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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1921)
THE HEBM ISTON* HERALD, H E H M iSlO N . OBEGOJf. Dairy and Hog Show Premium Awards W e h a v e j u s t r e c e iv e d a s h ip m e n t o f MAN OF TRAVEL EXPERIENCE 8amuel, Adjutant of Legion, Depart I Irish Cobbler Potatoes, J. W. Duroc Jersey Fiesh vegetables Mrs. S. L.Carson. ment of Kansas, Has Seen Much Boar 1 year aad over: Campbell. 1st. of Broad World. First, A. D. Croasland Orion Path Netted Gems, First, J. W. Campbel Best fresh fruits Mrs. Henry Som finder Sensation; Second, George Second, Mrs. C. A. Kellar. merer, 1st; Mrs. S. L. Carson, 2nd. After traveling over pretty mucb Strohm, Stróhm’a Orton Sensation Watermelons, First, J. C. Whitsell; Best loaf of bread Mrs. F. P. ail of the continent* of North Ameri First; Third, C. P. Adams, on High- Second, C. M. Jackson. ca, Europe and Phipps, 1st: Mrs. R. Evans, 2nd. O r d e r e d l a s t s u m m e r w h e n t h e m a r k e t w a s lo w e r- bach Sensation. Asia, Frau* K. Corn, 10 ears. First, Carl Haddox; List of Judges Slhnilel has set Boar under 1 year: Second. Mrs. Carson. Fruits: Mrs. Paul Schooley, Mrs. tt a n i t is n o w . H e n c e th e s e p ric e s: tled down into a First, C. P. Adams on Smooth Corn, 12 stalks, Mrs. Carson. Roberta Gunn and Mrs. Matherson. busy life as adju I I I ' Y. i * V fl Giant; Second, C. C. Mason on Orion Squash, 2, First, J. C. Whitsell; Domestic Economy: Mrs. Schooley tant of the Amer 2 1*2 siz e 38c < Giant Sensation; Third, C. M. Jack- Second. Mrs, 8. L. Carson. Mrs. W. Lloyd and Mrs. Matherson. ica n Legion, do- 2 siz e .......... 3 0 c son on Josephine's Sensation. Carrots, 6, First, Mrs. Carson; Sec China Painting: Mrs. S. C. Lochrie, purtment of Kun-' Best 8ow 1 year and over: ond, Louise Root. jas, with head- Mrs. Berg and Mrs. J. R. Adams. 1 siz e 19c First, C. C. Mo10n on Pathfinder’s Best general display of honey. Flowers: Mrs. Stockman, Mrs. quarters in Tope- ca. Orioness; Second,.-(Adama and Mason First, J. Skovbo; Second, Eli Wine- John Haley. O u r F a ll S h ip m e n t o f D ry G oods S a m u e l was on Mammoth Jttkaen Sensation; sett; Third, Mrs. S. L. Carson. Sewing: Mrs. Paul Schooley, Mrs. (lorn In Downing, • a r r iv e d th is w e e k . Third. C. C. Masoa^on Golden Orion Extracted Honey, First, A. W. F. A. Phelps and Mrs. C. M. Jenson Mo., in 1S8O. Sensation. ,- KT Purdy; Second, J. Skovbo. Dairy Cattle Armed with a college degree in 1912 Best Sow undef^’l year: Comb Honey, First, Eli Winesett; Bulls 1 year and up, J. H. Reid 1st he started out to see th© world. What First, Mrs. Belscajnper on Orion Second, J, Skovbo. part of it he missed in civilian pur Chas. Meyers, 2nd. Queen; Second, C. R. Adams on Sen Herd of three cows, A. W, Agnew, suits was made up to him when he Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs “ U m a tilla ’« Q u a lity S to re ” Joined the Three Hundred and Fifty- sation Queen; Thltd, C. M. Jackkson Duroc Jersey Pig, First, Carl Had 1st; E. L. Jackson, 2nd. third infantry regiment of the famous UMATILLA, O’ EGCN on Josephine's Cherry. dox; Second, Fracis Donaldson; Third Herd of three heifers, Henry Som Eigbty-uintli division and served In James Waugaman. Poland China merer, 1st; A. W. Agnew, 2nd. all the buttles in which thut outfit Boar under 1 year: Poland China Pig, First, Gilbert Best cow 30 months and up, A. W participated. First, H. J. Stillings; Second, H Stillings. Agnew, 1st; (Grand Champion) Samuel, mi ids return to civil life, J. Stillings; Third H. J. Stillings. Grand Champion. Tilford Stillings. Frank Waugaman, 2nd. became assistant stute adjutant of Best Sow over one year: Best Sow and Litter, Billy Wauga- Best heifer, 12 to 30 months, E. L 'he Legion in Kansas and was made First, H, J. Stillings. ' tan. adjutant In September, 1919. He was Jackson, 1st and 2nd. Sow under 1 year: recently re-elected for a two-year Livestock Judging Contest term. First, Tilford Stillings; Second, H. First, Umatilla; Second, Columbia. 