Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1921)
TELE HEBMISTON HEBJLLD, H EBM iSTUN. OBEGOJI. MLH<\ I h t JOIN THE ARCOLA CLUB : ■ /^ U N S Special Club Prices: To the First Six Buyers of Ideal ARCOLA ^ A U N S IN G ■ ♦. • 9 •’ Hot Water Heating Outfits For Farm* and C ou ntry H om es, O ffices, Stores, Schools, F actories, etc. APPROXIMATE PRICES COMPLETE, INSTALLED READY FOR USE Regular Price. » Club Price 3 room hours; Arcola ar.d 2 Radiators $215.00 $200.00 For 4 room house ; Arcola and 3 Radiators 305.00 287.50 For 5 room house ; Arcola and 4 Radiators 365.00 342.50 For « room house; Arcola and 5 Radiators 435.00 410.00 For : Larger Sizes for Larger Homes The Ideal-ARCOLA Hot Water Heating Outfit gives Healthful Heating, Fuel Saving, Cleanliness, Safety, Comfort and Satisfaction. You make a grave mistake if you do not at once takP advantage of thin exceptional offer and be PREPARED FOR WINTER! The Ideal-ARCOLA is the latent and greatest Heating Invention of the Age. Wc Guarantee SATISFACTION. Com e in and g e t our prices on h e a tin g your h om e w ith th e w o n d erfu l Ideal-A R C O L A For all the Family OREGON HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. dSGB ■!>■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■!!■■■■■■■ ■■■B■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■»■■■■■■ --------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ «■■■■■■■ : ■ a ■ W. O. Sutherland has purchased the E. S. Taylor property on Hurl- hurt avenue, ---- !—A' i.» -- g w ,l| N S IN G PER FEC T F rr TING W e a r U N IO N SU ITS ì K IN G S L E Y M E R C A N T IL E C O M P A N Y " M S U M IS T O N O HOUSS O F Q U A L IT Y A N O TW O D C LtV C ftlK S DAILY S S R V IC B ' P H O N E O N E -S E V E N -O N E wick 1 b taking his place here. HermistonLocals A seven and a half pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Cook September 19. Mrs. Pat Mooney returned last Thursday afternoon from Arlington. The Mooneys, who recently sold their Interest In the city meat market to C. M. Henderson, have bought at Arlington and will locate there. M". Mooney Is there now. Father Rutter Is away on a va cation In California. He la expected back In about! a week. Father Ker- a I I tions in the middle west as very bad with little hope for |improvement A nine pound girl Is the young coon. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Mul lin, having been born Thursday, Arnold Shotwell has left here for September 22. Port Townshend, Wash., where he wilt teach science in the high school. The farmer’s elevator nt Condon Got don Shotwell has gone to Cor collapsed Monday of last week, spill vallis for another year at O. A. C. ing 100,000 bushels of wheat. The loss Is estimated at $30,000. Work Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prlndle and son has already begun In salvaging the have left for Monmouth. Mr. Prindle grain. The suction method will be will attend the state normal school used. Faulty construction is blamed there. for the loss. Mrs. Chas. Holmen who died re Mr. and Mrs. John Nation of Al. cently at Eugene was buried In that liance. Nebraska, are here visiting city. The Holmens were former res. their son Hurt Nation who lives Just ¡dents here. Mr. Holmen now lives out of town. They report ccgtdl- at Echo. — - ■ » 1 (Àt^'ilock of Shotguns, Rifles, shells and enrt- ridges Is all lined up for the hunting season. Western Ammunition Is featured In our store and Western Shells In both the Field (low base) and Record (high base) cost a little less than other Western Shells arc used exclusively by F. B. Swayxe and F. C. McKenzie were Portland passengers on Tuesday night's train. Ray Fisher and Chas. Keller made ¡patent proof on their homesteads Wednesday. Mrs. E. P. Illsley returned from Portland Monday morning. William Merritt who Is attending the Michigan school of mines wag visiting with old friends here this week. He was one to turn in the fire alarm Wednesday morning. By all means use Western Shells. SAPPERS’ INC. T h e H o u te T h a t Does T h in g * Fw»t FURNITURE M. P. Colliton, a brother of Mrs. Geo. Beddow is visiting at the Bed- dow home this week. O. F. Mays and family are here from Lostine, Oregon to locate. Mr. Mays was in this morning to sub set ibe for The Herald. Mirs Wilma Waugaman, keeping up the Columbia record for the boys and girls clubs, won the $10 prize offered any girl of the county for the best loaf of bread at the grain and hay show In Pendleton during the Round-Up. ■ ■ Bend Bulletin A tax of $2.000,000 will mean a good deal of an addition unless econ omies are effected in other directions and pledged as we may be to support the exposition and interested as we are in Its successs we cannot ask our readers to vote this tax unless they are assured that other state taxes will be reduced. ■ LI R. C. C H A L L IS : : First Reduce Other Taxes Great Things in Store B, F. von Behren who has been McMinnville Telephone Register his son Allen von Behren The world’s fair, which is to be I here left Saturday night for Port held in Portland in I92S, is now an land on the Journal special. assured thing. Four years is not a Rev. Harry A. Wann left Monday long time to prepare for this big night on a short trip to Portland on event and everyone can do some to business for the church. Rev. Wann ward It by boosting at least. This Is the new Methodist minister here. means a big year for Oregon and will bring great things to the entire state. many of the champion shooters of the world. HARDWARE Ml s Bertha McKeen left last 1 hursday for Eugene where she will enter the University of Oregon. Just Received a Fresh Stuck of TIRES AND TUBES You get a free tube with each casing bought -AT- T w o door» east O re . lid we. Co. FLOYD KNERR T w o d o o r. m a t O r * . H d w * . Co. J visiting HUNTERS ATTENTION makes. I have just bought the rfteips Cash Grocery an 1 cArry a full line of vegetables, n eats and groceries. A delivery ser vice will be started Oct. 1, at which time cur line of meats will be ready. W e will con-,, tinue the Royal Bakery gootfa. Mr. and Mis. Wnj. Peak of Culver topped off here on their way home from a visit in Idaho to visit O. C. ’Ierce, O. C. Young and Chas. WI1- aon. IMPLEMENTS By No Moans a Dude. The speaker was energetically orat ing In behalf of a candidate for con gress. "W hat we want.” spoke up a man In the audience, "Is a man from the rank and flic as our representative; a runn from the common people, not one of these dudes that don't know anything hut how to wear a long-tailed coot.” "And that la Just exactly what my candidate is,” the speaker came hack; "one of the common people And by no stretch of the imagination could ,-ou call him a Tlude.' Why, Ills idea of dressing up Is to button bis vest." E ffe c t of W ro n g Books. Roms wrong food si the right mo Jim Kyle, former mayor of Stan menu ss every mother knows, may | field. was a Hermiston visitor Tues tend a child Into convulsions. The wrong hook at the right time doesn't day and Wednesday. have such an Immediately apparent ef fect hut It may later he the cause of Mr. and Mrs. Denton Burdick of a mental convulsion which will seri Redmond have been here visiting Mr. ously mar the child's «hole Ilfs, says Burdick's slstgr Mrs. E. J. Kingsley. Mothers' Magaxioe. THINK O f US .. When your car needs repairs. We have the very best of equipment and can give you the very best of service on any make of car. Our Andruss Electric Test \Mll locate your elec trical trouble .H i* Hermiston Auto Co. W<