Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1922)
TH E N O T IC E O F T A X E S 1 M's Aato arranged with the Sheriffs Office to collect Texet you wish to pay your taxes in full or the first half, which will be delinquent April 5th, 1922, notify us a t once, so that we may get your state m ent H ER M ISTO N ÎÎ!£ High School Mirror 1 .^ . !■ . ' . .................. All Kinds of Insurance ADVERTISE TOOT WANTS IN THB WANT AD COLUMN cows F O U L T tlT SETTING EGGS BEAL ESTATE See Bal* : f e r Raot For Exchonce YOU’LL GET RESULTS • f U m W o t End • f Umatilla County One Line : One Time One Dime WANT ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE— Registered Duroc Jersey gilts. 2 months old. L. E. Sullivan. 2#-2tc. JERSEY COWS FOR SALE— 1 Cow first calf, tests 6-5, price 275.00; 1 cow second calf, teats 7-1, price 2100.00; 1 cow about 2 years old, testa 4-7, price 275.00. Ed Hauge- berg. 26-2tp. MOB FOR HATCHING from the famous Tancred strain white leg horns, bred to lay, at 21.50 for 16. 28.00 per hundred. F. A. Phelps ________ 22-tfc. M A V S ORDERS for S. C R. I. Red and; white leghorn setting eggs at th« Jewelry store. 21.00 per set ting. 26-tfc. FOR SALE— Seed rye, rye strsw and gaft.plpe, 1 inch size. S. R. Shell- Way. 25-2tp. FOR BALK— 44 acres, partly im proved. Terms, W. A. Leathers. 26-tfc. FOR BALE— My herd of grade Jer sey* Take your choice at very at tractive prices. All young stock. Ge* H. Root. 25-tfc. FOR DALE—Team, harness, wagon, mower and rake, two slips, two gates, end other email articles for 2265. One l t t h. p. Z type gas engine, good order, 236 J. W. Roger, Williamson place. 25-2tp. FOR .BALS—One 14 cut Deering header. 2 18-foot boxes and nets, one double disk tandem rig, one hlgh-llft two bottom gang plow 12-inch. Inquire Herald of flee. 25-3tp. F6 r BALE— Reasonable offer accept ed for a 14 acre tract. 8EU SWU NKU Bee. 1«. 4N R28. Box 104, Olaigow. Montana. 25-31P. FOR SALE— 1 Pump Jack, leveling instrument, harness, stoves, ranges’ small amount of lumber, flooring, floor Joice, window frames, etc. Correll’s Shop. 23-tfc. F*R BALE—'Empire No. 42 Cream Separator, used lees than 6 months capacity 454 pounds per hour. Will sacrifice for 246. Earl C. Brow nell. Umatilla. 22-tfc. Leather H u BALE— Men's and Boy’s L Puttoee, 23. 24. 25 and 22. Klng- •ley-* P«R SALE— Six months billy aired by 21044 Nubian. Price 210. Ber nard Signs, Boardman Ore. 20-4tc ALL STOCK and farming implements for sale. W. W. Rogers. 25-ltc. MnCELLANEOU» WANTED—Aa organ. Inquire Her ald or communicate with Rev. Wann, box 673. Hermiston, Oregon 35-tfe. F or RENT— 40 A. alfalfa on halves. Write box 546 or Phoae 242, Her- mtoton. 25-3tp. ft»Ri£¥= 14 acres with house or 24 acres with bouse. All In alfalfa Goof terms to right party. 4 milea * ------ J. H. DeMoes. 25-3te. contract. lercia! planting Peaches. Apri ate. Cherries. all klada of fruit ad eraaamatal stock. Ask tor rage circular Home Nursery * Richland. Wash. 17-tfe SUT A HOMS— 14 to 44 acme, pur- tinny Improved. Joins city on seat. Water right paid to date. IS years ta pay. Eber D I Mnasie. 1T-Ite. g . L. HALL Transfer. Call Knerrta 12-tfe. g a n g * Phone IBS. È U JO m TIKE SHOP—Galea 52-ltc. C A M VhM tor aaaoM ha*« sao«* CorrsU’a Sha». a ■ r ' ?»— - IPEWR1TBR Ribbons am yapor tor 4*1« M t lf Herald. — ■ - Devoted to the Interest and Development of the Hermiston Schools - If THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HERMISTON liE IL A L p, HERM ISTON, O REG O N ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ o Service Speed Economy ♦ ♦ Corvallis, March 20-25 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ BETTER HOMES FOR OREGON ♦ ♦ Pictured in Lecture, Exhibit, ♦ Demonstration Rock boys snowed Hermiston under, 35 to 1«. The Home-ManaKement- Ban_ ltatlon, Furnishings, Labor The members of the band sere Saving Devices and Emerg naded (he newly wedded Mr. and encies. Mrs. Barker recently and were re The Child-Nutrition. Cloth warded with lee cream. Because of ing, Books. their success they circulated a pet The F ood-Section. Prepar ition urging the eligible members ation and Serving. of the high school faculty to follow The Clothing-Selection, Mak their colleagues example as soon os ing Dress