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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1922)
THE UEBM ISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. LODGE DIRECTORY Mr. and Mrs. Carl Voyen entertain a Bob Sled guests with UMATILLA NEWS ITEMS monte carlo of east ed party fifteen Sunday night. EXCHANGE D r a f t , to A ll P a r t, o f th e U n ite d S ta te . $ 1.00 to $ 1 0 .0 0 ... 5c $ 10.00 to $ 5 0 .0 0 .. 10c $ 5 0 .0 0 > $ 1 0 0 .0 0 .... 15c Each additional $100 ..1 5 c D r a f t , an d T r a v e le r . C h e c k , fe r a ll P a r t . W o r ld THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HERMISTON H e r m u to n , O re g o n Call For Warrants Notice Is hereby given that the City of Hermiston Warrants up to number 2781 are called and payable at my office on and after this date, xcept Special Street Warrants, In TOR SALE erest stops January 19, 1922. „„ F. B. Swayze, City Treasurer. 19- FOR SALE— A new camera, cost >36 Ite. for >25. Inquire Herald office 6-tfc WANT ADS (Too late for last week) The Home Bureau had a large and enthusastlc meeting on Thursday and transacted a great deal of business. Final plans were laid for the big banquet on “Greater Umatilla Day" and all committees named. A letter from "The Federation of Women’s Clubs" was read and a study of Ore gon government was Inclosed, and discussed. The club voted to devote as much time each meeting as pos sible to the study of the Government of Oregon. More copies may be se cured sb needed. A letter from the chairman of the Oregon Disarmament Committee was read urging the Home Bureau to take action on total disarmament, the de- etroylng of poison gasses, submarines as weu as ships. The secretary was Instructed to write letters to Mrs. Edison and M ts . Winter, who rep- . .. ... resent the women on the committee at W ashington, D. C. stating the act- Ion taken by the club. KOTICE TO CREDITORS M acao, Once Holy City, Now Giv en Up to Gambling. (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ■ B a ck in B u sin ess ! : PIrat-ClaM Gambling House and Ruins of Great Cathedral Form Contrast ing Picture—Ones Haven for Traders. London.—Macao Is the Monte Carlo of the Far East, says a writer In the Daily Mall. Two contrasting pictures of Macao (pronounced McKow), are the ruins of thq- majestic cathedral dating back more than 300 years and a garish building at the end of a narrow cob bled street with its illuminated sign, “• Our new brick shoe store is now open '“First-class Gambling House.” The contrast sums up the Ill- j with a new line of goods. See us for SHOE REPAIRING starred history of this pretty but « blighted child of old Portugal. Once OAK TAN SHOE STORE known as “the Holy City of the Far a • a m R o d g e r s , P ro R - East,” It is now the Moute Carlo. Three hours . from Hongkong, across « fhe estuary of the Pearl river, lies ' , „ _ , Macao. The pioneer European set- t)en|ent ,n ch||Ja It came Into Portu- guese hands in 1557 as a reward to HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK the “long-bearded and large-eyed men” for their assisting the Chinese against TRANSFER river pirates. It was a far-famed haven for trad ers, and when, in 1575, Pope Gregory P H O N I O S M O * HARDWARE XIII founded the episcopal see, Ma N o . 4S I c a o became the beacon-light of Chris tendom in the Far East. But no longer In the old, boxlike H. Robinett, Prop. ; houses of blue and white and terra ! X n V o f ‘ id F r u g a l gfve'their brU FOR SALE-—First class heater reas In the County Court of the State of Mrs. Davis reported progress on onable. For particulars call Mrs Oregon for Umatilla County. In the home talent play and expects to Smith, McFarland's ranch, Umatil. the Matter of the Estate of Ben be able to present It by Valentine’s la. 18-2tp jamin F. Newcomer, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the day. FOR SALE OR TRADE— Four wheel •inderslgned has been appointed exe- drive aut truck new pneumatic •litor of the last will and testament The hot school lunches are giving tires. Easy terms for cash deal f Benjamin F. Newcomer, deceased. or will trade for land, cattle and rnd has qualified as the law directs. I a good deal of worry at present as hogs. W. A. Leathers. 