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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1921)
ïlermwtoibralft VOL. XVI TAX FOR PORTLAND FAIR YET IN DOUBT No. 16 HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1921 CO OIERATIVF, DAIRYING TO BE DISCUSSED AT 0. A CL DAIRYMEN’S LEAGUE VOTES TO DISBAND M arketing Problems to be Topic ______ During F anners’ Week; Experts to Speak MEMBERS EXPECT TO SENATE VOTE ON GASOLINE ---------- Oregon’s biggest dairym en will NEW ASSOCIATION TAX MAY BE INVALID OREGON, MY OREGON Land of tho Em pire builders. L and of the Golden W est: Conquered aud held by freem an, F airest and the best Onward and upw ard ever F orw ard and on and on; H all to thee Land of Heroes, My Oregon. FORM HAY ASSOCIATION PRICE STABILIZER LOCAL GROWERS GET MORE MONEY THAN YAKIMA , consider one of th e biggest problem s facing th e dairym en a t the 29th a n No Hay is Being Sold to Outside nual m eeting of the sta te association, Meeting is Held a t Portland Lib Issue Will no Doubt be Carried to i December 29 a t college F arm ers’ Land of th e rose and sunshine Buyers at Less Than $11; rary Tuesday; Vote to Dis the Voters Next Y ear; P o rt week— th e problem of co-operative Land of th e sum m er’s breeze Yakima Getting $8 m arketing. band is 990 to 291 Laden w ith h ealth and vigor, land Feels Bitter C. L. H aw ley, sta te dairy and food F resh from the W estern seas. com missioner and president of th e Blest by th e blood of m artyrs. By L. A. H u n t M orning Oregonian, Dec. 28 The fate of the proposed P ortlan d association, W alter K. Taylor, form - Land of the settin g sun. In th e organizing of th e Oregon The O regonian D airym en’s Co-oper- 1925 fair is yet in doubt. It has er president and leading dairym an H ail to thee Land of Promise, !Co-operative Hay Growers tho claim not been killed as yet for the legi3- of Corvallis, J. D. Mickle, form er ' ative league, composed of more than fcfy Oregon. ’was made th a t it would prevent the la tu re fin a lly passed a m easure Io dairy and food commissioner, P. M. 3000 dairym en in d ifferen t sections discrim inate sloughing of hay upon raise the 83,000,000 by a tax of one B randt, head of d airy in g a t th e col- of th e state, w ill disband and its the m arket, and th a t it would stab i cent a gallon on all gasoline sold lege, and Dr. H ector M acpherson, j assets be liquidated as th e resu lt of a lize price?,. w ith in th e state. head of th e federal b ureau of m ark- vote of th e m em bership yesterday. Im m ediately follow ing the open- BOARDER HENS DON’T PAY However, on th e ru in s of the old NOTED “KID PICTURE,’’ TO Vote is 15 to 14 iets at A' take part *u H»e ling ot th e office here, w hen hay was organization a new one for the m ar- BE NEW YEAR S EVE SHOW FOR FEED THEY CONSUME The gasoline tax passed th e house discussion. being loaded out a t 88-50 and 89.00 k etin g of d airy products w ill raise by a vote of 54 to fi and w ent through per ton f. o, b. cars the association w hich w ill carry forw ard the pro- F o u r Y ear 01d Child is Star in “The the senate 15 to 14 w ith the opposi Poultry Station Man T dls How to ,1U0ted 812.00 and 813-50. ! gram m e laid down by th e old league, g jg A d v e n tu r e P ic tu r e at tion coming from th e eastern, so u th Select Layers; Get Best This had an im m ediate effect of ton a new an d more businesslike - Pound’s - — •• Friday ern and central p arts of the state. Eggs for Hatching stabilization, and w hile the associa- i basis. P o rtlan d w ent solid for the tax and - tion made lim ited sales on theso I T his was indicated w hen 200 dairy- I the W illam ette valley generally sup L ittle “ Breezy” Eason, th e four- F ar too m any farm hens do not f,K" ' ea and were la te r forced to : e ’ 1 men from various sections of the year-old w onder child of the screen, ported it, but the oth