1 " E ch o , O r e g o n J. Stillings; Third. II. J. Stillings. 5 Domestic Art Champion Boar, Duroc, A. D. GENERAL’S WIFE NEW LEADER Best display of Embroidery, Leta SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Crossland, on Orion Pathfinder Sen homas 1st. sation. ---------------- M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F ----------------- Boardman, Ore., Oct. 12.—The Mrs. Clarence Edwards Is Chosen Best display of Crochet, Ruth Scott President of Massachusetts De Champion Sow, Duroc, C. C. Mason st; Mrs. Dyer 2nd. residence of D. E. Harper of Board- partment of Auxiliary. on Pathfinder’s Orioness. Best display of Tatting, Ruth man, was totally destroyed by fir« Grand Champion Boar, Orion Path cott, 1st. building and contents are a total los.- Maj. Gen. Clarence R. Edwards, finder Sensation owned by A. D. Beat display of Cross Stitch, Mrs. though there is some insurance vlio commanded the Twenty-sixth di Crossland. 'Jyer 1st. Aside from furniture and clothing : vision through its Grand Champion Sow, Pathfinder’s training period in Best display Infant’s Garments, piano, thirty dollars in gold coin Orioness owned by C. C. Mason. the States, in Ins. C. S. McNaught 1st; Mrs. C. A. and a diamond ring were burned. Ni Champion Poland China, II. J. iellcr, 2nd. quiet defensive one was a thome at the time as Mi- T h e S u p r i " r P r o d u c t o f S c ie n tif c M illin g Stillings. sectors and in Its Best display Lingerie, Ruth Scott Harper is on the night shift at Mes later participa Sow and litter: M a k e s B e t t e r B re a d sner and Mrs. Harper is visiting ii st; Mrs Lee Savely, 2nd. tion in almost, ev First, Ceorge Strohm. Best display Hat, Ruth Scott, 1st. Idaho. Mr. Harper is deputy sherif ery inujor- offen T ry a S a c k Four Hogs Get of One Sire: Best Crochettcd Pillow Slip, Mrs. and suspicion points to a transien sive of the war, First C. C. Mason (Sire. Giant Big chilling,-1st; Mrs. H. Linder, 2nd. is the idol of | bum whom Harper caused to "movi Bone;) Second, C, P. Adams (Sire thousands of New Hand made lace trimmed Luncheon on” when he desired to camp a Giant Big Bope;) Third, C. M. Jack England members Bros. < et, Ruth Scott, 1st; Mrs. Tilden 2nd Boardman. McCumher of the American son (Sire Jumb<?, Orion Sensation.) Organdy Flowers, Mrs. Nilson, 1st; Boardman own the balding. Mi, Legion and other Four Hogs Produce of One Sow: Harper carried insurance on hi, Irs. Jack Waller, 2nd. ©ruler service men. First, C. C. Mason, (Dam, Golden Hand made Hand>*:rchiefs, Mrs. Mrs. Clarence R. Edwards, Ms wife, Orion Sensation;) ¡Second C. M. Jack- pencer 1st; Ruth Scbtt, 2nd. s now placed in a similar position by ifurniture The Boardman teachei son, (Dam Pathfinder’s Josephine;) lie mothers, wives, sisters and .laugh Best Hat, Mrs. Burt Haneline 1st; will leave next Tuesday for the an Third, George Strohm, (Dam Queen’s Mrs. Jack Waller, 2nd. ers of these veterans, for Mrs. Ed nual institute at Heppner. It 1 vards was elected president of the Ace’) --Jr i-4* Over Garment for child, Mrs. C. planned to go by train and indudie Massachusetts department of the Horse. W. Rhea, 1st. in a picnic lunch en route. Schoo -vomen's auxiliary of the American Best Farm T ian i:, W ith tw o big Best darned Men’s Socks, Mrs. will close Monday for the remainder] ,egion at a recent stute (convention First, W. T. Beeves; Second, J. Gould, 1st. PEr DLETON and PDF« t L A ci the week. >f that organization. « • Hayden, Shod Industrial Tlie newly elected president is a ■ I s p r e p a r e d to h a n d le th e h i s i «:. < Best Blood Mare With Foal Be Best school dress made of new ©aident of Newton, Mass. She has a The new pupil from Tigard, Orc side: . E a s t e r n O re g o n b e t t e r t h a n e v e , 1 n .eeii active in