Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1921)
THE HEBMISTON HERALD, fii/HMTSTUN. OREGOJi. T « T D a ir y a n d H o g S h o w SPECIALS!! JOIN THE ARCOLA CLUB s ■ An eight pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Knerr Saturday. October 1. Special Club Prices Mrs. Mabel Jensen of Sheridan, I Wyoming, la here. Mr. Jensen ran ' the Jewelry store here up to his death about a year ago. To the First Six Buyers of »1.00 White Beans. 12 pounds 1.00 Macaroni, 12 pounds Rice. 12 pounds 1.00 Sugar, 13 pound« ........ 1.00 Carnation Milk, tall canB, 8 for 1.0(1 Rasine, 5 for 1.00 n io u ti K IN G S L E Y 9 a 9 9 a 9 9 BBBa aaaB aaaaaaaaaaaaaa a ■■■■ taaaaaaaaaaa aaaa aawaaaaaaal^ erlng to all stores In the west end towns. Oscar F. Klee of Hermiston is driving for them. M E R C A N T IL E Q Œ Mrs. Alice Nugent of Umatilla was a Hermiston visitor Tuesday. Ideal-ARCOLA A. T. V. Etlinger of Portland has been in town this week making price adjustments for some of the insur ance companies Involved In the fire losses of last week. W. A. Correll made the estimates of what it will cost to repair some of the buildings. Hot Water Heating Outfits For Farms and Country Homes, Office», Stores, Schools, Factories, etc. H. A. McKeen and family moved into town the first of the week They are occupying the Mack house on the corner of Third and Main. they will make their home. Mr. The Frank Stone family Is in ; Mooney sold his interests in the city j meat market recently to C. M. Hen quarantine for scarlet fever. A num derson nnd has bought the market ber of cases have been reported In the vicinity. W. A. Leathers Is 'bringing his at Arlington. herd of pure bred Herfords in to the H. E. Cosbie of O. A. C. was in the J. Skovbo was a successful com dairy and hog show. Mr. Leathers’ west end Tuesday and Wednesday petitor at the state fair taking one herd is one o f/h e 5h£st in the country and the show officials feel grateful first and two seconds. The first conducting poultry demonstrations at to him for bringing them In, as there prize was for extracted honey and the Ford, Graham and Buhman is no prize offered for the type of the seconds were for wax and comb places and visiting some of the othei poultrymen. Mr. Cosbie feels thal stock he will exhibit so he has no honey. here is a chance for big development chance to capture ribbons. — —— --------- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cressey leave in the poultry .line. The fam Chas. B. Hill returned yesterday Friday night for Wisconsin where bureau is planning a special poultr- from Echo and Stanfield where he they will spend a month or two at program for this end of the count; their old home in Green Bay. They during the fall and winter. spent a day. expect to get back to Oregon before W. J. Warner and O. C. Youn. F. B. Swayzc was a Pendleton vis winter sets in. were Pendleton visitors from hep itor Wednesday. Chas. Skinner and family moved Wednesday and today. Edward Adair has been a visitor into town Monday and are now living Library Notice at the home of his mother MrB. J. in the Rymarson house. When books are in homes when Adair. The Pendleton Baking Co., is now ontagious diseases are the books mils Mrs. Pat Mooney and children left making daily trips here with bread. be kept until quarantine is lifted an Monday mpr«dng tor Arlington where They go as as far as Umatilla, dellv- then carefully wrapped in a news paper and returned to us. The book are burned by us. No fine is charg ■9999B «99B 999999999C B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B i ed the borrower. City Librariai APPROXIMATE PRICES COMPLETE, INSTALLED READY FOR USE Regular Price. HermistonLocals ; Where Labor Will Buy I Beeause Labor Owns ■ The New Rochdale Umatilla Co- S op&Gtive Store is NOT a private S or individual store : W J ■ ■ " J ■ But a branch of a western chain of grocery and de- pacUntttLatores with educational and business cen- trahoffleesat San Francisco. Join this national and international movement—a farmer-labor movement —a movement of the people—by the people—for the people. For particulars talk with ■ ■ Mr. Diggs, bonded organizer, Umatilla, Oregon ■ or write 5 ■ ■ Pacific Co-operative League ■ Box 114 Oregon Journal The engineers’ report on the Uma tllla Rapids power project shows tha although the power developmen would be 125,000 horsepower when the Columbia Is lowest it would b 500,000 horsepower at times of ordi nary high water. When the irrigation season is a' its height the Columhtu carries th< largest volume of water. The Uma tllla project would at high wate furnish 250,000 horsepower to pum; water upon 270.000 acres of irrigabli land within a 4 5-mile radius. Then would be power enough left to elec trlfy with 115,000 horsepower ever mile of railroad in Oregon at an aver, age of 35 horsepower a mile. Afle these two uses there would still b left at the high water season nearl. To Gain a Good Reputation ■ ■ AT UMATILLA E A FIBS Baker, Oregon ■ " BBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl The way to gain a good reputation it to endeavor to be what you appeal That is precisely the manner ) which Chamberlain’s Cough Remed; has gained its reputation as a cun for coughs, colds, croup and whoop i,ng cough. Every bottle that ha ever been put out by the manufact urers has been fully up to