er p arts of tho lay enough eggs to pay for the feed d« ca ‘A® f“ ' sta te who h ad gath ered a t L ibrary w jn fce thg prlncipal attra c tio n at stato opposed. th a t for the first tim e in the history and time spent on them , says A. O. T here is doubt about the validity TWO MEETINGS HELD HERE h all to learn th e resu lts of the elec th e Play House on S aturday and at Lunn, head of th e O. A. C. statio n . of th is d istrict it is believed hay tion took im m ediate steps for the P ound’s, U m atilla, F riday when "The of th e senate’s action as the Oregon poultry work. T here is no reason ! prices wero m aterially higher th an LAST WEEK form ation of a new organization. Big A dventure,” his la test U niversal in Yakim a valley. constitution requires a vote 'of a t i expect th e ir d aughters to do any Vote in League 990 to 291 photodram a 4188 its first local show We know of no hay being sold to m ajo rity of the elected members of b etter the next year. . ... The vote to disband the leag u e was ing each house for a constitutional It will pay a person w ith small 'o u tsid e purchasers nt less th an 811 am endm ent. The senate m em bership W ork of Eradicating T. B. Goes on; 990 for and 291 against. T his was a L ittle “Breezy” appears as a waif flocks to place th e ir best hens in a on the car. This, in spite of the good m ajo rity over th e tw o -th iid s c| t y streets who leaves a brut _ is 30, w hich would require 16 votes 4000 Cows Have Been Tested; separate «pen before they begin to fact th u t Yaklmn is quoting ” hay J at vote required to disband. al fa th e r and goes to th e country on save eggs for hatching, Buy a good to m ake the gas tax valid. One of E'° 89.00. Many of our sales Hermiston Ranks High F. A. Baker, S. A. Sales and I. Con- a fre ig h t train , accompanied only by th e senators, Hume of P ortland, it aro made direct to P o rtlan d dealers rooster for th is pen. dron were chosen tru stees to take his faith fu l dog, Mickey. He captures dead so there are now b u t 29 sen- ——— • The good hen is a late m oulter. and farm ers. charge of liquidation. These th ie e a g ang of bandits, u n ites lovers and She never does get b rig h t yellow Markets Not All Affected at0I8‘ W hat H erm iston dairym en are do- im m ediately will w ind up th e league’s g rin s his w ay through five reel3 of beak and shanks afte r she first lays The b u rn in g 'q u e stio n of th e houi L -g gum m arjze(j jn an article in This stabilization, of course, af- business. snappy dram a to a finish th a t will the yellow out as a pullet. She has fects not all of the hay consum ing is w hether 15 or 16 votes are a ma- [ ^jonday evening’s E ast Oregonian. The plan for th e new organization Jority of the present sta te senate, -pblg com m unity, w hich is rem arkably was th e resu lt of a resolution in tro strik e a p articu larly happy chord on a short, blocky head, a full b rig h t territo ries, but only th a t p a rt w hich The attorney general has ruled th a t we„ adap(ed to d alrying i8 rapidly duced by George A. M arshfield, presi th e h ea rt-strin g s of those who see it. eye, and a friendly disposition. She *« more easily served from th is dis- “ Breezy” Eason is th e son of m ust have a broad back and a deep tric t th an from elsew here. I his in 16 votes are still required and if w lnnlng distinction in th is line. The dent of th e Oregon S tate F arm Bu Reaves Eason, who directed the pic full rear If th ere are to bo intestines eludes all territo ry between hero and th is holding is sustained by the Ore- ,,rtic ie fou ow8; reau federation who was present at tu re. The youngster made his first gon suprem e court the fair tax has j U rm m for ac. the g athering. The resolution p ro im p o rtan t screen appearance in to digest th e food w hich makes eggs, j P o rtland, as well as a very consider- failed. If th e suprem e