Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1922)
RElGO^ ° ? ^ I 9 2 5 | Nil Pl E ru A Aili/ OFFERS A M A R K E T FOR YO UR PRODUCE Our Aviation School ia Now Accepting Students for the Complete Coarse of Flying Instruction for the Unheard of Tuition of $200.00. The former charge was $600.00. If you are red blooded and OREGON-WASHINGTON want to get somewhe-e write us for particulars. 214 Spaulding bldg., Portland, Ore. IDAHO AIRPLANE CO., It’s True! i HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING. Buttonholing* — B uttons — P la itin g — Tu ckin g and C halnstltchlng AU M a il Orders given careful and prom pt atten tion ______________________E lite Shop, 384 Morrison St.__________________ Portland, Oregon V A U D E V IL L E P H O T O -P L A Y S Com plete Change Sun. and T h u r * M a tinee D aily. T w ice N ig h tly tturday. Sunday, Holidays, Contlnuo' HIP pödrö ME You W ill Feel Rich! at H em . Here SA FE A N D C E N T R A L — R E ASO N A B LE RATES E xcellen t C afe Special W eek ly R ates Bus Meets A ll T ra in s 11th and S tark, P ortland, Ore. N O R T O N IA H O T E L BAB’S RESTAURANT ? L Cafeteria © S ix th stree t opposite T h e O reg o n ia n an d A l d e r s tre e t opposite M e ir * F r a n k ’s. T h e Best E atin g p lace in th e C ity . T h e Fin es t C o ffe e an d P a s try a S pecialty. SHOE REPAIRING We employ expert repair men w ith year«’ ex peri nee Return parcel post charges paid. Give us a trial at lowest city prices. Morrison Shoe Repair Factory. 249 Morrison PORTLAND HIDE ft WOOL CO. POITLANB, OREGON. W rite for Prices and Shipping Tags 108 UNION AVtNUI NORTH, JE W E L H "B __ We Pay H ighest Prices for HIDES. PELTS. WOOL. MOHAIR. CASCARA BARK. Address Department B H . L. D ay, Prop. Oysters, Our Specialty. Special R e s ta u ra n t « ¡ ““ W r i Open 10 a. m. to 1 a. m. Ç* 1 HgC <X OOn Portland, A good place to Eat and Live Well. Remarkable 60c luncheon at noon. Open 7 a. m. te 1 a. ■>.. 8 » Stark 8t. W rite us for prices and market conditions on Teal. Hogs, rortnn Ersfc, Potatoes, Onions, etc. SUNSHINE INSIDE HOQHOUSE Forty Yearn in the Same Location. C LBAM IM O O R U Q LE S S P H Y S IC IA N Chronic diseases a specialty. D r. W . Alien 330 Fleuln-r Building. H O R SES, M U L E S B O U G H T , S O LD Crown Stables, Inc., 265 F ro n t SL. P o rt land, Ore. Horses and mules for sale or hire. Special rates to loggers and con tractors. W ith or w ith o u t harness. ________P h illip Su e tter, Pres. U . S. S T A BEKS?- 366 Union A v * D ra ft horses bought and sold. l i A R N M U L T IG R A P H T N G T h e C allan School, only recognised school on the coast. Experienced opera tors alw ays In demand. 405 Artisans Bid«. M A C H IN E R Y ~ ~ ----------------------------------- Send us your Inquiries fo r anything In Iron or W oodworking achinery, Logging, a,----- ------- ----- M _ Equipm t S aw m ... ill, * Contractors' ent, Loco- motives. Boilers, Engines, nes. Crushers, R ail, Came, Belting, etc. B urke irke M achinery Co., 628 H alfw ay E Exchange x change B ld t . ________ Bldg., Portland, , Or. MFG«. W W — K i h l Z E D ROOF - vatnt PA N ew ro o f, and repairin g done. Young and Woods, 1102 E. C aruthers S t M O N U M E N T S — ■ . 3d and Pina Sti U tto Schum ann G ranite & M arble W o r k * MOTORCYCLES A N D PARTS A ll makes. E asy term s E A S T S ID E M O T O R C Y C L E CO. ___ 44-4« G R A N D A V E . P IP E R E P A IR IN G ■I P IP I2 C Repaired by e x p e rt* Shop, 272 Wash. P O R T L A N D SH O E R E P A IR S .M A IL ’EM Model Shoe R epair, »72 W ashington SL D avis Bros., A m erican Shoem aker* 108 4th S t . _____________ • P R U N E T R E E S i r P R U N E T R E E S H l---- Before buying elsewhere see us. Columbia N ursery Co., 1430 Union Ave., Portland. P Y O R R H E A D E N T IS T S S m ith ,L o n g ,S te v e n s o n . 310 B u s h -Is m e Big R A ZOR B L A D E S R E S H A R P E N E D ' Single 30c; Double 35c. Razors Ground and Honed. Backlund A Son, lull w . P a rk S afety Raxor M an, 145ft 3d 3t,~ Portland. S A N IT A R Y B E A U T Y P A R L O R W e - help the appearance of women. T w e n ty -tw o Inch switch or transform a tion, value *7.60, price *2.45. 