the higl standard of excellence claimed for ii People have found that it can be de pended upon for the relief and cun of these ailments and that It is pleas ant and safe to take. ‘W -W A Y ” KEROSENE GAS ----- BURNER------ room house; Arcola ar.d 2 Radiators »215.00 »200.00 For 4 room house; Arcola and 3 Radiators 305.00 287.50 For 5 room house; Arcola and 4 Radiators 365.00 342.50 For 6 room house; Arcola and 5 Radiators 435.00 410.00 | - No more wood-chopping, no kindling, coal, soot or odors. You turn it on when you need it—off when you are through. A twist of the wrist raises or lowers the flame. It’s noiseless. Has pilot burner. Heats your water coils, your oven or the top of your range all at one time or separately. Uses kerosene and gives intense, hot blue flame. Installed in the firebox of any range without making any changes. It is the greatest boon to the housewife that this generation of labor-saving devices bus yet produced. By all means make it a point to attend the demonstration Oct. 7 and 8, and you will at least see how thousands of other women are saving time and energy. All burners will be installed in rotation according to date purchased. Come early. Yours is here waiting for you. : : » J b K L a ■ The Ideal-ARCOLA Hot Water Heating Outfit gives Healthful Heating, Fuel Saving, Cleanliness, Safety, Comfort and Satisfaction. ■ 2 You make a grave mistake if you do not at once take advantage of this exceptional offer and be PREPARED FOR WINTER! The Ideal-ARCOLA is the latest and greatest Heating Invention of the Age. We Guarantee SATISFACTION. . 2 ■ L ■ ■ i Come in and get our prices on heating your home with the wonderful ■ Ideal-ARCOLA S OREGON HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. C L L a ’ B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B a B B B a B a B B B B B B B B B a B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B E iiS K t enough to electrify all the railroads v b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b s b c i n the state of Washington with 190,- at 900 horsepower. As a practical proposition, Urna- illa rapids, harnessed, would irri gate a small empire, electrify, ad jacent railroads, operate hugenitrate plants, and serve power, heat and ight for industry, agriculture and domestic purposes within a radius which includes the largest elties of the Northwest, Portland. Seattle. Spokane and Tacoma. Nor would the improvement be Inilted to those beneficiaries. The íavlgablity fo the Columbia would be doubled from Umatilla nearly to (he mouth of the Snake river through he canalization Incident to the con- trnction of the dam. Since there ire locks at Cascades ad Celtio, this vould mean doubling the navigabli- ty of the Columbia from Portland ind Vancouver to Pasco and Kenne wick. The advancement of the Umatill L project will be a test of vision air k cooperation. It would seem to b< ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ is* nrsa at SBkii a powerful appeal to irrlgationlstr rail and water transportation Intel ■sts, industrial heads and power cc ;umers. It is a chance to prove fo national benefit the saying that bi things are done in a big way in th> Are CooJ Tires West. I have just bought the Phelps Cash Grocery and will carry a full line of vegetables, meats and groceries. A delivery ser vice will be started Oct. 1, at which time our line cf rr at? will t e rer.dy. W e will con tinue the Royal Bakery goods. R . C. C H A L L IS Silk nnd fushton are closely linke ■ hrougliout the centuries. Mode •hanged to conform to the new fabric is it nns brought into each countr;. ¡'here were Ihe ladies o f Greece who Irst discovered that the heavy or nlal fabrics could be unraveled an-1 renoven, like their linen garments, In •o filmy, translucent materials of wondrous beauty. Ornamental silks were not Intro iluced into Europe until 500 A. D„ and with them came the influence" of Byzantium on the styles of the day. It was through the wars waged by the Crusaders that silk weavers were brought Into Italy, and the fame of Venetian and Florentine fashions spread abroad. 1 mont. S has a hard time trylnr J to Prohibition compete with an Inventive people. ’ —Charleston Gazette. 8 S BctteT Than Pills T 8 The How question has been asked —In j I j whet way are Chamberlain's Tablets j J superior to tha ordinary cathartic SAPPERS’ INC. ■ Larger Sizes for Larger Houie - ■ The wonderful invention that is revolutionizing cooking ! In West Virginia It took arma ment to force disarmament—and the world is just an enlarged West Vir ■ and baking ■ ginia.—Greenville (S. C.) Pied J » * ® ■ a J a J Club Price For 3 Silk« Caught Feminine Fancy. 2-Day Demonstration of the ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ PENNSYLVANIA TIRES « pL6q s and liver pills* Our answer Is, they;! j are easier and more pleasant to take | i and their effect is so gently that ona ; hardly realizes that It Is produced by i a medicine. Then, they not only ■ move the bowels hut improve the ap petite and strengthen the digestion. Buy them of Two doors past Or«. Hdwe. Co. FLOYD KNERR Two doors east Ore. Hdwe. Co. THINK OI US When your car needs repairs. We have the very best of equipment «and can give you the very best of service on any mal e of car. Our Andruss Electric Test m i l locate your elec trical trouble Hermiston Auto Co.