Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1921)
TH E HERMISTON HERALD, B lcj BM ISTON. OREGO a M. r Local Hay i T h e S to r y of • Sold in East O u r S t a t e s t Their report will be presented to the county board after which It will be We have ju st received a shipment of advertised and duly presented to the voters. A liberal policy was adopt ed by the committee, no reductions of any importance being suggested. By JONATHAN BRACE IRRIGO» TEAM IS BEATEN BY When it was found that the estimate ASSOCIATION IS SUCCESSFULLY X X I.— ILLIN O IS was some *7000 less than last year it 29 TO 0 SCORE INVADING N. Y. MARKET a ska s was decided to present for the con kia , the sidération of the voters an item of Ordered last summer when the m arket was lower oldest town In Visitors Play Well But Are Handi *500 for a much needed gymnasium. Orders Come From Atlantic Coast Illinois, Is on Capped by Lack of Practice; than it is now. Hence these prices: At Good Prices; Inspect the site of an Warner Referee ors Are / Appointed Indian village The student body of the high 38c 2 1-2 size and It was •chool perfected its organization to- _ _ _ h ere th a t 30c Iay all the officers except boys’ ath 2 size _ .. The high school football boys won Father Marquette, after his first The drean of an open door to the letic manager being captured by the 19c 1 size their opening game Saturday when discovery of the Illinois river, northwest alfalfa hay on the Atlantic established a Jesuit mission In they defeated a town team from Irri girls. President, Wilma Gilbreth, seaboard has apparently been reallz vise-president, Edna Broyles; Secre 1675. Four years later La Salle, gon and vicinity by a score f 28 to 0. Our Fall Shipment of Dry Goods e<t. tary-treasurer, Dorothy Boardman; the French explorer, passed Jt was the first game for both Several sample shipments have al through the Great Lakes, landed arrived this week. teams and the play was a bit ragged iditor, Frances Blayden; girls’ ath ready been made and the results have at the Chicago river and pushed at times, but the high school team etic manager. Edna Broyles; boys’ justified all claims so far made. The on to the Illinois river, which be showed lots of steam and kept the athletic manager Lauren Cumins. named after the Indian tribe« grade of hay is reported showing up ball driving up th,» field all the time. living in'that region. Here he The secretary of the north Morrow well in comparison with the eastern built a fort and sent his boat They would haye added another “ U m atilla’s Q uality Store'* hay this year, and a good premium back to Montreal for further sup touchdown to their score had the Community fair Is prepared to make is being paid for alfalfa.' UMATILLA, OK EGON his preliminary report: plies. When his vessel did not game gone another half minute as return he started home on foot ¡1 w-wry-T Orders Come From East they had the ball inside the Irrigon Receipts: and succeeded in finding his way Orders are on file for shipments to Irrigon subscriptions ........ *24.00 one yard line when the game ended. to Montreal through a thousand Boardman Subscriptions .... 65.50 numerous places on the Atlantic miles of tangled wilderness. He Both Teams Fight Hard County .................................. 200.00 coast whtch will be filled from vari gathered together another expe The Irrigon boys put up a goot' ous association shipping points dition and returned to the fort, fight and they had some real foot Six firms Jiave placed orders all In Total........................ *278.60 which he had left In charge of ball players but were handicaped by Expense: the vicinity of New York, for im his companion Tonty. The fort lack of practice. They had noi he found in ruins, but finally suc Inigon .................................. »14.00 mediate shipment, with the Oregon Echo, O reg o n ceeded in locating and rescuing played together and conacquentl; Boardman ........................... 6.45 association, by the first available Tonty, who had been driven out i lacked team work. Their back fieh Printing and ribbons ........ 