400 to 412 D eku m Bldg. S C HO O L O F W E L D IN G O ffic ia lly recognized by state and fed eral board as Th e place to learn welding all m etala. C om m ercial School of W eld ing, 611 E a s t G r a n t Cor. 11th, Portland. T Y P E W R IT E R S — N E W OR R E B U IL T R e b u ilt T jp e w r lte r Co., 204 Oak Streak V E T E R IN A R IA N — C attle a Specialty D r. Chas. M . Anderson, K enton, Portland. W edding Bouquets and Funeral Piece, Lu blln er Florists, 348 Morrison St. W e lte r System of Suggestive Th erapy 715 D eku m B ld g .____ W H O L E S A L E A N D R E 5T T A I IL T IN W A R E P ortlan d T in w a re M fg. Co., 4 7 'F irs t SL Excellent Plan to Use Wire Gates and Partitions—Keeps Building More Sanitary. RUBBER STAMPS and MARKING DEVICES. A n it a S te w a rt Bend.—More than 10 per cent of the 326 inhabitants which Bend boast ed when the first census of this city was taken 18 years ago are still resi dents of Bend, a survey made here shows. In order to get the most value of the sunshine Inside the hoghouse It Is an excellent plan to use wire gates and partitions between the pens. This EXPERT will allow the sun to get through and afford better reflection of the sun Dyeing & Cleaning shine. This allows the floors to dry The Dalles Fruit & Produce Comp y out and keeps the building more sani EX CELLENT SERVIC E Wholesale Dealers in tary. By Parcel Post Return Postage Paid. Write for Circulars and Price*. "At Your Beck and Call" Y ou r Oil trouble and Platon trouble will end when w e Inatall E . C . L O N G N O N -E X P A N D IN G P IS T O N S F o r p leaau re car«, trucks an d tractora. G U A R A N T E E D ______ HANSLMAIR A CRABB 1090 E aat Y am h ill S t., Portland STO C K T H A T G R O W S I .neat atock th a t can be raised a t a price you w ill like to pay. W rite or calL FANCY FRUITS and FARM PRODUCI 161 Front Street. Portland. Oregon. Corn, milk or buttermilk and tank age are basic feeds best for getting pigs Into condition most quickly and cheaply. Our Motto Is to Please YOU. THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL 1 2 7 L ig h t, A ir y Room s, 50c, 75c, $ 1 .0 0 an d $ 1 .5 0 . Exercise Most Important. Exercise Is Immensely Important In developing size and bone in breeding animals. 92 N. 3d. St., Cor. Flanders, Portland, Ore. ED. F. GODDARD. Mgr. Phone Bdy. 1975 R A IN IE R HOTEL Silage Make« Steer Grow. Silage makes the steer grow and at price you can afford, even at the present market. Rites $100 awi >*. 128 N. M SL fsrthad. On Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depot*, and one block from main Postoffice The V illa Nurseries Fire Proof and M odern R F D No. 1, M o ntavllla Sta.. P ortland, O r Cuaranteea Nursery Stock Basle Feeds for Pig* R IT Z H O T E L W a have got ju s t w h a t you w an L Call or w rite fo r prices. P A R K A N D M O R R IS O N S T S . Russellville N ursery Co. Depot Morrison Car* direct to Hotel. PopulaP H . A. L E W IS , Prop Prices. Center Shopping and Theater district. M o n ta vllla Sta., P ortland, Oregon FRANK A. CLARK. Prop., F ire P ro of and Modern formerly with Clyde Hotel. NEW HOUSTON HOTEL “ A Moderate Priced Hotel of M e rit” C. S. Richardson, M anager W eek ly Rates to P erm an en t Guests H O T E L C L IFFO R D S ixth and E v e ra tt Streets, T h ree Blocks from N ew Postoffice, F o u r Blocks from E a s t Morrison St., a t E ast Sixth, the P rin cip al E ast S .le H otel. 6 m inutes from U nion Depot, P ortland, Ore. Shopping D is tric t. Fo ur blocks from S. P. I C E x p e rt advice on an y E ast Side Station. C Income ta x problems. Several years’ actual _____ experience In G overn- RATE MAIL ORDER DRUGGISTS. D DA I I I C | | ft men t Bureaus is offered Do CUT you su ffe r from A sthm sT I f so, order ■ IIU O L E III O those unable to v is it our a bottle office. State your troubles b riefly and Lanodele’e A sthm a Remedy send in w ith $1 and we w ill give you hon Sold under Money B ack Guarantee est to goodness advice. I t w ill pay you to et in touch w ith us now. E. J. C urtin , oom 608 L tw ls Bldg., Portland, Oregon. IT ’S JU S T A SM ALL BO O K BROOKE DRUB CO.’ R D R . G. E. W A T T S 2 1 2 Oregonian Bailding, PORTLAND, OREGON SPE C IA L IST Female and Rectal Trouble* and GLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS E y es E x a m in ed . G la sse s F itted. 20% o ff u n til January, on a ll merchandise and g lasse* B rin g this ad. C lark e -B ro w e r Optical Co. 112ft S ixth St. Portland For kerosene emulsion take two gallons of kerosene, one gal lon of water, one pound of bar soap and one pint of crude car bolic acid. Boll the soap In wa ter until dissolved, remove from the Are and while the wnter la boiling hot add the kerosene and acid, churning with a spray pump for ten minutes, and then add six gallons of hot water, stirring well. Apply on walla, floor, roosts, fences, etc., with a spray pump. of 16 pages. "O rnam ental P lants for Landscape P lan ting " la eager to acquaint you w ith the beat varieties of plants for landscape use. B U T I T ’S W O R T H A S K IN G FOR Because I t riv e s sound advice on the subject of developing the home grounds. T he W eed Landscape Beaverton, O r * Dirty Eggs Bring Lee* Dirty eggs are graded from two cents to five cents lower than “firsts.” They are the result of dirty nests or no nests. A little care means a con Nursery siderable Increase In Income. 8oll for Poultry Yard. In selecting a location for a poultry INFORMATION yard, choose a light, sandy soil. DEPARTMENT, Big Road Program. S A N D Y ’S— P o rtlan d ’s Kodak and PenM an A n E v e r-S h a rp Pencil, Fo un tain Pen or ~ Kodak fo r Xm as. Dants and blemishes on your car can ba M a ll Orders receive Personal A tte n tio n by removed and we are the boys to de it. Sandy Claus. P. Q / Box 740. W hy? Because we specialise in that kind of w o rk. W a also repair radiatore and A L A S K A P L U M B IN G A H E A T IN G CO. Pipe carry Liberty Radiator corse la atock. A il P lum bing F ix tu re s and Supplies. F i t t in g * lowest prices. 363 E. Morrison. w o rk guaranteed. X . D U R H A M , th e re a d e r Maa B R A Z IN G , W E L D IN G A C U T T IN G M N o rth 11th 8 * Pertlaad, O r * N orth w est W elding A Supply Co., M 1st Bt C L E A N IN G A N D D Y E IN G F o r reliable Cleaning and D yeing service send parcels to u* W e pay re tu rn postage. In form atio n and prices given upon request. F I8 T U L A .F 1 S S U R B , Itc h .V K E ’S C IT Y D T E W O R K S in g and all other rectal Established E 1(9«_________________Portland conditions except Cancer C U T F L O W l U * F L O R A L D E S IG N S perm anently cured w ith out a surgical operation. C larke B r o * , F lo r is t* 227 Morrison Bt. M y method of treatm e n t D A N C IN G E v i R Y N OON A B V E N IN G aavee the tissue Instead of O riental Cats. Chinese-Am erican Kitchen destroying it. I t ia peln- Corser B roadway and Wash. P O R T L A N D le s * requires no anes D O O R C A N 0 W IN D O W * th etic and is perm anent. W e can sell you Doors, W in d o w * Roof Th ere Is no confinem ent ing, P ain t, Glass and Builders' H ard w a re __ to bed, no interference direct. W e are m anufacturers. W rits for w ith business or eoclai en gag em ent* I prices before buying. Heacock guarantee a cure or w ill refund your fee. Door Co., 213 313 F irs t St., Portland. C all or w rite fo r bookleL M ention thia F O U N D R Y A N D M A C H IN A W O R K S paper when w ritin g . Com mercial Ire n W o r k * 7th A M adia H A R D W OOD F L O O R IN G D a k -L e a f Hardw ood Floor Co., 211 B. 74th SL N . Floors electrie shaded. Eeee nd and Morrison S t * , P ortland, Ora. THERE’S ANOTHER DENT t. P IL E S DR. C. J. D E A N Discover Amber In Canada SUPERIOR LICE KILLER PLEAD S FLEAS Vancouver.—Hundreds of tons of despised culm from the Coalmont col lieries In the Nicola valley of British Husband, Explaining In Court, Blames the Family Cat fer Columbia have turned out on expert Trouble* examination to contain amber. This is believed to be the first amber dis covered on the North American con Atlantic City.—His wife's fondneas for a cat Infested with fleas was re tinent sponsible for the domestic unhappiness of Mr. and Mrs. James Cathrall. ac Professor of ‘‘Movie*’* Berlin.