubile auction to the highest bidder be “ g ra te L i i forehead by the application o f any team , wagon and harness, w eight for cash in hand, the proceeds of ing standard grades for grain one of many modern substances made o f team 3200, good w jg o n and sale to be applied in satisfaction of F ra ln ? T , u. ' ta . f 5 d _ 1 harness, price $400. 32 Plym outh These tlon of rules and regulations con expressly for that purpose. said execution and a ll costs. Rock hena, 1 rooster $33, 2 sad n oted this 10th day o f F eb ru a ry corning the h an dlin g, w eig h in g , In - curls are called by the commonalty, dle ponies $50 fo r both, 5 pigs spectlng and storage thereo f a t the “spit curls,” but thia Is a mtanomer $40, 1 sheep $5, 2 stands of bees 1922. follo w in g times and places, to -w lt: Zoeth Houser. S h e riff, and misleading. $10, 1 Incu bator 120 egg, $10, 1 M arch 16. 1922 at the County by J. C. M a rin . Deputy y e a rlin g steer $25. Term s. In q u ire 23-5te. __________________________________ Court House. Pendleton. Oregon, at World Rrooo Exhibit at Prapue. Camp ranch 3 m iles west of U m a XTA-rmv n F C IT V P T W U PA T V *be hour o f 1 0 :0 0 o clock A. M. tilla . G. C Ransier. 2 7 -ltp . A novel exhibit was staged recently F Y U C U T IO N M arc h 17' 1 9 2 2 ' Com m ercial Club kt .1 , k R |„ . l - . E v w ir Rooms. W a lla W a lla , W ashington. at Prague under the auspices of the Notice is hereby given th a t by v lr - J922 MerchanU> E z EGOS FOR H A T C H IN G — Tancred Charles Plchal newspapers. A largo tue of an execution issued out of the . W ashington S. C. Leghorns, good w in te r la y C irc u it C ourt. S ta le of Oregon, fo r cha" Kre'h S^ o ,» 2 2 “ 2 5 2 Court hall was set soldo fo r the display Of ers, phone 801. 27-tfc. newspapers from all principal cities U m a tilla County, and to me directed P o rtland Oregon a t 10 00 and delivered, upon the Judgement f or^ an<l* W egon a l of the world. O f those there were more A L L STOCK and fa rm in g Im plem ents and decree rendered and entered In ° ^ ^ ¿ earlnKB p a rtlc lp a t- than 4.000. from (3hlna. Japan. Pales 1 » ' n D e p ir t- fo r sale. W . W . Rogers. 2 5 -lte said Court o f the 8th day of F ebru- ary. 1922. in favor of J. B. Beebe as »h* ,r w n rk , ?? weU^ a.« tine, AnstraUa, tsarist and soviet Rus P ~ la ' in tiff I f f and n against o a in s f T Theodore honH nrp n C. nient ™ nt of Public 'n At .T L e n T sia. India, Africa, Turbsy and from every country o f Europe and America. and M ary E Parks as Defend- ^ ’^ " ‘“ 'T ld e r lilo n be miscellaneous Parka ,r the sum of $264.13 w ith In - 7 h . n ^ / In More than 800 papers from Franea T “ t \ rh ;n4 « r n ^ « / e % 7 ,7 ^ S ^ T a n d ^ d T T f ^ n it iS were shown. Aa a m atter o f fact, the BIDS WANTED , T he Herm iston C ream ery Co , is cent per annum from A p ril ^ 1 $ » D e p a rlm e n ^ of ^ g r l c u h u r e . exhibit comprised only a minnte pro ow ready to receive bids on Its en- portion of the world's newspapers, w * e ]1 ll • *« to m atters terest inereon thereon ai at the ra te «« of » 8 per a8______ m e r»i«? pvi — , 7 anH dockages. but, from the viewpoint of the Ukecho- Ire o utput of b u tte rm ilk . 2 7 -tfc T^resi cent per annum from June 10. 