21.75 boat. The prices are very satisfact by the Iroquois Indians. showed plenty of strength at timet ory and terms agreeable, sales being This riverway to the Mlsslsslp- i Wapole and Eilertson showing up es M ANUFACTURERS O l Total ....................... *42.20 made upon State grades. , pi became one of the leading j peclally well in carrying the ball. The hay market for the next fiv avenues of communication be- < To he distributed as prizes *237.30 Hermiston received the kick In th< tween the French in the North j There are 169 firsts and 82 seconds months, on the Atlantic coast look and Louisiana. French settlers ; first quarter and carried the bal esidcs the special prizes for displays bright, and while much depends upon soon located here and estab- i to within fifteen yards of the Irrlgoi o it is easy to see that no one will the quality of hay shipped, the sale, li.shed the most friendly rein- ; goal. Then being unable to male get much. The committee will de- office is very optimistic. tlens wit h the'Indians. In fact, i distance John Haddoz was called up -Ide on a plan of distribution during The heavy percentage of the assoc; though the Illinois country was ; on for a place kick and booted th- ation sales are now going to Canadi he coming week. ceded by France to England In t oval squarely between the cross arm 1703, the sentiment of the Indi- J and the Atlantic coast ans and French together was so f The Sup ri^r Product of Scientific Milling for three points. In the second quart Inspectors have already been ap Fire prevention day Is to be ob- hostile that it was several years er Hollis Gordon starred, receivin' pointed at Boardman, Umatilla, Her erved in the Boardman schools next Makes E etter Bread before the territory could be oc two forward passes and then scorin; Friday with special exercises in each mlston and Stanfield, and will be ap cupied. the first touchdown of the game afto. Try a Sack During the Revolution It was oom and essays on the subject In the pointed at other places as soon a a 17 yard run. required. The expense of securln George Rogers Clark and his ex igh school English classes. pedition into the territory north the appointment of these state in Waterman Gets Touchdown of the Ohio which captured Kas spectors Is borne by the qpsociatlon Irrigon then received the kick brn The American Legion Is planning kaskia and drove the English while upon a slightly different bas lost the ball on a fumble. Hermiston dance for the 15th to raise money from this province. Various failed to make good on forward passe o secure an Armistice day speaker. Is practically the same as if the ii states claimed rights to parts of spection were at Portland, as ha this .territory, but these were and then was.penalized for pushin been the practice in the past years. finally ceded to the federal gov the runner. In the third quarte County agent Calkins was in ernment and in 1787 it was The activities of the iprganize Irrigon again received the kick bu iwn Tuesday and Wednesday In the hay growers are directly responsib formed into the Northwest Ter lost the ball on a fumble. Water iterests of the dairying Industry. ritory. This tract extended from for an advance of one dollar in th man made a fine run for Hermlstoi. I have the Agency Pennsylvania to the Mississippi Portland market, at a time when th and then Gordon carried the ball t< and was eventually divided Into for A school orchestra seems assured hay markets of the entire count»-; Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michi the Irrigon five yard line. Watermai gan. went over fps a touchdown and Had. s several have said they could get are very stagnant. This will benefi le necessary Instruments. in 1818 Illinois was admitted all hay growers, whether members o; dox again kicked the goal makini as the twenty-first state with an not. LEAVE the score ll-d ». to n area of 56,665 square miles. The Pendleton 8:00 12:00 i Hermlsto0 tppfc the ball again, but Personal knowledge of pleasures state is one of the most level In Echo 9:15 1:15 lost it when Shg lulled jo make yard f aviation was vouchsafed to a good- “SILK HUSBANDS AND CALICO the country and is often called Stanfield 9:30 1:35 5 -the Prairie State. Politically age. Irrigon wagj>at|Alized for hold y number of Boardman citizens one WIVES” IS FRIDAY SHOW Hermiston 9:55 l - 5 i 5 ' Illinois is the most Important ay last week when L. Yerex pilot Ing. Parker intercepted Irrigon'» State in the Union next to New Into Umatilla 10:15 2:15 R f a Morris and Davis plane from forward pass and crossed the line foi Picture at Play House is Evening York and Pennsylvania as It has of a touchdown. Th* try for the goal an Francisco, arrived with his me- LEAVE twenty-nine electoral votes for Entertainment for Dairy Umatilla 8:00 12: on failed and the quarted ended. hanlcian about 10 a. m. and did a president. and Hog Show Visitors SPICES, EXTRACTS, (© by McClure N ew spaper Syndicate.) I'ermlston 8:20 12:2' tw fancy stunts over the village and Walpole Makes Fine Punt •a«--o--a--o--«— »--«•••••••-»-••~»--«— »..«.