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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1921)
Scientists TeSt Sight of Bees which most attracted the bees by their colors or scent were pollenated in greatest numbers, while those less at tractive received fewer visits from the bees and tended to die off. In each gen eration the flowers which pleased the bees most would be "selected" to live. These "selected" parents would have offspring, some brighter than them selves, so me about the same as them Research Is Expected to Last for selves and some less bright (that Is, of course, bright from the standpoint of Years and to Establish Just What the bee, whose standards of brightness Bee or Moth Can See or might differ greatly from ours). The Not See. * action of the bees, tending to preserve i Dog Receives Snake’s t the prettiest colors, would make each t i New York.—A series of delicate ex Fangs to Protect Lad generation of flowers slightly lovelier 0 periments will soon be started by three i than Its predecessors, thus producing t eminent American scientists to dis Hayward, Cal.—A new niche Anally the gorgeous natural varieties t cover whether bees and other Insects has been set aside in the ball of t * are color-blind or not. The scientists tn existence today. This theory had been accepted for tt fame of dogdom for Joan of Arc, who are now busy Inventing devices many years, but recently it has been 0 an Airedale dog owned by Frank i0 for testing the vision of bees are Dr. rudely shaken. Investigations tn Ger /0 Belval of Hayward. à F. E. Lutz, a biologist of the Ameri Belval, his thlrteen-year-old many and Belgium have made it doubt can Museum of Natural History; Dr. ful whether a bee can tell one color son, Robert, and the dog set out t J. Arthur Harris, an entomologist of from another, or whether the flowers 4 on a hiking trip from the Bolinas t the Carnegie Institution, and Prof. F. which are gorgeous to human eyes have ii valley ranch one Sunday after t K. Rlchtmyer of Cornell University, a any power, by reason of their coloring i noon. At a sharp turn In the physicist and specialist In color vision. to attract the attention of the bees at it trail Belvel heard the warning They form the committee on the bio all. The results have so far been so 9 signal of a coiled rattlesnake. logical relations between flowers and i uncertain, however, that the American ! He Jumped aside barely In time. * Insects of the National Research coun scientists and Institutions agreed that i Before he could seize his son the cil. tt was necessary to make a far-reach i snake struck. But the faithful fi Their tests of the sight of Insects i dog, seemingly sensing the dan t One of the newest bride» among the are expected to last for years and to ing study of the whole subject. t Biologists have attempted to account i ger, met the snake in midair, re t * "movie" »tare 1» pretty Dorie May. The establish Just what a bee or a moth THE FRIENDLY PATH. wlneome actrees now preeidea over a can see and what It cannot see. These for the coloring of many Insects or it ceiving its poisonous fangs upon fi “love neat” In the film colony at Holly- years of elaborate experimentation animals, as well as flowers, on the i the lips. One shake and the dog fi By WALTER L. ROBINSON fi wood, Calif. Dorie ie a Seattle, Wash, have not been planned by the National principle of “natural selection.” The 4i had killed the rattler. girl. Her father was a San Francisco Research Council and undertaken by plumage of birds and the colors of According to Belvel, the snake t . ,e-r* HE rich will do anything possessed nine rattles and was fi newapaper man. three eminent scientists solely for the fishes aid In courtship, mating and the I for the poor except get t almost a yard long. Increase of the species. Zebras, gi -------- O--------- First aid purpose of ascertaining a bee’s optical off their backs.” raffes and thousands of types of I * applied to the wounded dog fi equipment A greater question lies This statement once was made animals, birds and Insects have saved Its life. fi behind. The controversy about the THE RIGHT THING by Tolstoi, the famous ltussian camouflage or protective coloration t bee’s sight It Is said. Involves the writer, often lauded as the at the which makes It difficult for their validity of the whole theory of natural greatest friend of the worklng- RIGHT TIME selection. mnn In the world. The evolution of man from the What would he say or* write By MARY MARSHALL DUFFEE lower animals and the evolution of all today were he alive to see the plant and animal life from a primitive hundreds of thousands of starv form of life originating on earth bit ing women and children In his CANDY MANNERS. lions or hundreds of millions of years native land crying In vain for ago are almost universally believed by F e a st of n ectar 'd sw eets.