court ove. | 192, |n The egg producer is spare of fa t an d “hie am ount of te rrito ry o ut of P o rt- vided for a com m ittee composed of rules th e atto rn ey general th e county> d raw „ u p laat weeU at three members from each of the three “ Pink T ig h ts” w ith Gladys W alton. soft abdomen, not bloated w ith h ard land. H is w ork was so appealing th a t he flesh like a beef cow. sure is legal and will be referred to . , j 11 *® en tirely too early in Ihe sea- . . . . - H erm iston, calls for execution of the d istricts in w hich the league has th e people under the referendum . 1 , . . . „ been op eratin g be nam ed to work o ut w as selected by C arl Laemmle for a not use pullets or weak v itality HO« to say w hat the final average v v ! tuberculosis tests now under way, a featu red role in "Two K inds of males as breeders, as th e practice P'lco w ill be, but nt least through Measure ot go on Ballot club for keeping herd records, calf tho plan. Love.” “ P atch es,” a sto ry which will soon resu lt in poor hutches and th is local stabilization of prices and P ortlan d sentim ent is ra th e r b itte r jciu b g a t H erm iston and S tanfield, the Advisers Are Named Jam es E dw ard H ungerford drew w ith w eakling chicks. ,bn development of th e eastern m ar tow ard this p a rt of th e sta te for forlnatjOn of a cow testin g asaocia- q-jje resoiu tion provides th a t C. L. much su b tle power of h ea rt interest, ket th e association is felt by Jia blocking the fa ir and it is believed on, a feeding to u r w hich w ill be | Hawley, Oregon sta te d airy and food was selected as his first sta rrin g 'tt, ItJMW Tf> rf-’cm /nstiaied its i th a t the fair advocates iu March, an d th* .m-oppr- j Mmrnii8i()I1e r and a m em ber of t h . and"produced u nder th e title “THE FOX," IS NEW YEAR Many farmers* outside of the org an i th e tax m easure on the ballot b y j n - .;(lon of th e dairy ow ners wiih tho n a(|onai farm b u rea u ’s com m ittee be „Tho R |c Advpntlll.„ - FILM HEBE AND UMATILLA zation will p ro fit th ro u g h its activ Tho Big A dventure.’ Itia tiv e petition if th e legislateVe Herm iston Hog and D airy Show. appointed to function in an advisory Forem ost in th e cast is G ertrude ity w hile th<lr neighbor members action is held invalid. in addition to th is schedule of work capacity and th a t Dr. H ector Mc- Olmstead, the little girl who e n te r Sunday and Monday Shows for Both pay the bll. The vote in the sta te senate w as as the organization w ill assist in plac- Pherson of th e ag ric u ltu ra l college: ed fllmdom on a wave of popularity Afternoon and Evening: Mat- —---------------------— follow s: ; ing th e best type of breeding cattle M arshal N. D ana an d rep resentative ns th e favorite of the E lks of A m eri inee Shows at Umat'lla BAPTIST NOTICES For— Banks, Eddy, Edw ards, F a r L th e alfa lia sections of th e county of th e farm bureau and b anking in- ca in th eir recent beauty entest. . R. V. Ashmun, m inister. Residence rell, Gill, H are, Joseph, Moser, N ick- wj,ere a keen dem and now exists for . terests m eet w ith th is com mittee. H arry Carey in “The Fox,” wm « r s t house east of lib rary . Phone 32. | Mr. M ansfield w as chosen to rep- ru a n n a T F C elsen, Norbald, P atterson, P o rte r’ ihe introduction of th e “bossies.” be th e attra c tio n a t the Play House « O '^ v e lt «ays There are enough . A bout four carloads of d airy cows resent th e farm bureau and George 2 7 1 U_ OF 0 GRADUATES R yan, Staples, V inton— , 15. A g a in s t-B e ll. Dennis, E berhard, nre(]e(] q | c . Je w ett of th e local co-operative TEACHING IN HIGH SCHOOLS Sunday and Monday. M atinees will JoH day. for most of us. Sunday dif- be given a t U m atilla at 2 p. m. »»her holidays in the fact E llis. H all, Jones, Lachm und. L a | g w i t h (hQ w heat grow ers’ o rganization and f o r - : both Sunday and Monday and a t h at there are 52 of them every year, F ollett, Robertson, Sm ith, Strayer, 1 - ------ —■ *> - *«— »’ they th in k necessary to con- »»erly connected w ith th e federal Only 66 Are Men Who Are Ma'nly in H erm iston a t 4:15. H erm iston will ‘hcrefore go to church on S unday." _ n i'o a o n r * 1__ 1__• __ _!