^^».H»»«— « Stanfield 8:45 12:46 ' tnded In a nearby field. Immedi- TOILET . In the fourth quarter Irrigon re “Silk Husbands end Calico Wives Echo , 9:00 1:00 5 Of! tely school and community life was celved the kick and failed to mak» Equity Pictures’ Special production PREPARATIONS into Pendleton 10:15 2:15 6:16 distance. Walpole made a dandj arrod from Its accustomed groove, starring House Peters, which Is t( . ’ ETC. nd teachers, pupils, and |Cltlzens TWO TRIPS SUNDAY punt which went out of bounds, mak be shown at the Play House Frida, L eaving P e n d le to n 8 a m lng It Impossible for Hermiston t< rowded around the plane. Business will be highly Interesting to loci Call a t residence or leave as soon brisk ahd many enjoyed 4 p. m. run It back. Hermiston began ad moving picture devotees for a numoei he sensation of cleaving the blue Leaving Umntllla 8 a. m. and orders a t Ore. Hdw. Co. of reasons. vancing the ball again but lost It oi By JONATHAN BRACE 4 p. m. the Irrigon 30 yard -line when eh» ’rom 6 to 60 the ages varied but all The picture Is based on Monte M X X II.— A L A B A M A ay It was the experience of a life 722 Cottonwood Phone 868 failed to make distance. Watermai Katterjohn’s popular novel of Amen . sì me and would not have missed It can life, thoroughly and Intense!, h e discov- We Deliver Parcels at Way Points Intercepted a forward pass and the Herm iston, O re. >r twice what it cost. Several of ery of gained 10 yards on the next plaj modern story dealing with bot. A 1 a b a ma Is FARE« he Boardman teachers took flights Haddox carried the hell to the tw- county and city. No finer or true credited to De F e n d l e t o n t o E c h o . »1.10 -ut returned safely and one bright, yard line and then bucked It over to life picture has ever appeared or Soto in 1540. P e n d l e t o n t o « t a n - H e ld , « 1 .3 8 liss says she is likely to loop the loop bringing the score to 28 pointe when the screen— It is Intensely absorbin; The English P o n d l e t e n t o H e r m l y t o n , » 1 .7 8 ny time now. Part of the after, P e n d l e t o n t o U m a t i l l a , » 2 .1 » It stayed. a l s o la i d , nd timely with a beautiful love stor; oon was given to daredevil stunts ____ claim to this I vividly the struggles of two yotin, Both teams played good ball am •id later nil the curious, venture- territory and included It in the Station at Hotel Oregon and people making their start in life fresh the game was Interesting throughou grant to North Carolina. But ome and financially able had been Hotel Hermiston from the country. They are full o! It was not known until the day be it was the French who first set atlafled, more gas was poured Into the enthusiasm of youth and an fore that the game would be playei tled here erecting In 1702 Fort he tank and away to Fossil the next thriller In their call of the great city St. Louis on Mobile Bay and and It was Impossible to advertise II ¡top. WITH TWO BIG OFFICES founding the town of Mobile nine when the offer conies to go to Nen Dus to this the crowd was small. W PENDLETON PORTLAND years later. Mobile was for York. What the tumult of th< J. Warner of Hermiston was refere» many years the capital of Louisi Is prepared to handle the business T h e F re n c h R e s ta u ra n t metropolis makes of them this stron; The only time the Spanish cabinet and C. F. Grover of Irrigon was urn ana. France in 1763 ceded the of Eastern Oregon better than ever before reaks into the news is when It re man and woman who. In the midst ol plre. No complaints were hear» territory east of the Mississippi BAKERY aed CONFECTIONERY all their struggles to establish them, igns.—Honolulu Star-Bulletin. from either elds and the offlclatint to England and the northern part O u r Specials selves have round romance and a of the present State of Alabama seemed to be satisfactory to both E legantly Furniahnl Room« 1« Connection We w-onder if Ireland does form great love is the big, human theme of was joined to the Illinois terri F a rm s , M ill» , C a m p *, H o te l« , In fact the game was unusually fre< m Independent republic whether it "Silk Husbands and Calico Wives.' ST R IiTL Y FIRST CLASS tory. The southern portion was G arag es, E tc . front wrangling and both teams an vili Include New York.—Charleston It is a story that reaches down deep known as West Florida. Serious to be congratulated on their sports Hohbach Bros., Proprietor* W e N e g o tia te Lease« an d Rental« 'aiette. conflict with the Indians was is the heart of every human being manshlp. The teams exchanged yell» kept up for many years. In fact, Pjnd'etoa. Oregon and starts folks to talking and think for each other at the close. even as Inte as 1812, there was M ICKIE SA Y S: WIRE RUSH ORDERS OUR EXPENSE ing. an uprising of the Creeks which The lineup resulted in terrible atrocities and Mr. House Peters, returns to the Hermiston Irrlgoi ro t o owcctcxaT wouacq ' massacres. screen after an absence of eighteen Winslow R. B. L. 14 N. Second St. Portland, Ore. R I R R R