1920. weights, discounts and alovak pohllc. It waa very Instructive the fu rth e r sum of $75.00 attorney's „ - , h- r i - . . , . $10.00 REWARD fees, and fo r » « 00 costs and dis- G rain growers and a ll o th er In te l and succeaafUI. Information leading to arrest and coo- bursements. w hich said decree. Judg- e s te d p a rt les a r e o- aa TBncs ion of sneak thief who stole hay knife m ent. and order of sale has been and give such tss th ™ a y or advancs docketed and enrolled In the office <•««*> In fo rm atio n as may be deem d i stack on my place, between March 12 the C lerk of said C irc u it C ourt; P *v tl" « " ‘ ’¡ • J ’’’ ” 7 ' thl. n t h 20. F. L. Jewett 2»-ltc of America la full of and whereas by said Judgement, de- Dated at Salem Oregon this 11th who fool cree and order of sale it waa directed day o f * * rcb - . FO R R E N T — 10 acres w ith house or folk By order o f the Lommisaion, 30 acres w ith house. A ll In a lfa lfa th a t thd follow in g described re a l ara oo lower class folk wbP I Win. P. Ellis Good terms to rig h t p arty . 4 miles property in U m a tilla County, Oregon from town. Service Miss (in Caesar class) M r V o e lk er had a b irth d a y last " W h a t is the L a tin race?" Saturday, and F rid a y a t one o'clock M ars h a ll— " It's a race between a LOST— Black lace leath er shoe on th e student body presented h im a L a tin pony and the teacher’s goat.1 n orth road, fin d er please leave at b e a u tifu l gold w atch chain as a re - or n o tify H e ra ld or F . M. G uiw its. membe rance. Grade News 2 6 -ltc . M onrover L aw entered the seventh R E W A R D — Lost or stolen. 22 short T he opera was a success fin a n c ia l grade this week. W inchester repeating rifle . Re ly and we wish to th a n k the public T h e Seventh grade is Interested In tu rn this office and get rew ard No questions asked. 27-2tc. for th e ir support. T he receipts were the declam atory contest w hich w ill $104.00. be held a t the high school aud ito riu m E. L. H A L L T ransfer. C all K n e rr’e T hu rsday o f this week. T h e re arc garage. Phone 152. 12-tfc. Superintendent Green visited the six en terin g from the seventh grade. E L L IO T T 'S T IR E SHO P— Gates school Tuesday. ADoHlceG maCh' ne r° ,IS FOR SALE LO D G E DIRECTORY «s. 19 Voi. 2, C hildren's clothes preferred. Satis faction guaranteed M rs. A lb ert Sm ith, Gladys Ave. 26-tfc. tires. By g e ttin g your m essage into the farm homes o f th e W est End o f U m atilla County H E R M IS T O N , O R E G O N . Devoted to the Interest and Development of the Hermiston Schools F. E. W a rd of Pendleton Bpent M onday, Tuesday and a portion of Wednesday at the high school tak in g pictures for the A n nu al. T h e football, basketball, and debate teams, the THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HERMISTON characters of the opera, members of All Kinds of Insurance the orchestra and band and many class pictures were made. T h e seniors also had th e ir g radu atio n pictures made. Pictures of classes and facul- B U Y A H O M E — 10 to 64 acres, p ar y were taken. tia lly Improved. Joins c ity on east. W a te r rig h t paid to date. A D V E R T IS E 12 years to pay. E b e r D. Mossle. F rederick Hesser is spending a few YOUR W ANTS 17-8tc. weeks w ith his m other a t W eston. He IN THE W A N T E D — Dressm aking to do. w ill retu rn in tim e to graduate. WANT AD COLUMN HERALD, High School Mirror N O T IC E O F T A X E S I f you w ish to p ay y o u r ta x e s in fu ll o r th e first h a lf, w h ic h w ill be d e lin q u e n t A p ril 5 th , 1922, n o tify u s a t once, so t h a t w e m ay g e t y o u r s ta t e m e n t. H E R M IS T O N H .S.M C K R N Z T R .M .D . H IT T EY E. EA R. N O SE A N D THROAT ' Has removed from h is form er location in the Rond Bldg, to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Em pire Bank Bldg. PENDLETON —F O R — : OREGON D R . D. C. R T C IT K Y OPTOMETRIST a n d optician E yes Scientifically Exam ined Lenses Ground and Fitted A m erican N ational Bank Pendleton Bldg. On GUNS DR. RAY LOGAN, Physlcan and Surgeon Umatilla. Oregon AMMUNITION !