___ t » __ lA _f____ _ farm loan system A to n m rep resen t Tri*» th e Thomas, Upton, Rihner— 14. Administrativo Positions ; sume th e ir feed a t a p ro fit accord Sunday school a t 10:00. S ta rt the have two evening shows, one a t 7:15 Salaries Are Good ing to Fred Bennion, county agent. b anking interests. New Year rig h t by going to Sunday The g ath erin g chose P. K. S itton and 9:10. T his dem and is about evenly divided of Amity, J. S. Albel of Boring and I U niversity of Oregon, Eugene, T he w onderful success of this pic school. The young m arried folk:* betw een S tanfield and H erm iston class meets in the basem ent. The The w ork of th e farm bureau will Thomas Roe of Gaston as representa- p ec_ 29— Two hundred and seventy- tu re in P o rtlan d last m onth Is a tte s t basem ent is attractiv ely decorated tives from zone 1 of th e league, com- J geven teachers in the high schools ed to by the M orning Oregonian of consist in d eterm ining w hat the ac w ith evergreen which w ill muke the p risin g P o rtlan d and th e su rro u nd in g oi tb e sta te are graduates of the Nov. 14. The article follows: tu al needs are and then p u ttin g the Anyone who doubts th© appeal m eeting of this clnss more enjoyable territo ry , and H. G ustafson of N orth u n iv ersity of Oregon, according to in- farm ers in touch w ith men in sec Bend, W illiam Blackm ore of N orth forn,ation contained in the directory of the good w estern picture should th an ever. Let us see if we cannot tions of the co u n try w here good Bend and W illiam Goshen of M arsh- i js8ued by the office of the sta te sup- hear th e cheering and applauding break all records in atten d an ce next GILLIAM AND MORROW WOULD stock is for sale. Sunday. th a t is g reetin g H arry Carey’s p re s , t t fle,d t0 rePre8ent zone2’ com prising erln ten d en t. The young peoples class extends Of in te rest to the dairym en were , he Coos. C urry di8, rlc t on the com- , T h at pedagogy hn8 a d,m ln,8hlng en tatio n of "T he Fox” at the Ma- LOSE TERRITORY So en th u siastic <*n in v itatio n to young people not at- ---------- Iwo nice ngs le iu is ay an mj(tee for reorganization. appeal for m asculine graduates is in- jestic th is week. Friday a t H erm iston and Stanfield Committee is Invited dlcaled by the fact th a t only 66, or do Ihe audience become th a t they lending an o th er Sunday school. If Claim is That Section Along River u cn were a i f . s e y . . a n i inasm uch as there were only mem- |C8S ^jjnn a fo u rth of total num ber, keep up th e ir dem onstration even you are home for Ihe holidays wo on, extension 'pec a 8 ° ’ ’ ' bers of the board of directors from ar0 nien These are engaged in ad- afte r the p icture Is completed Just to want you to meet w ilh a live bunch, Does Not Get F air Deal From O ther classes extend u h earty on a ll y i n g . e a e 011 e® ¡(be Clatsop d istric t present a t the m| n j8t ra tive school work as princi- show th eir general approval of the welcome to ull. HepPner and Condon mg a t t esc m eetings an c.i e te gathering> u wa8 decided to send p ais a „d superintendents. The h ig h . stirrin g climax. The ju n io r II. Y. P. U. meets In ----------- - . M e n tio n o a ly m e n o e neces ¡nvu a u on to th e dairym en in th a t e8^ a n n „ a j nalary received is 84450. H arry Carey w rote “The Fox” • . .. sily 0 ee lng,.elt 61 s aK® or 17° section of th e Btate to appoint a com- Tbe next highest is 84100 .S ix receive him self and his w ealth of experience the basem ent d u rin g th e Sunday The prophet says there is nothing crops io provide succulence. The m h)ee of th ree t<J m eet w i|h the rep. whu<) m orning service. w ith w estern life has made possible The Senior B. Y. P. U. meets at new under the sun and it may have correct am ount of g rain necessary to . re8Cn, ativeg of the o ther d istric ts for , 2000 to |2?5O Few mcn graduate8 an exciting story of great force. “The been tru e in his day. but not now. m ake a balanced ratio n when alfalfa w orkjng out the o rg an lzation plan. of , he Unlve,slty are teaching In the Fox” is a large-scale production. 