—A chair has been estab cording to the story told by the hus lished In the Berlin Technical high band when arraigned before Judge Ingersoll In the domestic relations arhooi for klnema technology. The state highway commission In New Mexico has launched a big road building program with six new federal aid projects, one to cost $46,707.02, a second to cost $65,505.67, a third $68,- 862.87, the fourth $41,624.73, a fifth $00,844,49, and the sixth $74,104.47. Dixie Highway Lead* Of the 9,630 miles of roads to be constructed throughout the United States through the aid of federal ap propriation. the Dixie nighway leads the list with 805 miles. Cott Borns by Motor Owner* In a number of states the entire cost of construction and maintenance of state highways or of state bonds for road Improvement Is now borne entirely by the motor owners. Hinhveys In China. Hlghv cv • 33 feet to 56 feet In w ’>’ ’ Chins M ADE construction In H IM FI FE court here. Declaim was reserved. Cathrall. answering a charge of de sertion and nonsupport, said his wife Insisted upon the cat sleeping under his window. Fleas, exercising their long distance Jumping abilities, entered hie room in such numbers that life becnm a burden to him, and he left. The United States had 5 Smiths In the service In the war R e d C ross BALL BLUE to n eed ed in e v er y dep«rtm ent o f h o u se k eep in g. Equally g o o d for to w c ’ lin en , sh eets and p illo w esse s. I C u tic u r a S o a p — I s I d e a l f o r ------ The Complexion It’s a big Jump from a career as an artist's model to the top-notch place held by one of tcreendom’e most popu lar s ta r* but charming Anita Stewart made It. She was born In Brooklyn In 1896. At the age of fourteen she was attracted to the motion picture studio* Finishing school, her rise to stardom was rapid. This Is one of her latest picture* -------- O-------- T H E R IG H T T H IN G «f the R I G H T T IM E By MARY MARSHALL DUFFEH C STA O U ISH M B M T Grand Avenue at Yamhill PORTLAND. ORE. : STATE N E W S IN BRIEF. W ITH THE KNIFE Since trifles m ake the sum of human th in g * —H an n ah More. ON’T hold your knife nt table as If you contemplated cutting your way through a barbed-wire en tanglement with it. Take It no fur ther down toward the blade than Is necessary to hold It securely. In fact It Is a mistake to let your Ungers rest anywhere but on the handle, save that the index Anger may be placed on the edge of the dull side. When you have finished with a course In which a knife Is used place the knife across the side of the plate with the sharp side of the blade to ward the center. It you are dining with your family and send your plate to the carver for a second helping the knife and fork should be placed in this way, not removed and laid on the butter plate, much less held In mid air. Never hold the knife In the hand save when using it. Some persons you know forget that they have It In their hand and raise It In an awk ward fashion with the point of the blade celllngward. We have all seen humorous pictures of the uncouth man who sits waiting for his plate with his knife In his right hnnd and his fork In his left, points upward. See that you don’t let yourself look as ridiculous. Never use a knife In eating salad. Do not use a steel knife In eating fish. Some persons would say, never use any knife at all with fish, hut It Is quite all right to use n silver knife and small silver knives are especially designed for the fish course. In the ordinary household where fish Is served as a substitute for the meat course It Is served with the usual knife and fork, but this knife should not be of steel. Do not use n knife when eating des serts, although In some provincial hotels the waiter will give you a knife and fork with pie. A small knife may be served and used with cheese. When this Is done cut off a bit of cheese and place It by means of the knife on the wafer with which It Is served and then convey the wafer to your mouth by means of the left hand. Never, never use your knife as an Implement with which to assist food on your fork or to scout about your plate for last morsels. In fact the knife should not be used at all for potatoes or other vegetables these be ing broken entirely by means of the fork. If no butter knives are used It Is quite all right to use the dinner knife for buttering bread. Remember, how ever, never to spread more than • small morsel at a time, and never wipe off gravy or other food on a slice of bread by way of polishing your knife before using It on the butter. D (Copyright.) -------- O-------- Bend.