—Milton. “a hunk of black bread and a scientists, but the hypothesis that the draft of bird-seed tea?” T IS a usual question for a young evolution was brought about almost One need not seek the rich girl to write asking who should take solely by the process of natural selec men In order to find those who the first piece of candy from a box tion has come under attack recently mistreat the unfortunate poor. through a region of space almost en brought to her by a young man caller. from many quarters. This Is where Dr. Harlow Shapley, Harvard tirely free from such material, so that Lenin und Trotzky have bam the bee’s sight becomes important. And when you come to think of IL boozled thousands Into follow the sun's rays beat with full force on Observatory Director, Dis Theory on "Selected” Flower. there are a good many puzzling things ing them until the great power the earth, probably making the polnr The theologian holds generally that Involved In the problems connected of the Russian people was vir cusses Climate Changes. regions pleasant and the rest of the the beautiful colors of the flowers with a box of candy. tually wrested from them to be earth unlivably hot. At present the were placed there by the Creator for To begin with, If a man brings a turned upon their own homes. sun ts apparently moving through a the delight of man. The biologist has girl a box of candy, she usually opens Wealth Is not to blame for part of space thinly scattered with In It while he Is present. She then passes generally denied this, and argued that most of the injustices visited terplanetary materials. It to any other women In the room, the colors are there because they at upon humanity. Most of those An Age of Murk. tract the attention of bees. The visits then tcbthe man, and then she helps who possess more than the A few million years ago. according of the bees result in carrying pollen herself. If he, when she passes It, average of material things nre Earth Cooled Off During Long Periods to Doctor Shapley, the earth, the sun holds it for her to take a piece, she from one flower to another, which aids to our happiness and civil and the other planets were moving When Sun, Earth and Other does so. If the candy comes by mail fertilizes the seeds. Unless they re ization. It’s the clumoring after through a murk which ts observed by Planets Passed Through ceive the pollen the seeds do not grow. or messenger, she opens tt, of course, wealth that turns the world up astronomers In the constellation of Region of Dust Clouds. The cumbrous phrase of “natural se and does not wait until he calls, even side down and tramples unfor Orion. Tilts is one of many vast black lection" in this case Is Intended to de If she knows who the candy comes tunates underfoot. pockets, or “coal sacks,” in the sky, New York.—A new theory relating some of which may be detected by the from before opening It, and knows scribe a process probably millions of As far back ns history re years old, under w’hlcb the flowers to one of the greatest mysteries about cords some have had more than likewise that the donor Is to call. naked eye. Behind this veil In Orion Perhaps the most important thing to the past of the earth has been offered are 70 faint stars which vary In in others. It will always be thus. by Dr. Harlow Shapley, the measurer tensity. They average about 800 light remember in connection with the good Few of those who clamor most of the universe, whose appointment as years (about 180,000,000.000.000 miles) for a “fair” distribution would manners connected with candy Is that Hits Wrong Auto Pedal; director of the Harvard observatory from the earth, which Is a moderate the person who always greedily eats be sutistled If given what they candy and never buys tt is very 111 claim Is their share. Nor would was announced recently. Goes Into River; Dies distance astronomically, and many of This mystery concerns the changes them would probably be very bright, bred. It Is the week-end custom for they keep it long If they got It. of climate over millions of years, except for the curtain of dark mate Financial gains can only be some men to bring home a box of New York. — Becoming con which at one time caused the polar Ice rial hung between them and the earth. honestly acquired by contribut candy. In some families there Is one fused as she drove her automo cap to extend as far south as New The density of the curtain apparently ing something to mankind In candy-loving member who lies In wait bile on to the driveway on the York and at other times warmed the varies, from the manner In which the return for It and by Improving for the weekly sweets und eats as ferryboat Weehawken and plac arctic region so thoroughly that the stars behind It are flickering. At the many pieces as she can get. She tukes one’s frame of mind. ing her foot on the accelerator animals and vegetation of the temper densest, the black nebulae are believed The world Is not nil wrong b.v one every time the box Is passed, and Instead of the brake, a young ate zone could live there, as