6:30, topic "B elter Purpow;.” The Supplies for the first Q u arter of the H ere’s a brand new one. T hey are ¡, fed. > A m eeting of th e new com m ittee h)gh 8ChW),H for )es8 th an |lg 0 0 H undreds of horsemen are seen In B. Y. P. U. will be given out Sunday try in g to divide Morrow and G iljiam Moro th a n 4.000 cows have already wag heJd |mlrleaiately and a tempo- f th e unfolding of the plot, w ith troops counties, m aking a new county out been tested at H erm iston, an d of rary organlzatlon m ade. consisting of ' saU rf« , of the women range of the 11th U nited States calvary ta k evening. T here will be an election of officers for Ihe com ing six m onths, of th e north end of th e two old ones. ,h t, num ber, four herds lack only on« p R SHton ch alrm an , an d W illiam ,ower_ froln , , 26 „ m onth to | 2 j 00 ing p a rt in tho climax. it is very im portant to have as many Bu'letin Starts Drive ” e J ' ».. 5 b v th e B ,a c 'tm o ^ c • »ecr e , a r y- a year, w ith a considerable num ber at The scenes are laid in a western . ... j ... present as possible, The movement sta rted in the A r- The te stin g w ork is done free by th e R waR decidcd to hold an o th er f e h pa)d town and . ’ on the Mojave desert r, ulletin ,1 „ r ru». is Bureau of Animal In dustry ___ on condi- „» (he 1 com m ittee a t the of- woman among tho U niversity , . . teach- . . Wo are now prepared to care for iington B of Dec. ifi lb . T 1 h nis m eeting 01 m e couw H igh cliffs form an Interesting set the babies iu th e nu rsery which is paper claims the old counties a re on 0 “ 'a * 1111 za *’ . fice of c - L Hawley in t e ' ing graduates is a principal of n tin g for p a rt of the story. iwo big to be efficiently governed which n this case is the „ „ Ja n u a ry w hen t we(<te Q Khw)1 whQ (> "T he Fox" contain« all the action to Ire under the charge of Mrs. F ritts. and also that the north end of the ' a ™ bureau, furnishes tra n sp o rta . wag hoped to make more progress In th a t th« most Im aginative could M others, here Is a real opportunity receiving 82500 a year. c o u n tie s being remote from the seat "<” » a ">»" conducting tho tests. , he fo rm at|on of the new organiza- desire. T here Is the hero’s rescue to lie relieved from the strain th a t of governm ent do not get a square Hr F oster, chief of the b ureau for , t ,on of th e sh eriff d u rin g a sand storm weighs 011 m others und be in the FREE METHODIST NOTICES tho Oregon d istric ts said th a t th e co- “We hope to be able to tak e advan- on th e desert, the hero’s discovery m orning worship, deal at H eppner and Condon. Q uarterly meeting services will be .j operation offered at H erm iston waa (age of previous m istakes and form M orning worship 11 o’clock. S p e d - T he A rlington paper would b a r s organization which will be able held a t the Free Methodist Mission of th e re tre a t of the gang of b a n -i al music by the “ Ladies chorus.” d its and a spectacular b a ttle be ,tO7 s , X r ' i i r r Z tio ° n ,na n d X - " h e n tw o more tests have been , o m arket the dairym en’s product In hall this week, commencing Friday Theme "Invoicing.” tw een the law and. the outlaw . c a n, n , own in th e proposed made in ihe H erm iston d istric t it a businesslike m anner,” com mittee n g . E vening them e “The Only W