—Moving into the new Union S o s p .O ln ^ n e n t.T k lr iin i’!«• ev e ry w h er e K o r ia ^ u it s high school at Redmond was under •dorvMt. O stU ftss Labor »»«risa.Dtp L X. M a JG a a .M baa . way Friday afternoon. The formal opening is expected to be one week Do Something Worth While. from today, at which time State Su Let all the Intervals or void space perintendent Churchill will be in at of time be employed in prayers, read tendance. ing, meditating, works of nature, rec Woodburn. — A largely attended reation, charity, friendliness, neighbor meeting of the North Marlon Berry liness, and means of spiritual and cor Growers’ association was held in this poral health. Never walk with any city Saturday. The committee, sent man, or undertake any trifling employ to Salem and Eugene to investigate co ment, merely to pass the time away.— operative conditions there, reported. Jeremy Taylor. The committee was dismissed and no definite action was taken. Human Weights. Toledo. — The development of the A woman, forty-three years old, five berry industry In the Toledo vicinity feet five Inches tall, should weigh 143 will be In a major project undertaken pounds, and a man forty-eight years by the Lincoln county farm bureau( old, whose height is five feet seven during 1922. Special stress will be inches, should weigh 156 pounds, ac laid upon growing raspberries, black cording to a table compiled by the berries and strawberries and with less Association of Life Insurance Medical er proportional plantings of the logan Directors and the Actuary Society of berries. America. St. Helens.—The sawmill of the Don’t Forget Cuticura Talcum Island Lumber company will resume operations some time in February, ac When adding to your toilet requisites. cording to a statement of H. F. Mc An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby Cormick, president of the company. and dusting powder and perfume, ren dering other perfumes superfluous. He said the date had not been defi You may rely on It because one of the nitely decided, but depended upon Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and weather conditions and the lumber Talcum). 25c each everywhere.—Adv. market. That Word “Strike.” Salem.—Salem merchants, following a srurvey here, announced that their The first use of the word "strike,” sales in 1921 exceeded those of the as applied to labor troubles, occurred previous year by approximately 10 In a London newspaper in 1765. In per cent. The figures were based on September of that year were numerous reports by 14 business establishments. references to a great stoppage of labor Merchants were of the opinion that In the coal fields, and the workers are 1922 will be even better than the pre said to have "struck out” for higher ceding year. wages.—Indianapolis News. Salem.—The state sealer of weights and measures office Inspected a total of 10,602 scales during 1921, according to a report prepared here by W. A. Dalziel, deputy sealer of weights and measures. Weights Inspected num bered 23,457, linear measures 2511, liquid measures 7839 Salem.—More than 25 actions filed in the circuit court here were dis missed by Judge Kelly Saturday for want of prosecution. Under a rule adopted here, all cases which have not been prosecuted within 12 months, un less proper showing for continuance has been made, are dismissed from the trial docket. Peculiarity of Judas Tree. One of the curious things about the redoud, or Judas tree, Is that It hears flowers on the old wood. Blossoms are found in abundance on twigs that are five or six years old. Keeping Books. Leather bound books should be kept where the air Is hot and dry and cir culates freely enough to prevent the natural oil of the leather drying out too rapidly. No Man Always Right The man who Is always right does not live. He Is still the prospective product of the development of the species. Even the one who generally thinks ho Is right will he found fre quently to draw wrong conclusions, but he’s safer to follow.