work for the benefit of i ■doth by school girl, Georgia Reeder gon. Jolin Webster and Sammy Web First, W. T. Reeves; Second, J. W. 1st; Gladys Whitsett, 2nd. Vew England members of the Ameri- stor enrolled Mondudy morning. The Campbell. •un Legion and other foimier service O ur S p e c p Best school dress made of old cloth total enrollment for the year so fai nen. Best Sucking Colt: >y schoo| girl, Georgia Reeder, 1st: has reachd 122. One hundred an F a rm '-, M ills, C a m p s, ITo First, W. T. Reeves; Second, Geo. Wedge Quirk, 2nd. in the elementary school and 22 1 We Negotiate Leasts ; r< . I Root. Football will be popular this year Best Kitchen Convenience, Henry the high school. The average dail W ir e R ush O rd e r« a t O u r i xp Best Colt, 3 years: lecause it has so much kick in it.— Ihelleday, 1st; Gladys Whitsett, 2nd. attendance Is 95 per cent. P o rtlan d O ffice x. * r n First, Frank SUvey; Second, J. W. oston Shoe a n i Leather Reporter. Best pound of dried fruit, Gladys !■ 14 N. Second 8». 115 E I. Campbell. ------ ---------- ----- —------ ----* Whiesett, 1st. A meeting of the congregation fii F : one *76 Colt 2 years: Best pound of dried vegetables, The enly Employ-Bent Office in Eastern 9 . , ion w-tS t oneeciinna in Portland the community church was callee First, W, T. Reeves; Second, S. L. Jladys Whitsett, 1st. | 4 l l l l l l l l g | * E l l g l | | g E a a iB |I B I I g g F B |c r , after service Sunday by the Rev. W Careen. Best display of sewing made by a H. Amos for the purpose of considei Colt 1 year: school girl, Georgia Reeder, 1st; ing calling to Rev. Mr. Hillis of Den First, J. W. Campbell; Second, W. Edith Reeves. 2nd, ver as pastor of the local field fo T. Reeves. i 1st and 2nd in school exhibit won the remainder of the churc year. Th LEAVE Farm Produce by Hermiston school. Boardman vote was unanimous and I Pondleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 Best Individual Display of Apples: Women's Exhibit • Is understood that Irrigon took sini Echo 9:15 1:15 5:15 First, ,G$o. Root; Second, F. M. Best loaf of white bread Mrs. J. I ilar action. Mr. Hillis is to be i- Stanfield 9:30 1:35 5:35 Gulwlts; Thirds Mrn. H. M. Sommerer Agnew. 1st; Mrs. A. W. Agnew, 2nd. Hermiston 9:55 1:55 5:55 Portland this week when the ca) Best Box Delicious, Mrs. H. M Best home made butter Mrs. Gor will be presented though it is no'- Into Umatilla 10:15 2:15 6:15 Sommerer. don, 1st; Mrs. It. Evans. 2iid. known that he will accept. LEAVE Best Box Winter Banana, F. M. Best apple pie, Mrs. Harry Struw, Umatilla 8:00 12:00 4:00 Gulwlts. 1st: Mrs. Gulwlts, 2nd. Hermiston 8:20 12:20 4:20 Boardman is to have a real barber Best Box Jonathan, Geo. Root. Parker house rolls Mrs. Burt Hane Joe Webster of Tigard. Oregon ha I h a v e b o u g h t -and t a k e n o v e r th e Stanfield 8:45 12:45 4:45 Best Box King David, Geo. Root. line, 1st; Mrs. Jnek Wnllcr, 2nd. Echo 9:00 1:00 5:00 arrived ¡with his 'family and wir Best Box Rome Beauty, T. McKee. Best cookies Mrs. Gordon, 1st; Mrs. occupy te Harry Murchie building oi B la c k s m ith S h o p o f M r. E . P. Into Pendleton 10:15 2:15 6:15 Best Box Winesap, Otto Helnl. Anna Strohm, 2nd. Main street. TWO TRIPS SUNDAY Best one farm display of Vege Ills le y a n d w ill b e r e a d y to g o to Best plain loaf cake Mrs. Tom tables. Mrs. S. L. Carson. Leaving Pendleton 8 a. m. and Hnddox, 1st; Mrs. J. I. Agnew, 2nd. w o rk M o n d a y . Arrangements have been completed 4 p. m. by the American Legion for a dance Leaving Umatilla 8 a. m. and on Saturday nigt to raise money foi 4 p. m. I a m a n e x p e rie n c e d b la c k s m ith a speaker for Armistice day. 722 Cottonwood Phone 868 We Deliver Parcels at Way Points a n d a ll a r o u n d m e c h a n ic in c lu d in g Preferred Stock PINEAPPLE STA N G EBY & G A ST Echo Flour Mills BOARDMAN NEWS High Grade Pater Blue S tem F lour DEALERS IN GRAIN A M FE