shown by to be very rare, large stretches of a great deal. Mnny nre Just perhaps helps herself between times. woman believed to be Miss Edith thinking and living wrongly. fossil remains In that region. Now It Is quite ull right to accept B. Stewart of Wllkesbarre, Pa., vacuum separating the particles of The earth has been cooled off during matter. Still they are sufficient, be Their unhappiness Is the fruit candy. If you like IL when It is passed. high school teacher, crashed long periods, according to this theory cause of the great space ttiey occupy, of their selfishness. But you should not eat more than your through the Iron chains and car (Copyright.) when the sun, the earth and the other to blot out stars, and some astron and driver disappeared under share, and you should not eat even planets were passing through regions omers believe the sky would be blind the waters of the Hudson river. this much if you are not in the habit of space filled with clouds of dust or ingly brilliant except for the smoky Air bubbles and a number of occasionally of standing treat yourself. dark, nebulous material, which cut off patches. The black spot In Orion ts roses and carnations floated to You should. If you have a sweet tooth enough of the sun’s heat to freeze calculated to be vastly greater than the surface. The body and the and eat other people s sweets, provide most of the globe. At other times, our solar system. car were recovered. a box full of your own occasionally. apparently, the solar system moved Candy Is one of the gifts that a man In a brief account of his theory In may give a woman—candy, flowers and the Journal of Geology, Doctor Shap hooks constitute the conventional trio. ley said that It Is calculated that “a Dy DOUGLAS MALLOCH Nobody wonders If the donor of a box few million years ago onr snn was in of candy to a girl Is thinking of fall the vicinity of the Orion nebulae; at its present speed the snn would re ing In love with her. Candy nowa LIVE LIKE A ROSE. quire nearly, a million years to pass days Is quite the correct and accepted through that particular nebulous re lift from anybody that can afford IL HE year Is coming to a close; gion.” After showing how starlight Is The days are falling one by And no girl nwd feel hesitant about cut off at present by billions of miles accepting candy in this way. Of course, one of dust-clonds In Orion. Doctor Shap If she thinks a roan cannot afford it, Like petals of a dying rose, ley proceeded to snggest how the hut buys It for her simply because lie A bloom that still In beauty goes earth would fare when our solar sys thinks he ought to, she might suggest When all her garden days are done. tem moved through the same region. to him thut he really should not In dulge her sweet tooth so often. And Effect of Dust Clouds. And what Is life? It ts a year. never, never should a girt hint for “A change of 20 per cent tn the However many years It spnn— sweets. There are some girls who solar radiation,” said Doctor Shapley, In childhood's springtime to appear. cannot pass a candy store window with “If maintained for a considerable To live the summer of a man. out casting longing glances at them, period of years, would sufficiently al And then to feel the autumn here. and sometimes even commenting on ter terrestrial temperature to bring their fondness for candy. No man about or remove an Ice-sheet; an 80 And what ts «loath? Tb# final day should feet rude In Ignoring these per cent change, unless counteracted Of life’s short year, a day like those symptom«. by concurrent changes In the terri When summer puts her garb away It ts not necessary to write a note torial atmosphere, would completely And winter winds begin to play thanking a man for a gift of CMndy If desiccate or congeal the surface of the Tholr wild, tempestuous harmonies. he follows the gift shortly with a earth. call. The thanks should not be for Doctor Shapley offered this theory Live like the rose: The roses bloom gotten, but they may he delivered ver as an addition to mnny other causes Not for themselves but for the earth. of climatic change discussed hy Dr. (C o p y rig h t) Pink lamps that garden walls Illume— bally. -------- O-----— W. J. Humphreys of the United States A decoration for our inlrtlt, weather bureau. A holy solace for the tomb. There are apparent flaws In nearly A LINE 0 ’ CHEER I all the theories which have been put Die like a rose: Its petals fall. forward. None of them account for But It Is sweetness to the end— By John Kendrick the many far-reaching changes In Oh. tt ts something, after alt. climate Indicated by the geological To be a rose beside the wall. Experiments Expected to Have Important Bearing on Natural Selection. COLOR-BLINDNESS AT ISSOE Something to Think .About By F. A. WALKER THE ENNOBLING QUEST INCE the banishment of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden, there has been a quest among their kind which has continued wlth- sut intermission. In