Form. Decorative possible. Touches for Garments, Short VoL 9. LODGE DIRECTORY ♦HOMEMAKERS CONFERENCE ♦ ♦ OREGON AGRICULTURAL ♦ COLLEGE » ♦ No. 19 Tuesday afternoon Governor Davis of Idaho, here on the lyeeum circuit, gave a stirring address before the high school and upper grades His appearance was warmly welcomed and he brought forward many good points In his address. He was Intro duced by Mr. Dodd. In bis address he emphasised the Importance of thrift and hard work. WANTED — Dressmaking to do. Children’s clothes preferred. Satis The members of the junior class faction guaranteed. Mrs. Albert Smith, Gladys Ave. 2<-tfc. are now writing plays In connection with their English work. They are SEE O. L. BENNETT for Auction later going to put on these playa be eering. 26-tfc. fore the assembly of the high school LOST— Black lace leather shoe on doing all the coaching and produc north road, finder please leave at ing by themselves. or notify Herald or F. M. Guiwlts. 26-ltc. The double header at Pilot Rock THE feeling of security la well worth last Friday night ended the basket the premium paid. How about that Fire Insurance? See the E. ball season for the local high school. P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfc As In their previous meeting. Pilot Rock came off victorious. The girls WANTED TO BUY veal and eggs. game was very close, however, the Send your eggs. Write or phoae about veal. Earl Brownell. Uma score being 17 to 13. while the Pilot tilla. 1-tfc. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ FOR SALE— A new camera, coat 23# ♦ . RESOLUTIONS OP CON. for 225. Inquire Herald oHIce. ♦ DOLENCE ♦ 6-tfc. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Resolutions TYPEWRITER rib and carbon Whereas, the Grand Architect of paper at the Herat office. the Universe has through his silent ADDING machine rolla at the Herald messengers of death entered the home office. of our esteemed brother, Henry E. Hitt and taken from him, his belov NOTICE OP SHERIFF’S SALE ed wife E8tella; UNDER EXECUTION Wrereas through her death, our Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution issued out of beloved brother has lost a faithful the Circuit Court of the State of wife and companion, his children a Oregon for Umatilla County to me directed and delivered upon a judg loving mother, and the community ment and decree rendered In said a loyal citizen; Court on the 10th day of February, Therefore he it Resolved that we 1922, in favor of R. W. Cargill, the members of Hermiston Lodge against Arnold Buhmann and Anna M Buhmann In the suit therein pending No. 138 A. F. ft A. M. extend to our wherein the said R. W. Cargill was distresed brother our heartfelt sym plaintiff and the said Arnold Buh pathy in this, his hour of bereave mann and Anna M. Buhmann were ment; defendents, for the sum of 2251#.60. Be It further Resolved that a with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 24th ¡copy of these resolutions be sent to day of December, 1921, until paid and our distressed brother, one to her for the further sum of 2250.00 at sister Mrs Frances Phelps, one to torney fees, and for the further sum of 223.00 costs and disbursements, her mother Mrs. J. A. Weld, one to which said decree and Judgement be published In the Hermiston Her and order of sale have been duly ald, and one copy to spread upon docketed and enrolled in the office of the clerk of said court, and in and the minutes of the lodge. Signed, by which said Judgement, decree and order of sale It was directed that W. W. Illsley the hereinafter described real prop C. H. Skinner erty in Umatilla County, Oregon, to- H. T. Fraser wlt Committee The Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Nine (9 ). Town — Resolutions . - ship Four (4 ). North of Rang* Whereas, the Grand Architect of Twenty-eight (2 8 ). E. W. M. togeth er with the tenements, hereditaments the Universe has through his silent and appurtenances thereto belong messenger of death, entered the ing Including all water rights and home of our friend Henry E. Hitt rights to use of water thereon thereto belonging or In anywlBe appertain and has taken from it his beloved ing, and also all of the estate, right wit« Estella; and Interest of said Arnold Buhmann Therefore be It resolved, thht and Anna M. Buhmann In and to the same, be sold by the sheriff of Uma through her death our friend has tilla County, Oregon, to satisfy said lost a kind and loving wife, his com- Judgment and all costs. Therefore. I will, on the 25th day of March, 1922, i t the hour of two o’clock In the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House In the City of Pendleton, Umatilla Cunty, Oregon, sell all the right, ti tle and Interest which the said de fendants Arnold Buhmann and Anna M. Buhmann, or either of them, had on the 28th day of April. 