16-tfc. til persons having claims against many of the tickets are still un- h e^ anm io nw w U h ^ io ^ r #« S Pald for About 54 chUdren haVe not FOR SALE.—Registered Jersey cow Also Economy King separator and t the office of my attorney, W. J. paid In Dec. and Jan. It is a grave chants of old Portugal give their brll- 8 foot black walnut extension din VVarner In Hermiston, Oregon within problem because when the bills are la“* dinner parties. No longer do the dn , hev nlUBt be Daid and when -dlvery voices of their women folk fill ing table. Mrs. B. K. Sprague, •lx months from the date hereof. Dated this 28lh day of December, d’le , y mU8t he tropic night with songs of the Phone 282. 19-4tc 1921. th eres no money from the lunches h()mt>|an(, Trade aud weulth have Willard W. Felthouse must be met gome other way. It it>ne al„| , be colony lives almost en- GROW GRAPES under contract. Executor would be a big favor If the parents eirely on tbe revenue from the Chl- Very low prices for vines for com 16-5tc. mercial planting. Peaches. Aprl ------------ ---- ■ ■ ------- would take care of this situation and uese "fan tau’” gambling dens. Save cots. Cherries, all kinds of fruli pay for the tickets. The Home Btt- j for, perhaps, the government officials, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR’S and ornamental stock. Ask foi here are very few true-born Portu reau would be very grateful. grape circular. Home Nurserj SALE OF REAL PROPERTY guese In the colony, which seems now Co. KkhL.r.ú, Wash. 17-tfi n the County Court of the State of io he run chi&Hy for the benefit of Umatilla's new hospital is doing a Oregon for Umatilla County. In BUY A HOME— 10 to 64 acres, par the Matter of the Estate of Edgar wonderful business, as every room the Chinese. Hally Improved. Joins city or The Macanese, descendants of the H. Graham, Deceased. ready for occupancy is taken. Two early settlers, many of whom married east. Water right paid to date Notice Is hereby given that the un 12 years to pay. Eber D. MosBie. new babies have been born there this j apanese or Malaccan women, are m inisiraior of oi the me estate , , , , i •...... — - ------------ ---- ■ 17-8tc. dersigned, administrator of Edgar II. Graham, deceased, will | week and two operations have taken i scattered In the treaty ports of China PRODUCE SOLD! Goods hauled! from and after the 24th day of Jan- place. More furniture Is on the way and form the bulk of the clerical class Regular trlpa to Pendleton, Tues- nary, 1922, at the office of William and several more rooms will be fitted working for foreign firms. day. Thursday and Saturday. Pen- J. W arn erjn the City of Hermiston, jp at once Unaatil'a is sure proud The star of Macao as a trading dleton Truck Line R. B. Spencer, Umatilla County, Oregon, offer for of this venture, and with the grow •enter set with the marvelous rise of 17-3tc. sale at private sale to the highest Prop. the British crown colony of Hong and best bidder, for cash In hand, the ing encouragement, and prospects It rung, about the middle of last century. following described real property sit will be well filled most of the time. Only 40 miles away, with a magnifi FOR SALE— 13 cows, some fresh und all will be fresh by April 1. uated in Umatilla County, Oregon, to- Drs. Logan and Gale are the physic cent harbor which all ships could en wlt: Also young team and machinery. ians in charge and Miss Kammerlin, ter, Hongkong attracted all the trade. Inquire Herald. 