I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■^■■■«■■■■■■■■■dlaaaaaaar Il PIONEER EMPLOYAT’ - ! Pendleton and Umatilla Stage ANNOUNCEMENT Champion Ewe at Live Stock Exposition j DOROTHY GISH SURPRISES IM PATIENT DIRECTOR AT STUDIO The Pacific Internationa) Live Stock Exposition which will be held at North Portland thia year, November 5-12. will probably contain th» largest rheep tbow In Ita history. Manager O. M. Plummer h-ileves that there may be lono head. In view of the fact that ail the fairs and shows In the Northweat thia year are showing greatly increased ahe.p exhibits, his prophecy Is s|V to come true. ■ he animal shown above la “Oregon Lassie,” the champion yearling ewe In the (,'hevtoi breeds, owned by R. A Templeton of llalscy. Oregon Western Oregon has long been famous for its middle wool sheep, and already this year notable winnings have been made by exhibits from this »action at fairs and expositions throughout Canada and the eastern part of There was a new assistant directoi nut at the studio where Dorothy Gist made “Little Miss Rebellion”, hei new screen comedy, which will be th« feature attraction at Pound’s, Uma tllla. Friday 14 and the Play House. Saturday 15. He was Impatient to be on with the picture and didn’t se< why Miss Gish should lake so long in her dressing room. ’’Not ready, Miss Gish?” he called 'Haven’t you fixed your hair yet?' “Fixed It?” came the calm voice of the star from her dressing room. “I haven’t found It yet!” Th© shocked director had vision of all hia ‘illusions about pretty screen players vanishing, until it war explained to him that Miss Gish al ways wears a black wig in her pie tnros. It is her mascot. She wore the wig in "Heart of the World,” hci first outstanding success, and sine, then has been covering her luxurioiK blond tresses with It whenever sht appears on the studio ’’set.” I he United Htatee Perhaps it was not altogether a fable about Jason adventuring his life In search of the golden fleeee. While the wool growera of the Northwest have bud * hard tlm« uluce the war, the ultimate future of wool and mutton pro* duct Ion. la certain to be financially profitable. The day will ,-ome when no farm w |l 1» consMerrd fully Blocked without a small flock of sheep. There Is ixiuud to be a great demand for breeding slock and the Pacific international wiu rurnisb an opportunity un.uuakd fur securing foundation •lock. A Good Physic When you want a physic that is mild and gentle In effect, easy te take and certain to act, take Cham berlain's Tablets. They are excel- leat. a u to w o rk , P A R IS P e n d l e t o n t o K c h o . 91.10 P e n d l e t o n t o • t a n t l o l t f , 9 1 .3 8 P o n d l e t o n t o M o r m i o t o n , 11 .71 P e n d l e t o n t o U m a t i l l a , 8 2 .1 8 and w ill g u a ra n te e s a t i s f a c ti o n in a n y w o rk d o n e . C« Station at Hotel Oregon and Hotel Hermiston A . T. B R U N N E R I h xve th e A g e n c y fo r Complete WATKINS’ LINE 5 r T A T A T T M TT a 1VTÎ ........................... ............ ......................... a F. T j .A A T J G J F A IS » ■ K G F .C T K I C F I X T U R t ó ! ■ A A N D A P P P P r L .IA I A N X fJ G J K N 5 LH J ■ Phone 'SS 1O> t . C m u r t • « . R o e M lo t o n , O r « . of S P IC E S , E X T R A C T S , T O IL E T PREPARATIONS - ETC. C all a t re s id e n c e o r le a v e o r d e r s a t O re . H d w . Co. Mrs. J. S. Wrest Hanmintam. O r« 1--------- The French Restaurant BAKEKT nad CONFI JTKMPIT B lerantly Fummhed Renma tat Coatfwxtii« S T R lc T L Y riR S T CLASS KaSbach Bras., Praprietars Pen-I'eton. Oregne Subscribe for lie Herald vvT »7» • __ G TV « H it Z I A ll A WM to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this news* paper we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in this line be sure To See Us ***********s a s a s s s s s s s s s a a - Adding machine rolls of paper for •ale at the Herald office.