1920, Or since then have acquired, or pow have. In and to the following describ ed premises, situated in Umatilla County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: The Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Nine (9 ), Town ship Four (4 ). North of Range Twenty-eight (28), E.W.M. together with tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging in cluding all water rights and rights to the use of water thereon thereto be longing or In anywise appertaining; and also all of the right, estate, ti tle and interest of said Arnold Bu- mann and Anna M. Buhgaann 1 and to the same; said lands to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the proceeds of sale to be applied In satisfaction of said execution and all costs. Dated this 10th day of February! 1923. Zoeth Houser. Sheriff. 23-5te. by J. C. Marin, Deputy mc at 8:00 sharp »n M— <1^ hall- Vi ni d a * member* weiceaie. Minnie E. Stewart. W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. UERMISTON LODGE NO. MB. A. F. A A. M . n meets in Mannaie Hall aa First and TMvd Tueedaÿ eveainc* of each mentb. Visiti** brwtfc- B. D. Dunvaa. Secy. Flrtiit, Baled Hay and Livestock Transfer 0 . Û. Felthoaee :: Phone 4M PRO FESSIO NAL C A R D S inn ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .■ ■ ■ ■ lu iii 5 Back in Business ! D R . R. Q. G A L E Physician and Surgeon Officw—Gladys Are. near Firs* St. Office Hours: 2 ta 6; 7:00 to 0. Phone Ml DR. FRANCIS P. A D A M S Pbyoectaa and Surgaoc Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Pitted Office over First Nation*! Bank OFFICE PHONE. 02 RESIDENCE PHONE. 006 Offiee Hours: 0 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6:80 p. m. Day or night call? answered promptly Full Information on Any Sub ject by Writing Registrar O. A. C., Corvallis, Oregon Bernice Jackson entered the soph- more class Monday from Starr, Ida. DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Office over First National Bank Osteopathy ! •a m B o W c a ra , W r a * . L e a v .'o r d e r a a t HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK Knerr’s Garage TRANSFER T h e French R estaurant O W B ftO N H A R D W A R E N u . 4S Elegantly Furnished Rooms-in Connection H. Robinett, Prop. STRICTLY FIRST CLASS H eraisten, Ore. Hohbach Bros., Proprietors Pendleton. Oregon Office Hours 8 a. m. ta 6 p. m. I W. J. W A R N E R attorney at law H E R M IS T O N , O R EG O N J. D . Z Ü R C H E R LAW YER A. D. CROSLAND & SON H IT T All Lines of Transfer GUNS Phone 785 UMATILLA GENERAL HOSPITAL Well and Mudernly Equipped Special Rates in Maternity Case* Miss Nell Kammerlln, superin tendent. Edwards Buildine EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT! Has removed from his former location in the Rond Bid*. to Rooms 1,1 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bldg. P B N D i- K T O N : OREGON D R . L. c . R I C H E Y OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Eyes Seient*fieally Examined Lenses Ground and Fitted Pendleton American National Bank Bldg. -F O R - TWO TRUCKS QUICK SERVICE O re g o n H .S .M C K E N Z r E .M D . SEE Calk Answered All Honrs DR. RAY LOGAN, Phjralcan and Surgeon Umatilla. Oregon Truck Hauling AMMUNITION SJ.B. V A U G H A N -1 Excellent Remedy for Constipation E L E C T R IC F I X T U R E S It would be hard to find a better A N D A P P L IA N C E S remedy for constipation* than Cham Phene 180 Jj berlain’s Tablets. They are easy to C o u r t S t. P e m ils to n , O r u . 