—Grit. Salem.—There were a total of 242 accidents reported to the state indus trial accident commission during the week ending January 5, according to a report prepared here. Of the total accidents, 219 were subject to the benefits of the workman’s compensa Meteorites Cool on Journey. tion act, 12 were from firms and cor Meteorites are never very hot when porations that had rejected the law, they strike the earth. They have fallen and 11 were from public utilities not into haystacks, barns, etc., without entitled to benefits under the act. setting them on fire. No baking of Dallas.—Notwithstanding the recent the soil or charring of vegetation Is meeting of taxpayers ordered a cut in observed where they have struck the the Polk county budget for 1922 of ground. approximately $18,300, the county court In making the final levy made Why He Loses Control. but one change in the budget as orig There are two things a man cannot inally compiled. The cut of $100 In control. One Is the weather, and the the traveling expenses of the county other is his wife.—Cincinnati Enquir commissioners, as requested by the er. He frets because he cannot con taxpayers, was allowed. The total trol the first, and he Is foolish enough amount of taxes to be raised in this to try to control the other.—Canton county next year Is $431,270.27. (O.) News. Boardman. — The rabbit poisoning campaign is being worked out system Could Be Spared. atically in Morrow county. The Several hundred sermons were stol weather continues favorable, there is a blanket of snow and the tempera en from the study of a Rochester clergyman. Possibly the members of ture hovers around freezing. The his congregation who extended sympa chief difficulty Is that snow at night covers the bait. The ranchers, how thy were slight exceeded In number by ever, are placing out small quantities those who didn’t.—Buffalo Express. daily and are getting results. County Her System, Agent Calkins has plans for a series Young Woman (to librarian)—I do of drives to supplement the work of Toledo.—The chicken business Is not wish to bother you, but I’ve for better than milking cows, Is the con gotten the name of the book I w ant tention of A. F. Oragle of this city, If you'll Just mention what books you who substantiates bis statement with have, I’ll stop you when you come to a report of his business. Mr. Grable IL—Edinburgh Scotsman. has 560 hens and pullets, only a por Changes Come With Years. tion of which are laying at this time. He has two checks, one for $54 and A young girl should always remem another for $38, and In addition he ber to the credit of her mother's Judg has another for two cases of eggs ment that "father” has changed con coming which will bring him an ad siderably since he was a young man ditional $25. Thia report la for two and "mother” married him.—Leaven weeks’ egg production, or approximate worth Times. ly $60 a week. '/¡VS Bm,% Seetaee. Salem.—All Petite prunes In the Wil lamette valley held by the Oregon Growers’ Co-operative association have they Tire, Smart, Itch,« Burn, if Sore, Irritated, been sold through orders received dur Inflamed or Granulated, ing the past few days, It was an 1M Murine oftem'Safe I In fa n t or Adult ' * tor nounced here. The recent demand for At all Druggist* Write I for Free Eye Book ~klca«e. t). 9. * Willamette valley prunes was due, of f li r t i le Eye lemedv C s s im ficials of the association said, to the Are m Med? increase In prices for the California '• fil<f•"*- perfectly -quipped product. Most of ths prunes shipped Buelneee T ra in in g 8<-houl in the N o rth w est F it yourself for e higher perttteu by the Oregon Orowers’ association e d U m ore money. Perms se n t poMOone our eatateg—F G ra d u a te o * u rth aad TamhIB. _ W rite for during ths past week were consigned ensured to foreign markets. They were han dled through eastern brokers. P. N. II. No. 2, 1922 Y