this question there Is at every turn of our hands and every shift of our eyes, signs of fear, doubt and jrfied. Time lightens not the labor of It, but the chuse continues. All hu mans are in the struggle, seeking something—a cherished Ideal or some tangible substance which they would gladly clasp to their bosoms und call their own. But the reward Is for the faithful. The faithful and those who heed the teachings of the Golden ltule plod »long uncomplainingly, steudlly and si lently like the tides. They accept conditions and do their best. They know not the petrifying feur thut makes iuorul cowards of the lag gards, who shirk duty and are »shamed to soil their liunds with the grime of honest toll. The commandment which says, “six Says shalt thou labor” bus no terrors for them, so they shoulder their bur dens and march on to the end with clean souls and smiling faces. These are the real workers, the salt of the earth, the fulthful and the trusting, the builders of nations. Life to them Is endurable. It Is sweet In »he morning when the sun gilds the east, seductive nt night when they are tired and sleep conies unbid den and carries them to the land of dreams. They make agreeable friendships tmoug their co-workers, und always have friends at home who are glad to welcome tl.eni. Their quest resolves Itself Into one of love, and In holding fast to divine precepts, It soon becomes their absorb ing ambition. Their hearts are attuned to heaven's music. They have no wish to pile up gold, no greed that sours life, no fear of the outcome of their endeavors, no preference, except to do the will of the muster and patiently await his re ward at the end of their earthly Jour ney. The Idle know nothing of the su preme Joys of those who labor and love. If you would have for your own the happiness which pays the richest dividends In life, let the ennobling guest of labor and love be yours until the end. S (Copyright.) -------- it--------- YOUR HAND How to Read Your Characteristics and Tendencies—the Capabilities or Weaknesses That Make for Succese or Failure as Shown in Your Palm. THE HAND OF A LAWYER. O JUDGE whether a person la fitted for success In the profes sion of law, note whether the hand possesses the following charac teristics : The second phalanx of the thumb (between the first or nail Joint, and the rest of the hand) should be long, strong and well proportioned. This Indicates good reasoning power, a logi cal mind, and strong Intellect general ly. Now, as the will power In a lawyer must he strong. If he or she ts to at tain any rank In the chosen profes sion. the first phalanx of the thumb must also be markedly strong aud well developed. Next, proceed to an Inspection of the Line of the Head. Necessarily, this must be good. Eloquence must ac company the successful career In the law, and thia la Indicated by various signs, on# of them being a decided line running between the second pha lanx of the little finger and the third. T (C o p y rig h t) enemies to detect them at a distance. The curious coloring of the skunk ts supposed to warn his enemies that hs has developed a wicked art of self- defense. while at the same time his colors blend with the twilight, so that the skunk makes a natural pan of the skyline to the mice and Insects on which be preys. The light of the lady glowworm Is her matrimonial ad vertisement. While evolution explains thousands of these things, it has many hard nuts to crack. One thing hard to explain, for Instance, is the beauty of the pearl, which grows inside the body of the oyster. The pearl is really the mauso leum of a parasite which has Invaded the shellfish and is elaborately Inurned by it in lustrous calcium carbonate, slightly different from the material of which the oyster makes its shell. Dust Cause of Ages of Cold I MYSTERY PUZZLE TO SCIENCE LYRICS OF LIFE U. S. S. California Seen Bows-on T Beside the way to be a friend. (Copyright.) -O - cruel » "My boy has a wonderful ear for music.” "Perhaps. But he doesn’t play with his ears” IT O OUT OF THE ASHES. F F on tho »hell-torn Bold» of Franca. , . H ard by a eharrad and ahat- (cred m a n « . V p from tha m ldat o f ashen «loom I saw a porfact roao tn bloom. And B M W tharoby the» If from £ " Tb» form o f beauty m ay rise again 8o too from sorrow d»ep may wo Emerge, a r d rise irlu m p h aatly. (C opyright.) A period of volcanic activity might cause an age of cold, according to Doc tor Humphreys. He calls attention to the fact that the great volcano of Tomhoro In the Malay Archipelago In 1815 darkened the sky during the day and night for three days for a dis A remarkable bowicon view of the superdreadnaught California, at an tance o f » » miles and produced a chor In San Diego bay. which gives a real Idea of the floating fort »i great long season of cold because o f the ef bulk and width. She la «7% feet wltVe. or about 50 per cent wider than a fect of the atmoapheric dust In Inter cepting the sun s rays. wide city atreet J