3 take and mild and gentle in effect ■ r SBBBBBBBBBBBBSS Give them a trial when you have need ■ B B S S Hermiston, Oregon Office, 1 S ta n fie ld BAKERY ud CONFECTIONERY Found a Cure for Indigestion "I use Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets for Indigestion and find they suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different medi. clnes. I am nearly fifty one years of age and have suffered a great deal from indigestion. I can eat almost anything I want to, now,” writes George W. Emory, Rock Mills, Ala. These tablet^ contain no pepsin but strengthen the stomach and enable It to digest the food naturally. D E N T IS T R Y ■ ■ ■»■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■I PH O N E 152 Surgery D r , F. V . P R I M E OAK TAN SHOE STORE TRANSFER Medicine Calls answered at alWiours 661 Residence phone 711 j Our new brick shoe store Is now open I with a aew line of goods. See us for I SHOE REPAIRING E. L. H A L L pan ton through 'life, and Frances Phelps a dear sister and the com munity a valued citizen and neigh bor; Be it further resolved that Queen Esther Chapter No. 101 O. E. S. and each as Individuals, extend our deep est sympathy to Henry E. Hitt and children and Frances Phelps, that we share their grief and sorrow with them. Be It further Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this chapter and that a copy be sent to them as a testi monial of our sympathy, under Abe seal of the chapter. Fraternally submitted, W. W. Illsley Frances M. Illsley Katherine L Garner Commttee A. F. Beiaee. W. M. V ’ NKYARU LODGE NO. ROC. L O. O. P. V meet* each Monday evenln< in Odd rellow . ball. Vlsitin* member, cordially invited. W. R. Loaghorn. Sec. A. Buhman. N. G. Cuts in Sewing. Evening Entertainments Community— Play-—Music— Noted Speakers The members of the cast of the operetta, "Love Pirates of Hawaii,” have been working faithfully on their parts and rehearsals are being held dally. "Out of order again, I suppose,* 1 * muttered Mr Gralapp as he tried to sharpen his Eversharp at the Ink well. E sther chapter no . 101. o. e . s.. Q ueen rowts neeuad Tuesday «venin* of M month Coal, $1 per ton _Wood, $1 1 per cord na "loving Me Trunks ant W i ll M a k e O u t s i d e T r i p * A FULL UNE 1 D. H. C O O K Elllott’e Tire Shop. Phon* 192 DEMONSTRATOR AT KINGSLEY’S March 9,10,11 M arch HOTYUF. OF jnTF.RTFF’R SALE UNDER EXECUTION Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, for Umatilla County, and to me directed and delivered, upon the judgement and decree rendered and entered In said Court of the 8th day of Febru ary, 1922, In favor of J. B. Beebe a* Plaintiff and agatnat Theodore C. Parks and Mary E. Parka as Defend ants for the sum of 2224.13 with In terest thereon at the rate of 8 per ceat per annum from April 9, 1421 the further sum of 2400.00 with In terest thereon at the rate of I per cent per annum from June 10. 1920, the further sum of 275.00 attorney’s fees, and fer 223.00 costs and dis bursements, which said decree. Judg ment. and order of sale has been docketed and enrolled In the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court: and'whereas by said Judgement, de cree and order of sale II wan directed that thd following described real property In Umatilla County, Oregon to-wit: Farm Unit "F” of the Northwest quarter, being the East Half of Southeast Quarter of Northwest quarter of Section 26, Township 5 North Range 28. E W. M. la Umatll- la County. Oregon. I will on the 18th day of March. A. D. 1422 at the hour of 2 o’clock In the afternoon of said day at West Front Door of Court House In Pendle. ; ton. Umatilla County. Oregon sell the right. 1 title and Intercut the sqld Theodore C. Parks and Mary E. Parks had In and to (he above described property on the 10th day of June. A. D. 1434 or since then has acquired, at public auction to the highest bid der for cash In hand, the proceeds to be applied in satisfaction of said execution and all costa. Dated thia Sth day of February. A. D. 1421. Zoeth Houser. Sheriff. ¡ Dy í . C. Mart». D^»«Y ’ 9 10 and 11 Kerr9s Rolled Oats <» March 10 pound sack, 65c 9 to-morrow a .m .^ ÎSSSrÂÉg? _ u Hi _ FLOUR Kerr's Farina sack, 65c 10 and Kerr's Rolled Oats Kerr's Hot Cake Flour, 35c package, 35c 11 at at Kerr's Wheat Flakes K ingsley’s Ask for Kerr's Kingsley’s Per package, 40c 171 KINGS! .FY*S H m m ,n Ask fm Ker¿s o f Q u a lity a u d S a rric a ' f