15-tfc. Lots 7 and 8 In Block 10; and L o I b 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15 and 16 in the nurse. You are invited to ln- It was evident from the first that Ma I1OTEL FOR SALE OF TRADE— 45 Block 2, In Newport’s Addition to the spect the building If you are Interest- cao was side-tracked. Rooms, doing good business. On Town of Hermiston in said county ed. main street. Lot. 100X150. This »n<t »Ute. I ---------- IS HONORED BY FRANCE Is a good paying business. Will nlds may be made upon either of | MY. W. A. Ford, who has been ill raid lots separately or upon any group bear the closest of Investigation. of lots as the bidder may desire. for several weeks is able to sit up, Rents for cash. >195.per month. This sale Is made under and In and is on the mend. It Is hoped he W ill trade for 40 acres irrigated ptusuance of a license and order of w ill soon be able to be out again. made and entered by I. M. Schan- ranch In or near Boardman. If you sn'e nep. Judge of the above entitled haven’t something good do not couit, on the 22nd day of November Gladys Nugent Is unable to con write as »his property Is straight 1921, In the nbove entitled estate^ and tinue her school attendance on ac such sale will be made subject to con goods. Owner, Dox 603 The count of her glandular condition. Dalles, Oregon. 19-ltc. firmation by said court. She has been confined to her bed Dated this 14th day of December, about 10 days. 1921. Fiank Waugaman, LOST AND FOUND Administrator of the above en titl Mrs. Ted Parks Is the proud moth ed estate. er of a new babe, born at the UmatU- | FOUND 2 pocket books. Inquire W. J. Warner 16-3tc. ',a hospital this week. Herald. 14-6tc. His attorney LOST Rubber covered lap robe on Mr. Bill Root and Mrs. Herbert Diagonal road. Please return to TWAIN FONO OF BILLIARDS Lane were operated on at the hospit Herald office. Reward. al this week and both are reported Biographer Has Told How Great to be doing nicely. Humorist Would Wear Out His MISCELLANEOUS Companions at the Game. Mrs. O. Stangeby has been indis November 30 Is Mark Twain’s birth posed for some time past hut It day. The beloved humorist would slightly Improving. have been eighty-six on lliut day iu Miss Jessie Jenks, who has been ill TO TRADE 20 acres Alabama land 1021, If he bad lived. His biographer, What have you? Enquire Herald. Albert Bigelow Paine, In writing of for several months Is better and took Mark Twain's passion for playing up her duties as teacher in our school Owing to the fact that the Coal billiards, a bobby which endured to pn the first of the year. Mines atta *h sight draft to Bill of the lust, comments upon his great Lading making all coal strictly cash pliysb ul endurance and perpetual Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dixon returned on arrival, we are compelled to In youth. to Page, Wash, for a short time as stall a cash with order system to our “I was comparatively a young man, r ir t ilt « is t Beginning Aug. 10th, Mr. Dixon's work called him there. 1921, all orders for fuel must be ac and by no means an Invalid," Mr. Paine They are planning on moving back writes, “but many a lime far In the companied with cash. Inland Empire Lumber Co. night, when 1 was ready *» drop with to Umatilla for the balance of the exhaustion, he was still ns fresh and winter. 4 8-tfc. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. buoyant and eager for the game as at SHOP— Gales the moment of beginning. He smoked TIRE Miss Laura S. Dunne spent New ELLIOTT’S 6 2-lts. ami smoked continually, and followed Year's day at the home of her sister tires. the endless track around the billiard Mrs. W. R. Nugent, but was called CASH Paid for second hand goods table with the light step of youth. At on a case at the Pendleton hospital Correll’s Shop. it-tf-' three or four o'clock In the morning he won id urge Just one'more game, and had to leave very suddenly. THE feeling of security Is well worth and would taunt me for niy weari How about ness. Poisoned hay In this vicinity has the premium paid, that Fire Insurance? See the E. "I can truthfully testify that nevei done a good deal of damage, the lat- 11-tfe untll the last year of Ids life did he i eft one to suffer a loss being Mr. P. Dodd Agency. TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon willingly lay down the billiard cue, Henry Edwards. His fine saddle or show the least suggestion of fa- honw> and one of hl„ flne team, Ro- paper at the Herald office. tlgue. He played always st high pres- ,ope an„ |h(, hay , hat wa„ pr<?. Now and then, in periods of ad- , . , .... . .. . ., New .Hid 1 « J Merchandise bought, sold sure. verslty. he would fty Into a perfect “‘ T for r“bbh8 8nd “ kl,led ,ben’ and exchanged, A. Correll p**alnn with thing« In general. But, both. That was a great lone as they TYPEWRITER Ribbons and carbon in the end. It was a sham battle, and wer® verY valuable horses. Every we went on playing as If nothing had one ls sorry to hear o f such an ac- paper for sale at the Herald. liuppened, only he was very gentle and cident. - stoves, heaters, ranges bought, sold, ex sweet, like the sun on the meadow* , changed or repaired Correll's Shop. • after the storm had passed by." The Co-operative le a g u e store will probably be opened about Feb. Adding machine rolls of piper fu: 1st. On account of the number of Worth Considering sale at the Herald office. The question Is not so much how new stores being opened in near-by V W ’ l 1 1» TO 1 1 1 I. I ,„,! . you contract a cold, but how to get towns the organisers are kept so Send your eg s. Write or phone busy that they can't get much ttmn about veal. F ail Brownell, Uma (Id of It with the lerst loss of time to work here. There is still quite a tilla. 1-tfc. and Inconveniences. If you w ill con- )ot of the money paid for stock that ADDING machine rolls nt the Herald alder the experience of others under la not collected and that Is very Imtlnr circumstances, who have necessary before starting Mr. Diggs office. been meet successful In cheeking piana on being here about Jan 16 or V ILL TRADE 2 CITY LOTS for Rood their colds. In their beginning, you 17 at which time the plans on a cow. Loti Rogers. 18-2tp I w ill secure a bottle of Chamberlain s m eeting and refreshments. The def- WANTI 1J t o B E N T W .-o Me ¿ ¿ . « J ' ' 0“ * “ w" hou‘ de,ay’ ,n d »nite date w ill be announced later. M A N U D I O RENT P ano for ,1?e „ faUhfuUy. There are many __________________ rive month». MI m * Hazel Bogard. , ... . . . lS-3tp j« ,reil»ea who have uaed this p repara - — - - - - - — ---- ■. ■*- -v jtion aHcceaafully for years and hold Read the Wand Ad*. Want A<U B iiug Result« {)< in high ««teem. It le excellent. Want Ad« Bring Result« ueen E sther chapter n *. iol o e . 8 , IM .U Meund T uw riw • » « { ? « • “ *> “ • * “ .V »:ao .harp in M uuni« hall. Vtoltin« ,a u l, li* n w*lc*m*. Minni* E. Staw art W. M. Kathryn L. Gnrnw. S « . Q I HERM ISTON LODGE N O IS*. A . » . n „ M t . in M uonic H»ll on P in t and Third TuMday avenia*. of each month. V 111 tin* breth ren weleomo. . , t »X Z i E. D. D unvea. Srey. A. P. Beiree. W. M. V IN E Y A R D LODGE NO. iOU, L o . O. », V m eet, each Monday evenin* in Odd hall. V i.itin * member, cordially invited. W. R. Loaehorn. See. Jack Knapp. M. O. P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S D K . K- Gl G A L E P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Office—Gladys a À lamu * Pira» fit. Jffice Hour» Pbooe Ml 1 1<>5. 