R H R R R R I I H I I H I I B ^ Denipse) ( couvo a During the Revolution West months on the farther side of the Carson R. T. L. 9M TUU Seaman I PRtMttb AT TMV« Florida remained loyal to Eng 115 E. Webb St. Pend eton, Ore. Smith » . « . Ix Rydei ( imkm Ft*»<6a-PttujT>a o n rr, F t « ' continent where he appeared in land. hut was seized by Spain K L W Í5T R IC F I X T U R E S American made pictures. Mr. Peters > OUR. UVt WIMdWCO JOS PRSM McMillan THE ONLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE IN only to be turned over to the Knight c. A N D A P P L IA N C E S “ (wove«. PUF3 ANM o u t WWTJ. EASTERN OREGON WITH PORTLAND has long been an idol of the film lov United States in 1813- This Mo Newport L 0 . R. Kendlet " Phon« I » 5 CONNECTIONS | i ' ll wot ABC, AM ' AttTtSTtC.,J ing public, and his virile, red-blooded bile section was then added to Wlncnelt 2 0 » » . C o u r t a t . P e n d ie s e n , O ro. g L, T. R. Jones L OOCN' wot 9UBJ6 CX> WXiOCK^ the northern district and the type of character portrayals and his Beach L. B. R. ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■« OOKAt MVPTN State of Alabama was formed magniflelent successes in "The Girl H esser Q. B. Wisdom and became the twenty-second of the Golden West" and "The Great Haddox R, M . L. Eilertnnn state of the Union in 1819. Sobscribe For Tbe Herald Divide” are still regarded as among Yen It will he the biggest and best Gordon L. H. R. The meaning of the name Ala Chaney ever. the very best portrayals of screen his Waterman (C) F. B. (C) Walpole bama is variously interpreted. tory. It was the name of an Indian Hermiston substitutions: Parker tribe which Inhabited thia ten Harry Garson has surrounded the Proper F lo w er Arrangem ent. This R apid Age. for Smith, Myera for Newport. Itane, rttory at the time of De Soto’s star with a east of admirable dlstlne T b e essential point In all flow er ar M an's business requires haste. T h « line for Heeser. Touchdowns: Park first visit. After this tribe tbe rangement is that there shall he form tlon. Vincent Serrano who played average business and professional mao er 1, Haddox 1, Gordon 1, Waterman J river was named and the state and balance, yet th a t the composition the role of the Yogi In "Eyes of eats in a hurry and gets dyspepsia. 11« 1. Place Klrk: Haddox 1. was called Alabama after tbe «hall not be perfectly sym m etrical, a« w alks In a hurry and gets apoplexy. Youth," will be seen In a prominent river. The Indian word was sup perfect sym m etry Is not found In na H e talks In a h u rry and gets th« 11« part. Sam Sot hers, also seen in the posed to mean “Here we rest.” ture. In order to a tta in tbe desired H e does business i D • h urry and b©. Eyes of Youth” will he seen In a and these words are used on the effect the flow er stalks and branch»« comes a hnnkrupL H e m arries 1» a state's coat of arms, hut this In prominent character. In addition Eva I ere ca re fn lly bent and twisted, hurry and forgets It In a hurry. H a terpretation is doubtful Novak. Mildred Reardon. Edward M and thia w ork Is done w ith such deli tnaaes hls w ill In a h urry and leaves a real meaning Is uncertain, cacy and d ex te rity as to cnncesl the Kimball and Rath Sinclair round' legal contest H e dies In a h u rry and bam« Is snmetiim-s railed Boardman. Or«., Oct. *— The bud fact that th e ir forms h are been al to the devil— and hia tribe lo out the east. I'laniaiton State. Its area Is 61,- tered by s rt'fiH a l moans get committee provided for under the I r e — Fxchsnee. WS square miles. new law met last night to mak« ea- | <© »» M c - ia n N«« A Good Physic 11 mate« for the matting achool year T m Late. When you want a physic that is Poetry and Free*. After a «roman has been m arried W. H. Meffnrd. C. G. Blayden. and | “Dancing la the poetry of motion.’ mild and gentle in effect, easy to two years ah« wonders how th e could L. V. Kutzner acted with the achool take and certain to act. take Cham Th* disarmament conference Is to b are believed the things her husband -Maybe it la.- answered Senator Son- hoard in gning*over the original ea- berlain's Tablets. They are excel establish non-communication with ' said d aring th e ir courtship.— H am ilton ghum. -But glee me the solid protw • f • march opoo th« Areune to »■> ol«*. Dniai» aheet pr«par«d by the clerk lent, • Mare,- Nashville Tenu Bereid. fashioned patriotic tuop.- Hermiston Team K ins First Game K Preferred Stock PINEAPPLE STANGEBY & GAST Echo Flour Mills High Grade Pater Blue S tem F lour DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED Pendk cn ar? Umalida i lagi Complete WATKINS’ LINE T h e S to r y of O u r S ta te s T Mrs. J. S. H Pioneer Employ ment Company ;j. L. V A U G H A N ! J J Ì