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ SJ. L . V A U G H A N ! ■ E L E C T R IC F IX T U R E S ■ ■ A N D A P P L IA N C E S S A FULL UNE ® J SOS Phene 13» S. C o u r t S t . “ F n n c fl e t o n , O r e . g !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ DOUBLE STAM PS O n a ll s a le s u n til A p ril 1 st to g e t y o u s t a r t e d o u t r ig h t N ow is th e tim e to b u y t h a t w a tc h y o u h a v e b een w a n tin g so long. W e g iv e s ta m p s on s a le s on ly . Certain characteristics of American cheese, most valuable for export pur poses, In addition to good flavor, in clude firm, close-bodied texture, clean and sound rind, and strong, well-made packages. The favored export style Is the large so-called “Cheddar,” weighing from 80 to 80 pounds, al though of later years a good many “twins" have been exported. "Twins” weigh about 35 pounds each, and are packed two In a box. The m atter of the package Is very Important, as the boxes are subjected to rough handling In loading and un loading. The most satisfactory boxes I are sufficiently largo for the entire rheeae, fo r with a cheese higher than the box, the pressure o f other boxes plied ou top destroys the shape of the cheese and Injures the rind. It Is common In the United States to paraffin moat o f the cheese market ed a week or ten days a fte r the cheese Is made, which permits free motstnre ! to escape and allows for the usual shrinkage. During tha spring, sum mer, and autumn, the use of refriger ator cars, where a temperature of 35 degrees to 48 degrees F. SSSy he main tained, la important In shipping, it has been found as a result of experi ments conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture. WM. H. OGDEN JEWELER and WATCHMAKER M a r m ia t e * * , O r .g o v * " G IF T S Read the Wand Ada. Want Ada Bring Resulta Applao Baked fey Lightning. When aB apple tree near Sontk Hnrw alk. Coen., had bam »truck fey Bgfetntng the apples left hanging so I the tree ware found to bo baked. Sguoaking Sheoo a Good Oman. T heatrical people have many aupor- makao the Brat eotranee, bo ia aa s f • weitem« from the audience. T R A N S F E R P H O N E 152 Leave ordere at TRANSFER Knerr’s Garage R H O M B O H IO O N H A R D W A R I M «. 40 H. Robisett, Prsp. Z H w w iH ... Ore. Pendleton and Umatilla Stage LEAVE Feed Balanced Ration. Satisfactory Flow o f M ilk. Where no efTort Is made to give cows : rood care. It Is difficult to make them nay their way. They may give a satla- ! 'aetory S o w of milk for a few weeks; i mt later on they fail to keep the palls i tiled. E. L. H A L L HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK T h e French Restaurant I t is extremely difficult to feed a ration which w ill cause a starved cow to Increase her milk flow. The safest rule Is to feed a balanced ration from the beginning, and to provide sd«A)uate feed to meet her requirements. T H A T L j4 S T ” ■AKUT aad COSFlCnOSMT Beomthrl Pendleton Echo S ta n fie ld Herm iston In to U m a tilla 8 :0 0 1:15 9 :3 0 9 :5 5 1 0 :1 5 rraien.Y murr clash 1 2 :0 0 1 :1 5 1 :3 5 1 :5 5 2 :1 5 4 :0 0 5:18 6 :3 5 6 .6 5 < :1 6 LEAVE Hskbscb Bras., Proprietor« A D. CROSLAND A SON All Lines of Transfer TWO TRUCKS QUICK SERVICE U m a tilla 8 :0 0 1 2 :0 0 4 :0 0 H erm iston 8 :2 0 1 2 :2 0 4 :2 0 S ta n fie ld 8 :4 5 1 2 :4 6 4 :4 6 Echo 9 :0 0 1 :0 0 6 :0 0 In to Pendleton 1 0 :1 5 2:16 4 :1 6 TWO TRIPS SUNDAY L eavin g Pendleton 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. L eavin g U m a tilla 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. Phone 868 7 22 Cottonwood W « D e liv er Parcels at W ay Points o sa te