ay.” ing the largest tow n In the proposed a free announcpd. | D istrict E id e r F. E Pond of Wal- T he plot Is fairly sim ple, which T here will be special music by the eoun‘y - . , . , d istric t." W hen th is classification is It Is considered likely th a t the new la W alla will be in charge and will is a blessing, since the action Is so cornet and violin. Every one wel T here has long been com plaint in ,,nte8(w) COW8 wllI not o rg an ,zati„n w ill be able to tak e ov- preach Friday evening a t 7:30. He rapid th a t w ith a com plicated story comed. P rayer m eeting T hursday. the north end of these two counties^ 8hj d ,nto (he dlg_ (h<> and 8tm llar „«sets of will conduct a w atch m eeting New th e spectator couldn’t tell w hat It th e old Th”e new organization Y ear’s eve T he Boardm an hay section h as felt ------- - beginning ■- — ------ a t 8:45. T h . |ls all a b o u t T here In also an ele- BAPTIST SOCIAT ENJOYABLE th a t th e rem ainder of t th e county. „ H enry Sommercr lr. county project com m ittee announced the Intention of usual q u arterly m eeting service will m ent of m ystery and supense, su s TOBlfBldvI If' V tfllllt/ IrTVJW* < «Jill 111 11 t-XTXJ / » - '“ , The basket social held by the being Interested in the production 7 ” lea- keeping In touch w ith th e liquidation ................. be - - held - on — — dairying. Com m unity Sunday w ith Sunday tained u n til tho end. H arry Carey appears as 01’ young people of the Baptist church of live stock, was interested In cheap ders are F ran k W attgam an of Co- tru stees of th e old league w ith such school a t 10:00 a. m. followed by hay. som ething the Boardm an dis lumbla. A W Agnew o f H erm iston, a plan in view if it could be worked Love Feast, preaching and the sacra- S an ta Fe. a tram p of the most ex- proved to be a very enjoyable time, L ittle Breezy Th« basem ent wa. decorated w ith the tric t would fight hard to avoid. m d F A. Baker of Stanfield. out to th e advantage of the dairym en, ment o f the L o r d , supper. Preach- trao rd ln a ry sort. Eason Jr., furn ish es much of Ithe greens of several Xmas trees. D uring One problem faced by dairym en of Financing Held Possible a*ft,n ? m- Palm er Boardman May Have Claim comedy and heart Interest ns th e ‘he first p art of th e evening games T he difficulty between the Inter- WGFt Gn<j of n ,e county la a m ar- i n an addrewi a t th e tim e the rote« ________ were played. Follow ing which the hoy, whom th e tram p adopts tor of Gilliam and Morrow and the kef in c pywtem. The liq u id atin g of th e were being counted Mr. Manefteld de- . boxes were auctioned off to th e hlgh- Colum bia river counties promise to D airym en’« League is re- d a re d th a t th e league could be fl- Hr». Miary * VIH1 ng Arnold and Gordon Shotw ell made cat bidder. Silss May W lnesctt w at fu rn ish some Interestin g develop- sponsible for th is condition. T here nanced w ith proper organization of d au g h ter rs. h mun. trip e out of town Tuesday. Arnold Ihe w inner of first prize, receiving m ent. It Is thought th a t if a move- ar, 100 ,nen,ben, of the league In th e its credit. He declared th a t no effo rt N cth came In from o ,F™P,a *»" going to M alheur county to visit his a 15\4 pound turkey. Miss Brown m ent to divide the counties should irrigated sections of th e west end. An had ever been made to finance the 22nd. Mrs. et as n * • received the 10 pound goose and Mis . t a r t Boardman would have a stro n g effo rt „ now being made to secure ,---------------------- ----------------------------— M” ”' W ashington since being In homestead and his b ro th er to P o rt G rafton received the chicken. land on buaineM. claim to the new county seat. a read ju stm en t of conditions. ; (C ontinued on Page T h ree) H erm isto n last spring LOCAL DAIRYMEN NEED MORE COWS a ARLINGTON DEMANDS NORTH END COUNTY b i i i h w h