7:9U ’.«• D P F R A N C IS P . A D A M S Fa> -iclfc-. M>rg»A» b>e* treat.- ' "t>rcd and G'aaaee Futa« Office over Fn»< NatiocM Bank OFFICE PHONE. M RESIDENCE PHONE. MB Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to fc«0 p. m. ,i> ) c r u ig h t c a l l , a u a w m e tl p r o m p tly I DB W W T1LSLEY Office over F<ret National Bank Osteopathy Medicine 1)1?. E. \ H Hermiston, Or*. P R IM E . f ijs q K Y Hr; luiston, Oregon ’ffice. Bank Bid.; Office Phone, 94 Residence I hone E. L. H A L L TR A N SFK R PH O N E 152 L e a v e o rd e r* a t Knerr’s Garage Truck Hauling Coal, $1 per ton Wood, $1 per cord Trunks and Moving Surjcry Cal a answered at all hours Office phone 5A1 Residence phene 711 Office Hears $ a. bd . to I p. aa. W .J . W A R N E R ATTORNEY AT LAW H K K M IS T O N , O R E G O N J. L>. Z l ’ R C H E R LAWYER S ta n fie ld - - O re g o n UMATILLA GENERAL HOSPITAL Well and Modernly Equipped Swcinl Rates in Maternity • |w Nell Xn-nmerlln, Case« *up*rln- Edwards Bui’.dine A ll a t P r e - w a r P rlo e e D. H. COOK E lliott’s Tire Shop. Phone 192 H S . MCK K N Z IK , M. D- EYE. EAR, NOSE A N D THROAT Has removed from his former location in the Bond Bid», to ^toorn» 1, 2 wnd 8 Inland Empire Bank Bid». ' : O ifk O O N SEE H IT T D U . OfT . T F yea S. R I< H E Y A N D OPTICIAN •afk Ex «mired -.i d Fjiied Pendleton Ore<wn -F O R - , DR. RAY LOGAN, GU NS Physlcan and Surgeon Umatilla, Oresron T h e F i, ' <h R estau ran t BAKERY ud CONFECTIONER! A M M U N IT IO N E. L. HALL Transfer. Cnll Knerr's 12-tfc. garage. Phone 152. E!*ean ly Fum i h«d Kooma in Connection STKh'TLY FIRST CLASS Kolibacb Bros., Proprietors A FULL UNE Miss Anne E. McIntyre of New York, according to advices from Beirut, Syria, has Just been awarded the Cross of the Legion of Honor by the French government In recognition of her services under the Near East relief in the war-wrecked city of Marash, Cilicia. Too Many Jobs. Owensville, Ind.—While thousands of men over the country are looking for a Job, Frank Smith of Owensville has too many Jobs for one man. He is town marshal, fire chief, street com missioner. health officer, curfew ringer, mailman and expressman. Five of the Jobs are his by virtue of the law. A. D. CROSLAND & SON A ll L ines o f T ra n sfer TWO TRUCKS QUICK SERVICE • J . ! Pend*eton, Oregon Service Speed Economy Fruit, Baled Hay and Livestock T ransfer 0 . 0 . Felthoose :: Phone 404 Phone 785 I Calls A oiw ered A ll Honrs $. 2S. g»tsrrl H as Snake a s Pal in His Prison Cell i a a I a a a « a a i a a a i a i ■ i • a a a a a* Uniontown, Pa.—When George Schley was arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct he man aged to sneak a snake into the police station, though he was searched before being locked up. Within a few minutes after the Iron doors clanged behind him shrieks rent the air and the desk sergeant and other offleers found a half-d<»ien other prisoners climbing up the sides of their cells, while the snake wiggled around on (he floor. At first I he prisoners believed the snake Io he a vision created by moonshine whisky. George was compelled to take the snake to bed with him and keep It In el<we confinement until the expi ration of his sentence. * « ««■■»««« • • • • • • • • • • • ■ » • • ; .l. L .V A U G H A N ! ■ E L E C T R IC F I X T U R E S * ’ A N D A P P L IA N C E S ? , P b m 1« g , »OS » . C o u r t • « . P o n d lo t e n , O ro . g >■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ r DON’T FORGET - - - ÜS--- When you need any thing in the line of neat and attrac tive Printing. CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY Delicious hole some C onfectionery Tasty Stationery For Women N ^ a tianJ Clgan m J Tobacco